Lab NRG 201 1 Computing Diets

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Nutrition and Diet Therapy


Zhammae Faith Brabante, RND

Exercise No. 1

Calculating Diets
and Meal Plan

Zhammae Faith Brabante, RND

• Assess your nutritional status

• Compute Body Mass Index (BMI)

• Compute Desirable Body Weight (DBW)

• Compute calorie requirements

• Total Energy/Calorie Requirement (TER/TCR)

• Diet Prescription

• Food Exchange List

Body Mass Index

• This is an anthropometric indicator based on weight-to-height ratio.

• BMI is not always an accurate indicator of nutritional status. It does not

account for body fat percentage or body fat distribution.

• In pregnant women or adults

• For athletes, especially muscle-building athletes

Body Mass Index
Example: 5’3”, 60 kg

• 5*12 = 60

• 60+3 = 63

• 63 in x 2.54 cm = 160 cm

• 160 cm/100 m =1.60 m

• to get squared: 1.6*1.6 = 2.56

• BMI = 60 kg/2.56 m2

• 23.4 - Normal
Body Mass Index
Desirable Body Weight (DBW)
• The adequate or best weight for an individual absed on a given height.

• Example: 5’1” or 155 cm

DBW: 50 kg

DBW Range: 45-55 kg

• Methods in computing DBW:

• Tanhausser’s Method (Broca’s Method)

• Hamwi’s Method
Desirable Body Weight
Tannhausser’s Method
Measures height in centimeter. Deduct from this factor 100 and the answer is
the DBW in kg. The DBW obtained applies to Filipino stature by taking o 10%.

(Height in cm - 100) less 10%

Example: 5’4 or 163 cm

• 163 cm - 100 = 63 cm

• 63 cm - 6.3 = 56.7

• DBW = 57 kg

Desirable Body Weight
Hamwi’s Method
(medium frame)
Example: 5’5” or 165 cm

• Male: 106 + 6 lbs for every inch Male:

over 60 inches • 106 + (6*5) = 136 lbs

• 136 lbs = 61.8 or 62 kg

• Female: 100 + 5 lbs for every

inch over 60 inches Female

• Add 10% if person has large • 100 + (5*5) = 125 lbs

frame, subtract 10% small frame • 125 lbs = 56.8 or 57 kg

Computing Calorie Requirements
TER (kcal) = DBW x PA

Activity kcal/KDBW/day
Bed rest 27.5
Sedentary 30
Light 35
Moderate 40
Heavy 45

Examples of activities:

• Sedentary - secretary, clerk, administrator, cashier, bank teller

• Light - teacher, nurse, students, lab technician, housewife with maid

• Moderate - housewife without maid, vendor, mechanic, jeepney and car driver

• Heavy - farmer, laborer, cargador, coal miner, sherman, heavy equipment operator
Computing Calorie Requirements
Physical Activity
Sedentary activities:

• Reading, writing, eating, watching TV, o ce work, sitting at work

Light activities:

• Cooking, washing dishes, ironing, welding, standing at work, rapid typing

Moderate activities:

• Mopping, scrubbing, sweeping, gardening, carpentry, walking fast, standing

at work with vigorous arm movement

Heavy activities:

• Heavy scrubbing, hand washing, walking fast, bowling, gol ng, heavy
Diet Prescription
Distribution of Total Energy Requirement (TER) into Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fat

1. Compute macronutrient allowance/distribution

• Method 1 - by percentage distribution

For a normal diet, allot 60% of the total energy allowance for carbohydrates,
20% protein, and 20% fat.

• 60-20-20

Other distributions, examples:

• 55-25-20

• 50-30-20
Diet Prescription
Distribution of Total Energy Requirement (TER) into Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fat

• Method 2 - determine the protein calories rst according to the normal

allowance in g/KDBW and divide the non-protein calories (NPC) into:

Carbohydrates: 55-80% or an average of 70%

Fats: 20-45% or an average of 30%

Protein values: Infants 1.5 g/KDBW

Children 2 g/KDBW

Adults 1.1 g/KDBW

Diet Prescription
Distribution of Total Energy Requirement (TER) into Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fat

2. Convert calories to grams

Divide the calories for each nutrient by corresponding physiologic fuel values.

Carbohydrates _____ kcal x 4 = _____ grams

Protein _____ kcal x 4 = _____ grams

Fats _____ kcal x 9 = _____ grams

Diet Prescription
Distribution of Total Energy Requirement (TER) into Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fat

3. Final diet prescription

Round o calories to the nearest 50, and carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to
the nearest 5 g.

Sample Diet Rx: 1800 kcal-225 g-115 g-50 g


Diet Prescription
Distribution of Total Energy Requirement (TER) into Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fat

Example (Method 1):

1800 kcal

• 1800 x 0.4 = 720 kcal / 4 = 180 g

• 1800 kcal, 40-30-30

• 1800 x 0.3 = 540 kcal / 4 = 135 g

• Carbohydrates 40%
• 1800 x 0.3 = 540 kcal / 9 = 60 g

• Protein 30%

• Fat 30%
Final Diet Rx:

Carbohydrates 180 g
Protein 135 g
Fat 60 g
Diet Prescription
Distribution of Total Energy Requirement (TER) into Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fat

Example (Method 2):

2200 kcal, 150 g Protein

Final Diet Rx:

• Protein: 150 g x 4 = 600 kcal; 2200 - Carbohydrates: 280 g

600 = 1,600 kcal
Protein: 150 g
Fat 55 g
• Desired allowances: Carbohydrates
70%, Fat 30%

• C: 1600 x 0.7 = 1120 kcal / 4 = 280 g

• F: 1600 x 0.3 = 480 kcal / 9 = 53 g

Diet Prescription
Food Exchange List
• The Food Exchange List (FEL) is a tool for planning meals using a list of foods
grouped with approximately the same amount of energy and macronutrients.
Food Exchange List
Food Exchange List
Food Exchange List

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