IPC2022-86761 ILI Interval Optimization - Final
IPC2022-86761 ILI Interval Optimization - Final
IPC2022-86761 ILI Interval Optimization - Final
September 26 – September 30, 2022, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
1 © 2022 by ASME
important to develop a planning strategy for in-line inspection shown in Figure 1, where the optimal ILI interval 𝑥 ∗ corresponds
program to ensure cost-effectiveness while maintaining safety. to the minimum objective function value 𝐹(𝑥)∗ .
The determination of inspection interval often relies on
engineering fitness-for-service (FFS) approach. An estimated
growth rate is applied to the most critical defect that remained
Objective Function,
unmitigated in a pipeline segment to determine when that defect
would grow to failure. If all known defects are mitigated, an
undetected defect size can be estimated. Consistent with the
regulatory guideline [1], the inspection interval is planned such
that the next inspection will be executed before such defect is
predicted to fail, considering the tool tolerance with safety factor.
However, this approach may result in suboptimal solution that
ILI Interval,
favors larger inspection interval while overlooking the higher
mitigation cost. In addition, the safety margin chosen may FIGURE 1 OBJECTIVE FUNCTION
underestimate the effect of various sources of uncertainty in the
failure model, especially the growing uncertainty in defect size 2.2 Inspection Cost
prediction, thus resulting in a higher residual risk than desired. For an ILI interval 𝑥, the present cost of the 𝑖th ILI run is
A reliability-based approach would plan for the next in-line given by
inspection before the probability of failure (PoF) exceeds an
acceptable level [2]. Potential hidden defects missed by the last 𝑐
𝑓𝐼𝑖 (𝑥) = (1+𝑟)𝑡𝑖 , (2)
ILI run are included in the reliability assessment. Once the
pipeline is inspected, the location and condition of these
previously hidden defects are revealed and repaired accordingly, where 𝑐𝐼 is the future unit cost of ILI run modeled as a constant,
which restores the PoF to the previous level. This approach is a 𝑟 is the economic rate of return, and 𝑡𝑖 is the time in number of
significant improvement to FFS-based approach due to its ability years past the last ILI run. The total present cost of ILI runs for
to account for various sources of uncertainty. A reliability-based an ILI interval 𝑥 is the sum of all individual ILI present costs,
optimization approach can determine the optimal inspection
interval using reliability-based life cycle cost analysis [3], where
costs of inspection, repair, and failure in present value are 𝐹𝐼 (𝑥) = ∑𝑛(𝑥)
𝑖=1 𝑓𝐼𝑖 (𝑥) , (3)
considered [4]. Risk-based framework has also been proposed
for devising an optimum solution for decision-making in capital where 𝑛(𝑥) is the number of ILI runs for a planning horizon of
and operational projects [5]. As a logical extension of previous 𝑁 number of years,
work in this area, a risk-based data-driven optimization approach
for determining the in-line inspection interval is developed and 𝑛(𝑥) =
. (4)
presented in this paper. 𝑥
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Annual Mitigation Cost,
ILI Cost,
ILI Interval
ILI Interval,
Following an ILI run, the risks of burst failure associated The total present cost of mitigation is the sum of all annual
with the reported defects can be evaluated in terms of PoF per present mitigation costs,
unit length and time, and the failure consequence. The PoF
calculation is carried out using limit state method for quantitative 𝑓 ′ (𝑡)
assessment of defects [6][7][8]. The consequence metric is 𝐹𝑀 (𝑥) = ∑𝑁
𝑡=1 (1+𝑟)𝑡 ,
estimated with population density, internal pressure, and pipe
diameter [9]. The risks of these defects can be mitigated to an which typically increases with ILI interval as shown in Figure 4,
acceptable level defined by safety target [9][10]; the defects are
sentenced and scheduled for excavation, field inspection, and
repair each year, while their growths are modeled and simulated.
Alternatively, these defects can also be mitigated based on FFS
in compliance with regulatory requirements, where excavations Mitigation Cost,
are sentenced based on the safety factor with defect growth. As
FFS-based mitigation does not necessarily align with risk-based
mitigation, it may result in a higher residual risk of failure, thus
it would be particularly prudent to incorporate the residual risk
component in the objective function.
By considering the proximity between defects, average
excavation length, and average mitigation cost per excavation, it ILI Interval,
is possible to translate the number of defects mitigated each year FIGURE 4 TOTAL PRESENT COST OF MITIGATIONS
into an annual mitigation cost function denoted as 𝑓𝑀 (𝑡), where
𝑡 is the time in years after the last ILI run. The function can also 2.4 Residual Risk of Failure
be defined specifically for each region, pipe diameter, defect
depth, and repair type. Depending on the ILI findings, 𝑓𝑀 (𝑡) may As the reported defects are mitigated following an ILI run,
be low or exhibit an exponentially increasing trend due to defect there remains residual risk for those defects that are not mitigated
growth, then levels off and returns to 0 as all defects have been each year. There are also undetected defects; an ILI tool with
mitigated in due time. It is assumed that the rising annual larger detection threshold (poorer sensitivity) should drive a
mitigation cost is curtailed by re-inspection, such that the trend shorter inspection interval. The PoF per year can be calculated
is restored and repeated at every ILI interval 𝑥 within the for each of these defects and multiplied by its associated
planning horizon 𝑁. The exploitation of this trend is essential to consequence to provide a risk estimate. The sum of these
the optimization scheme, especially considering the typically individual risks each year gives the annual residual risk function
low (about 20%) dig efficiency, defined herein as the percentage denoted as 𝑓𝑅 (𝑡), where 𝑡 is the time in years after the last ILI
of digs that result in necessary pipe repairs or replacements. run. Depending on the mitigation program, 𝑓𝑅 (𝑡) may rise
Given 𝑥 ′ being the last ILI interval, the curtailed mitigation exponentially or maintained at a low level. It is assumed that the
cost function can be scaled by the ratio of 𝑥 to 𝑥 ′ . These annual residual risk is curtailed by re-inspection according to the
idealizations yield a periodic sawtooth shaped mitigation cost idealized annual mitigation cost 𝑓𝑀′ (𝑡), which yields a periodic
function as shown in Figure 3, sawtooth shaped residual risk function (Figure 5),
𝑓𝑀′ (𝑡 + 𝑖𝑥) = 𝑓𝑀′ (𝑡), 𝑡 = 1, … , 𝑁. (7) 𝑓𝑅′ (𝑡 + 𝑖𝑥) = 𝑓𝑅′ (𝑡), 𝑡 = 1, … , 𝑁. (10)
𝑓𝑀′ (𝑇) =
𝑓 (𝑇), 𝑇 = 1, … , 𝑥. (8) 𝑓𝑅′ (𝑇) = 𝑓 (𝑇), 𝑇 = 1, … , 𝑥. (11)
𝑥′ 𝑀 𝑥′ 𝑅
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Annual Residual Risk,
ILI Interval
The total present residual risk of failure is the sum of all The analysis yielded the total cost as shown in Figure 8. Due to
annual present residual risks, lack of strong driver from light corrosion condition, an
inspection interval of 3-7 years does not have much impact on
𝑤𝑓 ′ (𝑡) the total cost, and the minimum point is at 7 years.
𝐹𝑅 (𝑥) = ∑𝑁
𝑡=1 (1+𝑟)𝑡 ,
The analysis approach is applied to numerical examples that
are created to show the effect of corrosion severity and
mitigation cost on the optimality of inspection interval. These
examples are based on two line-segments subjected to external
corrosion threat managed by an ILI program, where one line-
segment is more severely corroded than the other. These line-
segments were analyzed by assuming risk-based mitigation, i.e.,
all high-risk features are mitigated annually such that the residual
risk component in the objective function is negligible.
4 © 2022 by ASME
higher ILI cost due to shorter interval will be offset by the FIGURE 12 TOTAL COST FROM HIGHER MITIGATION COST
reduction in mitigation cost. WITH SEVERE CORROSION
A risk-based data-driven analysis approach is presented to
optimize the inspection interval in terms of operational costs
while managing the failure risks. In this approach, re-inspection
is modeled to curtail the potentially rising cost of mitigation (due
to defect growth) and to account for the potentially rising
residual risk of failure (depending on the mitigation program). It
integrates ILI tool performance (detection threshold and sizing
tolerance), field inspection findings, defect growth, and various
sources of uncertainty in the analysis process. Numerical
FIGURE 10 TOTAL COST WITH SEVERE CORROSION examples based on external corrosion threat were provided to
assess the effect of various conditions on the optimality of
3.2 Mitigation Cost inspection interval. The analysis results show success in shifting
the optimum toward a shorter inspection interval for a line-
Mitigation cost per excavation also plays a factor in the segment associated with either more severe corrosion or higher
optimum ILI inspection interval. The cost depends on conditions mitigation cost per excavation.
such as accessibility (e.g., deep soil cover) and complexity of These results support further application of the approach in
excavation procedure. In this analysis, the cost per excavation is an industrial scale system-wide analysis, such that inspection
increased by 2.5 times from the previous numerical examples. intervals can be dynamically updated at segment-level using the
When applied to the pipeline segment with light corrosion, the latest ILI data as they become available. While the approach is
higher mitigation cost drove the optimum inspection interval particularly suited for external corrosion threat, it should be
toward 3-5 years ( noted that growth of unmitigated and/or undetected defect may
FIGURE 11) despite the low number of defects. yield a shorted ILI interval especially when the ILI tool has a
lower performance, in which case the approach should not be
used to override the more stringent result.
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5 © 2022 by ASME
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6 © 2022 by ASME