Determining A Prony Series For A Viscoelastic Material From Time Strain Data Varying
Determining A Prony Series For A Viscoelastic Material From Time Strain Data Varying
Determining A Prony Series For A Viscoelastic Material From Time Strain Data Varying
Tzikang Chen
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Vehicle Technology Directorate
Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia
May 2000
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Tzikang Chen
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Vehicle Technology Directorate
Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia
May 2000
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Determining a Prony Series for a Viscoelastic Material from Time
Varying Strain Data
of a viscoelastic modulus from rate dependent data is presented. Load versus time test data
for a sequence of different rate loading segments is least-squares fitted to a Prony series
hereditary integral model of the material tested. A nonlinear least squares regression
algorithm is employed. The measured data includes ramp loading, relaxation, and unloading
stress-strain data. The resulting Prony series, which captures strain rate loading and
In order to determine the time dependent stress - strain state in a linear viscoelastic
material, under an arbitrary loading process, the deformation history must be considered.
The time dependent constitutive equations of a solid viscoelastic material include these
history effects. The load (stress) and displacement (strain) history, the loading rate
(displacement rate), and time of load application on the specimen are all needed to determine
the constants in the constitutive equations. A common form for these constitutive equations
employs a Prony series (i.e., a series of the form _, _i "e-t _:i ).
Creep and relaxation tests are most commonly used to determine the viscoelastic
material properties, see Figure 1. In ideal relaxation and creep tests, the displacements or
loads are applied to the specimen instantly. In the real test, especially for a large structural
component, limitations of the testing equipment result in a relatively low strain rate and long
periodof loading. The responseduringthe periodof loadingis typically ignored,andonly
the dataobtainedduringthe periodof constantdisplacementor constantload areusedto
determinethematerialproperties.1'2Ignoringthis long loadingperiodandthe strainrate
effectsin the datareductionintroducesadditionalerrorsin the determinationof thematerial
Therearenumerousmethodsfor determiningthe Pronyseriesfrom relaxationand/or
creepdata. An earlymethod3involvedconstructinglog-logplots of relaxationdatain
which straightline approximationsfor the dataonthe log-log graphyield the time constants
(i.e. r i 's) from the slopes, and the exponential coefficients (i.e. o_i 's) are obtained from the
intercepts. Other methods have also been employed. For example, Johnson and Quigley 4
determined a relaxation time constant for a nonlinear model which is similar to a one-term
Prony series model. They minimized a least-squares error measure, of the difference
between the nonlinear model and measured data, by iteratively integrating (numerically) an
internal variable equation. When attempting to determine relaxation time constants for
higher fidelity nonlinear models, Johnson, et al. 5 employed trial and error procedures,
similar to early linear methods, 3 due to the complexity of the resulting nonlinear least-
squares problem. More recently, a few authors 6 8 employed nonlinear optimization methods
to obtain a high quality Prony series representation of relaxation data with a minimum
number of terms in the series. The viscoelastic model can also be formulated in differential
form. This is becoming popular recently 9 11 since the differential models can be effectively
incorporated into finite element algorithms. When using these internal variable methods,
each Prony series term is associated with a material internal state variable. In the discrete
finite element model, each term in the Prony series adds a substantial number of global
variables. Thus, a short Prony series, which can accurately represent the material, is
desirable. Nonlinear regression methods can help with determining a short and accurate
Prony series.
The purpose of this paper is to present a method for including the loading and
unloading data, along with the relaxation data, in a nonlinear regression analysis to obtain the
Prony series. The resulting viscoelastic material model is then capable of simulating the
loading segments as well as the relaxation segments. This is an improvement when modeling
hysteretic effects is important. The analytical solution for loading and/or unloading is
determined herein and employed in a nonlinear regression analysis to determine the Prony
series. In addition, data weighting functions are investigated and are shown to improve the
fit in thebeginningof relaxationperiod. Again,this methodallowsall the measureddatato
beincludedandresultsin animprovedconstitutivemodel.
integral method which is used below to determine the analytical solution for the loading and
physical models composed of springs and dashpots. The spring is the linear-elastic
o- = E. (1)
The dashpot is the viscous component, and its constitutive equation is
O" =T] .-- (2)
where r/is the viscosity constant. Linear viscoelastic constitutive models are constructed by
superimposing components with constitutive equations given by equations (1) and (2).
Since the mechanical response of the dashpot is time dependent, the behavior of a
viscoelastic material that is modeled by parallel and/or series combinations of springs and
The creep test consists of a constant stress, C_o, applied to a specimen for a period of
time while its strain is recorded (Figure la). In a relaxation test, the specimen's strain, eo, is
held constant for a period of time while the stress is recorded (Figure lb). In Figure 1, eo and
C_oare the initial strain and stress, respectively. For the relaxation test, a constitutive relation
where Y(t) is a relaxation function. When the material is assumed to be a general Maxwell
solid, the relaxation function is typically modeled with a Prony series as follows,
In the case of a creep test, a creep compliance function, J(t), is defined as follows.
hereditary integrals describes the time dependent response a. If a specimen is load free prior
to the time t = O, at which a stress, c_0+ c_(t), is applied the strain for time t > 0 can be
represented as follows.
where J(t) is the compliance function of the material and dcr(_)/d_is the stress rate. A
similar equation can be used for the relaxation model to obtain the stress function introduced
by an arbitrary strain function 1
where Y(t) is the relaxation function (Equation 4) and de (_)/d_is the strain rate. An
example of applying hereditary integrals for a multiple loading segment process is shown in
next section.
Hereditary integrals for a multiple loading process
Hereditary integrals with Prony series kernels can be applied to model a loading
process such as the one shown in Figure 2. The process in Figure 2 is divided into four
segments for which strain and strain rate functions are defined. The functions are:
to<t< fi to<t< fi
[ t/(t - to)
fi<t<t 2 de=
[ e /(q 0 - to) t 1 < t _< t 2
-81. t 3 - t2) t2 <t<t 3 ' dt ]- el/(t 3 - t2) t 2 < t _< t 3
e(t) = l elft
t3 <t <<-t4 L 0 t3 <t<t 4
For a material with a relaxation function in the form of a Prony series (Equation 4),
Step 1. ( to < t_ h)
Substitute Equations 4 and first strain and strain rate functions of Equation 8 into Equation 7
and obtain:
t n -(t-_r _ E 1
=O+_oEo.(1- Y-J,Pi .(1-e )).--.d 4
i =1 tl
= )i " _-
E _-_pi_ 4-_-_pi'Ti'8 " 0
)i • t-- ___ [git 4- ___[9i " Ti -- _-_ [9i " Ti " e -/_ri
where n is the number of terms in the Prony series. To simplify the expression, n will not be
shown in following equations. Pi and "ciare the constants in the i-th term of the Prony series.
E o .e I ,
=0+ )i _--_l)i_ +_Pi_i.c +0
=E°el(tl-_pitl+_Pivi.e -_PiVi )
E--°--_-1 e
(t 3 -t 2)
-( t-t2_r i
(t-Y_Pit+Y_PiV i - t 2 + _., Pit2 - _., pivY i . e )
(t3-t 2)
-( t-t2_v i
a(t) =%(t) (t-_pit+_pi'ci-t2+_pit2-_Pi'cie )
(t 3 -t 2)
Similarly, the equation for the fourth step can be written as follows:
-( t-t2_r i
+Y_Pitz-Y_Pi'cie )
software is shown in Appendix A. In the example, the stress function was calculated based
on the strain and strain rate functions shown above, and it employed a two-term Prony series.
The results of the viscoelastic analysis are shown in the stress-time and stress-strain plots.
This worksheet can be used to generate data in a parametric study involving viscoelastic
materials. The worksheet is also used as part of the weighted nonlinear regression algorithm
The Prony series coefficients and retardation times appearing in Equation 4 need to
Marquardt-Levenberg Method 13'14) is used to perform the data fitting. In the nonlinear
regression, an error function (Z 2) with respect to the unknown constants is defined as,
where xi and yi are the experimental data, function y(xi;a) is the model to be fitted, and (_i is
the standard deviation of measurement error of i-th data point. A set of unknown constants
(a) will be determined that minimize the error function 2. The error function (Z 2) is
where c is a constant and d is the gradient of Z 2 with respect to the parameters a, which will
be zero where Z 2 is minimum. Matrix D is the second partial derivative of Z 2 with respect to
the parameters a. Initial trial values of a are specified and improved values are determined
by the nonlinear regression algorithm. Iteration is continued until the error function, Z ,
Since each Prony term includes two variables (pi and "ci)and since the instantaneous
modulus (Eo) must be determined, the total number of variables in the regression is 2n+l.
In addition, the distribution of the standard deviation of measurement error (c_) is not easily
determined based on the error of data acquisition equipment and the error of test machine, the
error is usually assumed to be uniform for all data points (c_i = 1). As is well known, the
viscoelastic effects are most significant at the beginning of the relaxation period, the fitting
error in this region is significant. Since the percentage of the number of data points at the
beginning of the relaxation period is less, the error function Z 2 is dominated by a long
uniform tail region of the relaxation period. To reduce the error and improve the fit at
beginning of the relaxation period, a weight function (w = 1/c_, 0 < c_ <1) is used. The larger
the weight factor at a data point, the better the curve fit the data point. There is no analytical
method to determine the weight function, thus a trial-and-error method is used. The
acceptance of the weight function is based on a graph of the data and regression model
results. Weighted nonlinear regression requires more iterations than unweighted nonlinear
regression, but it can provide a better fit to the experimental data in the region of most
A three-point bending relaxation test of a composite material was performed 15. The
specimen (12 in. x 2 in. x 0.768 in.) was loaded in 22 seconds to a maximum deflection of
0.103 in. at the middle of the span. Then the deflection was held for 11,711 seconds (Figure
3). The Marquardt-Levenberg nonlinear regression method was applied by the commercial
software SigmaPlot 13 to a hereditary integral model using two segments (loading and
holding) to obtain the Prony series coefficients for the data. Since no analytical method
exists to form the weight function, a trial-and-error method based on material properties was
used to obtain a fit curve. The viscoelastic stress decays exponentially in the relaxation test,
thereforetheviscoelasticeffectis moresignificantduringthe loadingperiodandatthe
beginning(< 30 seconds)of the holdingperiod.The numberof datapointsin theseperiods
(<100)is muchlessthanthe numberof datapointsin tail regionof the relaxationperiod(>
5000). Theerror function(Z2) will be dominatedby a long uniform tail regionof the
w = J 10022 < t < 50
[150< t < 11711
The short-dash curve is the result for a three-term Prony series with weight function 2 (WF2)
as follows:
Since an initial value is required for each of the variables, a trial data set based on the
test data was assumed. The sum of the P constants should be about 0.09 since the load at the
end of relaxation period is 9% lower than the load at the beginning. The retardation time
constants can be set to powers of ten. As long as the initial trial values are reasonable,
As is well known, the regression data fits better in a particular region if the relative
weight factor (weight factor / sum of weight factors) in that region is greater than the average
value. In Figure 4, the curves with weighted functions were closer to the data points near the
beginning of the relaxation period. Since the weight factor at t = 22 seconds of function 2
(=2066) is greater than the value of the weight function 1 (=100), the curve of function 2 is a
better match to the data than curve of function 1 at the beginning of relaxation.
However,asshownin the Figure3,weight function2 doesnot fit the dataaswell as
the othercurvesafter1000seconds.It appearsthatfunction2 wasoverweightedatthe
beginningof the relaxationandthe relativeweight factoratthe otherregionwastoo small.
ThePronyconstantsof the regressionareshownin Table1.
The results showed that a weight function should be selected based on the material
properties and test data distribution. Properly selecting the weight function in the most
In a recent study 15, a thick composite panel responded viscoelasticly when it was
tested. In order to characterize the properties of the panel, a three-point bending test with
multiple loading segment processes was performed on it. Since the stiffness of the panel was
quite high, the test was conducted with a large hydraulic testing machine. High deformation
rates were not available with this loading machine. The loading head displacement schedule
of the machine is shown in Figure 5. The schedule is unlike a standard relaxation test.
Though load relaxation periods exist, the time required to apply a full load was clearly long
when compared to the relaxation periods. As mentioned in the previous sections, in order to
include the data of loading and unloading segments, a nonlinear regression combined with
Since the deformation was very small compared to the specimen dimensions a linear
model was used for the calculations. The resulting displacements and the loads are linearly
related to the strains and stresses. Thus, the displacement and load data were used as strain
The displacement (strain) schedule in Figure 5 was divided into 11 steps. The
piecewise continuous function for the first 10 steps was assumed to be approximately linear,
similar to the previous example (Equation 8). The data for step 11 was fit to a cubic
polynomialfor a morepreciseregressionmodel. The strainandstrainratefunctionswere
dt [ ......
a+2.b.t+.., tlo <t<tll
The piecewise continuous stress function for first 10 steps, based on the hereditary
integral, was derived by the same technique as shown from Equation 9 to Equation 13. The
= + f;,oY(t d_
=O-lo(0+ fttmo
Eo(1- Y_2pi(1-e-(t-_)/_'))(a + 2.b._ + 3. c._2).d_
regression. Again, the weight function was determined by a trial-and-error method. After
severaliterations,the constantweight factorsusedfor eachstepweredetermineas:W(t) =
[1.0, 5.0, 1.0,1.5,1.0,7.0, 1.0,1.5,1.0,5.0, 1.0]andthe analysisresultswereshownin
Figure6. The weight factorswereequalto 1.0for theloading andunloadingsteps,andwere
greaterthan 1.0for theholding steps.
Thetotal numberof variablesin theProny seriesmaterialmodelis 2n+l, wheren is
thenumberof Pronyterms. In this study,a two-termPronyserieswassufficientto fit the
data. Theregressionanalysisresultsandtestdataareshownin Figures6 and7. The only
differencebetweenthe resultsof the two analyses,shownin the figures,wasthe
displacementfunctionof step11. Oneof the analysesassumedthatthe displacement
functionis linearandotherassumedit wascubic.Both modelresultsagreedcloselywith the
experimentaldata. Sincethe cubicpolynomialdescribeddisplacementin step11more
precisely,the onewith cubicdisplacementfunctionfit betterin step11thanthe onewith
linearfunction. The errorfunction(Z2 ) of the onewith cubicfunctionis 10%lower thanthe
onewith linear function.
viscoelastic modulus from rate dependent data has been presented. The hereditary integral
subjected to rate dependent loading. The analytical representation was used in a nonlinear
regression analysis, with measured data, to evaluate the Prony series constants. Several
regression analyses were performed using different weight functions. For the data analyzed
in this study, improved simulations of the hysteresis effects were obtained when the data at
the beginning of each relaxation period was appropriately weighted. Note, the data analyzed
here had loading and relaxation regions of similar length in time. Other weighting functions
The method presented here provided a highly accurate representation of the material
behavior in the rate dependent loading region. It can also represent the response of a
viscoelastic material for other unique loading schedules. For example, it can be used for
schedules in which the material is not allowed to relax between subsequent loading changes.
Appendix A Numerical Solution for Multiple Loading Segment Process
The purpose of this appendix is to present an input file for MATHCAD which can be used to
numerically compute results from Equations (9) to (13) for the multiple loading segment process.
Two Prony terms are used in this simulation. The loading process is defined by Figure 2. In the
data file below, text with a bold font represents a comment and with a normal font represents a
command. The result of the simulation is saved to a file (OUTPUT.PRN) which is shown at end
of the appendix.
t 0.01
E(t) := el' if O<t<tl
(tl tO)
(el) if tl<t<t2
t t2
el+(e2 el). if t2<t_t3
(t3 t2)
o i_
(e2) if t3<t<t4 0 55 110
0 otherwise
cr2(t) :=E. c1. (tl- P1. tl+ P1. vl. exp(--- -P1. vl. ) -P2. tl
vlt-tl) exp(- _1
t - tl) _ . t))
+P2.v2.exp(--_ P2.v2 exp(- 75
Step 3 (t2<t<t3) Unload to _-=e2
t := t2..t3
o-2(t) := E.(c2-c1).(t_Pl.t+Pl.rl_P2.t+P2.r2_t2+Pl.t2+P2.t2
t3 - t2
t - t2 t - t2))
- el. rl. exp(- --7i-- ) - e2. r2. exp(-
+Pl.t2+P2.t2-Pl.rl.exp( t2) _ P2. r2. exp(- t - t2))
rl r2
o-4(t) := o-2(t) + o-4 _ l(t)
Piecewise stress function stress function
t: t0.. t4 1.10 7
5.10 6
(cY2(t)) if tl<t<t2
(cY4(t)) if t3<t<t4 0
0 otherwise
5.10 6
Set up a matrix to print out of data o 50 100
(End of Hereditary.MCD)
Output file (OUTPUT.PRN)
Three columns of data (time, strain and stress) are
included in the output file as shown below:
0.005 0.01
(time) (strain) (stress)
0 0 0
1 0.002 1979653.653
2 0.004 3921103.522
3 0.006 5827816.446
4 0.008 7702931.033
5 0.01 9549288.871
6 0.01 9389809.131
7 0.01 9244678.865
Creep Test
I • I
to Time to Time
Relaxation Test
Eo Go
• I
to Time to Time
• 0.006
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (seconds)
760 -
710 -
700 - _,____
680 i i i I i i i I i i i I i i i I i i i I i i i I
..d 75O
730 i' i i i I i i i i I i i i i I i i i i I i i i i I i i i i I
20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Time, sec.
E 0.15
n 0.10
Time (Sec.)
Test Data
Nonlinear Regression with cubic polynomial strain for step 11
-- - Nonlinear Regression with linear strain function for step 11
Time (Sec.)
Figure 6. Normalized load vs. time for the test data and
nonlinear regression results.
.d 0.6
U 0.5
E 0.4
z 0.3
Test Data
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13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)
In this study a method of determining the coefficients in a Prony series representation of a viscoelastic modulus
from rate dependent data is presented. Load versus time test data for a sequence of different rate loading
segments is least-squares fitted to a Prony series hereditary integral model of the material tested. A nonlinear
least squares regression algorithm is employed. The measured data includes ramp loading, relaxation, and
unloading stress-strain data. The resulting Prony series which captures strain rate loading and unloading effects,
produces an excellent fit to the complex loading sequence.