Swiftec Manual Chip Tuning
Swiftec Manual Chip Tuning
Swiftec Manual Chip Tuning
Manual overview
Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Main of features ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 Minimal system requirements ................................................................................................................................ 5 Instalation.................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Dongle driver installation ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Swiftec software installation .................................................................................................................................. 7 Online services ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 Running Swiftec software ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Main window ............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Updates information message ............................................................................................................................. 12 Main window description ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Basic window menu ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Create new project ................................................................................................................................................ 14 Open project database.......................................................................................................................................... 15 2D mode window...................................................................................................................................................... 15 2D mode window description............................................................................................................................... 15 2D mode window menu ........................................................................................................................................ 16 2D mode window toolbar ..................................................................................................................................... 17 2D mode X,Y zoom ................................................................................................................................................ 19 2D mode working area.......................................................................................................................................... 19 2D Cursor information area .................................................................................................................................. 20 2D Scrollbar, information about loaded original, modified and map files ..................................................... 21 HEX mode window ................................................................................................................................................... 21 HEX mode window description ............................................................................................................................ 21 HEX mode working area ....................................................................................................................................... 22 MAP mode window ................................................................................................................................................... 23 MAP mode window description ............................................................................................................................ 23 MAP list window ..................................................................................................................................................... 24 Swiftec modules........................................................................................................................................................ 24 Conversion module ................................................................................................................................................ 24 Import/export module ........................................................................................................................................... 25 Search/Replace module ........................................................................................................................................ 25 Properties module .................................................................................................................................................. 26
Automatically checksum detection module ........................................................................................................ 27 Automatically ECU information detection module............................................................................................. 28 Automatically maps detection module ................................................................................................................ 28 ASAP2 import module ........................................................................................................................................... 28 Project database module ...................................................................................................................................... 28 Map manager module ........................................................................................................................................... 30 Contacts and copyright information ...................................................................................................................... 33
SwifTec revolutionary chiptuning editing software. This software allow the end user to get the maximum performance out of modern electronic controlled engines such as cars, truck, bikes, boats, any engine that are controlled via a ECU. Its the ideal tool for starters, because of the support provided by the maps, special maps and super map files add-on modules that recognize maps inside the ECU. Its also tool for experienced and skilled chiptuners because of extended automatically maps detection(Bosch, Siemens, Delphi, Temic) and map managers modules, automatically ECU information module and automatically checksum detection module. Main of features - Support all types existing ECUs for modifying - Automatically maps detection module for Bosch, Siemens, Delphi, Temic ECUs - Automatically checksum detection module - Automatically ECU information detection module - ASAP2 import module - English, Portuguese, Danish, Czech language - Online maps, special maps database with above languages support - Online super map files database - Featured map manager module for creating own map packs, include predefined formulas - More 100 checksum correction modules - Local projects database for saving original and modified file versions - Bosch EDC16, Bosch M155, Siemens F200, Siemens 2001, Intel and Motorola HEX conversion modules - Files join, split and duplication modules - Bosch EDC16, Bosch M155, Siemens F200, Siemens 2001, ZIP, RAR, Bdm2go by external plug-in, High and Low parts, Intel and Motorola HEX import format support - Import new files with resizing possibility - 2D, HEX, MAP view and edition modes - 8,16,32 bits Motorola and Intel signed/unsigned data type support - 8,16,32 bits and text search and replace function - Colorization of all types view mode - Hexadecimal and decimal view values - Comparison original and modified files version - Absolute or percentage modifying values - Copy and paste function with all view modes - Saving most used with functions values - Undo last operation possible - HEX mode change grid size possible - HEX mode symbols show function - Fast switching from 2D to MAP mode on selected map - Simply way of creating maps by Marks - Swap axis on MAP mode possible - Axis modification with MAP mode support - Copy to similar maps by values or percentage modified maps is available - View modification of maps by normal, difference and percentage mode - Automatically saving current project - Automatically checking for new updates out(internet connection required) - X,Y zoom on 2D mode - Cursor showing current data information - DragnDrop support with importing original and modified files
Minimal system requirements - Windows 2000/XP/Vista 32bit with 256Mb of RAM - 1024x768 display resolution - 1xUSB port - 100Mb hard disk free space - Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 redistributable package installed (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=A5C84275-3B97-4AB7-A40D3802B2AF5FC2&displaylang=en)
Latest version of SwifTec and dongle protection driver can be downloaded on our company web site www.vcpowerteam.com with using provided a password and a username. How to use web site, please read Online service section of manual. Dongle driver installation 1. Disconnect dongle. 2. Unpack drivers.rar for some temporary folder. 3. Follow to Senselock_EL_Driver\32_BITS_OS\ folder, run InstWiz3.exe and click Next:
4. Click Next and select folder where install driver and Install driver option, then click Next button:
5. Wait until follow progress bar will be complete filled and click Finish:
6. Restart computer to make drivers applied to system. Swiftec software installation 1. Run SwifTec Installer.exe and select one installer language:
2. Carefully read and accept the terms of License Agreement and click Next:
4. Select folder where install Swiftec software and click to Install button:
5. Wait until installation process end click on Finish button. 6. After installation finished shortcut to run Swiftec will be placed to desktop.
Online services
Registered users can get additional online services on VCPowerTeam web site. Follow to www.vcpowerteam.com and enter to customer area with provided a username and password:
When access will be granted, login window will show following options and information:
Theres information about: Current balance: can be used to buy some other products like checksums, all types of maps, etc. Free maps for download: amount of maps given by support annual fee. Support paid till: date until registered user will receive new updates for software and access to web site.
Next services can be invoked: Download: section where users would receive latest version of products they have access(Swiftec or Flashtec installers, checksums), additional components or information like dongle drivers.
Download maps: online database of maps, special maps, super map to use later by Swiftec. All of them sorted by brands, models, engines, 8bit checksum and other options to make search needing maps easy.
Buy checksum: list of checksums currently available for user and ones user can get for shown price.
Payment history: all operations(buy checksums, download maps, etc) done with current account saved and can be listed by this service.
Send message to support: can be used to fast send message to VCPowerTeam support with sorted type of problem, and places where it appear, include files. For example maps to made, bug reports.
Change password: to be more secure, we recommend users change password to access online services one time per month. Exit: security logout from online services section with disable current login session.
Main window
Updates information message Same time with Swiftec starting, software checking new updates for installed modules and show message about result of checking(to get new updates, please use our company web site follow Online services section of manual):
Main window description After software correctly runs, You would see Swiftec main window with current version number information and number of elements on toolbar:
Create new project by direct open a file. Can be invoked by accelerator keys: Ctrl+O. For more information, please, check Create new project section of manual.
Open projects database before imported and tuned. For more information, please, check Open project database section of manual.
Extract before downloaded maps from VCPowerTeam web site, follow by Online services section of manual. Downloaded maps extract from Swiftec installation subfolder Downloads.
Direct link to VCPowerTeam company web site. Opening with default browser in system.
Basic window menu Menu similar of buttons placed on toolbar, except conversion module(read Conversion module section of manual):
Create new project This function can be invoked by clicking toolbar, using accelerator keys: Ctrl+O or using dragndrop. Import/export module(read Import/export module section of manual) will automatically detect selected file format and wait for accept entered parameters(format, new file size) by OK button.
Using imported file Swiftec going automatically detects maps(read Automatically maps detection module section of manual), checksum(read Automatically checksum detection module section of manual) and ECU information like ECU producer, SW and HW numbers, also some more different information(read Automatically ECU information detection module section of manual) and wait for accepting project properties information(read Properties module section of manual):
By clicking OK imported file with entered project properties getting save to project database and opens Swiftec 2D mode to start chip tuning. Open project database Opening before saved projects from database can be done using Project database module, so selected project will automatically open 2D or MAP(depends if some maps was loaded) mode to start chip tuning.
2D mode window
After switch to 2D mode, Swiftec makes automatically maps detection and shown balloon information windows about found ones. Any maps used by Swiftec gets highlighted on 2D mode and can be invoked by context menu.
2D mode window description Selected 2D mode window have few part: Menu Toolbar X,Y zoom Working area Cursor information Scrollbar Information about loaded original, modified and map files.
Create Project same as Main window Create project function for import new file for editing. Can be invoked Ctrl+O. Open Project same as Main window Open project function to open database of saved files before for editing(read more Project database module section of manual) Open Modified open modified database to make some actions with before saved modified files or import new ones(read more Project database module section of manual). Can be invoked by Ctrl+M. Open MAP load downloaded before maps, user maps, ASAP2 files. Can be invoked by Ctrl+D. Save Modified save modified file to project database or disk. Can be invoked by Ctrl+S. Properties open current project properties (read more Properties module section of manual) Can be invoked by Ctrl+I. Close Project close current project, saving modified files and open Main window. Exit close software 8/16/32bit LoHi/HiLo view loaded files with selected data type. Can be invoked by Ctrl+1/2/3/4/5. Prev difference find changes between original and modified file before current cursor position. Can be invoked by Ctrl+Z. Next difference - find changes between original and modified file after current cursor position. Can be invoked by Ctrl+X. Go to - follow selected position. Can be invoked by Ctrl+G. Colors invoked dialog with color theme of current view. Decimal/Hexadecimal select type viewing of values. Can be invoked by Home button. Show symbols - can be used only with HEX mode. Show symbols near HEX grid. Signed/Unsigned select signification type of values. Diagram/Editor switch between 2D and HEX mode. Can be invoked by Insert button. Edit using MAP switch to MAP mode. Can be invoked by End button. Original can be used only with HEX and MAP mode. Show only original data in grid. Can be invoked by Del button. Change grid size can be used only with HEX mode. Changing HEX grid size. Search invoke search/replace function
Modify by make modify by absolute(Ctrl+A) or percentage(Ctrl+P) value. Increase increase selected area for 1. Decrease decrease selected area for 1. Copy copy selected area. Paste paste before copied area. Undo undo last operation. Undo all changes recover originals values to selected area.
Map manager
By use this menu, can be invoked Map manager module function to create, edit, copy, delete and save maps.
Create Project same as Main window Create project function for import new file for editing. Can be invoked Ctrl+O.
Open Project same as Main window Open project function to open database of saved files before for editing(read more Project database module section of manual)
Open Modified open modified database to make some actions with before saved modified files or import new ones(read more Project database module section of manual). Can be invoked by Ctrl+M.
Open MAP load downloaded before maps, user maps, ASAP2 files. Can be invoked by Ctrl+D.
Save Modified save modified file to project database or disk. Can be invoked by Ctrl+S.
Extract Extract before downloaded maps from VCPowerTeam web site, follow by Online services section of manual. Downloaded maps extract from Swiftec installation subfolder Downloads.
8/16/32bit LoHi/HiLo view loaded files with selected data type. Can be invoked by Ctrl+1/2/3/4/5.
First difference find first changes between original and modified file.
Prev difference find changes between original and modified file before current cursor position. Can be invoked by Ctrl+Z.
Next difference - find changes between original and modified file after current cursor position. Can be invoked by Ctrl+X.
Last difference find last changes between original and modified file.
2D mode X,Y zoom This can be used to zoom viewing diagram data
2D mode working area All modified data shows different color curve by colors setting by Color dialog:
By mouse button 1 and button 2 can be selected area for follow modification or creation map. Also theres context menu with 2 more additional functions: Open highlighted MAP switch to MAP mode map under cursor position. Next map find next map on 2D mode and position cursor there.
As told before, theres nice function to create new map, for this need position Mark1(mouse button 1) for map start address, Mark3(mouse button 1 + Ctrl) axis X start address, Mark4(mouse button 1 + Alt) axis Y start address and click context menu Map Manager -> New map(more information read Map manager module section of manual):
04301C cursor position 000191(000016B) -> 0000026 (10.47%): 191 modified value, 16B original value, 26 absolute difference value, 10.47% - percentage difference value MARK1, MARK2, MARK3, MARK4 selected position of marks
2D Scrollbar, information about loaded original, modified and map files - Follow start of loaded file - Follow one page left -Follow one position left - Follow one position right - Follow one page right - Follow end of loaded file
Original EPROM original loaded file with 8bit checksum in ( ) Modified EPROM modified file name with 8bit checksum in ( ) MAP driver name loaded map driver
HEX mode window description Selected HEX mode window have few part: Menu Toolbar Working area Information about loaded original, modified and map files.
Most of all areas same as 2D mode, except Working area. Moving mouse cursor to cell shows information about value of cell: original and modified value, absolute and percentage difference. HEX mode working area Selection area for modification can be done by mouse with hit mouse button 1.
All modified data shows different color settings by Color dialog, independent of 2D mode colors:
To open MAP mode Swiftec need have maps loaded, or automatically detect, or created by user. After select one of map, on main window title, shows more map information. MAP mode window description Selected MAP mode window have few part: Menu Toolbar Working area MAP list window Information about loaded original, modified and map files.
Most of all areas same as HEX mode, except MAP list window. Depends of maps settings Axis values can be modified also. All changes shows different colors, settings by Color dialog, similar HEX mode. Moving mouse cursor to cell shows information about value of cell: original and modified value, absolute and percentage difference. Context menu have few more new functions:
Swap axis current map can be swapped using this function Copy val to similar MAPs automatically detects similar maps and copy there new value of selected area Copy % to similar MAPs automatically detects similar maps and change there percentage between original and modified values of selected area View mode view maps. It can be normal view when grid shows modified values, difference view shows in grid difference between original and modified values, % view - shows in grid percentage difference between original and modified values. Map Manager invoke Map manager module functions: create, edit ,copy, delete, save maps. MAP list window
Theres 3 types of maps: My Maps(user created maps), Loaded maps(downloaded from VCPowerTeam website), Automatically detected maps, imported ASAP2 maps. Each of them can be edited or copied. User maps gets automatically saved when close Swiftec or close project. Any changes immediate gets map names bold.
Swiftec modules
Conversion module Currently module supports few types of independent conversions algorithms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bosch EDC16 coding/decoding Bosch M155 coding/decoding Siemens F200 coding/decoding Siemens 2001 coding/decoding Motorola HEX coding/decoding
6. 7. 8. 9.
Intel HEX coding/decoding EPROM splitting 16Bit project EPROM joining two 8Bit files to one 16Bit project Project duplication:
Import/export module This module based on conversion module, with some additional features like import Bdm To Go, ZIP, RAR files. Imported files can be increased or reduced to new size with different directions: start, end, offset. Emprty areas will be automatically filled by FF hexadecimal. With exporting, by default, old file size shown in size field and can be easy used to remember imported one size. One more feature is automatically detection format of imported files, so You only need click OK button:
Search/Replace module Can be invoked from 2D or HEX mode. It can be use for search and replace 8,16,32 bits values decimal or hexadecimal and text values, also can be used mask ?.
Properties module This module can be invoked anytime with working Swiftec by Ctrl+I.
With importing files its automatically detects checksums and ECU information, checksum 8 bit. All detected information automatically gets filled by Swiftec, so only You need its put Customer name and License plate and cars information like Brand, Model, Engine. Comment can be updated, if some more information was detected and can be easy edited by user to save some important information about project. Success result checksum detection will be shown by message:
Anytime you can change checksum by invoke project properties and click on Checksum settings":
ECU information can be updated by Detect ECU Info button. If some information was found it will shows message:
Automatically checksum detection module This module detects licensed one checksum for use, and detects/test/correct checksum after modifying files. Checksum can be setting over Properties module or by saving user maps. Manual checksum settings can be done to: No calculation 8/16 bit checksum Complem. checksum Partial checksum Family checksums
When load before created projects its compare information about checksum in project database and warning user about different checksum settings:
Automatically ECU information detection module Currently supports Bosch, Siemens, Marelli, Temic, Delphi, Delco ECUs. Its automatically detects wheres possible ECU producer and type, software and hardware numbers, also some more different information. This module automatically using by Swiftec when import files to project database and can be anytime invoked from Properties module. Automatically maps detection module Currently supports Bosch, Siemens, Delphi, Temic ECUs. Its automatically detects wheres possible maps by VCPowerTeam private algorithm gives bestest results on market. ASAP2 import module Supports all available format ASAP2 specification, include newest ones. Project database module All files imported and modified saving to projects database and can be opened anytime. Using database have a lot information fields: customer name, car brand, model, engine, ECU, ECU SW and HW, imported size, checksum 8 bit, date and time of creating, checksum used, count of modified versions, amount of maps in project and user map name. All projects can be filtered and sorted by clicking on columns. Any of files can be exported from database to selected conversion format and saved to disk.
By double clicking mouse on some project opens modified versions of project. Same functions possible for modified versions as for originals:
Map manager module This module features is possibly the most important one any user can create own maps with own formulas, names, offsets, conversion values. Normally accessing to map manager via 2D mode by context or main menu:
For determining start address of MAP and Axis using Mark1, Mark3, Mark4(using of it described above). After selection finished click to New MAP to invoke Map manager module:
This is the main Map manager window were all information must be filled, please notice that the start address is already filled by the information from Mark 1 address and on the X axis also start address is already filled from Mark 3 information and Y axis start address is already filled from Mark 4. Inside Map Manager window there are many available options for Map, for X axis and for Y axis. This information must be filled with knowledge of the user in order to get right conversion values, names, etc.. Swiftec already provides some standard formulas used by Bosch on their cars:
By using this direct formulas Swiftec will automatically fill information on factor and offset and convert given values: BAR- convertion given values into milibar C- convertion given values into values %- convertion given values into a percentage 1- standard look no formula given
The above button allows user to create own factors and offsets by the use of formulas as shown here:
Its possible to choose from any of the 3 formulas in order to get correct Offset and Factor for the given values. After all values are filled according to users choice:
A new map gets created when clicking in Save. If user wants to save the newly created map to disk, just have to click save map in Map manager menu, and a UMAP file (user map file) is created. It will be also automatically saved to database. Next time load this project saved user map will be automatically loaded:
With saving user map to disk Swiftec will ask about checksum settings for this map.
VCPowerTeam Av da Noruega S/N 5000-508 Vila Real Portugal Web: www.vcpowerteam.com Telephone: + 351 93 252 75 75 Fax: + 351 259 338 001 Email: mailto:[email protected]
All copyrights and property rights to Swiftec are exclusively owned by VCPowerTeam, Portugal.