Shipping Occurrences Report May Oct 2020

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Shipping Occurrences

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Within the shipping industry, the
Dutch Safety Board has the legal
obligation to investigate serious
and very serious occurrences
involving Dutch seagoing
vessels. This obligation also
extends to the investigation of
serious and very serious occur- May - October 2020
rences involving or on board
seagoing vessels in Dutch terri-
torial waters. The Dutch Safety In June 2015, the Dutch Safety Board published the first Shipping
Board carries out these investi- Occurrences Report. With the tenth edition you were given the opportunity
gations in accordance with the to indicate what you think of the Shipping Occurrences Report. In this new
Kingdom Act concerning the edition you can see what the survey has yielded.
Dutch Safety Board and the EU
Directive 2009/18/EC of the In the foreword of the first edition, the shipping branch was described as
European Parliament and the the silent motor of our economy, operating in the shadow of the public page 7
European Union Council of 23 attention. This is the eleventh edition of the Shipping Occurrences Report.
April 2009, establishing the The shipping branch is still the silent motor of our economy, which, even in
fundamental principles gover-
times of COVID-19, and despite the many limitations for crew members, is
ning the investigation and
still running at full power.
prevention of maritime acci-
dents. When the Dutch Safety
How the shipping branch contributes to the economy became clear when
Board decides that no structural
a variety of consumables from containers lost by the MSC ZOE washed up
safety shortcomings are involved
on the beaches of the Dutch Wadden Islands in January 2019. The opening
with regard to a serious incident,
article therefore focuses on minimizing the risks of loss of containers.
a description of the occurrence is
sufficient. The main goal of the
Dutch Safety Board is to prevent Not only the risks of losing containers must be minimized. The accidents
accidents or their consequences described and the statistics in this edition show that the number of
by determining lessons learned occupational accidents is high. Greater insight into the nature of these
and formulating recommendati- accidents can assist in increased safety awareness among employers,
ons. Investigating who is to employees and other parties in the maritime sector.
blame or liable is expressly not a
part of the investigation by the Jeroen Dijsselbloem, chairman of the Dutch Safety Board
Dutch Safety Board. page 29
Minimizing the loss Whereas small container ships with limited stability
only lose small numbers of containers, the recent losses
of containers show that large, wide and stable (high

of containers
GM2) container ships are apt to lose large numbers of
containers. It is slowly becoming clear that large, wide and
stable container ships represent new risks with regard to

requires an
the loss of containers.

The loss of containers by the MSC ZOE north of the

Wadden Islands lead to two investigation reports.

integrated approach First there is the report from the international joint
investigation into the cause of the loss of containers by
the MSC ZOE, the ‘Joint Investigation Report MSC ZOE3 4’
(see the summary later in this report). This report was
written in cooperation between the Flag state Panama
Top view MSC ZOE after losing 342 containers. and Coastal States Germany and the Netherlands.
Second there is the report of the Dutch Safety Board ‘Safe
The number of containers lost by the MSC ZOE has sadly container transport north of the Wadden Islands 5’ (see the
already been overtaken by even larger numbers lost. On summary later in this report). This report arose in response
30 November 2020, the ONE Apus (14052 TEU) lost 1816 to the question of what the Netherlands can do to prevent
containers and on 16 January 2021, the Maersk Essen such accidents and, if they do occur, to limit their harmful
(13100 TEU) lost around 750 containers. The impact of consequences as much as possible. To harmonize the
these losses has to date only become clear on board. In (interim) results and to determine follow-up steps of the
both cases, not a single container has been retrieved; the two parallel investigations, joint meetings were organized.
containers and their contents still remain in the Pacific In addition, authoritative maritime experts of the Technical
Ocean. University of Hamburg, Deltares and MARIN have
contributed to the investigations.
These recent occurrences have focused greater attention
on determining how containers are lost overboard. It has The investigations that lead to the reports mentioned
for some time been known that weather conditions play above have for example revealed that for large, wide and
On the night of 1 to 2 January 2019, the Panamanian an important role. Weather routing1 has become a widely stable container ships, there are route-specific risks on
flagged containership MSC ZOE (19224 TUE) lost 342 used term among operators of large container ships. the shipping routes north of the Wadden Islands. Four
containers to the north of the Wadden Islands. This was Based on weather forecasts and other factors, the best hydrodynamic phenomena were measured and observed,
not the first occasion that a ship had lost containers on potential route is calculated. For large container ships, which can individually and in combination introduce a risk
that route, but the numbers made a deep impression. avoiding bad weather areas is a key factor. Changing of loss of containers. The four hydrodynamic phenomena
Never before had a ship lost so many containers at course to avoid bad weather is relatively easy on the open are: extreme ship motions resulting in large accelerations
one time, on this route. The beaches of the Dutch and ocean, but on other routes, for example on the North Sea, and forces on lashing equipment and containers, contact
German Wadden Islands and the coast of Friesland and such options are not available. with the seabed, green water and impulsive wave impacts
Groningen were awash with the contents of the containers. (slamming) against the ship.
For months after the occurrence, the cargo of the MSC
ZOE continued to wash ashore. The possible long-term
damage to organisms can still not be fully assessed, but
the pollution itself represents considerable harm to the
2 Metacentre height, an indicator of the stability of a ship
natural value. Where in the past the losses of containers
had been dealt with basically as a matter for insurers, the unfallberichte_table_2020.html?nn=1351146
loss of the containers by the MSC ZOE was classified as a 4
‘very serious’ marine casualty based on its environmental ten-noorden-van-de-waddeneilanden.-lessen
impact. 1 Weather routing is a commercial service provided by commercial 5
companies to cargo vessels, to optimise their journey performance. ten-noorden-van-de-waddeneilanden.-lessen

2 - Dutch Safety Board

Transport Inspectorate (ILT) 6 ‘The lashing of containers launched an investigation in November 2020 into the loss
on seagoing vessels’. The ILT investigated compliance of 33 containers in the Pentland Firth (see elsewhere in
with the regulations for the securing (lashing) and storage this Shipping Occurrences Report). The similarity with the
of containers on seagoing vessels. In 67% of the ships previously described losses is that the containers were
investigated, violations were observed in relation to lost in bad weather and one or more of the previously
the loading and securing of containers and the lashing described phenomena occurred.
equipment employed. Violations ranged from failure
to have a complete Cargo Securing Manual (CSM) Minimizing the risk of the loss of containers requires
and failing to secure the cargo according to the CSM an integrated approach by the parties involved. The
Observation of green water during de basin tests by MARIN. regulations through to exceeding the deck load. These Panamanian, German and Dutch government have
are serious shortcomings in the way the work is done received the recommendation to submit a proposal to the
It has of course been known for many years that based on and they lead to a higher risk of losing containers. The International Maritime Organization to review the technical
its water depth, the North Sea imposes restrictions on the investigation into the loss of containers by the MSC ZOE requirements imposed on container ships. The Dutch
draft of passing ships. The draft restrictions in combination demonstrated that even without these shortcomings, Minister of Infrastructure and Waterways has expressed
with the direction of the traffic flow (full containers towards the risk of losing containers in periods with heavy rolling her commitment to this.
Europe) with imports from Asia and empty containers is large, because the design limits of lashing equipment
on the return journey) in practice means that the centre are exceeded. In the report ‘Joint Investigation Report Making changes in a sector demands dedication and
of gravity of the ship on this part of the route is relatively MSC ZOE’, recommendations were made relating to the patience. Proposals for changes via the International
low, making the GM high. The higher the GM, the greater design requirements on lashing systems and containers, Maritime Organization (IMO) are lengthy processes but
the stability. The greater the stability, the shorter the and obtaining a greater understanding of the oscillating that does not mean that other options are not available
ship’s own oscillation period. Research has shown that the movements and accelerations that occur on container in the meantime. The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and
development of these large, wide and stable container ships. Water Management has now taken the first steps towards
ships has meant that under specific circumstances, the a follow-up investigation into the loss of containers by
vessel’s own oscillation period can come close to the peak smaller ships and in other weather conditions. Other
period of the waves on the North Sea. As a consequence, recommendations for the shipping routes above the
under these specific circumstances, these large, wide and Wadden Islands are aimed at introducing traffic control on
stable container ships can easily start to roll. the shipping routes and innovation in relation to the active
notification of prevailing weather and wave conditions in
The short oscillation period of the vessel means that the area.
once the ship starts to roll, it leads to high accelerations
and forces on the containers, the lashing equipment In addition to these developments, there is a clear role
and the deck of the container. The basic equipment and for the worldwide shipbuilding industry and shipping
technology and the way they are employed in terms of operators. Recent occurrences make it clear that the limits
securing containers have remained the same, irrespective of the systems currently used are quickly approaching.
of the ship’s size. The investigation into the loss of It is time to critically examine the shelf life of the current
containers by the MSC ZOE has shown that the forces and systems in combination with the circumstances that occur
accelerations that occur closely approach the design limits Damaged lashing equipment after the loss of containers. in practice. The Dutch container and shipping industry can
of the lashing equipment. play a role - both as a binding force and a driving force
Following the recent incidents with large numbers of - by taking the initiative in initiating improvements in the
Because the acting forces and accelerations on lashing lost containers, it could easily be forgotten that relatively international world of container transport.
equipment closely approach the design limits, the risk of smaller ships also continue to lose containers. The OOCL
losing containers will become even larger if the containers RAUMA (1425 REU) lost seven containers in February
are not properly lashed. The subject lashing was recently 2020, 32 nm North of the Wadden Islands. And the
the focus of a report by the Human Environment and English Marine Accident Investigation Branch for example


Shipping Occurrences Report - 3

Accident In this Shipping Occurrences Report, the Dutch Safety
Board registers the description of reported accidents on
board ships sailing under the Dutch flag or accidents that
Serious injury: injury suffered by a person that has meant
that the person has been incapacitated for work for more
than 72 hours within seven days after the date on which

have occurred within Dutch territorial waters and reports the accident took place.
published between 1 May 2019 and 1 May 2020.
This report lists occurrences from the following categories:
Each accident is classified according to seriousness. The very serious, serious and serious injury. In addition to data
categories match EU Directive 2009/EC/18: about the reporting period, a multiyear overview is also
included. This provides a greater insight into trends.
Very serious: accident where the ship is a total loss or where
there have been fatal victims or serious environmental

Serious: accident involving a ship that cannot be classified

as ‘very serious’ and where for example a fire, collision,
grounding, etc. has occurred that has meant that the ship
cannot continue to sail or causes environmental damage.
This category also includes loss of control of the vessel
following a technical failure if the vessel subsequently has
to be assisted into port.

Less serious: accident that cannot be qualified as ‘very

serious’ or ‘serious’.

Marine incident: an event, or series of events, other than

an accident that has taken place and is linked to shipping
operations that put at risk the safety of the ship, a person
on board or the environment or that would have put any of
these at risk if it had not been rectified.



Very Serious
Serious 10
6 6
Serious Injury 5
3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
Totaal 0
Collision Occupational Fire/ Grounding/ Discharge/ Mast break Falling Non-work- Damage Not under Technical Lost cargo Shifting/ Sinking/ Disruptive water
accident Explosion Stranding Spillage overboard related command failure Movement Capsizing/ movement
of cargo Taking on water

Figure 1: Serious and very serious accidents, shipping, period May 2020 to November 2020.

4 - Dutch Safety Board




Very Serious

Serious 100
Serious Injury 52 53
50 33
23 29
1818 20 21 9 1 10
1 1 3 3 4 4 2 2 10 10 1 3 4 1 4 5 1 1
Totaal 0
Collision Occupational Fire/ Grounding/ Discharge/ Mast break Falling Non-work- Damage Not under Technical Lost cargo Shifting/ Sinking/ Disruptive water
accident Explosion Stranding Spillage overboard related command failure Movement Capsizing/ movement
of cargo Taking on water

Figure 2: Serious and very serious accidents, shipping, period January 2016 to November 2020.




70 78

60 59
54 52


Very Serious
30 26
Serious 20
16 16
Serious Injury 10 8
5 7 7
3 4 3 3 3 4
1 2 2 1
Totaal 0
Entrapment Electrocution Hit by liquid/ Cutting Falling from height Falling/slipping/ Burning Choking/poisoning/ Unknown
object/etc. tripping/collision drowning

Figure 3: Occupational accidents linked to the cause of injury Shipping, period January 2016 to November 2020.

In the Figures 1 and 2, occupational accidents occupy a board seagoing vessels. MLC 2006 was drawn up under It is noticeable that entrapment, impact by liquids, falling
key position. The prevention of occupational accidents has the flag of the International Labour Organization (ILO). (from a height) are the most common types of occupational
also been awarded a prominent position in (international) Greater insight into the nature of these accidents can accidents.
rules. The international Maritime Labour Convention (MLC assist in increased safety awareness among employers,
2006), which contains these rules, is viewed alongside the employees and other parties in the maritime sector.
SOLAS Treaty, the Marpol Treaty and the STCW Treaty For that reason, in Figure 3, occupational accidents are
as the fourth pillar of maritime regulations applicable on displayed on the basis of causes of injury.

Shipping Occurrences Report - 5

The last edition of the Shipping Occurrences Report In this new edition of the Shipping Occurrences Report,
(May 2019 - May 2020) included an invitation to complete we have decided in the case of certain incidents to draw
a survey. The Dutch Safety Board would like to thank parallels with accidents that were previously investigated.
everyone who completed the questionnaire. The number In this way, previous investigations and recommendations
of questionnaires is sufficient to form a picture of the can be linked to incidents that although not extensively
general opinion. investigated, do share similarities. In the chapter featuring
incidents that have not been extensively investigated,
The readers’ survey contained questions about elements between the various incidents, you will therefore find short
of this Report you consider positive, and possible texts referring to previously published reports. It will be
suggestions for improvements. Firstly, the Shipping examined per edition whether it is possible to make such
Occurrences Report is seen as a valuable addition to the a link. In this way, the Safety Board hopes to once again
published investigation reports. The results of the survey draw your attention to recommendations from previously
show that you above all appreciate the theme section, published reports, for accidents that recur more often.
while the chapter providing a description of incidents that
have not been extensively investigated seems to offer the
least added value.

You have become used to the Safety Board writing the

full story in our report, from course of events and analysis
through to conclusions and possibly recommendations.
The chapter with Incidents that have not been
extensively investigated contains nothing more than a
brief description of the course of events, without further
analysis or outcomes. Because these incidents have not
been investigated by us. The reason for the Safety Board
including these incidents in the Shipping Occurrences
Report is that although they have not been further
investigated, these incidents often provide valuable
lessons for the sector.

6 - Dutch Safety Board

Published Reports
Fall from height, fatal accident on board The accident was classified as a very serious accident. In
Fortunagracht, Puerto de Sucre, its report, the Safety Board concludes that on ships with
Venezuela, 16 February 2018 the possibility of adapting the deck configuration, there
must strict supervision to ensure that doors leading to
the hold are fully closed and locked prior to the removal
On 16 February 2018, a deckhand fell from a height of 12 of the decks (pontoons). In addition, extra barriers must
metres into the hold of the Dutch ship de Fortunagracht. be present to prevent a person stepping through a door
He died later that day in hospital from injuries suffered as a that leads to the hold. In its report, the Safety Board also
consequence of the fall. At the time, the ship was anchored issued recommendations about the safety culture and
close to the port of Puerto de Sucre in Venezuela. emergency medical treatment.

The deckhand fell because in the dark, he stepped The report was published on the website of the Dutch
through a door opening behind which there was no Safety Board:
tweendeck. Shortly before the accident, the configuration page/17166/fall-from-height---fatal-accident-on-
of the deck had been altered, including the relocation of board-fortunagracht.
the tweendeck behind the door. There were no barriers to
prevent someone stepping through the door opening. At
the time of the accident, the deckhand was alone and in an
unlit area, looking for lashing equipment.

Shipping Occurrences Report - 7

Safe container transport north of the
Published Reports Wadden Islands - Lessons learned following
The investigation revealed that specific risks occur on both
shipping routes north of the Wadden Islands. These risks
the loss of containers from MSC ZOE are the consequence of high waves approaching abeam,
the limited depth of the shipping route and the high
stability of large, wide container ships. In basin tests, four
The Safety Board called upon the knowledge and research hydrodynamic phenomena were measured and observed
institutes Deltares and MARIN to contribute to the which individually and in combination can result in the loss
investigation by the Dutch Safety Board, based on their of containers. It is concluded that both on the southern
own expertise, to gain a greater insight into the extent to and northern shipping route, large, wide container ships
which the environmental conditions on the shipping routes like the MSC ZOE, in a stormy northwesterly wind, run the
north of the Wadden Islands contribute to the risk of loss risk of failure of the lashing systems and containers, and as
of containers by large ships. These highly stable vessels a result of that may lose containers. On both routes, the
are in principle more difficult to remove from their steady loss of containers will result in pollution of the North Sea
state, but as a consequence also return to that steady state and, depending on the wind and current direction, of the
more quickly. The joint investigation provides new insights vulnerable Wadden area.
into the circumstances, ship movements and phenomena
that occur in the area investigated. There are no specific guidelines, restrictions or
Loss of 342 containers, MSC ZOE, north requirements for container ships when using the northern
of the Wadden Islands, 1-2 January 2019 or southern shipping routes above the Wadden Islands.
Managing the risk of loss of containers in poor weather
conditions, in the current situation, depends on the
On the night of 1 to 2 January 2019, the MSC ZOE lost actions of the captain and crew. The authority to impose
342 containers to the north of the Wadden Islands. In a binding regulations on the use of these shipping routes
storm-force northwesterly wind, the container ship was or to change the location of the routs lies with the
sailing toward the German port of Bremerhaven in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and not with
Terschelling-German Bight traffic separation scheme (the the Netherlands. Improvement measures via the IMO take
southern shipping route). The course of events of this years to achieve, and as a consequence will only have an
very serious shipping accident was investigated by an effect on the risk management of loss of containers near
international investigation team comprising the Panama the Wadden Sea, in the longer term.
Maritime Authority (PMA), the German Bundesstelle für
Seeunfalluntersuchung (BSU) and the Dutch Safety Board.
The report of this investigation considers the causes of
the occurrence and the potential lessons learned. The
occurrence led the Dutch Safety Board to also launch an
additional investigation into the route-specific risks on the
shipping routes north of the Wadden Islands, which could
result in the loss of containers on ships like the MSC ZOE.
The insights of the route-specific risks have been included
in the facts report.

Both reports are available on the website of the Dutch

Safety Board:
13223/veilig-container transpor t-ten-noorden-van-de-

8 - Dutch Safety Board

Joint Investigation report, Loss of The MSC ZOE was sailing in a high stability condition. The Fire in engine room, DC Vlaanderen
containers overboard from MSC ZOE, high stability of large and wide Ultra Large Container Ships 3000, North Sea, 19 March 2020
1-2 January 2019 leads to shorter natural roll periods than smaller ships with
lower stability. This brings the natural roll period closer to
the wave periods that were present above the Wadden On 19 March 2020, the DC Vlaanderen 3000 lost power as
The main cause of the loss of containers by MSC ZOE Islands during the accident, resulting in larger resonant a result of a fire in the engine room. The fire was caused
was the high stability at which the ship was sailing in a roll motions in the beam seas. The shorter periods also by a leak in the lubricating oil pipe. After fuel supply to
beam sea scenario in shallow water conditions where result in higher accelerations. Container ships like the MSC the engine room was shut off, causing the main engine to
it encountered combination of the four hydrodynamic ZOE have insufficient roll damping in situations with large shut down, the crew activated the solid CO2 extinguisher
phenomena. The encountered transversal accelerations stability. High stability is a safety risk that has not been installation and put out the fire. The ship was able to return
were at the design limits, leading to failure of the container recognized and formalized in the IMO Intact Stability Code to Breskens using the bow thruster for auxiliary power. The
structure and/ or the lashing equipment and subsequent and documents as the Stability Booklet. Current limits are next day, when the engine room was opened, it became
container loss. There were at least six moments at which only set for a minimum GM. The effects of high GM are clear that besides the leak from the lubricating oil pipe,
the MSC ZOE lost containers. The first losses of containers underestimated. there was no further damage in the engine room. There
were not noticed by the crew. were no injuries as a result of the incident.
The MSC ZOE is an ultra large container ship built in
2014 with a length of almost 400 m, beam of 59 m and a The incident was classified as ‘serious’. The cause of the
theoretical capacity of 19,224 TEU. In general, the capacity incident was a crack in a pressurized lubricating oil pipe
of individual container ships doubled over the last 15 close to the turbocharger. As the pipe cracked, lubricating
years. The size of the container ships continue to increase, oil was sprayed onto a hot surface on the main engine,
as well as the share of the large ships in the fleet. This causing it to ignite.
investigation revealed that the concept of the lashing of
containers on deck of these large and wide ships needs Despite the limited damage and the lack of victims, the
to be reviewed and international technical and operational Federal Bureau for the Investigation of Maritime Accidents
standards to be amended or developed where necessary. (FOSO) in Belgium issued valuable lessons as a result of
the incident.
The Joint Investigation Report MSC ZOE is also available
on the website of the BSU: The full report is available on the website of the FOD
EN/Publications/Unfallberichte/_functions/unfallberichte_ Mobility:
table_2020.html?nn=1351146. dc_vlaanderen_3000.

The damaged lubricant oil pipe. (Source: DC Vlaanderen 3000)

Shipping Occurrences Report - 9

Fire in engine room, Maas approaches, • Because the handle was incorrectly fitted, it could
26 June 2017 not be operated, so that the lubricating oil would be
directed via the other filter, therefore halting the spray

of escaping oil. The handle was blocked by pipework
On 26 June 2017, a fire occurred in the engine room of a on the engine;
Dutch cargo vessel. The vessel was en route to Rotterdam, • The lubricating oil mist activated the fire alarm. After

without report
and was already in the approach to the port entrance. the oil mist had been identified as the cause of the fire
The crew succeeded in extinguishing the fire, and the alarm, the risk of fire or explosion was not recognized.
ship was towed into Rotterdam. As a result of the fire, two Two crew members remained in the engine room to
crew members were injured, and the ship suffered serious shut down the main engine manually. The emergency
damage. The almost 90 metre-long ship was in compliance stop on the bridge could also have been used to shut
with the requirements in the manning certificate with to down the engine;
a captain, first officer, maritime officer and 2 ratings, on • Both crew members saw the fire start and were barely
board. There were a further 3 trainees on board. The able to escape from the engine room, but they did
maritime officer had just graduated from school, and was suffer burns;
making this first trip. He had been given responsibility • Before the fire could be extinguished with CO2, all
for the engine room. The fire occurred when lubricating ventilation openings with fire valves first had to be
oil from the main engine escaped from a filter, under closed. The fire valve below the outside stairs to the
pressure. The lubricating oil formed a mist which filled the bridge was difficult to close, because the operating
engine room, and ignited when it came into contact with handle was difficult to reach as a result of smoke and
hot parts of the main engine. heat.

Following the accident, the Safety Board launched an

investigation. A number of interviews were held, and an
investigation was carried out on board. Based on the facts
observed, the course of events was determined:

• The lubricating oil spray occurred after the maritime Stairs to

bridge deck
officer removed a venting bolt from the filter, while the
filter was still under pressure;
• The safety mechanism intended to prevent this action Engine room
and that also issued a warning, was not recognized as ventilation shaft
such. The mechanism consisted for a triangular cover
that held three of the four attachment bolts of the filter
cover in place. The cover was attached by the venting
Operating lever
bolt and was fitted with a milled duct along which oil ventilation flap
was able to escape, if the bolt was slackened, while the
filter was still under pressure;
• Before removing the venting bolt, the pressure on the Position of operating handle fire valve engine room ventilation.
filter should have been released by redirecting the (Source: Dutch Safety Board)
lubricating oil to another filter, by means of an operating
handle. However, the operating handle was incorrectly
fitted, so that the indicator on the handle showed
that the oil was being redirected via the other filter;

10 - Dutch Safety Board

Grounding following steering problems, Actions taken by the ship manager to prevent recurrence
Hoek van Holland, 8 February 2020 include:

• Revision of the procedures for applicable preventive

An oil tanker sailing under the flag of the Marshall Islands maintenance;
ran aground on 8 February 2020 on the breakwater • Evaluation/review of the critical stock of spare parts;
between the Caland Canal and the Nieuwe Waterweg • Consultation with the manufacturer of the steering
following steering problems. The maritime authority of device about the failure of the sensor;
the Marshall Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands • The issuing of a safety bulletin to the fleet containing
Maritime Administrator, carried out an investigation into the lessons learned from this incident, and a
the occurrence, and issued the following findings. prohibition on entering port with just 1 motor available
for the steering device; and
The grounding took place when the steering device failed • Training for the captain.
while the ship was entering the Nieuwe Waterweg, from
the sea. The vessel had two motors for the steering device.
Top of filter cover, including safety cover. (Source: Dutch Safety One of the 2 motors was not available because a number
Board) of components had to be replaced. There were insufficient
spare parts on board to solve the problem.

The port authorities had given permission to enter the

Nieuwe Waterweg, with just 1 motor available for the
steering device. They did impose the condition that a
tugboat be deployed to offer assistance if necessary,
but this tug was delayed. In consultation with the pilot,
the captain nonetheless decided to enter the Nieuwe

The causes identified relating to the management of the

ship are as follows:

• The captain underestimated the risks of entering a

port. The captain’s concerns were focused on setting
anchor, in combination with the weather forecast.
He focused insufficiently on taking additional safety
measures in connection with the fact that he had only 1
motor available for the steering device;
• Failure to halt the entry manoeuvre when it became
clear that the tugboat that was due to offer assistance
was delayed;
• A sensor from the hydraulic tank issued an error
message, activating the low level alarm. The solenoid
valve responded to the alarm, causing the rudder to
become stuck, and no longer be responsive.

Inverted safety cover with venting bolt. (Source: Dutch Safety Board)

Shipping Occurrences Report - 11


During the period covered by this Shipping

Occurrences Report, the Dutch Safety Board
has started no new shipping investigations.

12 - Dutch Safety Board

Investigation started
Damage following collision with lock Containers lost, Pentland Firth,
gate, Kiel Canal, Germany, 17 May 2020 United Kingdom, 31 October 2020

by foreign authority While entering the Brunsbuttel lock in the Kiel Canal in
Germany, a Dutch cargo vessel experienced engine failure
On the afternoon of Saturday 31 October 2020, a Dutch
cargo vessel lost 33 containers after entering the North

with the Netherlands

on 17 May 2020. As a consequence, the vessel collided Sea via the Pentland Firth, north of Scotland. The vessel
with the lock gates, causing serious damage both to the was travelling from Straumsvik (Iceland) to Rotterdam. Of
vessel and the lock gates. the 33 containers, 1 contained consumer goods, and the
rest were empty. Wind was blowing at force 8 with gusts

as a state with The German Bundesstelle für Seeunfalluntersuchung (BSU)

has launched an investigation.
up to force 9. The vessel was sailing almost directly into
the wind and waves.

substantial interest Classification: Less serious

The captain had seen the weather forecasts. The forecasts
suggested that weather on the North Sea would be more
favourable than in the Atlantic. However, the opposite
was the case. When the vessel entered the North Sea, it
experienced waves of between 4 and 5 metres in height.
The vessel started to react more violently and at one point
Grounding following engine failure, a large wave crashed into the ship, and the containers fell
Vlieland, 12 October 2020 overboard. The duty officer saw it happen.

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) of the

Vlieland following engine failure. The vessel had set United Kingdom has launched an investigation, with the
sail from Harlingen, during the night. At around 4 a.m., Netherlands as a Substantially Interested State. The Dutch
the boat experienced problems with its reversing gear Safety Board is involved in the investigation and when the
Crew members of chemical tanker injured coupling. The boat became unmanoeuvrable, and was vessel arrived in Rotterdam, carried out an investigation
in lock by broken mooring line, forced by wind and current out of the navigation channel on board, and shared the information with the MAIB.
Terneuzen, 1 May 2020 and onto the beach, where the ship remained high and
dry, upright, without any risk to the persons on board. The English Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB)
has launched an investigation, but this has not yet been
On 1 May 2020, two crew members of a Maltese chemical That morning, a salvager attempted to pull the ship clear, completed
tanker were injured while mooring in the Western Lock in but there was insufficient water depth. In the afternoon,
Terneuzen when the forward spring broke. The ship was the vessel was pulled clear, and sailed to Harlingen under
en route to the port of Ghent and was accompanied by its own power.
Classification: Serious
a pilot. The two crew members were both on the ship’s
forecastle. A boatswain suffered an arm injury, and was The Belgian Federal Bureau for the Investigation
able to remain on board. A deckhand suffered serious of Maritime Accidents (FEBIMA) has launched an
head injuries and was taken to hospital in Ghent, for investigation.

The Maltese Marine Safety Investigation Unit (MSIU) has

Classification: Serious
launched an investigation.

Classification: Serious injury

Shipping Occurrences Report - 13

Incidents that have
The Scheldebank was instructed to moor at Fisherhutte, The pilot had come aboard at sea at around 17.00 hours,
where the crew made an initial inspection of the damage. and piloted the vessel into the Caland Canal. The captain
Here they received notice that although the ferry had took over control on reaching the 7e Petroleumhaven. The

not been extensively

suffered serious damage, the passengers on board ship made a turn to starboard before making a parallel
suffered no injuries. The damage to the Scheldebank was reverse landfall. After building up speed, the captain
limited to a few scratches on the ship’s starboard side. decided to transfer control of the ship from the central

console on the bridge to the console on the port bridge
The ship was travelling to Inkoo in Finland, and following wing. At this point, the pilot pointed out the post behind
further inspection at the yard in Kiel was permitted to the ship, to the captain, and recommended that the
continue its journey. Another ferry was deployed to captain move the ship forward. The captain attempted
maintain the ferry link. to comply with this recommendation, but the adjustable
propeller failed to respond to the controls, as a result of
which instead of slowing down, the ship collided with the
post. After switching back to the central console, and
Classification: Serious
from there once again back to the port bridge wing, the
operation of the propeller was once again possible.

Collision with dockside, Moerdijk, Classification: Serious

23 May 2020

Upon entering the Northern harbour basin in Moerdijk,

on 23 May 2020, the cargo vessel Kalkvik sailing under
the flag of the Faroe Islands collided with the dockside.
There was a pilot on board, but the captain was in control
Collisions of the ship. An unexpectedly strong current drove the ship
against the dockside. The dockside suffered damage, as
did the ship, to the ship’s skin. There was no spillage.
Collision between coaster and river ferry,
Kiel Canal, Germany, 8 May 2020
Classification: Serious
Following a collision between the Dutch coaster
Scheldebank and the Hochdonn ferry on the Kiel Canal,
on Friday 8 May, the ferry suffered serious damage.
Collision with mooring post,
The accident occurred shortly before 8.00 hours in the 7e Petroleumhaven, Rotterdam, Damage to the stern part of the Gisela Essberger. (Source: Rotterdam
morning, in poor visibility of between 50 and 100 metres. 6 September 2020 Harbour Police)
Shortly before the railway bridge, the Scheldebank had
reduced speed in connection with diving work from a
barge, in the canal. Shortly afterwards, the crew on the While mooring at the Vopak jetty in the Caland Canal
bridge (pilot, captain and first officer) saw a vague object near the 7e Petroleumhaven at Rotterdam’s Europoort,
on the port side. About two seconds later, the collision the Portuguese chemical tanker Gisela Essberger collided
took place between the Hochdonn ferry, which was with a mooring post on 6 September 2020. As a result
formally required to give way, and the Scheldebank. The of the collision, the vessel was punctured about two
stern part of the ferry was hit and suffered severe damage. metres above the waterline, at the location of a drinking
water tank. A hole with a diameter of 30 centimetres was
punched in the ship

14 - Dutch Safety Board

Occupational accidents Fall from tweendeck, Beaumont Texas, Injury to upper right leg caused by slip
United States, 18 August 2020 with grinder, Harlingen, 26 May 2020

Movable tweendecks The first officer on board the Dutch cargo vessel The seagoing yacht Seawolf was moored by the dock in
Poolgracht was badly injured on 18 August 2020. The Harlingen on 26 May 2020, for maintenance work. While
Crew members on a ship are faced with different first officer was walking on a movable tweendeck in the cutting metal, a hand grinder slipped, hitting a British crew
heights that are regularly subject to change. Crew hold, to check the cargo, and to instruct the fire watch in member. The grinding disc came into contact with his leg.
members must always think carefully about where connection with hot work that was to be carried out. This The crew member spent 1 night in hospital, before being
they can and cannot walk, and the height of the tweendeck had been placed on the first level in the hold. flown home.
floor beneath them. This situation represents a In the process, he tripped or missed his footing, and fell
potential for fatal accidents. This was the case in from the tweendeck. He was able to grasp a handhold and
the fatal accident on the Fortunagracht, whereby a so avoided falling all the way. He was then able to climb
deckhand walked through a door opening behind Classification: Serious injury
back onto the tweendeck. Because of severe pain, he was
which the floor was no longer present. taken to hospital, where he underwent an operation and
was repatriated.
In this Shipping Occurrences Report, one
occurrence is listed involving the injury of the
first officer of the Dutch cargo vessel Poolgracht, Classification: Serious injury
because he fell from a tweendeck (see below). This
occurrence demonstrates clear similarities with the
occurrence on the Fortunagracht about which a
report was published in 2020 (see page 7): Leg injury during work, Delfzijl,
16 May 2020
Fall from height, fatal accident on
board Fortunagracht, Puerto de On 16 May 2020, the Dutch cargo vessel Alecto was
Sucre, Venezuela, 16 February 20187. moored in the port of Delfzijl. Maintenance work was being
carried out in the hold. The first officer suffered serious leg
injuries. The injuries required treatment on shore, so the
victim was taken to hospital.

Classification: Serious injury

7 ht t p s: //w w w.o n d er zo e k s r aa /nl /p ag e /1716 6/v al -v a n - ho o g te - - -


Shipping Occurrences Report - 15

Broken leg, on the Elbe, Germany, Fingers trapped in fishing net, North Sea
Incidents that have 28 May 2020 above Terschelling, 3 June 2020
not been extensively An accident took place on board the Dutch workboat On 3 June 2020, an occupational accident took place on
investigated Torsten, on 28 May 2020, resulting in a deckhand breaking
his lower leg. The accident took place while bringing on
board the Dutch fishing boat ZK10 Vijko Sr. The boat was
fishing on the North Sea above Terschelling, when a crew
board a buoy that was used to mark the anchor line. The member’s hand became entangled in the fishing nets.
anchor line is used to hold a floating pipeline in position As a result, the deckhand lost two fingertips. The injured
(for sand suppletion) when not connected to a dredging crew member was disembarked by a KNRM lifeboat, and
vessel. The accident happened after the buoy had been subsequently treated in hospital.
brought on board, in preparation for disconnecting the
pipeline from the anchor, and connecting it to a dredger.
Classification: Serious injury
After the deckhand signalled that the buoy should be
lifted, the winch operator started to lift the buoy. Shortly
after the buoy had been brought on board and placed on
deck, the sudden tension on the anchor line caused the
winch cable and buoy to shift to starboard. The deckhand Broken arm during work on deck,
was standing midships on the starboard side, guiding the German Bight, 11 June 2020
winch cable with a short boat hook. The winch cable came
into contact with the victim’s lower right leg, throwing him
to starboard; it eventually turned out his leg was broken. While securing material on deck of the UK149 Stella Maris,
The German water police came on board following the in preparation for a homeward journey from the German
accident. Bight, the upper arm of a crew member became trapped
following an unexpected movement by the vessel. The
crew member’s upper arm was broken in the accident,
and he had to be disembarked by medical evacuation and
Classification: Serious injury
transported to a Danish hospital.

Classification: Serious injury

16 - Dutch Safety Board

Broken leg, Scotland, United Kingdom, Foot broken by entrapment, Rotterdam, Leg between fishing cables,
15 June 2020 02 July 2020 Shetland Islands, United Kingdom,
7 July 2020
On board the Dutch stern trawler SCH123 Zeeland, sailing On 2 July 2020, on board the Dinteldijk, moored in the
at sea off the coast of Scotland, on 15 June 2020, while port of Rotterdam a crew member’s foot became trapped In the afternoon of 7 July 2020, a deckhand on the
changing the otter boards, one otter board collided with between the bulkhead and the ship while relocating a fishing vessel SCH302 Willem van der Zwan trapped his
the leg of the boatswain, breaking his leg. The victim bulkhead. The bulkhead shifted suddenly while the crew leg between the fishing cables he was guiding. While
was evacuated by helicopter, and transported to hospital member was attempting to disconnect it. He was taken to hauling in the cables around the drums, the cables
near Inverness. From there, the victim was eventually hospital, where a bone fracture was diagnosed. became entangled behind the victim, causing his leg
transported to the Netherlands, where he underwent an to be trapped. As a result, he was pulled up against the
operation. guide frame, leading to a broken ankle and fibula. The
victim required hospital treatment, and was evacuated by
Classification: Serious injury
Classification: Serious injury
In response to the occurrence, the operating position for
the drums was examined. Before the accident, the only
available drum operating position was on the starboard
Classification: Serious injury
side. To ensure a clearer overview of the activity, a control
Lost finger phalanx, English Channel, panel will also be mounted on the port side. Depending
United Kingdom, 24 June 2020 on the situation, the drums can then be operated either
from the port or starboard side.

In the afternoon of 24 June 2020, a crew member of the

tugboat Teddy trapped his finger, and as a result lost the
tip of this right index finger. The victim was carrying out
towing work on deck, which required him to connect the
towing cable to the connector. During this process, the
stretcher of the towing line slipped, trapping the victim’s
hand between the stretcher and the plate. The victim
underwent treatment in hospital.

Classification: Serious injury

Reconstruction photograph of the accident. On the left, the position

of the victim. (Source: Van der Zwan)

Classification: Serious injury

Shipping Occurrences Report - 17

Crew member suffers serious injuries Crew member breaks finger, anchorage
Incidents that have during mooring, Rocky Point, Jamaica, Scheveningen, 20 July 2020
not been extensively 19 July 2020
A crew member on board the Dutch passenger ship the
investigated On 19 July 2020, a deckhand on board the Dutch cargo
vessel Hanze Goteborg was hit in the chest by a mooring
Nieuw Statendam was carrying out an inspection of the
sprinklers midships on deck A on 20 July 2020. While
line while mooring in Rocky Point Jamaica. While attempting to stop a fire-retardant door from closing, his
approaching the dockside, the mooring line in question finger became trapped between the door and the hinge.
was paid out. At a certain point, the line became caught He suffered an open fracture to his right middle finger.
around the drum. The deckhand attempted to release the The crew member received treatment for his injury from
line, but because the ship was still moving, the line came the ship’s medical team in the hospital on board the
under increasing tension. When the mooring line eventually passenger ship. At that time, the Nieuw Statendam had
broke free, it hit the deckhand in the chest. The deckhand been anchored in the North Sea, off Scheveningen, for
suffered serious injuries. The victim was hospitalized in several months, as a result of the forced shutdown of cruise
Jamaica, for observation. The ship subsequently left for operations due to the COVID-19 outbreak. In connection
Rotterdam, leaving the deckhand behind. with COVID-19 restrictions, the crew member in question
had been on board since December 2019.
Fatigue may have been a contributing factor in the
accident; due to COVID restrictions, it was not possible
to change the crew members after completing the normal
Classification: Serious injury
contract period; he had been on board since 31 May 2019.

Classification: Serious injury

Lost fingertip, Lerwick, United Kingdom,
9 August 2020

On 9 August 2020, a crew member on board the Dutch

stern trawler SCH81 Carolien lost a fingertip. The accident
took place when the crew member attempted to remove
a hook from one of the otter boards, while hauling in the
fishing gear. The hook had become stuck in the otter
board while shooting the gear. After contact with the
Radio Medical Service, the crew member was transported
to hospital, before being repatriated.

Classification: Serious injury

18 - Dutch Safety Board

Broken ankle, Ipswich, United Kingdom, Cut knee from badly placed angle Facial injury, Western Coast of Taiwan,
10 August 2020 grinder, North Pacific, 21 August 2020 21 August 2020

On 10 August 2020, the Dutch cargo vessel Reggedijk was On 21 August 2020, the Dutch cargo vessel On 21 August 2020, a medical evacuation was carried out
moored in the port of Ipswich. While moving supplies that Merwedegracht was sailing off Mexico, in the northern from the Dutch ship Seahorse, when the ship was sailing
had just been brought on board, the ship’s cook slipped Pacific. A deckhand was working in the hold with an angle close to Taiwan’s western coast. A crew member suffered
while moving a box of fresh vegetables. He broke his grinder. While setting the angle grinder to one side, it facial injuries due to accident and was transported to
ankle. After visiting the local hospital, he was repatriated came into contact with his knee. Although the machine hospital by the Taiwanese coastguard.
for an operation. was switched off automatically when it was released, the
disc was still rotating fast enough to cause a serious cut in The accident took place while he was raising a beacon
the deckhand’s knee. On the advice of a doctor from the for measuring instruments on board, for measuring
Radio Medical Service, the wound was stitched on board. instruments. The cable on the hauling winch he was using
Classification: Serious injury
The victim was able to remain on board, and after about became trapped around the railing. As he attempted to
one week was able to fully return to work on board. disconnect the beacon, he was hit in the face by the cable.
He received first aid on board, and on the advice of the
Dutch Radio Medical Service doctor was then transported
Classification: Serious injury
Facial injury from broken mooring line, to hospital, where he underwent an operation.
anchorage Konta, Guinea,
15 August 2020
Classification: Serious injury
On 15 August 2020, a crew member of the Dutch cargo
vessel Alecto lost a number of teeth and suffered injuries
to his face, tongue and palate. The accident took place
during a manoeuvre whereby the vessel was mooring
against a crane ship. The two ships separated during the
manoeuvre because of the 1.5 to 2 metre-high swell. As a
result, the mooring line which had already been paid out
suddenly came under severe tension. The mooring line
hit the crew member in the face, causing the loss of some
teeth. The victim was disembarked and taken to hospital.
Following treatment, he was able to recover further, at

Classification: Serious injury

Shipping Occurrences Report - 19

Trapped by hatch crane, St. Petersburg,
Incidents that have Hatch cranes
Russia, 5 September 2020
not been extensively Incidents involving hatch cranes occur regularly.
On 5 September 2020, a further accident took On 5 September, 2020, the second mate on board the
investigated place. The second mate of the Zaanborg was
injured, when he became trapped between the
Dutch cargo vessel Zaanborg was injured, while the ship
was moored in the port of St. Petersburg, Russia. Also in
hatch cranes and the railing (see below). Working this case, the second mate became trapped between the
with hatch cranes was previously the subject of moving hatch crane and the railing of the ship.
two reports from the Dutch Safety Board, in which
both cases led to a fatal outcome. These are the At the location of the front hatch, the gangway (waist) dips
accidents on the Lady Christina (published on lower than elsewhere on board. For this reason, above
9 May 2018 8) and on the Beauforce (published on this section of gangway, a platform has been created from
19 April 2016 9 and the second fatal accident in 2018 which the hatch combing can be reached. For example
is now under investigation). for cleaning the hatch combing and for clearing the hatch
crane runway. The platform can only be reached if the
A hatch crane travels over holds or stacked hatches, hatches are closed, or by climbing along the railing.
such that the operator of the hatch crane has no
clear view of everything taking place around the The second mate was on this platform, without the hatch
hatch crane. Because these are regularly recurring crane operator knowing, when the hatch crane was also
accidents, the Dutch Safety Board once again draws being used to retrieve the next hatch from the stack, to
attention to safe working with hatch cranes. In the place it further back over the hold. The crew present on
investigations involving the Lady Christina and board had assumed that the second mate was in the waist
Beauforce, recommendations were made about and not on the platform. In hindsight, the second mate was
working with hatch cranes, and whenever working positioned almost immediately below the crane operator,
with hatch cranes, it is recommended to know the but out of his field of vision. In the previous minutes, he had
investigations. allowed the hatch crane to pass the gangway on several
occasions, at different locations, although there is very
little space between the hatches and the railing, over the
length of the ship. Both the duty officer and the operator
on the hatch crane were in possession of a walkie-talkie.


20 - Dutch Safety Board

While the crane operator was focused on picking up the Fall from height with man basket,
hatch, the overall of the second mate apparently became St. Petersburg, Russia, 15 September 2020
caught on part of the hatch crane. The second mate called
out ‘hold’ which was heard by the crane operator. He
thought the cry related to the fact that the hooks on the On 15 September 2020, the boatswain of the Eemsborg
hatch had not been correctly hitched, which was indeed fell into the hold, from a considerable height. Bulkheads
the case at that time. Following a correction, he assumed had previously been installed, in preparation for loading
that he was free to continue. However, the second mate in St. Petersburg. To repair a section of the seal that had
had not yet succeeded in freeing himself, and from that broken free, use was made of a man basket suspended
position was unable to reach the emergency stop. As the from the store crane of the hatch crane. While carrying
crane started moving, the second mate became trapped. out this work, the man basket containing the boatswain
He screamed in pain, at which point the crane was halted was dropped from a height of 9 metres. According to the
immediately, and assistance was provided, without delay. procedures on board, the man basket should have been
secured with a fall arrester, but this was not carried out in
this instance. The man basket slipped out of the hook on
the store crane. The pin for the hook probably failed to
Classification: Serious injury
close, leaving the hook open. It is uncertain how the man
basket slipped out the hook. The boatswain was taken to
hospital in St. Petersburg, with serious injuries.

Classification: Serious injury

Shipping Occurrences Report - 21

Injury to thumb, west of Scotland, Thumb in door, Ionian Sea,
Incidents that have United Kingdom, 25 September 2020 3 October 2020
not been extensively In the early morning of 26 September 2020, a crew On 3 October, while closing a watertight door on the
investigated member of the Dutch cargo vessel Stadiongracht was
evacuated by helicopter, after seriously injuring his thumb.
Dutch cargo vessel Bothnia, a crew member’s thumb was
trapped in the door. After First Aid on board and contact
with the Radio Medical Service, a helicopter was deployed
On the previous day, the crew member had been working for a medevac. At the time, the ship was sailing on the
in the engine room replacing the exhaust valve in a Ionian Sea.
cylinder head. The crew member needed both hands to
replace the exhaust valve, and had to crouch to see what
he was doing. At precisely that moment, the ship made
Classification: Serious injury
a rolling motion, causing the crew member to lose his
balance. He dropped the exhaust valve, which fell onto his

Trapped between mooring lines, Via the Dutch Coastguard, the captain contacted the
Vlissingen, 15 September 2020 Radio Medical Service. After speaking to the duty doctor,
the information was passed on to MRCC Stornoway. The
decision was eventually taken to evacuate the victim.
During the mooring process in the Kaloothaven in Because the ship was sailing around 600Nm west of
Vlissingen on 15 September 2020, a crew member of Scotland at the time, MRCC Stornoway deployed a
the Maltese cargo vessel Wilson Borg became trapped helicopter to retrieve the victim.
between mooring lines that were pulled taut. He suffered
an open fracture to the leg. At the moment of the accident,
the springs and bow lines had already been paid out, and
Classification: Serious injury
the stern lines were being taken ashore by the boatmen
on their flatboat. For unknown reasons, the victim on
the forecastle became entangled in the bow lines. The
victim was disembarked by the fire brigade, and taken to

Classification: Serious injury

22 - Dutch Safety Board

Trainee falls from ladder and breaks both
Working without experience In the Shipping Occurrences Report of November arms, Mukran, Germany,
2017 - April 201810, attention was focused on this 13 October 2020
Last year, it once again became clear that obtaining subject. It was suggested in that edition of the SOR
a certificate on the basis of the provisions in the that consideration must also be given on board to
International Convention on Standards of Training, who is capable of determining each individual’s On 13 October 2020, the Dutch cargo vessel Hestia was
Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) learning needs and ensuring that trainees are able to moored in the German port of Mukran. After unloading
is not enough to ensure safe working practice on make mistakes in a safe environment, and that those a cargo of steel pipes, the crew was instructed to clean
board, because practical experience is an equally mistakes are discussed. People should not be set to the hold and prepare it for the next cargo. The crew
essential element. This applies for example to work independently too quickly, for their own safety. included a trainee. He was working under the captain’s
inexperienced crew members such as the trainee supervision. The trainee was working with a mobile ladder.
who fell three metres, and broke both his arms. The When discussing this subject, thoughts quickly turn Shortly before starting the work, he was instructed by
captain had issued instructions on use of the mobile to deckhands who have just completed training, the captain on the use of this ladder. The way the trainee
ladder, but these instructions were not correctly but it can apply to any position on board, when a eventually placed the ladder was not in compliance with
followed (see below). On board a ship there are crew member is given new tasks and responsibilities. the instructions. The captain saw this happen, and despite
constantly potential hazards and knowledge and Take for example a maritime officer who had just left a shouted warning by the captain, the trainee and ladder
experience determine how those hazards are dealt school, and who was immediately made responsible fell approximately 3 metres. The trainee broke both arms,
with, and how the situation ends up. If someone has for the engine room. As a consequence, he took and had to be taken to hospital.
never done something before, and sees someone certain actions, due to his lack of experience, which
else carrying out a task that appears simple, the idea went wrong, and caused a fire This investigation is
can soon take root that the task is indeed simple. dealt with in the chapter Accidents investigated Classification: Serious injury
This in turn can lead to overconfidence in a person’s without report (see page 10) and is titled:
ability; that person may assume he has certain skills,
which he does not in fact have, at all. Next to that,
a trainee receives, on any given day, a great deal Fire in engine room, Maas
of new information, and cannot be expected to approaches, 26 June 2017
immediately correctly process and comply with all
that information.


Shipping Occurrences Report - 23

Ship’s cook suffers burns, Bay of Biscay,
Incidents that have 28 October 2020
Fire on board

not been extensively Fire due to heat generation in cargo of

On 28 October 2020, the ship’s cook on board the Dutch scrap metal, Waalhaven, Rotterdam,
investigated cargo vessel Arklow Breeze suffered serious burns to his
hand. While frying fish, the cook knocked into the frying
04 July 2020
pan, causing it to tip over and thereby spilling hot oil on
the cook’s hand. The movements of the ship due to severe Fire broke out on board the bulk carrier Dimitri S sailing
weather were a contributing factor. Following arrival in the under Liberian flag, while in the Waalhaven. The fire was
port of Bordeaux, the cook was taken to hospital to have caused by heat generation in the cargo of scrap metal that
the burns treated. had previously been taken on board in Dordrecht. One crew
member was taken to hospital with breathing problems,
having inhaled smoke. A number of crew members were
temporarily disembarked and accommodated elsewhere.
Classification: Serious injury
The other crew members remained on board to assist the
fire brigade. Putting out this complex fire took 12 hours
during which time large volumes of smoke were generated,
which caused considerable nuisance in the environment.
Several NL-alert messages were transmitted in response.

Classification: Serious

Chimney fire, Killingholme,

United Kingdom, 04-07-2020

On the evening of Saturday 4 July 2020, a chimney

fire broke out on board the Stena Transit. This fire was
caused by an overflow from the day tank for fuel. The fire
was rapidly brought under control, and the damage was
limited to electrical parts. As a consequence, the scrubber
(exhaust gas filter) and second generator were put out of
action. The classification society completed an inspection
on board, after which the vessel was returned to service.

Classification: Serious

24 - Dutch Safety Board

Fire in engine room, Vlissingen, Fire during welding work, Kiel, Germany,
6 July 2020 20 September 2020

On 6 July 2020, fire broke out in the engine room of the On 20 September 2020, fire broke out in the engine room
Danish-flagged Wilson Arctic. Shortly before, the offshore of the Dutch sailing ship Regina Maris. Two persons on
supply boat had set sail from the Sloehaven in Vlissingen. board suffered injuries. At the moment of the accident, the
The vessel was travelling without cargo, with 49 people on ship was moored in the port of Kiel, and there were no
board, in the vicinity of the Steenbank pilot station. The passengers on board.
fire was soon brought under control. There were no injuries
and no environmental pollution. One of the main engines Together with a welder, the captain was carrying out
was still operable, and the pilot, who was still on board maintenance work in the engine room. After cleaning the
at the time, informed the authorities that the propulsion reversing gear coupling with brake cleaner, the welder
generated by a single engine was sufficient for the vessel moved to the other side of the engine room to start
to continue sailing. The vessel returned to the Sloehaven, welding the engine bracket. As he started welding there
under its own power. was an explosive combustion and fire broke out.

The captain first attempted to extinguish the fire himself,

but was forced to abandon his efforts due to lack of oxygen.
Classification: Serious
The fire was later put out by another crew member. The
welder evacuated the engine room immediately following
the explosion. He suffered burns to his arms and was
taken to hospital in Lübeck by emergency helicopter. The
captain was admitted to Kiel hospital, where he remained
overnight for observation, with minor injuries.

Due to the absence of other flammable materials in the

engine room and the risk of flammable gases in enclosed
spaces, the likely cause is that the propellant gases from
the brake cleaner had become trapped in the bilge, and
were ignited by the welding sparks.

Classification: Serious injury

Shipping Occurrences Report - 25

Grounding following blackout,
Incidents that have Nieuwe Maas, 25 May 2020
A salvage company was eventually called in, which arrived
on the morning of Sunday 26 July, with a salvage vessel

not been extensively

and a tug. After a channel was dug by a contracted Danish
dredger, the UK172 was successfully refloated on the
On 25 May 2020, the Cypriot container ship Elbfeeder evening of Monday 27 July, more than a week after the
investigated ran aground on the northern bank of the Nieuwe Maas
just above the Koggehaven, as a result of a blackout. This
initial grounding.

was caused by the failure of the main engine due to a The UK172 was towed to Thyboron in Denmark to unload
problem in the alarm system. The crew attempted to avoid its fish and to inspect the boat. The boat was then towed
running aground by dropping anchor, but without success. to IJmuiden for repairs. The vessel suffered damage to its
The ship was refloated with the assistance of a tugboat, keel and superstructure as a result of the grounding and
and assisted by two tugs continued its journey to the recovery. The engine will also have to be overhauled/
Eemhaven. There were no leaks or spills. replaced.

Classification: Serious Classification: Serious


Grounding due to fishing net in Stranded on the Danish Coast, Denmark,

propellor, Scheveningen Coast, 20 July 2020
14 May 2020
On Monday 20 July 2020, the Dutch fishing boat UK172
On 14 May 2020, while fishing on the North Sea off the Sursum Corda suffered engine failure while fishing
coast of Scheveningen, a fishing net became entangled off the Danish coast. An initial inspection revealed a
in the propeller of the Dutch trawler WR181 Gerritje. As seized-up cylinder in the main engine. In addition, there
a result, the trawler lost control of its steering. Towing was no more lubricating oil in the engine block. This was
assistance was initially provided by the Dutch trawler SL2 clearly a problem that could not be repaired at sea, and
Arentje. In the approach to the port of Scheveningen, it immediately became clear that tugboat assistance was
assistance was requested from the Dutch lifeboat service required.
KNRM, via the Coastguard Centre. A KNRM lifeboat took
over the towing and towed the trawler into the port of In the meantime, the boat had been driven closer towards
Scheveningen. the Danish coast, and after the nets were hauled on board,
the drift accelerated. The anchor was deployed, but failed
to take hold, and started dragging. By this time, towing
assistance in the form of fellow fishing boats was en route,
Classification: Serious
but they did not arrive on time to prevent the UK172
running aground.

Over the course of the days following the grounding,

several attempts were made to refloat the fishing boat,
involving a number of other fishing boats from Urk.
All these attempts failed, partly as a result of the poor
weather. As a consequence, the UK172 became more
deeply embedded on the shore.

26 - Dutch Safety Board

Stranding due to failure of steering gear, Grounding outside the buoy line, Grounding following incorrect
Westerschelde, 7 September 2020 Limfjord Denmark, 6 October 2020 assessment of a buoy, Randers Fjord,
Denmark, 24 October 2020
At 20.25 hours on 7 September 2020, an electrical wire in On 6 October 2020, the Dutch cargo vessel Daan was
the steering gear on board the bulk carrier Antero, sailing travelling from Aalborg towards Logstor, under pilot On 24 October 2020, the Dutch cargo vessel Eems Sky
under the flag of the Marshall Islands, broke, causing the guidance. The pilot had instructed the vessel to continue ran aground in the Randers Fjord in Denmark. When it ran
steering gear to fail. As a result, the vessel made a turn to sailing tight along the red side of the channel, to allow aground, the vessel was sailing without pilot assistance.
starboard. Despite immediately activating the emergency another ship to overtake. At this point, the navigation The cause of the grounding was the wrong assessment of
steering system, the vessel crossed the northern line channel is narrow, and the green and red channel markings a buoy by the bridge team. On Monday 26 October, the
of buoys, and ran aground on the Westerschelde, near appear to line up with one another, due to the bend. The ship was refloated and continued its journey to Randers.
Terneuzen. Daan passed a green marker buoy on the eastern side, An underwater inspection was carried out, revealing no
outside the channel, and subsequently ran aground. The damage.
As the water level was falling, the vessel could no longer Daan was successfully refloated with the assistance of a
be dragged clear and other shipping traffic was informed nearby pilot boat and was able to continue its journey.
by the traffic control centre in Terneuzen to pass with An inspection revealed that the vessel had suffered no
Classification: Serious
caution. At around 01.45 hours, with the incoming tide, the damage as result of the grounding.
ship rose clear and was towed to the roads of Vlissingen
by tugboat, to wait for a mooring in the port. The steering
gear was repaired in Vlissingen, and the vessel was
Classification: Serious
inspected for damage, before continuing on its journey.

Classification: Serious

Shipping Occurrences Report - 27

Fishing net in propeller,
Incidents that have Damage
north of Vlieland, 17 September 2020
not been extensively Broken hawser damages lifeboat,
Vlaardingen, 26 August 2020 On 17 September 2020, while fishing, a fishing net became
investigated entangled in the propellor of the Dutch fishing boat WL39
Monte Senior causing the fishing boat to lose all power.
On 26 August, at around 07.40 hours, the Lithuanian RoRo The net in question was not the boat’s own fishing net,
cargo vessel Gardenia Seaways was attempting to enter but a net that was floating in the sea. The fishing vessel
the Vulkaanhaven in Vlaardingen. Due to poor weather, was towed to Lauwersoog by a fellow fishing boat, where
the vessel was assisted by two tugs. One of the hawsers it was placed on the slipway, to remove the net. No further
broke, causing severe damage to the lifeboat of the damage to the fishing boat was observed.
Gardenia Seaways. The vessel subsequently entered the
port, without further problems.
Classification: Serious

Classification: Serious

28 - Dutch Safety Board

Broken free from dockside, Zeebrugge, Damage to mast due to collision with Collision with post, Eemshaven,
Belgium, 25 September 2020 container crane, Rotterdam, 5 October 2020
4 October 2020
In the early morning of 25 September 2020, the Dutch In the early morning of 5 October 2020, at around 02.45
gas tanker Coral Monactis broke free from the dockside At 06.30 hours on 4 October 2020, the Liberian container hours, the Dutch fishing boat Noorderhaaks UK 195
in Zeebrugge. At the time, a storm was traversing ship Nordic Luebeck hit a container crane with its main collided with a post when leaving the Beatrixhaven in
western Belgium and the southwestern Netherlands. mast during a mooring manoeuvre at the ECT terminal. As Eemshaven. The collision was caused by a loss of steering
After breaking free, the vessel was pushed back to the a result, the mast was knocked completely out of alignment when a large ship passed by.
dockside by a tugboat, so that new mooring lines could and had to be repaired before the ship could continue its
be laid. The ship suffered damage to its portside, but was journey. The ship was sailing under pilot supervision and According to the skipper, the fishing boat suffered a tear,
not punctured. Following inspection, the vessel visited a was instructed to moor at the designated location on the 2 metres above the waterline. The boat will remain moored
shipyard for repairs. dockside, beneath the crane. During the manoeuvre, it until an inspection has been carried out to identify the
became clear that there was insufficient space beneath the damage so the emergency repairs can be carried out.
crane for the height of the ship, but there was no more
time to break off the manoeuvre. The crane beneath which
Classification: Serious
the ship was moored was mistaken for a different, higher
Classification: Serious

Classification: Serious

Shipping Occurrences Report - 29

Failure of steering gear, Westerschelde,
Incidents that have Technical failures
7 July 2020
not been extensively Ship loses steering and requires tugboat
assistance, North Sea in the vicinity of On 7 July 2020, the Dutch sand dredger DC Brugge
investigated Vlieland, 5 June 2020 suffered a failure of its steering gear. The vessel first
anchored to allow the crew to carry out temporary repairs.
The vessel then entered the port of Breskens under its
On 5 June 2020, during a journey from Tilbury in the own power. Definitive repairs were carried out in Breskens.
United Kingdom to Klaipeda in Lithuania, the cargo vessel
Geise suffered a complete blackout at around 13.30 hours,
while on the North Sea, in the vicinity of Vlieland. The
Classification: Serious
vessel was towed to the port of Rotterdam, by tugboat.

Classification: Serious
Problems with the cooling system,
Damage while manoeuvring, IJmuiden, Shoreham, United Kingdom,
28 October 2020 24 August 2020
Towed into port following engine failure,
The 110 m-long Portuguese cargo vessel Manisa Floyen North Sea, 23 June 2020 On 24 August 2020, the Dutch cargo vessel Reggedijk
was damaged while manoeuvring in the port of IJmuiden, was en route from Shoreham in the United Kingdom to
on 28 October 2020. While moving to a different berth, Portugal. Shortly after leaving the port of Shoreham,
the vessel was caught by a gust of wind, which forced In the night of 22 to 23 June 2020, the fishing boat Anna the vessel suffered engine problems. The cooling water
the vessel against the corner of a platform, puncturing a Tatjana WR222 experienced problems at sea with the pressure in the engine became unstable due to air in the
hole in the hull, above the waterline. The ship was able cooling water system in its main engine. As a result, the cooling system. The Reggedijk set its anchor, but the
to continue mooring without further difficulty, and the fishing boat was unable to continue sailing, and had to be repair was beyond the capability of the crew. The vessel
crew carried out provisional repairs before continuing towed into the port of Den Helder. was towed to Le Havre, France, for repairs.
the journey. Because the class regulations specify an
inspection and repair, the vessel was recalled to port.
Classification: Serious Classification: Serious

Classification: Serious

30 - Dutch Safety Board

Engine failure, Anticoste Island, Canada, Sinking, capsizing, taking on water
27 August 2020
Water leak due to cracked GRP pipe,
On Thursday 27 August, the Dutch cargo vessel Amurborg Atlantic Ocean, 5 October 2020
suffered an engine failure, 18 miles southwest of Anticoste
Island, Canada. It quickly became clear that the problems
could not be solved easily, and the vessel was towed into On 5 October 2020, the Dutch heavy cargo vessel
the port of Sept-Iles in Canada. Yacht Express took on a large quantity of seawater. This
happened when the vessel was sailing on the Atlantic
When the engine was inspected, piston no. 6 was found to Ocean. The cause was failure of part of a Glassfiber
have seized. The probable cause was serious damage to Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pipe in a pump room. The crew
the cylinder lining, by the piston pin. decided to close the watertight doors, and switched on
the bilge pump. The decision was also taken to set course
for the nearest safe haven, Freeport on the Bahamas. En
route to Freeport, it became clear that the capacity of the
Classification: Serious
bilge pump was insufficient. Therefore it was decided to
transport additional pump capacity to the vessel. Thanks
to this additional pump capacity, the pump room was
successfully pumped dry, allowing the crew to close the
shut-off valves.

Classification: Serious

Engine failure, Karlshamn, Sweden,

24 October 2020

On 24 October 2020, the Dutch cargo vessel Lady Astrid

was travelling from Karlshamn in Sweden to Chatham in the
United Kingdom with a cargo of timber, when it suffered
a main engine failure in international waters on the North
Sea, off the coast of Noord-Holland. The main engine was
shut down and investigation revealed that cooling water
has flooded part of the main engine. This situation could
not be corrected at sea. Tug assistance was required, and
the Lady Astrid was towed into IJmuiden.

Classification: Serious

Shipping Occurrences Report - 31

The Dutch
Safety Board What does the
Dutch Safety Board do?
Who works at the Dutch
Safety Board?
Living safely, working safely, safety. It The Board consists of three

in three seems obvious, but safety cannot be

guaranteed. Despite all knowledge
and technology, serious accidents
permanent board members under
the chairmanship of Jeroen
Dijsselbloem. The board members

happen and disasters sometimes are the public face of the Dutch
occur. By carrying out investigations Safety Board. They have extensivve
and drawing lessons from them, knowledge of safety issues. They also SAFETY BOARD
safety can be improved. have extensive administrative and
social experience in various roles.
In the Netherlands the Dutch Safety The Safety Board’s bureau has
Board investigates incidents, safety around 70 staff, two-thirds of whom
issues and unsafe situations which are investigators.
develop gradually. The objective of
these investigations is to improve Visit the website for more information
safety, to learn and to issue recom-
mendations to parties involved.

What is the
Dutch Safety Board?

The Dutch Safety Board is indepen-

dent of the Dutch government and Colofon
other parties and decides for itself
This is a publication of the Dutch Safety
which occurences and topics will be
Board. This report is published in the Dutch
investigated. and English languages. If there is a
difference in interpretation between the
The Dutch Safety Board is entitled to Dutch and English versions, the Dutch text
carry out investigations in virtually all will prevail.
areas. In addition to incidents in
aviation, on the railways, in shipping March 2021
and in the (petro-)chemical industry,
the Board also investigates Photos
Photos in this edition, not provided with a
occurences in the construction sector
source, are owned by the Dutch Safety
and healthcare, for example, as wel Board.
as military incidents involving the
armed forces. Source photos frontpage:
Photo 1: The Netherlands Coastguard
Photo 3: Crew Nordic Luebeck

32 - Dutch Safety Board

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