CESSDA Strategy 2018 2022

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CESSDA Strategy


Status: Public
Author: Ron Dekker, Director CESSDA
Date: 28 September 2018
Document: CESSDA Strategy 2018-2022
Version: Final

Parkveien 20, 5007 Bergen, Norway | (+47) 55 58 36 48 | [email protected]

Table of Contents

1 Introduction – a new strategy .................................................................................... 3

2 Background, Mission and Vision................................................................................ 4

2.1 Background on CESSDA ..................................................................................... 4

2.2 Mission .................................................................................................................... 5

2.3 Vision ....................................................................................................................... 5

3 Environment and Stakeholder Analysis ................................................................... 7

3.1 SWOT....................................................................................................................... 7

3.2 Stakeholder Analysis ........................................................................................ 11

4 Goals and Strategy ..................................................................................................... 12

4.1 Strategic Goals ................................................................................................... 12

4.2 Strategic choices ............................................................................................... 13

5 Tactical and Operational Level ................................................................................ 14

Annex 1 Establishing the strategy............................................................................. 16

Annex 2 Overview of CESSDA projects 2015-2018 .............................................. 17

Parkveien 20, 5007 Bergen, Norway | (+47) 55 58 36 48 | [email protected]

1 Introduction – a new strategy

The Consortium of Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) is a distributed research

infrastructure in the social sciences domain. CESSDA has been on the ESFRI1 Roadmap
since 2006 and as an ESFRI Landmark since 2016. As of June 2017, CESSDA is an ERIC – a
European Research Infrastructure Consortium – a European legal entity.

Member States of the European Union,

associated countries, third countries other
than associated countries, and
intergovernmental organisations can join
CESSDA as a member or an observer.
Membership implies that a country assigns
and supports a national service provider
that will provide CESSDA services in their
country and across Europe.

At the start of CESSDA ERIC in June 2017

there were 14 members and 1 observer:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland
(observer) and the United Kingdom. By the end of 2017, Portugal and Finland had
also become members.

This strategy covers the period 2018-2022 and should complete the transition
from starting up the ERIC in 2017, towards a mature high-quality social science
infrastructure, well embedded in the European Open Science Cloud, with
CESSDA’s Service Providers performing as trusted repositories, and heavily used
by researchers and professionals in their roles of data producers and data users.

European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures

Parkveien 20, 5007 Bergen, Norway | (+47) 55 58 36 48 | [email protected]

2 Background, Mission and Vision

2.1 Background on CESSDA

The idea of establishing CESSDA dates to the mid-seventies. Seven social data
archives started a Council of European Social Science Data Archives. In the
beginning, it was an informal gathering of staff from the archives. CESSDA became
more formalised in 1992 and reached ESFRI status in 2006.

The decision to become an ERIC was taken in 2010, backed by twelve countries.
Three years later, in 2013, a legal entity was established with thirteen countries
committed, and the Council became a Consortium. This change in name revealed
that CESSDA became more structured. It also stressed the involvement of
governments alongside the important role played by the national data service

In 2016, CESSDA received the ESFRI Landmark status – reflecting the sustainability
of CESSDA as a research infrastructure. In June 2017, the formal phase of
becoming an ERIC was finalised. Its goal, governance and organisation were
acknowledged by the European Commission. Reaching the ERIC status marked an
important milestone: CESSDA was transformed from an informal gathering of
data archives into a well-structured and sustainable European research
infrastructure, with member countries agreeing on the goals of CESSDA, meeting
obligations to establish and maintain national service providers and contributing
financially to the consortium.

Parkveien 20, 5007 Bergen, Norway | (+47) 55 58 36 48 | [email protected]

2.2 Mission

Member countries seek to increase the scientific excellence and efficacy of

European research in the social sciences, as well as to expand easy access to data
and metadata regardless of borders. They want to provide a research
infrastructure for their researchers and join forces among their (national) data
service providers.

The mission of CESSDA, as phrased in the statutes, is:

1. to provide a distributed and sustainable research infrastructure,
- enabling the research community to conduct high-quality research in
the social sciences,
- contributing to the production of effective solutions to the major
challenges facing society today;
2. to facilitate teaching and learning in the social sciences.

2.3 Vision

We believe and foresee that:

- Science will open.
This is good for science, for the economy and for society. Open Science
was the main outcome of the European Commission consultation in 2014
and has become one of the major goals in science policy.
- The importance of data will grow.
In our information society, data is the new oil, but unlike oil, data are
reusable, instant, perfect & free2. Time Magazine calculated that in 2017
the value of data assets is bigger than the value of oil assets3.
- Platforms will become increasingly important for the economy and for
Platforms induce a shift to the demand side and stress that innovation
happens in networks where companies and customers – or producers and
users – meet. Instead of ownership and linear production modelling, the
key feature will be value-creating interactions between producers &

Benkler (2006), The Wealth of Networks, Yale University Press; McAfee & Brynjolfsson (2017),
Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing our Digital Future, ISBN 978-0-393-25429-7.
Time Magazine, May 2017.
Geoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. Van Alstyne, Sangeet Paul Choudary (2016), Platform Revolution:
How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy - and How to Make Them Work for You,
W.W. Norton & Company Inc., New York.

Parkveien 20, 5007 Bergen, Norway | (+47) 55 58 36 48 | [email protected]

Hence, we live in an information society where science will open, the importance
of data will grow, and platform economies will prevail.

In research policy, we notice an urge to better connect science with society and
innovation 5 and the European Commission (EC) is planning ‘mission-oriented’
research and innovation6 for the new Framework Programme7. Hence, as with
platforms, we see a shift in European research policy to the demand side, which
stresses a problem-oriented approach, attention to Sustainable Development
Goals and grand challenges. This will require more interdisciplinary research to
solve complex questions. It also implies that data need to be connected – either
afterwards, by using new semantic techniques, or beforehand8.

Alongside surveys and other traditional research data collections, new data
modes will arise, such as registries and social data. Registry data are combined
with surveys and social data with geographical and health data. Hence, we are
witnessing an amalgamation of data types and content. From a user’s perspective,
data need to be clustered around missions or big societal questions, like the
sustainable development goals.

To increase the reuse of data, we must be able to ensure the quality of data, to
transfer knowledge on these complex data, as well as to provide safe & secure
access to sensitive data. This may imply that data remain where they are and that
platforms are provided to securely access the data. Trust in the ecosystem is vital.
This is important for science and society: to increase the scientific excellence and
efficacy of European research in the social sciences and to understand the major
challenges facing society today.

Our vision is that the provision of access to social science data and metadata is
vital – for both science and society. For this we must offer services to data
producers to easily describe and store their data – if needed in a secured
environment. We will adhere to the FAIR data principles to make data findable and
provide information about the data, where they are and how they can be

Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission) (2017), Europe’s
Future: Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World, reflections of the Research, Innovation
and Science Policy Experts (RISE) High Level Group, DOI 10.2777/79895.
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission) (2018), Mission-
Oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union - A problem-solving approach to fuel
innovation-led growth, DOI 10.2777/360325.
EC (2018), Horizon Europe, https://ec.europa.eu/info/designing-next-research-and-innovation-
Cf. large international surveys like the European Social Survey, European Values Study, SHARE -
Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, and GGP, Generations & Gender Programme.

Parkveien 20, 5007 Bergen, Norway | (+47) 55 58 36 48 | [email protected]

accessed. We will focus on providing training and other modes to transfer
expertise and share knowledge about the data, the rules and regulations.

CESSDA wants to be a consortium of trusted repositories with full European

coverage, offering a platform with tools and services to both data producers and
data re-users. It wants to be part of the European Open Science Cloud – especially
on social science data. By 2022, CESSDA should be leading in data discovery.

3 Environment and Stakeholder Analysis

What is happening in our environment, what are the circumstances and trends
that CESSDA is confronted with?

3.1 SWOT

A Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis describes the

environment and opportunities of CESSDA. The strengths and weaknesses focus
on the current situation and position of CESSDA, while the opportunities and
threats describe the future environment of CESSDA.

Strengths Weaknesses
• Political attention • Lack of incentives to share data
o European Open Science • Hardly any viable business models
Agenda9 for research data services
o National and EC / ESFRI • Lack of EU Data Industry & Services
Roadmaps • Lack of human capacity
• Data Management (data experts)
o Protocols by EC & Research • Lack of standards,
Councils incl. implementation
o Continuous work on certification • Scattered landscape
• Expertise & facilities by Service o Many players in the research
Providers infrastructure landscape
• Wide range of cooperation: o Pipelines instead of Platforms
o support to new and smaller o Fragmentation in public sector
archives within the consortium;

Important features are: Expert Groups on EOSC and FAIR data, Open Science Policy Platform,
FAIR data principles, Grant Regulations on Open Science, OpenAire, Foster and other EC projects
on Open Science.

Parkveien 20, 5007 Bergen, Norway | (+47) 55 58 36 48 | [email protected]

advancement of more mature
o extensive contacts with potential
partners; support through the
membership acquiring process;
support to aspiring archives
Opportunities Threats
• Growing importance of data • Complexity in Legislation
o Data-driven, reproducible data • Increasing complexity of data, new
o Better connecting science and types of data
society • New competitors
o Mission-oriented science & o New data providers – next to
innovation national service providers
• Need for data content o Commercial companies taking
o Combining data from multiple over – making Service Providers
disciplines superfluous
o Linking and connecting data, • Security conditions for data
o Big Data & Artificial Intelligence. o Legal issues
• Platform economies o Need for trust
o Focus on value-creating inter- o Data must stay where they are
actions between producers &
o Shift from owning to sharing and
stimulating interactions

In this SWOT-analysis we see the shift towards the demand side as indicated by
platform economies: more focus on re-use of data, including integration or
combination of data. Data services providers must provide trust on this platform
– towards data producers in making their data shareable, and towards users to
ensure quality and relevance of the data. Due to legislation, type of data and
security, the data will stay where they are, and users can access these data via
secured platforms. Complexity, size, and variety of data ask for extensive training
on describing as well as using data. Ultimately, sharing and reusing data will go
beyond science: professionals, citizen scientists and other users will also seek
access to relevant data.

Explanation of the SWOT-items

There is a political tailwind on open science, including attention to optimal reuse

of research data. The EC set up an Open Science Agenda and has made its
European Open Science Cloud a priority.

Parkveien 20, 5007 Bergen, Norway | (+47) 55 58 36 48 | [email protected]

Research funders and governments have developed – or are developing –
research infrastructure roadmaps. The ESFRI-process contributed significantly to
developing policies on research infrastructures.

Awareness about reuse is increased as more funders follow the Wellcome Trust
and EC policy to make data management plans obligatory for receiving grants.
Still, one of the major barriers for sharing data is not resolved: a rewards and
incentives system for researchers that share their data. Consequently, many
researchers regard ‘their’ data as assets and inputs for publishing. It is beyond the
scope of CESSDA to change this incentive system for researchers to share their
data. However, CESSDA can take away barriers and create the necessary
conditions for data sharing, e.g. on providing persistent identifiers for data citation
and support initiatives that connect researchers, articles, data and other research
data output.

We see a growing importance of data in information society and growing

technological support to reuse data. There are, however, many players, resulting
in fragmentation and risks of reinventing the wheel. Research infrastructures face
difficulties in retaining sustainability as they depend on grants and long-term
funding10. An underlying complication is that the one who pays for data collection
or invests time in preparing the data is different from the ones who will reuse and
benefit from these data. In research, paying for access to existing data is a no-go,
although there seems to be room to develop business models for data services.
A threat is that big conglomerates will offer data services for free to attract and
bind researchers to their platform and pay for (publishing) services later in the
research process. On data complexity and legal issues, we should help data
producers and data users. For example, by providing explanations, sharing
expertise and providing data-discovery training on thematic data clusters.

In Europe, we do not have a viable data industry (cf. USA with Amazon, IBM,
Microsoft, Google and Facebook as major players). The current landscape of e-
infrastructures (storage, networks, computing) still tends to be in silos, whereas
many policy studies hint at e-infrastructures as a service to researchers and other
professional users. We do have standards for technology and metadata, but
implementation is sometimes lacking, thus obstructing interoperability, as well as
describing and exchanging data.

CESSDA Service Providers have almost fifty years of experience in data archiving
and providing services to data producers and data users. A key focus during this

OECD Global Science Forum (2017), Business models for sustainable research data repositories,

Parkveien 20, 5007 Bergen, Norway | (+47) 55 58 36 48 | [email protected]

period was reliability and ensuring sustainability. Joining forces within CESSDA
creates a critical mass and offers the sharing of expertise. Based on this legacy
and strengthening cooperation, CESSDA’s core competences are:
• Expertise
Expertise in data management, curation and archiving to preserve the initial
investment in collecting data; expertise in standardising metadata, providing
tools & services for the reuse of data.
• Trust
CESSDA is a network of trusted repositories and has ongoing efforts to raise
trustworthiness – using internal quality assessment – and improve data
processes within its Service Providers.
• Cooperation
CESSDA focuses on strong international cooperation through pan-European
membership and a wide network of partners in Europe and beyond – e.g.
CESSDA is a member of the Research Data Alliance and participates in the

The shift in the data world to the demand side is reflected in the importance of
the FAIR data principles, stressing the relevance of a data catalogue for findability,
easy access – even to sensitive data, interoperability and linking of data for societal
challenges. Plans by the EC for the new framework programme Horizon Europe
focus on the demand side by setting missions for research – such as the UN
Sustainable Development Goals. This demand-orientation implies more focus on
the reuse of data, and on creating a match between supply and demand. Due to
legal requirements, security, and the sheer size of data, the data will stay where
they are – decentralised, yet findable via a central catalogue. This emphasises the
need for platforms where users can access sensitive data in a secured way.

Key features of platforms are full coverage and trust. Hence CESSDA should
continue to strive for full European coverage, make data easily findable and
available, and share its knowledge and expertise. Given the sensitivity of social
data we need to provide secure and safe ways to use these data. Interactions –
i.e. reuse of data – will only flourish if there is trust between the data producer
and the user. If neither the data user nor data producer have access to all the
information about the data, this will hamper their interaction. Here the role of
CESSDA national Service Providers as intermediate organisations becomes

Cf. Airbnb, Uber providing quality checks on supply and demand, taking away risks by offering
home insurance, fixed pricing, ratings, etc. If there is lack of trust, participants will leave the
platform – cf. reputation damage for Facebook in the Cambridge Analytics case.

Parkveien 20, 5007 Bergen, Norway | (+47) 55 58 36 48 | [email protected]

Irrespective of the system and its technology, it will be the human factor that is
decisive for success. For the reuse of data, new users need to be trained, and data
producers must be serviced when they describe and provide their data.

3.2 Stakeholder Analysis

The main stakeholders targeted by CESSDA are:

• Members
• Service Providers
• Data Producers
• Data Users

Members: we focus on Ministries and Research Councils who fund the consortium
and establish national service providers, complemented by the European

Service Providers: we focus on the national service providers of CESSDA

members. This could be expanded in a later phase to service providers from non-
members and commercial and non-commercial providers of social science tools
and services.

The two groups of Data Producers and Data Users can become complex. CESSDA
is aware of this and will focus on both groups of researchers at universities and
research institutes. At a later stage, CESSDA could expand these groups and
consider including professionals and citizen scientists as data re-users, and
national statistical offices, private companies, governments as data producers.

Value Propositions12
To Members
● Increase the scientific excellence and efficacy of research in the social sciences
○ Expand easy access to data and metadata regardless of borders
○ Train researchers and data experts
● Provide a European research infrastructure for sharing social science data
○ Increase the reuse of these data
○ Join forces and share expertise and technology among data service
○ Participate in the social science data part of the European Open Science

To Service Providers

Based on Simone Cicero, Platform Design Toolkit, http://platformdesigntoolkit.com.

Parkveien 20, 5007 Bergen, Norway | (+47) 55 58 36 48 | [email protected]

● Share their expertise
● Be more efficient and provide better services by
○ Setting up a common technology
○ Developing and using standards
○ Eligibility and better access to European funding.

To Data Producers
● Easy & safe deposit of research data
● Providing visibility for sharing data and credits on reuse
● Compliance with funder requirements – on GDPR and Research Data
● Training – esp. on data management and sharing data.

To Data Users
● A common data catalogue to find and access relevant data (CESSDA Data
● Secured access to sensitive data
● Tools and projects to make data Interoperable and easy to Reuse
● Training and sharing expertise on reusing data.

4 Goals and Strategy

4.1 Strategic Goals

In Europe, we see today a tendency to integrate. This is reflected in open science

policy, in data and other research output, in infrastructures such as the ESFRI-
clusters, and in the EOSC, with an integrated catalogue of services, software and
data core. These integration processes require trust from all stakeholders in the
ecosystem of data, infrastructures, services, research, innovation, etc.

CESSDA's goal is to increase the reuse of data, or to quote the European

Commission13: the goal is "moving from the current fragmentation to a situation
where data is easy to store, find and re-use". Reuse requires transparency and
quality of data and research processes, but also security and to be in control on
what’s happening with the data.

In our strategy, we will align with the European Open Science Agenda, especially
on the European Open Science Cloud, FAIR data principles and on skills. CESSDA

EC Staff Working Document 2018 (83) p. 1.

Parkveien 20, 5007 Bergen, Norway | (+47) 55 58 36 48 | [email protected]

wants to provide seamless access to social science data to researchers. To do so,
CESSDA aims to engage and enhance existing assets (people, knowledge,
awareness) to make open science a default. In short, CESSDA wants to realise a
platform for social data that is part of the European Open Science Cloud.

4.2 Strategic choices

In the previous strategy, the emphasis was on establishing the governance model
and preparing the technological backbone of CESSDA. Technological support
remains important, though the current strategy focusses on tools & services,
training and on providing trust in CESSDA.

To achieve our goals, we will work along four strategic lines:

1. Technology: Platform & Cloud
- building the platform infrastructure on which service providers can
offer tools and services covering the whole research data life cycle
- fostering and supporting standards on both technology and (meta)
2. Tools & Services: as a service for data producers and data re-users
- providing tools & services for data producers to curate & publish their
- providing tools & services for data re-users to find, access & reuse
research data and metadata according to the FAIR principles and
regardless of borders
- with a flanking policy on software adoption procedures, on technology
risk analysis, and on ways for e-infrastructure services.
3. Trust: Scope & Quality of Service Providers
- striving for full European coverage
- sharing expertise among service providers (strengthening)
- performing quality assessments of CESSDA national service providers,
amongst others, by elaborating a Quality Assessment and KPIs for
CESSDA and its service providers.
4. Training: Awareness on Open Science and Increasing Data Skills of
- providing training & educational materials for strategic partners and
service providers to serve the research community throughout the
whole research life cycle.
- as there are many providers at a local and national level, the niche for
CESSDA is expert-level training and provide training materials for
other trainers. Training activities for individual researchers can be
offered by national service providers, research libraries and other
third parties.

Parkveien 20, 5007 Bergen, Norway | (+47) 55 58 36 48 | [email protected]

For each of these four strategic lines, we have Working Groups led by and with
participants from CESSDA’s service providers. The service providers remain at the
core of CESSDA and will contribute to activities along these strategic lines, while
the CESSDA Main Office will coordinate membership, acquisition, the portfolio of
services, standards and the technology for the common platform.

CESSDA should not intervene or duplicate activities carried out by national service
providers or other parties in the EOSC ecosystem. To increase efficiency and
efficacy, CESSDA should look for global partners and cooperation with third
parties, that is: be cooperative instead of competitive.

Examples of strategic cooperation are:

• on training with FOSTER+, OpenAIRE;
• on e-infrastructures with the EOSC-hub and EGI (European Grid Initiative);
• on CESSDA projects with RDA (Research Data Alliance);
• on secured access with EUROSTAT, ILO, and National Statistical Institutes;
• on fostering social sciences with EASSH, EUA, LERU, CESAER;
• on sustainability of infrastructures with EC, ESFRI-clusters, ERIC-forum –
especially within the Social Sciences and Humanities cluster;
• on metadata and strategic development with ICPSR and other global social
science data infrastructures;
• on developing tools & services with YEAR (Young European Associated
Researchers) and thematic data sets (e.g. Migration, Election Studies, etc.).

5 Tactical and Operational Level

CESSDA will work along these four strategic lines to develop and maintain a
platform for data tools & services for our stakeholders, ensure trust in this
platform by stimulating and guarding the quality of its service providers, strive for
full European coverage, increase awareness on open science, and provide training
facilities and content. Project deliverables and activities must be SMART – specific,
measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

Based on our strategy and the projects of the last three years, the following tools
& services are available or must become available within 2-3 years.

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Data Data Service
Users Producers Providers14

CESSDA Data Catalogue X

CESSDA Metadata Harvester X


CESSDA Metadata Profile X

CESSDA RDM Training Module X

CESSDA Knowledge Exchange (Intranet) X

Social Sciences Common Vocabulary Manager X


Social Sciences Multilingual Thesaurus X

Social Sciences Multilingual Question Bank X X

CESSDA Quality Assurance X

CESSDA Self-Archiving X

Single Sign On X X X

CESSDA Access to Sensitive Data X

Social Sciences Data Discovery Tools X


Social Sciences Research Data Management X

CESSDA Data Tags X X

To help realise this strategy, CESSDA will initiate and finance projects that are
aligned with this strategy and its goals. CESSDA has an annual Work Plan that
comprises approximately 10-12 projects. In addition, CESSDA will submit
proposals to the European Commission and other research funding

This may include Third Party Developers.

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Annex 1 Establishing the strategy

The discussion on this new strategy started in mid-2017 at the CESSDA Main
Office in Bergen. The period covered by the previous strategy was coming to an
end and new direction was needed.

The mission of CESSDA, trends in research data infrastructures, and a first

draft of goals and strategic lines was set up based on the previous strategy.

A first draft was discussed at the Service Providers’ Forum in October 2017. An
important result was to extend the existing strategic pillars (Technology, Trust,
Training) and add a fourth pillar: Tools & Services.

In November 2017, the General Assembly discussed the updated concept. Major
remarks by the General Assembly were to:
- connect with other research infrastructures,
- pay attention to the human factor (acceptance, awareness,
- clarify the added value and impact of CESSDA,
- provide a high quality of services and high level of trust,
- create awareness on diminishing boundaries in research, e.g.
between data management and analysis and between disciplines,
- increase efforts in widening (European coverage) and in sharing

In March 2018, the CESSDA Director met with the Scientific Advisory Board. First
this board stressed that a strategy is about setting priorities and bringing focus to
activities – hence, that a strategy is about making choices. CESSDA’s role is
twofold; what should be done at the level of consortium, and what could be done
by partners or service providers at national level. Hence, CESSDA’s consortium
role is about economies of scale, providing critical mass, setting standards,
fostering innovation, solving common (IT, legal) problems, offering tools & services
and data access on a transnational scale.

In April 2018, a full concept text was presented to the Service Providers’ Forum,
and in early June at the CESSDA Widening Meeting with participants from affiliated
(non-member) data service providers and government representatives. The final
version was discussed at the General Assembly of 21 June 2018.

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Annex 2 Overview of CESSDA projects 2015-2018

Projects 2015 2016 2017 2018

Data Access Policy X


PID Policy X X X

Technical Working Group X X X

(incl. back office tools)

Technological Framework X X X X

Meta Data Harvester X

CESSDA Metadata Manager X X X X

Multilingual Thesaurus (incl. ELLST) X X X

Common Vocabulary Manager X X

Training Working Group X X X

CESSDA Expert Seminars X X X X


Data Discovery Training X X X

CESSDA RDM Training Module X X

Internal Knowledge Platform X X

Trust Working Group X X X

Widening Activities X X X

Quality Assurance X X

GDPR Code of Conduct X

Access to Sensitive Data X

Tools & Services Working Group X

Tools & Services

CESSDA Data Catalogue X X X

CESSDA Euro Question Bank X X X X

CESSDA Self-Archiving (DataVerseEU) X

Parkveien 20, 5007 Bergen, Norway | (+47) 55 58 36 48 | [email protected]

The table includes Policy Studies that were carried out either as pathfinders for
projects or to set CESSDA policies.

Working Groups are established and ended by the CESSDA Director. These
groups cover long term activities, with participation and coordination by service
providers’ staff.

In this new strategy, we wish to strengthen the role of the CESSDA Working
Groups within CESSDA’s ongoing projects. There are regular virtual meetings of
the Working Group Leaders and the CESSDA Chief Operations Officer, who is
formally responsible for project deliverables within the set time and budget.

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