11th Degree Emblems
11th Degree Emblems
11th Degree Emblems
XIo Emblems
A Hint of Immortality
XIo O.T.O.
Of the Eleventh Degree, its powers, privileges,
and qualifications, nothing whatever is said in any
grade. It has no relation to the general plan of the
Order, is inscrutable, and dwells in its own Palaces.
XIo Emblems and a Hint of Immortality
Sub figura
Here is wisdom:
the Initiate said at one point of this specific ritual, as later added within Liber
Emphasize on the word one, for there are nineteen other body parts
mentioned within the ritual and for that matter, there is no member of the
Initiate’s body that is not the member of one god or another.
[Here followeth Chapter 175 of Liber Aleph, vel CXI, The Book of Wisdom or Folly, being The Equinox, Volume III, Number 6
The Master THERION]
I say furthermore that this Path is of the Circle, and of the Eye of
Horus that sleepeth not, but is vigilant. The Circle is all-perfect, equal every
Way; but the Vesica hath bitter Need, and seeketh thy Medicine, that is of
Right compounded for High Purpose, to ease her Infirmity. Thus is thy Will
frustrated, and thy Mind distracted, and thy Work lamed, if it be not brought
to Naught. Also thy Puissance in thine Art is minished, by a full Moiety, as I
do esteem it. But the Eye of Horus hath no Need, and is free in his Will, not
seeking a Level, nor requiring a Medicine, and is fit and worthy to be the
Companion and the Ally of thee in thy Work, as a Friend to thee, not
Mistress and not Slave, that seek ever with Slyness and Deceit to encompass
their own Ends. There is moreover a Reason in Physics for my Word; study
thou this matter in the Laws of the Changes of Nature. For Things Unlike do
in their Marriage produce a Child which is relatively Stable, and resisteth
Change; but Things like increase mutually the Potential of their particular
Natures. Howbeit, each Path hath his own Use; and thou, being instructed in
all Ways, choose thine with Discretion.