EGRA Toolkit English

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Source: USAID, EGRA Plus: Liberia, EdData II, 2010

Student Name:_____________________________________ Grade and Section:_________________________________

Name of Teacher:__________________________________ Name of School:__________________________________

Time Started: ______________ am/pm

Component 1: Orientation to Print

Show the child the paragraph segment

Tom wakes up very early. Today is the first day of school. His little brother Robert is awake, too. Robert gets his shoes and tells Tom he is ready
to go. Then, Tom walks Robert to school to meet his new teacher. The teacher sees Robert and says hello. Tom and Robert are very happy to be
at school today.

Read the instructions in the boxes below; recording the child’s response before moving to the next instruction.

I don’t want you to read this now. On this page, where would you begin to read? Show me with your finger.

(Child puts finger on the top row; left-most word) ___ Correct ___ Incorrect ___ No Response

Now show me in which direction you would read next.

(Child moves finger from left to right) ___ Correct ___ Incorrect ___ No Response

When you get to the end of the line, where would you read next?

(Child moves finger to left-most word of second line) ___ Correct ___ Incorrect ___ No Response

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COMPONENT 2: Letter Name Knowledge

Show the child the sheet of letters on the first page of the student assessment. Say,

Here is a page full of letters of the alphabet. Please tell me the NAMES of as many letters as you can--not the SOUNDS of the letters, but the
1. For example, the name of this letter [point to O] is “OH”.
Now you try: tell me the name of this letter [point to V]:
[If correct:] Good, the name of this letter is “VEE.”
[ If incorrect:] The name of this letter is “VEE.”
2. Now try another one: tell me the name of this letter [point to L]:
[If correct:] Good, the name of this letter is “ELL.”
[If incorrect:] The name of this letter is “ELL.”
Do you understand what you are supposed to do? When I say “begin,” name the letters as best as you can. I will keep quiet and listen to you,
unless you need help. Ready? Begin.

*Start the timer to count DOWN from 60 to 0 when a child reads the first letter. Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect letters with
a slash (/). Count self-corrections as correct. If you’ve already marked the self-corrected letter as incorrect, circle the letter and go on. Stay quiet, except
if the child hesitates for 3 seconds, then point to the next letter and say “Please try the next one.” Mark the letter you provide to the child as incorrect. If
the student gives you the letter name, rather than the sound, provide the letter sound and say: [Please tell me the NAME of the letter”]. This prompt may
be given only once during the exercise. AFTER 60 SECONDS SAY, “stop.” Mark the final letter read with a bracket (])

Early Stop Rule. If you have marked as incorrect all of the answers on the first line with no self-corrections, say “Thank you!” discontinue this
exercise, check the box at the bottom, and go on to the next exercise.

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Example: o v L

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
L i h R S y E O n T (10)

i e T D A t a d e w (20)

h O e m U r L G R u (30)

g R B E i f m t s r (40)

S T C N p A F c a E (50)

y s Q A M C O t n P (60)

e A e s O F h u A t (70)

R G H b S i g m i L (80)

L I N O e o E r p X (90)

N A c D d I O j e n (100)

Time remaining on stopwatch if student completes in LESS than seconds (number of SECONDS): _____

Check box if the exercise was discontinued because the child had no correct answers in the first line.

COMPONENT 3a: Letter Sound Knowledge

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Show the child the sheet of letters in the student stimuli booklet. Say:

Here is a page full of letters of the alphabet. Please tell me the SOUNDS of as many letters as you can--not the NAMES of the letters, but the
For example, the sound of this letter [point to A] is “AH” as in “APPLE” or “AAAA” as in “AGE”.
Let’s practice: tell me the sound of this letter [point to V]:
If the child responds correctly say: Good, the sound of this letter is “VVVV.”
If the child does not respond correctly, say: The sound of this letter is “VVVV.”
Now try another one: tell me the sound of this letter [point to L]:
If the child responds correctly say: Good, the sound of this letter is “LLL.”
If the child does not respond correctly, say: The sound of this letter is “LLL.”
Do you understand what you are to do?
When I say “Begin,” please sound out the letters as quickly and carefully as you can. Tell me the sound of the letters, starting here and
continuing this way. [Point to the first letter on the row after the example and draw your finger across the first line].
If you come to a letter sound you do not know, I will tell it to you. Otherwise I will keep quiet and listen to you. Ready? Begin.

*Start the timer to count DOWN from 60 to 0 when a child reads the first letter. Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect letters with
a slash (/). Count self-corrections as correct. If you’ve already marked the self-corrected letter as incorrect, circle the letter and go on. Stay quiet, except
if the child hesitates for 3 seconds, then point to the next letter and say “Please try the next one.” Mark the letter you provide to the child as incorrect. If
the student gives you the letter name, rather than the sound, provide the letter sound and say: [Please tell me the SOUND of the letter”]. This prompt
may be given only once during the exercise. AFTER 60 SECONDS SAY, “stop.” Mark the final letter read with a bracket (])
Early Stop Rule. If you have marked as incorrect all of the answers on the first line with no self-corrections, say “Thank you!” discontinue this
exercise, check the box at the bottom, and go on to the next exercise.

Example: o v L

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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L i h R S y E O n T (10)

i e T D A t a d e w (20)

h O e m U r L G R u (30)

g R B E i f m t s r (40)

S T C N p A F c a E (50)

y s Q A M C O t n P (60)

e A e s O F h u A t (70)

R G H b S i g m i L (80)

L I N O e o E r p X (90)

N A c D d I O j e n (100)

Time remaining on stopwatch if student completes in LESS than 60 seconds (number of SECONDS): _________

Check box if the exercise was discontinued because the child had no correct answers in the first line.

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Component 3b. Initial Sound Identification

This is NOT a timed exercise and THERE IS NO STUDENT SHEET. Read aloud each word twice, and have the student say the initial sound. Remember to
model the “pure” sounds: /p/, not “puh” or “pay.” Say:

This is a listening exercise. I want you to tell me the beginning sound of each word. For example, in the word “pot”, the first sound is “/p/”. In
this exercise, I would like you to tell me the first sound you hear in each word. I will say each word two times. Listen to the word, then tell me the
very first sound in that word.
Let’s practice. What is the first sound in “mouse”? “Mouse.”
[If the child responds correctly, say]: Very good, the first sound in “mouse” is /mmmmm/.
[If the child does not respond correctly, say]: Listen again: “mmmouse”.
The first sound in “mouse” is /mmmmm/.”
Now let’s try another one: What is the first sound in “day”? “Day”.
[If the child responds correctly, say]: Very good, the first sound in “day” is / d / ”.
[If the child does not respond correctly, say]: Listen again: “day”.
The first sound in “day” is / d / ”.
Do you understand what you are to do?
[If the child says no, say]: Just try your best.

Read the prompt and then pronounce the target word a second time. Accept only as correct the isolated sound (without a schwa). If the child does not
respond after 3 seconds, mark as “No response” and say the next prompt. Enunciate clearly, but do not overemphasize the beginning sound of each

Early stop rule: If the child responds incorrectly or does not respond to the first five words, say “Thank you!”, discontinue this exercise, check the box
at the bottom of the page, and go on to the next exercise.

Pronounce each word twice. Allow 5 seconds for the child to respond. Use the grid below to mark whether the child gave the correct sound, the incorrect sound, or if
the child didn’t say anything at all.
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What is the first sound in “_______”? “_______”? [Repeat the word twice]

1. map /mmmm/ o Correct o Incorrect No Response

2. say /sssss/ o Correct o Incorrect No Response

3. up /uh/ o Correct o Incorrect No Response

4. go /g’/ o Correct o Incorrect No Response

5. now /nnnn/ o Correct o Incorrect No Response

6. can /k’/ o Correct o Incorrect No Response

7. fish /ffffff/ o Correct o Incorrect No Response

8. pig /p’/ o Correct o Incorrect No Response

9. run /rrrrr/ o Correct o Incorrect No Response

10. look /llllll/ o Correct o Incorrect No Response

STOP IF THE CHILD FAILS TO ANSWER ALL FIRST 5 WORDS CORRECTLY. Otherwise, move on to 6 through 10 above.

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Component 4: Familiar Word Reading

Show the child the sheet of familiar words in the student stimuli booklet. Say:

Here are some words. I would like you to read me as many words as you can (do not spell the words, but read them). For example, this word is:
1. Now you try: [point to the word “mat” and say] please read this word:
[If correct]: Good, this word is “mat.”
[If incorrect]: This word is “mat.”
2. Now try another one: [point to the word “top”] please read this word :
[If correct]: Good, this word is “top.”
[If incorrect]: This word is “top.”

Do you understand what are you supposed to do? When I say “begin,” read the words as best as you can. I will keep quiet and listen to you,
unless you need help. Ready? Begin.

Start the timer when the child reads the first word. Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect words with a slash ( /). Count
self-corrections as correct. Stay quiet, except when providing answers as follows: if the child hesitates for 3 seconds, read the word, point to the next
word and say “Please go on.” Mark the word you read to the child as incorrect.

WHEN THE TIMER REACHES 0, SAY, “stop.” Mark the final word read with a bracket ( ]). If the learner finished in less than 60 seconds, enter
the remaining time.

Early stop rule: If the child gives no correct answers on the first line, say, “Thank you!”, discontinue this exercise, draw the line through the words in
the first row, check the box at the bottom of the page, and go on to the next exercise.

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Example : be off an
if at in on it [5]

make no its said were [10]

came very do after long [15]

water as all for even [20]

her was three been more [25]

that must can around also [30]

another words back called work [35]

could time him the see [40]

than get not where what [45]

you but their through when [50]

Time remaining on stopwatch at completion (number of SECONDS): __________

Check the box if the exercise was discontinued because the child had no correct answers in the first line.

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Component 5: Invented Word Decoding

Place the student sheet in front of the child with the INVENTED WORDS page and prepare the timer.

Here are some made-up words. I would like you to read me as many made-up words as you can (do not spell the words, but read them). For
example, this made-up word is: “ut”.
1. Now you try: [point to the next word: “dif ’ and say] please read this word
[If correct]: “Very good: dif”
[If incorrect]: This made-up word is “dif.”
2. Now try another one: [point to the next word: mab and say] please read this word.
[If correct]: “Very good: mab”
[If incorrect]: This made-up word is “mab.”
Do you understand what you are supposed to do? When I say “begin,” read the words as best as you can. I will keep quiet and listen to you,
unless you need help. Ready? Begin.

Start the timer when the child reads the first word. Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect words with a slash ( / ). Count
self-corrections as correct. Stay quiet, except when providing answers as follows: if the child hesitates for 3 seconds, provide the word, point to the
next word and say “Please go on.” Mark the word you provide to the child as incorrect.

WHEN THE TIMER REACHES 0, SAY, “Stop.” Mark the final word read with a bracket ( ] ). If the learner finished in less than 60 seconds, enter
the remaining time.

Early stop rule: If the child gives no correct answers on the first line, say “Thank you!”, discontinue this exercise, draw the line through the words in the
first row, check the box at the bottom of the page, and go on to the next exercise.

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Halimbawa: ot bel dit
loz ep yat zam tob [5]

zom ras mon jaf duz [10]

tam af ked ig el [15]

tig pek dop zac ik [20]

uf ral ep bab vif [25]

lut sig zop zar jaf [30]

ruz huf wab ak jep [35]

wub dod ik vus nux [40]

pek zel bef wab hiz [45]

wof ib dek zek vok [50]

Time remaining on stopwatch at completion (number of SECONDS): __________

Check the box if the exercise was discontinued because the child had no correct answers in the first line.

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Component 6a: Oral Passage Reading and Comprehension

Show the child the story in the student stimuli booklet, say:

Here is a short story. I want you to read this aloud. When you finish, I will ask you some questions about what you have read.
Do you understand what are you supposed to do? When I say “begin,” read the story as best as you can. I will keep quiet and listen to you
unless you need help. Ready? Begin.

Set the timer on 1 minute. Start the timer when the child reads the first word. Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect words
with a slash ( / ). Count self-corrections as correct. Stay quiet, except when providing answers as follows: if the child hesitates for 3 seconds, provide
the word, point to the next word and say “Please go on.” Mark the word you provide to the child as incorrect. WHEN THE TIMER REACHES 0,
SAY,, “stop.” Mark the final word read with a bracket ( ] ).

If the learner finished in less than 60 seconds, enter the remaining time. If the child gets the entire first line incorrect, discontinue this exercise – both
reading and comprehension questions -, check the box below and go on to the next exercise.

STOP THE CHILD AT 0 SECONDS AND MARK WITH A BRACKET ( ] ). Take the text away from the child after they read it. Read instructions
to the child. Then read each question slowly and clearly. After you read each question, give the child at most 15 seconds to answer each question. Mark
the answers to the questions as correct or incorrect.

Tom wakes up very early. Today is the first day of school. His little brother Robert is awake, too.
Robert gets his shoes and tells Tom he is ready to go. Then, Tom walks Robert to school to meet his new teacher. The
teacher sees Robert and says hello.
Tom and Robert are very happy to be at school today.

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Now I am going to ask you a few questions about the story you just read. Try to answer the questions as best as you can.
Tom wakes up very early. 12 Why did Tom wake up early?
Today is the first day of school. [it’s the first day of school, school day]
⬜Correct ⬜Incorrect ⬜No Response
His little brother Robert is awake, too. 19 What is the name of Tom’s little brother? [Robert] ⬜Correct
⬜Incorrect ⬜No Response
Robert gets his shoes and tells Tom he is ready to go. 31 What does Robert do after he wakes up? [puts on his shoes,
gets ready]
⬜Correct ⬜Incorrect ⬜No Response
Then, Tom walks Robert to school to meet his new 42 Who will Robert meet today? [his teacher, new teacher]
teacher. ⬜Correct ⬜Incorrect ⬜No Response
The teacher sees Robert and says hello. 49 How are Tom and Robert feeling today? [happy, they feel
Tom and Robert are very happy to be at school today. 60 good]
⬜Correct ⬜Incorrect ⬜No Response

Time remaining on stopwatch at completion (number of SECONDS)

Check this box if exercise stopped due to no correct answers in the first line.

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COMPONENT 7: Listening Comprehension

This is NOT a timed exercise and THERE IS NO STUDENT SHEET. Read the following passage aloud to the child ONLY ONE TIME, slowly (about 1
word per second). Then allow 15 seconds for each question. Say,

I am going to read you a short story aloud ONCE and then ask you some questions. Please listen carefully and answer the questions as best as
you can. Do you understand what are you supposed to do?

Every day Sam walks to school with his friend Tom. On their way to school, the boys like to have a race to see who
runs the fastest. It is Tom!

Who does Sam like to walk to school with? [Tom] o Correct o Incorrect o No Response
What do they do on their way? [they race/run] o Correct o Incorrect o No Response

Who runs faster? [Tom] o Correct o Incorrect o No Response

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COMPONENT 8: Dictation

Give the pupil a lined page and a pencil for writing. Place them in front of the child. Then read the instructions below. Say,

I am going to read you a short sentence. Please listen carefully. I will read the whole sentence once. Then I will read it in parts so you can write
what you hear. I will then read it again so that you can check your work. Do you understand what you are to do?

Read the following sentence ONCE at about one word per second.
The girls wanted to go and ride their bikes.
Then, give the child a pencil, and read the sentence a SECOND time, grouping the words as follows:

For Grade 1:

The /wait 5 secs/ girls /wait 5 secs/ wanted /wait 5 secs/ to /wait 5 secs/ go /wait 5 secs/ and /wait 5 secs/
ride /wait 5 secs/ their /wait 5 secs/ bikes.
For Grades 2-3:

The girls wanted /wait 10 secs/ to go and /wait 10 secs/ ride their bikes.

Wait 15 seconds and read the whole sentence.

The girls wanted to go and ride their bikes.

Wait 5 seconds and then retrieve the instrument from the learners. Leave the pencil with the child and tell them to keep it safe because they will need it

The girls wanted / to go and / ride their bikes.

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Correct = 1 Incorrect
Evaluation Criteria =0
Wrote ‘the’ correctly The
Wrote ‘girls’ correctly girls
Wrote ‘wanted’ correctly wanted
Wrote ‘to’ correctly to
Wrote ‘go’ correctly go
Wrote ‘and’ correctly and
Wrote ‘ride’ correctly ride
Wrote ‘their’ their
Wrote ‘bikes’ correctly bikes
Use appropriate direction from left to right
Used capital letter for word “The”
Used full stop (.) at end of sentence

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