Digisign Ref 1
Digisign Ref 1
Digisign Ref 1
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2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)
computing capability, the smartwatch-based HSV technique Offline system uses offline acquisition devices such as a
yet needs another device running applications like electronic scanner or camera to obtain static images as input data. The
banking services owing to its limited screen size. What is verification process is done after the writing process. Current
more, this method requires a signer to wear a device, which research mainly focuses on the online HSV approach due to
may degrade the user experience. its popularity in today’s marketplace. Online systems usually
Consequently, we raise such a question: can we design rely on dynamic data such as pen pressure, azimuth, altitude
an HSV system with only an off-the-shelf device and without and so on. Pen or arm motion data while signing on the paper
the user wearing or touching any additional hardware? In can be captured by various digitizing tools such as digitizing
this paper, we propose SilentSign, an acoustic-based touch- tablets, special pens and smart wrist [4], [5], [8]. Compared
free HSV system that can transform any smart device with to the aforementioned works, SilentSign novelly uses acoustic
acoustic sensors into an online HSV system. SilentSign lever- signals to track the motion of teh tip of the pen as input data.
ages embedded speaker-microphone pair readily available on Moreover, SilentSign has both advantages of online(dynamics
commercial smart devices without equipping any additional data) and offline(Device-free signing on the paper) systems.
hardware or making hardware modification. It achieves a fine-
grained signature verification objective accurately. The basic B. Biometric Authentication on Mobile Devices
idea is to utilize inaudible ultra-sound to capture the vertical Biometric behavior or biometric authentication on mobile
trajectory of the pen tip during the signing process as shown and wearable devices is a popular topic in recent years. Various
in Fig. 1. Then, with image similarity distance as the feature, biometrics such as voice, iris, face and keystrokes, captured by
we train a machine learning classifiers to determine whether different sensors on portable or wearable devices, have been
the signature trajectory is genuine or forged when an unknown proved to be used for the purpose of authentication [10]–[12].
signature comes. Other features such as dental [13] and face [14], heart rate [11]
To summarize, we list the following contributions in this and breath [12] have been used in authentication on mobile or
work: wearable devices as well. On the other hand, due to the unique
• We propose an acoustic-based HSV method that can be habits caused by the living environment, behavior biometric
easily implemented on readily available smart devices. It is a more trusted feature that can be used for authentication.
can not only supplement real-time signature verification VibWrite [10] captures the dynamic motion of a finger when
function for scenarios of signing on paper materials but a user performs a specific gesture on the touch screen to
also replace specialized hardware in existing online HSV authenticate its identity. Compared to the aforementioned
with a handy device. Compared with similar work [8], it methods, handwritten signature as authentication feature has
does not require a signer to wear a additional device. been used for a long time in history, its proven uniqueness
• We design a universal machine learning model for signa- and application for special occasions is irreplaceable.
ture verification by combining imaging similarity features
C. Acoustic Sensing
(e.g., SSIM, PSNR and Hausdoff distance) that character-
ize the dynamic pattern of signing trajectories. By such Acoustic sensing as a non-contact means of human-
design, SilentSign achieves favorable performance while computer interaction has broad application scenarios. Due to
a new user is enrolled without retraining the model. the range spread and the smaller amount of processed data,
• Finally, we conduct extensive experiments and evaluate sound-based sensing is more advantageous in motion detection
our system comprehensively. We recruit 35 students and or localization, such as gestures by using mobile and wearable
clerks in our University for experiments and collect a total devices [15]–[17], indoor localization [18], [19]. FingerIO
number of 1400 recordings of genuine and forged sig- [15] uses an inaudible OFDM modulated sound frame to
natures. The evaluation results show that SilentSign can locate the moving of finger by detecting the change of two
successfully distinguish genuine and forged handwritten consecutive frames. VSkin [16] leverages the structure-borne
signature at AUC of 98.2% and EER of 2.37%. and the air-borne sound paths to sense gestures performed
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We outline the on the surface of the smartphone. BeepBeep [18] measures
related work in Sec. II. We provide the required background in- the distance between devices by acoustic ranging. [19] uses
formation and overview of the architecture in Sec. III. Sec. IV a chirp-based ranging sonar achieving the localization error
and Sec. V introduce the techniques used in system design and within 1 m. In this paper, SlientSign combines the phase-based
verification model construction. We evaluate the performance and frame-based approach by using Zadoff-Chu coded that has
of the system in Sec. VI. In Sec. VII and Sec. VIII, we discuss nice auto-correlation properties and the ability to track phase
the remaining problems and future work, and conclude this changes. Leading the advantage of a high refresh rate and
paper respectively. directly correlate with the movement of the pen tip.
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2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)
Authorized licensed use limited to: University College London. Downloaded on July 06,2020 at 11:11:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)
as S = {s[1], ..., s[N ]} with each bit coded with different speaker and microphone. In other word, we know the length of
phases. Finding a specific code with excellent resolution LOS and travel time between sent first pulse and received it.
is criteria due to the unlimited number of possible phase Then, after we found first pulse of LOS, we use it as reference
codes. A manageable solution is to find a code with a of start time by simply adding fixed delay. Fix delay is based
good autocorrelation function. In this paper, we choose 127 on the distance of speaker and microphone.
bits Zadoff-Chu coded (ZC sequence), because of its ideal To locate the first pulse, SilentSign adopts an adaptive
periodic autocorrelation function properties. Furthermore, [16] energy-based LOS detection technique to find a precise LOS
has proved 127 bits ZC sequence can track moving object with path. We add ZC1024bits in the following 24000 zero points.
an average movement distance error of 3.59 mm and 3 KHz. Raw 1024 bits ZC sequence has a high auto-correlation gain.
These properties are very close to the digitizer. Once the recording is started, we perform the cross-correlation
To generate an adaptive inaudible ZC transmit signal, we function IR(t) = ZCR (−t) ∗ ZC1024bits (t) to obtain impulse
first modulate raw 127 bits ZC sequence (ZC127bits ) into ∗
response, where ZCR (−t) is the conjugation of received
17 ∼ 23 KHz. Then we apply the frequency domain inter- baseband signal. Fig. 4 shows the impulse response of ini-
polation on ZC127bits by padding zeros in the middle of the tially received pulse, due to the ideal periodic autocorrelation
ZC127bits in frequency domain until the length of sequence properties of the ZC sequence. The auto-correlation of the ZC
reach 1024 bits. After this processing, we get interpolated sequence has a low auto-correlation side lobe level, and the
ZC sequence (ZC1024bits ) which the bandwidth of the result first peak is the LOS path.
sequence is about 6 KHz at the sampling rate of 48 KHz. Then, After applying the cross-correlation function, the next step
we modulated the interpolated ZC sequence into the passband is to precisely find the position of the LOS peak. For this
by multiply the real part and imaginary part of ZC1024bits purpose, we use an adaptive energy-based algorithm to find
with a carrier. The carrier frequency is 20.25 KHz. Finally, the rough starting point of the LOS path. We assume that the
the frequency of transmit signal SZCT is in the range of remaining noise power follows the Gaussian distribution. μ(t)
17.29 ∼ 23.25 KHz. and σ(t) are the average power and its standard deviation at
For synchronizing the sender and receiver, we add 24000 time t. We denote the amplitude of the IR by a discrete series
zeros followed by ZC1024bits in the very beginning of SZCT . IR(t) and use a sliding window of width W to calculate the
In the latter part of this section, we will explain how it works. average noise power. μ(t) and σ(t) are calculated by
Generated transmit signals can be saved as a WAV file then
played by the speaker of the smartphone. The microphone 1 1
starts recording while the speaker is playing the sound. After μ(t) = A(t) + (1 − )μ(t − 1)
receiving the reflected signals, we first use an adaptive energy- 1 1
based synchronization approach to synchronize the sender and σ(t) = B(t) + (1 − )σ(t − 1)
receiver. Then, we demodulate the received signals by down-
converting passband signals into baseband ones. where
W +t
C. Processing of Received Acoustic Signal A(t) = |IR(k)2 |
Traditional sonar systems can synchronize the sending and k=t
recording operations of the signal. After starting the recording W +t
operation, the sonar concurrently manages the buffering of the B(t) = (|IR(k)|2 − A(k))2
received signal and calculates the distance of the reflected W
path. Synchronization of the sender and receiver provides a
reference for the delay between the sending and receiving μ(0) = 0 and σ(0) = 0, A(t) is the accumulated power,
time of initial pulse through line-of-sight (LOS). Without syn- and B(t) is the overall standard deviation of signals within
chronization, the delay between initial pulse and first received a sliding window. A rough starting point of IR(t) can be
pulse may not accurately present the time interval of pulse determined if the following relation hold.
travel through LOS, which will cause deviation to subsequent
distance measurement. Due to the compatibility issue of the |S(t)|2 > μ(t) + λ1 σ(t)
android operating system, it is difficult to synchronize speaker
and microphone. where λ1 is a constant which is independent of the noise
1) Adaptive Energy-based LOS Detection: To solve this level. We empirically set W and λ1 as 1024 points and 18,
problem, we add 24000 point of zero at the very beginning respectively. As shown in Fig. 4, the red line is a rough starting
of SZCT . 24000 points last 0.5 second that makes sure the point, and the peak is within the next 1024 points in the
recording operation of the microphone before transmitting the LOS path. Finally, we apply a maximum function to find the
pulse. This allows the microphone to receive first pulse com- exact position of this peak. LOS path is a baseline of the
pletely. Since our acoustic sensing system base on monostatic following distance measurement. After adding a fixed delay
sonar, speaker and microphone is fixed on the smartphone to the position of the LOS path, we use this position as the
which means we have already known the length between starting point of the impulse response.
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2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)
Distance (cm)
position of the maximum point in the ΔIR which we will
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2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)
Normal pen
Apple pencil
0 5 10 15 20
1-D tracking error (mm)
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2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)
phone are directional, the closer to speaker and microphone, signatures, and each subject was asked to practice the
the narrower the lateral range that can be detected. From signatures until before he/she becomes skilled. Finally,
our observation, the best sensing region is a 7 × 11 cm2 we collect 700 forged signatures from 35 subjects. Each
rectangle (the region surrounded by red dashed line in Fig. 8), subject contains 20 forged signatures, and these signa-
and the distance between this square and smartphone is 11 tures are created by other 5 subjects.
cm. Compared to the commercial signature pad (e.g., Wacom 3) Signature Verification Setup: To evaluate the perfor-
STU-300, the signing range is 2.5 × 9.9 cm2 [24]), our mance of genuine signature and random forged signatures,
7 × 11 cm2 signing range is larger and enough for signature genuine signature and skilled forged signatures is one of the
verification and avoiding user signing beyond the sensing area. main study topics of any signature verification system. The
Therefore, we use this region as signing range in the following meaning of a random forged signature is that signature is
experiment. created without any knowledge. By evaluating this, we can
B. Signature Verification understand whether our system is robust, preventing random
signature pass through. Skilled signatures are created with a
1) Data Collection Setup: We recruited subjects to collect
certain level of training on the genuine signature of the claimed
genuine and forged signature data. The subjects were asked to
user [8]. As a result, we consider three testing cases to evaluate
sign their names within the signing range on the iPad Pro
the verification model of SilentSign. Note that in our dataset,
by using Apple pencil. In their signing process, we place
for each subject u, there are 20 genuine signatures denote as
the smartphone above their signature position and turn on
Gi and 20 forge signatures denote as Fi .
the SilentSign app to sense the movement of the pen tips.
Although our signing range is relatively large, we did not • Case 1: distinguishing between genuine signatures and
specifically indicate that the signature must be written in the skilled forgeries (denoted as ‘SF’).
center of the signing range. As a result, the position of each • Case 2: distinguishing between genuine signatures and
signature of each participant relative to the mobile phone will random forgeries (denoted as ‘RF’).
randomly move. But the following evaluation results show that • Case 3: distinguishing between genuine signatures and
this random relative movement did not affect the verification both types of forgeries (denoted as ‘ALL’).
accuracy. Moreover, we conduct our data collection in the All genuine signatures in case 1, case 2 and case 3 are
rich-noise lab to challenge our system. On the other hand, for randomly selected from u’s Gi , and the 15 forged signatures
collecting forged signatures, we record the screen by using the are randomly selected out of the Fi of u. We select 15 subjects
IOS screen record function. A subject who plays the role of (not including u that we first selected) as a random forger,
a forger can imitate other subjects with genuine signature by and then randomly select 1 genuine signature out of his/her
watching recorded signing video. To protect personal privacy, Gi for each of those subjects (we have total 15 samples as
we make a guarantee to each participant that their signature RF). Finally, we randomly select 15 signatures out of all the
data will not be made public and will only be used in the signature samples (we have a total 15 samples as ALL).
experiment. After labeling signatures, we then calculate the similarity
2) Data Collection: In our experiments, we recruit 35 vector between genuine signature and SF, genuine signature
participants including males and females at different ages and and RF, genuine signature and ALL, and fed to a trained
with different nationalities from our university. We collect classifier for verification. The experiments associated with case
these samples over one month to prove that the performance is 1, case 2 and case 3 have been repeated 50 times. Moreover,
time-invariant. The whole data collection experiments include we change random seed in each iteration to keep our system
the following two steps. generalizable. Final results are the average ones summarized
• Step 1: collecting Genuine Signatures. In this step, we by all iterations. We compare the performance of different
collect genuine signatures from 35 subjects. Each of them classifiers, namely, LR, NB, RF and SVM as mentioned in
is required to provide 20 signature samples. Before they Sec. V-B2.
sign, we will place the phone above the signature signing Similar to the works [8], [25], we adopt two main metrics
range like Fig. 1. In the meanwhile, we turn on the to quantify the performance of SilentSign, namely, area under
acoustic sensing app to track the pen movement in the curve (i.e., AUC) and equal error rate (i.e., EER). AUC is
vertical direction and record sign trajectory through the defined as the area under the receiver operating characteristic
screen recording function. Finally, we collect 700 genuine curve (i.e., ROC). The higher it is, the better the system works.
signatures from 35 subjects. EER is the point on the ROC curve that corresponds to an
• Step 2: collecting Forged Signatures. In this step, we equal probability of miss-classifying a positive or negative
collect the forged signatures of 35 subjects. Each of them sample. The lower its value is, the better the system performs.
is required to imitate 20 samples of a forged signature. We 4) Performance of different models: Fig. 9 shows the AUC
randomly select 5 genuine signatures from other 5 users. and EER of four different classifiers. All classifiers perform
Each subject imitates these 5 genuine signatures, and good, and the SVM model outperform others: AUC = 98.6%
every genuine signature is repeatedly imitated 4 times. and EER = 1.7% in SF, AUC = 96.7% and EER = 1.5%
Before signing, we play the recorded video of these in ALL, AUC = 98.2% and EER = 1.3% in RF. We believe
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2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)
100 100 15
AUC (%)
AUC (%)
EER (%)
EER (%)
90 10
80 5
90 0 70 0
SVM LR RF NB SVM LR RF NB 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Classifiers Classifiers # of training subject # of training subject
(a) The performance of different clas- (b) Different classifiers performance - (a) AUC (b) EER
sifiers in terms of AUC EER
Fig. 11. AUC & EER for different number of training Subjects.
Fig. 9. AUC & EER for different classifiers.
AUC (%)
EER (%)
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2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)
EER (%)
10 which in turn affects the echo signals. This is one of the lim-
5 itations of our system. We envision that this can be improved
85 0 by extracting orientation-independent features and collecting
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
# of forger imitators
training data from several orientations in the future work.
# of forger imitators
(a) AUC (b) EER B. The impact of lack of forged signatures
Fig. 12. AUC & EER under different number of forger imitators included in As aforementioned, the signatures of real forgers can not
model training. be obtained in real-world application scenarios, which causes
performance degradation as shown in the evaluation. Although
100 20
AUC EER adding data of forger imitators into training can improve the
90 15 performance, it keeps stable in terms of AUC and EER even
AUC (%)
EER (%)
80 10
when more forger imitators’ data are used. To gain further
optimization and fulfill the higher requirement in certain
70 5
scenarios like banking services, it is feasible to design a more
P0 P1 P2 P3 P4
0 advanced verification model by making use of deep neural
Smartphone positions network which is more powerful to extract deep features. We
(a) The experimental setup to evaluate (b) The AUC& EER when smart- leave this as one of our future work.
the impact of smartphone position phone is placed in dofferent positions
Fig. 13. the performance of SilentSign when the smartphone is placed at In this paper, we propose an acoustic sensing-based hand-
different positions.
written signature verification method which can be imple-
9) Impact of the smartphone position: We finally evaluate mented on handy smart devices such as smartphone and
the impact of smartphone position on verification performance. tablets. Compared with the common touchscreen-based HSV
As shown in Fig. 13(a), we move the smartphone from the system, our method has a lower hardware requirement and
original position P0 along four directions for 10 cm and place can be applied in scenarios of signing on paper materials to
it at four different positions (P1 ∼ P4 ). Then we request supplement real-time signature verification. Our approach is
two participants to perform genuine signatures and forged a purely software-based solution and only uses a speaker and
signatures respectively as described in Sec. VI-B for 10 times microphone which are basic components of most commodity
at each position. Based on the collected samples, we run the devices. By extracting intrinsic patterns of signing movements,
verification process with samples in P0 as reference signatures our well-designed system SilentSign can achieve satisfactory
and get the results as shown in Fig. 13(b). As we can see, signature verification performance in terms of metrics of AUC
the smartphone position indeed affects system performance. and EER. Although it still has limitations in practicability
When it is moved away from the original position P0 , the and robustness, we believe that this is a promising technology
already trained system degrades But for different positions, deserving further research.
the impact varied. When the smartphone is moved horizontally
(P1 and P2 ), the performance has smaller decrease; while for ACKNOWLEDGMENT
vertical movements (P3 and P4 ), the performance degradation We really appreciate the kind effort of our shepherd, Prof.
is more obvious. The underlying reason is vertical movements Petteri Nurmi, for giving precious suggestions to revise and
cause changes in relative orientations between signing activity improve the paper. This research was supported in part by
and the smartphone. This further affects the measurement of the China NSFC Grant (61802264, 61872248, U1736207),
vertical movement which is used as a key feature. Guangdong NSF 2017A030312008, Fok Ying-Tong Educa-
tion Foundation for Young Teachers in the Higher Education
VII. D ISCUSSION AND F UTURE W ORK Institutions of China (Grant No. 161064), Shenzhen Science
In this part, we mainly discuss the limitations and future and Technology Foundation (No. JCYJ20180305124807337,
work of SilentSign. No. ZDSYS20190902092853047), GDUPS (2015), and Nat-
ural Science Foundation of SZU (No. 860-000002110537).
A. The impact of relative orientation Yongpan Zou is the corresponding author.
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