SANCOLD Freeboard Example Calcs of H, T and Wave Runup Rev0

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1. Wave height and period resulting from defined wind blowing over a defined fetch of a dam basin.
2. Wave run-up on a defined sloped face of a dam wall due to the wind generated wave calculated under 1.
3. Reduction factors of wave run-up due to: oblique wave attack, wave breaking on shallow foreshore and bermed slope.
1. Wave height and period resuIting from defined wind bIowing over a defined fetch of a dam basin
Input: (all blue highligted cells are input cells ; rest are locked)
Mean water depth (h) over chosen wind fetch line [m] 20.0
Chosen wind fetch, F [m] 10,000
Dam wall slope [verical/horizintal e.g. 1/3=0.333 = tanq] 0.333
Return period (1 : x years) 1:25 yrs 1:50 yrs 1:100 yrs
Refer: WRCF 2.3.1 Mean hourly wind speed U [m/s] 20.0 25.0 30.0
CaIcuIation of Hs and Tp according to (a) SaviIIe, (b) DoneIand and (c) Young & Verhagen
1(a) SaviIIe method (SMB)
TRM Chapter 4 ; Page 369 g*Hs/U10^2=0.283tanh(0.0125(g*F/U10^2)^0.42) (4.78)
TRM Chapter4 ; Page 369 g*Ts/U10=7.54tanh(0.077(g*F/U10)^0.25) (4.79)
1:25 yrs 1:50 yrs 1:100 yrs
TRM Chapter4 ; Page 369 Hs [m] 1.45 1.88 2.32
TRM Chapter4 ; Page 369 Tp [s] - Based on Ts = 0.93Tp 4.89 5.50 6.04
1(b) DoneIan method [Wind direction assumed = wave direction = maximum straight line fetch.Thus 0 = w and (0 - w) = 0 ].
TRM Page 372 g*Hs/(U10*cos(0-w))^2=0,00366*(g*F/(U10*cos(0-w))^2)0.38 (4.86)
TRM Page 373 g*Tp/(U10*cos(0-w))=0.542*(g*F/(U10cos(0-w))^2)^0.23 (4.87)
1:25 yrs 1:50 yrs 1:100 yrs
Hs [m] 1.21 1.59 2.00
Tp [s] 3.92 4.42 4.88
1(c) Young and Verhagen method
TRM Page 373 g*Hs/U10^2=0.241(tanhA1*tanh(B1/tanhA1))^0.87 (4.92)
TRM Page 373 g*Tp/U10=7.519(tanhA2*tanh(B2/tanhA2))^0.37 (4.93)
[NB: Erratum in TRM Eq (4.93): A2=0.331(g*h/U10)^1.01
"U10" should read "U10"]. B2=0.0005215(g*F/U10)^0.73
1:25 yrs 1:50 yrs 1:100 yrs
A1= 0.289 0.207 0.157
B1= 0.072 0.056 0.045
A2= 0.161 0.103 0.071
B2= 0.029 0.021 0.016
Hs [m] 0.98 1.22 1.46
Tp [s] 4.12 4.56 4.95
SeIected vaIues of Hs and Tp [The vaIues of the formuIa which gives the maximum wave height is automaticaIIy seIected]
Hs [m] (selected from 1(a), 1(b) or 1(c)) 1.45 1.88 2.32
Tp [s] (corresponding Tp of Hs selected) 4.89 5.50 6.04
2. CaIcuIation of wave run-upon a defined sIoped face of a dam waII due to the wind generated wave caIcuIated
under 1. for (a) smooth sIopes and (b) different types of rough sIopes
1:25 yrs 1:50 yrs 1:100 yrs
WRCF 2.5.1 H
/Hs = 1.4
H2%=[m] 2.03 2.63 3.25
Tm-1,0 =Tp/1.1 4.44 5.00 5.49
Tm = 0.79Tp 3.86 4.34 4.78
WRCF 2.6 E=tanq/(Hs/(1.56T))^0.5
TRM Page488 Ep=tanq/(Hs/(1.56(Tp)))^0.5 1.69 1.67 1.65
Em-1,0=tanq/(Hs/(1.56(Tm-1,0)))^0.5 1.54 1.52 1.50
Em=tanq/(Hs/(1.56(Tm)))^0.5 1.33 1.32 1.30
2(a) Run-up for smooth sIopes (e.g. concrete and asphaIt sIab and grass ); Ahrens (1981), AIIsop (2985), TAW (2002)
2(a) i Ahrens (1981)
TRM Page492 R2% = Hs(AEp + B) [m] (5.7) Eq. 5.8 & 5.9
R2% [m] 3.9 5.0 6.1
2(a) ii AIIsop et aI (1985)
TRM Page 492 R2% = Hs(AEp + B) [m] (5.7) Eq. 5.8 & 5.9
R2% [m] Out of range Out of range Out of range
2(a) iii TWA (2002a)
TRM Page 493 R2% = Hs(AEm-1,0 + B) [m] (5.7) Eq. 5.8 & 5.9
R2% Mean 3.7 4.7 5.7
R2% Mean + standard deviation 3.9 5.0 6.1
2(b) Run-up for rough sIopes - reduction factor appIied to smooth sIope formuIae;Ahrens (1981), AIIsop (2985), TAW (2002)
2(b) i Ahrens (1981)
TRM Page492 R2% = vf Hs(AEp + B) [m] ( vf from Table 5.2 TRM Page 494 ) (5.7) Eq. 5.8 & 5.9
Pitched stone slope 3.48 4.46 5.45
Armour stone - single layer on impermeable base 2.74 3.51 4.29
Armour stone - double layer on impermeable base 2.15 2.76 3.37
2(b) ii AIIsop et aI (1985) 1:25 yrs 1:50 yrs 1:100 yrs
TRM Page 492
R2% = vf Hs(AEp + B) [m]
Eq 5.7
R2% = vf Hs(AEp + B) [m]
Out of range Out of range Out of range
Pitched stone slope Out of range Out of range Out of range
Armour stone - single layer on impermeable base Out of range Out of range Out of range
Armour stone - double layer on impermeable base Out of range Out of range Out of range
2(b) iii TWA (2002a)
TRM Page 493
R2% = vf Hs(AEm-1,0 + B) [m] ( vf from Table 5.2 TRM Page 494 )
Eq. 5.8 & 5.9
Pitched stone slope : Mean 3.26 4.18 5.11
: Mean + standard deviation 3.46 4.43 5.42
Armour stone - single layer on impermeable base : Mean 2.57 3.29 4.02
: Mean + standard deviation 2.72 3.49 4.27
Armour stone - double layer on impermeable base : Mean 2.02 2.58 3.16
: Mean + standard deviation 2.14 2.74 3.35
2(b) iv Rough sIopes - expIicit formuIa
V/d Meer & Stam (1992) Based on mean of tests on double layer rock armour onimpermeable & permeable cores
TRM Page 494; Eq. 5.10 & 5.11: R2% = Hs(0.96Em) for Em < 1.5 and R2% = Hs(1.17Em^0.46 ) for Em > 1.5 1.85 2.38 2.91
3. Reduction factors of wave run-up due to: (a) obIique wave attack, (b) wave breaking on shaIIow foreshore and (c) bermed sIope
3(a) Reduction factor due to obIique wave attack
TRM Page 496 : Eq. 5.13 : v8 = 1 - 0.0022|8| for 0 > |8| > 80 wave direction measured from direction of normal to slope (i.e. normal direction=0)
Input wave approach direction : 45.0 Degrees []
Reduction factor due to obique wave attack, v8 = 0.90
3(b) Reduction factor due wave breaking on 8,4 foreshore (in case where ht<3*Hs) - refer definition sketch above
Battjes & Groenendijk (2000) :
Input foreshore sIope (in direction of nearshore wave apporoach direction) : 0.020 (Vertical/horizontal=tan a)
TRM Page 359 : Box 4.4 Input water depth at toe (ht) of waII (refer definition sketch above): 2.00 m
Page 359 ; Eq's 4.58 and 4.59: Htr/Hrms =[(0.35+5.8tan(a))ht]/[(0.6725+0.2025(Hs/ht))Hs] 0.787 0.576 0.442
Spreadsheet for caIcuIation of the foIIowing based on The Rock ManuaI (2007):
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Page 360 ; Eq 4.60: H2% on shallow foreshore in m = (H2%/Hrms)Table 4.10Hrms 1.84 2.51 3.28
TRM Page 496 : Eq. 5.14:
Reduction factor due to shallow foreshore, vh = (H2%/Hs)/1.4
0.91 0.95 1.01
3(c) Reduction factor due to bermed dam waII sIope (i.e. not a straight Iine waII sIope)
TRM Page 497 : Methodology to determine the reduction of wave run-up due to
a bermed slope can be obtained from the Rock Manual p497
Reference abreviations :
WRCF=WRC Report: Guidelines on Freeboard for Dams (2011)
TAW=Technical Report Wave Run-up and Wave Overtopping at Dikes (2002)
TRM=The Rock Manual (2007)
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