Neck Stretches

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Jan 18, 2012


CERVICAL SPINE - 23 Flexibility: Upper Trapezius CERVICAL SPINE - 27 Levator Scapula Stretch

Gently grasp right side of

Place right hand on same side
head while reaching behind
shoulder blade. With other hand,
back with other hand. Tilt
gently stretch head down and
head away until a gentle
away. Hold 30 seconds. Stretch
stretch is felt. Hold
should be painfree.
30 seconds. Stretch should
be painfree.

Repeat 3 times per set. Repeat 3 times per set.

Do 1 sets per session. Do 1 sets per session.
Do 2 sessions per day. Do 2 sessions per day.

CERVICAL SPINE - 24 Flexibility: Corner Stretch CERVICAL SPINE - 30

Lower Cervical / Upper Thoracic Stretch

Standing in corner with hands

just above shoulder level and
Clasp hands together in front
feet 4 inches from corner, lean
with arms extended. Gently
forward until
pull shoulder blades apart
a comfortable stretch
and bend head forward.
is felt across chest.
Hold 30 seconds. Stretch
Hold 30 seconds. Stretch
should be painfree.
should be painfree.

Repeat 3 times per set. Repeat 3 times per set.

Do 1 sets per session. Do 1 sets per session.
Do 2 sessions per day. Do 2 sessions per day.

CERVICAL SPINE - 25 Flexibility: Neck Retraction CERVICAL SPINE - 22A Strengthening:

Shoulder Shrug (Phase 1)

Shrug shoulders up and down,

forward and backward.

Pull head straight back, keeping eyes and jaw level. Repeat 10 times per set.
Repeat 10 times per set. Do 2 sets per session. Do 2 sets per session.
Do 2 sessions per day. Do 2 sessions per day.

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