Learner Guide
Learner Guide
Learner Guide
Municipal Integrated
Development Planning
Municipal Governance
Level 5 5
US ID: 67467
Apply the principles of sustainable development in local
US ID: 255578
Sustainable development in local government Learner Guide
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Sustainable development in local government Learner Guide
About the Programme...............................................................................................9
2.1 Learner Support...........................................................................................9
3. Assessment......................................................................................................10
3.1 Formative Assessment..............................................................................10
3.2 Summative Assessment............................................................................10
4. Navigating the Learner Guide...........................................................................11
4.1 Use of Icons...............................................................................................11
5. Learner Administration.....................................................................................12
5.1 Attendance Register..................................................................................12
5.2 Learner Registration Form.........................................................................12
5.3 Programme Evaluation Form.....................................................................12
Note to learners....................................................................................................14
Learner’s class room rules...................................................................................15
Learner’s materials..............................................................................................15
(Us: 255578)...............................................................................................................16
SO1: AC1, AC2, AC3, AC4.....................................................................................16
1.1 AC1.A methodology for stakeholder identification and analysis.......................17
Individual Activity: 1.1 AC1 21
1.2 AC2.The relevant processes, committees and forums are identified...............22
Individual Activity: 1.2 AC2 29
1.3 AC3.Stakeholders are advised regarding the IDP process..............................29
Group Activity / Pair Activity: 37
AC4 Hindrances to the effective engagement and participation of stakeholders...38
Individual Activity: 1.4 AC4 45
Unit 2: Identify all the relevant mechanisms required to ensure maximum
participation in IDP process....................................................................................46
2.1 AC1. A communication plan in the municipality................................................46
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Sustainable development in local government Learner Guide
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Sustainable development in local government Learner Guide
This learning material has been entirely developed and organized by Bull’s Business
and Skills training institute (BBT Institute) under supervision of NSA Consulting.
Many people have contributed in various ways to help develop and produce the
original version and the later edition of this manual. We wish to thank all those who
have contributed in one way or another.
We are heartily thankful to BBT and NSA agency employees, family and friends,
whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final level
enabled us to compile and have an understanding of this manual.
Lastly, we offer our regards and blessings to all of those who supported us in any
respect during the compilation of this Manual, especially LGSETA, for the practical
support and resources required to put up this manual.
Other sources
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Sustainable development in local government Learner Guide
This guide should be used to prepare the learner to be able to apply strategic level
development and governance competencies to ensure integrated and sustainable
development and governance processes, outcomes, structures, strategies, planning;
In this manual, the knowledge and skills achieved will enable the learner to
maximally combat the processes involved in assessment and disseminate accurate
and relevant information regarding assessment procedures to achieve the specific
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This unit standard is for learners working within a local government structure, who
participate in municipal governance and have been elected as municipal councillors,
where the acquisition of competence against this standard will add value to one's job
and managerial capabilities. The completion of this standard will provide the learner
with an insight into the critical elements of sustainable development within local
government, including environmental management and urban development. The
standard will also enable the learner to implement programmes and projects
associated with socio-economic and sustainable development.
Based on the unit standards description and requirements, this learning material is
divided into specific outcomes with assessment criteria sub-divisions, based on the
learning outcomes
Learner Tip
Please remember that as the programme is outcomes based – this implies the
You are responsible for your own learning – make sure you manage your study,
practical, workplace and portfolio time responsibly.
Learning activities are learner driven – make sure you use the Learner Guide
and Portfolio Guide in the manner intended, and are familiar with the Portfolio
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The Facilitator is there to reasonably assist you during contact, practical and
workplace time of this programme – make sure that you have his/her contact
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Learning Outcomes:
Please refer to the beginning of each module for the learning
outcomes that will be covered per module.
In each Learner Guide, several activities are spaced within the content to assist you
in understanding the material through application. Please make sure that you
complete ALL activities in the Learner Guide, whether it was done during the contact
session, or not!
The Portfolio Guide will assist you in identifying the portfolio and evidence
requirements for final assessment purposes. You will be required to complete
Portfolio activities on your own time, using real life projects in your workplace
environment in preparing evidence towards your portfolio.
Portfolio Activity:
DO NOT WAIT until the end – the programme is designed to assist
you in evidence preparation as you go along – make use of the
Therefore …
Please make sure all steps for the Portfolio Activities are shown
where required.
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Throughout the learning programme icons are used to focus your attention on
important aspects of the learning programme. The following icons are used in this
learning programme to direct your attention in using at as a reference guide.
Individual Activity:
You will be required to complete an activity on your own that relates
to the outcomes covered in the module.
Portfolio Activity:
Complete the assessment activity that will be assessed as part of
your Portfolio of Evidence for the particular module.
Reflect on the question(s) asked to identify the relevance of learning
outcomes in your own working environment.
Learner Tip:
A useful tip or essential element regarding the concept under
discussion is given as a basis to further discussion.
Possible sources for further research and study is listed under this
icon. Resources may include additional reading, hand-outs, web-
sites, multimedia
Facilitators Note:
Content matter that is critical to the understanding of the module.
The learner must pay careful attention to this section.
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Mentored Discussion:
Refer to your Mentor or Workplace Supervisor to assist in this
activity, as they will conduct the assessment or sign off of the activity
once completed.
Learning Outcomes:
Please refer to the beginning of each module for the learning
outcomes that will be covered per module.
You have come to the end of this module – please take the time to
review what you have learnt to date, and conduct a self-assessment
against the learning outcomes of this module
Learner Tip:
The following Learner Administration is critical in assisting your
provider in managing this programme effectively.
You are required to sign the Attendance Register every day of attendance. Please
make sure you sign daily!
Pease refer to Portfolio Guide for the Learner Registration Form. Make sure you
complete it using the Key Document, and submit to your Facilitator before the end of
the contact session with a copy of your ID document.
Learner Tip/Truths:
Without the Learner Registration and ID Documents we will not be
able to register you with SETA for certification purposes.
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At the end of the Learning Guide is a Learning programme Evaluation Form. Please
complete the form before the end of the contact sessions, as this will assist us in
improving our service and programme material. Your assistance is highly
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Dear Learner,
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Dos Don’ts
Participate actively
NO answering calls in
Ask Questions for clarity
No eating or Drinking in
Give constructive criticism
No discrimination is
allowed in class
Maintain confidentiality
Avoid unnecessary
movement in class
Have a pen and pencil at hand
Unnecessary noise is
Use the note pad provided for Do not steal other fellows
notes equipments
Make sure you have the following before the commencement of the lesson
1. LearnerError: Reference source not found’s guide
2. Pens and pencils
3. Highlighter
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4. Name tag
5. Ruler
6. Note pad
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(US: 255578)
Learning Outcomes: so1-4
Learning Outcomes:
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As you become more successful in your career, the actions you take and the
projects you run will affect more and more people. The more people you affect, the
more likely it is that your actions will impact people who have power and influence
over your projects. These people could be strong supporters of your work – or they
could block it.
Stakeholder Analysis is the technique used to identify the key people who have to be
won over. You then use Stakeholder Planning to build the support that helps you
You can use the opinions of the most powerful stakeholders to shape your
projects at an early stage. Not only does this make it more likely that they will
support you, their input can also improve the quality of your project
Gaining support from powerful stakeholders can help you to win more
resources – this makes it more likely that your projects will be successful
By communicating with stakeholders early and frequently, you can ensure that
they fully understand what you are doing and understand the benefits of your
project – this means they can support you actively when necessary
You can anticipate what people's reaction to your project may be, and build
into your plan the actions that will win people's support.
The first step in Stakeholder Analysis is to identify who your stakeholders are. The
next step is to work out their power, influence and interest, so you know who you
should focus on. The final step is to develop a good understanding of the most
important stakeholders so that you know how they are likely to respond, and so that
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you can work out how to win their support – you can record this analysis on a
stakeholder map.
After you have used this tool and created a stakeholder map, you can use the
stakeholder planning tool to plan how you will communicate with each stakeholder.
The first step in your stakeholder analysis is to brainstorm who your stakeholders
are. As part of this, think of all the people who are affected by your work, who have
influence or power over it, or have an interest in its successful or unsuccessful
The table below shows some of the people who might be stakeholders in your job or
in your projects:
Future recruits The community
Your family
You may now have a long list of people and organizations that are affected by your
work. Some of these may have the power either to block or advance. Some may be
interested in what you are doing, others may not care.
Map out your stakeholders on a Power/Interest Grid on our free template as shown
in figure 1, and classify them by their power over your work and by their interest in
your work.
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For example, your boss is likely to have high power and influence over your projects
and high interest. Your family may have high interest, but are unlikely to have power
over it.
Someone's position on the grid shows you the actions you have to take with them:
High power, interested people: these are the people you must fully engage
and make the greatest efforts to satisfy.
High power, less interested people: put enough work in with these people to
keep them satisfied, but not so much that they become bored with your
Low power, interested people: keep these people adequately informed, and
talk to them to ensure that no major issues are arising. These people can
often be very helpful with the detail of your project.
Low power, less interested people: again, monitor these people, but do not
bore them with excessive communication.
You now need to know more about your key stakeholders. You need to know how
they are likely to feel about and react to your project. You also need to know how
best to engage them in your project and how best to communicate with them.
Key questions that can help you understand your stakeholders are:
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A very good way of answering these questions is to talk to your stakeholders directly
– people are often quite open about their views, and asking people's opinions is
often the first step in building a successful relationship with them.
You can summarize the understanding you have gained on the stakeholder map, so
that you can easily see which stakeholders are expected to be blockers or critics,
and which stakeholders are likely to be advocates and supporters or your project. A
good way of doing this is by colour coding: showing advocates and supporters in
green, blockers and critics in red, and others who are neutral in orange.
Figure 2 shows an example of this – in this example, you can see that a lot of effort
needs to be put into persuading Piers and Michael of the benefits of the project –
Janet and Amanda also need to managed well as powerful supporters.
You can create your own example of stakeholder analysis at work – whether for your
current role, a job you want to do or a new project.
Conduct a full stakeholder analysis. Ask yourself whether you are communicating as effectively as you should be
with your stakeholders. What actions can you take to get more from your supporters or win over your critics?
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Have great differences in level of services between rich and poor areas
Rural areas were left underdeveloped and largely un-serviced. The new approach to
local government has to be developmental and aims to overcome the poor planning
of the past.
An Integrated Development Plan is a super plan for an area that gives an overall
framework for development. It aims to co-ordinate the work of local and other
spheres of government in a coherent plan to improve the quality of life for all the
people living in an area. It should take into account the existing conditions and
problems and resources available for development. The plan should look at
economic and social development for the area as a whole. It must set a framework
for how land should be used, what infrastructure and services are needed and how
the environment should be protected
Once the IDP is drawn up all municipal planning and projects should happen in
terms of the IDP. The annual council budget should be based on the IDP. Other
government departments working in the area should take the IDP into account when
making their own plans.
It should take 6 to 9 months to develop an IDP. During this period service delivery
and development continues.
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The IDP is reviewed every year and necessary changes can be made.
The IDP has a lifespan of 5 years that is linked directly to the term of office for local
councillors. After every local government elections, the new council has to decide on
the future of the IDP. The council can adopt the existing IDP or develop a new IDP
that takes into consideration existing plans.
The IDP has to be drawn up in consultation with forums and stakeholders. The final
IDP document has to be approved by the council.
There are six main reasons why a municipality should have an IDP:
The IDP will help the local municipality focus on the most important needs of local
communities taking into account the resources available at local level.
The local municipality must find the most cost-effective ways of providing services
and money will be spent on the causes of problems in local areas.
For example, a municipality may decide to allocate resources to building a canal that
will prevent homes being damaged during the flood season. This will reduce the
financial burden placed on the municipality’s emergency services.
The IDP identifies the least serviced and most impoverished areas and points to
where municipal funds should be spent. Implementation is made easier because the
relevant stakeholders have been part of the process.
Strengthens democracy
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Through the active participation of all the important stakeholders, decisions are
made in a democratic and transparent manner.
Municipal resources are used to integrate rural and urban areas and to extend
services to the poor.
For example: The Department of Health plans to build a clinic in an area. It has to
check that the municipality can provide services like water and sanitation for the
effective functioning of the clinic.
The IDP gives councillors an opportunity to make decisions based on the needs and
aspirations of their constituencies.
The IDP is based on community needs and priorities. Communities have the chance
to participate in identifying their most important needs.
The IDP process encourages all stakeholders who reside and conduct business
within a municipal area to participate in the preparation and implementation of the
development plan.
Before starting the planning process, an IDP Process Plan must be drawn up. This
plan is meant to ensure the proper management of the planning process.
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At District Council level, a framework will be developed in consultation with all local
municipalities within the district. This framework will ensure co-ordination,
consultation and alignment between the district council and local municipalities. The
framework will guide the development of the IDP Process Plan for each local
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During this phase information is collected on the existing conditions within the
municipality. It focuses on the types of problems faced by people in the area and the
causes of these problems.
The identified problems are assessed and prioritised in terms of what is urgent and
what needs to be done first.
During this phase, the municipality works on finding solutions to the problems
assessed in phase one.
This entails:
Developing a vision -
The vision is a statement of the ideal situation the municipality would like to achieve
in the long term once it has addressed the problems outlined in phases one. The
following is an example of a vision statement:
An economically vibrant city with citizens living in a secure, healthy and comfortable
Development objectives are clear statements of what the municipality would like to
achieve in the medium term to deal with the problems outlined in phase one.
For example: Provide access to clean water for all residents living in the informal
Development strategies
Once the municipality has worked out where it wants to go and what it needs to do to
get there, it needs to work out how to get there. A development strategy is about
finding the best way for the municipality to meet a development objective.
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For example: Co-operate with the Department of Water Affairs to provide one water
stand pipe for every 20 households.
Project Identification
Once the municipality has identified the best methods to achieving its development
objectives it leads to the identification of specific projects.
During this phase the municipality works on the design and content of projects
identified during Phase 2.
Clear details for each project have to be worked out in terms of:
Clear targets must be set and indicators worked out to measure performance as well
as the impact of individual projects.
Once all projects have been identified, the municipality has to check again that they
contribute to meeting the objectives outlined in Phase 2. These projects will provide
an overall picture of the development plans.
All the development plans must now be integrated. The municipality should also
have overall strategies for issues like dealing with AIDS, poverty alleviation and
disaster management.
The IDP is presented to the council for consideration and adoption. The Council may
adopt a draft for public comment before approving a finalised IDP.
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Traditional leaders
People who fight for the rights of unorganised groups – e.g. A gender
A code of conduct should be drawn up for these forums that provide details on:
The Council should also approve a strategy for public participation. The strategy
must decide, amongst other things, on:
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Stakeholder Meetings
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Councillors receive a mandate from communities when they are elected to serve on
the council. Local government elections are held every five years. Between
elections, decisions taken by the council impact on the lives of local residents.
Communities are continuously undergoing change. They are confronted by day-to-
day problems. The nature and the cause of problems also change over a period.
Councillors have to be in touch with these changes and the needs of residents. In
addition, councillors have to keep residents informed about decisions taken by
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2. Public participation
Participation is one of the cornerstones of our democracy and has equal benefits for
politicians, officials and civil society:
4. Government cannot address all the development needs on its own and
partnerships are needed with communities, civil society and business
to improve service delivery and development.
In each municipality there are a number of people, structures and mechanisms that
can play a role in public participation. Here is a summary of the main ones:
The mayor
The mayor is the public face of the municipality and should be used in
big public meetings, municipal stakeholder forums and media.
Ward councillors
Ward councillors are the representatives of specific communities and
are ideally placed to be the link between the people and the
municipality – they should bring people’s needs and problems to the
municipality and consult and inform the community around municipal
services and programmes.
Ward committees
Ward committees are from different sectors in communities. Ten
members are elected in each ward to assist and advise the ward
councillor and increase community participation. They can be very
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Stakeholder forums
Many different forums already exist – for example community police
forums and IDP forums. Other forums that are made up of stakeholders
should be set up for specific projects and programmes. Forums are
very useful for quick and ongoing consultation as well as for building
partnerships between the community and government.
The municipality usually has access to its own media, for example
notice boards, rates and water bills, etc. This can be used for
spreading information about prices, new plans, budget priorities, etc.
The commercial media as well as radio should also be used to inform
people, and in some cases like phone-in programmes, to consult
The strategy should look at all municipal plans and projects and set out where and
how communication and public participation should play a role.
For each project or new development, the following key questions should be asked:
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3. What are the best methods for that purpose and that target group?
1. Purpose
A strategy can only be developed if you are clear about the purpose.
2. Target group
Once you have decided the purpose, it is easy to define the target groups. In many
cases, the target group may be all people in the municipality – for example when the
municipality increases service charges or introduces new by-laws. In other cases,
the target group could be a sector of the community – for example, people who may
be to poor to pay for any services and can benefit from the municipality’s indigent
policy. Alternatively, it could be a very specific geographic area – for example,
people who will benefit from housing upgrade project in an informal settlement.
3. Best methods
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Defining the purpose and the target group will help you to decide the best methods.
Here are some examples of different methods for different purposes. Your target
group will determine which method is most appropriate.
For consultation
Community meetings, meeting with sectors and community leaders,
ward committees, door-to-door surveys, questionnaires included in
municipal accounts, suggestion boxes, and public hearings.
For reporting back or informing people
Ward or other public meetings, sectoral meetings, newsletters,
newspapers and community radio, community notice boards,
advertisements and posters.
Always consider the reach of any method you choose as well as how easy it will be
for people to understand the information. The worst method is to print small
advertisements and legal notices in newspapers. These usually reach a very small
target group and will probably get a very unrepresentative response.
Often public participation and communication are treated as add-ons and dealt with
only by consultants or outside agencies.
Problems, concerns and suggestions will be raised by the target communities and
they must be properly processed so that the participation process actually results in
better decisions or responses.
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The municipality should ensure that its communication and participation strategy is
properly resourced and supported. This means that a clear plan has to be developed
that include all events, meetings and media, who is responsible for implementation,
what budget is required, by when it will happen and what other support is needed.
Legal requirements
Municipalities must ensure the participation of people who cannot read or write,
people with disabilities, women and other disadvantaged groups. Section 16 of the
Act considers the following as key areas requiring community participation:
Municipalities face huge challenges to develop sustainable settlements that meet the
needs and improve the quality of life of local communities. In order to meet these
challenges, they will need to understand and develop a concrete vision for the area.
They then have to develop strategies and plans to realise and finance that vision in
partnership with other stakeholders. Stakeholders and target communities should be
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consulted throughout the IDP process to help identify needs, discuss strategies and
develop projects.
Performance Management
Performance management is a system that is used to make sure that all parts of the
municipality work together to achieve the goals and targets that are set. The
municipality must have clear goals and specific targets of what has to be done to
make sure the goals are achieved. Every department and staff member should be
clear what they have to do and how their performance will contribute to achieving
overall goals and targets.
The financial year of South African municipalities runs from 1 July of each year to 30
June the following year. Municipalities must prepare budgets for each financial year
and the content and processes are set out in the Municipal Finance Management Act
and the Municipal Systems Act.
Council must approve these budgets before the new financial year begins, after
proper planning and consultation with ward committees and other stakeholder
groups in your area. For example, the budget for the financial year beginning in July
2002 must be approved before the end of June 2002. The draft budget should be
ready a three months before so that it can be used for consultation and submitted to
Provincial Government for comments.
The municipal budget is complex and detailed and every item cannot be discussed in
consultation meetings. It is important to identify the budget items that should be
debated with communities and stakeholders. For example, key development
projects, service level options and new facilities should be discussed with target
beneficiaries. Items like wages for staff are not suitable for consultation since they
are the result of negotiations with unions and cannot be altered.
Service Delivery
Municipalities must make sure that people in their areas have at least the basic
services they need. The most important services are:
1. Water supply
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3. Refuse removal
7. Street lighting
These services directly affect the quality of the lives of the people in that community.
For example, if the water that is provided is of a poor quality or refuse is not collected
regularly, it will contribute to unhealthy and unsafe living environments. Poor
services can also make it difficult to attract business or industry to an area and will
limit job opportunities for residents.
Public participation should involve consulting people about service levels, problems
and proposals for new services. Communities should be informed about tariffs and
council decisions about new services. Where problems are experienced with service
delivery, ward committees, organisations and members of the public, should have
access to officials, service centres, help desks or other services that will deal with
the problem.
Local councillors are the democratically elected representatives of the people in their
area. They are expected to behave in an honest and transparent way and to always
remain accountable to the voters. There are many laws and procedures in place to
ensure that councillors and their municipal officials do not become corrupt or self-
Accountability is part of democracy and the previous section covered all the
mechanisms councillors should use to report to and consult their constituencies. In
this section, we briefly look at the Code of Conduct for Councillors as set out in
Schedule 5 of the Municipal Structures Act of 1998.
Code of Conduct
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Councillors must attend all meetings they are supposed to be at, unless they have
been granted leave of absence. They can be fined for not attending. If they do not
attend three or more meetings in a row, they must be removed from office.
Councillors may not use their influence to gain any benefits from municipal work or
contracts. If councillors, or their business partners or family members or partners,
have any interest in a matter that is being discussed by a council meeting or
committee they are part of, they have to disclose this to the meeting. They should
then withdraw from the meeting until a decision is taken. Councillors may be given
contracts with the municipality if the council approves the decision, but if more than
one quarter of the councillors object, the matter must be decided by the MEC. In the
same way as MPs, councillors must also declare their financial interests and any
gifts above a certain value that they receive.
Full-time councillors:
If councillors are full-time, they may not have any other paid employment unless they
have the approval of the council.
Councillors may not ask for or accept any gifts, rewards or favours to vote in certain
ways or to sue their influence in council.
Disclosing information:
The councillor may not disclose any confidential information that they heard in a
closed committee meeting or read in a confidential council document.
Council property:
Councillors may not use, take or benefit from any municipal property or assets
unless they have a right to use it.
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Despite these obvious and available opportunities, however, many factors limit the
meaningful involvement of local communities in local government. These include:
c. lack of finance;
What is the impact of a poorly structured performance management process? If individual goals are
not aligned with business strategy, then time and resources are wasted. Low employee engagement
levels may mean that individuals are not performing at their best. Inconsistent evaluation criteria
and rewards can lead to mistrust, lower productivity and higher attrition. If top performers see no
differentiation in performance ratings, opportunities and compensation from underperformers,
morale can suffer. Lack of documentation, visibility, and accountability can negatively affect
stakeholders who are demanding more and more transparency. If accurate performance information
is unavailable or difficult to access, training and development decisions along with project
assignment decisions may not be made in the company's or the individual's best interests. An annual
process will not adequately alert managers to problems in a timely manner. Last, but not least, a lack
of proper documentation related to performance may result in legal issues.
The primary reason to make sure performance management processes are functioning properly is to
tighten the link between strategic business objectives and day-to-day actions. Effective goal setting
(including timelines), combined with a method to track progress and identify obstacles, contributes
to success and bottom line results. Regularly tracking progress against performance goals and
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objectives also provides the opportunity to recognize and reward employees for performance and
exceptional effort, contributing to job satisfaction and productivity. Employees want to feel
successful, to do well at their job and feel they are making a valuable contribution. In order to
ensure this happens, employees need a clear understanding of individual goals and how they fit into
the larger organization. New technology-based solutions offered can provide goal visibility across
entire organizations, offer extensive reporting options and can reduce paperwork by as much as
Clear visibility, regular individual analysis, and company-wide employee appraisals help identify
corporate competencies and skill gaps. With this valuable data in hand, companies can identify
training and development plans
Goals are the basis of an effective process. There are two key elements to consider when developing
goals. First, are goals written clearly and objectively? Second, are they directly contributing to the
achievement of business strategy?
Clearly communicating strategic business objectives is the first step to creating alignment. Providing
visibility to goals set by departments across the organization furthers alignment. Typically the
process begins with departmental managers setting goals for their departments, based upon
organization-wide goals, which support the general business strategy. Making departmental goals
accessible to all managers ensures there is no overlap, reduces conflict, and allows members of
different departments to see where they support each other and ensure they are not working at
cross purposes. Each manager in turn shares the overall goals with his/her department and meets
with employees to identify individual performance goals and plans.
When setting goals, key job expectations and responsibilities should act as the main guide and
reference. Goals should be set that not only address what is expected, but also how it will be
achieved. For example, the "what" covers quality or quantity expected, deadlines to be met, cost to
deliver, etc. The "how" refers to the behavior demonstrated to achieve outcomes, for example,
focus on customer service. In addition, some organizations choose to include competencies within
performance expectations, to reinforce the link to business strategy, vision and mission.
An accepted framework to use to help write effective goals is the "SMART" goal:
S – Specific
M – Measurable
A - Achievable/Attainable
R - Results oriented/Realistic/Relevant
T - Time bound
The inclusion of the above criteria results in a goal that is understandable and easily visualized and
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evaluated. Making a goal specific, measurable, and time bound contributes to the ability to make
progress on the goal and track that progress. Some managers choose to further define goals with a
start and finish date with milestones in between. As we have mentioned, goals must be achievable
and realistic. An unachievable goal is just that. An employee knows when he/she does not stand a
chance of reaching it, and their effort to achieve the goal will be affected. In addition, goals must
reflect conditions that are under the employee's control and the R's (results oriented, realistic and
relevant) should definitely consider these conditions. Sometimes the focus on the outcome of the
goals can overshadow the necessary steps to achieve them. Action plans to support each goal can
include documentation of the steps necessary to achieve a goal. By keeping goals relevant, a
manager reinforces the importance of linking to strategic objectives and communicating why the
goal is important. Some organizations have suggested the use of SMARTA, or SMARTR with the
additional A standing for aligned and the R standing for reward.
A focus on objective, behavioral-based, and observable outcomes that are job-related helps ensure
fairness of the process and reduces discrepancy. Although sometimes difficult to hear, objective
feedback supported with regular documentation is difficult to dispute. This is also where an
understanding of the organization's overall objectives and goals and how individual efforts
contribute becomes essential. If for example, an individual understands that their actions support an
area of the business then it is easier to understand the impact when deadlines are not met. Using
the SMART framework provides clarity up front to employees who will be evaluated against these
Using established goals as a basis, performance planning sets the stage for the year by
communicating objectives, and setting an actionable plan to guide the employee to successfully
achieve goals.
Performance planning, as with all other steps, is a collaborative process between the manager and
employee, although there will always be some elements that are non-negotiable. Begin with the job
description and identify major job expectations; expectations then can be clarified for each major
Under each key contribution area, it is important to identify long-term and short-term goals, along
with an action plan around how they will be achieved. Goals can be weighted to identify priorities.
Discuss specific details related to how progress against goals will be evaluated. Next steps include
determining any obstacles that would stand in the way of these goals being achieved. If an obstacle
is knowledge, skills or behavior–a plan should be developed to overcome, i.e.; training, mentoring,
Using the performance planning document as a reference document, the employee and manager
then should regularly monitor progress against goals, problem solve road blocks, re-assess goals,
change goals as business direction changes, and re-evaluate training and resource needs. This is
where the conversation is critical and often where the follow through sometimes falls down.
Performance planning and ongoing performance feedback are critical because they facilitate
continuous improvement and aid open communication.
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As the following diagram illustrates, goal setting, performance planning, performance monitoring,
feedback and coaching is ongoing and supports the creation of the performance appraisal, which in
turn supports processes related to rewards, learning and development. Performance monitoring,
feedback and coaching creates a separate feedback loop within the larger loop which should take
place more often, allowing for necessary adjustments to performance planning as conditions dictate.
Regular goal tracking allows for the opportunity to provide feedback as needed, make adjustments
to performance plans, tackle obstacles and prepare contingencies for missed deadlines. Without a
mechanism to regularly track progress against goals, the ongoing, cyclical nature of the process falls
Goal progress discussions, along with all performance feedback, should be delivered with respect
and should be objective and supportive. Specific examples provide clarity and help the employee
focus on future improvements. It is crucial that the manager listens to the employee's perspective
and incorporates the employee's observations into future plans– the employee often experiences
roadblocks the manager may not see.
Gathering performance information from a variety of sources increases objectivity and ensures all
factors impacting performance are considered. This information should include objective data like
sales reports, call records or deadline reports. Other valuable information includes: feedback from
others, results of personal observation, documentation of ongoing dialogue, records of any external
or environmental factors impacting performance. Many reviews also include an employee self-
evaluation. Other documents that help define performance objectives include: past performance
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appraisals, current departmental and organizational objectives and documented standards related
to career goals.
In order to gather feedback from other employees, organizations will often use a 360° feedback
process. Along with the completion of a self-assessment, selected peers, subordinates, and
manager(s) are asked to contribute feedback around pre-identified areas. The feedback is based
upon specifically identified skills or competencies and the final results are compared against the
employee's self-assessment. This type of feedback increases self-awareness and in some cases is
used to support the performance evaluation process.
Objectivity is essential when evaluating performance and it begins with clarity about job
expectations and evaluation methods. Certain checks and balances can be built in to ensure
objectivity. Managers commonly make mistakes when they conduct evaluations and the first step to
minimizing those errors is to acknowledge they exist. Consistent processes organization-wide
contribute to fairness and objectivity. Access to information allows others to check the validity of the
process. Obviously, not all employees need access to other employees' performance appraisal
results, but processes like calibration meetings will help ensure consistency. In the calibration
process, managers with employees in similar positions meet and discuss the appraisals before they
are finalized and shared with the employees. A calibration meeting helps establish the reasons
individuals are awarded various performance rankings, educates managers about the process across
the organization and promotes consistency. It also provides validation for manager's decisions, if
Reporting is very valuable to assess the fairness/consistency of the process–for example, to compare
ratings in one division to the next or for one manager to the next.
Note taking must be consistent and include all significant occurrences, positive or negative.
Documentation is important to support performance decisions, and notes should be written with the
intent to share. In addition to documenting the details of an occurrence, any subsequent follow up
should be detailed.
The performance log is a record that the manager keeps for each employee and is a record of
performance "events." The maintenance of a performance log serves a number of purposes. The
manager can record successes or performance that requires improvement. When it comes time to
complete the appraisal, the manager has a historical record of events and will not have to rely on
recent memory. In addition, this documentation can be used to support performance decisions or
ratings. But it also can be used as a reminder for the manager–if the log has no recordings for a
period of time, perhaps it is time to check in. If an employee does exceptionally well, or meets
deadlines consistently, the log can be used as a reminder to provide recognition for a job well done.
In addition, if a manager notices an area of deficiency, the log can serve as a reminder and a record
of circumstances. The performance log can also act as a reminder for coaching i.e.: record of
upcoming tasks, manager can make note to discuss with the employee to ensure he/she is prepared
for the individual for a task ahead, and then follow up discussion can promote learning and
continuous improvement.
This log should be created using the same principles of performance management and should be
objective, based on observable, job-related behaviors, including successes, achievements and, if
applicable, any documentation related to disciplinary actions taken.
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Managing the performance of another individual is not an easy task and requires many skills.
Training may be required to ensure managers feel adequately prepared to effectively complete all
the tasks related to performance management. This is especially the case for newly promoted
supervisors. Managers need to understand human behavior, how to motivate, how to develop,
provide coaching and deal with conflict. To a great extent, managers must be observers and able to
assess a situation, provide motivation and identify problems that interfere with performance. In
addition, managers must understand that individuals at different levels of comfort, ability and
experience with their jobs will require different levels of input, support and supervision. A manager
who feels adequately prepared to provide and receive feedback, deliver a performance evaluation
and conduct a performance evaluation meeting will be a major contributor to a successfully
functioning process.
The Review
The employee performance appraisal or review should be a summary of all that has been discussed.
Based upon job expectations and key areas of contribution, and previously discussed goals and
evaluation methods, the appraisal should be a written confirmation of what has already been
discussed with the employee.
The form should include key job responsibilities, current project work, relevant competencies, goals
and achievements. Previously completed performance appraisals should be used as reference
documents. It should also contain an area to allow employees to record their comment and input. All
comments included on the appraisal form need to be job-related and based upon observable
For the appraisal meeting, it is imperative to prepare ahead of time. Schedule an appropriate place
and time with no interruptions. Ensure the employee has the information necessary to allow them to
prepare adequately. Begin the discussion with job requirements and strengths/ accomplishments.
The focus, as pointed out previously, should be forward looking. The way the manager approaches
this meeting conveys a message related to its importance and should be approached with the
appropriate level of seriousness and an open mind. The manager must be prepared in regard to
what he/she wants to discuss, but just as importantly must be prepared to listen.
Many suggest that it is important to first define the purpose of the meeting and provide an agenda.
A factual discussion with a focus on job-related behaviors will keep the discussion objective. At the
end of the meeting, key points should be summarized. It is important to note that the employee will
be asked to sign the appraisal, whether or not there is agreement.
More and more, organizations are linking performance to compensation. This link, however, cannot
effectively be established without the existence of sound performance management processes that
are seen as fair and equitable.
Clear documentation of progress against performance expectations also allows proper recognition
for a job well done. This can be provided a number of ways, i.e.: formal recognition events, informal
public recognition or privately delivered feedback.
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It is important also to note the benefits of a consistent process across the organization. A consistent
process creates a sense of fairness and significantly increases job satisfaction. This is even more
critical if compensation is linked to performance. Employees need to know that if an individual in
one department is identified as a top performer and compensated accordingly, then an employee
performing at the same level in another department will receive similar rewards.
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There is widespread recognition that an annual meeting to evaluate progress does not have the
same benefits as ongoing dialogue and feedback. Feedback that is delivered when it is most relevant
enhances learning and provides the opportunity to make necessary accommodations in order to
meet objectives. Some organizations are moving towards conducting performance reviews twice a
year, while a small portion is trying to conduct them more frequently. Regardless of frequency, the
attitude towards ongoing feedback is crucial. If there is organizational recognition and support for
the need to build constructive feedback into the fabric of day-to-day interactions combined with
increased visibility into goals, then the environment will encourage development and drive goal-
directed performance improvement.
Design the process right. The performance management process must add value, otherwise
problems with resistance and non-participation will surface. In addition, the process itself must be
efficient and as simple as possible, while still providing the necessary value. Automated reminders
and scheduling tools can help keep the process on track.
Another element to consider that contributes to success is upper level management support. This
support needs to take not only the form of verbal support, but also through participation in the
same performance management process for evaluations. In addition, consider the current culture of
your organization when it comes to performance appraisals and performance management. Is the
"atmosphere" supportive of an effective process? Is there a culture of open honest communication
or are employees fearful when they make a mistake? Employees must be able to honestly discuss
performance and consider how to make improvements in order to move forward.
Another thing to consider is the provision of a mechanism to evaluate the process itself, whether it
consists of an annual survey, focus groups, manager feedback, reporting, or a combination of these
and other methods.
More and more organizations are relying on innovative technology solutions to implement
performance management best practices and automate painful manual processes. A move to web-
based, on-demand technology is making these systems affordable, regardless of the size of an
organization, with quick implementation schedules, no IT support requirements and automatic
An automated system can ensure that the performance management process is built around world-
class best practices, easy to complete, efficient and consistent across an organization. Necessary
visibility into organizational and departmental goals is simplified, as is access to necessary data to
support accountability, consistent standards, (by viewing manager average ratings) and
identification of top performers. In addition, technology enables companies, managers and
employees to address many of the issues discussed. When selecting an automated performance
management solution make sure to do your research. Some solutions offer nothing more than an
electronic appraisal form while others offer complete best-of-breed goal management solutions. The
best solutions offer:
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support tools providing coaching support to managers when they need it most
It is especially important that technology provides us access to performance data and the ability to
evaluate progress against goals, compare average manager ratings, easily access performance levels
of individuals and use this data to support decision making. Aggregating and analyzing data in
traditional paper-based forms is often too time-consuming and costly.
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Learning Outcomes:
Before starting the planning process, an IDP Process Plan must be drawn up. This plan is meant to
ensure the proper management of the planning process.
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At District Council level, a framework will be developed in consultation with all local municipalities
within the district. This framework will ensure co-ordination, consultation and alignment between
the district council and local municipalities. The framework will guide the development of the IDP
Process Plan for each local municipality.
During this phase information is collected on the existing conditions within the municipality. It
focuses on the types of problems faced by people in the area and the causes of these problems.
The identified problems are assessed and prioritised in terms of what is urgent and what needs to be
done first.
During this phase, the municipality works on finding solutions to the problems assessed in phase
This entails:
Developing a vision -
The vision is a statement of the ideal situation the municipality would like to achieve in the long
term once it has addressed the problems outlined in phase one. The following is an example of a
vision statement:
An economically vibrant city with citizens living in a secure, healthy and comfortable environment
Development objectives are clear statements of what the municipality would like to achieve in the
medium term to deal with the problems outlined in phase one.
For example: Provide access to clean water for all residents living in the informal settlement
Development strategies
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Once the municipality has worked out where it wants to go and what it needs to do to get there, it
needs to work out how to get there. A development strategy is about finding the best way for the
municipality to meet a development objective.
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For example: Co-operate with the Department of Water Affairs to provide one water stand pipe for
every 20 households.
Project Identification
Once the municipality has identified the best methods to achieving its development objectives it
leads to the identification of specific projects.
During this phase the municipality works on the design and content of projects identified during
Phase 2.
A clear detail for each project has to be worked out in terms of:
Clear targets must be set and indicators worked out to measure performance as well as the impact
of individual projects.
Once all projects have been identified, the municipality has to check again that they contribute to
meeting the objectives outlined in Phase 2. These projects will provide an overall picture of the
development plans.
All the development plans must now be integrated. The municipality should also have overall
strategies for issues like dealing with AIDS, poverty alleviation and disaster management.
The IDP is presented to the council for consideration and adoption. The Council may adopt a draft
for public comment before approving a finalised IDP.
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Ensure IDP relevant structures are in place and are encouraged to contribute
effectively to the drafting process
Ensure that the IDP document is completed and submitted to the council and
MEC in accordance with law.
The Municipal IDP committee will serve as an organizational platform for the purpose of information
exchange, debating and finding common ground on suitable technical solutions to key planning
challenges. It will be mainly composed of middle and senior management as well as portfolio heads.
The IDP steering committee is comprised of the following individuals and entities:
Technical Services
Corporate Services
Community Services
Invitation to participate on the planning sessions of the steering committee will always be extended
to OR Tambo District (PIMSS Centre) and sometimes to key informants within the regional and
district offices of provincial government operating within the Port St. Johns LM areas. The role of IDP
steering committee will be as follows:
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The purpose of the IDP representative forums is to provide an organizational platform to external
Municipal stakeholders for debating issues and contributing to find of workable solutions to existing
and competing community needs. It is chaired by the Mayor. Its mandate is to:
Provide a platform for effective representations of the views and opinion of the
different interest groupings that participate in the Port St. Johns IDP process
Ensure participation of all Municipal stakeholders in the processes of
Municipal planning and decision making that affect their lives.
Non-governmental organizations
Youth council
Farmer organizations
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In addition to these structures is to appoint a service provider to provide technical advice and
guidance in the processes of preparing this integrated development plan as well as write-up of final
When preparing for the review process we worked out procedures for community
involvement in the process and how to interact the different stakeholders.
Chapter 4 of the Municipal System Act, 2000 regulate the importance of public
participation and on community involvement during IDP review process and aim
thereof is to:-
(i) Ensure that IDP addresses real issues affecting and experienced by local
(ii) And institutionalizing the effective involvement of community organizations
in the implementation of the strategies aimed at addressing those issues.
The Act further mandates the municipalities to ensure that participatory governance
system exists in their municipalities and also communicate to its community
information regarding:-
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(iii) And the rights and duties of community members and municipal
governance, management and development.
Our community is very diverse and all community members must be catered for
taking into account the difference in:-
a) Culture
b) Gender
c) Language
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The community members participating during the process are not paid for
their participation and all stakeholders are welcome to attend the review
IDP Representative forum must be manageable group and be well organized.
The Representative forum must be gender sensitive and representative from
all wards in mandatory. All stakeholders to be punctual for meeting during
review process.
The IDP review meeting will be held at the following venues and accessibility by
public transport will be ensured.
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Every municipality has to draw up an Integrated Development Plan (IDP). An IDP is a super-plan that
gives a framework for development. It tries to address the needs of the people in the area, draws in
stakeholders and other spheres of government and plans for infrastructure and local economic
It aims to co-ordinate the work of local and other spheres of government in a coherent plan to
improve the quality of life for all the people living in an area. It should take into account the existing
conditions and problems and resources available for development. The plan should look at economic
and social development for the area as a whole. It must set out a framework for how land should be
used, what infrastructure and services are needed and how the environment should be protected.
Local government must deliver services, provide facilities and build healthy and safe communities.
Municipal areas are large and within each municipality there are many different communities with
different needs. Municipal services cannot be delivered in bits and pieces: for example, if a new
housing settlement is planned it has to be supplied with roads, sewage, schools, houses, water,
electricity, parks, waste removal, streetlights, public transport, health services, etc. Each of these
come from a different department and sometimes even a different sphere of government and each
of these have to be paid for out of some department’s budget.
There are many opportunities for government, business, communities and organisations to influence
service delivery plans during the different phases of drawing up the IDP. The IDP has to be drawn up
in consultation with local forums and stakeholders.
Once the IDP is drawn up, all municipal planning and projects should happen in terms of the IDP. The
annual council budget should be based on the IDP. National and provincial government departments
working in the area should consider the municipal IDP when making their own plans.
After every local government election, the new council has to decide on the future of the IDP. The
council can adopt the existing IDP or develop a new IDP that takes into consideration existing plans.
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IDPs are reviewed each year. The IDP is the most important planning document of any municipality
and provides information that is very useful for all organised civil society and public servants who
work with local government.
Communication plans can benefit the project by detailing exactly how much
interaction a project team will have with the various stakeholders of a project. We will
examine how to create a communication plan as well as problem areas to where
communication is lost or misunderstood on a project.
Have you ever been working on a project and feel that you do not know what is
happening? Have you ever attended project meetings only to leave more confused
afterward than before you came? All of this revolves around communication.
Communication within a project is one of the most important tools for making sure
that people get clear directives and do what they are supposed to do.
A communication plan is defined as a document which spells out the process and
the timing for communication in a project to all interested parties. This type of plan
must be created in a matrix form indicating how often you will be communicating to
the customer, sponsor, departments, or agencies which are influencing this particular
project. The most important thing about a communication plan is a clear
understanding as to when and how the communication will be given and what
timeline it will follow.
The project customer normally has more interaction with the project’s sponsor than
anyone else. In many projects it is not uncommon for the project sponsor to interview
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and discusses the goals of the project and pass on that information to the project
manager and team. The one monitoring technique which can be assisted by the
communication plan is scheduling periodic feedback sessions with the customer.
This will do several things, such as informing the customer on the progress of the
project, as well as verification you are progressing properly. It is very important for
communication to take place between the project team and the customer, not just
during the initiation phase but throughout the entire project. If this is done correctly,
there will be no surprises from the customer nor will the project team miss the
desired outcome and goals.
Project sponsors normally represent management in viewing the project through that
culture’s eyes. This means that the project’s sponsor normally has a great deal of
input and can influence the budget or resources provided to the team. The project
sponsor has a great deal of responsibility as they oversee multiple projects and
multiple resource packages to complete those project plans. It is very important for
project teams to maintain communication with the project sponsor. This can be done
weekly, monthly, or in some extreme cases even daily. How often a project team
communicates with the project sponsor is determined based on the amount of
interaction desired for that particular project.
There are several items which should be detailed as part of the communication flow
and plan of any project. Each of these items is considered high priority in making
sure everyone is well informed and has current information.
Getting a current update and status on the project is necessary in each team
meeting. In is our experience, we have seen team meetings that wasted 90 minutes
and yet did not detail project progress so that people would be able to make the
needed decisions.
Giving an update status on the project should be the minimum each team member is
prepared to do when they arrive at the team meeting. They should come prepared
and knowledgeable about their area of assignment and be equipped to defend where
the project is and what help they need to move the project forward.
One way to make this easier for your project team is to create a standardized status
and update checklist form to be used. This form makes sure that each team member
is getting the needed information back to the team and is used in organizing and
documenting the needed information.
You can run a project extremely hard trying to meet every due date, but if you miss
critical path dates your project is doomed! The critical path consists of dates which
are considered hard dates and then movable. These dates, if missed, make the
project late. They are different than an activity task date, which many times has
contingency time built in it.
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Naturally, all dates are very important, but it has been our experience that many
project members will track all dates as if they are the same priority, thus missing
critical path dates which sabotage their planning. Usually, this happens due to a lack
of understanding of the importance of a critical path date compared to an activity or
task. This is one of the items that each team member should be trained on during a
team session, and the project managers should assist in monitoring to guarantee
successful completion of the project.
One way to magnify the importance of critical path dates is to separate them into a
different type setting or colour to make them stand out from the other dates on your
project plan. This calls attention to the date and reminds team members of the higher
priority of its position. In addition, if you make sure part of your agenda deals with the
discussion of critical path dates, your team will begin looking at these issues the
same as the project manager.
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Troubled projects have team members which are doing work in areas that have been
changed without their knowledge. Passing along change orders to the team and
documenting those changes for future reference is very important to the
communication plan. Change orders appear to be a strong source of frustration due
to members wasting a great deal of time working on areas that have been changed
but never communicated to them.
Part of our training with your staff revolves around what to do with change orders. In
our experience, change orders must be communicated instantly to the project team.
We do this by contacting the team member who has a direct responsibility to that
area being changed. Second, we contact the entire team through e-mail notifying
them of the change and how it will impact their part of the project. Finally, we point
out the change orders which have been approved during the project team meeting.
In this meeting, we normally have documentation and questions to clarify. This
allows us to make any additional adjustments to the plan or to the team member’s
priority list in order to fulfil these changes.
Concerned areas
The last section which should be considered as part of the communication plan is the
examination of areas of concern. People mistakenly leave this area out and
anticipate the project team will handle these problems on their own without any help
from others.
Concern areas allow your team to verbalize their frustration, and it keeps you
knowledgeable of hurdles they are running up against over and over again. Unless
the project team is able to hear these areas of concern, it is possible that they will be
missed with the assumption the project is running in a more positive manner than
what is true.
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is extremely confidential in nature. However, many project teams continue to limit the
transfer of information to parties that are very much part of the future of the project.
This means that at the last minute they are trying to get others equipped and up to
speed with the needed knowledge.
Transfer of knowledge is being neglected at such a high rate that agencies are
watching knowledge go out the door. Someone might question where this is
happening the most. Agency after agency has reported the need to get rid of
contractors when budgets become tight. Many of these contractors have worked for
the agency for a long time and know a great deal about a specific area. After they
have left the agency, it becomes apparent they knew something which no one else
knows. The second area we are seeing a lack of knowledge transfer is in retiring
employees. Men and women have worked for an agency for 15 to 25 years, and they
are now leaving for retirement. However, no one puts a plan into effect to get this
person to transfer some of their knowledge over to a person who is remaining
behind. This gap is foolish and hurting agencies by forcing them to redo numerous
processes and projects in order to educate them.
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Learning Outcomes:
IDP Management
The Council has decided that the Municipal Manager would be tasked as manager
during the preparation phase of the process and the implementation phase thereafter
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This committee would be chaired by the IDP Manager and would also be responsible
for the secretariat. The following officials have been nominated:
IDP Manager -
Technical Services -
Co-operative Services -
Finance Services –
This forum guarantees public participation and a consultative approach during the
IDP process. The nomination of role players should be such that all levels and
interested groups in the society are representative. Proper participation and
communication should be guaranteed.
The Mayor should chair this forum or any individual appointed and the secretariat
performed by the IDP Steering Committee.
The following councillors have been nominated on the forum (Figure 1 – Plan of
Ward 1 -
Ward 2 -
Ward 3 -
Ward 4 –
It was decided that in order to save time and to achieve a transparent and well-
aligned participation process, the abovementioned committees would meet together
if and when needed.
It is one of the pre-requisites of a smooth and well organized planning process that
all role-players are fully aware of their own and other role-players’ responsibilities.
Therefore, it is one of the first preparation requirements for the IDP planning process
to ensure that there is a clear understanding of all required roles and of the persons
or organizations which can assume those roles.
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A list of required roles and responsibilities for the planning process by the municipal
A list of persons or agencies who are expected to assume these roles and
Clear and mutually agreed terms of reference which describe their roles and
responsibilities in detail.
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*Local Government Ensuring horizontal alignment of the IDPs of the
Department district municipalities within the Free State.
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Executive Committee/ As the senior governing body of the municipality, they have
Executive Mayor/ to:
Committee of
appointed Councilors Decide on the Process Plan
for the IDP Be responsible for the overall management, co-
ordination and monitoring of the process and drafting
of the IDP, or delegate this function to the Municipal
Approve nominated persons to be in charge of the
different roles, activities and responsibilities of the
process and drafting.
Ward Councilors Councilors are the major link between the municipal
government and the residents. As such their role is to:
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Each municipality should consider arrangements, use and adapt them to ensure that
the required outputs will be reached to ensure the IDP to be credible and
implementable. It will be wise to make use of existing structures to ensure the
maximum participation of all stake holders in the community. For the IDP Review the
following structures/persons were identified as necessary to complete the process
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The Municipal Manager or IDP Manager on his behalf is the responsible person for
championing the Integrated Development Planning process. The selection of this
person needs to be done as the first step towards preparing the Process Plan since
the IDP Manager is also the responsible person for designing the Process Plan.
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Heads of Departments
The IDP Representative Forum is the structure which institutionalize and guarantees
representative participation in the IDP Process. The selection of members to the IDP
Representative Forum needs to be based on criteria which ensure geographical and
social representation.
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When preparing for the review process we worked out procedures for community
involvement in the process and how to interact the different stakeholders.
Chapter 4 of the Municipal System Act, 2000 regulate the importance of public
participation and on community involvement during IDP review process and aim
thereof is to:-
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(iii) Ensure that IDP addresses real issues affecting and experienced by local
(iv) And institutionalizing the effective involvement of community organizations
in the implementation of the strategies aimed at addressing those issues.
The Act further mandates the municipalities to ensure that participatory governance
system exists in their municipalities and also communicate to its community
information regarding:-
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Our community is very diverse and all community members must be catered for
taking into account the difference in:-
a) Culture
b) Gender
c) Language
d) And educational level.
The community members participating during the process are not paid for
their participation and all stakeholders are welcome to attend the review
IDP Representative forum must be manageable group and be well organized.
The Representative forum must be gender sensitive and representative from
all wards in mandatory. All stakeholders to be punctual for meeting during
review process.
Those venues must be used to ensure all stakeholders participation. These venues
are chosen because of their positions, accessibility and sizes.
Choosing the suitable time for meetings: - The times of the meetings have to suit all
stakeholders the following times are preferred for all stakeholders.
Steering Committee
Representative Forum
Ward Meetings and Public gathering
Council Approval: - The Council has to sit and approve the Reviewed IDP.
The IDP planning process is a local process but development within the
municipality is influenced by inputs and the support from other government
spheres. The activities of the local, district municipality, provincial and national
departments need to be aligned to synthesize and to integrate planning
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process. There is a need of aligning our IDP planning process with Free State
Growth and Development Strategy`
There are two main areas of alignment that need to be addressed during this
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Between Local and other spheres of government and service providers: - Ensure
compliance with both national and provincial policies and strategies for allocation of
departmental budgets and conditional grants.
Alignment Principles
The alignment of activities will be minimized to key stages and through quality
focused inputs to keep the co-ordination requirements on a management
The alignment of events will be manual and other modes such as written
communication and telephone will used and will be driven internally.
Whenever there is an issue affecting neighbouring municipalities, they will be
aligned through bilateral communication and during alignment events.
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The systems approach to management recognizes both open and closed systems. A
closed system, such as a clock, is self-contained and operates relatively free from
outside influences. In contrast, most organizations are open systems and are thus
highly dependent on outside resources, such as suppliers and buyers. Specifically,
systems are impacted by four spheres of outside influence: education and skills (of
workers), legal and political, economic, and cultural. Management processes must
be designed to adapt to these influences. This acknowledgment of outside factors
represents a meaningful departure from the earliest school approaches that viewed
management within the context of closed systems.
Importantly, the systems approach also recognizes that all large organizations are
comprised of multiple subsystems, each of which receives inputs from other
subsystems and turns them into outputs for use by other subsystems. At least five
types of subsystems, according to systems theory, should be incorporated into
management processes in larger organizations. Production subsystems are the
components that transform inputs into outputs. In a manufacturing company this
subsystem would be represented by activities related to production. In most business
organizations all other subsystems are built around the production subsystem.
Like the systems approach, the contingency approach to management views the
organization as a set of interdependent units operating in an open system. It differs
from all other management approaches, though, in that it is based on the idea that
every organization and situation is unique. Its situational perspective implies that
there is no single best way to manage. Therefore, specific techniques and
managerial concepts must be applied in different ways and in different combinations
to achieve organizational or departmental effectiveness. In fact, the contingency
theory has been described as a sort of amalgam of all other ideologies. Its chief
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Perhaps the most widely accepted organizational management theory is the process
approach. It also serves as a descriptive overview of the various tasks and
responsibilities management faces, and it draws on many of the theories contained
in the five schools of management as well as the systems approach and contingency
approach described above. For example, the process approach derives from Fayol's
ideas, particularly his five management functions. And, like the systems approach
and the later schools of management thought, the process approach emphasizes the
point that management is an ongoing series of interrelated activities rather than a
one-time act.
The process approach also recognizes other management theories that have gained
acceptance in the late 1900s. Of import is the generally accepted management
pyramid model, which is comprised of three hierarchies based on experience and
education. At the top of the pyramid is top management, or the executive level that
handles long-term strategy. At the center is middle management, which translates
top management objectives into more specific goals for individual work units. Finally,
line managers and supervisors fill the bottom of the pyramid. They handle the day-to-
day management of employees and operations.
Planning occurs at all three management levels: top, middle, and line. As indicated
earlier, top managers are charged with making long-term plans that define the
mission and policies of the organization while lower level managers implement them.
In the planning process, top-level managers concentrate on the questions of what
and how much. Middle managers implement mission and policy objectives, usually
by focusing on the where and when. Finally, line managers effect the specific plans
of the middle managers by addressing the pressing questions of who and how.
For example, top executives at a nail factory may decide that the company should
become the most productive, highest-quality, largest-volume producer in the world.
Middle managers in the production division may decide that accomplishment of this
goal requires that over the next 12 months they cut costs by 20 percent, decrease
flaws to. 01 percent, and increase capacity 40 percent. Likewise, managers in the
marketing department may decide that they need to increase sales by 80 percent
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during the next year. Finally, line managers would have to figure out how to achieve
those goals and who would do the actual work. They might increase bonuses for
salespeople who boosted volume, for instance, or lower profit margins (and prices)
to increase sales. Or, production line managers might implement a new quality
management program and increase investments in cost-saving automation.
Environmental adaptation planning activities are those that serve to improve the
company's relationship to its external environment, including such influences as
governments, suppliers, customers, and public opinion. These activities address
problems and opportunities that arise from such external factors. For example, gas
station company managers that choose to attach point-of-sale (credit card) machines
to their pumps are reacting to a public demand for convenience. Similarly, a CEO of
a coal mining company might have to plan to reduce toxic emissions in an effort to
satisfy government regulators or to appease public sentiment.
Internal coordination planning activities are those that respond to internal influences.
They coordinate internal strengths and weaknesses in an effort to maximize
profitability (in the case of for-profit companies). Finally, planning activities
categorized as organizational strategic awareness strategies create systematic
management development systems that allow an organization to evaluate the effects
of past plans.
In order to be effective, plans and goals developed and executed at any level will
generally exhibit basic characteristics. The plans should be specific and measurable,
for example, meaning that they will have definite goals that can be measured against
definite results. Plans should also be time-oriented, or should be devised with
deadlines for accomplishing parts of the entire goal and a final deadline for
completion. Plans should also be attainable. Insufficient resources or impossible
goals can thwart motivation and result in underperformance. Finally, plans should be
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mutually supportive, meaning that plans made in or for one part of an organization
should complement other plans and objectives.
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In addition to the basic structure, management authority and responsibility will also
be dictated by the level of centralization in a company. In general, companies with
more centralized management will be figuratively tall, meaning that power flows
down through a chain of command. Decisions are made by a few people and handed
down to the masses. In contrast, decentralized, or flat, organizations push
management authority down. In flat organizations, many managers (and
subordinates) are empowered to independently make decisions within their area of
expertise in the company. Because of the trend toward flatter organizations during
the 1980s and 1990s, traditional middle levels of management have become
obsolete in many companies. Effectively, all workers become managers to some
degree in the flattest organizations.
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and dispensing rewards. In fact, much of the respect and esteem that a manager
gets from subordinates is contingent upon the ability to evaluate effectively.
A manager's ability to counsel will also impact his or her effectiveness. Counseling
involves giving advice, helping workers solve problems, soliciting feedback from
subordinates, and listening to voluntary input or employee problems. Finally,
managers lead through representation by voicing the concerns and suggestions of
their subordinates to higher authorities. In other words, managers must show a
willingness to back their workers and represent their needs and goals.
Numerous theories have been posited to explain the leadership function and to
describe the traits of successful leaders. For example, John P. Kotter, author of The
Leadership Factor, identified six traits considered necessary for managers in large
organizations to be effective leaders: (1) motivation, (2) personal values, (3) ability,
(4) reputation and track record, (5) relationships in the firm and industry, and (6)
industry and organizational knowledge. Contrary to traditional beliefs about
leadership, which hold that leadership ability is innate, these trait groups are
acquired through combinations of early childhood experiences, education, and
career experiences.
In contrast, managers who embrace a political leadership style believe that their
ability to lead requires the power to manipulate forces within the entity toward
common objectives. Importantly, they assume that the company is a political arena
fraught with deception, in-fighting, and selfish goals. Therefore, they often must
push, bargain, and manipulate to advance the interests of their departments and
themselves. Although such leaders may be well-intentioned, honest, and acting in
the best interests of the company, they may be willing to deceive others and act
selfishly in order to achieve a desired result. Common tactics include keeping goals
flexible or vague, advancing their agendas patiently, and manipulating channels of
influence and authority.
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The fourth basic managerial style of leadership, charismatic leadership, differs from
the other three styles in that it is more suited to realizing radical visions or handling
crises. It is less concerned with influencing behavior toward the attainment of long-
term goals or day-to-day management activities. Charismatic leadership in business
organizations is a style often used by entrepreneurs who are starting new
companies, or by transformational managers seeking to revitalize established
Managers begin by establishing specific criteria outlining how they want a company's
tasks performed. Based on company objectives, managers determine the
performance standards in order for the company to attain its goals. Performance
standards may take the form of qualitative and quantitative criteria. Examples of
performance standards are budgets, projections, pro forma statements, and
production, sales, or quality initiatives. Successful managers usually rely on a
feedback system to see how employees are responding to performance standards;
this allows managers to identify problems before they develop into crises.
During the second stage of the control process, evaluation, managers determine
how closely their subordinates' or department's performance matched up with preset
standards. Of import is the manager's acceptable range of deviation, or the degree to
which actual performance can vary from the standard before corrective action is
necessary. In addition, managers must factor into the performance comparison
influences outside of the control of their unit. They must also devise a means of
communicating results to subordinates in a constructive manner.
If measured results deviate outside of an acceptable range, the manager must take
corrective action. Corrective action may mean simply readjusting the preset
standards to reflect more realistic goals. Or, the manager may have to analyze the
process that lead to the deviation and then act to make changes. For instance, if a
production line fails to meet quality goals the manager may choose to rearrange
work teams or change the financial incentive system to emphasize quality. The
manager may also determine that the departmental budget needs to be revised to
increase spending on quality control.
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In addition to the five basic managerial functions defined by the process approach, a
number of ancillary roles can be identified (depending on the position and
responsibilities of individual managers) that are necessary to perform the functions.
These roles take the form of interpersonal roles, information roles, and decision
maker roles. As part of their interpersonal roles, managers are generally expected to
act as figureheads and leaders for their units or organizations, which entails
performing ceremonial duties or entertaining associates. Managers also act as
liaisons, working with peers in other departments or contacts outside of the
organization. The liaison role requires managers to have contact with peers,
customers, executives, and others.
As part of their information role, managers monitor the business environment and
gather information that affects their departments. In addition to gathering information,
managers also distribute it among their employees. Managers play the information
role by acting as spokespersons by providing information about the company to the
public. Furthermore, top-level managers often must interact with the government,
consumer groups, industry associations, and other organizations.
As part of the decision maker role, managers constantly oversee and observe their
units, resolving problems and disturbances, and developing a big picture of the
department and its place in the organization. Likewise, managers must be
negotiators to help secure resources for their team or group and to elicit cooperation
from other groups or individuals inside and outside the company. As decision
makers, managers also allocate resources, determining how to distribute limited
resources within specific units to achieve maximum effectiveness. This role also
involves entrepreneurial skills, because managers must generate ideas about
improving their units' performance.
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solving problems. Finally, relationship skills are those that the manager uses to
communicate effectively and work with others.
In the 1990s, two different types of senior manager began to emerge in response to
the general trend toward specialization and downsizing: the specializing generalist
and the generalizing specialist. Because of the stock market crash in 1987,
companies in the 1990s sought upper-level specializing generalist managers, that is,
general managers who specialized in one area, corporate restructuring and cost
cutting, in particular. These managers focused largely on implementing policies that
led to reducing costs, such as closing plants and laying off workers. Entrepreneurs
who launch multiple businesses sometimes are referred to specializing generalists.
Entrepreneurs often learn an array of general business skills because they perform a
variety of tasks during the company start-up phase.
Moreover, with the globalization of many industries in the 1980s and 1990s,
managers increasingly must possess a global perspective as well as the skills to
work with managers and employees from other countries. More and more managers
must be able to collaborate with companies from other countries when South African
companies form multinational alliances with other companies. Consequently,
managers must be able to perform their five basic functions—planning, organizing,
staffing, leading, and controlling—in multinational settings. Economic globalization
makes skills such as influence, negotiation, and conflict resolution indispensable.
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Finally, because of the growing demand from customers and workers that
companies act in a socially responsible manner, managers must make sure that a
company's actions and policies are ethical, particularly in the areas of the
environment and human rights.
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Communication mechanisms
For effective alignment process communication links are set between local and
district municipality and role-players as well as within the local municipal units.
Workshops and meeting
There are certain events for both district and local municipality IDP Review
processes that need to be aligned. The timeframe is attached as annexure F and will
be distributed to the stakeholders during the first forum meeting.
Identified role-players will attend the district level workshop and meeting. These role-
payers will constitute a district forum. (see 79 committee) see annexure C8
Logistic requirements
The committees will organize all district level workshops and meetings
Municipalities will budget for the attendance of district level workshop.
To ensure proper co-ordination and progress during the review process among all
local municipalities a district management structure will be established to ensure
alignment and following people will form part of the management structure.
This management structure will meet after completion of each phase of the IDP.
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Each Municipal council must, within a prescribed period after the start of its
elected term, adopt a single, all inclusive and strategic plan for the development
of the municipality which-
a. Links integrates and coordinates plans and takes into account proposals for
the development of the municipality;
b. Aligns the resources and capacity of the municipality with the implementation
of the plan;
a) The Municipal council’s vision for the long term development of the
municipality with special emphasis on the municipality’s most critical
development and internal transformation needs;
b) An assessment of the existing level of development in the municipality, which
must include an identification of communities which do not have access to
basic Municipal services;
c) The council’s development priorities and objectives for its elected term,
including its local economic development aims and its internal transformation
d) The council’s development strategies which must be aligned with any national
and provincial sectoral plans and planning requirements binding on the
municipality in terms of legislation;
e) A spatial development framework which must include the provision of basic
guidelines for a land use management system for the municipality;
f) The council’s operational strategies;
g) Applicable disaster management plans;
h) A financial plan, which must include a budget projection for at least the next
three years; and
i) The key performance indicators and performance targets determined in terms
of section 41.
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(c ) Municipal Assessment
(e) The municipality’s focus will also be to Identify and develop long outstanding
policies/plans that are crucial in development of the municipality. In this
financial year we will be looking at sourcing funding from other stakeholders
for the development of identified new policies e.g. Environmental
Management Plan funding to be sourced from DBSA
The municipal council is formed by eight (8) ward councillors and seven Party
Representatives Councillors , the responsibility of Council in IDP Development is to
Ensure that annual business plans, budget and related development activities are based on
approved IDP.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is formed by three councillors (3) and it is therefore responsible for :-
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The Mayor , as an Executive Committee Chairperson is also responsible for chairing the IDP
Representative Forum
An IDP Steering Committee is formed by all Heads of Department and other senior officials, their
responsibility is to :
Coordinate and manage the components of the planning process, including Stakeholders
meetings, Meeting deadlines, Horizontal and vertical aligns, Compliance with national and
provincial requirements
Ensure alignment and participation in the determination and prioritization of plans and
programs in the spirit of cooperative governance
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The Municipal Manager will delegate these functions to the IDP Manager, but remain
accountable for the overall IDP process as dictated by Municipal Systems Act 2000.
Amongst other, the following responsibilities have been allocated to the IDP
Manager for the IDP Process:
To ensure alignment of the IDP with other IDP’s within the District
(c) Officials
All municipal officials are responsible for implementing the IDP through:
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Ward councillors will play a crucial role in the preparation of the IDP process, both in
terms of the technical and community participation process. They will act as the
main interface between the council and communities. Primary responsibilities would
Ward Committees are the structures established to ensure proper flow of information
between the municipalities, ward Councillors and the community, they are
responsible for:
Submission of community priorities to the ward councillor at ward committee
Effective in all programs of the municipality, e.g IDP, Budget, Events etc
Participating in the IDP Forum
(e) Traditional Leaders (Amakhosi)
District Municipality will have the same role as but only in the preparation of District
IDP framework but the role of district municipality on a local level is the coordination
of IDP processes of local municipalities and this include :
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MM & or I D P
er Project
Structure Task
Ward Teams
Committe Repr.Forum
Terms of Reference:
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Adjust IDP
Planning process is related to the real priority / burning issues in the
municipality, that it is strategic and implementation oriented
Terms of Reference:
Terms of Reference:
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Chair: MM
Secretariat Administrative
support in respect of;
H O D’s & senior logistics of
officials & Town workshops,
Treasurer dissemination of info
and invitations
Terms of Reference:
Meeting schedule (frequency and attendance ) every six weeks and at least once
for every phase
Learning Outcomes:
An Integrated Development Plan (IDP) is a super plan for an area that gives an
overall framework for development. It aims to co-ordinate the work of local and other
spheres of government in a coherent plan to improve the quality of life for all the
people living in an area. It takes into account the existing conditions and problems
and resources available for development.
In terms of the Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000, all municipalities have to
undertake an IDP process to produce IDPs. As the IDP is a legislative requirement it
has a legal status and it supersedes all other plans that guide development at local
government level. In a nutshell, the IDP process entails:
A very critical phase of the IDP process is to link planning to the municipal budget
(i.e. allocation of internal or external funding to the identified projects) because this
ensures that the IDP directs the development and implementation of projects.
After approval of this plan by the municipal council, all development and projects
must comply with the stipulations of the IDP. All other plans and strategies by the
municipality are secondary to the IDP. The IDP is the only overarching plan guiding
development in its jurisdiction, and even the budget must comply with the contents of
the IDP.
The LED Steering Committee, which is representative of the major interests in the
local economy, has prioritised proposed interventions and actions to promote the
local economy. The focus of the implementation strategy falls on actions prioritised
for the first three years of the application of the strategy.
The prioritised interventions, organised by theme, are:
Job creation
Land ownership
Capital availability
Nodal development
Enabling environment
A revised Business Plan for the Municipality was developed at a strategic session
during 2005, and in the interim it has been cascaded to each of the municipality’s
services delivery areas.
Local authority arrive at crucial decisions on its destination and appropriate ways to
arrive there – strategic statements to be prepared in an integrated manner.
The IDP planning process is a local process but development within the municipality
is influenced by inputs and the support from other government spheres. The
activities of the local, district municipality, provincial and national departments need
to be aligned to synthesize and to integrate planning process. There is a need of
aligning our IDP planning process with Free State Growth and Development
There are two main areas of alignment that need to be addressed during this
Alignment Principles
The alignment of activities will be minimized to key stages and through quality
focused inputs to keep the co-ordination requirements on a management
The alignment of events will be manual and other modes such as written
communication and telephone will used and will be driven internally.
Whenever there is an issue affecting neighbouring municipalities, they will be
aligned through bilateral communication and during alignment events.
Ensure that the annual business plans, budget and land use
management decisions are linked to and based on the IDP.
Executive Committee/ As the senior governing body of the municipality, they have
Executive Mayor/ to:
Committee of
appointed Councilors Decide on the Process Plan
for the IDP Be responsible for the overall management, co-
ordination and monitoring of the process and drafting
of the IDP, or delegate this function to the Municipal
Approve nominated persons to be in charge of the
different roles, activities and responsibilities of the
process and drafting.
Ward Councilors Councilors are the major link between the municipal
government and the residents. As such their role is to:
and/or wards
Be responsible for organizing public consultation and
Ensure the annual business plans and budget are
linked to and based on the IDP
Four major functions can be aligned with the public participation process namely:
Needs identification;
Identification of appropriateness of proposed solutions;
This forum will represent all stakeholders and will be as inclusive as possible. Efforts will be
made to bring additional organizations into the IDP RF and ensure their continued
participation throughout the process.
The venues for these meetings will be publicized at the IDP RF as well as through the media
There are 8 sessions of road shows scheduled for the first round IDP Road
And, there are also 8 sessions scheduled for the second round IDP road
For the maximum community participation the municipality holds road shows
per ward, and rotates venues for the benefit of the community at large
(iv) Media
Community Radio Station will be utilised to make public announcements
where necessary
internal newsletter publicise all dates of road shows and reports regarding
IDP Matters and provides a space for enquiries.
Flyers – to be distributed on Public Facilities
- The District responsible for Facilitation of vertical alignment of IDPs with the
sphere of government and the sector departments;
The IDP planning process is a local process but development within the municipality
is influenced by inputs and the support from other government spheres. The
activities of the local, district municipality, provincial and national departments need
to be aligned to synthesize and to integrate planning process. There is a need of
aligning our IDP planning process with Free State Growth and Development
There are two main areas of alignment that need to be addressed during this
Alignment Principles
The alignment of activities will be minimized to key stages and through quality
focused inputs to keep the co-ordination requirements on a management
The alignment of events will be manual and other modes such as written
communication and telephone will used and will be driven internally.
Whenever there is an issue affecting neighbouring municipalities, they will be
aligned through bilateral communication and during alignment events.
Communication mechanisms
For effective alignment process communication links are set between local and
district municipality and role-players as well as within the local municipal units.
Workshops and meeting
There are certain events for both district and local municipality IDP Review
processes that need to be aligned. The timeframe is attached as annexure F and will
be distributed to the stakeholders during the first forum meeting.
Identified role-players will attend the district level workshop and meeting. These role-
payers will constitute a district forum.
Logistic requirements
This management structure will meet after completion of each phase of the IDP.
All binding and guiding national and provincial legislation, programmes, strategies
and available funds should be considered within the IDP to ensure an integrated
During the formulation of the IDP there are certain external requirements and
guidelines will be considered and this differs depending on the prevailing
The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the institutional and participatory
development capacity of local government to combat growing poverty in South
Africa’s major municipal districts. It aims to equip the estimated 1 800 local
government elected councillors and officials to better understand and implement
poverty alleviation interventions available to them.
It is expected that the elected councillors and government officials accurately identify
the poverty challenges confronting their communities and are made aware of and
encouraged to implement the best practice interventions to address these poverty
challenges. The estimated 16 Million residents of the eight targeted municipalities
will be the final beneficiaries of these interventions.
Two major publications will be distributed to the councillors and officials during the
course of this project. The “Fast Facts for Municipalities” is a monthly publication with
summary statistics and articles. The “South Africa Survey” is an annual publication
that contains more extensive detail on various topics about South Africa. Both
publications cover statistics and other information based on topics such as
demographics, the economy, business and employment, education, health and
welfare, living conditions and communications, crime and security, as well as politics
and governance.
understand how their challenges are often a function of more general trends. This
will also aid them in adopting intervention strategies that account for such broader
trends. They will also be better equipped to compare development trends in their
municipal authorities with those of other authorities, provinces and national
In the UNDP’s 2008–2013 “strategic plan for development” capacity building is the “organization’s
core contribution to development.” The UNDP promotes a capacity building approach to
development in the 166 countries it is active in. The UNDP focuses on building capacity on an
institutional level and offers a 5–step process for systematic capacity building. [7] The steps are:
The UNDP says that once an assessment has been completed a capacity building
response must be created based on four core issues:
The UNDP integrates this capacity building system into its work on reaching the Millennium
Development Goals(MDGs). The UNDP focuses on building capacity at the institutional level because
it believes that “institutions are at the heart of human development, and that when they are able to
perform better, sustain that performance over time, and manage ‘shocks' to the system, they can
contribute more meaningfully to the achievement of national human development goals.”
The legislative framework in South Africa mandates local government – the sphere
of government closest to the people – to create spaces and facilitate public
participation. Ward committees are the structure through which the public is meant to
participate in local government processes; however, research shows that this
structure lacks the capacity needed to perform its duties as it should.
Various local municipalities throughout South Africa have seemingly taken their
The ward-planning model is integrated into the local government planning system, is
replicable, and brings poor people into the planning and management of
programmes and projects that affect them in partnership with the municipality.
This model brings to reality the ‘participatory governance’ enshrined in South African
planning legislation. Communities have always been viewed as the ‘problem’, and
have been excluded from taking part in development. The ward-planning system
builds on communities’ indigenous knowledge, resources and experience in
Various players come to the table during the planning exercise, and each has
different roles. The municipality owns the municipal-level phase, providing some
resources to the wards and managing the planning process. The community
develops and owns the ward plans. The ward committee manages the community
process and monitors the implementation of the ward plans and decisions taken by
the community. The NGO facilitates the planning process and offers technical
support during implementation.
There has to be a political commitment from the municipality to see the ward-
planning programme through
Technical support to the wards has to be ensured
The local municipality has to avail funds for communities to implement some
of the prioritised projects, even though the rest of the ward plans would feed
into the IDP process
The action plans from the pilot wards outlined three categories of activities:
The municipality planned to roll the process out to all of its wards but this process
coincided with local government elections. Sadly, the new political and administrative
leadership of the municipality has not prioritised the value of rolling out the ward-
planning process in the municipality.
Self Assessment:
You have come to the end of this module – please take the time to
review what you have learnt to date, and conduct a self assessment
against the learning outcomes of this module by following the
instructions below:
Keys : - no understanding
- some idea
- completely comfortable
1 Identifying and engaging the participation of all relevant
stakeholders to ensure and win support for appropriate public
participation in the IDP process.
2 Identifying all the relevant mechanisms required to ensure
maximum participation in IDP process.
3 Establishing the relevant institutional and governance
arrangements and structures to develop, monitor and review
the IDP.
4 Capacitating the various role players to understand,
effectively take part in, and implement the IDP process and
strategic priorities of the municipality.
Complete the mind map below by listing the main point you remember from the
module you have just completed.
Identifying and engaging the participation of all __________________
relevant stakeholders to ensure and win support
for appropriate public participation in the IDP
process. __________________
Identifying all the relevant mechanisms required to
ensure maximum participation in IDP process.
Establishing the relevant institutional and __________________
governance arrangements and structures to
develop, monitor and review the IDP.
Capacitating the various role players to
understand, effectively take part in, and implement
the IDP process and strategic priorities of the
DM District Municipality
LM Local Municipality
IDP Integrated Development Planning
OTP Office of the Premier
NSDP National Spatial Development Plan
PGDS Provincial Growth and Development Strategy
SDF Spatial Development Framework
LED Local Economic Development
IGR Intergovernmental Relations
SOE State Owned Enterprises
SDBIP Service Delivery Budget and Implementation Plan
EPWP Expanded Public Works Programme
MDG Millennium Development Goals
MFMA Municipal Finance Management Act
ASGISA Accelerated Shared Growth Initiative of South Africa
NIPF National Industrial Policy Framework
5YLGSA Five Year Local Government Strategic Agenda
Learner Tip:
Your honest and detailed input is therefore of great value to us, and
we appreciate your assistance in completing this evaluation form!
No Criteria / Question
Above Standard
Below Standard
B Facilitator Evaluation
1 The Facilitator was prepared and knowledgeable on the
subject of the programme
2 The Facilitator encouraged learner participation and input
3 The Facilitator made use of a variety of methods,
exercises, activities and discussions
4 The Facilitator used the material in a structured and
effective manner
5 The Facilitator was understandable, approachable and
respectful of the learners
6 The Facilitator was punctual and kept to the schedule
Additional Comments on Facilitation
No Criteria / Question
1 2 3 4 5
C Learning Programme Evaluation
1 The learning outcomes of the programme are
relevant and suitable.
2 The content of the programme was relevant
and suitable for the target group.
3 The length of the facilitation was suitable for
the programme.
4 The learning material assisted in learning new
knowledge and skills to apply in a practical
5 The Learning Material was free from spelling
and grammar errors
6 Handouts and Exercises are clear, concise
and relevant to the outcomes and content.
7 Learning material is generally of a high
standard, and user friendly
Additional Comments on Learning Programme
No Criteria / Question
1 2 3 4 5
C Learning Programme Evaluation
1 The learning outcomes of the programme are
relevant and suitable.
2 The content of the programme was relevant
and suitable for the target group.
3 The length of the facilitation was suitable for
the programme.
4 The learning material assisted in learning new
knowledge and skills to apply in a practical
5 The Learning Material was free from spelling
and grammar errors
6 Handouts and Exercises are clear, concise
and relevant to the outcomes and content.
7 Learning material is generally of a high
standard, and user friendly
D Assessment Evaluation
No Criteria / Question
1 2 3 4 5
1 A clear overview provided of the assessment
requirements of the programme was provided
2 The assessment process and time lines were clearly
3 All assessment activities and activities were discussed
Additional Comments on Assessment