Topic 3 - 4 - Basic Operational Concepts
Topic 3 - 4 - Basic Operational Concepts
Topic 3 - 4 - Basic Operational Concepts
TOPIC FOR THE WEEK: Basic Operational Concepts
_____________________ How to Fetch/Read Data or Instruction from MM
_____________________ Von Neumann architecture requires that all programs together with data
must be stored in main memory during execution. In the case of the
processor, it should have a way to read or fetch the program to be
_____________________ executed from the main memory. Programs cannot be executed in the
_____________________ main memory because it is merely a storage device and does not have
_____________________ circuits that can process data as what processor can do.
_____________________ In order to fetch/read an instruction or data from main memory:
1. The CPU first sends the address of the memory location to be
_____________________ read.
_____________________ 2. The CPU then issues or sends the read signal to the memory.
_____________________ A control signal is needed in order to fetch the data from the main
memory. The read signal that is generated by the control unit
indicates the type of operation that is to be performed in the main
_____________________ memory. This operation makes a copy of the content of the given
_____________________ memory address.
_____________________ 3. The word is then read out of memory and is loaded into a CPU
_____________________ internal register.
_____________________ How to Write/Store Data into MM
_____________________ During the execution of an instruction or program, there are instances
_____________________ that data or operand needs to be stored into the main memory. How
does the processor determine the location in the main memory where
_____________________ data is to be stored?
_____________________ In order to store/write data into main memory:
_____________________ 1. The CPU first sends the address of the memory location to be
_____________________ written.
_____________________ In writing data into the main memory, it is necessary that the
_____________________ location in the main memory where data is to be stored should
_____________________ be identified first.
_____________________ 2. The CPU then sends the write signal together with the data or
_____________________ word to be written to memory.
_____________________ The write signal is generated by the control unit and it indicates
_____________________ a write operation. In this operation, the current content of the
_____________________ location will be lost.
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COMPUTER Example 1
Example of a typical assembly language instruction:
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COMPUTER Connections Between the Processor and the MM
Main Memory
_____________________ MAR MDR
_____________________ R0
_____________________ IR R1
_____________________ .
_____________________ CPU .
_____________________ Rn-1
n General Purpose
_____________________ Registers
Figure 1. The Processor and MM Connections
_____________________ The PC (Program Counter) contains the memory address of the
_____________________ instruction to be executed. During execution, the contents of the PC are
_____________________ updated to point to the next instruction.
Every time that an instruction is to be executed, the program counter
_____________________ releases its contents to the internal bus and sends it to the memory
_____________________ address register.
_____________________ The MAR (Memory Address Register) holds the address of the location
_____________________ to or from which data are to be transferred.
As can be seen from the figure above, the connection of the MAR to the
_____________________ main memory is one-way or unidirectional.
_____________________ The MDR (Memory Data Register) contains the data to be written or
_____________________ read out of the addressed location.
During the fetch operation, the MDR contains the instruction to be
executed or data needed during execution. In write operation, MDR
_____________________ contains the data to be written into the main memory.
_____________________ The IR (Instruction Register) contains the instruction that is being
_____________________ executed.
Before the IR executes the instruction it needs to be decoded first. As
soon as the content of the MDR is transferred to the IR, the decoding
_____________________ process commences. After decoding, execution of the instruction will
_____________________ take place.
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COMPUTER Operating Steps
1. PC is set to point to the first instruction of the program (the operating
system loads the memory address of the first instruction).
NOTES: 2. The contents of the PC are transferred to the MAR (which is
automatically transmitted to the MM) and a Read signal is sent to the
_____________________ 3. The addressed word is read out of MM and loaded into the MDR.
_____________________ 4. The contents of MDR are transferred to the IR. The instruction is
_____________________ ready to be decoded and executed.
_____________________ 5. During execution, the contents of the PC are incremented or
_____________________ updated to point to the next instruction.
If operand or data needed by the instruction resides in MM:
_____________________ 1. It will have to be fetched by sending its address to the MAR and
_____________________ initiating a read cycle.
_____________________ 2. When the operand has been read from MM into the MDR, it may
_____________________ be transferred from the MDR to the ALU.
If result is to be stored in MM:
_____________________ 1. The result is sent to the MDR.
_____________________ 2. The address of the location where the result is to be stored is
_____________________ sent to the MDR and a write cycle is initiated.
_____________________ Example
_____________________ Enumerate the different steps needed to execute the machine instruction
_____________________ ADD LOCA, R0
Assume that the instruction itself is stored in the main memory at location
_____________________ INSTR, and that this address is initially in register PC. The first two steps
_____________________ might be expressed as:
_____________________ 1. Transfer the contents of register PC to register MAR.
_____________________ 2. Issue a READ command to the main memory, and then wait until it
_____________________ has transferred the requested word into register MDR.
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COMPUTER CPU Instruction Execution Steps
Instruction execution in a CPU can now be summarized by the following
1. Fetching the instruction from the memory into the instruction
_____________________ register.
_____________________ 2. Incrementing the PC to point to the next instruction to be
_____________________ executed.
_____________________ 3. Determining the type of instruction fetched (instruction
_____________________ decoding).
_____________________ 4. Determining the location of data in the memory. If the instruction
uses data.
_____________________ 5. Fetching the required data into internal CPU registers.
_____________________ 6. Executing the instruction.
_____________________ 7. Storing the results in the designated locations.
_____________________ 8. Return to Step 1.
_____________________ This is commonly referred to as the fetch-decode-execute cycle.
_____________________ Bus Structure
_____________________ A bus is a collection of wires that connect several devices within a
_____________________ computer system.
When a word of data is transferred between units, all its bits are
_____________________ transferred in parallel.
_____________________ A computer must have some lines for addressing and control purposes.
_____________________ Three main groupings of lines:
1. Data Bus. This is for the transmission of data.
_____________________ 2. Address Bus. This specifies the location of data in MM.
_____________________ 3. Control Bus. This indicates the direction of data transfer and
_____________________ coordinates the timing of events during the transfer.
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COMPUTER Single Bus Structure
_____________________ Figure 2. A Single Bus Structure Diagram
_____________________ All units are connected to a single bus, so it provides the sole means of
_____________________ Single bus structure has advantages of simplicity and low cost. Single
_____________________ bus structure has disadvantages of limited speed since usually only two
_____________________ units can participate in a data transfer at any one time. This means that
_____________________ an arbitration system is required and that units will be forced to wait.
_____________________ (This requires Time Domain Multiplexing or TDM, the transmission of
different types of information on the same lines, but at different times.)
_____________________ Only two units can actively use the bus at any given time. Bus control lines
_____________________ are used to arbitrate multiple requests for the use of the bus.
_____________________ Buffer Registers are used to hold information during transfers. These
_____________________ prevent a high-speed processor from being locked to a slow I/O device
during a sequence of data transfers.
_____________________ Two-Bus Structure
_____________________ Configuration 1
_____________________ Memory
_____________________ Memory
_____________________ Bus
_____________________ Configuration 2
_____________________ Processor
_____________________ Memory
I/O Bus
_____________________ Figure 2. A Two-Bus Structure Diagram
_____________________ In the first configuration, the processor is placed between the I/O unit
_____________________ and the memory unit. The processor is responsible for any data transfer
_____________________ between the I/O unit and the memory unit. The processor acts as a
“messenger.” In this structure, the processor performance and capability
is not being maximized. Most of the time, the processor is doing data
transfer between these units instead of performing more complex
applications. Also, the processor is idle most of the time waiting for
these slow devices.
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COMPUTER In the second configuration, I/O transfers are made directly to or from
ORGANIZATION the memory. A special purpose processor called peripheral processor
or I/O channel is needed as part of the I/O equipment to control and
facilitate such transfers. This special processor for the main memory is
the direct memory access (DMA) controller. It allows main memory to
perform data transfer between I/O units.
_____________________ Memory Locations and Addresses
_____________________ MM is organized so that a group of n bits can be stored or retrieved in a
single basic operation.
n bits
_____________________ 0 word 0
_____________________ 1 word 1
_____________________ .
_____________________ .
i bn-1 . . . b1 b0 word i
_____________________ .
_____________________ .
_____________________ M-1 word M - 1
_____________________ Figure 3. Sample of Memory Locations
_____________________ The M addresses constitute the address space of the computer system.
_____________________ Example: For the Intel 8088/86 Microprocessor
_____________________ Address Space = 1,048,576 addresses or memory locations using binary
encoding of addresses, 20 bits are needed to represent all addresses,
_____________________ 20
2 = 1,048,576
_____________________ Parts of an Instruction
_____________________ The contents of memory locations can represent either:
_____________________ 1. instructions
2. operands or data (numbers or characters)
_____________________ An instruction usually contains two parts:
_____________________ 1. the part that specifies the operation to be performed (op-code
_____________________ field).
_____________________ 2. the part that may be used to specify operand addresses.
_____________________ Examples:
_____________________ 1. 32-bit instruction
8 bits 24 bits
10001011 11101100
_____________________ Main Memory Operations
_____________________ Fetch or Read. This transfers the contents of a specific MM location to
_____________________ the CPU. The word in the MM remains unchanged.
_____________________ Read/Fetch Cycle:
_____________________ 1. CPU sends address of the desired location.
_____________________ 2. MM reads the data stored at that address and sends it to the
_____________________ CPU.
_____________________ Store or Write. This transfers a word of information from the CPU to a
specific MM location. This destroys the former contents of that location.
_____________________ Write/Store Cycle:
_____________________ 1. CPU sends address of the desired location to the MM, together
_____________________ with the data to be stored into that location.
_____________________ 2. Data is written at desired location.
_____________________ Instructions and Instructions Sequencing
_____________________ Types of Instructions:
_____________________ 1. Data transfers between MM and CPU registers.
2. Arithmetic and logic operations on data.
_____________________ 3. Program sequencing and control.
_____________________ 4. I/O operations or transfers.
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COMPUTER Notations
R1 [LOC]
NOTES: The contents of memory location LOC are transferred into register R1.
C [A] + [B]
_____________________ The operands in memory locations A and B are fetched from MM and
_____________________ transferred into the CPU, where they will be added in the ALU. Then the
_____________________ resulting sum is to be stored into memory location C in MM.
_____________________ Address Notations
Three-Address Instructions
_____________________ ADD A, B, C A [B] + [C]
_____________________ B and C = source operands
_____________________ A = destination operands
- The operands in memory locations B and C are fetched from
_____________________ MM and transferred into the CPU, where they will be added in
_____________________ the ALU. Then the resulting sum is to be stored into memory
_____________________ location A in MM.
_____________________ Two-Address Instructions
ADD A, B A [A] + [B]
_____________________ - The operands in memory locations A and B are fetched from
_____________________ MM and transferred into the CPU, where they will be added in
_____________________ the ALU. Then the resulting sum is to be stored into memory
_____________________ location A in MM.
_____________________ - The contents of memory location C are transferred into
_____________________ memory location B in MM.
_____________________ A common convention used is to write two-operand instructions in the
_____________________ operation destination, source
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COMPUTER One-Address Notation
Since addition is a two-operand operation, an implicit assumption must
be made regarding the location of one of the operands as well as the
NOTES: result.
_____________________ A general purpose CPU register, usually called the accumulator, may
_____________________ be used for this purpose.
_____________________ Examples:
_____________________ ADD A ACC [A] + [ACC]
_____________________ Add the contents of memory location A to
_____________________ the contents of the accumulator and place
_____________________ the sum into the accumulator.
_____________________ LOAD A ACC [A]
Move the contents of memory location A
_____________________ into the accumulator.
_____________________ STORE A A [ACC]
_____________________ Move the contents of memory location A
_____________________ into the accumulator.
_____________________ Examples
_____________________ LOAD A ACC [A]
_____________________ ADD B ACC [B] + [ACC]
Basic Operational Concepts
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COMPUTER Zero-Address Instructions
Instructions where the locations of all operands are defined implicitly.
NOTES: ➢ Example:
❖ Inc (increment the accumulator by 1)
_____________________ ❖ Dec (decrement the accumulator by 1)
Two-Phase Procedure in Instruction Execution
_____________________ Instruction Fetch
_____________________ Instruction is fetched from MM location whose address is in the program
_____________________ counter. The instruction is then placed in the instruction register in the
_____________________ CPU.
Instruction Execute
_____________________ The instruction in the instruction register is examined to determine which
_____________________ operation is to be performed. The CPU then performs the specified
_____________________ operation.
Basic Operational Concepts
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COMPUTER Instruction Execution and Straight-Line Sequencing
i MOVE R0, A 3-Instruction
NOTES: i+1 Program
_____________________ i+2 MOVE C, R0 Segment
_____________________ .
_____________________ .
_____________________ A
_____________________ .
_____________________ .
_____________________ B
Data for the
_____________________ program
_____________________ .
_____________________ .
_____________________ C
_____________________ Figure 4. The Instruction Execution
To begin the execution of this program, the address of its first instruction
_____________________ (i) must be placed into the PC.
_____________________ The CPU control circuits automatically proceed to fetch and execute
_____________________ instructions, one at a time, in the order of increasing addresses. This is
_____________________ straight-line sequencing.
_____________________ Contents
_____________________ i MOVE R0, NUM1
_____________________ i+1 ADD R0, NUM2
_____________________ i+2 ADD R0, NUM3
_____________________ .
_____________________ .
_____________________ i+n-1 ADD R0, NUMn
_____________________ i+n MOVE SUM, R0
_____________________ .
_____________________ .
_____________________ NUM1
_____________________ NUM2
_____________________ .
_____________________ .
_____________________ .
_____________________ Figure 5. The Straight-Line Sequencing
This program will add a list of n numbers. The addresses of the memory
locations containing the n numbers are symbolically given as NUM1,
_____________________ NUM2, . . ., NUMn, and the resulting sum is placed in memory location
_____________________ SUM.
Basic Operational Concepts
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COMPUTER Branching
The fundamental idea in program loops is to cause a straight-line
sequence of instructions to be executed repeatedly.
_____________________ LOOPSTART Determine address of
_____________________ "Next" number and
add "Next" number to
_____________________ R0 Program
_____________________ DEC R1
Basic Operational Concepts
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