Applied Accounting Group 23
Applied Accounting Group 23
Applied Accounting Group 23
fiber test by taxing the dead and make death a taxing event. However some scholars like believe that
taxing the dead is moral and ethical since the dead was helped by the community to acquire the
wealth it is moral and prudent to share with community through estate duty.
Estate duty can be looked from the economic point of view looking at its advantages and
disadvantages to the surviving beneficiaries and the government economically
Advantages disadvantages
Estate duty like any other tax it generate Deceased estate is a form capital to the
revenue to the state surviving beneficiaries so taxing it will reduce
the capital which was supposed to be used
meaning to say it affects potential future taxes.
Estate duty is levied after allowing some The estate duty tax is harmful especially to
deductions like hospital bills, funeral cost etc. small business and farms because it forcs4s
and exemptions like family house, family car heirs to deplete working capital and even to sell
etc. This will reduce tax liability hence increase business assets or farm land to pay it
capital to the beneficiaries
Estate duty helps in taxing the wealth which Many individuals will save less because they
was accumulated illegally or through informal don’t want their estate to be subject to the tax
business which was never exposed to taxes hence it promotes spending
It destroy the whole purpose of inheritance as
it treats immovable, movable and cash the
same way meaning to say if there no cash the
immovable assets have to be sold to raise tax
The elimination of the stepped-up basis to the beneficiaries would resolve the issue of
transferring property tax free. Once the property was sold by the beneficiary, the property
would be subject to the capital gains tax at the rate in effect at the date of sale.
Since estate duty have failed to pass the moral test since it punish the death we recommend
the introduction of wealth taxes which will be levied on tax payers whilst they are still alive
rather to wait until they die.
All assets which are used for the purpose of business to be exempted from estate duty since
the income generated by those assets are also taxed to avoid double taxation of the same
asset from generation to generation
Exempt the estate if there is probability that it will be used as capital to start a business or to
generate income
Increase the exemption on the minimum amount to be taxed in order to reduce tax burden
from the poor who own less assets and increase net inheritance to the beneficiaries
According to Seligman’s argument, the focus on the individual, on family, on society at large
missed a fundamental point. “We pay taxes not because we get benefits from the state, but
because it is as much our duty to support the state as to support ourselves or our family;
because, in short, the state is an integral part of us.” The lens of moral hazard provides a way in
which to more critically analyse various moral arguments about the estate tax. In the end, the
estate tax provides a particularly vivid example of the ways in which taxation touches on
questions of identity, individuality and one’s relationship to family, to society and to the state.