Steps Rationale

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States objectives of the procedure. To determine or monitor blood glucose

levels of clients at risk for hyperglycemiaor

Checks the physician’s order. To ensure right client receives the right

Introduces self and verifies client’s Client identification validates the right
client and right procedure.
identity using 2 identifiers.

Discussion and explanation allays anxietyand

Explains the procedure.
prepares the patient for what to expect.
Gathers all the necessary materials Organization facilitates efficiency and to
needed. save time and effort

Provides for client’s privacy. To lessen anxiety of the client

Performs hand hygiene. Removes number of microorganisms.

Prepares the equipment by calibrating To test the equipment before using to the
the meter and run a control sample client
according to manufacturer’s instructions
to confirm the code number.

Selects and prepares the vascular

puncture site.
These actions increase the blood flow tothe
Wraps the finger first in a warm cloth or area, ensure an adequate specimen, and
hold finger below heart level position. reduce the need for a repeat

Alcohol can affect accuracy, and the site
Cleans the site using antiseptic swab or stings when punctured if wet with alcohol.
soap and water then allow it to dry.

Obtain the blood specimen.

To prevent contamination
Dons clean gloves.
Places the injector against the site The lancet is designed to pierce the skin ata
and releases the needle or pricks the specific depth when it is in a perpendicular
siteusing a sterile lancet or sterile position relative to the skin.
Gently squeezes (but do not touch)
the puncture site until a drop of To get adequate amount of specimen
blood forms.
Holds the reagent strip under the
puncture site until adequate blood To provide accurate result
covers the indicator square.
Asks the client to apply pressure to Pressure will assist hemostasis.
the puncture site.
Exposes the blood to the test strip for The blood must remain in contact with thetest
the period and manner specified by strip for a prescribed time to obtain accurate
the manufacturer. results.
Measures the blood glucose using the
glucometer and reads the results To obtain and record the result
according to manufacturer’s
Turns off the glucometer and discards
the used strip including the used Turning off the glucometer prepares it forfuture
needle/lancet into a sharp container. use
Removes and discard gloves.
To prevent contamination
Performs hand hygiene.
To remove microorganism
Documents the results in the client’s
chart. To provide data for client monitoring andfuture
Checks any order of sliding scale
insulin based on the results of blood To provide immediate care to the client
glucose. Administer Insulin as
Documents in the client’s chart that
sterile technique was observed in the To ensure proper procedure was done and
performance of the procedure. accurate result was obtained

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