Narrative (Ojt)

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I, the student of this subject would like to acknowledge the following for being part of this
narrative report compilation.

To my parents and guardian for the financial and moral support. Thank you for being there at all
times physically, mentally and emotionally.

To our OJT 1 & 2 / Internship adviser Dr. Monette G. Tenorio for your encouragement, advice,
and understanding for us to fulfill this webinar meeting. Thank you for giving the everyone a chance to
take this opportunity to continued our dreams despite of the midst of pandemic. All the lessons,
learnings and knowledge you have impart in everyone of us would be never forgotten. Thank you for the
everything you have done.

And most importantly to our Almighty God Jesus Christ, for the unconditional love, blessings,
strength, enlightenment and giving us spiritual strength.

To those whom we failed to mention thank you for making this possible.
Table of Contents

Title Page ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I

Acknowledgement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- II

Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III

Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV

Commission on Human Rights -------------------------------------------------------------6

Commission on Human Rights-------------------------------------------------------------8

Incident Response -------------------------------------------------------------------------------10

Basic Life Support -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

DRRMC Orientation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------14

Duties of Security Inspector -----------------------------------------------------------------16

Duties of Officer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------‐-----18

Components of Security Agency ---------------------------------------------------------20

R.A. 9514 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22

Special Rescue Force --------------------------------------------------------------------------24

Fire Control Operation -------------------------------------------------------------------------26

Arson Investigation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------28

BFP Orientation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30



Record Management------------------------------------------------------------------------------36

Radio Operation---------------------------------------------------------------------------------‐----38


Katarungan Pambaranggay--------------------------------------------------------------------42

Civil Disturbance Management---------------------------------------------------------------44


In the midst of pandemic, we experienced some technical problems such as loss of internet
connections, slow internet connection or in mobile data and etc. This barriers will never chased our
dreams to give up on what we've started. The most important part of acquiring knowledge about one's
profession is proper training in industry. On-the-job training (OJT) gives opportunity to promote
awareness and preparedness of the students to the actual work of given professions. With the helped of
the different deparment, branches and agencies including the Security Agency, Bureau of Fire Protection
(BFP), PNP, DRRMC, Commission of Human Rights (CHR) and other which related to our field. These
agencies provides each different roles and functions in the field. This is the reason why this narrative
report was written to acknowledge the information imparted and to established that we learned
something from the beginning til the end of the discussion. This narrative report consist of three parts
the introduction, body and the conclusion. The introduction will introduce the main topic of the
discussion and what would be the discussions all about. As follow, the body which would be the content
of the report and the last part is the conclusion where in includes the insights and the lessons acquired
in the webinar meeting.
Zoom Meeting Incident Report
Incident Response

In April 13, 2022 we conducted an OJT via Zoom meeting which entitled Incident Response with
the helped of our speaker Kristine Galeon from NDRRMC. She provides learnings and knowledge about
this topic. She also enlighten us to open up are awareness in possible scenario occur in responding

As we go on, we defined first what first aid kit is. We all know that first aid kit is essential in
responding incident because we cannot prevent casualties. So, for us to know what would be our
response if there instance happens. In order to have a good relation the first aider must need this
different kind of attributes. First aider must be gentle, good judgment, observant, respectable and etc.
This would be help to catch the feeling of person in able for them to get the permission to work his/her
body. In different kinds of incident we can encounter transmission of disease whether direct or indirect
contact. We can also encounter airborne and vector/bites transmission. For us to prevent if theres
necessary transmission happens there are preventative precautions like body substance isolation and
basic precautions and practices. In basic precautions and practices includes the personal hygiene,
protective equipment and equipment cleaning and disinfecting. She also discuss the Emergency Action
Principle where in the first place you will survey the scene and answering the questions provided. In
activating medical assisstance there would be an information to be remembered. We also discuss the
shock and different kinds, and cause of it. Aside from this we also discuss different kinds of wounds such
as closed wounds and closed soft tissue injury. We can also experience severe effect of that said
wounds. She also tackles the different burns, as well injection poisioning.

In responding incident is not just an easy job. From the topic we have discussed we can get a lot of
learnings and knowledge. In this case we can be able to know what are the different preventive
measures we can used in different incident. This topic gives a lot of informative data that can help us to
provide an assitance to the responder if theres a unneccessary happens in our area.
Zoom Meeting in Basic Life Support

Basic Life Support

In April 13, 2022 we conducted an OJT via Zoom meeting with the helped our very own adviser
Mrs. Monette Tenorio and our speaker for Basic Life Support Mr. Henry Jalla. After we discussed the
Incident Response as part of it we also discuss the Basic Life Support. He introduced us informative data
which we can used in the different incident.

Sir Henry introduced the table of comparison on CPR for adult, child and infants. He showed us
on how we response if theres a need of CPR. He discussed the different compression area for adult, child
and infants. He also stated the number of cycles per 2 minutes wheren theres a 5 cycles in every 30
compressions. And when it comes to counting they follow the Counting for standardization purposes.
Furthermore, he also discussed when to stop CPR. These are the things when to stop CPR; spontaneous
signs of breathing and circulation, turned over to professional provider, operator is exhausted, physician
assumes responsibility, and lastly, scene become unsafe. Aside from table of comparison on CPR he also
introduced us the Rescue Breathing Comparison for adult, child, and infants. He explain the different
opening airway of the three. As compare to the CPR it also followed the standard counting for breathing.
And we ended the topic on how to response in that kind of casualties happened in life of a person.

I conclude that this could be a knowledgeable topic because we can acquire skills and also a
data which we can use in the field. As a criminology student, I can apply this what I've learned in case of
theres a need of assisstance. This topic enlighten my awareness about on how we can response using
this CPR and Rescue breathing.
Zoom meeting in DRRMC Orientation

DRRMC Orientation
In the past discussion of our OJT session, we do orientation about DRRMC with the helped of
our speaker Ibarra Quinto which assigned in DRR Lucena City. He provide such analysis, knowledge, and
learnings as well regarding to the topic. We provide question and answer portion to give the topic
understandable. As the helped of our lecturer, we are guided and get some more informations
regardings to his work and duties as well.

Before we go on to the main topic we go first defined the different terminologies such as; risk
management, resilience, hazard, capacity, and other terminological words in the topic. Afterwards, we
tackle what are the rules and duties in a DRRMC. He explains why we receive text messages and
breaking news on the status of typhoons as well as the after-effects of the earthquakes and also during
volcanic eruptions. He also stated the develop assessment tools on the existing and potential hazards
and risks brought about by climate change to vulnerable areas and ecosystems. As we go on, he also
discussed their functions. They are the one facilitate and coordinate the conduct of regular trainings,
drills and simulation exercises to test the adequacy of disaster response plans. They undertake and
participate in post-disaster reviews including lessons drawn from previous disastes in disaster
preparedness and response plans. And also publishing an disseminate information concerning disaster
risk reduction and management.

This session give us a knowledgeable topic that would helped everyone to be prepared on
incoming disaster like typhoon, volcanic eruption, and etc. This course widely provide awareness on how
we handle unexpected different hazards. As a crimonology student, I've learned something that
probably I can used someday in the future field. This would be a essential tool we can used in our daily

Zoom meeting in Duties of Security Inspector

Duties of Security Inspector
In the past discussion on our OJT via zoom meeting again with our very own speaker Mam
Monette Tenorio with the helped of the main speaker Joseph Capistrano from Kings 2000. We are now
to discussed the duties and functions of Security Inspector. Our speaker asses us about the main
functions and the actual task or work of a Security Inspector. He also give as a basic definition about the
topic prepared to us.

As the discussion goes by, we talks about the different functions of Security Inspector as well
as Security Manager, Consultant, and Security Officers. He basically defined the actual work of each on
how it works in his field. To make our discussion more interesting we provide question and our speaker
provide answer. Based on what I've remember last session, once you want to apply to security guards or
officer you need to have the LES or License to Exercise Security. And the who issued the license is the
PNP-SOSIA. PNP-SOSIA also the one who conduct inspection and investigation in every security agency
in the field. As we go on, he also discussed the basic salary and benefits of a Security Officers. He also
provide different problems or the most common issues happens in the vicinity of the security guards.
When it comes to the supervision of the security guards in a given company. There are Security officer in
charge to supervise and the one who provide reports for the security agency. As he stated every reports
is under to the task of the Security Officers. Security Officers will manage the application of all security
guards including their absentees, salary, as well as deploy a new one security guards if there was
necessary happens llike sick leave.

Based on the discussion so far that being Security Officer is also a nice job in the future.
Somehow, someday I would be part of them but as of now my target is to be a Police Officer. However,
I've learned everything about the Security Profession not only Security Officers but thres also a Security
Manager, Consultant, Inspector and also Security Guards. Maybe someday this knowledge will guide me
in the near future.
Zoom meeting in Duties of Officer

Duties of Officer

In the past discussion on On the Job Training via Zoom meeting. We talks about the different
Duties of Officer in Security. With the helped of our speaker Joseph Capistrano also from Kings 2000. He
also graduated in our alma mater. As of now he was working as a Security Officer in the said agency.
According to him there are different kinds of duties that a Security had such as Security Officers, Security
Consultant, Security Manager, and Security Operator. He gives a specific and actual definition about of

Aside from discussing defining the different duties of officers, he also gives a deep meaning
which are basically happened in his duties. We ask different questions regardings to his duties and about
everything. As he said, whenever we decide to be part of the Security we are secured as Security Officer.
According to him, the salary of a Security Officers is not quite far on the salary of a Police Officers.
Furthermore, he also talks about on how the security agency got profit. In this line, the Security
Manager are the one who will asses the company that wants to apply. The Security Manager shows the
total summation of expenses provided the security guards salary in a month and the fee on the agency.
As he said, theres only a more or less 20 percent of the fee from the company are deducted for the
agency. In addition, with regards in the grounds of the security guards and if theres a necessary
happened in the security guards like if sick leave the Security Officers are the one who responsible for
the compensation of security guard. For the unneccessary accidents like security guards had been
attacked by the intruders his agency for example, his agency is Kings 2000 so this agency are responsible
for the medication fee and others expenses.
I've learned a lot from the discussion and I had been aware on what inside and outside
happening in duties of officer. I acquired lot of knowledge which I can use whenever I decided to go
apply as Security Officers or even Security Manager. I added some ideas about everything in security
agency. Somehow, someday I become one of them and be part of the Security.

Component of the Security Agency

On February 12, 2022 we conduct our first OJT meeting via zoom leading with our professor
subject Mrs. Monette Tenorio. We talks about the orientation regardings to the component of the
security agency with the helped of our speaker Marvin Galit. He is now working as a security officer in
Kings 2000 security agency. He is also graduated in our alma mater. Based on our discussion he tackles
everything about his duties and their agency.

First, he discussed the definition of security and the grounds behind of it. He said like a police
officer they also conduct investigation especially for those facility and buildings needs to have
inspection. He also stated that, he also maintain peace and order especially for their workplace. As he
present the different security agencies in our province, he stated that all security agencies has the same
objectives but in differ in their management because they have different kinds of owner in security
agencies. But, he said that most of the owner of security ageny are those who retired on police officers.
He also discussed the pnp sosia which means supervisory office for security and investigation agencies.
They are the one who investigated the agency of all security agency which means they are the one who
conduct inspection to the agency. Aside from this, he also discussed the requirements of the security
officers and he distinguish the basic salary of security guards from security officers. As a security officers
needs a good communication skills in order for them to catch up the community.

I've been aware that theres a lot of opportunity, jobs, choicescare waiting for us as we go in the
real world. Being security guard or officers is not a just but it is a job wherein they also helped and
protect the lives of a person. I've learned a lot today, maybe someday I can used the learnings and
knowledge that I acquired from our speaker.

Zoom meeting in Component of the Security Agency

R.A. 9514

On December 3, 2021 we attended the webinar about 9514 which an act establishing a
comprehensive FIRE CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES, and hosted by our subject adviser Ma'am Monette
Tenorio along with the speaker Winsor C. Oñate. He conduct a brief and depth discussion in order for us
to really understand the topic about.

He defined first the definition of Fire Code of the Philippines and when does it implemented. He
also discussed the different definition of terms with regards to the topic. As we goes by, the
responsibility for the Enforcement of this Code is to administered and enforced by the Bureau of Fire
Protection (BFP), under the direct supervision and control of the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Protection,
through the hierarchy of organization as provided for in Chapter VI of Republic Act No. 6975. He also
discussed the different occupancy which includes business occupancy, mechanical occupancy, residence
occupancy and etc. Meanwhile, he also stated the inspection requirements, safety measures for
hazardous materials such as combustible fibers, flammables substances or materials and etc. As well as
the provision on fire safety construction protective and warning systems. When it comes to prohibited
acts theres a lot of prohibited acts for instances those locking exit doors or gates are one of example of
prohibited acts. He also discussed the penalties and violations in every acts that is prohibited in the fire
code. And lastly, we also talks about the administrative fine against the private individual for the
unneccesary acts they do.

I really learned lot of things, learnings and lessons about this discussion. Maybe someday I can
used this learnings in the field. It is really fun to meet Sir Winsor Oñate in a short period of time we
acquired knowledge from him. Its a pleasure to have a speaker like him cause he had lots of experience
that can provide a truth happenings inside his job.

Zoom meeting in RA 9514

Special Rescue Force

On fourth day of our OJT (On the Job Training) with the topic Special Rescue Force headed by our
subject adviser Ma'am Monette Tenorio and especially in our speaker FO1 Jonathan Rodriguez who
leads the discussion for today dated November 17, 2021. He had almost 7 years in service as a Fire
Officer. As of now, he work as a Special Rescue Force which manage the whole province of Quezon. He
said that their area of responsibility (AOR) are provincial and they can also assigned in regional as if
there are calls in the Regional Office.

He only discussed the brief introduction of special rescue force. He shows to us the
presentation regarding to the history of the Bureau of Fire and Protection. On what I've heard to him
that special rescue force is one of the difficult trainings he encounter in the field of BFP. He also inform
what their duties and roles as a Special Rescue Force. He said that they are needed when they are
extreme disaster either it biological, or natural disaster. He also showed us their equipment and
materials use in their operation. This includes their fire trucks, suits for the operation and different
equipments. Meanwhile, he also discussed their area of responsibility in their unit. The whole province
of Quezon is one the responsibility of their unit. They also called by the other city that are inadequate in
Special Rescue Unit.

This is an interesting discussion and also a kind of job that can be option for us in the near
future. As the discussion goes by, I've learned a lot of things and lessons from him especially on his own
experience as a special rescue force. Maybe it can be much more interesting if the discussion is not
ended earlier.

Zoom meeting in Special Rescue Force

Fire Control Operation

On November 10, 2021 we discussed the topic about Basic Radio Communication and 10 codes with
the speaker FO3 Dennis Anthony Solano Pepino and especially in our subject adviser Mam Monette
Tenorio. Sir Pepino introduced himself and he discussed his roles and duties in the Fire station. He is
now in the Fire Control Operation section. He also assigned as Fire Safety Inspector and regarding of this
he is also a Fire Truck Driver Operator.
In the part of discussion we've discussed the basic radio communication which one of his job as a
Fire Officer. He discuss how to communicate under the radio and how to operate radio as well. He give
us an example on how to communicate well in a radio. In radio communication there are codes
indicated to communicate properly in a radio. He showed us the several codes used in communicating
someone in radio. There are specific terms or words to be used in order to continous communicating.
Means the flow of the communication is not buffering. So the used of the codes will help the
communication cleared and precise. Some of the codes that we always already heard is the " roger that
sir", negative, affirmative. He also present examples of two persons communicating in radio using those
codes he present in the powerpoint.

I therefore conclude that those codes he had discussed is very helpful in communicating using
radio because it can gives precise and clear communication. It is important to know those codes
especially for those who not know this in order for them to have a well communication. I've learned a
lot of things in this discussion which I can used in the near future. I acquired lot of information and
knowledge that I haven't know. This topic showed me my awareness about what a Fire Officer do in the
Fire station.

Zoom meeting in Fire Control Operation

Bureau of Fire Protection Orientation

The speaker for today is Mam Oxina who discussed orientation about Bureau of Fire Protection. She
showed us what her roles and duties in her jobs. She said that as of now she assigned in Lucena City Fire
Station. First, she tackles about the history of the BFP on when the first fire department established and
also the fire code of the Philippines.
She orient us everyting about the Bureau of Fire Protection, as stated above the first she discussed
is the history of BFP. History when did the BFP starts, when did the first deparment establish and where
did it designated. We talks about the legal basis of the Bureau Of Fire Protection which are the
presidential decree no. 765 and 1165, the republic act. 6975, 9514 and 9263. We also tackles the Joint
resolution no. 1, 2018 which declared to increase the base pay of military and uniformed personnel.
Meanwhile, Vision, mission and mandates of BFP also discussed in our meeting. In terms of
requirements of the BFP, she also showed us what would be the requirements to be a Fire Officer. It
includes the eligibility, BMI and also the baccalaureate degree.

This meeting gives knowledge in everyone of us that can really help us soon as we pursue our
dreams. I've acquired credible data which lighten my awareness about that job as a Fire Officer. A lot of
learnings and knowledge not only on this topic but also in our life. A lot of good things can help us to be
a good ones.

Zoom meeting in Bureau of Fire Protection Orientation

Arson Investigation

On November 8,2021 we discussed the topic Arson Investigation with the help of our speaker
Winsor C. Oñate. As he stated he is the one who investigate fire incident in our municipality. Now, he
assigned in the Lucena City Fire Station. Meanwhile, he discusses everything happens in his field
regarding on how fire occur in such area.

The first thing he taught us is how fire occur and where the fire starts, what would be the object
or materials that cause the fire. He described the means of evidence in fire incident. As he stated what
would be the evidence if theres no such things left in the fire scene.The answer is that the forensic
investigator will determine the chemical reaction or somethings happened if theres a totally
burned.They can provide another evidence from the evidence means that the evidence itself provide
another evidence in the fire scene.It can shows some pattern that can reallly help to solve the fire
incident. He also provide some questions scenario if the crime is arson only or a murder and what would
be the laws that punished it. We also talks about the difference between fire suppresion and fire
prevention. Fire prevention is we prevent the possibilty that the crime happens means in this scenario
theres no yet crime happens while in fire suppression theres a crime happens you just need to do is to
suppress the crime.

I've realized,that being a fire officer is not easy job as police officer because I thought that only
theydo is to sit back on their chair waiting for the fire will happens in such area. But, being a fire officer
have a lot task to do,they also provide assisstance onthe public safety just like a police officer.I've
acquired lot of learnings in this topic Arson Investigation also in our speaker.I admire what he do as a
Fire Officer,he is also a hero of our country.

Zoom meeting in Arson Investigation

Baranggay Information Network

On October 6, 2021 we tackles about the Baranggay Information Network with Police Corporal
Tyrone Kooper Fontanil an intel member. He is a former student of the Manuel S. Enverga University
Foundation. We talks about everythings happened around his works and duties as a BIN. As one of his
duties is to manage the information given by the baranggay through the used of informers or
informants. The main topic of the discussion circulate around the BIN or Baranggay Information Network
on with the questions of 5 w's and 1 h.

The first part of the discussion he simply defined first the BIN or Baranggay Information Network
which means a process of acquiring information through the baranggay by used of the informants or
informer. As a BIN they need a informants or informer is simply because to get such information for
those people under surveillance or either the place if there are necessary doubtful peroson or
happenings. When we talks about the difference between informants and informers. Informants are
those people willing to provide information without pay while the informers are those people needs pay
before they provide such informations. With regards to how to be a informants and informers there are
requirements needs to be accomplished. Police Corporal Tyrone said thecprocess of giving information
by the informants or informers was through text or call. In order for them to hide their names they have
the Codification System wherein they formulates codes in the personal information of the informers or
information because of the confidentialty. He taught us how to used the codification system in orderly.

I've learned a lot of things about this topic Baranggay Information Network. The more the
informers and informants they have the more information they have to prevent and control the crime.
We might used this topics soon as a guide for us if we enter the field. I've learned a lot of knowledge in
everything about it. As a criminology students, it can help me to be familiarize on that kind of job or as a
BIN or Baranggay Information Network. For instance it can be easy for us to know what would be the
situation behind since we are aware on that topic.

Zoom meeting in Baranggay Information Network


On October 4, 2021 Patrolman John Lester P. Culla discussed the PCR or called Police
Community Relations. PCR or Police Community Relation was changed later on to PCAD which means
Police Community Affairs Division. He introduced his roles and duties being PCAD as a police personnel.
He stated that being PCAD will not let you bored because they have always to do. Since his job is more
on the community, we can always see him in every baranggay in our area. They also introduced the
different programs they do in every baranggay. He stated that they send in every baranggay to
disseminate information to the public in order for us to be aware in happenings in our baranggay.

In his discussion he talks about everything on his job as well as his duties. As he said, being PCAD
personnel isn't makes you get bored. A lot of tasks comes everyday so theres no such thing as bored
when it comes to their job as a PCAD personnel. All he do is to educate the community and disseminate
information in order for us to have knowledgeable in issues and problems in our area. Regarding to the
programs, they conducted oplan tokhang in every corner of the baranggay in able to persuade those
person listed in the watchlist to surrender. After they surrender, the PCAD are the one would provide
the intervention programs to those person surrendered in order to reform them and go back to the
community. One of his job is to disseminate information to the public with regards to the issued we
have facing today. They implemented a programs to educate everyone on how we overcome those
issues we facing. As well as part of his job is report the news in every corner of the baranggay through
patrolling using the their mobile vehicle and they called it bandilyo. The purpose of this is to disseminate
information to everyone especially to those place that always encountered floods in order for them to
be aware what are happenings in our area.

I've learned a lot of things on the discussion. As a future police officer this discussion can be use as
a guide for me in order to be not feel new if I were become one of the PCAD personnel. I've added lot of
information and knowledge about the topic discussed according to his jobs, duties, and roles in the
station. I'm so amaze because being PCAD is not always a police officer but sometimes you can be a
educator and sometimes you can be a paintor. I've noticed that they have so much a lot of things they
need to do everyday. Being pcad is makes you a productive person and meets you a lot of different
person in our country. On September 30, 2021 PCpl Ronalyn Gonzales Camelon and PCpl Aimee
Prudente Abrenica introduced the Record Management in the Police Station of Lucena City. They
described their roles and duties of being on the record management section. Being on the record
management they are in able to utilize the needs and demands of the police personnel as well as the
station itsel

Zoom meeting in PCR

Record Management

On the first part of the discussion Police Corporal Ronalyn Gonzales Camelon discussed her duty in
Lucena Police Station. She stated that she works as a hard copy of the station. She properly encode all
the data given from the investigator. Doing an organize document in able to easily scan every
information. It is easy to find a copy a data if the document was organize as she said. One of her duty is
to provide a copy of a case whenever theres someone ask to get a copy of that said case.
On the second part of the discussion Police Corporal Aimee Prudente Abrenica introduced her
duty as supply management of Lucena Police Station. As she said on of her duty is to monitor the needs
of the police personnel as well as the needs of the office. She are the one who utilze the supply of the
station. According to her, she are the one who issued a letter to LGU provided the supply needs of the
station. Afterwards, the LGU are the one who will give the said supply needs. She also monitor the
number of police personnel monthly, as well as their guns, police uniforms, and etc. As like to Police
Corporal Ronalyn Gonzales all she do is to have a proper recording of all important data.

I've learned a lot of things regarding to their discussion. I noticed that a police officers are not
always to protect the public but there have also a duties like documenting or record management. A
proper way of recording, documenting and also providing data that they taught us. It will help us to have
a knowledge about their duties that we might be used in the near future.

Zoom Meeting in Record Management

Radio Operation

On September 27, 2021 hosted by NUP Lourdes M. Hutalla she discussed the Radio Operation on
her field. She introduced the advantages and disadvantages of the radio communication. According to
her, radio is a tool for pnp to communicate from place to one another. She also taught us how to
connect on the frequency of the police station. In using radio she said that you need to have a license to
operate the radio.

Regarding to her topic she defined first what radio communication it is which means an act of
communicating giving information from one place to another using electro magnetic waves. In order to
communicate everywhere and at all times, very flexible and cost-effective communication solutions are
needed that can only be offered by radio systems. In the course Radio Communication, students are
given a system overview of how radio communication systems are built up, with detailed knowledge of
important system trade-offs and in-depth understanding of radio propagation. The course describes
which aspects of the channel are important for different types of radio systems, such as mobile radio
and broadcasting, and measures to improve communication quality. In the course you will design,
implement and test a radio communication system. The course describes the construction of some types
of radio systems such as broadcasting, radio LAN, radio line and mobile communication.

I've learned a lot of things about radio communication on how to operate it, what are its
functions, and also what are the significant of this in the pnp personnel. Therefore, I conclude that radio
is never gonna out of style. It is very important tool for communicating especially to those can't afford
expensive technology such as mobile phone. It can be also an alternative tool in able for us to
conmmunicate with someone. This is the reason why radio are never gonna go out of style in terms of

Zoom meeting in Radio Operation

E-blotter System

On September 22, 2021 we talks about the E-blotter System wherein the three police personnel from
the Lucena Police Station discussed their job in the station with regards to the topic. Each personnel has
its own topic which appropriate to his/her position in the station. They provide each powerpoint
presentation regarding to their topic. They well-explained every topic they discussed, as well as how it

In the first part of the discussion which narrated by police personnel Mam Susan, she talks
about more on computation about the crime happen in our area. We taught us how to compute the
total number of index crime and non index crime. This is what she do in the police station. All the
reports from the police either it is index or non index crime will calculated. In the other hand of the
discussion which narrated by other police personnel, she discussed about the E-blotter system. First, she
showed us the picture and process of the E-blotter. Then, she discussed everything about the E-blotter
where in you need to have a account to log in to the E-blotter. Just like to the ordinary blotter you need
to fill up all the blanks with correct facts to avoid forgery. She knows everything with regards to it since
she are assigned as CIRS. She is the one who can access the site. In the last part of the discussion
narrated again by other police personnel, he discussed the CIRAS which the other topics are discussed
by the second one. He discussed the main points of CIRAS and how it works. He taughts us the process
of blotter which when we arrived the police station. He taughts us who will be approach us first to guide

I've learned the different works or assigned works of police personnel in Police Station. However,
in the discussion I learn a lot of things about E-blotter it easy to acces but they must recommend to go
to Police Station instead. I also have been aware in what happening inside the station and on what they
part as a police personnel. I can't wait to be part of them soon.

Zoom meeting in E-blotter System

Katarungan Pambaranggay

On September 20, 2021, the three videos I've watched are correlated to each other. The first part of
the video provides the information about blotter on how to report blotter, who can report blotter,
where can report blotter, and what is blotter. This will enlighten us and also add some information with
regards this topics which is blotter. The second part defined and discussed the Katarungan Pambaranggy
or the Baranggay Sysmtem Unit which involved the kapitan, lupon tagapamayapa and the pangkat
tagapagsundo. These three main conciliators will help to solved the dispute between to parties or either
related dispute in the area. They also tackled what would be the dispute or maybe crime can be
processed a the Katarungan Pambarangay.
In the first part of the video, it tackles about how to report crime or blotter someone in police
station. It defined first where in it is a written works of a police indicated all the necessary

happenings in their jurisdiction whether it is a crime, special occassion, or administrative and

operational accomplishment. They discussed what are those possible can be blottered which those
crime written under revised penal codes and specials laws such as murder, robbery and drugs. You may
also blotter those missing stuffs such as personal identification (ID), wallets and license. Everyone can do
blotter either you are complainant or witness that you have something want to report to the police. You
can report a blotter to the nearest police station you have in your area. This video also taught the
process on how to report blotter. First, you need to go to the Desk Officer or most likely called Quality
service lane where in you will report to him/her the detailed which indicated your name, your report to
be written in the Incident Record form. If your report or dispute can be hear in the Katarungan
Pambarangay or the Baranggay System Unit, the investigaor will refer you to the Conciliation of
Baranggay or Lupon Tagapamayapa and if it can be settle it will goes to the Prosecutor Office.

In the second videos, it tackles the Katarungan Pambarangsy or the Baranggay System Unit
which help us especially our baranggay whenever there are dispute or other uncertainties in our area.
From the video I've watched there three conciliator involved the kapitan, lupon tagapamayapa and the
pangkat tagapagsundo these three will help to help the both parties to solved the dispute. In the
assumption of the barrangay they said that the both parties are reside in the same cities or
municipalities but some cases it not necessary that you live in same places just to have aggreement. In
other assumption, the case or dispute are didnt need to go to katarungan pambaranggay is when the
parties are public officers, employees, and the person is the government. In case of the Katarungan
Pambarangay cannot resolve the dispute therefore the case will turn to the prosecutors office.

I've learned a lot of things from the three videos I watched it provides knowledge and also some
information especially for me as a criminology student it provides informations which can help me in
writting police blotter soon. Also as a citizen of my baranggay it also help to know what will be the first
thing I will do when I report blotter in the police station. It had a very impact for us to be aware of that
kind of videos to really know who and where we will go through.

Zoom Meeting in Katarungan Pambaranggay

Civil Disturbance Management

Civil Disturbance Management (CDM) a program wherein tells about supervision and
employment of crowd controlforces and techniques for a civil disturbance. This will also teach learner in
the procedures forconfrontation management operations, procedures for apprehension, search,
detention of persons,seizure of property, obtaining witnesses and statements, crowd control
formations, identifying extraction and apprehension teams and reserve forces to assist with crowd
control when needed. .This also teaches how to use crowd control techniques and plan for and
supervise control forces during a civil disturbance. Develop of an effective force capable of controlling
civil disturbances depends largely upon proper organization.

In the first part of the discussion, we defined first the civil disturbance which means a peacefully
assembly of group of people where in the main purpose is to violent. We can say rally as an example of
group of people where assemble to fight or rebel against the government. Afterwards, we move on to
the general guidelines of the Philippine National Police (PNP) where in the main goal of the police officer
is to protect and maintain peace and order. In line with this, the public officer or the police should not
interfere the public assembly. However, as we said they only need to do is to maintain the peace and
order. As Mam Tenorio said, the crowd become unruly when Civil Disturbance Management (CDM)
arrived rather than the police officer because they believe that police officer don't get aggressive and
they are also 100 meters away from the public assembly. In case where in the public assembly have no
permit, the Police Commander Officer should disperse the crowd. With connection of this, when the
crowd become more violent that can cause severe injuries they need to apprehend as the last resort.

In the second part we discussed the specific guidelines wherein the CDM or Civil Disturbance
Management should not carry any kind of firearms cause it might be steal and may used against them.
They talks about the only weapon and equipments carry of the CDM contigents. They always always
observed the maximum tolerance because they want to as much as possible minimum necessary force
used. As well as, we discussed the approaches of the CDM according to the place where in the public
assembly goes. In terms of preventing or, dealing with the public assembly. CDM formulates kinds of
formation to suppress and control the crowd. The most frequently formation used in the past civil
disturbance is the line, wedge, and echenol. According with this, they have offensive and defensive
formation with regards to the crowd control.

I there conclude that the main purpose of the Civil Disturbance Management (CDM) is to promote
peaceful and harmless fight controlling, preventing and as well suppression of the assemby. They always
want to protect the sake of the public cause as what said on the guidelines minimum necessary force
would applied as much as possible. CDM had a very significant role on that kind of situation such as rally,
cocus, or anything thay have public assembly not only assembly but peacefully assembly.

Zoom meeting in Civil Disturbance Management

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