Purcomm Mod
Purcomm Mod
Purcomm Mod
Tagudin Campus
Republic of the Philippines
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin, Ilocos Sur
Tagudin Campus
1. Manage your time well. A course study schedule is prepared for you to
help you study the modules in this course. The productive use of your
time and energy will help you a lot in finishing the scheduled activities.
2. Focus your attention. The key element for better understanding is
having the focus on the things to be done.
3. Give your best. Always remember that success will be attained in
everything you do by giving extra effort in the things you are doing. Giving
your best also means observing Honesty in doing the assigned tasks you
are asked to do in this module. Never let someone do the task for you or
Course Code GEN .ED
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
Week 3 Module 2. Read Information Research more information or
to 5 Communication and on the identified details regarding the topics. Take
Globalization topics in module 2 note of the important points and
Write in your Notebook for
Purposive Communication
Answer/Perform Work on the intended learning
the Intended activity / in-text questions and
Learning Activity submit to your instructor. Place
answers in an Activity Notebook.
Answer/research Work on the assignment then
/perform the submit to your instructor on the
Assignment specified date. Written
assignments will be placed in an
Assignment Notebook.
Answer Compare answers with the
Assessment or answer key from your instructor.
Self-Check You must have to get a perfect
Activity score before proceeding to the
next activity, if not re-read the
activity and have a re-take.
Answer Answer the questions asked in
questions in the the study guide. Write your
Study Guide answers in short bond papers for
Week 6 Module 3. Read Information Research more information or
to 8 Communication on the identified details regarding the topics. Take
aids and strategies topics in module 3 note of the important points and
using tools of Write in your Notebook for
technology. Purposive Communication
Answer/Perform Work on the intended learning
the Intended activity / in-text questions and
Learning Activity submit to your instructor. Place
answers in an Activity Notebook.
Answer/research Work on the assignment then
/perform the submit to your instructor on the
Assignment specified date. Written
assignments will be placed in an
Assignment Notebook.
Answer Compare answers with the
Tagudin Campus
Assessment or answer key from your instructor.
Self-Check You must have to get a perfect
Activity score before proceeding to the
next activity, if not re-read the
activity and have a re-take.
Answer Answer the questions asked in
questions in the the study guide. Write your
Study Guide answers in short bond papers for
Week Module 4. Read Information Research more information or
Evaluating on the identified details regarding the topics. Take
9 to 10 messages and/ or topics in module 4 note of the important points and
images (e.g. picture
Write in your Notebook for
illustrations0 of
different types of Purposive communication
text reflecting
different cultures
Answer/Perform Work on the intended learning
(regional, Asian, the Intended activity / in-text questions and
Western, etc. Learning Activity submit to your instructor. Place
answers in an Activity Notebook.
What is the
message? Answer/research Work on the assignment then
/perform the submit to your instructor on the
What is the Assignment specified date. Written
purpose of the assignments will be placed in an
message? Assignment Notebook.
How is the
message Answer Compare answers with the
conveyed by Assessment or answer key from your instructor.
the text/ or
image? Self-Check You must have to get a perfect
Who is the Activity score before proceeding to the
target next activity, if not re-read the
audience of activity and have a re-take.
the message?
What other Answer Answer the questions asked in
ways of questions in the the study guide. Write your
presenting the Study Guide answers in short bond papers for
message are
Tagudin Campus
and argue Learning Activity submit to your instructor. Place
answers in an Activity Notebook.
Answer/research Work on the assignment then
/perform the submit to your instructor on the
Assignment specified date. Written
assignments will be placed in an
Assignment Notebook.
Answer Compare answers with the
Assessment or answer key from your instructor.
Self-Check You must have to get a perfect
Activity score before proceeding to the
next activity, if not re-read the
activity and have a re-take.
Answer Answer the questions asked in
questions in the the study guide. Write your
Study Guide answers in short bond papers for
Week 14 Module 6. Read Information Research more information or
to 15 Communication for on the identified details regarding the topics. Take
work purposes (e.g. topics in module 4 note of the important points and
healthcare, Write in your Notebook for
education, Purposive Communication
business, trade,
law, media, science Answer/Perform Work on the intended learning
and technology the Intended activity / in-text questions and
Learning Activity submit to your instructor. Place
answers in an Activity Notebook.
Answer/research Work on the assignment then
/perform the submit to your instructor on the
Assignment specified date. Written
assignments will be placed in an
Assignment Notebook.
Answer Compare answers with the
Assessment or answer key from your instructor.
Self-Check You must have to get a perfect
Activity score before proceeding to the
next activity, if not re-read the
activity and have a re-take.
Answer Answer the questions asked in
questions in the the study guide. Write your
Study Guide answers in short bond papers for
Tagudin Campus
Week 16 Module 7. Read Information Research more information or
to 17 Communication for on the identified details regarding the topics. Take
Academic Purposes topics in module 4 note of the important points and
(e.g. research- Write in your Notebook for
based journal or Purposive Communication
magazine article,
etc.) Answer/Perform Work on the intended learning
the Intended activity / in-text questions and
Learning Activity submit to your instructor. Place
answers in an Activity Notebook.
Answer/research Work on the assignment then
/perform the submit to your instructor on the
Assignment specified date. Written
assignments will be placed in an
Assignment Notebook.
Answer Compare answers with the
Assessment or answer key from your instructor.
Self-Check You must have to get a perfect
Activity score before proceeding to the
next activity, if not re-read the
activity and have a re-take.
Answer Answer the questions asked in
questions in the the study guide. Write your
Study Guide answers in short bond papers for
Tagudin Campus
There are several symbols in this module to guide you in your study.
Learning Outcomes:
Communication, Communication processes,
Chapter a. Describe the nature, elements and functions of verbal and non-
Principles, and Ethics contexts.
1 verbal communication in various an multicultural
b. Discuss and summarize the principles of communication and
Lesson 1.1
Tagudin Campus
MODULE Communication
Communication process?
- It refers to a series of actions or steps taken in order to successfully
communicate. It involves several components such as the sender of the
communication, the actual message being sent, the encoding of the
message, the receiver and the decoding of the message.
- This can be through various mediums such as voice, audio, video, writing
email, fax or body language. The overall goal of the communication
process is to present an individual or party with information and have
them understand it. The sender must choose the most appropriate
medium in order for the communication process to have worked
Communication Process
Tagudin Campus
1. Sender
2. Encoding
- The sender begins with the encoding process wherein he uses certain
words or non-verbal methods such as symbols, signs, body gestures, etc.
to translate the information into a message. The sender’s knowledge,
skills, perception, background, competencies, etc. has a great impact on
the success of the message.
3. Message
- Once the encoding is finished, the sender gets the message that he
intends to convey. The message can be written, oral, symbolic or non-
Tagudin Campus
4. Communication Channel
- The Sender chooses the medium through which he wants to convey his
message to the recipient. It must be selected carefully in order to make
the message effective and correctly interpreted by the recipient. The
choice of medium depends on the interpersonal relationships between the
sender and the receiver and also on the urgency of the message being
sent. Oral, virtual, written, sound, gesture, etc. are some of the commonly
used communication mediums.
5. Receiver
- The receiver is the person for whom the message is intended or targeted.
He tries to comprehend it in the best possible manner such that the
communication objective is attained. The degree to which the receiver
decodes the message depends on his knowledge of the subject matter,
experience, trust and relationship with the sender.
6. Decoding
7. Feedback
- The Feedback is the final step of the process that ensures the receiver
has received the message and interpreted it correctly as it was intended
by the sender. It increases the effectiveness of the communication as it
permits the sender to know the efficacy of his message. The response of
the receiver can be verbal or non-verbal.
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
Lesson 1.2
Principles of Communication and Communication Ethics
1. Principle of Conciseness
The principle of Conciseness states that the message should be conveyed in
concise form i.e. in the best shortest possible way. In other words, the message or
information should be articulated completely in such a way that it is forwarded to the
desired audience or receivers in fewer words or signals. By following this principle,
individuals and organizations can save time and cost as well. It also helps in a much
better understanding of the message by excluding unnecessary and excessive parts
Tagudin Campus
2. Principle of Clarity
While communicating, clarity or clear communication is also an important aspect for
individuals and in business communication. By following the clarity principle of
communication, one can focus on a specific message at a time. So, the message
that is being conveyed must be clear. It also helps the receiver to easily understand
the given message or idea. Due to clarity, there is much appropriate and exact
message transmission. Clarity should be there while communicating through verbal
words or in writing.
3. Principle of Correctness
One can better understand or interpret the more accurate message. The
guidelines for correct or accurate communication are covered under the principle of
correctness. If the message is correct then its impact is also great and it also boosts
the confidence of the sender. So, the correct use of language is essential in effective
communication and it also increases the trust factor between the sender and
Tagudin Campus
4. Principle of Concreteness
The clear and particular message is defined as a concrete message. The
concreteness principle of communication states that while communicating, the
message should be to the point or specific, definite, and clear instead of being
general or unclear. Concrete communication includes facts and figures to strengthen
the message or idea. As the message is clear and specific, there are minimal or zero
chances of misinterpretation of the message.
5. Principle of Completeness
The next principle of communication states that communication should be
complete to be effective. A message is said to be complete when the recipients of
the message receive all the necessary information that they want to be informed. It
also consists of a call to action i.e. a statement that is specifically meant for getting
instant response from the receiver. The facts and figures in messages are also part
of it. The more complex communication sometimes requires additional information or
more elaboration so that there is no doubt for the audience or receivers.
6. Principle of Courteousness
The principle of courteousness states that while communicating, the sender
should show respect to the audience or receiver. So, the sender should be polite,
enthusiastic, reflective, and sincere. Being courteous is when the sender takes care
Tagudin Campus
7. Principle of Coherence
The communication should be coherent i.e. both consistency and logic should
be part of the sender’s message. Without being logical or coherent, the main
purpose or idea behind the message can’t be conveyed properly. All terms of the
message should be interconnected and relevant to the message being conveyed.
Moreover, consistency should be maintained in the communication flow.
Communication Ethics
Tagudin Campus
Activity 1.2
Model- Making
Direction: create your own model that best reflects the communication process in
your family.
Tagudin Campus
Activity 1.3
Direction: Search on Youtube and view the SONA 2020 and SONA 2021
delivered by President Rodrigo Duterte. Then answer the following questions below.
1. Compare the delivery of the two SONAs. What principles of communication did
Pres. Duterte follow? Which principle did he fail to follow?
2. In your own opinion, what communication ethics did he follow? What did
he not follow? Discuss your answer.
Tagudin Campus
MODULE ________________________
3. If you were Pres. Duterte’s personal adviser, what suggestions would you give
to make him a more effective speaker?
Learning Outcomes:
a. Define terms necessary in understanding
Lesson 2.1 communication and
Communication and Globalization
b. Explain how cultural and global issues affect communication.
Globalizationc. Perform various activities on globalization.
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
Directions: Watch the video “How social media can make history” from
After watching the video, do the following:
1. Write a reaction paper on the message of the video.
2. Reflect on how social media and online personas are redefining human
connection and communication. Then asks yourself these questions:
“Do I appreciate the impact of communication on me, on the
society, and on the world?”
What new kinds of connection do I want?”
Activity 2.1.2 How Close Is The World To Me?
Directions: Create an image showing your connections to the rest of the world
Course Code GEN .ED based on the music you have listened to. Use the following questions.
1. What’s
PURPOSSIVE COMMUNICATION the origin of the most recent song or piece of music that you
listened to? (Identify the nationality of the creator of the music, as well as
Tagudin Campus
Lesson 2.2
Local and Global Communication in Multicultural Setting
Local Community
- Defined as a group of interacting people living in a common location.
Global Communication
- Can be defined just as any communication can: a message is sent from
one person or group to another anywhere in the world.
Language Register
- Refers to a variety of a language used in a particular social setting, using
certain words, phrases and contractions that are not normally used in
other settings- or if they did, they may sound strange or out of place.
Styles of Registers
1. Static (or frozen ) style
- The variety of language used in this style is fixed, the language rarely or
never changes.
- It is often learned and repeated by rote.
- It does not require any feedback.
2. Formal style
- Use in official and ceremonial settings; thus the language that is being
used is standard, impersonal and formal.
- The language used in this style is commonly used in official
engagement’s, like council meeting, board meeting and court
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
Chapter 3
Communication Aids and Strategies using Tools of Technology
Learning Outcomes:
a. Convey ideas through oral, audio- visual, and /or web- based presentations
for different target audiences in local and global settings using appropriate
b. Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas.
Multimodal Communication
- Is simply using modes such as pictures, gestures, sigh language, image,
music, spoken language, and written language to make interaction and to
exchange meaning.
- It results from a shift from text or print- based, being relied on as the
primary source of communication, to screen- based or the image being
utilized more frequently in this age of digital technologies.
Tools of Technology
1. WebQuests
- Is an inquiry based activity that embeds the use of a variety of learning
resources- with most being digital learning resources available on the
2. Electronic Books and E-Readers
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
Direction: Choose one topics listed below. Then create your own blog using
the selected topics.
Tagudin Campus
Directions: Search for different specific social issues. Inspired by the issue,
create your multimodal presentation by using one multimodal below.
1. Poster or tarpaulin
2. PowerPoint presentation with 10 slides
3. Video presentation using your smartphones.
Chapter 4
Evaluating Messages and/ or Images of Different Types
of Text Reflecting Different Cultures
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of period, students should be able to:
a. Evaluate multimodal texts critically to enhance receptive
(listening, reading, viewing skills
b. Convey ideas through oral, audio- visual, and /or web- based
presentations for different target audiences in local and
global settings using appropriate registers.
c. Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting
Tagudin Campus
MODULE Introduction:
A text isn’t limited to something written down. A text can be a film, an artifact,
anything in a language and culture that conveys meaning. Think about the texts that
you use in your language classroom: what’s in the textbook? What do you read in
class or even at home? How do you describe the classroom, its design? Why do you
think the chairs are placed facing the tables? Those questions, with its finite answer
would tell you that there are texts that are reflection of one’s own culture.
Evaluating messages
- Is the systematic process of determining the value and significance of
something under study using criteria governed by a set of standards.
In purposive communication it is important that messages and their sources are
analyzed and evaluated to determine whether they effectively and efficiently serve
their purpose.
- Are always made and sent for a purpose; responses, whether intentional
or not, are always expected. But responses are always based on how the
receiver understands the meaning of the message. Hence, to optimize
understanding, senders must be careful in crafting their messages;
receivers must analyze and evaluate the received messages thoroughly
before giving the appropriate response. Incorrect or haphazard evaluation
may result to an erroneous response.
Following points to consider for an overall analysis and evaluation of your
1. The receiver must realize what the message is about
- A subject which could be a person, a place, a product, an event, an
idea, etc. the subject can be either expressed or implied. Details have to be
provided to support the subject.
- Support for the idea can be statistics, interviews and graphics, among
others. But the receiver must be able to discern the truth in these supporting
details. These maybe facts, or just opinions, or claims; they may be used
singly or collectively.
Fact- it is a statement of truth that can be verified, but it is not
Tagudin Campus
MODULE Opinion- it is
a personally- held belief; therefore, it cannot be proven to be
correct or incorrect.
Claim- it is debatable statement that can be supported with
evidence and reason.
-it is important that the receiver can identify the differences among
these three before he gives his responses.
2. The message must be viewed from the purpose that the sender wants to
- Usually to inform, to persuade, or to entertain.
- Messages that serve to inform or educate are more neutral than messages
that are meant to entertain or persuade. However, there could also be biases from
the author or from the organization that sent the message.
Bandwagon- is a fallacy that ignores the idea of the minority and
regards the majority as the source of truth. The appeal to emotion
disregards reason and logic and rather associates an idea with
something that is widely approved.
Half- truths- which distorts reality, are also used by some in their
desire to seek the approval of other people.
- Messages that aim to entertain are crafted to view by large audiences.
These are conveyed over various media like television, movies, sports,
broadcast, social networks, etc. on the other hand, persuasive messages
aim to sway receivers’ view in accordance with the sender’s view.
3. Messages communicated on social media are accessible, hence, quick
and interactive, but these are prone to inaccuracies. Further, compared to
messages from newspapers, magazines and books which are accurate and
comprehensive though slow in delivery, TV and radio messages are also prone to
biases and high commercialization although they have strong audio and visual
4. Messages are meant for specific audiences. A sender must determine how
he/she conveys message in accordance with the characteristics and qualities of the
receiver. A message can be personal, that is, it is meant to be received by just one
or two people.
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
1. What is the subject of the essay? What message does it convey? Give the
details provided by the author to support his idea.
2. What is the author’s purpose in sending this message? Why do you say so?
3. How is the message conveyed? Explain the author’s style.
Tagudin Campus
4. For whom the essay written? Why?
5. How can the message be conveyed in another way? Would this be as
interesting as how it is in an essay?
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
1. What is the subject of the material? What message does it convey? Give the
details provided by the author to support his idea.
2. What could have prompted the author to craft the material?
3. How is the message conveyed? Explain?
4. To whom the material is addressed? Why?
5. Could there be another way by which the message is conveyed?
Tagudin Campus
MODULE Chapter 5
Communication for Various Purposes
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Convey ideas through oral, audio- visual, and/or web-based
presentations for different target audience’s local and global
settings using appropriate registers.
b. Create clear, coherent an effective communication materials.
c. Present ideas persuasively using appropriate language registers,
tone, facial expressions and gestures.
d. Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas.
Many phases of human endeavor require verbal communication to impart
thoughts, to give orders, and to exchange ideas, thus, young people must be
encouraged to develop their own awareness of the real essence of speaking.
Accordingly, human relations have brought up various social and public functions
which may need different types of speeches. Speakers can adapt their approach to
their subject, to their particular audience, to their identified purposes and styles of
delivery if they know the basic types of speeches.
Types of Speeches
Speeches are classified according to purpose, delivery, and occasion.
According to purpose, speeches are expository, persuasive and entertainment.
Expository or informative speech- is a speech that answers basic questions
such as what, how, and why through topics that are non- controversial and
non- debatable. Basically, the purpose of this is to inform. It aims to help
audience to understand and to remember the information the speaker is
Here are some tips to guide you in stating your specific purpose:
1. Express the specific purpose as a declarative sentence.
2. State the specific purpose precisely
3. Make sure the specific purpose contains only one idea
4. Include words in the specific purpose that show your intent.
Persuasive speech- aims to convince audience to do specific actions like to
vote wisely, to stop smoking, to prevent global warming, to campaign against
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Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
MODULE Point 2:
Point 3:
B. Check that your speech has the three main parts: introduction, body,
and conclusion.
Chapter 6
Communication for Work Purposes
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Create clear, coherent an effective communication materials.
b. Present ideas persuasively using appropriate language registers, tone, facial
expressions and gestures.
c. Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas
Organizational Communication
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
_____(date) _____ _____(date)
_____(inside address)
_____ _____ _____
_____(inside address) _____(inside address)
_____ ____: (salutation)
____: (salutation)
____: (salutation) __________________________
_(body)____________________ _____________________
__________________________ _____________. ______(body)_________________
_(body)____________________ ________________.
_____________. __________________________ _____________________
______________________ ________________________
_______, (complimentary close) _______,
________(signature line) (complimentary close) _______,
________(signature (complimentary
line) close)
Tagudin Campus
To: (Audience)
From: Person and Department issuing the memo)
Date: (Date sent)
Subject: (Subject of the memo)
(Opening- Get to the point in the opening paragraph. Keep things simple and short.
Make it easy and fast to read.)
(Summary- Provide enough background so all readers understand the history, but
again keep it simple.)
(Conclusion_ end with a call to action)
CC: (Send copies to anyone, affected by the memo)
Attachments : ( List any attachments to the memo. Only list items referred to in the
body of the memo.
Minutes of meeting
- Minutes are instant written account of what transpire in an organizational
meeting. Generally, meeting includes a list of attendees, a statement of
the issues considered by the participants, and related responses or
decisions for the issue.
Course Code GEN .ED
Tagudin Campus
I. Call to Order
Members Present Members Absent
_____________________ _________________________
II. Approval of the Agenda
III. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
IV. Matters arising from the last meeting
V. New Business
VI. Other Matters
Course Code GEN .ED
VII. Adjournment Instructor: RHODA VILLAMOR
PURPOSSIVE COMMUNICATION ____________________________________________________________________
Prepared by:
Tagudin Campus
Directions: imagine that you were asked by your boss to inform all employees in
your station to attend a meeting regarding your plan to subject your station for ISO
accreditation. Write the notice in a memo format. Use a clean sheet of a short bond
paper for this purpose.
Tagudin Campus
Ms. Richard A. Cabansag - Chair, Department of Physical
Prof. Weena G. Alonzo - Chair, Department of Social
1. Dr. Zion P. Guillermo
a. “We should implement the policy next semester”
b. “The students attended the general assembly yesterday”
2. Prof. Clarizza O. Palacay
a. “I need to go to the administration building today”
b. “She asked me to give the removal exam last week”
3. Mr. Vincent T. Valdez
a. “All requirements should be submitted tomorrow”
b. They are attending the meeting right now”
4. Ms. Richard A. Cabansag
a. “Today is the last day of registration”
b. “these documents are needed for the accreditation”
5. Prof. Weena G. Alonzo
Tagudin Campus
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Write and present academic papers using appropriate tone, style,
conventions and reference styles.
b. Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas
c. Convey ideas through oral, audio- visual, and/or web-based presentations
for different target audience’s local and global settings using appropriate
Academic Integrity
- It is the pursuit of intellectual engagement in an open , truthful, and
responsible behavior
Course Code GEN .ED
Tagudin Campus
Writing an Essay
Essay- is a composition that discusses a topic from a personal viewpoint. The
purpose of it is to explain or prove a point.
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
Tagudin Campus
MODULE Periodicals
Dictionaries and thesauruses
Glossaries and indexes
Corporate publications
Lectures, correspondences
6. Literary analysis- is the formal study and discussion of works of any form of
literature. Its ultimate purpose is to carefully examine and evaluate a piece of
prose or poetry.
Exercise 7.1 Analyze Me
A. Read the literary analysis of “The Story of an Hour”
B. Find the component parts, namely, the introduction, the body, and
the conclusion
C. Determine at least three writing techniques used by the author in
the literary analysis. Cite the passages that illustrate these
techniques. Discuss the importance of using these techniques in
literary analysis.
Tagudin Campus
MODULE _____________________________