The design of the buildings and plant shall be based on the information so obtained.
Where necessary, advice shall be obtained from the Chief Inspector of Factories on measures to
be taken in this regard.
(b)Information in writing, giving details of the process, its hazards and the steps taken or
proposed to be taken for the safety of workers as in (a) above should be sent to the Chief
Inspector before commencing manufacture, handling or storage of any of the items covered
under Schedule I, whether on experimental, pilot, plant or large scale basis.
143. Unauthorized personnel.- Unauthorized persons shall not be permitted to enter any section of the
factory or plant where there are special dangers.
144.Visitors.- Visitors shall be provided, where necessary, with suitable safety equipment and shall be
accompanied round dangerous plant by a responsible official.
145.Instruments.- All instruments such as pressure gauges, thermometers, flow meters and weighing
machines shall be tested at regular intervals by a competent person, and record of these tests shall
be kept in a register.
146.Cocks and valves.- Suitable valves shall be provided in all service lines at sufficiently short
intervals for convenience in blanking off etc. All cocks and valves shall be operated at least once a
month and tested periodically by a competent person, and record of these test, shall be kept in a
register. A plan of all service installations shall be kept readily available for perusal.
147.Manholes.- No manhole shall be opened for entry until effective fencing has been erected round it.
148.Emergency instructions.- Simple and special instructions shall be framed to ensure that effective
measures will be carried out in cases of emergency, to deal with escapes of inflammable, poisonous or
deleterious gases, vapours, liquids or dusts, These instructions shall further be displayed in bold letters
in prominent places in the different sections. All workers shall be trained and instructed in the action to
be taken in such emergencies, and in the general hazards of their employment.
149.Protection of reaction mixtures.- Suitable arrangements shall be made to ensure that no foreign
matter of any sort can fall into reaction mixtures.
150.Electrical apparatus.- Electrical plant, fittings and conductors shall, if exposed to a damp or
corrosive atmosphere, be adequately protected, Periodic tests shall be carried out on all circuits.
152.Packing, storage and transport of chemicals.- Chemicals shall be packed and stored in containers
suitable for the purpose of adequate strength for storage or transport. All such containers shall be
suitably labelled so that they will be stored and transported in such a manner as to ensure that, in
the event of a spillage, they will neither produce a reacting mixture, nor cause the development of
toxic or fire risks in contact with other products in its vicinity, or with walls, floors, or dust
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The Kerala Factories Rules, 1957 Chapter X
154.Isolation of building.- Where special dangers exist, separate buildings shall be used for the
different parts of a process. They shall be spaced at sufficient distances apart and shielded to
prevent damage to each other in the event of fire or explosion, and shall be safeguarded by the
provision of suitable blowout panels or roofs. Where the risk or fire explosion is considerable, the
buildings shall be divided by ballast or protective screen walls.
155.Fire resistance.- No combustible materials shall be used in the erection of working buildings,
unless there are special reasons necessitating their use, when they shall be rendered fire-resistant.
The roof shall be of light fire-resistant construction and floors shall be of impervious fire resistant
material and shall be regularly maintained in such condition.
165. Installing of pipe lines for inflammable liquids.- All pipe lines for the transport of inflammable
liquids shall be protected from breakage, shall be arranged so that there is no risk of mechanical
damage from vehicles, and shall be so laid that they drain throughout without the collection of
deposits at any part. All Flanged joints, bends and other connections shall be regularly inspected.
Cocks and valves shall be so constructed that explosive residues cannot collect therein. The open
and closed positions of all cocks and valves shall be clearly indicated on the outside.
166.Packing of reaction vessels.- Packing and jointing materials for reaction vessels(including covers,
manhole covers, and exhaust pipes ) and in pipe lines and high or low temperature insulating
materials shall not contain materials which are combustible or which react with the products of the
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167.Safety valves.- Every still and every closed vessel in which gas is evolved or into which gas is
passed , and in which the pressure is liable to rise to dangerous degree, shall have attached to it a
pressure gauge, and a proper safety valve or other equally efficient means to relive the pressure,
maintained in good condition. Nothing in these Rules shall apply to metal bottles or cylinders used
for the transport of compressed gases.
168.Vigorous or delayed reactions.- Suitable provision , such as automatic and distant control shall be
made for controlling the effects of unduly vigorous or delayed reactions. Automatic flooding or
blanketing shall be provided for in the event of an accident.
169. Examinations, testing and repair of plant.- Examination , testing and repair of plant parts which
have been in contact with explosive and inflammable material or which is under pressure, shall
only be carried out under proper supervision.
170.Alarm systems.- gravity or pressure feed systems of supplying inflammable materials to the various
parts of the buildings or plat shall be fitted with alarm systems, automatic cut – off or other devices
to prevent overcharging or otherwise endangering the plant.
175.Instruction as regards risk.- Before commencing work, every worker shall be fully instructed on
the properties of the materials they have to handle, and of the dangerous arising from any gas,
fume, vapour or dust which may be evolved during the process. Workers shall also be instructed in
the measures to be taken to deal with such an escape in the event of emergency.
176.Breathing apparatus.-
(a) There shall be provided in every factory were dangerous gas or fume is liable to escape a
sufficient supply of-
(i)Breathing apparatus of an approved make for the hazards involved.
(ii)Oxygen and suitable means of its administration , and
(iii)Life belts
The breathing apparatus and other appliances required by these rules shall (i) be maintained in
good order and kept in an ambulance room or in some other place approved in writing by the
Chief Inspector and (ii) be thoroughly inspected once every month by a competent person,
appointed in writing by the occupier, and a record of their condition shall be entered in a book
provided for that purpose, which shall be produced when required by an Inspector.
(b) Workers shall be trained, and given a periodic refresher course in the use of breathing
apparatus and respirators.
(c) Respiration shall be kept properly labeled in clean dry light – proof cabinets, and if liable to
be affected by fumes, shall be protected by suitable containers. Respiration shall be dries and
cleaned after use and shall be periodically disinfected.
177. Treatment of persons.- In Every room or place wherever required in writing by the Chief
Inspector there shall be fixed the official cautionary notice regarding gasing and burns. Such
notices shall be legible by day and by night and shall be printed in the language understood by the
majority of the workers.
working clothes. The accommodation so provided shall be placed in the charge of a responsible
person, and shall be kept clean.
182. Examination and Repair of plant.- Where poisonous materials are likely to be present the
examination and repair of plant and piping shall only be done under the supervision of a competent
person, and after the plant and piping has been thoroughly cleaned and ventilated. When opening
vessels and breaking joints in pipe lines, respirators, goggles and protective clothing shall be worn
to the extent required by the competent person.
183. Storage of acid carboys.- Carboys containing nitric acid or “mixed” acid shall be stored in open-
sided sheds detached from other buildings, and placed on a flooring of sands, on brick, or other
suitable inorganic materials. A passageway shall be provided and kept free from obstruction
between every four rows of such carboys. An ample supply of water shall be available for washing
away spilt acid and all precautions shall be taken to prevent workers being exposed to fumes.
184. Buildings.- All buildings and plant shall be sited with due regard to possible dangers from
accidental liberation or splashing of corrosive and deleterious liquids, and shall be so designed as
to facilitate thorough washing and cleaning. The construction of staging and other parts of building
shall be carried out with materials impervious and resistant to corrosion so for as practicable.
185. Leakage
(a) All plant shall be so designed and constructed as to obviate the escape of corrosive liquid.
Where necessary, separate building, rooms or protective structures shall be used for the
dangerous stages of the process and the building shall be so designed as to localize any
escape of liquid.
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(b) Catch pits, bund walls, or other suitable precautions shall be provided to restrict the
serious effects of such leakages. Catch pits shall be placed below joints in pipelines where
there is danger involved to maintenance and other works from such leakage.
(c) Passages and work stations shall not be situated directly below any part of plant where
there is risk of escape of dangerous liquids. Access to such parts shall, so far as practicable,
be prohibited, and danger notices shall be affixed at suitable points.
186. Precautions against escape.- Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent the escape of
corrosive of deleterious substances and means shall be provided for rendering safe any such
187. Drainage- Adequate drainage shall be provided and shall lead to special treatment tanks where
deleterious material shall be neutralized or otherwise rendered safe before it is discharged into
ordinary drains or sewers.
189. Ventilation.- Adequate ventilation shall be provided and maintained at all times in rooms or
buildings where dangerous gas, vapour, fume or dust may be evolved.
190. Means of escape.- Adequate means of escape from rooms or building in the event of leakage of a
corrosive liquid shall be provided and maintained.
191. Treatment of personnel- In all places where (strong acids or dangerous)corrosive liquids are
(a) There shall be provided for use in an emergency-
(i)adequate and readily accessible means of drenching with cold water persons and the
clothing of persons, who have become splashed with such liquid;
(ii)adequate special arrangements to deal with any person who has been splashed with
poisonous materials that can be absorbed through the skin.
(iii)a sufficient number of eye-wash bottles , fitted with distilled water or other suitable
liquid, kept in boxes or cupboards conveniently situated and clearly indicated by a
distinctive sign which shall be visible at all times.
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(b) Except where the manipulation of such corrosive liquids is so carried on as to prevent risk
for personal injury from splashing or otherwise, there shall be provided for those who have to
manipulate such liquid, sufficient and suitable goggles and gloves or other suitable protection
for the eyes and hands. If gloves are provided they shall be collected, examined and cleaned
at the close of the days’ work and shall be repaired or renewed when necessary.
192. Maintenance-
(a) Before any examination or repairs are carried out on plant or pipe lines, a competent
person shall issue a clearance certificate permitting such examination or repairs.
(b) Adequate precautions shall be taken to liberate any pockets of gas or liquids which may
have been formed in pipe-lines, and which may cause corrosive spray at the point where
dismantling takes place.
193. Washing facilities.
(i)There shall be provided and maintained in every factory for the use of employed persons
adequate and suitable facilities for washing which shall include soap and nail brushes or other
suitable means of cleaning and the facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept
in a clean and ordinary condition.
(ii)If female workers are employed, separate washing facilities shall be provided and so
enclosed or screened that the interiors are not visible from any place where persons of the
other sex work or pass. The entrance to such facilities shall bear conspicuous notice in the
language understood by the majority of the workers ‘For Women only’ and shall also be
indicated pictorially.
194. Mess -room facilities.- In every factory there shall be provided and maintained for the use of those
remaining on the premises during the rest intervals, suitable and adequate mess-room on canteen
accommodation which shall he furnished with sufficient tables and chairs or benches with back
rests and where sufficient drinking water is available.
196. Medical Personnel.- There shall be whole time Medical Officer in every factory employed 250
persons or more.
Schedule 1
Schedule II
1. A nitro or amino process (overalls or suits of working cloths and protective footwear)
2. Grinding raw materials in a chrome process (overall suits).
3. The crystal department and in packing in a chrome process (protective coverings).
4. Packing in a chrome process (respirators)
5. Any room or place in which chlorate is crystallised, ground or packed (clothing of woolen material
and boots or overshoes, the soles which have no metal on them)
6. Any room in which caustic is ground or crushed by machinery or otherwise handled (goggles and
gloves or other suitable protection for the eyes and hands)
7.Bleaching powder chambers , or in packing charges drawn on such chambers (suitable respirators)
8.Drawing off of molten sulphur from sulphur pots in the process of carbon disulphide manufacture
(overall, face shields, gloves and footwear of fire proof material)
9.(a) Manufacture , mixing, blending and packing of insecticides which are phosphorus,
nicotine, naphthalene, cyanogens, arsenic, fluorine, mercury and copper compounds or
derivatives and methyl bromide (rubber aprons-chemical type, goggles and suitable respirators
and in addition rubber gloves and boots for phosphorus and nicotine derivatives; synthetic rubber
aprons, gloves and boots when working with oil solutions; and washable working clothes
laundered daily)
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(b)Manufacture, mixing , blending and packing of insecticides which are derivatives of benzene
or ethane (rubber aprons, and suitable respirations, separate work clothes laundered frequently)
(1)A nitro amino process.
(2)The crystal department and the packing room in a chrome process.
(3)The process of distilling gas or coal tar (other than blast furnace tar) and any process of chemical
manufacture in which such tar is used.
(4)Manufacture, mixing, blending and packing of the insecticides mentioned in item 10 of schedule 1.
(i)A glazed sink with hot and cold water always available
(ii)A table with a smooth top.
(iii)Means for sterilizing instruments
(iv)A couch
(v)A Stretcher
(vi)Two buckets or containers with close –fitting lids
(vii)Two rubber hot water bags.
(viii)A kettle and spirit stove or other suitable means of boiling water.
(ix)Twelve plain wooden splints 36”x4” ¼”
(x)Twelve plain wooden splints 14”x3“ ¼”
(xi)Six plain wooden splints 10”x2” ½”
(xii)Three woolen blankets
(xiii)One pair artery of forceps
(xiv)One bottle of brandy.
(xv)Two medium size sponges.
(xvi)Three hand towels.
(xvii)Two kidney trays
(xviii)Four carbolic soaps.
(xix)Two glass tumbler and two wine glasses
(xx)Two clinical thermometers.
(xxi)Graduated measuring glass with teaspoon.
(xxii)One eye batch.
(xxiii)One bottle (21b.) carbolic lotion 1 in 20
(xxiv)Two chairs
(xxv)One screen
(xxvi)One electric hand torch
(xxvii)An adequate supply of anti –tetanus serum
(xxviii)Two first aid boxes , each containing
(a)24 small sterilized dressings
(b)medium size sterilized dressings
(c)12 large size sterilized dressings
(d)12 large size sterilized burn dressings
(e)12 half ounce packets sterilized cotton wool
(f)one snake bite lancet
(g) one pair scissors
(h)two (1 oz) bottle of potassium permanganate crystals
(i)One (4oz.) bottle containing a two per cent alcoholic solution of iodine
(j)one (4 oz) bottle of sal-volatile having the dose and mode of administration
indicated on the label
(k)One copy of the first aid leaflet issued by the Chief Advisor, Factories,
Government of India.
199.Application.- Rules 199 to 206 shall apply to works or parts thereof in which.
I. Caustic pots are used ; or
II. Chlorate or bleaching powder is manufactured ; or
III(a) Gas tar or coal tar is distilled or is used in any process of chemical manufacture ; or
(b) A nitro or amino process is carried on ; or
(c) A chrome process is carried on; or
IV. Crude shale oil is refined or processes incidental thereto are carried on ; or
V. Nitric acid is used in the manufacture of nitro compounds;
VI. The evaporation of brine in open pans and the stoving of salt are carried on ; and
VI. The manufacture or recovery of hydro-fluoric acid or any of its salt are carried on or
VIII. Work at a furnace where the treatment of zinc ores is carried on ,’
IX. Insecticides mentioned in item 10 of schedule I in rule 198, are manufactures mixed,
blended or packed
200. Entry into gas tar or coal tar still.- Before any person enters a gas tar or coal tar still for any
purpose except that of rescue, it shall be completely isolated from adjoining tar stills, either by
201. Entry into bleaching powder chambers.- No person shall enter a chamber for the purpose of
withdrawing the charge of bleaching powder unless and until
(i) the chamber is efficiently ventilated , and
(ii) the air in the chamber has been tested and found to contain no more than 2.5 grains of free
chlorine gas per cubic foot.
A register containing details of all such tests shall kept in a form approved by the Chief
Inspector of Factories.
202. Special precautions for nitro and amido processes.- In a nitro or amido process-
(a)If crystallized substances are broken or any liquor agitated by hand, means shall be taken to
prevent, as far as practicable, the escape or dust or fume in to the air of any place in which any
person in employed. The handles of all implements used in the operations shall be cleansed daily.
(b)Cartridges shall not be filled by hand except by means of suitable scoop.
(c) Every drying stove shall be efficiently ventilated to the outside air in such a manner that hot
air from the stove shall not be drawn into any work-room
(d)No person shall enter a stove to remove the contents until a free current of air has been passed
through it.
(e)Every vessel containing nitro or amido derivates of phenol or benzene or its homologues shall,
if steam is passed into or around it, or if the temperature of the contents be at or above the
temperature of boiling water, be covered in such a way that steam or vapour shall be discharged
into the open air at a height of not less than 25 feet from the ground or the working platform, and
at a point where it cannot be blown back again into the work-room.
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204.Chlorate manufacture.-
(a)Chlorate shall not be crystallized, ground or packed except in a room or place not used for
any other purpose, the floor of which room or place shall be of cement or other smooth,
impervious and incombustible material, and shall be thoroughly cleansed daily.
(b)Wooden vessels shall not be used for the crystallization of chlorate, or to contain
crystallized or ground chlorate; provided that this rule shall prohibit the packing of chlorate
for sale into wooden casts or other wooden vessels.
207.The Travancore –Cochin Factories Rule, 1952 and the Madras Factories Rules 1950 , in their
application to the territories referred to as Malabar District in sub-section (2) of section 5 of the
state Reorganization Act 1956 (Central Act 37 of 1956), are hereby repealed;
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Provided that any order made or action taken under the rules so repealed shall be deemed to have
been made or taken under the corresponding provision of these Rules.
Court Rulings:
Rule 127: Merely because the manager of a factory has taken out licence under the Act and had purported to
conform to the requirement of the Act and the Rules by submission of returns or by putting up a notice as to
hours of work or maintenance of registers, would not bring the establishment within the scope of the Act. It
has to be established from circumstances and upon evidence that the factory falls within the definition under
s.2(m) of the Act and that the workmen employed in such place come within the definition of Section 2 (1).
Sheshan v. Inspector of Factories, Cannanore. 1967-II-LLJ 423 (Ker.): 1966 KLT 951.
Rule 91: The mere fact that the company had the responsibility to provide and maintain a canteen under the
Section, cannot make them the ultimate employer of the workers engaged in the canteen for all purposes.
The workers of the canteen run by the controller or co-operative society cannot be treated as workmen of the
management and management is not liable to pay any bonus to such workers. Cominco Binani Zinc Ltd. v.
Pappachan 1989-I-LLJ 452 (Ker).