Question Bank Biology Class 12

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12th Sample Questions for Practice (PART-B) Autumn Break

Source based questions – Submission date- Last date-15/10/2022



6 08/10/2022 7 Evolution COMPLETED

Human Health and Diseases

7 09/10/2022 8 COMPLETED

Microbes in Human Welfare

8 10/10/2022 10 COMPLETED

Biotechnology - Principles and

9 11/10/2022 11 Processes COMPLETED

Biotechnology and its Applications

10 11/10/2022 12 COMPLETED

Organisms and Populations

11 12/10/2022 13 COMPLETED

Q1. Give one word answer
a) Name the first man-like hominid.
b) Name the first oxygenic photoautotrophic organism.
c) Evolutionary history of an organism is known as _______.
d) What is the most evident proof of evolution?
e) Struggle for existence & survival of the fittest theories were given by which scientist?
i) Animal husbandry & plant breeding programmes are examples of
a) reverse evolution b) artificial selection c) mutation d) natural selection
ii) Analogous organs arise due to
a) divergent evolution b) artificial selection c) genetic drift d) convergent evolution
iii) Appearance of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is an example
a) adaptive radiation b) transduction
c) pre-existing variation in the population d) divergent evolution
iv) Fossils are generally found in
a) Sedimentary rocks b) Igneous rocks c) Metamorphic rocks d) Any type of rock
v) Which type of selection is Industrial melanism observed in moth Biston bitularia
a) Stabilising b) Directional c) Disruptive d) Artificial
Q3. Observe carefully the given picture of particular type of birds seen on an island
during Darwin’s journey

a) Identify the bird & name the island

b) Write down significance of this process in evolution.
a) Big bang theory was given by ________
b) What are coacervates?
c) The book “Origin of life” was written by________.
d) An important evidence in favour of organic evolution is the occurrence of
i) Homologous & Vestigial organs ii) Analogous & Vestigial organs
iii) Homologous organs only iv) Homologous & Analogous organs
e) Who won the 2022 Nobel Prize for Physiology & why?
Human Health and Diseases
Q1. Give one word answer / Full forms
a) Name the scientist who discovered Tuberculosis bacterium.
b) National TB control Programme was started in which year?
c) Quinine is obtained from the bark of which tree?
i) The disease Chikunguniya is transmitted by
a) house flies b) Aedes mosquitoes c) cockroach d) female Anopheles
ii) The substance produced by a cell in viral infection that can protect other cells from
further infection is
a) serotonin b) colostrum c) interferon d) histamine
iii) Anti venom against snake poison contains
a) Antigens b) Antigen- antibody complexes c) Antibodies d) Enzymes
iv) One of the following is not the causative organism of ringworm
a) Microsporum b) Trichophyton c) Epidermophyton d) Macrosporum
v) During inflammation, which of the following is secreted by connective tissue?
a) Heparin b) Histamine c) Serotonin d) Glucagon
Q3. Complete the given table
S. Disease Causative agent (Scientific name)
1 Amoebiasis
2 Malaria
3 Cholera
4 Leprosy
5 Filariasis
6 Ascariasis
7 Plague
8 Gonorrhoea
9 Syphilis
10 Salmonellosis

Q1. Complete the given table
S. Disease Causative agent (Scientific name) Vaccine
1 Pulmonary
2 Diptheria
3 Chicken pox
4 Measles
5 Pertussis
6 Tetanus

Microbes in Human Welfare

Q1. Expand the given term

a) BOD b) LAB c) STP d) YAP
e) GAP f) IARI g) KVIC h) SCP
i) The vitamin whose content increases following the conversion of milk into curd by
lactic acid bacteria is
a) Vitamin C b) Vitamin D c) Vitamin B12 d) Vitamin E
ii) Methanogens bacteria are not found in
a) Rumen of cattle b) Gobar gas plant
c) Bottom of water logged paddy fields d) Activated sludge
iii) The technology of biogas production from cow dung was developed in India largely
due to the efforts of
a) Gas Authority of India b) Oil & Natural Gas Commission
c) Indian Agricultural Research Institute & Khadi & Village Industries Commission
d) Indian Oil Corporation
iv) Activated sludge should have the ability to settle quickly so that it can
a) Be rapidly pumped back from sedimentation tank to aeration tank
b) Absorb pathogenic bacteria present in waste water while sinking to the bottom of the
settling tank
c) Be discarded and anaerobically digested
d) Absorb colloidal organic matter
v) Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strains have been used for designing novel
a) Bio- metallurgical techniques b) Bio- mineralization process
c) Bio- insecticidal plants d) Bio- fertilizers
Q3. Draw a diagrammatic sketch of biogas plant & label its various components given
below Gas holder, sludge chamber, digester, dung+ water chamber
Q1. Complete the given table
S. Product Microbial Source One use of product
1 Lactic acid
2 Citric acid
3 Acetic acid
4 Butyric acid
5 Lipases
6 Streptokinase
7 Invertase
8 Statins

Biotechnology - Principles and Processes

Q1. Short answer questions

a) The fragmented DNA is separated by _______
b) Recombinant DNA can be directly injected into the nucleus of an animal cell by which
c) Large scale production of protein involves use of ______
d) Groups of base in the DNA molecule that form the same sequences when read both
forward & backward are called ________
i) An enzyme catalysing the removal of nucleotides from the ends of DNA is
a) endonuclease b) exonuclease c) DNA ligase d) Hind- II
ii) The transfer of genetic material from one bacterium to another through the mediation
of a vector like virus is termed as
a) Transduction b) Conjugation c) Transformation d) Translation
iii) A recombinant DNA molecule can be produced in the absence of the following
a) Restriction endonuclease b) DNA ligase c) DNA fragments d) E. coli
iv) An antibiotic resistance gene in a vector usually helps in the selection of
a) component cells b) transformed cells c) recombinant cells d) none of the
v) Who among the following was awarded the Nobel Prize for the development of PCR
technique ?
a) Herbert Boyer b) Hargovind Khurana c) Kary Mullis d) Arthur Kornberg
Q3. Draw a neat diagram of Pbr322

a) Name any two cloning vectors
b) What is gene therapy?
c) What are Cosmids?
d) Name the dye used in gel electrophoresis
e) What does Eco RI stand for?
Biotechnology and its Applications

Q1. Short answer questions

a) Which soil bacterium forms cry protein?
b) Expand SCID
c) What are Antigens?
d) A specific test for typhoid.
e) Write one benefit of GMO
i) C-peptide of human insulin is
a) A part of mature insulin molecule
b) Responsible of formation of disulphide bridges
c) Removed during maturation of pro- insulin to insulin
d) Responsible for its biological activity
ii) GEAC stands for
a) Genome Engineering Action Committee
b) Ground Environment Action Committee
c) Genetic Engineering Approval Committee
d) Genetic & Environment Approval Committee
iii) The site of production of ADA in the body is
a) bone marrow b) lymphocytes
c) blood plasma d) monocytes
iv) Silencing of a gene could be achieved through the use of
a) short interfering RNA b) antisense RNA
c) by both d) none of the above
v) Golden rice is a transgenic crop of the future with the following improved trait
a) high lysine content b) insect resistant
c) high protein content d) high vitamin A content
Q3. Draw a diagram to show maturation of proinsulin to insulin
a) Name the soil nematode associated with RNAi
b) What are Monoclonal antibodies?
c) Write the contribution of Eli Lilly in human welfare.
d) What are transgenic animals?
e) State the importance of biofortification with two examples
Organisms and Populations
Q1. Give one word answer
a) Plants growing perched on other plants are called ______
b) Association between cattle egret & grazing cattle
i) A population has more young individuals as compared to the older individuals. What
would be the status of the population after some years?
a) it will decline b) it will stabilise
c) it will increase d) it will first decline & then stabilise
ii) Which of the following would necessarily decrease the density of a population in a
given habitat?
a) Natality > mortality b) Immigration > emigration
c) Mortality and emigration d) Natality and immigration
iii) A protozoan reproduces by binary fission. What will be the number of protozoans in
its population after six generations?
a) 128 b) 24 c) 64 d) 32
iv) Amensalism is an association between two species where
a) one species is harmed & other is benefitted
b) one species is harmed & other is unaffected
c) one species is benefitted & other is unaffected
d) both the species are harmed
v) Lichens are the associations of
a) bacteria & fungus b) algae & bacteria
c) fungus & algae d) fungus & virus
Q3. Give two differences each
a) Population & species b) Parasitism & competition
c) Predation & parasitism
a) The logistic population growth is expressed by which equation?
b) What is carrying capacity?

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