Equinox Message 09-2022 - EN
Equinox Message 09-2022 - EN
Equinox Message 09-2022 - EN
Equinox message
Faith and the Fiery Furnace
September 2022
As we approach the Autumnal Equinox - a precious point of balance in the yearly cycle - it is useful to
reflect on the extraordinary heat and pressures of the last six months. This ‘cooking’ looks set to
continue not only in terms of the climate, but also in the fabric of our society, as well as directly in
our personal lives.
The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the book of Daniel comes to mind. As you may
remember they were punished by King Nebuchadnezzar for refusing to worship a false, man-made
idol. As punishment, the King ordered them to be burned alive in a hot furnace heated to 7 times its
maximum heat. From their faith in the One the three emerged untouched by fire. This was not the
only miracle that took place because while in the furnace the three men were witnessed as having
been joined by a spirit described as a ’son of gods’.
Just like in Nebuchadnezzar’s furnace, the heat of the world tests us as we refuse to bow down to
the shiny veneer of the superficial and separative world with its endless distractions of ups and
downs, twists and turns. We only get burned when we lose faith in the unity behind all
appearances, when we lose that perfect equilibrium represented by the Equinox.
Key 12 depicts this perfect equilibrium. Here the Hanged Man shows us profound stability built on
calm, open-eyed faith by being solely suspended from the Primal Will to Good. The rope that he
hangs from when closely observed is actually made of multiple strands twisted together to make a
single, stronger, and more stable cord. This is the faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. In
what appears to the rest of the world as terrible suffering, our Hanged Man is actually unwaveringly
gazing at the Eternal Splendour of the Limitless Light that descends to us from Kether.
This is our antidote to the continuing heat and pressure of the next six months and beyond.
It is also important to recall the second miracle in the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo.
That while our faith in the Primal Will to good is tested, we can be assured like our three Fratres in
the furnace, that we are not alone in the fire but are joined at all times by a great and loving Spirit
whose guidance is always available to us.
Fraternally in L.V.X.,