IMC To Build Brand Equity
IMC To Build Brand Equity
IMC To Build Brand Equity
• Advertising
• Promotions
• Event marketing and sponsorship
• Public relations and publicity
• Personal selling
• Social Media
• A powerful means of creating strong,
favorable, and unique brand associations and
eliciting positive judgments and feelings
• Controversial because its specific effects are
often difficult to quantify and predict
• Nevertheless, a number of studies using very
different approaches have shown the
potential power of advertising on brand sales.
The Ideal Ad Campaign
1. The right consumer is exposed to the right message at the right
place and at the right time.
2. The creative strategy for the advertising causes the consumer to
notice and attend to the ad but does not distract from the intended
3. The ad properly reflects the consumer’s level of understanding
about the product and the brand.
4. The ad correctly positions the brand in terms of desirable and
deliverable points-of-difference and points-of-parity.
5. The ad motivates consumers to consider purchase of the brand.
6. The ad creates strong brand associations to all these stored
communication effects so that they can have an effect when
consumers are considering making a purchase.
Category of Advertising
• Television
• Radio
• Print
• Direct response
• Interactive: websites, online ads
• Mobile marketing
• Place advertising:
– Billboards; movies, airlines, and lounges; product
placement; and point-of-purchase advertising
• Short-term incentives to encourage trial or usage of a
product or service
• Marketers can target sales promotions at either the
trade or end consumers
• Consumer promotions
– Consumer promotions are designed to change the choices,
quantity, or timing of consumers’ product purchases.
• Trade promotions
– Trade promotions are often financial incentives or
discounts given to retailers, distributors, and other
members of the trade to stock, display, and in other ways
facilitate the sale of a product.
Event Marketing and Sponsorship
Communication Communication
Option A Option B
Communication Option C