Giz Grey Water Recycling and Reuse 2011
Giz Grey Water Recycling and Reuse 2011
Giz Grey Water Recycling and Reuse 2011
The Egyptian-German Private Sector Development Programme (PSDP) was established in 2005
with a planned duration of 9 years. It is a bilateral programme financed by the German Ministry
for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented in cooperation with the
Egyptian Ministry for Trade and Industry (MTI), with technical assistance provided by the
German Technical Cooperation (GTZ). PSDP focuses on private sector enterprises as its main
target group and aims at enhancing their competitiveness through innovations, which can result
in new or improved products or production processes. This results, through resource efficiency -
oriented BDS, in concrete improvements in the enterprises, and improved conditions within the
value chain, e.g. through the upgraded status of smaller companies (formalization) or through
enhanced supply chains.
Water is increasingly becoming a scarce resource. Large and small scale users need to take
action to conserve it not only because it is prudent practice to do so for their own benefit, but
also because it is an active demonstration of their concern about the global pollution and
environmental problems.
35% reduction of water consumption in residential units can be achieved with simple technology
if grey-water is recycled and reused in toilet flushing and irrigation. Also Industrial waste water
treatment and reuse is a vital technology for Egypt. It saves money on all levels; water-heavy-
consumption-industry can reduce its consumption by 80% through recycling processes thus save
money and even make benefit after reasonable return of investment period. The government’s
saving through reduction in the annual subsidy is definitively higher as the water is heavily
subsidized in Egypt.
Acquiring innovation capacity in developing and implementing waste water recovery technology
on the residential and industrial sectors is essential to improve the competitiveness of the
Egyptian industry from both supply and demand aspects.
Therefore PSDP supported the establishment of Re-Water Innovation Network that consists of
various stakeholders with the aim to acquire local capacity for innovation and develop number
of local technologies for waste water recovery. This book is documenting side of the research
and development efforts done by the network to develop Grey-Water Recovery Unit for
residential buildings. Efforts are continuing to cover industrial applications.
FOREWORD .......................................................................................................................................... 7
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 10
3.4.1 Project background and rationale ......................................................................................... 37
3.4.2 Grey water management system .......................................................................................... 37
3.4.3 Performance ............................................................................................................................ 39
3.4.4 Operation and maintenance .................................................................................................. 39
3.4.5 Practical experience and lessons learned ........................................................................... 39
3.4.6 Project Framework .................................................................................................................. 40
HOUSEHOLDS) .......................................................................................................................................... 40
3.5.1 Project background and rationale ......................................................................................... 40
3.5.2 Grey water management system .......................................................................................... 41
3.5.3 Performance ............................................................................................................................ 42
3.5.4 Operation and maintenance .................................................................................................. 42
3.5.5 Practical experience and lessons learned ........................................................................... 42
3.5.6 Project Framework .................................................................................................................. 42
3.6.1 Project background and rationale ......................................................................................... 43
3.6.2 Grey water management system .......................................................................................... 43
3.6.3 Performance ............................................................................................................................ 44
3.6.4 Operation and maintenance .................................................................................................. 44
3.6.5 Practical experience and lessons learned ........................................................................... 44
3.6.6 Project Framework .................................................................................................................. 44
3.7 KUCHING, MALAYSIA (ECOSAN GREY WATER DEMONSTRATION PROJECT) ..................................... 45
3.7.1 Project background and rationale ......................................................................................... 45
3.7.2 Grey water management system .......................................................................................... 45
3.7.3 Operation and maintenance .................................................................................................. 46
3.7.4 Practical experience and lessons learned ........................................................................... 47
3.7.5 Project Framework .................................................................................................................. 47
3.8 SRI LANKA (GREY WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS FOR HOTEL PREMISES)....................................... 47
3.8.1 Project background and rationale ......................................................................................... 47
3.8.2 Grey water management system .......................................................................................... 48
3.8.3 Performance ............................................................................................................................ 48
3.8.4 Operation and maintenance .................................................................................................. 48
3.8.5 Practical experience and lessons learned ........................................................................... 49
3.2.12 Nature Clear GWTS ............................................................................................................. 75
4.2.13 The 4 Barrel System ............................................................................................................. 77
4.2.14 AquaCycle GWTS ................................................................................................................. 79
4.2.15 BRAC 450 GWTS ................................................................................................................. 81
4.2.16 Rotating Biological Contactors ............................................................................................ 82
4.2.17 Ozzi Kleen modl GTSIO GWTS.......................................................................................... 84
4.2.18 Rootzone model G-700 GWTS ........................................................................................... 86
4.2.19 Aqua reuses domestic GWTS ............................................................................................. 88
4.2.20 Constructed Wet Lands CWL.............................................................................................. 90
REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................... 91
Main focus of the present work is placed on describing and illustrating a wide
range of grey water management and treatment options to facilitate informed
decision-making when confronted with the task of developing a sanitation
concept. This report is not a design manual for grey water management systems,
although design principles and construction plans of treatment chains are
provided whenever possible. The report mainly aims at sensitizing and
encouraging national, regional and municipal water and environmental sanitation
authorities and agencies to integrate grey water management into their
development policies and programmers. NGOs working in the field of
environmental sanitation are invited to include grey water management into their
neighborhood upgrading projects. This report will hopefully support them in their
efforts and provide assistance to house owners during pre-selection of grey
water management schemes adapted to their specific requirements and prior to
soliciting expert advice. This report prepared as an activity of a project conducted
at the Projects Developments and Scientific Research Technology Center (R&D
TECH) a privet research center located in Upper Egypt and funded by the GIZ.
The report consists of four chapters. Chapter one includes general introduction
about grey water definition, uses, recycling health concerns, volumes, resources,
and characteristics. Chapter two summarizes the different grey water treatment
methodologies based on literature review. Chapter three represents case study
for the application of grey water treatment systems in some developing countries.
Chapter four, deals with the evaluation of different grey water treatment systems
produced commercially worldwide. In addition, based on the obtained data, R&D
TECH team developed an evaluation strategy for these systems based on
specific grading ranking system and finally. As an outcome form the project,
R&D TECH designed a software to be used for cost analysis gray water
treatment systems.
Chapter one:
1. Introduction
As pressures on freshwater resources grow around the world and as new sources of
supply become increasingly scarce, expensive, or politically controversial, efforts are
underway to identify new ways for meeting water needs by increasing the efficiency of
water use and to expand the usefulness of alternative sources of water previously
considered unusable, among these potential new sources of supply is “grey water”.
Figure 1 shows a typical application of grey water recycling from several households.2
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1.1 Grey Water Definition
Grey water gets its name from its cloudy appearance and from its status as being
between fresh, potable water (known as "white water") and sewage water ("black
water"). Grey water is wastewater from showers, baths, washbasins, washing machines
and kitchen sinks. 3
While kitchen wastewater is not recommended for use as grey water if untreated. Grey
water does not include wastewater from toilets, urinals, or bidets. This is referred to as
black water (water containing human excrement). Grey water can be collected from
some or all of these sources and, after treatment, used for purposes around the home
such as toilet flushing or garden watering that do not require drinking water quality. 4
Recycling grey water not only reduces the consumption of water, it also reduces the
volume of water discharged into the sewerage system. Consumers with water meters
could therefore save money on both their water supply and wastewater bills.
There are many ecological benefits of grey water recycling could be sumerized as
Grey water can replace fresh water in many instances, saving money and increasing the
effective water supply in regions where irrigation is needed. Residential water use is
almost evenly split between indoor and outdoor. All except toilet water could be recycled
outdoors, achieving the same result with significantly less water diverted from nature.
Grey water use greatly extends the useful life and capacity of septic systems. For
municipal treatment system by decreasing the wastewater flow which in turn means
higher treatment effectiveness and lower treatment costs.
11 | P a g e
Less energy and chemicals are used due to the reduced amount of both freshwater and
wastewater that needs pumping and treatment. For those providing their own water or
electricity, the advantage of a reduced burden on the infrastructure is felt directly. Also,
treating your wastewater in the soil under your own fruit trees definitely encourages you
to dump fewer toxic chemicals down the drain.
Grey water is purified to a spectacularly high degree in the upper, most biologically
active region of the soil. This protects the quality of natural surface and ground waters.
Groundwater recharge
Plant growth
Grey water enables a landscape to flourish where water may not otherwise be available
to support much plant growth.
Loss of nutrients through wastewater disposal in rivers or oceans is a subtle, but highly
significant form of erosion. Reclaiming nutrients in grey water helps to maintain the
fertility of the land. 5
Grey water can be used untreated, or it can be treated to varying degrees to reduce
nutrients and disease-causing microorganisms. The appropriate uses of grey water
depend on both the source of grey water and the level of treatment.6
Recycled water is most commonly used for non potable (not for drinking) purposes, such
as agriculture, landscape, public parks, and golf course irrigation. Other non potable
applications include cooling water for power plants and oil refineries, industrial process
water for such facilities as paper mills and carpet dyers, toilet flushing, dust control,
construction activities, concrete mixing, and artificial lakes.
12 | P a g e
Although most water recycling projects have been developed to meet non potable water
demands, a number of projects use recycled water indirectly for potable purposes. These
projects include recharging ground water aquifers and augmenting surface water
reservoirs with recycled water. In ground water recharge projects, recycled water can be
spread or injected into ground water aquifers to augment ground water supplies, and to
prevent salt water intrusion in coastal areas. 7
The use of gray water at decentralized sites for landscape irrigation and toilet flushing
reduces the amount of potable water distributed to these sites, the amount of fertilizer
needed, and the amount of wastewater generated, transported, and treated at
wastewater treatment facilities. In other words, water reuse saves water, energy, and
money. 8
Health risks are often cited by regulators as reasons for requiring high-tech
expensive systems although there are no recorded instances of grey water
transmitted illness in the US. However, grey water may contain infectious
organisms. Bear this in mind when designing and using a system. A poorly
designed system could become a pathway for infecting people.
There are two main principles for safety are considered as follows:
1. Grey water must pass slowly through healthy topsoil for natural purification to
2. Design your grey water system so no grey water-to-human contact occurs
before purification (i.e. passing through the soil or mulch basin).
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3. Don’t apply untreated grey water onto lawns, or fruits and vegetables that are
eaten raw (i.e. strawberries, lettuce, carrots).
4. Use only grey water that is fairly clean to start with – Grey water containing
water used to launder diapers or generated by anyone with an infectious
disease should be diverted to a sewer or septic system.
5. Don’t store grey water, use it within 24 hours before bacteria multiply. After 24
hours it goes its way to become black water.
6. Don’t overload your system. If you’re having company and your system is
designed for 2 people, divert the grey water to the sewer.
7. Divert grey water containing harmful chemicals to the sewer or septic system
8. Prevent contamination of surface water. Discharge grey water underground or
into a mulch filled basin.
9. Don’t apply grey water to saturated soils.
The percentage of household water that is grey water varies regionally and between
households, depending on the primary uses of water in a home and how efficiently water
is used, but is generally between 50% and 80% of the total water used.9
14 | P a g e
On average the volume of water use in the house per day is 135 L/person/day.
Approximately 84% (113 L/person/day) of this water can be captured and recycled from
the grey water. In the follwing, the different sources of grey water are classified and
Bathroom grey water (bath, basin and shower) contributes approximately 50% of the
total grey water volume. Bathroom grey water can be contaminated with hair, soaps,
shampoos, hair dyes, toothpaste, lint, nutrients, body fats, oils and cleaning products.
Laundry grey water contributes approximately 30% of total grey water volume.
Wastewater from the laundry varies in quality from wash water to rinse water to second
rinse water. Laundry grey water can be contaminated with lint, oils, grease, laundry
detergents, chemicals, soaps, nutrients and other compounds.
Kitchen wastewater is sometimes considered as a grey water source. If a suitable
treatment is not available, kitchen wastewater should not be used due to the amount of
contaminants (food particles, oil, grease, etc.) it contains. Fortunately kitchen grey water
contributes a relatively small portion of the total available grey water (15%). 11
Grey water composition is varied accourding to the source of the grey water. Table 1
shows the contaminants of grey water from different sources.
Table 1: Water-quality characteristics of selected domestic grey water 12
15 | P a g e
As could be seen in Table 1, grey water contains oils, fats, detergents, soaps, nutrients,
salts and particles of hair, food and lint, which can impact on operational performance
and life of a grey water irrigation system. If these contaminants aren’t managed
correctly they can degrade soil structure, clog groundwater flow paths or even cause
non wetting characteristics in garden soils. In addtion, grey water can contain
pathogenic microorganisms including bacteria, protozoa, viruses and parasites in
concentrations high enough to present a health risk. Therefore, a level of caution must
be exercised with grey water reuse. This can be achieved by not allowing unnecessary
human contact with grey water, or by treating the grey water to remove or destroy the
The chemical and physical quality of grey water compared with raw sewage is shown in
Table 2.13
Table 2: chemical and physical quality of grey water compared with raw sewage
Grey water
Parameter Unit Raw sewage
Range Mean
16 | P a g e
Chapter TWO:
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2. Grey Water Treatment Methodologies
2.1 Introduction
Grey water treatment methodologies range from simple low-cost devices that divert grey
water to direct reuse, such as in toilets or outdoor landscaping, to complex treatment
processes incorporating sedimentation tanks, bioreactors, filters, pumps, and
disinfection. Some grey water plants are home-built, do-it-yourself style through piping
and storage systems. On the other hand, there are also a variety of commercial grey
water systems available that filter water to remove hair, lint, and debris, and remove
pollutants, bacteria, salts, pharmaceuticals, and even viruses from grey water. In short,
the avilable treatment technologies in both scientific literatures and market could are
shown in Table 3 according to the treatment level.
Table 3: Grey water treatment technologies
technique such as
allowing particles to
of the tank.
Filter, chemical
18 | P a g e
water reuse included physical, chemical, and biological systems. Most of these methods
are preceded by a solid-liquid separation step as pre-treatment and followed by a
disinfection step as post treatment. To avoid the clogging of the subsequent treatment,
the pre-treatments such as septic tank, filter bags, screen and filters are applied to
reduce the amount of particles and oil & grease. The disinfection step is used to meet
the microbiological requirements. In the following based on scientific research, we are
going to give a brief description for the three different treatment routes.
Physical treatment
The physical treatments include coarse sand, soil, and membrane filtration followed
mostly by a disinfection step. The coarse filter alone has limited effect on the removal of
the pollutants present in the grey water.
Chiemchaisri et al. (1992) used membrane filtration for grey water treatment.
Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) installed with two types of membranes (pore size 0.1 and
0.03 μm) was able to achieve the same as biological treatment although the membrane
pore sizes are larger than the size of viruses (25 nm), revealing effective removal of
mico-organisms by membranes. Nevertheless, the relative higher residual organic
substances in the treated grey water by membrane filtration often promote the re-growth
of the micro-organisms in the storage and transportation system. Furthermore, the
membrane fouling and its consequences in term of operating and maintenance costs
can restrict the widespread application of membrane technologies for grey water
treatment. Data on the removal of detergents by physical grey water treatment
processes were not available.
Birks (1998) reported a medium strength UF membrane grey water treatment system,
in which the COD and the BOD were reduced from 451 mg/l and 274 mg/l in the influent
to 117 mg/l and 53 mg/l respectively in the effluent
March et al. (2004) reported a low strength bath grey water treatment system, which
used a nylon sock type filter, followed by a sedimentation step and a disinfection step.
The COD, the turbidity, the SS and TN were reduced from 171 mg/l, 20 NTU, 44 mg/l
and 11.4 mg/l in the influent to 78 mg/l, 16.5 NTU, 18.6 mg/l and 7.1 mg/l respectively in
the effluent. He claimed that the reclaimed grey water can be used for toilet flushing
19 | P a g e
under controlled working conditions (storage time be 48 h and the residual chlorine
concentration N1 mg/l in the toilet tank).
Itayama et al. (2004), used a slanted soil filter (The main components of the soil are
alumina and hydrated silica) to remove organic pollutants and total phosphors partially
from kitchen sink grey water. The COD, the BOD, the SS, the TN and the TP were
reduced from 271 mg/l, 477 mg/l, 105 mg/l, 20.7 mg/l and 3.8 mg/l in the influent to 40.6
mg/l, 81 mg/l, 23 mg/l, 4.4 mg/l and 0.6 mg/l, respectively, in the effluent. Due to the
nitrification and de-nitrification reactions in the soil treatment system, nitrogen was
eliminated effectively. Obviously, the soil filter applied in this study cannot be regarded
as a single filtration but a combination of filtration and biodegradation.
Ramon et al. (2004) reported a low strength grey water treatment system with direct
nano-filtration membrane, which was able to achieve an organic removal rate of 93%.
Turk et al. (2005) investigated the use of a UF membrane (0.05 μm pore size) for the
treatment of laundry grey water.
Sostar-Turk et al. (2005) reported that the membrane after the UF membrane was able
to reduce the BOD from 86 to 2 mg/l corresponding to a removal rate of 98% However,
one shall keep in mind that the higher energy consumption and the membrane fouling
are often the key factors limiting the economic viability of membrane systems.
Funamizu and Kikyo (2007) reported a high strength grey water treatment system by
different nano-filtration membranes. 92–98% anionic surfactant (LAS) and 88–92% of
nonionic surfactant were rejected by the nano-filtration membranes. The LAS
concentrations in the permeate were still higher than the predicted no-effect
concentration and further treatments are required. There were few data available on the
removal of micro-organisms by membranes.
Li et al. (2008) evaluated the performance and suitability of a resource and nutrient
oriented decentralized grey water treatment system which uses a submerged spiral
wound module. The study revealed that the direct UF membrane filtration system was
able to reduce TOC from the influent value of 161 mg/l to 28.6 mg/l in the permeate,
corresponding an average elimination rate of 83.4%. In addition, soluble nutrients like
ammonia and phosphors can pass through the UF membrane and remain in the
permeate. The total nitrogen and total phosphors in the permeate were 16.7 mg/l and
6.7 mg/l respectively. The permeate was low in turbidity (below 1 NTU) and free of
20 | P a g e
suspended solids and E. coli and had an excellent physical appearance. The rejects
generated in this system can be treated with black water and kitchen waste in an
anaerobic digester at a later stage for producing biogas or compost.
Based on the above review it could be concluded that physical processes alone
are not sufficient for grey water treatments and reuses.
Table 4: The standards for non-potable grey water reuses and applications
Chemical treatments
Very few chemical processes were reported for grey water treatments and reuses. The
chemical processes applied for grey water treatments include coagulation, photo-
catalytic oxidation, ion exchange and granular activated carbon.
21 | P a g e
(Parsons et al., 2000). reported that an advanced oxidation process based on photo-
catalytic oxidation with titanium dioxide and UV was applied for grey water treatment
and a 90% removal of the organics.
Lin et al. (2005) reported a combined chemical grey water treatment system, in which
electrocoagulation was followed by a disinfection step. The COD, the BOD, the turbidity
and the SS in the lows strength grey water were reduced from 55 mg/l, 23 mg/l, 43 NTU
and 29 mg/l in the influent to 22 mg/l, 9 mg/l, 4 NTU and 9 mg/l respectively in the
effluent. The total coli forms were not detected in the reclaimed grey water. The effluent
water quality meets the restricted grey water reuse standards proposed in this study.
But the raw grey water fed into the treatment plant was low in organic strength.
Sostar-Turk et al. (2005) reported the treatment of low strength laundry grey water
treatment process using a combination of coagulation, sand filter and granular activated
carbon (GAC). This grey water treatment process reduced the COD, the BOD and the
suspended solids from 280 mg/l, 195 mg/l and 35 mg/l in the influent to 20 mg/l, 10 mg/l
and less than 5 mg/l respectively in the effluent and achieved a good treatment
performance with the coagulation stage itself achieving 51% of the BOD removal and
100% of the suspended solids removal.
Chang et al. (2007) investigated the flocculation process for grey water treatment
(coagulation with aluminum salt). The COD and the anionic surfactant concentration
were reduced by 70% and 90% respectively. The study showed that the flocculation
process alone is not able to reduce the organic substances to the required reuse
standard, thus necessitating the application of biological processes. In a study lead by
Pidou et al. (2008), the coagulation processes and the magnetic ion exchange resin
process were applied for shower grey water treatment. At optimal conditions,
coagulation with aluminum salt reduced the COD, the BOD, the turbidity, TN and PO43−
in from 791 mg/l, 205 mg/l, 46.6 NTU, 18 mg/l and 1.66 mg/l in the influent to 287 mg/l,
23 mg/l, 4.28 NTU, 15.7 mg/l and 0.09 mg/l respectively. The total coli forms, the E. coli
and the faucal enterococci in the reclaimed grey water are all less than 1/100 ml.
Coagulation with ferric salt achieved similar treatment efficiencies as that obtained with
aluminum salt. The coagulation processes. In another study by the same research
group, (Pidou et al ,2008) they were able to reduce the BOD concentration to less than
30 mg/l but fail to decrease the turbidity to less than 5 NTU. The COD, BOD, turbidity,
22 | P a g e
TN and PO43− were decreased by the magnetic ion exchange resin to 272 mg/l, 33 mg/l,
8.14 NTU, 15.3 mg/l and 0.91 mg/l respectively. The total coliforms, the E. coli and the
faecal enterococci in the reclaimed grey water are 59/100 ml, 8/100 ml and less than 1/
100 ml. The magnetic ion exchange resin process failed to reduce the turbidity and the
BOD to the levels required for both unrestricted and restricted reuses. The coagulation
process and the magnetic ion exchange resin process have minor effects on the
removals of both TN and PO43−.
Biological treatments
23 | P a g e
mg/l and 0.26 mg/l in the final effluent respectively. Surprisingly the COD, the BOD and
the TOC were increased from 20 mg/l, 1.6 mg/l and 0.5 mg/l in the effluent of the sand
filter to 25 mg/l, 6 mg/l and 13 mg/l in the final effluent respectively. However, the study
from Eriksson et al. (2007) also showed that the BOD can be reduced by the RBC step
to below 5 mg/l. He also examined the removal efficiencies of 5 selected trace organic
substances by the pilot grey water treatment plant. Their study showed that the five
selected paraben biocides (methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, butyl-, and iso-butyl-esters of
parahydroxy benzoic acid) can be removed effectively by the treatment plant showing
that the micro-organisms has adapted to the parabens as a carbon source for their
Friedler et al. (2005) studied a low strength grey water treatment system, which
combined Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC), sand filtration and chlorination. The
RBC step was preceded by a fine screen for the removal of gross solids and hairs larger
than 1 mm and followed by a sedimentation step in a sedimentation basin to separate
sludge from the effluents. The TSS, Turbidity, COD, BOD and faecal coliform were
reduced from 43 mg/l, 33 NTU, 158 mg/l, 59 mg/l and 5.6×105 /100 ml in the influent to
16 mg/l, 1.9 NTU, 46 mg/l, 6.6 mg/l and 9.7×103 /100 ml respectively in the effluent of
the sedimentation basin. The sand filtration step, acting as a polishing stage, further
reduced the TSS, turbidity, COD and BOD to 7.9 mg/l, 0.61 NTU, 40 mg/l and 2.3 mg/l
respectively. Astonishingly, the faecal coliform level increased from 9.7×103 / 100 ml to
5.2×104\ /100 ml after the sand filtration, demanding a disinfection step thereafter. The
faecal coliform level was reduced to 0.1/100ml by the disinfection step in the final
effluent. The pilot plant successfully reduced the TP, TKN, ammonia and organic
nitrogen from 4.8 mg/l, 8.1 mg/l, 4.9 mg/l and 3.2 mg/l in the inffluent to 2 mg/l, 1 mg/l,
0.16 mg/l and 0.97 mg/l respectively in the final effluent.
Liu et al. (2005) reported a submerged MBR from Mitsubishi Rayon (poly- ethylene,
pore size 0.4 µm) for low strength bath grey water treatment. This study revealed that
the COD was reduced from the influent value of 130–322 to 18 mg/l on average in
permeate. NH4–N concentration was reported to have decreased from 0.6–1.0 mg/l in
influent to less than 0.5 mg/l in the effluent. BOD5 was reduced from the influent value
of 99–221 mg/l to less than 5 mg/l in the permeate. Anionic surfactants (AS) were
reduced from 3.5–8.9 mg/l in the influent to less than 0.5mg/l in the effluent. The effluent
24 | P a g e
was colorless and odorless and free of SS and faecal coliform concentrations were
below the determination threshold. This study demonstrated that biological degradation
removed most of the pollutants and membrane separation further eliminated the rest of
the pollutants, thus ensuring a stable and excellent effluent water quality.
Lesjean and Gnirss (2006), studied a submerged plate and frame MBR grey water
(including kitchen grey water) treatment unit was operated under low SRT (down to 4 d)
and low HRT (set as 2 h) condition. The COD was reduced from the influent value of
493 mg/l to 24 mg/l in permeate and the elimination rate was greater than 85%.
Nitrogen was decreased from 21 mg/l to 10 mg/l, but its elimination rate was not
consistent (ranging from 20 to 80%). Phosphors was reduced by around 50%,
decreasing fromthe influent value of 7.4 mg/l to 3.5mg/l in effluent. SS in permeate was
reported to be less than 1 mg/l during the whole observation period. The stable
permeate flux achieved in this study was 7 l/m2.h.
Merz et al. (2007) studied a submerged MBR from Zeno (membrane pore size, 01 µm)
for low strength grey water from a sports and leisure club. The turbidity, COD, BOD5,
TKN, ammonia, TP, LAS and faecal coliforms were reduced from 29 NTU, 109 mg/l, 59
mg/l, 15.2 mg/l, 11.8 mg/l, 1.6 mg/l, 299 µg/l and 1.4×105/100 ml in the influent to
0.5mg/l, 15 mg/l, 5 mg/l, 5.7 mg/l, 3.3 mg/l, 1.3 mg/l, 10 µg/l and 68 /100 ml respectively
in the effluent. The effluent was free of colour and odourless. The detection of the faecal
coliforms in the permeate was probably caused by the accidental contamination in the
distribution system. The sTablepermeate flux obtained in this study ranged from 8 to 10
Gross et al. (2007), studied a recycled vertical flow constructed wetland was applied for
a high strength mixed grey water treatment. The TSS, BOD5, COD, TN, TP, anionic
surfactants, boron and faecal coliform were reduced from 158 mg/l, 466 mg/l, 839 mg/l,
34.3 mg/l, 22.8 mg/l, 7.9 mg/l, 1.6 mg/l and 5×107 /100ml in the influent to 3mg/l,
0.7mg/l, 157mg/l, 10.8mg/l, 6.6 mg/l, 0.6 mg/l, 0.6 mg/l and 2×105 /100 ml respectively
in the effluent. The constructed wetland reported in the literature showed good
treatment performance to treat grey water.
Hernandez et al., (2008) used a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for a high strength
grey water treatment. The sludge retention time and hydraulic retention time were set as
15 days and 11.7 h respectively. The COD, TP, TN and ammonia was reduced from
25 | P a g e
830 mg/l, 7.7 mg/l, 53.6 mg/l and 1.2 mg/l in the inffluent tom91 mg/l, 6.5 mg/l, 34.4 mg/l
and 0.41 mg/l respectively in the effluent. Another sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was
operated for a high strength grey water treatment. During this period, the sludge
retention time was increased to 378 days and the hydraulic retention time was reduced
to 5.9 hours. The COD, TP, TN and ammonia was reduced from 827 mg/l, 8.5 mg/l,
29.9 mg/l and 0.8mg/l in the influent to 100mg/l, 5.8mg/l, 26.5mg/l and 0.44mg/l
respectively in the effluent. The organic nitrogen in the effluents accounts for 90% and
74% of the TN, indicating that the transformation of particulate organic nitrogen to
ammonia during the aerobic treatment was very limited. This study also revealed that
97% of anionic surfactants were eliminated by the aerobic degradation.
To get a clear and quick review for the different treatment methodologies, the
following Table provides a summary for the different grey water treatment
methodologies and some of their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Description Advantages Disadvantages
26 | P a g e
High capital cost, many other
chemicals are not attracted to
Activated carbon has been
Simple operation, activated carbon at all ‐‐ sodium,
treated with oxygen to open up
carbon is particularly good nitrates, etc. This means that
millions of tiny pores between
Activated at trapping organic an activated carbon filter will
the carbon atoms. These filters
carbon filter chemicals, as well as only remove certain
thus are widely used to adsorb
inorganic compounds like impurities. It also means that,
odorous or colored substances
chlorine. once all of the bonding sites
from gases or liquids.
are filled, an activated carbon
filter stops working.
27 | P a g e
Chapter Three:
28 | P a g e
. Previous Case Studies14
The city of Djenné with its approx. 20,000 inhabitants is situated in the inner delta of
the Niger River. In 2000, a study was conducted to evaluate possible options to
mitigate the grey water problem. Local grey water infiltration was piloted in 2002.
Within the project framework, one hundred infiltration systems were built throughout
the city using local material and labor. By 2004, already 600 households were
connected to a grey water infiltration system.
Grey water from kitchen, bath and laundry flows through a PVC pipe, covered with
local pottery so as to blend in with the adobe buildings, into a grease and grit trap
(Figure 3-1). The trap, located at the bottom of the outer wall of the house, is easily
accessible for maintenance. The pretreated grey water leaves the grease and grit
trap through a small bore pipe entering the infiltration trench.
3-1 Grease and grit trap and infiltration trench, Djenné, Mali
29 | P a g e
3.1.3 Performance
One year after completion of the pilot project, the streets with adjacent infiltration
systems were dry and clean (see Figures 3-2a, 3-2b). Transport costs of goods
decreased significantly due to improved road conditions. Water samples taken from
10 wells did not reveal any groundwater contamination caused by the grey water
disposal system.
Clogging of the grease and grit trap was frequently reported. Such system failures
were caused by a lack of maintenance of the trap and clogging of the subsurface
outlet pipe by plastic bags. Meetings with the local community, especially the women,
were consequently held to raise awareness and to train them in infiltration system
maintenance. Furthermore, design of the grease and grit trap was modified to prevent
floating material from clogging the outlet.
30 | P a g e
3.1.5 Practical experience and lessons learned
Success of the project strongly depends on local community involvement. The basic
principle and impact of the infiltration system were demonstrated at two strategic
locations: at the house of a person of rank and of the mayor and willingness of the
community to cooperate increased significantly. Organization of instruction meetings
with woman groups before, during and after construction of the infiltration system with
special focus on maintenance of the grease and grit trap also contributed to
successful implementation of the system. Much effort was put into training local
craftsmen who were organized in teams of one mason and two laborers. After
intensive training, the first team further disseminated its knowledge to other teams.
Upon project evaluation in January 2003, the various teams trained could set up an
infiltration system in two days. In September 2004, over 600 houses were equipped
with infiltration facilities whose number is further increasing. This case study is a good
example for successful implementation of a simple but effective grey water treatment
Project for the Mission Culturelle, Djenne Dutch Jan. 2000 – 100 single
Koulikoro with its 26,000 inhabitants is the capital of Mali’s second largest
administrative area. The average household numbers 10–25 persons, all residing in a
spacious compound (300–400 m2) and sharing a single sanitation facility. Infiltration
of wastewater is difficult given the high groundwater table in the river valley area and
the rocky subsurface in the other neighborhoods. Within the framework of a pilot
31 | P a g e
project headed by the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and aiming at
establishing appropriate, sustainable, low-tech and low-cost sanitation systems, a
treatment system was implemented for bathroom grey water using planted filters for
combined vegetable production.
A wire mesh covering the outlet of the shower prevents large particles from being
washed into the open grease and grit trap. The collected grey water from the grease
and grit trap is then conveyed into a vertical-flow filter with an upper layer of sand, a
middle layer of charcoal and a bottom layer of gravel. The thereby filtered water then
enters a subsurface irrigated bed planted with fruits and vegetables (see Figure 3-3
and 3-4). The grey water fed through perforated pipes into this garden is equipped
with two aeration pipes. For hygienic reasons, only crops with above-ground edible
parts are planted. The garden is fenced off to prevent damage by domestic animals.
3-3 Plan view and cross-sections of the grey water garden implemented in Koulikoro.
32 | P a g e
3.2.3 Performance
The garden initially provided access to vegetables, a fact highly appreciated by all
families. Within a short time however the system failed for lack of maintenance. As
the wire mesh started to rust, it was removed and caused the solids load on the filter
to increase and the filter material to clog. Users subsequently removed the filter
material to water at least the garden, however, the untreated grey water eventually
33 | P a g e
filter. If the filter material shows signs of clogging (surface covered with sludge,
remaining water on the surface), the different layers need to be removed and either
cleaned or replaced. Maintenance and repair of the fence around the garden is also
an important aspect to ensure proper functioning of the grey water garden.
project Technical Cooperation, BOATA Start of operation: each for ca. 10–25
For a number of reasons, many rural South African villages hardly practice
gardening. Despite available land, finding and transporting water is generally the
main barrier. Water collected at the nearest standpipe and carried home will not be
used for irrigation. Scientists describe a user-friendly, low-cost and low-tech grey
water reuse system, where gardening does not have to rely on rainfall and where
34 | P a g e
nutrients are derived from grey water originating from washing clothes, kitchen
utensils etc.
3.3.2 Grey water management system
The external structure of the grey water garden consists of poles (iron bars or fence
posts) and shading material (see Figures 3-5, 3-6) surrounding soil and a central
stone-packed drain. The purpose of the stones is to spread the water flow throughout
the column. Grey water is poured daily with buckets on top of the central stone core.
The water trickles through the stone core and is more or less evenly distributed within
the soil column. Tomatoes or onions may be planted on top of the column. The most
appropriate filling material mix for the tower should be composed of three parts soil,
two parts animal manure and one part wood ash.
35 | P a g e
3.3.3 Performance
Information on treatment efficiency of the garden tower is not available. However, the
vegetables planted grew well and thrived even in severe heat not tolerated by
conventionally planted crops in gardens. Several possible reasons are attributed to
this benefit: Lower soil temperatures caused by air circulation in the core and cooling
by evapotranspiration or higher elevation of the plants away from the hot ground.
3-6 Tower garden during growing (left) and before harvesting (right)
Two to three buckets of grey water have to be applied daily to prevent the soil from
drying out. A puddle forming around the bottom of the tower indicates excess water.
Tower gardens are best located in the courtyard so as to minimize transport distance
of grey water.
Finding the right type of material to wrap around the sides of the tower is difficult. In
South Africa, shading material did not last for more than one season, since black
plastic sheets deteriorate rapidly when exposed to sunlight. The core material should
consist of flat stones or building rubble, thus preventing the soil from being evenly
moistened. One of the main strengths of the system is its minimal labor, monitoring
and maintenance requirements. Once familiar with the towers, the users prefer to
position them in their courtyards for easy pouring of the grey water into the stone
core. Such grey water reuse can thus effectively contribute to increasing food
36 | P a g e
security. However, the risk of plant contamination with pathogens by some splashing
water should be avoided. Raw consumption of the harvested vegetables is not
recommended. To prevent toxic effects on plants and soil deterioration, household
detergents must be selected carefully. To prevent clogging in the stone column and
soil, a grease and grit trap for primary treatment should be installed.
3.4 Monteverde, Costa Rica (Horizontal-flow planted filter for domestic grey
Typically for rural Latin America, separation of wastewater at the source is common,
and Monteverde is no exception. Black water is treated in septic tanks while grey
water is mostly discharged directly onto streets and into streams. Given this
unacceptable situation, a local resident, inspired by a demonstration grey water reed
bed project, offered the necessary land for implementation of a suitable grey water
treatment system provided additional funding was raised.
The grey water system was designed to receive water from four households with an
average of 4.5 persons per household and an average water consumption of 139
l/p/d. Although only three homes have currently been connected to the system at any
one time. PVC pipes convey the grey water from the houses to a concrete settling
tank. A steel mesh inside this settling tank allows easier manual emptying (see
Figures 3-7a, 3-7b). The secondary treatment step consists of two horizontal-flow
planted filters in series. The first planted filter (reed bed) is rectangular, the second
planted filter has an oval shape (see Figure 3-8). The second reed bed has internal
plastic baffle walls. The locally available crushed rock in the bed allows for an
effective storage volume, corresponding to a minimum hydraulic retention time (HRT)
of 7.9 days (4.5 d in filter one, 3.4 d in filter two).
37 | P a g e
3-7a Settling tank
3-8 Layout of the four-household planted filter system for grey water treatment
38 | P a g e
3.4.3 Performance
Some clogging near the inlet of the first filter was observed after two years of
operation. Liner leakage discovered in the second filter bed highlighted the
importance of avoiding joints in the liner as well as the need for a geotextile layer to
protect the liner.
39 | P a g e
Use of conventional crushed rock influenced construction and operation for the
following reasons:
single households)
In Nepal, many urban rivers have already turned into open sewers due to the
discharge of untreated wastewater from households and, in some cases, toxic
industrial waste. Appropriate wastewater treatment and reuse are neglected and
often considered unaffordable. In the 1970s, four large-scale wastewater treatment
plants were constructed around Kathmandu Valley. However, since they are no
longer in operation, an increasing number of small-scale and decentralised
alternative wastewater treatment systems have been developed and implemented.
40 | P a g e
3.5.2 Grey water management system
A constructed wetland system was built for a 7-person household. The system was
designed to treat grey water from bathroom, laundry and kitchen. The grey water is
collected in two-chambered settling tank. A subsequent dosing tank with a
mechanical siphon discharges grey water onto a vertical-flow planted filter 3–4 times
a day through a perforated pipe fixed above the surface level of the bed. The filter
material of the bed is composed of a layer of gravel at the bottom, fine gravel in the
middle and coarse sand on the top (see Figures 3-9a, 3-9b). The treated grey water
is then collected in a tank before it is used for irrigation, washing vehicles and toilet
flushing. An average of 500 liters of grey water is treated daily. Hydraulic retention
time (HRT) in the settling tank averages 24 hours and hydraulic loading rate (HLR) of
the constructed wetland amounts to 8.3 cm/d.
3-9a , 3-9b Vertical-flow planted filter shortly after completion and in use
41 | P a g e
3.5.3 Performance
The system has been in operation since April 1998 and monitored from April 1998 to
May 2000. During this time, treatment efficiency was stable. The following
maintenance was performed to ensure proper operation of the system:
Annual sludge removal from the settling tank.
Regular inspection of dosing chamber to ensure operation of the siphon
and intermittently grey water-charged bed.
Annual plant cutting.
During monitoring, neither storage tank nor filter bed surface was cleaned.
The experience suggests that this system is appropriate for a country like Nepal,
whose growing cities have little regard for demographic, municipal and regional
planning. After five years of research and development, this technology proved to be
PhD thesis Institute for Water Provision Implementation: April Single household
May 2000
42 | P a g e
3.6 Bilien, Palestine (Anaerobic and aerobic filter system for single ouseholds)
Many rural communities of the West Bank, Palestine, do not have access to sufficient
water to meet their daily needs. Rural water supply is provided by the Israeli Water
Supply Company. The systems are old and water supply is often interrupted for
months at a time. Rainwater collected in winter and stored in wells is used up within a
few weeks of water supply interruptions. The population therefore relies on tankers or
spring water. This project, four pilot household gravel filter systems for grey water
treatment of single houses in Bilien village are being monitored.
The grey water treatment system comprises a simple screen, a septic tank, two
anaerobic up-flow filters in series, and a vertical-flow aerobic filter. The grey water
first flows by gravity through bar screens into a septic tank at a hydraulic retention
time (HRT) of 1.5–2 days. The effluent from the septic tank then passes through a T-
shaped pipe into a double-chambered up-flow anaerobic gravel filter. The anaerobic
filter works at maximum flow during the day and zero flow at night. Effluent from the
subsequent dosing chamber is pumped onto an aerobic filter composed of three
layers (sand, coal, gravel). Finally, the treated grey water is stored in a plastic tank
and used for irrigation of non-edible crops as shown in figure 3-10.
43 | P a g e
3.6.3 Performance
Overall analysis of the grey water from 25 families in Biet-Diko and Bilien revealed
very high COD and BOD5 concentrations of 1,270 mg/l and 590 mg/l, respectively.
The removal rate for both COD and BOD5 in these household treatment systems
ranges between 75% and 95%.
3.6.4 Operation and maintenance
The bar screen is cleaned twice a week. The septic tank is de sludged every other
year. The author of the study recommends back flushing of the anaerobic filters every
three years. The system has been in operation since 2000.
3.6.5 Practical experience and lessons learned
The high COD and BOD5 concentration of the raw grey water is probably attributed
to the low water consumption and cooking habits typical for the region. Discarding
remaining food and used cooking oil in kitchen sinks is believed to be the main
reason for the high grey water pollution loads in the Middle East. Although grey water
is treated prior to reuse, it has a high pollution and impact potential on irrigated soils.
To avoid operation of a pump, topography of the area and use of a mechanically
driven dosing chamber (siphon) are recommended. Since the entire system chain
seems quite complex, one or several components could be omitted to simplify the
treatment system. Monitoring of each treatment component could provide information
on its treatment efficiency and necessity.
3.6.6 Project Framework
(PWEG) persons)
44 | P a g e
3.7 Kuching, Malaysia (EcoSan grey water demonstration project)
Kuching, the capital of the Malaysian State of Sarawak. The city of Kuching is
currently lacking a wastewater treatment plant, and the local subsurface conditions
make a conventional centralized wastewater system expensive to implement. Most
buildings in Kuching are equipped with two separate wastewater outlets, one outlet
for black water and one or more for grey water, although this is not the required
building standard. Black water flows into septic tanks, either within the housing plot or
at communal level serving commercial buildings or residential complexes. The septic
tanks subsequently discharge their effluents directly into the storm water drains from
where they are conveyed into the nearest aquatic system. Grey water is also
discharged into the storm water network or directly into receiving waters. Some oil
and grease traps have been installed at large food outlets at the request of Kuching.
These facilities are, however, generally undersized and often only emptied irregularly.
The system treats grey water from nine households. Total grey water production
amounts to approximately 225 l/p/d. The grey water treatment system (see Figure 3-
11) comprises a baffled septic tank as primary treatment unit to remove oil, grease
and settleable solids, followed by a dosing chamber. The grey water then flows into
four vertical down-flow, single-pass aerobic bio filters before reaching a subsurface
horizontal-flow planted filter. The treated grey water then exits the system into the
storm water drain through an outlet comprising an integrated tip-bucket flow
measurement system. The baffled septic tank stores grey water for about 24 hours.
Baffles divide the trap into four chambers to ensure the highest possible retention
time for oil, grease and settleable solids. Four polyethylene bio filters received grey
water over a period of 24 hours. The grey water percolates through the aerobic filter
comprising lightweight clay aggregate. Grey water then flows into the subsurface
horizontal-flow planted filter (see Figure 3-12).
45 | P a g e
3-11 Schematic layout of the EcoSan grey water treatment facility in Kuching
3-12 Aerobic filters and planted filter under construction and completed
Different operation and maintenance activities are carried out on a regular basis. De
sludging of the oil and grease trap (baffled septic tank) takes place every three
months. The pump is inspected weekly to assess or avoid damage by particulate
matter. Inspection and if necessary cleaning of the spray-nozzles in the vertical bio
filter is also conducted regularly to ensure filter efficiency.
46 | P a g e
3.7.4 Practical experience and lessons learned
The initial purpose of the project was to prove that the concept chosen is a technically
viable approach to decentralized grey water treatment in Sarawak. The second and
equally important aspect was to ascertain whether the grey water facility would be
accepted in an urban residential setting. The project yielded highly promising
treatment results and fulfilled its purpose since its operation in 2003. A social survey
of the nine families serviced was conducted in 2004. Occasional odors are believed
to be emitted after clogging of the bio filters given the extremely high levels of oil and
grease used in the preparation of traditional Malaysian food. The capital costs of this
grey water treatment system are high and probably not affordable by single
households. Nevertheless, this system can be a suitable solution for neighborhoods,
as per capita costs decrease with increasing household connections. Since system
performance is extremely high due to the low-strength inflowing grey water.
demonstration project Management System (UEMS) Environmental Board (NREB) 2003 (5persons/house)
3.8 Sri Lanka (Grey water treatment systems for hotel premises)
Sri Lanka belongs to the rapidly developing countries. In the last two decades
migration from rural to urban areas has increase the pressure on authorities in finding
wastewater management solutions. Every new building plan has to include an on-site
wastewater disposal system approved by the authorities. However, the existing
regulations or guidelines do not stipulate any system design requirements. Scientists
selected, evaluated and implemented appropriate, cost-effective technologies for on-
47 | P a g e
site wastewater management systems in urban and suburban Sri Lanka. The goal
was to develop practical selection and design guidelines. The project presents
different treatment technologies with main focus on hotel grey water and black water
treatment systems. This study describes grey water treatment plant was constructed
for the Swiss Residence Hotel.
In a 40-room tourist hotel in Kandy, a treatment system for kitchen and laundry grey
water was set up to extend an already existing black water treatment system
following complaints from neighboring residents and regulatory authorities (grey
water treatment was originally not considered in the sanitation plan). For lack of
space, the system had to be installed underground, with setback distances of less
than three meters between treatment unit, road and building. The plant includes a
grease trap, a septic tank and a vertical-flow planted filter fed by an electric pump.
The septic tank was designed for an assumed de sludging frequency of five years.
3.8.3 Performance
During start-up, the average system load amounted to 19.7 m3/d, representing
almost three times the hydraulic load of the originally designed grey water system.
BOD removal of the system averaged 44%. The septic tank effluent was turbid, milky
white and had a strong sour odor.
The grease and grit trap was originally supposed to be cleaned once a month.
However, the hotel maintenance staff failed to do so and the accumulated scum and
grease in the trap started emitting strong foul odors. Large amounts of oil and grease
escaped into the system and further contributed to system failure. Thereupon, a
smaller, daily-cleaned grease and grit trap was installed instead. It prevents
anaerobic degradation of the trapped oil and grease and is thus cleaned without
much opposition by the staff.
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3.8.5 Practical experience and lessons learned
49 | P a g e
Chapter Four:
50 | P a g e
4. Evaluation of Different Available Systems for Grey Water Treatment
There is a great number of grey water recycling systems available which vary greatly in
complexity, performance and cost. These systems range between simple one house
systems to very advanced treatment processes for large scale reuse. It can be
generally stated that the expense of a system is related to the final quality of treated
waste water. It should also be noted that different reuse applications require different
water quality specifications which demand different treatments which account for the
range in complexity of available systems.
Our strategy was built on evaluating the different grey water treatment systems that
already applicable in different countries. The evaluation process was carried out
according to a specific grading and ranking system developed by R&D TECH team.
Table 6 describes this system, in which the most important parameters for evaluation
were given weighing based on ranking points starting from one to ten. The evaluating
parameters were:
1- The scalability:
This parameter gives indication about the easiness of the scaling up procedure of the
selected system.
2- The mode of operation:
This parameter gives indication about whether the operation will be done manually,
partial automatic or full automatic.
3- The system running:
This parameter gives indication about the periodic interaction to the system to maintain
a safe running.
4- The periodic Maintenance:
This parameter gives indication about the maintenance of the different systems.
51 | P a g e
Table 6: Parameters of the grading and ranking system
Ranking Capacity
Operation Running Maintenance
points L/day
1 Daily interaction
2 Up to 300 Half week
After 1 - 4 months
Up to 7200 weekly interaction
6 Partial
Up to 28800
9 Monthly interaction
In this report 20 systems for grey water treatment have been studied and evaluated
based on the above described strategy. Finally the systems are summarized and
compared to have a clear view to help in selecting the suitable system for our targeted
prototype. In the following we are going to describe and explain the different evaluated
This system is designed to treat all domestic grey water for a maximum of 10 persons
(1130 liter/day). The key processing steps in the system involves the treatment of the
grey water in an aeration chamber followed by membrane filtration and UV disinfection.
The raw grey water firstly passes through a lint filter located at the inlet of the tank,
then flows into a raw water equalization chamber (outer portion of the tank) where air is
introduced under a controlled on-off cycle ensuring the grey water is well mixed and
52 | P a g e
biological breakdown occurs through oxidation. During the off period an anoxic
condition is developed that contributes to a reduction in the total nitrogen level in the
treated water. The treated grey water flows into a 400 L inner clarification chamber
containing a 100 micron membrane filter. The filter removes any remaining solids prior
to transfer of the treated water to the UV disinfection unit and the final pump chamber.
The treated water from the clarification chamber is continually recycled through the UV
disinfection unit by way of an airlift pump through a quartz glass sleeve or self-cleaning
Teflon coil, which creates a natural turbulence and ensures that the water is thoroughly
radiated as it passes through the tube. The final effluent is collected in a pump
chamber ready for toilet flushing, washing machine use or external use such as garden
irrigation. Figure 4.1 shows a simple block flow diagram for the system.
Lint filter Aeration chamber Membrane filter
Final pump UV
chamber disinfection
Fig. 4.1: Simple block flow diagram for Earthsafe Waterbank WBJO GWTS
53 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 7.5
Fig. 4.2: Earthsafe Waterbank WBJO GWTS and its evaluation sheet
54 | P a g e
4.2.2 Nubian GT600 GWTS
This system is designed to treat the grey water from the showers/baths, laundry and
hand basin (excluding kitchen wastewater) from a residential dwelling occupied by a
maximum of 8 persons (904 liter/day).
The system comprises the following components:
1. Grey water solids separation - Lint and other coarse material is removed to
prevent blockages and fouling of the system. Collected material is removed
automatically on a periodic basis.
2. Feed tank - Separated grey water is collected and aerated before delivery to
the treatment module. Aeration occurs by direct injection of pressurized air.
3. Treatment module – Grey water flows into the treatment module where
contaminants are removed through filtration, adsorption and biological
treatment. The treatment module is regularly backwashed, removing built-up
contaminants to the sewer.
4. Disinfection - Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection of the treated grey water
completes the treatment process.
5. Treated water storage tank - Treated water is stored in the final storage tank
for reuse applications.
Figure 4.3 shows a simple block flow diagram for the system.
Fig. 4.3: Simple block flow diagram for Nubian GT600 GWTS .
55 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 6.75
56 | P a g e
4.2.3 Micro-nova 8EP GWTS
This system treats shower, bath, basin and laundry wastewaters from a
domestic dwelling. The system is assembled within a single tank that divided
into an aeration chamber, a clarifier and a chlorine contact irrigation pump well.
Chambers single tank (3000 liters polymer tank)
The aeration chamber contains three aeration diffusers and submerged media.
Air is supplied at 100 liters/minute by an air blower mounted on the top of the
tank. The submerged media provides surface area for the growth of bacteria to
allow for the biodegradation of organic material in the grey water.
Treated wastewaters flows to the 430 liters clarifier. Solids settling on the bottom
of the clarifier are transferred to the inlet of the aeration chamber for further
treatment. Treated wastewaters from the clarifier flow through a chlorine
disinfection unit into irrigation pump well. A submersible irrigation pump is
installed in the irrigation pump well. The treated wastewater is filtered through a
small sand filter before being directed to the land application area.
Figure 4.5 shows a simple block flow diagram for the system.
Raw Chlorine
Aeration Clarification disinfection
Fig. 4.5: Simple block flow diagram for Micro-nova 8EP GWTS
57 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 6.5
Fig. 4.6: Micro-nova 8EP GWTS and its evaluation sheet
58 | P a g e
4.2.4 NovaGrey GWTS
This system is designed to treat the wastewater from the shower, bath, basin and
laundry from a domestic dwelling. The system is assembled within a MBR chamber
that contains the membrane housing, membranes and diffuser assembly, along with
the MBR working level float switch. The operation of the system is set out below:
Grey water from the dwelling is directed to a pump well which is designed to have
an overflow to the sewer to cater for high-flow periods during the day.
The system contains a pump to transfer the untreated grey water from the pump
well to the MBR chamber which is aerated by a diffuser attached to the bottom of the
membrane housing. Air is continuously supplied by an air blower mounted above the
MBR chamber.
The membrane housing within the MBR chamber contains 7 flat sheet membranes
with a pore size of 0.2 microns. Transfer of the treated grey water through the
membranes to the internal effluent tank is controlled by a working level float which is
set to operate at a differential of 200 mm.
When the MBR working level float is in the up position, a suction pump is activated
transferring the treated grey water through the membranes and through an UV
disinfection unit to the internal effluent tank.
When the internal effluent tank reaches an adequate volume a float switch
activates an effluent pump which directs the treated grey water to the household re-use
storage tank.
Figure 4.7 shows a simple block flow diagram for the system.
59 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 7
Fig. 4.8: NovaGrey GWTS and its evaluation sheet
60 | P a g e
4.2.5 UltraGTS GWTS
This system is designed to treat the grey water from the shower, bath, laundry and
basin from a residential dwelling occupied by a maximum of 10 persons (1130
liter/day). It is assembled within an above ground treatment tank contains the
membrane filter module and diffuser assembly pipe system along with the working
level float switch. The operation of the system is set out below:
Grey water is fitted with a submersible pump which transfers the grey water at
regular intervals to the system. The collection chamber is designed with an inbuilt
overflow to the sewer to cater for high loads.
The system is a Membrane Bio-Reactor which uses a combination of biological
treatment and advanced membrane filtration. Air is introduced into the base of the
system via a course bubble aeration pipe system to ensure proper mixing and the
biological treatment is achieved through the oxidation of the wastewater.
The transfer of the wastewater through the membrane module and the UV disinfection
unit is controlled by a suction pump. The treated grey water is collected and stored in
the above ground storage tank ready for internal re-use.
Figure 3.9 shows a simple block flow diagram for the system.
Collecting UV
G.W (biological treatment +
chamber advanced membrane disinfection
61 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 7
Fig. 4.10: UltraGTS and its evaluation sheet
62 | P a g e
4.2.6 Aqua Clarus AG 720 GWTS
This system is designed to treat all domestic grey water from a residential dwelling
occupied by a maximum of 8 people (904 liter/day). The key processing steps in this
system involves the treatment of the grey water in a bioreactor followed by membrane
filtration and UV disinfection.
The grey water is pumped from an external pump well to the bioreactor that consisting
of a trickle bed and a collection chamber at the base of the bioreactor. The liquid
collected in the base is re-circulated to the top of the trickle bed.
During recirculation a quantity of liquid is diverted to a membrane tank from where it is
pumped through a membrane filter and UV disinfection unit into a small internal tank.
At this stage the treated water is pumped to irrigation or pumped to a small above-
ground external tank if reused for toilet flushing and laundry use.
A small amount of bio-solids build up in the trickle bed and feed tank and is pumped
from the system to the sewer or directed to a sub-soil vegetation cell outside the
system. Figure 4.11 shows a simple block flow diagram for the system.
Ruse UV
tank disinfection
Fig. 4.11: Simple block flow diagram for Aqua Clarus AG 720 GWTS
63 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 7
Fig. 4.12: Aqua Clarus AG 720 GWTS and its evaluation sheet
64 | P a g e
4.2.7 Aqua Reviva GWTS
This system is designed to treat the grey water from the shower, bath, laundry and
basin from a residential dwelling occupied by a maximum of 10 persons (1130 liter/day).
The system comprises of the following major components:
1. Grey water collection cell can be sized to suite the usage of the household.
The critical process parameters for the collection cell are:
Inclusion of an automatic over flow to sewer
Isolation of the collection cells
2. Treatment cell
Grey water is pumped through a submersible pump to the treatment cells at which the
biological process takes place. The treatment cell combines the biological reactions by
fixed growth reactor (FGR) technology with enhanced filtration capability.
3. Disinfection cell
This system use Bromine as a chemical disinfectant. Detention, concentration, mixing
and time are the main parameters and a minimum of 30 min. retention will be included.
4. Re-use cell
The nature of re-use cell is not specified as it is up to the householder.
Figure 4.13 shows a simple block flow diagram for the system.
Fig. 4.13: Simple block flow diagram for Aqua Reviva GWTS
65 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 6.5
Fig. 4.14: Aqua Reviva GWTS and its evaluation sheet
66 | P a g e
3.2.8 Aqua Hytech GWTS
This system is designed for maximum hydraulic rate 800 L/day. Aqua Hytech system uses
state of the art hollow fiber ceramic filtration membranes to process all household grey waste
water to a standard suitable for reuse for, toilet flushing, washing paths, walls, vehicles, cold
water supply for washing machines and garden spray irrigation. Figure 4.15 shows a simple
block flow diagram for the system.
The treatment process includes two types of filtration: primary filtration through simple
lint and hair strainer, secondary filtration with membrane filter. The collecting tank has
an automatic over flow that will discharge direct to sewer in case of reaching its full
Fig. 4.15: Simple block flow diagram for Aqua Hytech GWTS
67 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 6.75
Fig. 4.16: Aqua Hytech GWTS and its evaluation sheet
68 | P a g e
3.2.9 Aquacell G10 GWTS
This system is designed for maximum hydraulic rate 14000 L/day. The system
comprises of the following major components:
1. Pretreatment screening with minimum 2 mm screen
2. Biological aeration tank
3. Membranes includes flat sheet and ultra filtration
4. Disinfection is achieved with UV disinfection followed by chlorine disinfection
Integrated programmable automatic controller and alarming function systems are used
for monitoring the system.
Figure 4.17 shows a simple block flow diagram for the system.
Fig. 4.17: Simple block flow diagram for Aquacell G10 GWTS
69 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 9.5
Fig. 4.18: Aquacell G10 GWTS and its evaluation sheet
70 | P a g e
3.2.10 H2O Pure GWTS
This system is designed for maximum hydraulic rate 10000 L/day. The H20 Pure Plus
system is a very compact system to install as shown below. Figure 4.19 shows a
simple block flow diagram for the system. The majority of the components of our
systems are below ground except access lids for primary and pump well tank which is
brought up to finished ground level for ease of maintenance and it requires once a year
servicing which is a huge cost saving. This system does not need to rely on chemicals
or membranes technology to produce advanced secondary quality effluent with nutrient
reduction. It is an anaerobic treatment system which does not produce odors even at
times when the system is under shock loads period (High volume of Wastewater
discharging into our system in a short period of time).
Fig. 4.19: Simple block flow diagram for H2O Pure GWTS
71 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 10
Fig. 4.20: H2O Pure GWTS and its evaluation sheet
72 | P a g e
4.2.11 Catchment 72OLTM Domestic GWTS
This system is designed to treat the grey water from the shower, bath, basin and laundry
(excluding kitchen wastewater) from a domestic dwelling occupied by a maximum of 8
persons (904 liter/day). Figure 4.21 shows a simple block flow diagram for the system.
There are 3 main parts included in the system:
Sump – A grey water flow from the dwelling into a sump tank that contains a transfer
pump fitted with float level switches and is used to transfer grey water to the settling
tank. During the transfer the grey water is dosed with aluminum sulfate (alum) causing
the solid contaminants in the grey water to flocculate into large particles that settle to the
bottom of the settling tank under gravity.
Settling process - The settling tank has a capacity stores all of the grey water
generated during the day, nominally from 7am to 10pm, and allows the flocculated
particles to settle out leaving a clear supernatant. At 10pm the system goes into "settling
mode". The system is then ready to complete the backwash cycle and by about 7am is
ready to receive the grey water from the sump well again.
Filtration cabinet - The filter cabinet houses the filters, chemicals (alum and sodium
hypochlorite) used in the process as well as the automated control panel. The ballotini
filter acts as a coarse filter protecting the main Active Adsorption Filter (AAF) from
contamination from any flocculated particles that didn't settle overnight. The AAF
removes from the water all soaps, shampoos and conditioners, toothpastes and other
microbiological contaminants. The water passes through a UV disinfection unit, the
chlorine dosing unit and then flows into the clean water reuse tank. The whole process is
completed using the action of the settling tank discharge pump.
Fig. 4.21: Simple block flow diagram for Catchment 72OLTM Domestic GWTS
73 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 6
Fig. 4.22: Catchment 72OLTM Domestic GWTS and its evaluation sheet
74 | P a g e
3.2.12 Nature Clear GWTS
This system is designed to treat 2700 L/day. It contains two main tanks; filtration tank and
clear pump well having specifications as follows; medium density grade PE as a material
of construction, UV established with high stress resistance, an average thickness of 5
mm. Figure 4.23 shows a simple block flow diagram for the system.
The filtration tank must be partially dug into the ground; it should be laid flat on a bed of
sand and it should be no longitudinal incline. The filter contains gravel, sand and a
medium course pine bark.
Ruse UV
tank disinfection
Fig 4.23: Simple block flow diagram for Nature Clear GWTS
75 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 7
76 | P a g e
4.2.13 The 4 Barrel System
This system treats wastewater from the kitchen and washbasin. Figure 4.25 shows a
simple block flow diagram for the system. Four plastic barrels constitute the treatment
kit. The four barrels are lined up next to one another and are interconnected with
PVC pipes. The first barrel is a grease, oil and solids separator and thus acts as a
pre-treatment or primary treatment chamber, where the solid matter from the influent
grey water settles and the floating components, such as grease and soap foam, float.
This barrel has 200 L capacity with an effective volume of 160 L having a large cover,
which can be tightly closed. When the cover is opened, the chamber can be cleared
of both floating and settled material. The second and the third barrels are of the same
capacity and are filled with shredded plastic.
Once solids and floating material settle in the first barrel, the relatively clear water
from the first barrel enters into the bottom of the second barrel. Next, the water from
the top of the second barrel enters into the bottom of the third barrel. The water from
the top of the third barrel is taken into the fourth. Anaerobic treatment is
accomplished in the two middle barrels. Anaerobic bacteria gets established on the
plastic surface so that when the grey water passes through the plastics, the bacteria
works on breaking down components of the organic material found in the grey water.
The last barrel acts as a storage tank for treated grey water. Within one to two days
of resident time in the treatment kit, the influent grey water is expected to undergo a
treatment level equivalent to between primary and secondary treatment.
Fig. 4.25: Simple block flow diagram for The 4 Barrel System
77 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 3.25
Fig. 4.26: The 4 Barrel System and its evaluation sheet
78 | P a g e
4.2.14 AquaCycle GWTS
1. Pre-Filtration: Larger particles like hair and textile fragments are collected. The filter is
automatically flushed by a special spray pump - sediments are washed away into the main
wastewater drain.
2. Two-fold biological treatment: In the main and secondary recycling chambers the dirt
particles are decomposed by bio-cultures. The water is pumped to the next station in three
hour intervals.
3. Sediment disposal: The organic sediments which are produced during the recycling
process are regularly sucked out from the chambers and diverted into the wastewater
4. UV-Sterilisation: On the way to the storage chamber the recycled water flows through
a UV-light lamp which disinfects it. The high quality of the water now conforms to the E.U.
Directive for Recreational Water.
5. Automatic freshwater feed on demand: freshwater will automatically be fed into this
chamber to ensure there is enough supply for flushing toilets. Figure 3.27 shows a simple
block flow diagram for the system.
79 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 8.5
Fig. 4.28: AquaCycle GWTS and its evaluation sheet
80 | P a g e
4.2.15 BRAC 450 GWTS
Brac system requires connection to your home's sewer system directly. This system
includes simple filtration and chlorine disinfection that occurs in the two parts of the
system. To avoid damage to the fresh water inlet valve during transport, float can be
used to control the fresh water inlet valve, insuring that a minimum amount of water is
always in the system, allowing the system to operate without running the pump dry.
The float level only controls the minimum level of water in the tank. If your water
usage habits always provide more than the minimum level of water, the fresh water
inlet system may never need to open during normal operation.
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 8
Fig. 4.29: BRAC 450 GWTS and its evaluation sheet
81 | P a g e
4.2.16 Rotating Biological Contactors
A series of circular lightweight rotating discs are mounted on a shaft through which
wastewater flows. The partially submerged discs rotate through the wastewater slowly.
The disks are most commonly made of high-density plastic sheets and are usually ridged,
corrugated, or lattice-like to increase the area. The surface of the disks provides an
attachment site for bacteria and as the discs rotate, a film of biomass grows on their
surfaces. This biofilm is alternately exposed to either the air or the wastewater as it
rotates. The oxygen necessary for the growth of these microorganisms is obtained by
adsorption from the air as the biofilm on the disk is rotated out of the liquid. As the biofilm
passes through the liquid phase, nutrients and organic pollutants are taken up. All oxygen,
nutrients and organic pollutants are necessary for the growth of the microorganism and the
conversion of the organic matter to CO2. Nitrogen is removed by nitrification and
subsequent denitrification transforming it to gaseous N2, which is released to the air. The
process is optimized by adjusting the speed of rotation and the depth of submergence. In
some designs, air is added to the bottom of the tank to provide additional oxygen in case
of high-strength influents.
82 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 7.75
Fig. 4.30: Rotating Biological Contactors and its evaluation sheet
83 | P a g e
4.2.17 Ozzi Kleen modl GTSIO GWTS
This system is designed to treat all domestic grey water excluding kitchen wastewater
from a maximum of 10 persons (1130 liter/day). The system is assembled in a single
cylindrical vertical axis type roto molded polyethylene tank. Figure 3.31 shows a simple
block flow diagram for the system. The treatment process within this system involves
an aeration process consisting of three main cycles:
• Aeration cycle: the incoming grey water is aerated and oxygenated with air supplied
by the air blower. The aeration cycle is maintained for a period of time to allow for a
biological breakdown of the organic waste and establish an activated sludge within the
• Settling cycle: After the aeration cycle, aeration ceases for approximately 60
minutes, allowing the activated sludge to settle to the bottom of the aeration tank. A
layer of clear effluent is formed at the top of the aeration tank, and
• Decanting cycle: After a predetermined settling period, a decanting cycle takes
place. The decanter device draws off the clear effluent from the top of the aeration
tank. The decanting cycle continues until either the liquid level in the tank reaches the
minimum level or the process timer activates the system back into the aeration cycle.
While decanting the effluent is chlorinated and stored in a 520 liters effluent storage
tank to ensure sufficient chlorine contact time prior to discharge. The operation of the
submersible pump within the storage tank is controlled by a pressure switch and three
float switches. When there is a water demand from the services within the dwelling, the
pressure switch senses the pressure drop and turns on the pump.
Fig. 4.31: Simple block flow diagram for Ozzi Kleen modl GTSIO
84 | P a g e GWTS
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 6.75
Fig. 4.32: Ozzi Kleen model GTSIO GWTS and its evaluation sheet
85 | P a g e
4.2.18 Rootzone model G-700 GWTS
This system is designed to treat the grey water from a residential dwelling occupied by
a maximum of 8 persons (904 liter/day). Figure 3.33 shows a simple block flow
diagram for the system. The treatment process could be explained as follows:
Where the vertical distance between the grey water outlet pipe from the dwelling
and the top of the reed bed filter is less than half a meter, the raw grey water is
collected in a pump well and then pumped into the distribution pipe at the top of the
vertical flow reed bed filter. On a sloping site raw grey water flows directly from the
dwelling to the reed bed filter.
Grey water trickles vertical through the filter media into the gravel storage area
At the base of the gravel the treated effluent flows into the irrigation pump well from
where the effluent is pumped to an external UV disinfection unit and then to the
dwelling for internal reuse and/or to a land application system for irrigation. Disinfection
is not required for sub-surface irrigation.
Fig. 4.33: Simple block flow diagram for Rootzone model G-700
86 | P a g e
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 6.75
Fig. 4.34: Rootzone model G-700 GWTS and its evaluation sheet
87 | P a g e
4.2.19 Aqua reuses domestic GWTS
This system is designed to treat the grey water from the shower, bath, laundry and
basin from a residential dwelling occupied by a maximum of 10 persons (1130
liter/day). Figure 3.35 shows a simple block flow diagram for the system. The
components of the system could be summarized as follows:
Underground buffer tank – This tank receives the grey water and absorbs the
hydraulic load from impacting on the filter beds located in the serious of cells. A
submersible pump located in the buffer tank is fitted with a high level alarm float switch
to indicate a pump failure. The buffer tank is fitted with an overflow pipe connected to
the sewerage system.
Process rack - The process rack comprises four identical process columns, which
share the waste water delivered from the buffer tank. Each column consists of a stack
of four process cells and a storage cell stacked onto each other enabling the
wastewater to feed through the column by gravitation. Each cell is a matrix of filter
clothes, peat and earthworms, which slows the wastewater flow down to enable the
living ecosystem to consume the organic matter in the wastewater. The whole
treatment process within the cells takes about 15 hours. The treated effluent is
collected in the base storage cell and after passing through the UV disinfection unit is
directed to the reuse effluent storage tank.
Reuse effluent storage tank – This tank receives the treated effluent for reuse for
toilet flushing, cold water supply to the washing machine or garden irrigation. The
submersible pump is fitted with a high and low level alarm float switches to indicate
filter blockage, pump failure or lack of grey water flow. The effluent storage tank is
fitted with an overflow pipe back to the buffer tank.
Underground UV
Raw Filtration
buffer tank disinfection
Fig. 4.35: Simple block flow diagram for Aqua reuses domestic GWTS
88 | P a g e
Treatment cells
UV Disinfection
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 6.75
Fig. 4.36: Aqua reuses domestic GWTS and its evaluation sheet
89 | P a g e
4.2.20 Constructed Wet Lands CWL
Constructed Wet Lands (CWL) is a relatively new technology in Jordan. CWL was
introduced as a replacement for the two-tank system for the treatment of gray water.
Treatment processes in CWL systems include simple filtration, chemical precipitation,
volatilization, oxidation and both aerobic and non-aerobic decomposition as shown in figure
Fig. 4.37: Simple block flow diagram for Constructed Wet Lands CWL
Ranking points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Ranking 6.75
Fig. 4.38: Constructed Wet Lands CWL and its evaluation sheet
90 | P a g e
Overview of Greywater Reuse: The Potential of
Greywater Systems to Aid Sustainable Water
Management-page 5
November 2010
Authors: Lucy Allen, Juliet Christian-Smith, Meena Palaniappan
Greywater Recycling
Planning fundamentals and operation information
Urban Greywater
Design and Installation
Handbook-page 6
November 2008
Greywater recycling: appropriate uses
Published by the Environmental Health Unit, October 2003 Updated October 2008
Overview of Greywater Reuse: The Potential of
Greywater Systems to Aid Sustainable Water
Management-page 26
November 2010
Authors: Lucy Allen, Juliet Christian-Smith, Meena Palaniappan
Greywater: an information guide
Published by: Environment Agency, Rio House
Urban Greywater
Design and Installation
Handbook-page 12
November 2008
Draft Guidelines for the Reuse of Greywater in Western Australia
Produced by Environmental Health Service with assistance from Marketing and
Campaign Support
Population Health Division © Department of Health 2002
HP 8122
Greywater Management in Low and Middle-Income Countries
91 | P a g e
92 | P a g e
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94 | P a g e