Letter M

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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: English

Pre-service teachers: Topic or Theme: letter M

Ohoud Yaser

Class: Grade 1 B Date & Duration: 6 October 2022

Pre-service teachers Personal Goals

I am working on:

My goal is to manage my time

Make sure my voice is clear

Lesson Focus

The lesson focus on read and write the letter M

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:

Listen and respond appropriately to peers and adults.

Recognize and identify each grapheme.
Write correctly formed letters and words moving from left to right.
Express own ideas using familiar words and set phrases. Letter Mm
Links to Prior Learning

Read, write and sound the letter Mm

21st Century Skills

collaboration: students share this item together and talk about their activity and discuses

communication: students ask each other “what you did “in the formative time

critical thinking: students compare their work with each other’s.

Key vocabulary





Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

Students cannot write the letter M Teacher will sit with the student to help him write the
letter Mm and practice more

Resources/equipment needed




& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
Students will review the colander with the Teacher will review the Colander with the
teacher students
Students will review the classroom rules
with the teacher Teacher will review the classroom rules
Students will say the sound of the with the students
letter Mm
Teacher will tell the students this is our
Students will look how to write the new letter for this week letter Mm, teacher
letter Mm and then they will try to will let the students to say after her the
write it sound of the letter Mm.
Students will sing with the teacher letter Teacher will show the students a song for
Mm song
letter Mm
Students will play with their classmate the Teacher will show the students the upper
monkey game
case for letter Mm, look boys and girls this
is the upper-case letter M the, other letter
M is big, then the teacher will show them
how to write letter M,

The teacher will show them the lower-case

letter m, look boys and girls this is lower
case letter m the small one, then the
teacher will show them how to write letter
M capital, start at the top and make a line
down go back to the top and make a line
down to the right next, make a line to the
right, now make one line to the bottom,

Teacher will choose someone to write the

letter M upper case.

Now we will write lower case letter m,

start in the middle and make a line down,
next go back to the middle and round to
the bottom, now go back up to the middle
around the bottom again.

Teacher will choose someone to write the

letter m lower case.

Teacher will ask the students think of

something begin with letter Mm

Teacher will show the students some

picture begin with letter M such as :






Teacher will say for the students we will

play a game, one of the students will put a
mask for the monkey and how will take
some of Bananas and the students will
count how many bananas does the
monkey took and they will write the

Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
Canter 1: Emerging student: students Teacher will go around the students and she
will blend the letter to make a word will observe the students.

Canter 2: master student: students

will have alphabet worksheets they
will colour the letter M and find letter
M and write letter M and colour the

Canter 3: development students: this

group will do letter M craft “monkey”

Canter 4: development students:

students will have work sheet
“monkey maze “they will make a line
to help the monkey to find banana.

Canter 5: in this group students will

have handwriting practice they will
practice writing letter Mm

Canter 6: in this group students will

have handwriting practice they will
practice writing letter Mm

Extra activity: if the students finish the

teacher will give them extra activity
they will colour the monkey

Differentiation activities (Support)

Students cannot write the letter M

Teacher will sit with the student to help him write the letter Mm and practice more

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

Student has some difficulty to do the activity

Teacher will ask some of the master students to help the low students

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

Students will Teacher will

Students will review with the Teacher will do a formative assessment for
teacher the words that begin with the students they will review the words that
letter Mm begin with letter M
Homework Practice to write letter Mm

Assessment Formative assessment


☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



This lesson was for grade 1 B English lesson the outcome is Listen and respond appropriately to peers and adults,
Recognize and identify each grapheme, write correctly formed letters and words moving from left to right, Express
own ideas using familiar words and set phrases Letter Mm. The lesson was good and I achieved my goals I finish my
lesson on the time and my voice was clear all the students able to listen for the lesson, first of all I review the
calendar for the students they know the day and the date, the students already know the letter Mm they are familiar
with it, I show the students how to write letter Mm then I choose some students to write it in the board, I notice all
the students want to write the letter so in next time I will give each student a board and they will write the letter Mm
and raise it so I can see all if them how they write, and all of them they will be involved, I show the students some
pictures begin with letter M, and ask them some question for example “ what the monkey eats?” they know that the
monkey eats banana, also I asked them the banana healthy food or unhealthy food?, but in next time before I show
them the pictures begin with letter M I will ask the to think of something begin with letter Mm in this way the
students will use their critical thinking and its will be more challenge, and we played a fun game one of the students
they wear the mask for the monkey and he\she eats the banana and the others students count how many bananas does
the monkey eat and write the number on the board, in next time for this activity I will bring a real Bananas so the
students can touch it, smell it and eat it later on the break time, for the class management the students was listing to
the instructions but some of them bothers the other students, in next time I will put an X red sign if someone did a
bad behavior I will write his\her name in the X sign, for group one activity students blend the letter to make a word
and then they write the word that they blend it in this activity the students enjoy and they used their critical thinking
and know the letters to make the word in next time I will improve this activity I will let the students to draw the
word for example they have “moon” so they will draw the moon, for group two students have alphabet worksheets
they color the letter M and find letter M and write letter M and color the Moon, the students enjoy this activity and
they learn many thinks such as coloring and writing and make a lines, group three they did an craft for the monkey,
this group enjoy to doing the craft because the cup and paste, but in next time I will let them to color the letter M and
the monkey to be more fun for them, group four, students will have work sheet “monkey maze “they make a line to
help the monkey to find banana, this activity was challenges for the students they used this critical thinking, in next
time I will improve this activity more for the students I will let them to try to write “ banana” and “monkey”, for
group 5 and they had the same worksheet they write the letter M upper case and letter m lower case, in this activity
the students improve their writing skills and learn more to write letter Mm, in next time I will improve this activity
more foe the students to be more fun to enjoy it, I will give the students a playdough to make letter M upper case and
letter m lower case, in this way they will enjoy the activity more, for the extra activity if the students finish I gave
them extra activity they color the monkey and the picture has numbers each number with a specific color the
students enjoy this activity and they learn the numbers and the colors name in next time I will improve this activity
more for the students I will let them to use the water color the mix them together, they will be excited when they mix
the color together to make a new color, for the closing I review the names begin with letter M with them, in next
time I will improve the closing more, I will ask them “ how can remember some words we learned begin with letter
Mm” and I will let them to remember and tell me.

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