Rate Analysis
Rate Analysis
Rate Analysis
Ratio = 1:4:8 (cement,sand and aggregate)
Sum = 1+4+8=13
Total dry mortar for 1 cu m cement concrete
=1.54 cu m
Therefore the following materials are
Cement = (1*1.54*28.8)/13
= 3.41 bags
Sand = (4*1.54)/13
= 0.47 cu m
Aggregate (Brick ballast) = (8*1.54)/13
= 0.94 cu m
so materials for 1 cu m cement concrete
(b)labour for % cu m
Mazdoor 33 nos.@ 250.00/day = 8250.00
Mason 1 no. @ 450.00 = 450.00
Sundries and Tand P 3%
on labour = 261.00
Total = 8961.00
(c)Add 10% contractor’s profit = 896.10
grand total =9857.10
say Rs. = 9857.00
= 10 sq m*10 cm
=1 cu m
Dry mortar 1*1.54 =1.54cu m
Ratio =1:6:18=1+6+18
= 25
Cement = 1*1.54*28.8/25
= 1.78 bags
Sand =6*1.54/25
= 0.37 cu m
Cement = 2.55+1.78
Sand = 0.18+0.37+1.00
Crusher = 0.36
(a) Materials at site for 10 sq m Rs.P
Add 10% contractor’s profit =
and total = 6255.70
Rate for 10 sq m = Rs.6256.00