1 s2.0 S1383586622007602 Main
1 s2.0 S1383586622007602 Main
1 s2.0 S1383586622007602 Main
Keywords: Mini-hydrocyclones have been increasingly used as retention devices to separate mammalian cells in the
Mini-hydrocyclones continuous cell culture. However, the cell viability loss after running through mini-hydrocyclones varies even for
Cell viability the same cell, e.g., the most widely used Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The reasons behind this problem are
Shear stress
unclear. This paper presents a quantitative analysis of the CHO cell viability loss in mini-hydrocyclones with
respect to the magnitude of shear stress. The viability loss of CHO cells is measured experimentally. The dis
tributions of shear stress magnitude are revealed using a validated numerical model. The experimental results
show that the cell viability loss increases with the increase of hydrocyclone cone angle or the inlet velocity. This
result can be explained by the increased shear stress magnitude in the mini-hydrocyclones.
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (L. Ji), [email protected] (Y. He).
Received 18 February 2022; Received in revised form 27 April 2022; Accepted 30 April 2022
Available online 6 May 2022
1383-5866/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. He et al. Separation and Purification Technology 295 (2022) 121203
L. He et al. Separation and Purification Technology 295 (2022) 121203
Table 1 mean deviation (Ra) of the printing surface roughness is 3.2 μm, ac
Geometric and operating parameters of the mini-hydrocyclone. cording to the technique report provided by the supplier. To study the
Parameter Symbol Value effect of hydrocyclone cone angle and inlet velocity, mini-hydrocyclones
with different cone angles (6◦ , 8◦ and 10◦ ) are investigated at an inlet
Diameter of the body (mm) DC 10
Diameter of spigot (mm) DU 2 velocity of 6 m/s and those with different inlet velocities (4 m/s, 6 m/s
Diameter of vortex finder (mm) DO 2 and 7.5 m/s) are investigated at a cone angle of 8◦ .
Diameter of inlet (mm) DI 2 CHO.K1 cell line is cultured in a serum-free suspension with com
Length of cylindrical part (mm) L 8 mercial media (CHO GROW CD2, iCell Bioscience Inc., China). The
Length of cone part (mm) LC 76.3,57.2 and 45.7
Length of vortex finder (mm) LV 5
culture is kept at 37 ◦ C in the atmosphere containing 5% (v/v) CO2. The
Thickness of vortex finder (mm) T 1 PBS buffer solution is used to prepare the cell suspension to the con
Cone angle (◦ ) α 6, 8 and 10 centration of 4 × 105 cells/ml (0.0067% v/v). The experimental pro
Inlet velocity (m/s) VI 4, 6 and 7.5 cedure is demonstrated in Fig. 2. Specifically, the cell suspension is fed
into the mini-hydrocyclone by a peristaltic pump (LONGER DG15). The
internal diameter of the tube is 4.8 mm. The feed speed in the tube is
and validated by the measured cell separation efficiency and the amount
0.69, 1.04 and 1.30 m/s, respectively corresponding to the inlet feed
of water split. On the basis of that, the shear stress distribution in the
velocity of 4, 6 and 7.5 m/s. The concentration variation as a result of
mini-hydrocyclones is obtained by the validated numerical model. Last,
the pulsed flow of the peristaltic pump is ignored in this work. The in
the effect of the hydrocyclone inlet flowrate (inlet velocity) and cone
fluence of peristaltic pumping system, which was reported minor on the
angle on the shear stress magnitude and cell viability loss are carefully
cell viability [14,36], is also ignored in this work. Different hydro
cyclone inlet velocities (flowrates) are obtained by adjusting the pump
rotation speed. Samples are respectively taken from the underflow
2. Method and material
(spigot) and overflow (vortex finder) after the internal flow field of the
mini-hydrocyclone is stable. The sample volume is measured to calcu
2.1. Design of experiment
late the split ratio. The cell concentration in the inlet, underflow and
overflow is determined by cell counting under the microscope. Based on
Fig. 1 shows the geometry of the mini-hydrocyclone and Table 1 lists
that, the separation efficiency of CHO cells is calculated. The cell
the corresponding geometric values. The mini-hydrocyclone is manu
viability is determined by the traditional Trypan blue exclusion test.
factured by a 3D printer (Formlabs Form 3) using high temperature-
Specifically, the dead cells would be colored blue by Trypan blue solu
resistant resin. The layer thickness of 100 μm is selected for compre
tion while the viable cells would not. This difference can be observed
hensive consideration of precision and printing time. The arithmetical
under the microscope and the ratio of the number of viable cells (i.e., the
L. He et al. Separation and Purification Technology 295 (2022) 121203
L. He et al. Separation and Purification Technology 295 (2022) 121203
56 56
50 65
40 54 60 54
6 8 10 4 6 7.5
Cone angle (º) Inlet velocity (m/s)
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. The experimental separation efficiency and amount of water split for mini-hydrocyclone with (a) cone angles of 6◦ , 8◦ and 10◦ at an inlet velocity of 6 m/s
and (b) with a cone angle of 8◦ at inlet velocities of 4, 6 and 7.5 m/s.
15 15
12 12
Cell viability loss (%)
Cell viability loss (%)
9 9
6 6
3 3
0 0
6 8 10 4 6 7.5
Cone angle (º) Inlet velocity (m/s)
(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Cell viability loss after running through the mini-hydrocyclones corresponding to Fig. 5.
⎡ ( ⎤ )0.5 hydrocyclone. For the inlet velocity varying between 4 and 7.5 m/s, as
τxx τxy τxz 1 ∑( )2 ∑ 2
= ⎣ τyx τyy τyz ⎦ = μ τii − τjj + τij (7) shown in Fig. 5 (b), as the inlet velocity increases, the separation effi
τzx τzy τzz 6 i∕
=j i∕
=j ciency increases, but the water split decreases. This is consistent with the
finding in previous studies on a 5 mm diameter mini-hydrocyclone [59]
τ = τt + τ v (8) and a 75 mm diameter hydrocyclone [60].
Fig. 6 shows the viability loss of the cells after running through the
where η is the Kolmogorov length scale, v is kinematic viscosity, ε is considered mini-hydrocyclones. The maximum standard deviations for
the dissipation rate, ρ is the liquid density, µ is the liquid dynamic vis Fig. 6 (a) and (b) are respectively 1.4 % and 0.8 %, indicating the effect
cosity, U, V and W are the velocity components in the X, Y and Z di of experiment uncertainty is minor. It can be seen that an increase in the
rections, respectively. hydrocyclone cone angle causes a rise in the cell viability loss, reaching
the maximum value of 11.3% at the cone angle of 10 , as shown in Fig. 6
3. Result and discussion (a). Liu et al.[34] reported a similar finding that a small cone angle could
avoid over-shear force which destroys microorganisms. From Fig. 6 (b),
3.1. Experiment result it can be seen that the cell viability loss decreases with the increase of
inlet velocity, which is consistent with the finding by Syed et al. [3].
Fig. 5 (a) and (b) show the measured separation efficiency and the Note the peristaltic pumping system (including the peristaltic pump and
amount of water split to underflow for the three mini-hydrocyclones the tube) also affect the cell viability. However, less than 1 % cell
with different cone angles and different inlet velocities, respectively. viability drops even for the considered pumping system with the largest
The error bars for the measured separation efficiency and the amount of tube feed speed of 1.30 m/s. This is consistent with the reported finding
water split are also shown in Fig. 5. The maximum standard deviations that the influence of the peristaltic pumping system is minor [14,36].
are 3.9 % and 0.4 %, respectively, indicating the effect of experiment To show the visibility loss more clearly, Fig. 7 shows the observed
uncertainty is minor. It can be seen from Fig. 5 (a) that the separation viable and dead cells under the microscope for the samples at the inlet
efficiency and the water split to underflow decrease with the increase of before the experiment and the underflow after running through mini-
the cone angle. A consistent finding was reported by Saidi et al.[57] and hydrocyclones. To be representative, each figure, e.g., the inlet one in
Fu et al.[58] who studied the effect of cone angle on the separation ef Fig. 7 (a), includes four directly observed visions at different locations
ficiency of a 35 mm diameter hydrocyclone and a 68 mm diameter
L. He et al. Separation and Purification Technology 295 (2022) 121203
inlet underflow
inlet underflow
Fig. 7. CHO cells under the microscope for the samples at the inlet and underflow for the mini-hydrocyclones with (a) a cone angle of 8◦ at an inlet velocity of 7.5 m/
s and (b) a cone angle of 10◦ at an inlet velocity of 6 m/s.
The amount of water split to underflow (%)
80 80 80 80
60 60 60 60
40 40 40 40
20 20 20 20
0 0 0 0
6 8 10 4 6 7.5
Cone angle (º) Inlet velocity (m/s)
(a) (b)
Fig. 8. Comparison of experimental and simulated data for mini-hydrocyclones corresponding to Fig. 5.
under the microscope. As the light may slightly vary with locations, the underflow increases compared to that in the inlet, indicating the cell
background color of the observed visions may be different. As afore viability reduces due to the mini-hydrocyclone separation. In addition,
mentioned, the dead cells are dyed blue, as can also be observed in the cell concentration in the underflow is denser than that in the inlet,
Fig. 7. It can be seen that the concentration of dead cells in the indicating the considered mini-hydrocyclones are applicable in the CHO
L. He et al. Separation and Purification Technology 295 (2022) 121203
250 200
225 100
200 0
6 8 10 4 6 7.5
Cone angle (º) Inlet vlocity (m/s)
(a) (b)
Fig. 9. Simulated pressure drop for mini-hydrocyclones corresponding to Fig. 5.
L. He et al. Separation and Purification Technology 295 (2022) 121203
the pressure drop. The pressure drop at the inlet velocity of 7.5 m/s is maximum pressure drop (271 kPa) in Fig. 9 (a) is much lower than that
four times that at the inlet velocity of 4 m/s. Previous studies on large (397 kPa) in Fig. 9 (b). However, the corresponding maximum cell
hydrocyclones also reported the consistent variation trend of pressure viability loss (11.3%) in Fig. 6 (a) is larger than that (9.3%) in Fig. 6 (b).
drop with the inlet velocity (inlet flowrate) [60,61]. Note that the This should indicate that the pressure drop is not the sole factor causing
0.93% 1.43% 1.68%
3.38% 4.43%
83.92% 77.02% 63.11%
Fig. 12. Distribution of shear stress magnitude in the whole computational domain of the mini-hydrocyclones corresponding to Fig. 5.
L. He et al. Separation and Purification Technology 295 (2022) 121203
Fig. 13. Distribution of (a) laminar viscous shear stress, (b) turbulent-induced shear stress and (c) total shear stress of the mini-hydrocyclone with (I) different cone
angles and (II) different inlet velocities.
the cell viability loss. Such a representation has been used in other studies[62–68] and offers
Fig. 10 shows the variation of tangential velocity distribution with convenience for better showing the flow properties that govern the
the cone angle and inlet velocity. The blank areas represent the air core separation process. Note that the air core is not fully formed in the mini-
whose properties are very different from those of liquid and solid phases. hydrocyclones studied in this work, which is consistent with the
L. He et al. Separation and Purification Technology 295 (2022) 121203
the CHO cell trajectory are demonstrated in Figs. 12, 13 and 15,
respectively. The shear stress in Figs. 12, 13 and 15 represent the total
shear stress, which is the sum of the laminar viscous shear stress and the
turbulent-induced shear stress. Fig. 12 describes the percentage for each
shear stress interval in the whole computational domain. Apparently,
the shear stress magnitude between 0 and 30 Pa takes the largest pro
portion, except the mini-hydrocyclone with an inlet velocity of 7.5 m/s.
Comparatively, the shear stress magnitude above 100 Pa takes the
smallest proportion. Furthermore, as the cone angle or the inlet velocity
increases, the proportion of the shear stress of 0–30 Pa decreases while
the proportion of other levels larger than 30 Pa increases, indicating the
shear stress magnitude is rising in the whole computational domain.
Fig. 13 demonstrates how the laminar viscous shear stress, turbulent-
induced shear stress and total shear stress distribute in the vertical plane
of mini-hydrocyclones. It can be seen from Fig. 13 that the laminar
viscous shear stress is stronger along the hydrocyclone central axis,
especially in the lower conical section. Comparatively, the turbulent-
induced shear stress is more violent under the bottom of the vortex
finder and on the wall of the lower conical section. As a result, the total
Fig. 14. CHO cell trajectory inside the mini-hydrocyclone. shear stress, which is the collective effect of the laminar viscous shear
stress and the turbulent-induced shear stress, is observed stronger under
reported simulation. the bottom of the vortex finder and in the lower conical section.
results of mini-hydrocyclones elsewhere [69–71]. It can be seen from Furthermore, as the cone angle or the inlet velocity increases, both the
Fig. 10 (a) that the tangential velocity increases with the increase of laminar viscous shear stress and turbulent-induced shear stress increase,
cone angle. This was also reported for large hydrocyclones in the liter although the increase of laminar viscous shear stress with the increase of
ature[57,58]. A larger tangential velocity is supposed to contribute to cone angle is minor. As a result, the magnitude of total shear stress on
higher separation efficiency. Also, a larger amount of water split to the vertical hydrocyclone plane rises.
underflow could entrain more fine particles to underflow in mini- Fig. 14 shows the trajectory of a CHO cell in the mini-hydrocyclone
hydrocyclones [37]. However, the contribution to separation effi with a cone angle of 6◦ at an inlet velocity of 6 m/s. As the size of the
ciency due to the increased tangential velocity may be compromised by CHO cell is considered uniform, the trajectory of a random cell particle
the reduced amount of water split shown in Figs. 5 and 8, leading to a fed from the inlet and discharged from the spigot is taken as an example.
reduction in separation efficiency for mini-hydrocyclones with larger Note the residence time of CHO cells in the considered mini-
cone angles. Fig. 10 (b) demonstrates that the inlet velocity apparently hydrocyclones is within 0.08 s, which is supposed not to cause a sig
increases the tangential velocity, which is consistent with the finding on nificant cumulative effect on cell viability loss [13,14]. Fig. 15 shows the
the inlet velocity for large hydrocyclones [60,72]. The apparent increase shear stress exerting on the cell particle along the trajectory corre
in the tangential velocity should contribute to higher separation effi sponding to Fig. 14 in the mini-hydrocyclones. The cell is located by its
ciency for the mini-hydrocyclones with larger inlet velocities, which relative axial position (Z position), i.e., the axial position to the total
compensates for the effect brought by the slightly reduced amount of axial length of hydrocyclone. The value of 0 means indicates the inlet,
water split. As a result, the separation efficiency experiences an upward while the value of 1 indicates the spigot. As multiple locations in
trend with the increase of the inlet velocity. Fig. 11 shows the corre hydrocyclones may have the same axial position, each Z location in
sponding radial velocity distribution. The negative value indicates radial Fig. 15 may correspond to multiple points of shear stress. It can be seen
velocity points to the center, while the positive value indicates that from Fig. 15 that the shear stress exerting the CHO cells is generally
points to the hydrocyclone wall. It can be seen that the effect of the cone larger for mini-hydrocyclones with larger cone angles or higher inlet
angle and inlet velocity on the distribution of radial velocity is minor. velocities. The consistent finding from Figs. 12, 13 and 15 accounts for
In order to comprehensively study the shear stress inside the mini- the experimental phenomenon in Fig. 6 that an increase in cone angle or
hydrocyclone, the distribution of shear stress magnitude in the whole inlet velocity leads to an increase in the cell viability loss. The findings
computational domain, on the representative vertical plane and along are also consistent with that briefly qualitative statement in the
1750 2000
Cone angle 6º Inlet velocity 4 m/s
1500 Cone angle 8º 1750 Inlet velocity 6 m/s
Cone angle 10º Inlet velocity 7.5 m/s
Shear stress (Pa)
Shear stress (Pa)
250 250
0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Z Position Z Position
(a) (b)
Fig. 15. Shear stress magnitude exerting a CHO cell along the trajectory corresponding to Fig. 14 in the mini-hydrocyclones with (a) different cone angles and (b)
different inlet velocities.
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