SH Registration Sheet 2022 Fall
SH Registration Sheet 2022 Fall
SH Registration Sheet 2022 Fall
I, understand, that should my student status change at any time during the semester, I am obliged to inform the Stipendium
Hungaricum & Diaspora Office ([email protected] [email protected] ) immediately.
I understand that in keeping with the TPF guidelines, the “training period” (i.e. the semester) includes both the academic part
AND the official examination period.
I understand that in keeping with my Stipendium Hungaricum or Diaspora contract, during the scholarship period I am
expected to stay in Hungary, otherwise, my scholarship status will be terminated (part 3.2. k of the General Conditions of the
scholarship contract).
I also understand that in keeping with point 5 of III.3. (see below) of the Stipendium Hungaricum or Diaspora Programme -
Operational Regulations (excerpt below), should I leave Hungary at any time during the semester, I am obliged to inform the
Corvinus Stipendium & Diaspora Office ([email protected] , [email protected]).
Should my stay outside Hungary exceed 10 working days but not reach 30 working days, I am obliged to request permission
for my stay abroad.
ea) Scholarship holders with the status described in point da) shall be granted the scholarship and housing allowance again from the month
of their return to Hungary.
Date: ________________
Student’s signature
I hereby certify that I have received the registration form in person from the student who has proven his/her
identity with a valid photo ID card.
Date: ___________________
Signature of the
Corvinus Stipendium Office representative
Please print 2 copies and fill out the document in capital letters, and sign using a BLUE INK pen.
Paragraph numbers may differ within Diaspora Program Operational Regulations.