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Air Dryer PHL Series
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Air Dryer PHL Series
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Air Dryer PHL Series
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HEATLESS REGENERATIVE DRYERS PHL SERIES Model: PHL650 BAS Serial No.: 68549-L17E02 Voltage: 115V/1Ph/60Ez. Pioneer Air Systems Inc. 210, Flatfork Road, Wartburg, TN - 37887 Tel. : (423) 346-6693 Fax: (423) 346-3865, (423) 346-7522 Email ;
[email protected]
Internet Address : http://www.pioneerair.comRECEIVING & INSPECTI SERAAMING & INSPECTION 1. Carefully inspect the packaging and deyer for external andor intemal damage. If you suspect damage has occurred during shipment, notify the transportation agency at once. This is the customer's responsibility, 2. Check the name plate for correct power supply requirements 3. Inspect all piping and tubing. Vibration during shipment may have loosened the connections, ‘4 Standard Pioneer compressed air dryer are tested and opermved before leaving the factory. They are ready to operate after connecting to the proper services, NOTE: To avoid erosion or powdering of desiccant in shipment, models PHL 1400 and larger are shipped Without desiceant in vessels. ‘The desiceant is shipped Separately. Fill the dryer vessels with desiccant priot to operation, INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION {Congratulations on your purchase of a PHIL Series Regenerative Dryer from Pioneer Air Systems, Your dryer fas been designed, engineered, mannfactured, and factory. tested ce ensure many years of reliable operation, at Pioneer take pride in a job well-done, which is why we offet the Jongest standard warranties in the industry, Gris Cvmer’s manual provides you with information typical to standard Pioneer heatless regenerative dryers Options and custom equipment may not be included in this marral Originally located in Canton, Michigan, Pioneer air and gas dryer, today known as Mr. Goodaire. Pioneer Tapidly expanded its product line and its amufucturing facilities which are presently located in the feothils vrake Cumberland Mountains in East Tennessee, Fy it addition to refrigerant dryer, Pioneer's product line includes desiccant dryers, air and water Eltration systems, several types of process water cooling equipment, breathing air purifiers, compressed natural 888 dryers, and a host of related equipment and accessories Ih Just a few short years, Pioneer boasts one of the largest, most comprehensive product lines in the compressed aig industry, and each product is designed and ‘manufactured with the same attention to quality and functionality that brought Pioneer where itis today A riplldivide network of Pioneer distributors and factory representatives actively seek new problems, new challenges, andmnew business, Like Pioneer products, they represent the very best in the industry.STANDARD FEATURES. ‘NEMA 4 electrical Electronic Timing Sequence Module Sequence Lights Left tower drying Right tower drying Left tower regenerating Right tower regenerating Left tower tepressurizing Right tower repressurizing &. Fail to shift alarm Tower safety relief valves ASME coded vessels (PHL 100 and large) Tower pressure gauges . Purge pressure gauge . Tower exhaust mufflers . Non-lube valves 0. Stainless steel inlevoutlet diffusers meas oe ae 6. 1, 8 9. M INSTALLATION Location. Locate your Pioneer PHL series dryer on a level floor free from vibrations and in clean surroundings. Although the dryer is a free standing package, it may be secured by bolting the dryer base to the floor. Allow approximately three feet on each side of the dryer for ease of connecting end maintaining the dryer. ‘The ambient temperature in the dryer’s location should range from 35°F to 120°F. ‘The dryer will function in ‘warmer ambient, but as a result, the degrees of dew point suppression will decrease, Operation of the dryer in ambient approaching freezing could cause freezing of separated liquids in the pre-filter sump or in the dryer itself. For dryer operation at temperatures below freezing, Pioneer recommends heat tracing the pre-filter sump, drain trap, and inlet manifold. For more information on beat tracing, contact your Pioneer distributor or ‘contact the factory. Protective barriers are recommended for the prevention of accidental damage that may occur due to vehicular or personnel traffic, particularly for dryers located in open areas, Connecting Services 1. Connect inlet piping, including a shut off valve 2. Conneet outlet piping, including a shut off valve. 3. Install pre-filter(s) and after filter(s) if not factor 4. If desired, install bypass piping using bubble tight valves. Bypass piping is recommended for ease of maintenance, troubleshooting, and service, Connect electrical supply to the control box. This should be performed by a qualified electrician according to focal and national codes. 6. Install access ports upstream and downstream of the dryer for dew point and temperature measurementsFiltration All regenerative desiccant dryers are designed to remove water in the vapor phase. The possibility of liquid carry over to the desiccant dryer must be avoided. A coalescing pre-filter will eliminate the carry over of droplets and aerosol-sized mists of both liquid water and compressor lubricant, The use of a Pioneer coalescing filter (CS Series) will enhance the dew point depression capability of the dryer. It will also extend the life of the desiccant by preventing compressor lubricant fouling of the desiccant bed. In installations with excessive oil carry over, use a Pioneer Oil-Alert filter (OA Series) before the coalescer for better performance and longer desiccant life. Although the pre-filter sump can be manually drained of separated liquids, it is highly recommended that an additional automatic drain, such as a Pioneer Sensor Drain or Timer Drain, be installed to eliminate the possibility of failure to drain the pre-filter sump, After filtration is also a very important step. All regenerative desiccant dryers gradually produce hard and abrasive desiccant fines. These contaminants should be removed with a Pioneer particulate filter (PS Series). The elimination of desiccant fine carry over will protect your plant air systems and reduce future system ‘malfuunctions. ‘When installing filters, make connections according to the arrow directions marked on the filter head. For example, CS filters flow from 1 to 2. PS filters flow from 2 to 1 Back Pressure Regulator In dryer applications where sudden downstream demand for dry air frequently occurs, a rapid pressure loss in the compressed air system is possible. To prevent this, it is recommended that a back pressure regulator be installed downstream from the dryer. ‘The back pressure regulator will maintain a constant pressure within the dryer. This will eliminate any chance of saturating the desiccant bed by sudden flow surges which accompany rapid pressure loss. By eliminating saturation and desiccant bed “bumping”, the life of the desiccant charge will increase, and the after filter will not become prematurely clogged with desiccant fines. Purge Exhaust Piping To eliminate noise created by frequent tower release of purge exhaust, the dryer’s exhaust may be piped to an. outside or more remote location, This will also eliminate any possible problems caused by indoor accumulation of condensed moisture from the purge exhaust. If extending the exhaust pipe, install it horizontal or downward to avoid accumulation of condensate at low points. If the purge exhaust is required to run upward, install a valve at the low point. Keep this valve partially (50-75%) open to continually drain any liquid water. If extending the exhaust pipe farther than 15 feet, consult the factory for recommendations.PHL Programmable Control Board Display Groups ‘The following are the display groups that will be shown while operating up the control board. Cycle Segment and time elapsed Pressure Alarm Status Humidity Alarm Status Total Hours Maintenance Hours Date and Time Current Settings © Inlet delay Purge delay Purge time Repressurization delay Repressurization time © Maximum cycle time (Demand mode) © Pressure Alarm State © Demand Mode State Percent Demand eooooos ° ° ° ° Use the 7 and | keys to move up and down in the display group. ESCAPE has no function while viewing the display group. Press ENTER to begin configuring the controller. PHL Programmable Control Board Configuration © Cycle Segment and time elapsed The second line of each display is for any alarm condition. INLDLY 00:00:03 PRGDLY — 00;00:02 PURGE 00:00:20 REPRDLY —00;00:02 REPR 00:00:20 © Pressure Alarm Status NO PRESSURE ALRM. © Humidity Alarm Status NO HUMIDITY ALRMNOTE: IF THE FUSIBLE DISCONNECT OPTIC PURCHASED, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT A BE SUPPLIED BY THE CUSTOMER IN ORDE LOCAL, STATE AND NATIONAL ELECTRIC CC au cowrcr sSanzeroy 3a0 FS) sumo AU EEE NERY SHR PUT B.gQNer Ponce 2 niet Toren pressure swren [ ore © os, BS MT rs, Sa JONER LET LEFT TOWER eressuRe swnen [ orove Ps, ccd a [EXTERNAL RESET ~* = “IyAeh/6a42 CUSTOMER CONNECTION NOTE: WIRING FOR THE INLET VALVES IS SHC TO USE NORMALLY CLOSED VALVES, REVERSE, #8. LOOKING FROM THE FRONT OF THE CONsmcem= RIGHT SIDE CONTROLS THE LEFT TOWER VAL\ga=m cm PHLEEOBAS SIDE CONTROLS THE RIGHT TOWER VALVE. fessor Tee BESeNeRATVE As PEER Fee BEST AIRE SILVER PACKAGE pe 68549-E1 = a qeesaeereaee lal 2 TeseeeseEESEEE‘Total Hours TOTLHRS 000034 Maintenance Hours MNTHRS — 000007 Date and Time 11/11/04 THURS 13:43:51 Current Settings © Inlet delay CURRENT SETTINGS INLDLY 00:00:03 Purge delay CURRENT SETTINGS PRG DLY 00:00:02 Purge time CURRENT SETTINGS PURGE 00:00:30 Repressurization delay CURRENT SETTINGS RPRDLY 00:00:05 Repressurization time CURRENT SETTINGS REPR 00:00:30 Maximum oycle time (Demand mode) CURRENT SETTINGS MAXDLY — 00:15:00 Pressure Alarm State PR ALRM ENABLED Demand Mode State DEMAND MODE ON Percent Demand DEMAND= 45% Return to Cycle Segment and time elapsedPHL Programmable Control Board Configuration Groups The following are the configuration groups that will be displayed while setting up the control board PASS CODE, SET CLOCK ENTER SETUP SET DMD MODE, SET PR ALRM CHANGE SHIFT SETTINGS SET TIMES RST MNT HRS. MANUAL MODE CHANGE PWR ON/OFF SETTINGS eococooccocs Press ENTER to begin configuring the controller. Press ESCAPE to go back one level. Repeated presses of ESCAPE will exit from the configuration mode. PHL Programmable Control Board Configuration PASS CODE: XXXXX The X’s will be a number generated by the computer. Ifthe PASSWORD is enabled you must enter the correct PASSWORD to continue, Use the t or | keys to change the information, Press ENTER when the selection is correct. SET CLOCK? ‘Use the f or | keys to change the information. WED Press ENTER when the selection is correct. SET DAY ED 15:21:41 1, |, ENTER SET HOURS WED 15:21:41 1.4, ENTER SET MINUTES WED 15:21:41 t |, ENTER SET MONTH11/10/04 SET DAY OF MONTH Ag/04 SET YEAR 11/10/04 ENTER SETUP? NO PASS CODE: XXXXX PASSWRD DISABLED ARE YOU SURE? NO MKE FCIRY DEFLTS CURNT SETS? NO. MAKE USER DEFLTS CURNT SETS? NO MAKE CURNT SETS USER DEFLTS? NO SET DMD MODE? NO. DEMAND MODE OFF SETPRALRM? NO PR ALRM DISABLED CHANGE SHIFT SETTINGS? NO SHIFT | STRT HOURS 07:30 SET SHIFT 1 STRT MINUTES — 07:30 SE! IFT 2 STRT t. L ENTER 1 |, ENTER +, ENTER +, LENTER 1. |, ENTER 1. |, ENTER 1, |, ENTER 1. |, ENTER 1. |, ENTER 1, , ENTER +, |, ENTER +, , ENTER +, , ENTER t. |, ENTER 1. |, ENTER 1. | ENTER t, |, ENTER +, |, ENTERHOURS = 15:30 SET SHIFT 2 STRT MINUTES — 15:30 SET SHIFT 3 STRT HOURS 23:30 SET SHIFT 3 STRT MINUTES — 23:30 DAILY SHIFT 1 LOAD= 100% DAILY SHIFT 2 LOAD= 50% DAILY SHIFT 3 LOAD= 10% WEEKEND SHIFT 1 LOAD= 10% WEEKEND SHIFT 2 LOAD= 10% WEEKEND SHIFT 3 LOAD= 10% SET TIMES? NO SET TIMES? SET TIMES? PRGDLY 00: SET TIMES? RPRDLY 00:00: SET TIMES? MAX DLY 00: 1, |, ENTER 1. J ENTER, 1. |, ENTER 1, | ENTER +, L ENTER 1, ENTER 4. 4, ENTER }. |, ENTER t, |, ENTER +, | ENTER +. ENTER 4.4, ENTER $4, ENTER 4. J, ENTER 4.4, ENTER 1.4, ENTER , ENTERRSTMNTHRS? NO +, | ENTER MAINT HRS 000024 ARE YOU SURE? NO NO INTER MAINT HRS 000024 MANUAL MODE? NO t, |, ENTER REPR xxcxxxx You will enter the loop at the current point in ENTERTO ADVANCE the cycle and loop continuously. INLDLY — xx:xx:xx ENTER TO ADVANCE PRGDLY — xxxxxx ENTER TO ADVANCE Press ESCAPE to exit the loop. PURGE X:OIAK ENTER TO ADVANCE PURGE XOX, ENTER TO ADVANCE RPRDLY —xx:xx:xx ENTER TO ADVANCE, CHANGE PWR ON/OFF STINGS? NO $, |, ENTER POWER UI POWER ON? YES +, ENTER | RESUME CYCLE ON TURN ON? YES +, |, ENTER START UP TOWER LEFT? 1. |, ENTER (RIGHT 2) SHUTDOWN MODE IMMEDIATE? 1. | ENTER i (FINISH CYCLE?) ARE YOU SURE? NOt, |, ENTER RETURN TO CYCLE OPERATING DISPLAYSTART UP WARNING- Do not operate the dryer with no purge flow. It may damage the dryer and will void the warranty. After all installation procedures are performed, drain water from the system prior to dryer start up. This will prevent saturation of the desiccant bed and improve performance of the dryer. 1. The block valves upstream and downstream of the dryer should be closed; the bypass valve should be open. 2. Prior to turning the dryer control panel switch ON, pressurize the dryer by SLOWLY opening the block valve upstream of the dryer. CAUTION: Sudden pressurization of the dryer will cause a rush of high velocity air into the desiccant bed. ‘This will hasten the need for after filter element and desiccant replacement and may cause premature failure of valves due to desiccant fines, 3. When both tower pressure gauges indicate line pressure, open the outlet block valve and close the bypass valve, 4, Switch the control panel power switch ON. Five seconds after activating the dryer control circuit, one tower will depressurize to atmospheric pressure, Regenerating purge air will then flow through the regenerating tower, 5. Set the purge adjustment valve to 45 psig (45 psig is standard. Actual setting may vary depending on load). The purge pressure can be properly set only when the purge exhaust valve is open and the regenerating tower is at atmospheric pressure “Deadheading” the Dryer fier start up has been compicted and the dryer has been checked for proper operation, “deadheading” the dryer is recommended. To “deadhead” the dryer is to operate it without a load to remove any moisture absorbed by the desiccant prior to installation: The airflow through the dryer is used for regeneration only. This is accomplished by closing the outlet block valve and operating the unit for a minimum of three to five days prior to placing the dryer onli OPERATIO’ The Pioneer PHL Series dryer is specifically designed to remove moisture in vapor form. ‘The dryer's Electronic Sequence Module is fully automatic, alternately cycling gas flow through the dryers twin desiccant towers. Cycling between the two towers accomplishes the adsorption and regeneration processes and provides a continuous flow of air. ‘The compressed ait/gas laden with moisture vapor enters a tower and flows upward through the desiccant bed. ‘The desiceant has great affinity for moisture vapor; therefore it adsorbs or removes moisture from the ait and holds it on its surfaces, The adsorption process is an exothermie process meaning heat is produced as moisture is adsorbed on the desiccant surface, At the end of the drying cycle, the desiccant in the tower is regencrated- or the moisture that the desiccant adsorbed is removed by dry, warm air. A small portion of the dry gas is expanded to near atmospheric pressure by passing through an orifice specifically designed for the regeneration u(purge) stream to strip the previously adsorbed moisture vapor. The exothermic reaction from the previous drying cycle contributes to the regeneration of the desiccant bed. ‘The heat is picked up by the regeneration stream which in turn increases the moisture adsorption capacity of the regeneration stream. ~40°F PDP operating sequence (standard) - Assume the dryer las completed repressurization and the left tower has begun drying. The inlet compressed air/gas enters the dryer and is diverted to the left tower to begin the five minute drying cycle. Approximately five seconds later the right tower purge (regeneration) exhaust valve will open, depressurizing the off-line tower. The purge flow will continue for a period of three minutes and fifty-five seconds. When regeneration of the offline tower is complete, the purge exhaust valve will close, initiating the sixty second repressurizing phase. After repressurization is complete, the inlet selector valve will switch inlet valves and the inlet air/gas stream will divert from the left tower to the right tower. ARer five seconds the left tower purge exhaust valve will open and depressurizing the off-line tower to begin the regeneration cycle. ‘The dryer will continuously cycle through the sequence described above until power is removed from the dryer. The complete standard operating (NEMA) cycle is ten minutes, see page 11. Under normal conditions and during normal operation, the dryer should provide an outlet pressure dew point (PDP) of -40°F or below. -100°F PDP operating sequence (optional)- In systems rated for -100°F PDP the time cycle is reduced to five ‘minutes. Actual drying time per tower will be two and a half minutes, The actual purge time will be one minute and fifty-five seconds. The repressurization time will be thirty seconds, The operating sequence is similar to the standard -40° PDP operating sequence. Demand Cycle operating sequence (optional) - The Demand Cycle operational sequence is similar to the standard -40° PDP sequence, except when in Demand Cycle mode, dryer sequencing is determined by the dew point analyzer. If, atthe end of the five minute drying cycle, the dew point analyzer indicates that the on-line tower has remaining adsorptive capacity, tower switch-over is delayed, The drying tower will remain on-line and the off-line tower will remain in a pressurized standby state until the moisture content in the drying tower reaches the analyzer set point (normally factory set at -40°F). A Demand Cycle Override switch is located on the control panel to allow the operator to select between a fixed operating cycle and Demand Cycle, MAINTENANCE Before servicing any component, be certain the component is depressurized and valves are equipment damage, severe or death could result. Pre-filter Under normal operating conditions, the pressure drop across the filter- visible on the pressure differential indicator- indicates when the clement needs changing (typically 6 PSI AP or greater). However, inspect the filter element at least every three months for proper seating and condition of the element. If the element has collapsed or cannot be properly seated, replace the element. The automatic drain trap is often overlooked. Inspect it frequently and clean as necessary. A plugged drain may damage the desiccant in the dryer and void the warranty.After filter Under normal operating conditions, the pressure drop across the filter- visible on the pressure differential indicator- indicates when the clement needs changing (typically 6 PSI AP or greater). However, inspect the filter element at least every three months for proper seating and condition of the element. If the element has collapsed or cannot be properly seated, replace the element. Replacement of the element will enhance system operation and prevent desiccant fine migration down stream. Control air filter The control air filter should be inspected periodically and replaced when dirty. Periodic replacement of the element will ensure clean control ait for operation of the valves NOTE: The useful life of a filter element depends upon the quality of the air. To ensure optimum. performance, enact time-scheduled maintenance, for example, every three months, Purge flow rate adjustment ‘The purge flow rate should be checked periodically for proper adjustment. The purge pressure for full load operation should be set at 45 PSIG. The purge calibration graph, page 11, may be used for purge adjustment when the load is less than capacity. Solenoid valves Inspect solenoid valves periodically for proper operation. ‘The inspection should include monitoring the tower pressure gauge on each tower during the cycle. The back pressure on a regenerating tower should not be greater than 5 PSIG. Higher pressure indicates either a malfunctioning vaive and/or a clogged muffler. Frequent monitoring of the tower pressure gauges in conjunction with the control panel will give a good indication of proper operation and can assist with troubleshooting should a problem occur, Failure of a solenoid valve may result from: I. Faulty control circuit. Check the electrical system to verify that the solenoid coil is receiving electrical input. 2. Aburned out coil. Replace the coil 3. Clogged solenoid valve. Disassemble and clean. 4. Damaged valve seat. Replace valve. Desiccant replacement and installation Use only Pioneer Activated Alumina -100°F in your PHL Series. Remove contaminated desiccant from each vessel through the desiccant "drain port" located near the bottom of each vessel. Pour new desiccant into the indicated "fill port” located near the top of each vessel. Allow adequate space above the desiccant bed to permit bed motion and expansion during drying. Change the desiccant periodically for optimum dryer performance. Store any unused desiccant in an airtight container. 13Maintenance Contracts- Pioneer and its network of distributors offer yearly maintenance contracts for worry free operation, Contact Pioneer Air Systems at 423-346-6693 for details. ‘Frequency* Action ‘Method 223 days after start-up Inspect pre-filier and after filter for dist, oil, and prior to placing Inspect filters and other contaminants. Replace if dryer on-line contaminated, Inspect pre-filter and after filter for dirt, oil, Every 3-4 months Inspect filters and other contaminants. Replace if contaminated. Every 6 months Calibrate optional dew point meter Refer to Dew Point Meter Owner's Manual Every 6 months Tnspect and clean purge exhaust mufflers Replace muffler if desiecant deposits are found. Every 6 months Inspect purge exhaust valves While dryer is operating, inspect for air leaking fiom the muffler on the drying tower. If leak exists, depressurize dryer and clean valye. If leak persists, replace valves. Replace pre-filter, after filter, control air Yearly Replace filter elements | filter, and optional dew point filter elements, z for uninterrupted operation. Yearly Inspect/replace inlet valves | Inspect valve seating and valve internals, Replacement recommended. Inspect valve (located on the back of the Yearly Inspect inlet selector valve | _ electrical enclosure) and valve piping for leaks. Repair or replace if leaks are present. Year Inspect pressure gauges Replace ifreadings are incorrect. Every 2-7 years l Replace desiccant Replace if contaminated. Oil, moisture, and other contaminants inhibit the performance of the desiccant. * Maintenance frequency under normal conditions, In harsher conditions, perform maintenance twice as often. 4TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Problem Cause Remedy I. Excessive inlet flow T. Reduce flow to rated capacity 2. Excessive inlet temperature | 2. Inspect, repair, or replace upstream aftercooler 3. Excessive water 3. Check upstream separator, pre-filter, and their drain traps; repair or replace 4, Desiccant contamination 4. Replace desiccant and pre-filter element 5. Pre-filter drain failure 5. Check if clogged; clean, repair, or Poor dew point replace 6. Low purge flow 6. Check purge calibration curve; see purge failure below 7. Low inlet pressure 7. Check for pressure loss over pre- filter 8. Liquids entering dryer inlet 8. Inspect pre-filtration system and drains 1. Excessive inlet flow. 1. Reduce flow to rated capacity or install larger dryer Excessive pressure drop | 2. Low inlet pressure 2. Check for pressure loss over pre- filter 3. Excessive pressure drop over | 3. Change element(s) pre-filter and/or after filter Purge failure 1 Purge flow control valve or orifice clogged 1, Remove and clean 2. Purge exhaust valve fails to | 2. Check solenoid actuator, purge close exhaust valve, and sequence module 3. Purge muffler clogged 3. Check mufiler; replace if necessary Pressurization failure [1. Repressurization failure 1. Check regulator, orifice, and check valve 2. Purge exhaust valve fails to | 2. Check solenoid actuator, purge close exhaust valve, and sequence module Switch over failure | I. No control air 1. Check control air filter and control air lines 2. Blectrie power loss 2. Check control fuse and incoming power 3. Switching valve fails 3. Check inlet vaive, actuator, and solenoid High back pressure in | 1, Purge muffler clogged I. Clean or replace off stream tower 2, Restrictive purge exhaust | 2. Replace with larger size pipe piping 3. Check valve leakage | 3. Repair or replacePURGE AIR CALIBRATION CHART TT 10 @ 3 1 80 6p 70 8 90 YOO tio 1a 130 ‘e.or RiNeD sow o Whawal cAPAGTY PHL PURGE CALIBRATION CHART Figure 10. Putgerait collbrtion chart TIMING SEQUENCE LEFT TOWER RIGHT TOWER Ora atiae teeta tree een ee ae Eee ET NUMBER OF MINUTES Tower in drying mode [=] Tower in regeneration mode HERE: Repressurization and exhaust delay Figure 11. PHL2S and laigartining sequence diagramSpecializing in Air / Gas Filtration & Drying 210 Flat Fork Road Wartburg, Tennessee 37887 USA www. T: 423 346 6693, F: 423 346 3865 Job # 2168549, Model : [PHLG50BAS, No. of Units :|2 ‘Customer :|INDUSTRIAL AIR TOOL ‘Serial #:[68549-L17E02/3 (©5-00010-55700A, 316 ACTIVATED ALUMINA - 50LB BAG, BASE 'A6-00020-20004 ‘DPP-175 DELTA P SLIDE-OVER INDICATOR ‘AT-00010-40074 EPS-750 ELEMENT ‘A7-00010-40086 ECS-800 ELEMENT 'B8-00070-52082 ‘2. CHEOK VALVE 'B8-00070-52078 3/4” CHECK VALVE 'D2-00010-15015 (07200 .5 DIA, LIQUID FILLED AIR PRESSURE GAUGE '88.00040-52063 3/4" THREADED GATE VALVE 118 ‘AT-00010-41100 EPS-100 ELEMENT 'B8-00010-45009 2 INLET VALVE 'B6-00010-43026 MODEL X15 +-112" MUFFLER, 7Z1-B8010-00420 "1/2" NPT PURGE VALVE i B8-00080-51303, PURGE EXHAUST PILOT VALVE (02-00020-15070 PRESURE SWITCH i (C9-00020-30100 PHL CONTROL BOARD, ENCLOSURE, SWITCH COMPLETE | $58.00080-51092 ‘DUAL TOWER SELECT SOLENOID PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE5 « BASF The Chemical Company Safety Data Sheet F200 Revision date 2073/03/02 __ Page: 7 Version: 4.0 {90500621/SD$_GEN_USIEN) 1. Product and Company Identification Company 24 Hour Emergency Response inf BASF CORPORATION CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-0300 400 Campus Drive BASF HOTLINE: 1-800-832-HELP Floram Park, NJ 07932, USA CAUTION: MAY CAUSE EYE, SKIN AND RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITATION, May cause atu breathing. Prolonged of repeated contact may result in dermatitis Contact with the eyes or skin may cause mechanical tation, Contains material which may indicatefcause the pssibity of sensory and pulmonary intalion, ‘Avoid contact withthe skin, eyo and clothing, ‘Avoid inhaltion of dust, Use with local exhaust ventiavon Wear 8 NIOSH-cetfid (er squivatent) particulate respirator. Wear safety glasses with side-sheis, Weer cheinica sistant pratecive gloves Wear protective clothing Eye wash fountains and safely showers must bo easily accessible, State of matter: soll Colour oftanhite Ovour: eourees Potontial health effects Primary routes of exposure: Routes of entry for Salis and lauds Include eye and ekn contac, ingestion and inhalation, Routes of enby fr ‘9888 include inhaaton and eye contact. Skin contact may be a route of enty for iquited gases, ‘Acute toxicity: Hitualy nantoxic afer a single sin contect. Vitualy nontoxic by inhalation, Virualy nontoxic afer a single Ingestion. The procuct has not been tested, Tho statement has been ceriod fom the properioe of he individual components. lnrtation / corrosion: ‘at imitating fo the eyes. Nat irtating to the skin, Not itstng to the respiratory system. The product has not been tested, The statement nas been derived from the propertas of he ndvedvalcontuonents, Potential environmental effects i i: | | | |Safety Data Sheet F200 Revision date : 2073/0302 a Version: 4.0, ‘Aquatic toxicity: Page: (30500621/SDS_GEN,_USIEN) cee ceenighProbabilty thatthe products nt acutely harmful to aquatic organisms. The product has not een lested. The statement has been derived from the properties ofthe ndhtdal components, Degradation / environmental fate: Not applicable fr inorganic substances, 3. Composition / Information on Ingredients 5 Num ont WO) Chemical name isaazet 840-1000 % — Aummumonee 4. First-Aid Measures Goneral advice: Remove contaminated clothing, Itinhated: Keep patient calm, remove to fash at tnacessary, gve oxjge Seek medical attention it necessary. {fon skin: nH not breathing, give artificial respiration, ‘After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of watar and soap. Consul @ doctor skin tation persists, Hin eyes: In case of contact with the eyes, rinse immediatly for a least 15 minutes with plenty of water. mmediate rmedical attention required, swallowed No hazarcs anticipated, large quantities are ingested, seek medical aavice, Note to physician Treatment ‘Treat according to symptoms (decontamination, vital functions}, ne known specific antidote, 5. Fire-Fighting Measures Flash point: Nonsfammabie, Seltigition temperature not seltignting Additional information Use extinguishing measures te suit surroundings. Hazards during Fire-fighting: No particular hazards known, Protective equipment for fire-fighting ‘Weer sett-contaned breathing apparatus and chemical-protectve clothing, 6. Accidental release measures Personal precautior Use breathing apparatus if exposed to vazoursidustiaerosol. Av ‘oid contact withthe iin, eyes and lothing. Use personal protective clothing. Information regarding personal protective meesuies see, chapter &Safety Data Sheet F200 ae Revision date : 20Ta0302 Page: 37 Mersion: 4.0 (30500621/SDS_GEN_US/EN) Environmental precautions Pca $Brsad over a wide area (e.g. by containment or ol barirs). Do not lacharge nto drainslurtace Wwaterslgrourdwater. Contain contaminated watefrefighing water. Cleanup: ‘Vacuum up spilled product. Place Inte suitable containes for disposal 7, Handling and Storage land General advice: Avoid dust formation in confined areas. Avoid contact with the sk eyes and clothing. Ensure adequate ventilate, Protection against fire and explosion: Product isnot exploawe, Storage General advice: Koso contsinertighity closed in a cool, wel-ventlated piace ‘Storage incompatibiity: Genaral advice: Segregate rom redueing agents. ‘Storage stabi: Keep container dry, 8, Exposure Controls and Personal Protection Advice on systom design: igh local extaust ventaton to contol dust, Provide local exhaust ventilation to maintain recommended PEL ersonal protective equioment Respiratory protection: Ce ane Sit erted (or equvatnt) particulate reste. Observe OSHA regulation fr raptor uso (20 CFR 1910-134), Wear appropriate certified respator when exposure ints may be exososed Hand protection: ‘Wear chemical resistant protective gloves, Consut with glove menufacurer fr tasting data, yo protection: Safely glasses with side- shld Body protection: sronpetiaction must bo chosen depending on actvty and possible exposure, eg. apron, protect boots, Sremical-protecion suk (accercing to EN T4606 n case of splashes or EN ISO 1682 case of at General safaty and nygione measures: No eating, drinking, smoking or tobacco use atthe place of work, 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Form: solid in various forme deur odourless Colour ofewniteSafety Data Sheet F200 Revision date “207303702 Version: 4.0 PH value: 84-104 Meting point: 2050°c Bulk density 38.0-52 m3 Viscosity, dynamic: ‘Solubily in water: Page: 477 (30500621/SD$_GEN_US/EN) (88°F) ‘et applicable insoluoie 10. Stability and Reactivity Conditions to avo ‘vols deposition of dust Avoid cust formation, Substances to avoid: Water reducing agents Hazardous reactions: ‘The product is chemically stable, "No hazardous reactions known, Decomposition products: Hazardous decorpositon products: No hazardous decomposition products known, Thermal decomposition: No eecompostion if used correcty Corrosion to metals: No corse effect on metal Oxieizing proper not fre-propagating 11, Toxicological information ‘cut toxicity Oral: Information an: Aluminum oxide Type of valve: L050 ‘Species: rat Value: = $,000 meikg (OECD Guideline 401) Inritation corrosion: Skin: ‘oformaton on: Aluminum oxide Species: rapa osut: nonviitant ‘Mothoot OECD Guideline 404 12. Ecological Information Fish Acute DIN 38412 Pant 15 static ‘Leuciscus ius M.C50 (86 hy: > 500 mgtSafety Data Sheet F200 Revision date 2073703002 Page: 577 Version: 4.0 (30500621/SDS_GEN_US/EN) Information on: Aluminum oxide cite, DIN 26472 Par 15 stato ‘Leuciscus isl. C50 (98): > 500 map compost 88 2 boon leted. Tho satoment hasbeen derived om prot oe Similar structure anet Aquatic invertebrates Acute ECO Guideline 202, part 1 state Daphnia magna (48h). > 100 msn Information on: Atuminuen oxide Acute: ECD Guideline 202, part 1 static Dapiania magna (48.9): > 100 meat Aquatic plants ‘Toxicity to equate plants: OECD Guideline 201 static ‘100 lga2!No observed eect concentation (72 hy: > 100 mol Posal considerations Waste disposal of substance: er cieesCt 2cc0rdance wit ioc! suthony equiafons, Check for possible ‘recycling. Disposal requirements 14. Transport Information Land transport uspor Not classied as a dangerous good under transport regutatons ‘Sea transport moc Not classed as a dangerous good under tanspertregultions Air transport IATAICA Not classed as a dangerous good under transport regulationsSafety Data Sheet F200 Revision date : 2073/0302 Page: a7 Version: 4.0 (90500821/808_ GEN_US/EN) 18. Regulatory Information feral Roquia Rogistration statu Chemical TSCA, US released listed OSHA hazard catogory: ACGIH TLV established! EPORA 211/512 (Hazard categories}: Acute EPCRA 313: GASNumbor Chemical name Ya4a20-1 ‘Aluminum oxide ‘StateRTK CASNumber Chemica name, MAN PA 1348281 ‘Auminurr oxide 16. Other Information Heath: t Reactivity: 0 Special Hats rating Health: 1" Flammability: © Physical hazard: 0 : [NEPA ard HIM uso @ numbering sole roging rom ot nice he dagres of hazed Awe of zero moans the the substance poesoseos sort no haza,aaing 9 fur inseatae entre cenger, hkcughsinisn tne obey ‘sera are intended or dterat aurpsas, and use diflern! ites The NEPA syciom wes devlopea To seovde son UMovsat alert to fe hazards ofa material andthe soverty, to ameryenayfesporcere. The HANS spots ace oectrwa communicate werkpice haved rvomatin ioenplayaes who handle haerdece Sronioas BASF supports workdwce Responsible Care iniatves. We value the health and safely of our employees, Gustomers, suppliers and neighbors, and the protection ofthe environment. Our commutmint to Resporsie Cate is integral to conducting our businoss and operating our facies iva safe and envronmsntallresporcible fashion, supeering our customers and suppers in ensuring the sato and environmentally sound hang of our Drodueis, and minimizing the impact of our operations on society and the environment during produshon ‘Storage, transport, use and disposal ot our products Local Contact Information iod_regepbastcom IMPORTANT. WHILE THE DESCRIPTIONS, DESIGNS, DATA AND INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN [ ARE PRESENTED IN GOOD FAITH AND BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE. ITIS PROVIDED FOR YOUR. | GUIDANCE ONLY. BEGAUSE MANY FACTORS MAY AFFECT PROCESSING OR APPLICATIONIUSE, WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU MAKE TESTS TO DETERMINE THE SUITABILITY OF A PRODUCT FOR YOUR t PARTICULAR PURPOSE PRIOR TO USE. NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ‘ PURPOSE. ARE MADE REGARDING PRODUCTS DESCRIBED OR DESIGNS, DATA OR INFORMATION. SET FORTH. OR THAT THE PRODUCTS, DESIGNS, DATA OR INFORMATION MAY SE USED WITHOUT INFRINGING THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF OTHERS. INNO CASE SHALL THE ' DESCRIPTIONS. INFORMATION, DATA OR DESIGNS PROVIDED BE CONSIDERED A PART OF OUR. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. FURTHER, YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT !Safety Data Sheet F200 : Fevsion Save BOTSRSIOZ Page: 77 Version 4.0 (20s00621/S0S_ GEN USEN) ‘THE DESCRIPTIONS, DESIGNS, DATA, AND INFORMATION FURNISHED BY BASF HEREUNDER ARE. GIVEN GRATIS AND BASF ASSUMES NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY FOR THE DESCRIPTION, DESIGNS, DATA AND INFORMATION GIVEN OR RESULTS OBTAINED, ALL SUCH BEING GIVEN AND ACCEPTED ATYOURRISK. END OF DATA SHEETHEATLESS REGENERATIVE DRYERS PHL SERIES Model: PHL650 BAS Serial No.: 68549-L17E03 Voltage: 115V/1Ph/60Hz Pioneer Air Systems Inc. 210, Flatfork Road, Wartburg, TN - 37887 Tel. : (423) 346-6693 Fax: (423) 346-3865, (423) 346-7522 Email :
[email protected]
Internet Address ; | |RECEIVING & INSPECTION 1. Carefully inspect the packaging and dryer for extemal andor internal damage. If you suspect damage has occurred during shipment, notify the transportation agency at once. This is the customer's responsibility. Check the name plate for correct power supply requirements, Inspect all piping and tubing. Vibration during shipment may have loosened the connections Standard Pioneer compressed air dryers are tested and operated before leaving the factory. They are ready to operate after connecting to the proper services. Sep NOTE: To avoid erosion or powdering of desiccant in shipment, models PHL 1400 and larger are shipped without desiccant in vessels. The desiccant is shipped separately. Fill the dryer vessels with desiccant prior to operation. ‘RODUCTION Congratulations on your purchase of'a PHL Series Regenerative Dryer from Pioneer Ait Systems. Your dryer has been designed, engineered, manufactured, and factory- tested to ensure many years of reliable operation. We at Pioneer take pride in a job well-done, which is why we offer the longest standard warranties in the industry. This owner’s manual provides you with information typical to standard Pioneer heatless regenerative dryers. Options and custom equipment may not be included in this manual. Pioneer Air Systems, Inc. was founded in the spring of 1980 amidst a deep recession in American industry. As pioneers in the compressed air industry, Pioneer engineers and designers boldly faced manufacturing challenges which their competitors ignored. Pioneer had thrived because of the company’s willingness to solve problems, the daring to be innovative and the foresight to do everything well. Originally located in Canton, Michigan, Pioneer’s initial product offering was a refrigerant-type compressed air and gas dryer, today known as Mr. Goodaire. Pioneer rapidly expanded its product line and its ‘manufacturing facilities which are presently located in the foothills of the Cumberland Mountains in East Tennessee. Today, in addition to refrigerant dryers, Pioneer’s produet line includes desiccant dryers, air and water filtration systems, several types of process water cooling equipment, breathing air purifiers, compressed natural gas dryers, and a host of related equipment and accessories, In just a few short years, Pioneer boasts one of the largest, most comprehensive product lines in the compressed air industry, and each product is designed and ‘manufactured with the same attention to quality and functionality that brought Pioneer where itis today. A worldwide network of Pioneer distributors and factory representatives actively seek new problems, new challenges, and new business. Like Pioneer produets, they represent the very best in the industry. | ]STANDARD FEATURE: NEMA 4 electrical Electronic Timing Sequence Module Sequence Lights Left tower drying Right tower drying Left tower regenerating Right tower regenerating Left tower repressurizing Right tower repressurizing . Fail to shift alarm 4. Tower safety relief valves 5. ASME coded vessels (PAL 100 and larger) 6. Tower pressure gauges 7. Purge pressure gauge 8. Tower exhaust mufflers 9. 1 eRe mop eae ge . Non-lube valves 0. Stainless steel inlet/outlet diffusers INSTALLATIO! Location Locate your Pioneer PHL series dryer on a level floor free from vibrations and in clean surroundings. Although the dryer is a free standing package, it may be secured by bolting the dryer base to the floor. Allow approximately three feet on each side of the dryer for ease of connecting and maintaining the dryer. The ambient temperature in the dryer’s location should range from 35°F to 120°F. The dryer will function in warmer ambient, but as a result, the degrees of dew point suppression will decrease. Operation of the dryer in ambient approaching freezing could cause freezing of separated liquids in the pre-fiter sump or in the dryer itself. For dryer operation at temperatures below freezing, Pioneer recommends heat tracing the pre-filter sump, drain trap, and inlet manifold. For more information on heat tracing, contact your Pioneer distributor or contact the factory, Protective barriers are recommended for the prevention of accidental damage that may occur due to vehicular or personnel traffic, particularly for dryers located in open areas, Connecting Services ‘Connect inlet piping, including a shut off valve. Connect outlet piping, including a shut off valve. Install pre-filter(s) and after filter(s) if not factory installed. If desired, install bypass piping using bubble tight valves. Bypass piping is recommended for ease of ‘maintenance, troubleshooting, and service. 5. Connect electrical supply to the control box. This should be performed by a qualified electrician according to local and national codes. 6, Install access ports upstream and downstream of the dryer for dew point and temperature measurements. ReeNOTE: IF THE FUSIBLE DISCONNECT OPTIO PURCHASED, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT A BE SUPPLIED BY THE CUSTOMER IN ORDE LOCAL, STATE AND NATIONAL ELECTRIC CC 2M coMTacT amy Nao Te US) voy A gy PURE ry IER PURGE NERY SWE WELT a 23, ac Tower pressure Swen [ ore oda, co MT 1 Lr rower eressune samc [ orev e a cgBte MET fA EXTERNAL RESET “Yeas CUSTOMER CONNECTION NOTE: WIRING FOR THE INLET VALVES IS SHC TO USE NORMALLY CLOSED VALVES, REVERSI Sasa eg aes EEE Seg as esa PETE (7) a #8. LOOKING FROM THE FRONT OF THE CONSi it RIGHT SIDE CONTROLS THE LEFT TOWER VAL'sinsio PHLASOBAS SIDE CONTROLS THE RIGHT TOWER VALVE. Seater REGENERATIVE AIR DRYER: BEST AIRE SILVER PACKAGE 68549-E1 T iFiltration ) will enhance the dew point depression capability of the dryer. It will also extend Preventing compressor lubricant fouling of the desiccant bed. In installations with excessive oil carry over, use a Pioneer Oil-Alert filter (OA. Series) before the coalescer for better performance and longer desiccant life, Although the precfilter sump can be manually drained of separated liquids, itis highly recommended that an aclditional automatic drain, such as @ Pioneer Sensor Drain or Timer Drain, be instalied to eliminate the Possibility of failure to drain the pre-filter sump. After filtration is also avery important step. All regenerative desiceant dryers gradually produce hard and abrasive desiccant fines. These contaminants should be temoved with ¢ Pioneer particulate filter (PS Series). ‘The elimination of desiccant fine carry over wll protect your plan a, systems and reduce future system malfimetions, When installing filters, make connections according to the arrow directions marked on the filter head, For example, CS filters low from 1 to 2. PS filters flow from 2 to 1 Back Pressure Regulator In dryer applications where sudden downstream demand for dy air frequently occurs, a rapid pressure loss in jhe compressed ait system is possible. To prevent this, its tecommented ter a back pressure regulator be installed downstream from the dryer. Zhe back pressure regulator will mainiain a constant pressure within the dryer. This will eliminate any chance of saturating the desiccant bed by sudden flow surges which accompany rapid pressure loss. By eliminating nat pulion and desiccant bed “bumping”, the life of the desiceant charge will inorease, and the after filter will not become prematurely clogged with desiccant fines. Purge Exhaust Piping stall a valve at the low point. Keep this valve partially (50-75%) open to continually drain any liquid water. If extending the exhaust pipe farther than 18 feet, consult the factory for recommendations.PHL Programmable Control Board Display Groups The following are the display groups that will be shown while operating up the control board 9 Cycle Segment and time elapsed © Pressure Alarm Status © Humidity Alarm Status © Total Hours © Maintenance Hours © Date and Time Current Settings ©. Inlet delay Purge delay Purge time Repressurization delay Repressurization time Maximum cycle time (Demand mode) © Pressure Alarm State © Demand Mode State © Percent Demand ooce ° Use the f and | keys to move up and down in the display group. ESCAPE has no function while viewing the display group. Press ENTER to begin configuring the controller. PHL Programmable C Configuration © Cycle Segment and time elapsed The second line of each display INLDLY 00:00:03 PRGDLY — 00:00:02 PURGE 00:00:20 REPR DLY REPR is for any alarm condition, Pressure Alarm Status NO PRESSURE ALRM Humidity Alarm Status NO HUMIDITY ALRMTotal Hours TOTLHRS 000034 Maintenance Hours MNT HRS — 000007 Date and Time 1/11/04 THURS 13:43:51 Current Settings © Inlet delay CURRENT SETTINGS INLDLY 00:00:03 © Purge delay CURRENT SETTINGS PRGDLY — 00:00:02 © Purge time CURRENT SETTINGS PURGE 00:00:30 o Repressurization delay CURRENT SETTINGS RPRDLY 00:00:05 © Repressurization time CURRENT SETTINGS REPR 00:00:30 © Maximum cycle time (Demand mode) CURRENT SETTINGS MAX DLY — 00:15:00 Pressure Alarm State PR ALRM ENABLED Demand Mode State DEMAND MODE ON Percent Demand DEMAND = 45% Return to Cycle Segment and time elapsedPHL Programmable Control Board Configuration Groups The following are the configuration groups that will be displayed while setting up the control board. PASS CODE SET CLOCK ENTER SETUP SET DMD MODE SET PR ALRM CHANGE SHIFT SETTINGS SET TIMES RST MNT HRS. MANUAL MODE (CHANGE PWR ON/OFF © SETTINGS coco o ooo oos Press ENTER to begin configuring the controller, Press ESCAPE to go back one level. Repeated presses of ESCAPE will exit from the configuration mode, PHL Programmable Control Board Configuration PASS CODE: XXXXX _The X’s will be a number generated by the computer. If the PASSWORD is enabled you must enter the correct PASSWORD to continue, Use the } or | keys to change the information, Press ENTER when the selection is correct. SET CLOCK? Use the { or | keys to change the information. WED Press ENTER when the selection is correct. SETDAY WED 15:21:41 t, |, ENTER SET HOURS WED 1521-41 1, L ENTER SET MINUTES, WED 15:21:41 ENTER SET MONTH | |Ly10/04 SET DAY OF MONTH 11/10/04 SET YEAR TL/10/04 ENTER SETUP? NO. CHANGE PASS CODE? NO PASS CODE: XXXXX PASSWRD DISABLED ARE YOU SURE? NO. MKE FCTRY DEFLTS CURNT SETS? NO. MAKE USER DEFLTS CURNT SETS? NO. MAKE CURNT SETS USEI SET DMD MODE? NO DEMAND MODE QFE SETPRALRM? NO. PR ALRM DISABLED CHANGE SHIFT SETTINGS? NO SET SHIFT 1 STRT HOURS 07:30 SET SHIFT t STRT MINUTES 07:30 SET SHIFT 2 STRT DEFLTS?. NO. t, J, ENTER *, |, ENTER t, | ENTER t, L ENTER +. ENTER ‘1 |, ENTER + |, ENTER 1.4, ENTER t. |, ENTER 1.1, ENTER 1, |, ENTER 1. {, ENTER 1, |, ENTER }. |, ENTER 7, |, ENTER t. J, ENTER 4.4, ENTERHOURS 15:30 SET SHIFT 2 STRT. MINUTES 15:30 SET SHIFT 3 STRT HOURS 23:30 SET SHIFT 3 STRT MINUTES — 23:30 DAILY SHIFT 1 LOAD= 100% DAILY SHIFT 2 LOAD= 50% DAILY SHIFT 3 LOAD= 10% WEEKEND SHIFT 1 LOAD= 10% WEEKEND SHIFT 2 LOAD= 10% WEEKEND SHIFT 3 LOAD= 10% SET TIMES? No SET TIMES? SET TIMES? PURGE 00; SET TIMES? RPRDLY oO SET TIMES? REPR 00:00:24 SET TIMES? MAX DLY 00:15:00 4, |, ENTER 1. |. ENTER 1. |, ENTER 4. ENTER 4, |, ENTER +, ENTER 4. |, ENTER 1, |, ENTER +, ENTER t, |, ENTER 1 | ENTER 4, |, ENTER 4, ENTER 1. |,ENTER, +, ENTER 1, |, ENTER 1. ENTERRSTMNTHRS? NO t, |, ENTER MAINT HRS 000024 ARE YOU SURE? NO, |, ENTER i MAINT HRS 000024 { MANUAL MODE? NO t, ENTER REPR XXIxX:KX You will enter the loop at the current point in ENTER TO ADVANCE the cycle and loop continuously. INLDLY — wxixxxx ENTER TO ADVANCE PRGDLY — xx:xx:xx ENTERTO ADVANCE Press ESCAPE to exit the loop. PURGE, XCAXIXX, ENTER TO ADVANCE PURGE XXIAXIAX ENTER TO ADVANCE, RPRDLY xnxx ENTER TO ADVANCE, CHANGE PWR ON/OFF SETTINGS? NO 1, |, ENTER POWER UP = POWER ON? YES 4, LENTER RESUME CYCLE ON TURN ON? YES 4, |, ENTER START UP TOWER 4, |, ENTER SHUTDOWN MODE | IMMEDIATE? +, |, ENTER (FINISH CYCLE?) ARE YOU SURE? NO 4, |, ENTER RETURN TO CYCLE OPERATING DISPLAY, 10START UP WARNING- Do not operate the dryer ith no purge flow. It may damage the dryer and wi warrant After all installation procedures are performed, drain water from the system prior to dryer start up. This will prevent saturation of the desiccant bed and improve performance of the dryer 1. The block valves upstream and downstream of the dryer should be closed; the bypass valve should be open. 2. Prior to turning the dryer control panel switch ON, pressurize the dryer by SLOWLY opening the block valve upstream of the dryer. CAUTION: Sudden pressurization of the dryer will cause a rush of high velocity air into the desiccant bed. This will hasten the need for after filter clement and desiccant replacement and may cause premature failure of valves due to desiccant fines, 3. When both tower pressure gauges indicate line pressure, open the outlet block valve and close the bypass valve 4. Switch the contro! panel power switch ON. Five seconds after activating the dryer control circuit, one tower will depressurize to atmospheric pressure. Regenerating purge air will then flow through the regenerating tower. 5. Set the purge adjustment valve to 45 psig (45 psig is standard. Actual setting may vary depending on load.). ‘The purge pressure can be properly set only when the purge exhaust valve is open and the regenerating tower is at atmospheric pressure, “Deadheading” the Dryer ‘After start up has been completed and the dryer has been checked for proper operation, “deadheading” the dryer is recommended. To “deadhead” the dryer is to operate it without a load to remove any moisture absorbed by the desiccant prior to installation, ‘The airflow through the dryer is used for regeneration only. This is accomplished by closing the outlet block valve and operating the unit for a minimum of three to five days prior to placing the dryer on-line, OPERATIO! The Pioneer PHL Series dryer is specifically designed to remove moisture in vapor form. ‘The dryer's Electronic Sequence Module is fully automatic, alternately eycling gas flow through the dryer's twin desiccant towers, Cycling between the two towers accomplishes the adsorption and regeneration processes and provides a continuous flow of air. ‘The compressed ait/gas laden with moisture vapor enters a tower and flows upward through the desiccant bed. The desiccant has great affinity for moisture vapor; therefore it adsorbs or removes moisture from the air and holds it on its surfaces. The adsorption process is an exothermic process meaning heat is produced as moisture is adsorbed on the desiccant surface. At the end of the drying cycle, the desiccant in the tower is regenerated- or the moisture that the desiccant adsorbed is removed by dry, warm air. A small portion of the dry gas is expanded to near atmospheric pressure by passing through an orifice specifically designed for the regeneration u(purge) stream to strip the previously adsorbed moisture vapor. ‘The exothermic reaction from the previous drying cycle contributes to the regeneration of the desiccant bed. The heat is picked up by the regeneration stream which in turn increases the moisture adsorption capacity of the regeneration stream. 40°F PDP operating sequence (standard) - Assume the dryer has completed repressurization and the left tower has begun drying. The inlet compressed air/gas enters the dryer and is diverted to the left tower to begin the five minute drying eyele, Approximately five seconds later the right tower purge (regeneration) exhaust valve will open, depressurizing the off-line tower. The purge flow will continue for a period of three minutes and fifty-five seconds, When regeneration of the off-line tower is complete, the purge exhaust valve will close, initiating the sixty second repressurizing phase. After repressurization is complete, the inlet selector valve will switch inlet valves and the inlet air/gas stream will divert from the left tower to the right tower. After five seconds the left tower purge exhaust valve will open and depressurizing the off-line tower to begin the regeneration cycle. The dryer will continuously cyele through the sequence described above until power is removed from the dryer. The complete standard operating (NEMA) cycle is ten minutes, see page 11. Under normal conditions and during normal operation, the dryer should provide an outlet pressure dew point (PDP) of -40°F or below. -100°F PDP operating sequence (optional)- In systems rated for -100°F PDP the time cycle is reduced to five minutes. Actual drying time per tower will be two and a half minutes. The actual purge time will be one minnte and fifty-five seconds, The repressurization time will be thirty seconds. The operating sequence is similar to the standard -40° PDP operating sequence. Demand Cyele operating sequence (optional) - The Demand Cycle operational sequence is similar to the standard -40° PDP sequence, except when in Demand Cycle mode, dryer sequencing is determined by the dew point analyzer. If, at the end of the five minute drying cycle, the dew point analyzer indicates that the on-line tower has remaining adsorptive capacity, tower switch-over is delayed. ‘The drying tower will remain on-line and the off-line tower will remain in a pressurized standby state until the moisture content in the drying tower reaches the analyzer set point (normally factory set at 40°F). A Demand Cycle Override switch is located on the control panel to allow the operator to select between a fixed operating cycle and Demand Cycle. in the component surized and valy closed. Otherwise, equipment damage, severe injury, or death could res Pre-filter Under normal operating conditions, the pressure drop across the filter- visible on the pressure differential indicator- indicates when the element needs changing (typically 6 PSI AP or greater). However, inspect the filter element at least every three months for proper seating and condition of the element. If the element has collapsed or cannot be properly seated, replace the element. The automatic drain trap is often overlooked. Inspect it frequently and clean as necessary. A plugged drain may damage the desiccant in the dryer and void the warranty.After filter Under normal operating conditions, the pressure drop across the filter- visible on the pressure differential indicator- indicates when the element needs changing (typically 6 PSI AP or greater). However, inspect the filter clement at least every three months for proper seating and condition of the element. If the element has collapsed or cannot be properly seated, replace the element. Replacement of the element will enhance system operation and prevent desiccant fine migration down stream. Control air filter ‘The control air filter should be inspected periodically and replaced when dirty. Periodic replacement of the element will ensure clean control air for operation of the valves. NOTE: The useful life of a filter element depends upon the quality of the air, To ensure optimum performance, enact time-scheduled maintenance, for example, every three months, Purge flow rate adjustment “The purge flow rate should be checked periodically for proper adjustment. The purge pressure for fall load operation should be set at 45 PSIG. The purge calibration graph, page 11, may be used for purge adjustment when the load is less than capacity. Solenoid valves Inspect solenoid valves periodically for proper operation, ‘The inspection should include monitoring the tower pressure gauge on each tower during the cycle. The back pressure on & regenerating tower should not be greater than 5 PSIG. Higher pressure indicates either a malfunctioning valve and/or a clogged mu‘fer. Frequent monitoring of the tower pressure gauges in conjunction with the control pane! will give @ good indication of proper operation and can assist with troubleshooting should a problem occur. Failure of a solenoid valve may result from: 1. Faulty contro! circuit, Check the electrical system to verify that the solenoid coil is receiving electrical input. 2. Abumed out coil. Replace the coil. 3. Clogged solenoid valve, Disassemble and clean, 4, Damaged valve seat. Replace valve. Desiccant replacement and installation Use only Pioneer Activated Alumina -100°F in your PHL Series. Remove contaminated desiccant from each vessel through the desiccant "drain port” located near the bottom of each vessel, Pour new desiccant into the indicated "fill port" located near the top of each vessel. Allow adequate space above the desiccant bed to permit bed motion and expansion during drying, Change the desiccant periodically for optimum dryer performance, Store any unused desiecant in an airtight container. 13JLAINTENANCE SCHEDULE/CHECKLIST Maintenance Contraets- Pioneer and its network of distributors offer yearly maintenance contracts for worry- free operation. Contact Pioneer Air Systems at 423-346-6693 for details. Frequeney™ ‘Aetion Method 223 days after start-up Tnspect pre-filter and after filter for dirt, oil and prior to placing Inspect filters and other contaminants. Replace if dryer on-line contaminated Inspect pre-filter and after filter for dir, il, Every 3-4 months Inspect filters and other contaminants, Replace if contaminated. Every 6 months Calibrate optional dew Refer to Dew Point Meier Owner's Manual point meter Every 6 months Inspect and clean purge | Replace muffler if desiccant deposits are exhaust mufflers found. While dryer is operating, inspect for air Every 6 months Inspect purge exhaust | Leaking from the muffler on the drying tower. valves Ifleak exists, depressurize dryer and clean valve. Ifleak persists, replace valves. Replace pre-filter, after filter, control air Yearly Replace filter elements | filter, and optional dew point filter elements for uninterrupted operation. is Yearly Tnspectireplace inlet valves | Inspect valve seating and valve internals. Replacement recommended. He Tnspeet valve (located on the back of the Yearly Inspect inlet selector valve | _ electrical enclosure) and valve piping for leaks. Repair or replace if leaks are present, Yearl Inspect pressure gauges Replace ifreadings are incorrect. Every 2-7 years Replace desiccant Replace if contaminated. Oil, moisture, and other contaminants inhibit the performance of the desiccant. * Maintenance frequency under normal conditions. In harsher conditions, perform maintenance twice as often. 4Problem ‘Cause Poor dew point T. Excessive inlet flow 2, Excessive inlet temperature 3, Excessive water 4, Desiccant contamination 5, Pre-filter drain failure | 6. Low purge flow 7. Low inlet pressure 8, Liquids entering dryer inlet T. Reduce flow to rated capacity 2, Inspect, repair, or replace upstream aftercooler | 5. Check upstream separator, pre-filter, and their drain traps; repair or replace 4. Replace desiceant and pre-filter element 5. Check if clogged; clean, repair, ot replace | 6. Check purge calibration curve; see | purge failure below 7, Check for pressure loss over pre- filter 8. Inspect pre-filtration system and drains | Excessive pressure drop T. Excessive inlet flow 2. Low inlet pressure 3. Excessive pressure drop ove pre-filter and/or after filter {Reduce flow to rated capacity or | install larger dryer 2, Check for pressure loss over pre~ filter | 3, Change element(s) Purge failure | Pressurization failure T, Pusge flow control valve or orifice clogged 2, Purge exhaust valve fails to close 3. Purge mutter clogged __ 1. Repressurization failure 2, Purge exhaust valve fails to close T. Remove and clean 2, Check solenoid actuator, purge | exhaust valve, and sequence module | 3. Check muffler; replace ifnecessary _| 1, Check regulator, orifice, and check valve 2, Check solenoid actuator, purge exhaust valve, and sequence module Switch over failure T, No control air 2. Electric power loss 3, Switching valve fails 1. Check control air filter and control air lines 2. Check control fuse and incoming | power 3. Check inlet valve, actuator, and solenoid | High back pressure in off stream tower 1. Purge muffler clogged 2. Restrictive purge exhaust piping 3. Check valve leakage T. Clean oF replace 2. Replace with larger size pipe | 3. Repair or replacePURGE AIR CALIBRATION CHART rast ssi 8D 80 soe Pe 8 Bo | 3 | = 2 | | nee ih Loan 2 | Fae ag | ae f = jee é Sor oor - { 2 | | ~_ 4h 20: go ad, 88 to 7 BG 90 180 Ho 0 10 oF eireo Rw ob NuNAL enPATY (oes Figuse 10. Purge air ealforation chert TIMING SEQUENCE LEFT TOWER RIGHT TOWER oS 7 ae ec accra cere eet eaeteee 10 NUMBER OF MINUTES ES Tower in dying mode [tzre'] Tower in regeneration mode WEEE Repressurization and exhaust delay Figure 11. PAL2S and longer Hining secience clagremSpecializing in Air / Gas Filtration & Drying 210 Flat Fork Road Wartburg, Tennessee 37887 USA www. T: 423 346 6693, F: 423 346 3865 Job # :[68549) Model : [PHLG50BAS_ | No. of Units :|2 ‘Customer :|INDUSTRIAL AIR TOOL ‘Serial #:[68549-L17E02/3 (05-00010-55700A, TS ACTIVATED ALUMINA S0LB BAG, BASE ‘A6-00020-20004 DPP-175 DELTA P SLIDE-OVER INDICATOR ‘AT-00010-40071 EPS-750 ELEMENT ‘AT-00010-40089 ECS-800 ELEMENT (B8-00070-52082 2 CHECK VALVE, '88-00070-52078 3/4” CHECK VALVE, 'D2-00010-78015, D200 25 BIA, LIQUID FILLED AIR PRESSURE GAUGE 'B8-00040-52053, ‘3/4 THREADED GATE VALVE TI8 ‘AT-00010-41100. EPS-100 ELEMENT : 'B8-00010-#5009 INLET VALVE, 6-00010-48026 MODEL X15 1-112" MUFFLER, | 21-B8010-00420. 4-1/2" NPT PURGE VALVE (28-00080-51303, PURGE EXHAUST PILOT VALVE 1D2.00020- 15070 PRESURE SWITCH | ‘©9-00020-30100 PHL CONTROL BOARD, ENCLOSURE, SWITCH COMPLETE '38-00080-51092 DUAL TOWER SELECT SOLENOID PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE£1: BASF ‘The Chemical Company Safety Data Sheet F200 Revision dae 2073307 Pogo Version 40. 505006211808, GEN USEN! 41. Product and Company Identification Company 24 Hour Emergency Response Informatio BASF CORPORATION ‘CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 100 Campus Drive BASF HOTLINE: 1-800-832-HELP Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA 2. Hazards Identification Emergency overview CAUTION: MAY CAUSE EYE, SKIN AND RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITATION, May cause diticully breathing. Prolonged or repeated contact may result in dermatitis ‘Contac wth the eyes or skin may cause machanica tation. ‘Gentains metoral whieh may indleate/eause the possibly of sensory and pulmonary itation. ‘Avoid contact wi te ski, eyes and clothing ‘Avoid inhalation of dusts. Use wit eal exhaust ventilation ‘Weer a NIOSH-cetife (or equivalent) parlculate resp. ‘Wear safety glasses wih side-sniclas ‘Wear chemical resistant protacive loves. ‘Wear protecive clothing Eye wash fountaine and safely showers must be easly accessible, State of matter: soli Colour: off-white ‘Odour: odourless Potential health effects Primary routes of exposure: FRoatos of entry for solide and Bqulds incde eye and skin contact, ingestion and inhalation, Routes of etry for {gases include inhalation and eye contact. Skin contact may be a route of enty for iquifled gases. Acute toxicity Virualy nontoxic afer a single skin contact. Vitaly nontoxic by inhalation Vitusly nontoxic ate 2 single ingestion. The product has nol een tested, The statement nas boon derived from the properties af the individual components. Irritation / corrosion: [Not iatng to the eyes. Not inating to the skin. Not ltating to the respratory system, The product has not been tested. The slalement nas besn cerived fom the properties ofthe indiwdval componerts iaSafety Data Sheet i F200 : ' Fovison Ga10T DOVER Fagea Version 40 (00s00821/80S_ GEN USIEN) ‘Aquatic toxielty ‘There iss igh probebilty thatthe product isnot acusly harmful to aquatic organisms, The product has net been tested, The statement has been derived fom the properies ofthe individual components, Degradation environmental fat Not apaleablo for inorganic substances. 3. Composition / Information on Ingredients CAS Number Contont www) Chemical name Taa2et Ba0- 1000 % Aluminum axe First-Aid Measures General savice: omove contaminated clothing inhaled: Keep pationt calm, remove to fresh ae, Wrecessary, gle oxygen. ffnot breathing, give artificial respiration, ‘Seek medical attenton fnecassary. Mons! ‘ior contact with skin, wash Immediately with plenty of water and soep. Consult a doctor skin itaton persists, Win eyes: Ir case of contact withthe eyes, rinse immediately for atleast 1S minutes with plenty of water. Immediate medical attention required, It swallowed: No azerds anticipated. Ifiarge quantities are ingested, seek medical advice, Note to physi "Treatment “Treat according o symptoms (decontamination, vital functions), no known specie antdote. 5. Fire-Fighting Measures Flesh point Nonfammable. Sattignition temperature not selinitng ‘Additional information: Use extngushing measures to sult surroundings, Hazards during frecighting: No particular nazards known, Protective equipment for fire-fighting: ‘Woarselticertaiee breathing apparatis and chemicsl- protective clothing. 6. Accidental release measures i Personal precautions: (Use breathing aposrats i exposed to vapoursidusVaerosol. Avoid contact wih the skin, eyes and clothing. Use personal protective clothing Information regarding personal protective measures see, chaoter 8.Safety Data Sheet (200 eee reese seers evieon dae 20TSOITE Page 97 Version 4.0 (0500621/S0S_GEN_USIEN) Environmental precautions: Provent spread ever a wide area (09, by containment or ol bates). Do not ischerge ino drainsisurace ‘watereground\ater Contain contaminated waterifrefigting wate. Cleanup: ‘Vacuum up spilled product. Place ito suitable container for eisposal 7. Handling and Storage Handling ‘General advice: ‘Avols dust formation in confined areas, Avoid contact with the skin, eyes and cothing. Ensure adequate ventlation Protection against fire and explosion: Product isnot explesive. ‘Storage General advice: esp contain igtly closed ina cool, wel-ventiated place, Storage incompatibity: General advios: Segregate from reducing agents. Storago stabilty ‘Keep container dr, 8, Exposure Controls and Personal Protection Advice on system design: Provide lacal exhaust ven PEL sion to control dust. Provide local exhaust ventilation to maintain recommended Pergonal protective equipment Respiratory protection: Wes NIOSr-catfed (or equivalent) partcuate reeprator. Observe OSHA regulations for respirator use (28 CCAR 1010-134) Wear appropsoto ceria respirator when exposure lnits may be exceeded. Hand protection: Wear Gremial resistant protective gloves,, Consut with glove manufacturer fr testing cata, Eye protection: Safely glasses with side-shiles, Body protection: Bow) mrotocton must be chosen depending on activity and possible exposure, e.g. apron, protecting boos Chon barprotecion suit according to EN 14605 incase of splashes or EN ISO 13982 in case of dust), Genorat safety and hyglene measures: ‘Noveatng, drinking, smaking ortobacco use atthe place of work, 9, Physical and Chemical Properties Form: sold in various fms ‘Odour odours Coleus oftnhiteSafety Data Sheet F200 Revision date 2078103702 Page: 47 Version’ 40 (2050062 1/S0S_GEN_US/EN) pH value 94-104 Melting point 2.050°C. ‘Bulk dersity 380-52 bmn (68°F) Viscosity, dynamic: ‘not applicable Slit in water insobible 10. Stability and Reactivity Conditions to avoid ‘Avoid deposition of dust, Avoid cust formation. Substances to avoid: water, reducing agents Hazardous reactions: ‘The produc is chemical stable, No hazerdous reactions known, Decomposition products: Hazardous decompostton products: Ne hazardous decomposton products known, Thermal decomposition: No decompestion if used correctly Corrosion to metal: No corrosive efact on meta. ‘Oxidizing properties: nat fre-propagetng 11, Toxicological information Acute toxlcity Ors: Information on: Aluminum oxide Type of value: DEO Species: rat Value: > 8,000 mag (OECD Guideline 401) Inrtation 1 corresion: Skin: Ieformation on: Aluminum oxide ‘Species: abt Result: non-initant ‘Metnod: OECD Guldoline 404 12. Ecological Information Fish Acute DIN 38412 Par 1 state Louciscus dus. C50 (88 hj: > 600 maiSafety Data Sheet F200 i : Revision date : 2013/03/02 Page: 5/7 version 40 05006211808_ GEN USIEN) ‘Ta product hasnt ben esa The Salonen hs bar Goved om products of amar buch and Heda Information on: Alumum oxide Auto Di 38412 Part 18 static Leuciscus idus/LC80 (86 h). > 500 ma The product has nat boon tested. The statement has been derived from products ofa similar structure and composition Aquatic invertebrates ows (QECD Guideline 202, part | state Daphnia magna (48): > 100 mgi Information on: Aluminum oxide Aout: OECD Guideline 202, part static Dachnia magna (48): > 100 man ‘Aquatic plants Toxic to aquatic plants: OECD Guideline 201 static green algaeiNo observed effec concentration (72 h):> 100 mai 13. Disposal considera ns. Waste disposal of substance: i Dispose ofn accordance with local authorty regulations. Check for possible recycing, Disposal requirements ‘ae eapendent on tha hazard cassifcaton and wil vary by location andthe typeof disposal selacted, All waste Imatorals should he reviewad to determine the applicable hazards (esting may be necessary) 414, Transport Information Land transport usboT Not classified as a dangerous good under transport regulations Sea transport | MDG. Not lassfied as a dangerous good under vansport regulations. Air transport | |ATAICAO Not clasfed as a dangerous good under transport regulations |Safety Data Sheet F200 Revision date: 007303102 Page: 67 Version: 4.0 (30500621/SDS_GEN_US/EN) 15, Regulatory Information Fede ns Registration status: hemical TSCA, US released ‘listed (OSHA hazard eatogory ACGIH TLY established EPCRA 3111912 (Hazard categortos}: ‘cute; EPCRA 313: CASNumber Chemical name, Yaaeze ‘Auminum oxice ate ns Stato RTK GASNumber —_Sherlcal name MAIN, PA 346-2641 ‘ura xe 416. Other Information NFPA Hazard codes: Heth: 1 Fire: 0 Reactivty: 0 Speci Hts i rating Healy 1 Flammabtty, 0 Physicalhazard: 0 NFPA and HMIS uso a numbering Kele ranging from 904 to nat he dagreo of hazard A vuo of zo means tate NEPA a He copay heer ag ol orindeales exter danger, Athough sir, the wo rang ee Pande tr aera purposes ana une arent ata, The NFPA sysion vas deveined 0 powder Fears a toe hazed ota matra,sna tet soverty, to emergency respende’s, Te HMIS system was designed to ree ene workgloce nazar rrmabon to amples who hand hazaracvsCnamcal BASF supports workdwide Responsitlo Care® intatives. We vas the heath and safely of our employess, pivtemes, suppliers and natgrbors, and te prelecton ofthe envionment. Our commitment lo Responsible Gate's mtogralto conducting our business and operating our facies ina safe and environmentally responsible {Bahan Suspoding our customers and supplers in ensuring the safe and endronmentaly sound handing of ur Teducts, andi miming te mpact of eur operations on society and the envronment during production, Etorage transport, use and disposal of our preducts. Local Contact Information
[email protected]
IMPORTANT: WHILE THE DESCRIPTIONS, DESIGNS, DATA AND INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN Tie PRESENTED IN GOOD FAITH AND BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE, IIS PROVIDED FOR YOUR uiDANCE ONLY. SECAUSE MANY FACTORS MAY AFFECT PROCESSING OR APPLICATIONS". WE ee MIEND THAT-YOU MAKE TESTS TO DETERMINE THE SUITABILITY OF A PRODUCT FOR YOUR PARTICULAR PURPOSE PRIOR TO USE, NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR Mieibode ARE MADE REGARDING PRODUCTS DESCRIBED OR DESIGNS, DATA OR INFORMATION BEE PORTH OR THAT THE PRODUCTS, DESIGNS, DATA OR INFORMATION MAY BE USED WITHOUT INSRINGING THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF OTHERS. IN NO CASE SHALL THE BRSONIP TIONS. INFORMATION, DATA OR DESIGNS PROVIDED BE CONSIDERED APART OF OUR. areas AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. FURTHER, YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THATSafety Data Sheet F200 Fevsion date 207 Paget Version 40, (c0son621/S0S_ GEN. USIEN THE DESCRIPTIONS, DESIGNS, DATA, AND INFORMATION FURNISHED BY BASE HEREUNDER ARE. TEEN Seats AND BASF ASSUMES NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY FOR THE DESCRIPTION, DESIGNS, CEN AND INCORMATION GIVEN OR RESULTS OBTAINED, ALL SUCH BEING GIVEN AND ACCEPTED ATYOUR RISK, END OF DATA SHEETB. HANSEN INC. 18760 Mueschke Rd. * Cypress, Texas 77433 ° U. Tel: (281) 859-5112 + Fax: (281) 859-5212 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE Reference: Gulf Drilling Intemational LTD. P.O, 113427 B. Hansen Inc. File No. 692061 We, B, HANSEN, INC., cerlifies that the material furnished against the above mentioned purchase order is in accordance with the product number as ordered and that all material furnished has been manufactured and inspected in accordance with all accepted commercial manufacturing tolerances and practices. 2 PHL6S0BAS AIR DRYER SIN: 68549-L17E02 & 68549-L17E03 Robert Milian Robert Milian B. Hansen, Inc. It {EMO Trans Inc. 18951 Kenswick Dr. Suite 100 Humble, TX 77338 USA. PL/Cl#; 180012000 DATE: o104ite Commercial Invoice & Packing List Manifest Comisee: GUE DRILLING OTERNATIONAL LTD Ste IONIC ALCORSPALSLTOWER A IWEST-BAY SLDC.NO.S.ZONF 6), STREET 6, PO-BOXD:7DOHA-QATAR Stee: GULE DRILLING TERNATIONAL, PosTaTus:CoMMLETERACKED PROT: GL CENTRAL NAREHOUSE brent ae a aor oS reer panini eae a a) aut tats ot! SuSE} oayeeamarwmssrsmaureig aoe ca teas came xan ie oo feck at pei om oo oe amma aes feces ulema L tape weirs: a ne ease eee SET so SUPPLIFR: B HANSEN INC. antici Tae cen tamon ar ae acess [NET WEIGETKG: 2372 1078.932 feeecee ree eres TARE WEIGHTIKG: lstasintcanicinal Crain eae Sass ana a orate 2 loom amems comme Cie TARE WEIOHTIRG. EMO Trans, inc. 8951 Kenswick Dr. Ste 100 Humble, TX 77338Kitlalieer lab in for wolitalideo aMeeed + noma ae @ & ARN arose ‘00096'S5__] fasn)unoury revo. 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