11th Degree Emblems

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XIo Emblems
A Hint of Immortality
XIo O.T.O.



Of the Eleventh Degree, its powers, privileges,
and qualifications, nothing whatever is said in any
grade. It has no relation to the general plan of the
Order, is inscrutable, and dwells in its own Palaces.


XIo Emblems and a Hint of Immortality
Sub figura


IXo and XIo operations can be combined id est: Traditionally charged

sexual fluids are collected and administered in-vitro to others via anal
infusion, forming linkages with certain chrakras which could not otherwise
be stimulated maximally, thus providing full arousal of the Kundalini. This
can be accomplished by the purely heterosexual acts of the Priest and the
Priestess – uniting Nuit with Amoun, the negative and concealed. If you are
“walking in darkness”, do not try to make the sun rise by self-sacrifice, but
wait in confidence for the dawn, and enjoy the pleasures of the night
meanwhile. Per Vas Nefandum has often been perceived as unstable, unsafe
and of a negative nature. In most cases operations of this type will only
create Qliphotic phantasms, which the serious Adept has very little time or
energy to lend his experimentation.

Here is wisdom:

“There is a splendour in my name hidden

and glorious as the sun of midnight is ever the son.”
AL II 74

Within the symbology of this degree, reference to the redeemed

redeemer is made and to some extend this relates to the formula of I.A.O.
wherein Nature is ruined by the Destroyer and later restored to life by the
Redeemer Osiris. However in the performance of XIo Magick, the formula
should be I.A.F. as also SARAF which is the name of Ayin, the eye, with a
special reference to the Eye of Hoor. In this context, the reader will
remember why the Room of the Masons is called the Room of the Black
Goat. For the Black Goat is charged with the curses of the Priests and is
driven into the desert. The Greek word OIKOS and the Sanskrit MAR &
SRI should be consulted within this context. The Eye in the Abyss is the Eye
of the Sun, the Eye of Hoor, which for certain Magical reasons is identified
with the anus. It is from a certain Ancient Egyptian ritual that each part of
the Initiate’s body is placed in relation to the corresponding divine being and

the Initiate said at one point of this specific ritual, as later added within Liber

“My buttocks are the buttocks of the Eye of Hoor.”

Emphasize on the word one, for there are nineteen other body parts
mentioned within the ritual and for that matter, there is no member of the
Initiate’s body that is not the member of one god or another.

The devil/Satan as the Goat of Mendes is the Lord of the Sabbath of

the Adepts – therefore also the Sun. All this is in close relationship to the
interchanging of opposites, which is the Hermetic Paradox. There is one
form of Magick that leads into life, another that abutteth upon death. The
first is ultimate and the second returns back to itself. Let’s just say however:
he that reverses the whirlings of matter is greater than he that works with
them, but only if he is a warrior in the army of Will and the Sun. In XIo
allegory, it can be said, in the case when Noctifier finds his way, that is, in
properly performed Per Vas Nefandum the noctilucent Unity of the Phallus
with the Eye of Horus has been perfected (as exemplified within The Paris
Working) by casting the Seed into the Field of Night. In this respect, the Eye
of Ayin, is represented by the Tarot Trump – The Devil – or in the broadest
sense of the word, the Phallic Will. Thus an open entrance to the closed and
secret Palace of the King – and the great thing therein, hidden beneath the
Night of Pan. The Key here is the complete absorption of force, for all kinds
of horrid things can get hold of the Operator through the undetermined,
unguarded and spent discharges.

The explorer is here referred to the published writings of Brother

Baphomet such as: The Paris Working, The Bagh-i-Muattar, and his
voluminous Magical Diaries and Records for further revelations. Our
antecedents, the Knights Templar possessed a profound knowledge of these
mysteries as well. Their misadventures, along with a glimpse of this secret
can be investigated within the Baron Joseph von Hammer’s Mysterium
Baphometis Revelatum and Volume One of Epiphanii’s Panarium. May the
serious Adept find Light in the Darkness, and love under will.

Pheredur XIo O.T.O.

[Here followeth Chapter 175 of Liber Aleph, vel CXI, The Book of Wisdom or Folly, being The Equinox, Volume III, Number 6
The Master THERION]

I say furthermore that this Path is of the Circle, and of the Eye of
Horus that sleepeth not, but is vigilant. The Circle is all-perfect, equal every
Way; but the Vesica hath bitter Need, and seeketh thy Medicine, that is of
Right compounded for High Purpose, to ease her Infirmity. Thus is thy Will
frustrated, and thy Mind distracted, and thy Work lamed, if it be not brought
to Naught. Also thy Puissance in thine Art is minished, by a full Moiety, as I
do esteem it. But the Eye of Horus hath no Need, and is free in his Will, not
seeking a Level, nor requiring a Medicine, and is fit and worthy to be the
Companion and the Ally of thee in thy Work, as a Friend to thee, not
Mistress and not Slave, that seek ever with Slyness and Deceit to encompass
their own Ends. There is moreover a Reason in Physics for my Word; study
thou this matter in the Laws of the Changes of Nature. For Things Unlike do
in their Marriage produce a Child which is relatively Stable, and resisteth
Change; but Things like increase mutually the Potential of their particular
Natures. Howbeit, each Path hath his own Use; and thou, being instructed in
all Ways, choose thine with Discretion.

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