Act 6 - Searching Algorithm
Act 6 - Searching Algorithm
Act 6 - Searching Algorithm
Course Code: CPE010 Program: Computer Engineering
Course Title: Data Structures and Algorithms Date Performed:
Section: Date Submitted:
Name: Instructor: Engr. Roman M. Richard
1. Objective(s)
Create C++ code for implementing sequential and binary search techniques on data.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
After this activity, the student should be able to:
Create C++ code for searching data using different techniques
Solve different problems utilizing appropriate searching techniques in C++
3. Discussion
PART A: Introduction to Searching Algorithms
Searching is the process of finding the position an element within a given list. It is considered a success if the
element is within the list, and a failure if otherwise. The main idea with searching can be summarized by the
Given: a collection of elements, 𝐴 = (𝑎 , 𝑎 , . . . , 𝑎 ) and a key element 𝑒 .
Output: The element 𝑎 in A that matches 𝑒 .
Linear Search
Binary Search
Searching in Sorted and Unsorted lists:
For sorted lists starts from the 0th element until the element is found or until it reaches an element
that has a greater value than the one being searched for.
For unsorted lists starts from the 0th element and continues until the element is found or when it has
reached the end of the list.
Algorithm (Pseudocode)
N -> Boundary of the list
Item -> Searching number
Data -> Linear array
Step 1: I := 0
Step 2: Repeat while I <= n
If (item = data[i])
Print "Searching is successful"
Print "Searching is Unsuccessful"
Our analysis focuses on the count of times a comparison must be made before we're able to find a match to
confirm the presence of the sought-after value.
Best Case Complexity: When the key value is at the first position, therefor 𝑇(𝑁) = 𝑂(1)
Worst Case Complexity: 𝑇(𝑁) = 𝑂(𝑁)
Average Case Complexity: (𝐵𝑒𝑠𝑡 + 𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑡)/2 = (1 + 𝑁)/2 or 𝑇(𝑁) = 𝑂(𝑁)
Part C: Binary Search
Search a sorted array by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half. Begin with an interval covering the
whole array. If the value of the search key is less than the item in the middle of the interval, narrow the
interval to the lower half. Otherwise, narrow it to the upper half. Repeatedly check until the value is found, or
the interval is empty. You cannot use the binary search on an unsorted list of elements.
Algorithm (Pseudocode)
Step 1: low :=0, up=n-1
Step 2: Repeat while low <= up
mid = int(low+up)/2
print "Search element is found!"
if(no < arr[mid]) then
up = mid-1
low = mid+1
Step 3: Print "Search element is not found"
Step 4: Exit
Our analysis focuses on the count of times a comparison must be made before we're able to find a match to
confirm the presence of the sought-after value.
4. Materials and Equipment
Personal Computer with C++ IDE
Recommended IDE:
CLion (must use TIP email to download)
DevC++ (use the embarcadero fork or configure to C++17)
5. Procedure
ILO A: Create C++ code for searching data using different techniques
We will implement our searching technique on a data filled with random values. To begin, we want the
following directives:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> //for generating random integers
#include <time.h> //will be used for our seeding function
This will be used to define your dataset. Your driver code must have the following:
Once you are sure that you can generate random integers for your dataset, you can delete the second
iterative loop and move on with the creation of the different searching techniques. Verify this by including a
screenshot of the generated data upon successful implementation of the code above in table 6-1.
This implementation will also require the use of linked lists, so create a file “nodes.h” in your C++ project
which will contain the definition of our single linked list node:
Followed by a function that will provide us with the address of an object that points to null.
template <typename T>
Node<T> *new_node(T newData){
Node<T> *newNode = new Node<T>;
newNode->data = newData;
newNode->next = NULL;
return newNode;
Once this has been made, you are free to proceed to the next parts.
Create a separate file implementation called “searching.h” which we will use for the implementation of the
algorithms below.
Create a function called linearSearch that accepts necessary parameters to execute the algorithm
described above. Indicate your code, output, and observations in table 6-2a.
Create a linked list that has your first name per node’s data.
//linked list
name1->next = name2;
name2->next = name3;
name3->next = name4;
name4->next = name5;
name5->next = NULL;
Create a sequential search algorithm for linked list by modifying the earlier function called linearLS. This
function must take the head node of your linked list and a variable dataFind that it must search for within the
given list.
//linear search
linearLS(name1, 'n');
The sequential search algorithm does not change even if it operates on a linked list. Show your modified code
from earlier so that it will operate on a linked list. Screenshot your code and output with corresponding
observations/notes in table6-2b.
Create a function called binarySearch that accepts necessary parameters to execute the algorithm
described above. Indicate your code, output, and observations in table 6-3a.
Next, just like in the linked list with linear search, we will perform binary search in a linked list. However, there
are pre-requisites for this to work: the linked list must have ordered values and we must know how many
nodes exist in your list. For our testing, we can create our linked list with the following code:
std::cout << "Enter data: ";
std::cin >> newData;
head = new_node(newData);
std::cout << "Successfully added " << head->data << " to the list.\n";
} else if(count==2) {
node = new_node(newData);
head->next = node;
node->next = NULL;
std::cout << "Successfully added " << node->data << " to the list.\n";
} else {
temp = head;
if(temp->next == NULL) break;
temp = temp->next;
node = new_node(newData);
temp->next = node;
std::cout << "Successfully added " << node->data << " to the list.\n";
//when to end
std::cout << "Continue? (y/n)";
std::cin >> choice;
if(choice=='n') break;
An optional snippet of code can be added here to verify that our data is actually stored onto a linked list as
Node<int> *currNode;
currNode = head;
std::cout << currNode->data << " ";
currNode = currNode->next;
Binary search still works the same, however. We need to create a function that will enable us to find the
middle node. This function, getMiddle, must take the first and last node as its parameters. It follows the
algorithm described below:
We will use this function to find the middle node of our linked list to properly search through the sorted list.
Next, another function to implement the binary search. Step 2 of this algorithm uses the function from the
algorithm above.
1. Start node is set to head of the list and the last node is set to NULL.
2. Middle element is calculated using the two pointers approach discussed above.
3. If the middle element is same as the key to be searched, we return it.
4. Else if middle element is greater than the key to be searched, we have to search is the
right side of the singly linked list. So, we set start pointer to the next of middle
5. Else if middle element is less than the key to be searched, we have to search is the left
side of the singly linked list. So, we set last pointer to the middle element.
6. If the key is found or the entire linked list gets traversed, we break the loop.
Create the C++ code for this binary search algorithm and provide the output in the three cases shown in
table 6-3b. Screenshot and observation are required.
6. Output
Table 6-1. Data Generated and Observations.
Table 6-2a. Linear Search for Arrays
Table 6-2b. Linear Search for Linked List
Table 6-3a. Binary Search for Arrays
Table 6-3b. Binary Search for Linked List
7. Supplementary Activity
ILO B: Solve different problems utilizing appropriate searching techniques in C++
For each provided problem, give a screenshot of your code, the output console, and your answers to the
Problem 1. Suppose you are doing a sequential search of the list [15, 18, 2, 19, 18, 0, 8, 14, 19, 14]. Utilizing
both a linked list and an array approach to the list, use sequential search and identify how many comparisons
would be necessary to find the key ‘18’?
Problem 2. Modify your sequential search algorithm so that it returns the count of repeating instances for a
given search element ‘k’. Test on the same list given in problem 1.
Problem 3. Suppose you have the following sorted list [3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18] and are using the
binary search algorithm. If you wanted to find the key 8, draw a diagram that shows how the searching works
per iteration of the algorithm. Prove that your drawing is correct by implementing the algorithm and showing a
screenshot of the code and the output console.
Problem 4. Modify the binary search algorithm so that the algorithm becomes recursive. Using this new
recursive binary search, implement a solution to the same problem for problem 3.
8. Conclusion
Provide the following:
Summary of lessons learned
Analysis of the procedure
Analysis of the supplementary activity
Concluding statement / Feedback: How well did you think you did in this activity? What are your areas
for improvement?
9. Assessment Rubric