Litinhthewoolan Illuminati Primer
Litinhthewoolan Illuminati Primer
Litinhthewoolan Illuminati Primer
Veronica Swift
An Illuminati
Understanding The System
Through the Eyes of its
Veronica Swift
© 2022 Veronica Swift
Many thanks to those who made this possible, including the very hard
working DT, and all of my blog and Locals subscribers.
If someone charges you for this book other than the author, they have
committed theft.
This first edition eBook is being made free to the public for individual use
Pass it around to your friends and family, or anybody who needs an
introduction to the evil in the world.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 4
Prologue 10
Key Whistleblowers 19
Chapter 7: Protectors 50
Masons 96
Mormons 102
Education 111
Banks 118
Marriage 119
Homosexuality 121
Cross Dressing 128
Adoption 129
Rituals 130
Posture 134
Signatures 143
Philanthropy 151
Getting Rid of the Bodies 157
Adrenochrome 158
DNA manipulation 160
A Note on Reference
And the God of Peace shall bruise Satan under your feet
shortly. The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Amen. Romans 16:20
abused, and discarded by The System. Make no mistake,
what the Illuminati System is engaged in is brutal, cruel,
torturous and on such a level of evil that the word evil ceases
to be a great description. We don’t have an English word for
something worse than evil, and yet that is what this group is.
They’re beyond evil.
Disclaimer and Warning
and on to the other side of it. There’s some grief there for
many people. Rest assured you will get through it.
For the most part, this book is written like a research paper.
I like to research and I think that too few people these days
on the internet are diligent enough to cite their sources.
Many times what you read in blogs and even in “news”
stories are opinions of the writer. If I give you my opinion,
you’ll know it. If it’s someone else’s experience or opinion, I
will source it. Some of these sources have been wiped from
the internet, but for each item that I source I have a hard
copy, and I will make all of that available, somehow, to you
the reader. I can prove that what you will read in this book
has come from someone else’s writings or videos or audio
podcasts, and not from me or my imagination.
That said, I’m not confident that everything here is the be all,
end all, truth. Cheryl Beck, a victim of the Illuminati, said
recently on Twitter that she didn’t believe everything that
Luciferians have to say, so she didn’t agree with some of the
stuff she’d seen from Fritz Springmeier, an Illuminati
researcher. We all take a risk in believing whistleblowers,
and researchers, and people’s memories, which are not all
perfect. There is a measure of confidence that we can take,
however, which is that they really have everything to lose if
they’re lying to us. They are already under pressure as
defectors, The System takes away their abilities to hold down
a job, make a living, to thrive in society, to live in confidence
that they won’t be killed. Many of them make a living with
appearances and by writing books or listener donations via
crowdfunding sources. If their listeners could truly prove
they were lying to them, it might land them in a permanently
homeless and destitute situation. Again, this is just my own
analysis, you are free to disagree to any degree you wish.
How this Book Came
people will do who have no underlying medical conditions
and who aren’t elderly.
Key Whistleblowers
which was to facilitate The System’s control over her. She
wrote a book called Secret Weapons under the pen name
Cheryl Hersha. Secret Weapons has since been declined to
be republished by the publisher, and used copies retail for
upwards of $250 USD.
Chapter 1: The System
And lastly, most of the members are what is termed
programmed. The process of programming is essentially
torture, to create memory compartments held by amnesic
barriers. You can imagine it’s like having a brain full of tiny
water balloons, where the memories of each balloon don’t
mix. To get from one memory to another you have to jump
from balloon to balloon. Some of those balloons are highly
guarded, by demons.
But, wait a minute. Satan’s not real, good and bad angels
are imagination, right? Not in this System. Maybe in your
church, maybe in your life he’s a fictional character, but not
in the lives of the people in this Illuminati Brotherhood
System. To them, he’s very real. If they fall out of line, the
punishment received is very real. If you’re in the disbelief
camp right now, I was right there with you. I have had to
change my mind on it and accept that this is real. You don’t
have to change your mind, you can hold whatever beliefs you
want and still make it through this book just fine. But these
folks operate in a world, a realm—a parallel reality, if that
description helps your comfort level—where demons exist.
The structure is very hierarchical. These 5 women interacted
with Satan, every day. Hmm. Interacted with Satan? How’s
that, you say?
married, Luciferians marry Satan. If God commands no
adultery, Luciferians have days every month where they get
together and have group sex with each other and demons.
It’s called Satanic Revels, and you don’t have to believe me,
you can look it up, there are published Satanic Calendars
with the dates of the rituals on them. (ZZ 08)
Chapter 2: Satan, aka
intends to kill everybody, even his followers, as soon as he
gets what he wants from them. (SS 01, RoR 209)
earth. (ARA 012) Jessie has said that after Christ did the
work for us that he did on the cross humans are now able to
go to the throne room of God in the heavenlies. She is able
to go there in spirit, and has described what it looks like. (CS
01) She has said that other humans can go to God’s throne
room, as well, (ARA 012) even though I think most of us
wouldn’t have a clue how to do that. That cluelessness
works to Satan’s advantage because he’s been able to figure
out that while his fellow demons cannot go into the
heavenlies by themselves, they can go if they were “hosted”
by a human, who can travel there. Hence demonic
possessions of humans, that’s how Satan plans to build an
army, by using humans as demon hosts to storm the
heavenly realms and take over God’s throne room. Yup, it’s a
wild thing to consider. But even if you don’t believe it; they
To sweeten the pot and lure in followers into this scheme,
Satan promises those who follow him money, fame, fortune,
and “privileged knowledge not of this world.” Also, he
promises them eternal life, with their own kingdom as a
ruler-God. Those who subscribe to Satan’s lying schemes
actually think he’s going to make them their own eternally-
living God. But according to Jessie, he has fooled them, and
he actually intends to kill everybody, even his followers, once
he (theoretically) attains God status himself. (SS 01)
he disposed-of at will, why not her? Jessie thinks he chose
her because Satan “wants what is God’s,” (RoR 015) and he’s
not going to give her back. He won’t kill her, she’s
untouchable, but he’ll harass her and try to make her life a
living hell as an incentive to get her to give in and go back to
him and do what he wants. (CS 21)
Chapter 3: Mothers of
before-told about the people, the structure, the organization
and the inner workings of The System.
Jessie was set to become the Queen MoD when she was
old enough. At that time, this was the absolute top of The
System, the highest of the hierarchy. There is nobody above
the king or queen in the royalty, and since the Luciferian
Brotherhood System is a hierarchical System, there was
nobody above the Queen MoD when Jessie was a child
except Satan.
The MoD’s had us in a kindergarden-type classroom, and
a bunch of kids were sitting in a circle and in the middle they
had placed a candle, a mirror, a shawl, raven feathers—all
objects connected to witchcraft. Each child would go, pick an
item and then put it back down. When I went up, I picked up
a sword. The MoD’s couldn’t see it until I picked it up, and
they were quite shocked. They knew they hadn’t placed that
sword in the circle, so they asked me what I was doing, and I
told them “I picked my item” and they asked me “where did
that come from”. The Mothers knew that I could see, hear
and feel in the spirit realm, but until that point they didn’t
know how strong those spiritual gifts were. (ARA 1)
done at a ritual in the basement level of a castle called
Neuschwanstein in the Bavaria region of Germany. (BM 02)
three children of a young couple, and It’s the fall of 1981.
Her parents both work, and she is in the charge of her
mother’s mother, a woman she will spend the next 5+ years
calling her “proctor”, as that is the name that this
organization gives to the primary trainer of a child in The
System. Before this day, she hasn’t seen or been exposed to
anything in her life that would prepare her for what she is
about to see. Once seen, her life changes forever. It starts
like a normal morning, except that after her parents go to
work, instead of going to school, her proctor suggests they
take a trip. One of her great uncles owns an airport and they
take off from there and wind up in Bavarian Germany, at
Castle Neuschwanstein…in the basement. Heavy, carved,
ornate wooden doors open to a large arena space. Her
proctor tells her to be silent and watch. Two long wooden
boxes are presented to this woman, and from them she takes
special swords, long, and with a curved end. At the opposite
end of the arena are gold thrones, and on them are sitting
women that the girl will shortly come to know as “Mothers of
Darkness”. Her proctor then proceeds to use the sword to
behead one of the women. Then she ritually cannibalizes the
body. The proctor eventually comes over to where the child
is, kneels down, puts her bloody hands on the child’s cheeks,
and tells her that the child will do that to her one day. The
child is her successor, and this is how the successors take
their position.” (ARA 002, BM02)
are used for sex or money-making purposes. The System
differentiates between the two by labeling them either
“hierarchy” or “expendable”. Expendable seems to mean
that they are either used and killed, or designated for re-use
throughout their life without being killed. Jeanette Archer, a
UK whistleblower on the British royal family (who she
asserts are also members of this Luciferian Brotherhood
Illuminati religion), describes a human hunt where the
children that were permitted to be killed wore one color
wristband, and the children who could be abused but not
killed wore another color wristband, to indicate to the
perpetrators what they were allowed to do to them. (JA 01)
If you’ve never heard of a human hunt, it’s a fairly standard
practice in the Brotherhood, and it’s just what it sounds like.
Children are released into a wooded area, and adult
perpetrators come after them and either kill them or sexually
assault them, depending on the type of hunt. Yes, this is
illegal. No, the adults are not usually prosecuted for their
as well, and they gave her up willingly to these events. She
was completely trapped. (JA 01) Jessie also had the
experience of having nobody to tell. She describes telling
anybody she could possibly tell when she was a child, and
having the police point-blank tell her to stop talking about it
if she wanted to live. She estimated that where she did her
training in Chicago 6 out of every 10 people were in the
Brotherhood, including teachers, police, social workers, and
school administrators. (SW 6)
The MoD’s job also involved placing hierarchy children in
witchcraft training programs, and to do that they had to
identify the strengths or connections of the children to
particular elemental types of magic—fire, earth, water, wind,
etc. and then the child would be put in a training program
with teachers that specialized in that sort of magic
(witchcraft). (ARA 1)
Chapter 4: Satan’s Demon
possessed by a high-level demon called Mann-Chan. First,
she summoned him, and he appeared to her as a very
handsome and gentle man. He told her there was nothing to
fear, that he would be her teacher, her guide, and her
“redeemer”. Then, the instant before he walked into her to
possess her body, he changed into his demon form which
consisted of pig bristle hair, yellow fang teeth, and stubby
fingers with long pointed nails. As he entered her body, he
cause her such searing pain she wished she could die. After
that, he controlled her life, what she ate, what she said, how
well she slept. She also was often put into an unconscious
state by this demon who then did what he wished with her
body. (RB 01, pg 46)
Part of Jessie’s training to eventually make her a
competent Mother of Darkness was to train her to hear satan
and his demons when they were talking in the spirit realms.
Her proctor, who was at that time the Queen Mother of
Darkness, would get Jessie out of bed late at night and sit on
the landing at the top of the stairs with her. Jessie describes
her as moving her hands in a weird way, and saying “do you
hear him (Lucifer), do you hear him calling you.” (SW 02)
Once she began hearing in the spirit realm, she would just
blurt out whatever they were saying, whether she was
supposed to or not. She overheard a lot of private demon
conversations that way, and exposed their nasty plans to
others. (ARA 002, ARA 017)
Chapter 5: The Antichrist
thinking that he is, indeed the return of Christ, and not a
demon in human form. (FS 03, RoR 109)
the Illuminati for their plans of the masses to adore their
high-level men termed Merlin are also very high-level
practitioners of the magick arts. Arthur will grow up to be a
king, like Jesus Christ was the King of Kings. Except Arthur/
Antichrist will be motivated by Satan himself, and not the
Holy Spirit of God, as Jesus Christ was. (RoR 237, RoR 244,
ARA 48, RR 31)
One of the first set of rituals that would kick off the
Luciferian end times was to switch out the leadership of the
Mothers of Darkness for the headship of the Antichrist. The
MoD’s have been running things in The System for an
unknown number of generations, but as of early 2020, the
Antichrist supplanted the Mothers as the head living being
on earth running Satan's System. There were supposed to be
5 ritual ceremonies done, one for each Mother of Darkness
and one for each (mocked) stage of life of Christ, including
his birth, baptism, calling, temptation, and consummation.
Jessie was supposed to be present for the last, the
consummation ceremony on April 24th, 2020, but she is a
System escapee and federal whistleblower, and stayed at
home and did not participate. (DNR 01) In fact, nobody
showed up for that ritual, because Covid quarantine had
started, but even though Satan did not get his ritual, the
Antichrist still took over. (RoR 018)
position, as well as a Mary/Madonna position, which “are
(multiple) women that are closely connected to the Anti-
Christ.” (FS 03)
Chapter 6: The 4 P’s;
Priest, Pindar, Prophet,
Chapter 7: Protectors
One of the most gruesome scenes Jessie describes is that
involving the little boy assigned and in-training to be her
protector. He was chosen for his position at roughly the
same time Jessie was, and he was actually sitting next to her
in the circle when Jessie picked up the spirit sword as her
item. They discovered that they had telepathic abilities, she
could hear him when he spoke in his head, but not out loud,
and he could also hear her telepathically as well. She
describes it as ‘hearing in the spiritual realm’. (ARA 1) From
all her descriptions of him, they had a tight bond because of
their shared dangerous experiences, but they didn’t always
like one another.
barn close by and hung and gutted in front of everyone.
They all died. Neither Jessie or Lou were allowed to
interfere, turn away, or close their eyes. They were warned
by the QMoD, and they had seen other horrors from
disobeying her orders, so they watched in horrified, stunned
silence. (ARA 2)
structure. One department focuses on protection for high-
level military members of The System. (The level of US
Military that are Brotherhood members astonishes me)
Another department are called the wolves, and a third are
vampires. What you’ll find as you study the Illuminati
Brotherhood more and more is that these things normal
people might call legends, well, they’re Illuminati truths.
(ARA 7)
Rasputin, and the vampires came from the Romanov line
(RoR 018) One modern-day famous vampire is Johnny
Depp, according to Jessie, and his ancestry comes from the
royal French lines. Depp’s band is called the “Hollywood
Vampires” and its members include other vampires as well.
One of the other bands that Depp’s band is connected with
also has “acclaimed vampires”, one of which came to recruit
girls in a city that Jessie lived in. She says that the band
travels and uses their music to recruit girls into “feeder
groups” that they get from girl groupies that are fans of the
bands. “These girls become their food. (The vampires) suck
the blood under their neck and … usually they’ll drug them
so for the girls it was like a dream, they don’t really know
what happened. Then there’s different types of black magic
they can do to heal the skin” so that there is no mark, and
because the girls were drugged there’s nothing left for them
to remember. (ARA 16) Another big recruiting tool is a live-
action role playing game called Vampire Masquerade.(VM)
Apparently quite a few high-profile university professors are
involved in this game, many from psychology departments.
You can find the same professors listed on the Bilderberg
meeting lists, so it’s likely they are high-level hierarchy
System members. (ARA 16, DO 20203)
what was occurring in the ritual. “I was five-ish when this
happened,” Cheryl says. “The little girls were lined up on a
banquet table and Poppy (Bush) just went down and raped
all of us. There were probably 13 of us because they like the
number 13. Then they put them back in their cages, and he
(Poppy Bush) was overtaken by a looper demon, which is a
werewolf-type entity. He took on the characteristics of a
wolf, running around on all fours and growling and howling
and his son was there and his job was to calm his father
down when he got out of control. ‘W’ comes over and rushes
at him to restrain him, and he literally gets flung backwards
10 feet, hits his head on the stone wall and slides down the
wall unconscious and there’s a whole blood trail from where
he hit his head. That’s where he remained unconscious.
They let out the toddler boys, which was this man’s
preference of raping to death and that’s what he did as a
wolf-type entity, literally tore them apart and killed them.
(CB 03)
Jessie reports also seeing werewolves shred people. “It
was probably one of the first ten deaths that I saw was a
werewolf killing somebody right in front of my face, and
literally he shredded… the guy within seconds. It was a male
defector who had been brought in, and the last thing they
shred is the face, so forever I have this image of the horror on
this man’s face as he was shredded alive.” (ARA 16) Every
year on the Rothschild estate they would do hunts with the
top-level (elite) hierarchy people hunting expendable
children, “but every five years they allow the vampires and
werewolves to hunt,” and the elites will watch while the
vampires and werewolves hunt the expendable children.
Jessie was witness to one of these hunts in 1982.
Chapter 8: The Satanic
the Satanic Council from now on because that seems to be
the most frequent term used by my source, Jessie.
The Satanic Council has 300 what are called ‘seats’, but
many of those seats are filled by 3 to 5 individuals who rotate
their representation on the council, so there are quite a few
more than 300 people than can fill the 300 seats as
representatives of this group. The entire council is also
broken down into high-level sub-groups composed of a
subset of the members of the Satanic Council, some of which
are more well-known than others, including the ‘Council of
21’ the ‘Council of 13’ and the ‘Council of 9’, all three of which
are considered “Upper Chamber” or extremely high level
councils. Final decisions for the entire System go through
these groups of men and women. (RoR 049) To further
confuse us, Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler also say
that more than one of the sub-group meetings of the Satanic
Council are “conclaves without formal names.” (FS 03)
are not clearly defined by my sources, although Great Britain
is said to be in the Western Quadrant on a few occasions
(ARA 006, ARA 050). I can only guess that the southern US
quadrant includes states like Texas and Louisiana, and the
Eastern Quadrant includes regions like Virginia and the
Washington DC area. The west would be the left coast,
including California and Oregon. I would prefer to present
this information for certain and not as a guess, but I include
this guess because it’s helpful to have some sort of visual to
refer to, even if in the future I find out that it’s not entirely
correct. We can rely on the Northern Quadrant information,
and extrapolate the rest with moderate certainty. Since the
north is positioned at a compass position north, the south is
not likely to be California or Massachusetts. The east and
west are also not likely to be opposite of actual compass
directions, but again, I’m guessing.
number of Grand High Priests and Priestesses, and one of
the Grand High Priestess for the Eastern US Quadrant was
held by Gloria Vanderbilt until her death in 2019. She was
supposed to be succeeded by Hillary Clinton, but for
whatever reason, Hillary was unable to take that position,
one she was groomed for her whole life. (ARA 21) If you’re
shocked by these names, I understand. I’ll reiterate that this
System runs the world political structure, and its members
are at the top of each society.
position, for whatever reason that may be, to fill the position
there was a witches battle instead. Now, directly below
Grand High Priests and Priestesses in the hierarchy structure
of the Brotherhood is a rank called just High Priest or High
Priestess. For Gloria’s position, two High Priestesses did
battle, and the winner took that position. The two witches
who participated in that particular battle for Gloria’s position
were Beyoncé of singing fame and Megan Markle, the wife of
Prince Harry of the UK royalty. (ARA 21) Yup, the royals of
most if not all countries are all involved in this System, too.
a Cardinal in the Catholic Church. Another heads up the
Orthodox Church. Merlin’s job has been to groom and train
each generation’s Anti-Christ candidates. Part of their craft
is necromancy, talking to the dead, so that they can access
the wisdom of the old dead Illuminists to properly train their
charges. Appropriately, the ‘public’ name for the Antichrist
candidates they are training is ‘Arthur.’ Just like in the fable.
Merlin are also responsible for the new quantum global
financial System for the Brotherhood, and Jessie asserts that
they have named their new quantum financial System
‘Excalibur’. (RoR 237, DO 20203) Yup, not even fairy tales,
legends and lore are safe from the infiltration of The System.
Does it make sense why the Kennedy empire was deemed
“Camelot”? The Kennedy clan were Brotherhood Illuminati,
as well. After John F Kennedy died, Jackie Kennedy married
another very high ranking Brotherhood member, Aristotle
Onassis. (FS 02) If this book is killing your world view, I’m
sorry. I’ve been there.
Chapter 9: Sisters of Light
white or black when she was a child. (RoR 223) Jessie can’t
say for sure that the women protesters of Extinction
Rebellion are Sisters of Light, but she knows for sure that the
group is headed by a few Illuminati High Priests. (RoR 164,
ARA 016)
Chapter 10: The Media
and Wheeler’s book “Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati
Formula,” they describe Aveda personal care products and
Virginia Slims cigarette advertisements that are designed to
target the low-level individuals who are mind-controlled by
the Illuminati. (FS 1) I’ll describe mind-control and
programming later, suffice it to say for now that this is a
common technique used by the group to get a vast number of
people to do what they want to do, on command. Essentially,
the Tier 2 commands of the media are transmitted to their
Tier 3 “slaves”, and the slaves then carry out whatever that
command instructs.
into the tunnels thinking their protectors would be there to
meet them, but their protectors weren’t there. Because the
Tier 1/elite rely on their protectors to know the tunnel
Systems and they, themselves, do not know the tunnels, they
couldn’t get out—they had no idea which way to go, so they
had to re-enter the Capitol building as there was no escaping
via the underground. (SW 19)
lines of the article? (GP 2) Gina learned how to decode the
media’s comms (communications between members of the
Brotherhood) after she assisted a woman in getting free from
both The System and the aftermath of the abuse The System
put her through. She clearly states that “people in
government and people who are victims (of Illuminati) mind
control they have secret languages and codes that they use to
activate.” (GP 1) The Tier 2 media is one way they
disseminate these codes.
names, Ashtoroth, Astarte, Lilith and more) and Marquis. ,
and the powers that those demons give the members of that
family can be used in their work for the Illuminati. (RoR
Later in the same book Fritz asserts, “Remember, these
people (the elite Illuminati) own the press, and the media.”
“they control the media….they control the governments, they
control the police forces”. And more ominously “they will
kill or discredit anyone who exposes them.” The Rothschilds
(another Illuminati family) “have control of all three US
(television) networks, plus other aspects of the recording and
mass media industry.” They “control Reuters” and now
control “CNN, which began as an independent challenge” to
the Rockefeller media monopoly. (FS 02) They also pay to
keep certain stories out of the news. (SV 27)
and-so out of town’ and gloated about how happy they were
that they were successful in getting those folks that were
helping survivors out of their She notes that the local
illuminati believe in controlling the banks, local
governments, law practices and media in their area, and that
members “are encouraged to go to journalism school” while
other members “help fund local papers.” (SV 08, SV 27)
Chapter 11: Brides of Satan
into the Brotherhood and finally her escape from it is
described in Rebecca Brown’s book He Came To Set The
Captives Free. At the pinnacle of her ‘career’ in the
Brotherhood, Elaine was described as “one of the top witches
in the United States.” (RB 01, page 8) The Brotherhood
seemed to be after Elaine right from her birth. In an
innocent and ignorant act, Elaine’s mother gave the
Brotherhood rights to Elaine as an infant. Elaine started out
being recruited into the Sisters of Light, and then was told
about the opportunity to become a regional Bride of Satan.
“There are only 5 to 10 regional Brides of Satan in the U.S. at
any one time. It is a position of great honor and power. The
Sisters of Light told me they were sure I had the ability to
attain this high position. They constantly talked about all the
benefits I would gain if I reached it. I became determined to
gain that position.” (RB 01, page 43) Despite attaining great
heights in the hierarchy, Elaine eventually wanted out of The
System, and with Rebecca’s help worked for years to free
herself from its clutches. Their story of how that happened is
worth reading, it explains in detail what it feels like to be
possessed by a demon, attacked by a demon, trapped in The
System, and the lengths to which The System will try to
prevent someone from leaving. It was years of battle, prayer,
dodging poison, bombs, attacks and more. It took a physical
and emotional toll on both of them.
Chapter 12: Programming
The way a slave has been altered isn’t random. It’s very
specific and very purposeful, and the end result is that the
programmed individuals have essentially lost the ability to
control themselves and be self-directing. Cathy O’Brien says
that she lost her connection to reality to the extent that she
had no sense of time during the many years she was
operating as a Presidential sex slave model for The System.
Not only did she not know the time of day, but also what year
it was. (ZZ 17) Being completely controlled from the outside
made time irrelevant.
from world leaders, they can be black widow assassins, they
can provide sex services to high-ranking politicians, they can
be assets in blackmail schemes, they can carry drugs across
borders, they can be maids or farm workers or literally just
about anything. The list of jobs they can use slaves for is
endless. What slaves do not do is act under their own
direction, they are controlled and given orders by slave
handlers for everything that they do. These handlers have
thousands of different programs that they can use to access
different compartments of the slave’s brain, access different
programs that are inserted into the slave’s brain, and get the
slave to do what they wish them to do. (FS 03, FS 01, KS 01)
Far from “all men are created equal,” programming creates a
two-tier System of elite class and slave class.
tailbone was removed and wires inserted up her spinal
column that connected to her brain technology and auditory
System making her into a human “spy radio”. She was
specifically being designed to be able to uplink to satellites
and other space objects; she says that she could “move
objects in space” with her technologically-enhanced brain so
that the counterintelligence agencies could take pictures.
She explains that her “metal headpieces could start fires” and
that she could jam satellite microwave signals by “angling my
head ever so slightly.” This was all in the 1960’s. (AS 01)
The System’s technology has been greatly refined since then.
By the end of the show, most children were dead. The
parents were told that they had died of pneumonia. They
were buried or cremated and the evidence of the technology
was destroyed. The program managers ‘ordered’ 30-50
children a day for a month’s worth of these dance shows.
Anna describes this experiment as being a precursor of their
intention to control everything humans did. The System’s
military members found those experiments of immediate
interest in creating technology-assisted “super soldiers” who
could be remotely controlled by satellite or cell phones. (AS
01 pgs. 148-155) With the evidence of mass graves in Canada
as has been recently described by Kevin Annett, we have to
wonder how many other children were also slaves created by
experiments done by the secret Brotherhood ‘projects’.
having a horribly loud radio playing in the room you’re in,
and you pick up the radio and set it in a padded soundproof
box and close the lid. The radio is still playing the music at
the same volume, but you get rest and relief from that music
causing you distress. In the brain of a traumatized infant,
that trauma (the loud radio) just gets compartmentalized
(put in the padded box) and the infant can survive that
trauma without going insane.
watching the situation, a “fly on the wall” 3rd person
observer, retreating into an imaginative daydream, or
blanking out. Sometimes the dissociation happens after the
event, so during the event the person is 100% conscious of
what is going on, and it’s only afterward that they suddenly
discover the event cannot be remembered. I saw an
interview with Mary-Kate Olsen of “Full House” TV fame and
she told the interviewer that she always blanks out the
interview afterward, so the interviewer could ask her
anything, and she wouldn’t remember it afterward at all. (ZZ
15) That’s one form of dissociation. That memory of the
interview is still somewhere in her mind, but
compartmentalized, and she cannot access it consciously any
like dogs who will perform upon command. Only instead of
being trained by being offered treats, they are trained with
violence, fear, and shame. It’s important to note here that
this System impresses upon its programmers that what they
are doing is for the benefit of the child. Svali was well into
adulthood before she realized that what she was doing to
children was inappropriate and harmful. She was made to
believe that what she did to the children she oversaw in
programming situations was discipline, and training, and
was for the betterment of the child. They even told her that
she was doing this in love, because discipline and inflicted
suffering were presented to her as corrective discipline
designed to make the child strong. (SV 58)
the specific behaviors encoded by each program. Cisco notes
that handlers managing slaves might keep at hand a giant
binder of the codes for that particular individual. (FS 03)
all of that with no conscience or remorse. Perhaps they even
will have been programmed to enjoy it. (SV 58)
Josef was the top programmer for the Brotherhood
Illuminati System during the 1940-1970’s era, and according
to Svali did some programming and teaching of
programming techniques to the Jesuits, as well. Post-
Mengele, different more high-tech programming techniques
were constructed and used that involved frequency, or
wavelength technology. Cathy O’Brien, who was
programmed using the more traditional Mengele-style
programming was able to ‘deprogram’ herself with
assistance, but her daughter Kelly was programmed with the
more high-tech programming and that required a different
more sophisticated level of deprogramming. This is
important because the older slaves in The System that were
programmed with torture methods had their programming
break down and start to fall apart more easily than the more
high-tech frequency-based programming that is going on
now. Cathy deprogrammed herself with help, but her
daughter didn’t have that luxury. (CO 01, CO 02)
successful, and they kept him around, likely because he was
raising three children who were also System slaves. (CO 01)
Suicide can be programmed into a slave and triggered, so
that it makes it look like the idea to die was the slave’s, but in
reality it was The System taking them out with a cue or code
designed to set into motion a suicide program that had been
inserted into their brain in childhood. (FS 03)
individual helping her “You’re crazy. I am not a little girl, I
am a kitten.” Going through the process of realizing that she
was not a kitten, but instead she was a little girl was
excruciating for her. She had been so severely tortured
during the programming process that she never wanted to be
a little girl, it was simply too painful. (CW 14)
occult, government and private partnerships all working
together. Cheryl Beck asserts that the Rockefeller’s want to
‘barcode’ us all with implantable RFID-style chips that can
track and control us. (CB 04) While it’s easy to get into the
trap of focusing on one organization or one family or one
initiative it’s if you look at the bigger picture it’s a plan that is
much, much bigger than one family. Programming is the
one facet that seems to bring together the research and
development with the practical applications of their plans for
a slave society. They’ve been working on it all for decades,
and currently The System has progressed partway to being
successful with this global plan of technological control over
each individual. As I write this, just this morning one of the
truckers in the late January 2022 trucker convoy to Ottawa
in Ontario, Canada, found out that his vaccine status and
other cell phone data had been transferred to the border
guards even before he reached the Canada/US border
crossing. This is only the beginning of having our data
‘precede us’ everywhere we go, and eventually, control
everywhere we go. In some locations, internal chipping
already exists to access buildings or secure rooms or as
digital identification. And some people have observed that
individuals who have been injected with what is being
termed the “covid vaccine” now emit Bluetooth MAC
addresses—they are literally emitting unique trackable
signals from their bodies. (ZZ 16)
even regulate what kinds of buildings you can and cannot
enter. Vaccine passports are another route they are trying
out to see if they can control where we can and cannot go.
Their intention to enslave us isn’t hyperbole, nor is it
speculation. They intend for humans to be a slave society,
and Luciferians our controllers. According to Catherine
Austin Fitts, once the central banks introduce digital
currency, termed CBDC (central bank digital currency), they
will have almost total control over our lives. Want to travel?
If The System overlords don’t want you to, all they have to do
is restrict your digital currency to 5 miles of the radius of
your home. If they successfully abolish the use of cash (as is
their plan), then you have no options, they’ve digitally
tethered you and your car to whatever address you’ve listed
as your home. (CAF 01)
Chapter 13: Infiltrated
like I was un-knowingly living in the main part of a house
where the tiny space Anne Frank and her family lived-in was,
without knowing they were living there. Like a hidden world
was sitting right beside me and I was oblivious to it.
there at that ritual in their capacity as Luciferian High
Priests. The duplicitous nature of some high-ranking
Catholic Clergy is not in doubt to many escapees of the
Illuminati. It’s just that it’s shocking to us when we find that
It’s impossible for me to know if the Catholic Church
started out this way and was early-on infiltrated by
Luciferians, or if it started as a genuine, dedicated-to-Jesus
institution. That is a rabbit hole that might be worth looking
into in the future. For now, what I can say based on the
testimony of a number of individuals who have escaped the
clutches of the Illuminati is that they heavily, and I mean
really heavily, use the Catholic Church, all the way to the
tippy top, as cover for their organization.
More often than not, Jessie groups the Catholics and the
Jesuits together and calls them one “department” of the
Illuminati, one that runs part of the business end of the
organization, namely human trafficking. Don’t fall out of
your seat. Yes, Jessie has implicated the Catholic Church in
trafficking humans, and in using, selling, and disposing of
human remains. One of the ways that they accomplish this
trafficking is that many Catholic Churches have catacombs
and other underground structures that are used for rituals
involving human sacrifices. Some Catholic Churches have
underground incinerators. (ARA 004) The remains of
children sacrificed in rituals on the grounds (or underneath)
Catholic churches can be disposed of by incineration, and
then, much to my own revulsion when I found this out,
sometimes they take those remains and do other things with
them, like create memorial diamonds from them, and then
sell the diamonds for profit, or wear them as trophy
diamonds in rings. (RR 31) Even more disgusting things can
be done with human cremains, and I’ll discuss those later in
part 3.
people are familiar with) is full of “men enjoined to devote
themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and
humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret,
most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the
service of the arcanum arcanorum. Google translates
arcanum arcanorum as “The Secret of Mysteries.” Whatever
is going on in the secret of mysteries, it’s not a fun, fraternal,
patriotic endeavor. It’s deeper than that. And indeed, back
in Morals and Dogma Pike clues us in as to the true reason
for the inner circle of Freemasonry, which is this:
“Freemasonry, like all the religions….” (TT 01) So, at the
lower levels, Freemasonry is a social club. At the higher
levels, it’s a religion. One that worships Lucifer. But you
probably won’t know that until and unless you make it to a
very high level, when according to Jessie, someone will clue
you in by whispering in your ear the name of the demons
you’re meditating to or taking vows to, (ARA 002, ARA 034)
and finally at level 66 they will tell you, “Hey, we worship
Lucifer.” (CS 19)
Church, I don’t know if Freemasonry started as a cover
organization for the Luciferians, or if it was a legit institution
to begin with and was infiltrated and slowly taken over by
the Luciferians. Jessie believes that Freemasonry was
created by Luciferians as a way to hide themselves, hide what
they did and who they were within a respectable shell
organization within the community. She notes that the
original name of the Luciferian System was “The
Brotherhood” or “The Great White Brotherhood” and at
every level of masonry the vows, the culture and the function
of the group is about helping out fellow brothers. (ARA 002)
This doctrine even goes as far as to help them cover up and
keep secret their crimes, or evil deeds. The Royal Arch
Mason oath includes the following: “I furthermore promise
and swear that I will assist a Companion Royal Arch Mason
when I see him engaged in any difficulty, and will espouse
his cause so far as to extricate him from the same, whether
he be right or wrong.” (ZZ 04)
and the number of exceptions granted to tell on your fellow
brother decrease. The upshot of it is, the higher you go up
the masonic ladder of degrees (levels), the more possible it is
you'll be a witness or a participant in increasing degrees of
law breaking. For a Luciferian System that wants its
members to do evil, criminal things, this kind of secrecy is
very, very good.
Once you finish those, you can continue on to other masonic
orders. The Order of the Rosy Cross is a higher-level division
of masonry less formally called the Rosicrucians. As Jessie
says, Rosicrucians will say they’re not masons, but she
considers them masons as they’ve had to go through those
first 3 masonic levels/degrees and have achieved Master
Mason status. (RR 25) Jessie says that as the Illuminati
hierarchy are trained for their position in The System, they
choose from a wide range of different masonic orders.
Nobody is tied to just 1 or 2 orders, and they collect mastery
in different orders like girls might collect Girl Scout Badges.
(RoR 090)
Josiah, which killed him in the fall of 2021. (RoR 230, DO
11020) She believes it was in retaliation for some of the
information she has revealed about the dark and evil interior
of the Luciferian System, specifically the location where a
particular ritual was going to be held. Jessie was born into
the masonic System, and her birth certificate even reflects
this fact. It is different than most of ours as it contains the
masonic seal in the upper right-hand corner. (SW 06)
Freemason, so were the first five presidents of the church. In
fact, so many of the founders and early church leaders were
Freemasons, it prompted an entire book by Terry Chateau
titled The Mormon Church and Freemasonry. He says in
that book that “Mormonism and Freemasonry are so
intimately interwoven and interrelated that the two can
never be dissociated.” Joseph Smith’s father, Joseph Smith
Sr., and Joseph’s 3 brothers Hyrum, Samuel and William
were also Freemasons. The second church president
Brigham Young, 3rd church president John Taylor, and 4th
and 5th church presidents Wilford Woodruff and Lorenzo
Snow were all Freemasons, as well. Chateau says,
“practically every member of the hierarchy was or became a
Mason shortly after the Prophet (Joseph Smith) was raised
to the degree of Master Mason.” (TC 01) Joseph must have
been something of a Masonic prodigy, because he received
his Masonic first degree on March 15, 1842, and exactly one
day later blasted straight through the second degree and was
awarded the third degree of Master Mason. (ZZ 17)
There was a stretch of time where the church members
were (officially) prevented from being members of a Masonic
Lodge. This ended in 1984, when the Grand Lodge of Utah
officially allowed Mormons to be Masons once again. (TC
01) Whether Mormons that become Masons do so at the
lower-ranking “club membership” levels, or whether they
climb in the ranks to become Lucifer-worshipping Masons is
not known by this author. I can only guess that some do
climb, and some do not, based on the insider information
coming from the escaped Brotherhood Illuminati members
who have outed some of the sinister connections between the
LDS church and what they do for the Illuminati.
Fritz also asserts that “Mormonism is closer to Satanism
than it is to Christianity”, citing sealing rituals as one piece of
evidence for this. “One of the most important things in
Satanism is sealing. Everything is sealed.” Sealing is rarely
talked about in any other religious context, but when reading
about Mormonism, “one begins hearing about sealing again.”
“Mormon men and women are sealed to each other in the
Mormon Temple marriages. The early Mormons were sealed
to many spouses. The Mormon sealing is very similar to
what is done in witchcraft called hand fasting, and it is also
similar to marriage sealing in Satanism.” Fritz also says that
Joseph Smith’s family practiced witchcraft, which is how
they knew about sealing, and is likely the reason it was
brought into the church. The book of Mormon uses the word
sealed or seal more than 20 times, and “the Mormon scholar
D. Michael Quinn writes that ‘The Book of Mormon’s use of
the word ‘sealed’ also suggested a magic context.”
Breaking the covenant of either priesthood comes with
penalties, and one penalty of the Aaronic priesthood is that
“your throat be cut from ear to ear and your tongue be torn
out by its roots mind you this is the penalty if you reveal any
of these things.” Interestingly, the oath taken by a first-
degree mason is, “Binding myself under no less a penalty
than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out
by its roots, and buried in the rough sands of the sea at low-
water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty
four hours, should I ever knowingly or willingly violate this
my solemn oath and obligation as an Entered Apprentice
Mason.” Mighty similar oaths, if you ask me. It goes further,
however. Another penalty of the Aaronic priesthood in the
Mormon church is “your breasts be torn open your heart and
vitals be torn out and give it to the birds and the beasts of the
field.” The oath of a second-degree Mason is similar, saying
“Binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having
my left breast torn open, my heart plucked out, and given as
prey to the wild beasts of the field and the fowls of the air as
prey.” (JM 01, ZZ 12) Again—almost an identical sentiment
to those two oaths.
and will robotically sing their programming, “Follow the
prophet, follow the prophet.” (FS 01, FS 03)
Amish/Mennoite/Hutterite (Anabaptists)
The Illuminati proper has infiltrated the Mennonite
Churches, and the Jesuits have had spies placed within the
Amish for a long time, with the intention of destroying the
Amish church. Some Nazi’s that were brought to the United
States under Project Paperclip after WW II were hidden in
Amish communities (as well as being hidden in the Catholic
Church as priests, and in secret government research
programs as scientists) (ARA 024). Intelligence agencies run
by the Illuminati have inserted programmed assassins into
the Amish culture also, which provides an excellent front for
them because who would suspect a trained assassin to be a
quiet and unassuming Amish boy? (FS 03) It reminds me of
the TV show “Amish Mafia,” which many people blew off as
ridiculous, but which seems more plausible in the light of
this information. Television and movies seem to provide
more truth about reality than the media does these days, and
given that the media is Illuminati owned-and-operated it’s
no wonder.
the babies that the Illuminati procures from them are below
the radar. Some Illuminati ??
Jessie says that the Illuminati narrative that they have
pushed over time through the media is that there are
“trusted sources” for information, but that in reality, those
trusted sources are Illuminati-controlled, and they are
narrative centers where certain information is favored, and
other information is suppressed. We, as people consuming
controlled “news” have come to believe that these sources are
giving us the correct information. She names Harvard,
Princeton, and Stanford Universities as well as Johns
Hopkins University Medical Center as some of the “trusted
sources” that produce Illuminati-based narratives for public
consumption. (ARA 009) Jessie also notes that “a lot” of
University Professors are participants in the Bilderberg
meetings, which is a breakout of the Satanic Council. (ARA
021) Fritz and Cisco concur, naming many Illuminati
professors in their books teaching in a wide variety of
fairly rare for those children to ever be recovered. One
individual who has received acclaim for rescuing children
took large sums of money from 20 or more families who have
lost their children into The System and he double-crossed
them and took their money but never did recover any of the
kids. (DO 10318, SW 06)
In the early days of escaping the Illuminati, Cathy’s friend
Mark Phillips was threatened by police in Nashville
Tennesse, who told him to “forget this woman (Cathy)” and
her daughter, “before your health changes.” They affirmed to
him that Cathy’s handler, Wayne Cox, could “fix” her and
Cathy’s daughter Kelly. Cathy interpreted the “health
changes” as a death threat to Mark. This wasn’t the only one,
and they increased to include not only Mark but Cathy as
well, “from every branch of law enforcement within the state
of Tennessee.” (CO 02)
suppress victim justice. Amy Coney Barrett is implicated as
being involved. The murder of former Supreme Court
Justice Antonin Scalia was reported as happening any
number of which-ways by the (lying) press. An insider
whistleblower said that Scalia was murdered by the child
he’d raped one too many times. (DS 01)
There are not many individuals who are named as both
being part of The System and part of the therapy community,
but Colin Ross, a very famous individual in the field of
trauma and dissociation, seems to be a good candidate. He
was part of military experiments Jessie was forced to do as a
child along with other hierarchy children. (SW 08) Fiona
also discusses Colin Ross at length in her book, saying that
he is a Canadian therapist considered to be an expert in
“ritual abuse, mind control and DID (Dissociative Identity
Disorder).” (FB 01) Dr. Ross was also a former president of
the ISST-D. (MJ 03)
Chapter 14: Practices
the Illuminati activities, so that they can be the best cover
possible.” (FS 2) So, tactics and practices regarding
marriage seem different at different levels of the Illuminati,
but all are different from modern, standard American
marriage practice of finding someone yourself that you are
compatible with and marrying for love.
Additionally, there are quota Systems in the Illuminati
that require members to do increasingly worse, more
damaging or more immoral/sinful acts throughout their
‘career’ in the Illuminati Brotherhood System, ramping up
from rather mild to sick and twisted. An example of
increasingly depraved levels of sexual sin would range from
the mild level of seduction, all the way to pedophilia, with
immorality, homosexuality, rape and bestiality as the ‘steps’
in-between them from low to high perversion. (CF 01) Jessie
distinguishes this kind of progressively increasing quota
System to be something that a celebrity coming in to the
Brotherhood from outside of The System would do (in other
words, not born in to a family of members but choosing to
join from the outside) versus those of a high-level hierarchy
child who would have to participate in whatever they told her
to do from the young ages they begin training with no
easing-in of the requirements. (RR 32)
man being interviewed notes that Mike Pence had a lot of
homosexual relationships with men 20 years and more his
junior, as well as some minors. Rod Rosenstein and Chief
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts were also named as
having homosexual relationships. (ZZ 01) During the
Reagan/Bush administration a large number of top
administration individuals were caught retaining the services
of a homosexual prostitution ring, and in the article an entire
group of staffers were described as a “nest”, and one high-
level client even had such clout he arranged an after
midnight tour of the white house… which included the
services of 2 male prostitutes. (ZZ 02) In the United
Nations, the higher-ups “have been exposed as practicing the
most obscene homosexual and child pornography rituals
imaginable. (ZZ 03) Svali pointedly says, “So many of the
leadership of the Illuminati are blatantly pedophilic and
And the last component of the homosexuality connection
to the occult is that it is one side-effect of child programming
by the occult. They bond the child extremely tightly to the
mother, which they have noted promotes latent
homosexuality. They then manage this impulse, possibly for
use to their own benefit. (FS 04)
Breeder Programs
because it had the right spiritual gifts or certain elemental
magic that would suit the family’s elemental magic circle.
(ARA 20)
Women in the breeder programs were often “born
without a birth certificate, never got one, nobody ever
documented their existence,” and for whom “their sole
purpose is to continuously have children until they die, and
nobody knows they’re even there.” The babies have no birth
certificates, and no death certificates. They’re complete
unknowns. (ARA 01)
Even Jessie’s Mom was used “at least once” in the breeder
program. (GD 02)
Grooming/Infant abuse
Adopted children can originate from breeder programs,
or other hierarchy families, Child Protective Services/foster
care schemes, or even from hospitals that inject newborns
with a substance that makes them look dead, they are
marked as stillborn on the official records, and then they are
medically revived and adopted to high-level Illuminati. (ARA
001, ARA 004, ARA 014, ARA 022, SV 12)
Some of the rituals have names like “Moonchild” or
“Satanic Baptism” or “First Blasphemy/12-year-old ritual”.
The first ritual I heard about was the 12-year-old ritual,
which is for elite hierarchy boys when they “graduate” from
their childhood magic circle to begin to take part in their
adult Brotherhood cohort/magic circle. It is also the first
ritual where they willingly take the life of another individual,
and from all accounts of it, it’s a bit of a wild bloodbath.
(RoR 080)
The first part of the ritual is a hunt, not a hunt to kill but a
kind of titillation scene, where there are girls there who
“seduce the boys and create this foreplay situation where
they’re excited but they don’t get to do anything.” (ARA 003)
The final part of the ritual was in a boat cleaning building on
the Vanderbilt Estate in South Carolina. This particular
location is presented to the public as an indoor swimming
pool, but either by design or chance, it’s never been correctly
identified or the true nature of its purpose revealed to the
The deep, tiled boat cleaning area looks like the deep end
of a swimming pool, and it fills almost the entire room except
for an upper catwalk along two sides in an L shape. The
third side is flat wall and the fourth side has the slanted
portion of the tiled interior of the pool-like structure, which
angles down to the deep end. Along one wall of the catwalk
is a short ladder, and along the remainder of the catwalk are
ropes, hanging from where people’s feet would be, down into
the tiled area. They are tied in what looks like a large
circular noose formation. These are to hang the expendable
children from. “The rope would be under their armpits
holding them up, and then they’d have their hands tied
behind their back, and their feet tied so they couldn’t go
anywhere.” These children won’t survive this ritual.
The 12-year-old boy also gets hung from a rope, and after
being hung, the 12-year-old boy is raped, every which way
you can imagine, by the members of the magic circle that will
be his adult group affiliates. These individuals will be the
mentors to this child for the rest of his life, and will guide
him through his career and support him for life. (ARA 003)
This particular ritual, the individuals present as part of the
adult core group included Hillary Rodham Clinton and John
Brennan. Another individual perpetrator present was
Marilou Schroeder Whitney, a relative of the Vanderbilt clan.
drug she was put into a straitjacket and locked in a cupboard
so she wouldn’t hurt anyone. (GD 03, ARA 042, ARA 034)
So this 12-year-old First Blasphemy ritual is one kind of
ritual, but there are many others. Satanic baptisms (ARA
033), Satanic Blood Marriages (ARA 040), the Sword of
Judgment ritual (ARA 043) and many others are part of the
Cisco and Fritz note that all rituals are memorized. There
will be no incriminating books or objects to find in people’s
houses that will give them away as secret Luciferians. (FS
02) Jessie says that because she was out of school nearly all
the time to train for her position in The System, and because
that the rituals were often in a language other than English,
she had a hard time reading when she went back to school.
She’d never learned the fundamentals of sounding out words
or sentence structure. Dr. Seuss books she couldn’t read, but
Charles Dickens she could, because some of the spells and
magic she had “learned was out of Charles Dickens’
books.” (ARA 043)
perfect” because The System demands that their cover life is
to look that way. (CS 005)
Code of Silence
Svali says that the code of silence is one reason that the
cult (she calls the Illuminati a cult) has survived so long and
why nobody talks is because it is ingrained into them from a
very young age not to. After rituals, children are set up, and
deliberately asked what they saw or heard during the ritual.
When they tell, they are severely beaten or tortured, and
whatever mind splits are created from this torture are
programmed to never tell, and never even to remember what
happened, as if they do, they will be killed. Children are told
they will be hunted and shot, or tortured slowly, if they ever
remember and tell. For many, this is enough to make them
not remember, and if they do remember, never tell. (SV 14)
One of the first things Jessie was taught was the code of
silence, although in her position she couldn’t be killed, so
instead they threatened to kill someone she loved. (AB 01)
Despite this, she says she tried to tell everybody she could
that her family killed babies, was in the occult—and rarely if
ever did anybody listen. (RoR 197) As a federal
whistleblower, she felt a tremendous amount of relief in
being believed, finally, decades after her experiences as a
child. (ARA 103) In October of 2021, she believes that her
son Josiah was killed in an Illuminati hit ordered by
someone on her father’s side of the family. (DO 11020)
Blood Drinking
Color Comms
The basic 4 colors that seem to hold the most meaning are
green, gold/yellow, blue and red. The structure of the
Brotherhood System is arranged by what they call quadrants,
or groupings of states or countries that roughly follow a
geographic directional pattern of north, south, east and west.
(ARA 002) The north quadrant is designated by green, the
east by gold/yellow, the south by Red, and the west by Blue.
The people that are assigned to operate in these quadrants
could be called by a name that designates their quadrant, for
example Jacob Rothschild is called the ‘Blue Dragon’ because
he operates in the western quadrant, and that quadrant’s
designative color is blue. (ARA 010) The Belenoff’s come
from the Green Dragon family, because they are
operationally based in the northern quadrant, and the
north’s color is green. (ARA 016, ARA 032)
over. (ARA 31) It’s something that is hard for most people to
grasp, because we don’t think of ourselves as rulers—but they
do. We don’t have parts of our life and our operations to
hide behind and cover up because they are illegal and
immoral—but they do. Or maybe they don’t, but they
certainly act like they do. So hidden communications are
activation of the Purple Rain program began when Hillary
and Bill Clinton both wore purple at the concession speech to
Donald Trump’s presidential win. Later it was reinforced
when the symbol for Prince’s name was superimposed on the
football stadium where the super bowl was held in
Minneapolis. It was again reinforced by the purple carpet
(instead of the red carpet) at the Emmy’s, and the purple
attire of many of the high-level women in the early 2021
inauguration ceremony of Joe Biden. (GP 01) Gina seems to
go backwards from her client’s ‘activated’ programs to ferret
out the signs, symbols or colors that triggered the program’s
Gina also references black and white what she calls “base
programming,” which represents the duality of man, the
good and bad selves. It can be symbolized by the black and
white masonic checkerboard floor (GP 04, GP 05) Other
kinds of programming can also have color components, but
to go into those would require too much detail than I wish to
afford here.
computer servers, and it can be used to silence people who
try to fight back against The System. (SW 06)
end? No, it can get worse. Maybe then they go after that
person’s church or their job, or send things to make them
sick, or try to get them into a car accident, put dead animals
in their yard with curses on them, or literally go and
surround their yard, drag them out of the house and kill
them on the lawn. (MJ 02)
Ritual Names
Child Training
Svali says it’s called training in the facilities, but really it’s
just purposeful abuse. (SV 51)
hallway about keeping posture and etiquette, she felt like
there were eyes on her everywhere (ARA 043)
and “Good people shut their mouth”. She was supposed to
stand in a particular way with her feet together and heels
touching. When Jessie didn’t do it, one of the Mothers of
Darkness would whack her in the Achilles with her staff until
her feet were properly aligned. She had to walk around with
a book on her head for proper posture, and was told at age 10
once she was fully trained that she now needed to “start
acting like a Mother of Darkness”. (ARA 043, RoR 013)
child’s life is the most intense training, and it’s basically a
full-time job, according to Svali. (SV 55) A training day for a
young child could begin at 4:30 with a ritual, and (SV 43)
might continue all day, every day, for years on end.
Pedophilia (blackmail)
For those members who have seen each other’s “dirty
deeds” as Jessie terms it, they can use that witnessing of each
other’s pedophilia and other as leverage. When Kamala and
Barack were joking around about Joe (Biden’s) love for
spaghetti and “sauce,” this for them was a subtle threat or
warning to Joe that they hold blackmail against him, and a
clue for us that they might be members of each other’s
witchcraft circles/groups, or they wouldn’t know so much
about one another. (ARA 013)
Nobody so far has out-and-out stated that Bill Gates of
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is involved in The
System, but Svali does say that he has “occultic connections”,
and that his philanthropy is likely the exact opposite of what
normal people would call philanthropic—“it’s not”, she says.
(SV 47)
Philanthropy is also part of the quota System. The
Illuminati members have to do a certain number of things
that look like good deeds to rack up promotional credits in
The System so that they can advance in rank. (MJ 01) All of
the concert fundraisers, the Hollywood stars investing in
children, it’s all a smoke screen to imbue a sense of goodwill
in people witnessing it from the outside, to make us say, hey,
these are good people, they do good things for others. (SW
06) We don’t see the evil beneath, because it’s designed to
be hidden from our view.
Underground Tunnels
children. (GD 05) some of the Catholic Church tunnels even
connect to the Masonic lodges. (MJ 03)
programming tunnels. (FS 01) These are just a small sample
of locations; the network is vast.
Underground Cities
white cupboard in one of the rooms of the Catholic Church
this particular experiment was done in, and the two of them
were inside the cupboard, still in the straight jackets, “trying
to kill each other.” He was kicking her in the shoulder trying
to keep her away so she couldn’t get near his face, and
eventually she’s calm enough to have collapsed across his
lap, and she pukes all over him. Coming down makes you
physically ill. (ARA 042)
DNA manipulation
It’s evident to me that one of the great hoaxes perpetrated
on humanity is that there are much more advanced sciences
available to the ‘elite’ than to us normal humans. One thing
that they do that is very advanced, almost mind-bogglingly
advanced, is genetic manipulation and cross-breeding of
Chapter 15: The Front
Bilderberg Group. Some, like the Central Intelligence
Agency that were created by the Illuminati, in turn create
hundreds of sub-groups to further obfuscate their agenda
and purpose.
Chapter 16: The Bilderberg
(Leader, House of Lords), Klaus Schwab (World Economic
Forum founder), Richard Haas, (President, Council on
Foreign Relations) and Jeff Bezos (Amazon CEO). (ZZ 23)
Chapter 17: The United
World Council, which will be installed when the plans for a
“One World” society are further along. (SV 38)
Illuminati recruiters, and to do work for the United Nations.
(KB 01)
family. The Lucis Trust book “Externalization of the
Hierarchy” by Alice Bailey gives a game plan for who will rule
when the New World Order (which Bailey terms “New Age”)
takes over. They list the “ruler of the world” as Sanat
(scrambled “Satan”) and say that the 3 vehicles for bringing
in this New World Order will be Masonic Lodges, Churches,
and Education. (FS 02)
Chapter 18: The World
Economic Forum
So, while Jessie has not outright said that the World
Economic Forum is a breakout group of the Satanic Council,
it cannot be a wholly non-Luciferian organization. This is
my opinion, inferred from quite a lot of studying how this
Luciferian System works. I might be wrong, but I would not
bet against it using my own money. With a high-up
Luciferian founding and running it, and so many confirmed-
by-Jessie Luciferian Brotherhood members involved
including Zuckerberg, the Clintons, and the Rothschilds, it
would be highly unlikely in my opinion to get that many
Luciferians concentrated in one organization and not have it
be a central group for them all. Birds of a feather, as the
saying goes. What percentage of the WEF is staffed with
Luciferians is anybody’s guess, but the policies of the group
are more than likely designed to support Luciferian goals.
won’t find them—they’ve been scrubbed off, but Wikipedia
has archived some of them.
nothing. I wonder how underwear rental will work under
their plan..... will it be mandatory? I want to opt out, please.
Chapter 19: The Central
Intelligence Agency
occult training. He has been named by her as working on
grotesque human experimentation such as fetal in-utero
hand, nose and feet transplants. Human parts were replaced
with pig parts, so the child looked half-human, half pig when
born. (SW 04) The Illuminati System would then have those
infants graphically ritually murdered or raise them as
individuals who were treated as black sheep, enduring
harassment and torture. Occasionally the children would not
realize that they were human. Occasionally they would be
sold as a delicacy to be consumed by cannibals. (SW 31)
Chapter 20: The Federal
Bureau of Investigation
Chapter 21: The National
Security Agency
Chapter 22: The New
World Order
Cheryl Beck says that “It has always been the plan of the
Illuminati to have a New World Order, where they are totally
in control of all people (on) every continent.” (CB 01) The
New World Order that she is speaking of is the same thing as
the One World Government that Svali mentions, along with
the One World Economy and One World Religion that Jessie
talks about. (SV 38, RoR 185) “They are here to rule the
world,” says Cheryl. They want to install a Luciferian System
across the globe. (SB 01) Luciferianism is a religion, and
they intend their headship on earth to be the Antichrist.
(RoR 069) Essentially, they want us all to worship Satan and
his ‘son’ the Antichrist. Whether they call that a New World
Order, Build Back Better, One World Religion or any of the
many other “globalist” terms, it all funnels back to one thing
—a Luciferian-centered world society.
Svali says that the plans for this New World Order have
been in place for decades, and some of the things that she
knew of as being part of this plan include things that you
might or might not be surprised at. One thing she says is
that a “viral pandemic would be unleashed in the media, to
see how people would respond to what the media (and the
media subliminals) were telling them, and try to discover
where pockets of resistance were.” (SV 57) We’ve seen this
happen already with the Covid situation. Given that
coronavirus spike protein was known to be a pathogen as far
back as 2004, and that there are well over 4000 patents on
coronavirus that could only have been accomplished with
genetic manipulation of the virus, we can see how this is a
scientifically planned event rather than a spontaneous
occurrence. (ZZ 18) Given that science is one of the six areas
of planned Illuminati takeover, along with the media and the
government, it’s a perfect trifecta of control to manifest this
part of the agenda. (SV 13) Part of the viral pandemic “was
to see if people would believe what the media told them over
what science and real data indicated.” (SV 57)
Another plan for the New World Order was that Donald J.
Trump would serve two terms as the President of the United
States. I know this might come as a surprise to some and an
“I told you so” to others. Trump is considered to be a good
guy by many, including Jessie, who was in support of his
efforts to free the trafficked children held by the occult. She
stops short of confirming that he is not in The System,
however. He may or may not be, we don’t know. Perhaps he
was, but he’s double-crossed them. They certainly wouldn’t
have put up the gigantic hissy fit they did if he was with
them, that’s for sure. His role as a good guy is, as of yet,
unconfirmed. Svali doesn’t know why this particular agenda
of him serving two terms as president changed since she left
the Illuminati. Svali doesn’t take so kindly to Trump. She
believes that both Trump and Biden are mind-controlled—
and that is an expert opinion based on her previous
profession of “head programmer” in the Illuminati (SV 26,
SV 57)
Chapter 22: Epilogue
I can see the removal of cursive from schools as a
movement toward creating a slave who does not need to be
able to read cursive in their life.
I can see the flood of people over the southern border and
know that they are an income stream, possible food source,
and likely ritual commodity of the Illuminati and that most
of them will disappear underground and never be seen again.
I understand why no large corporation in America will
have working conditions that don’t require the breaking or
violating of closely held Christian values.
I’m not saying that learning all of this didn’t come with a
lot of sadness, or a lot of mental hurdles. It did. I had to
accept that by being the descendant of a freemason, my
ancestors were worshipping demons, and that was really
tough for me. I had to accept that I’d been brainwashed into
truly believing that not having children was saving the
planet. I’d been brainwashed that salt was bad for me, and
margarine was good, and that the “scientific studies” were
anything but scientific. Some of these life alterations seem
like small things, they add up to big problems in the long
run, and they’re difficult to mitigate and reverse. Worse, I’d
been brainwashed to believe that I had to have a job, a
career, I had to work for a living, that I should put off
marriage, that I should postpone traveling and hobbies until
I was old and retired. I have to concede that I had accepted
mental slavery to a degree, and that was very difficult. I
didn’t lose my whole life, but I lost many years of it. By the
Grace of God I wasn’t an actual slave of the system.
The dictates of the Illuminati machine, these small things
that collectively add up until at one time you realize that
you’re not in control of your life, and you’re a slave with no
actual chains or shackles—except in your mind. Or maybe
you are a prisoner of your child with autism because
somehow he was environmentally poisoned by deliberate
practices designed to drain your family’s finances straight
into the medical/pharmaceutical cartel owned by the
Illuminati. Maybe you believed the brainwashing that
vaccines were “safe and effective” whilst at the same time the
information was hidden from you that the crooks at the CDC
were shredding the data that proved otherwise. Or maybe
you accumulated astronomical student debt getting a rather
useless University degree, lining their pockets, and
bankrupting yours. Or perhaps you’re stuck in an area of the
country with such a high standard of living driven by
Illuminati racketeering and money-laundering that you can’t
ever seem to achieve just a middle-of-the-road existence.
Perhaps you’re caught in a government assistance cycle you
can’t get out of. There are endless life stories that we’ve
probably all heard or seen and we probably can trace them
back to being a victim of the Illuminati in some way. I’m
grateful I was not their permanent victim in a worse way. So
many unnamed children and adults have been, and if they’re
still alive, many still are. For some, the Illuminati is a life
learn, and make the shifts in their life that they need to early
in their life, so they live their life being self-directed, instead
of being Illuminati-directed.
“Let your Light so Shine Before Men so that They May See
Your Good Works, and glorify your Father Which is in
Heaven.” Matthew 5:16
References/Reading List
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Czebotar (002) 9 September 2020https://
(ARA 003) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (003) 14 September 2020 https://
(ARA 004) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (004) 19 September 2020 https://
(ARA 005) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (005) 23 September 2020 https://
(ARA 006) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (006) 25 September 2020 https://
(ARA 007) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (007) 26 September 2020 https://
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(ARA 012) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
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(ARA 013) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (013) 28 October 2020 https://
(ARA 014) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (014) 4 November 2020 https://
(ARA 015) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (015) 6 November 2020 https://
(ARA 016) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
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(ARA 017) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
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(ARA 018) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
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(ARA 019) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
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(ARA 020) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
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(ARA 021) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
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(ARA 022) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (022) 14 January 2021 https://
(ARA 023) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (023) 21 January 2021 https://
(ARA 024) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (024) 28 January 2021 https://
(ARA 025) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (025) 4 February 2021 https://
(ARA 026) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (026) 11 February 2021 https://
(ARA 027) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (027) 25 February 2021
(ARA 028) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (028) 4 March 2021 https://
(ARA 029) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (029) 25 March 2021
(ARA 030) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (030) 31 March 2021 https://
(ARA 031) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (031) 15 April 2021
(ARA 032) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (032) 22 April 2021
(ARA 033) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (033) 12 May 2021
(ARA 034) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (034) 20 May 2021 https://
(ARA 035) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (035) 26 May 2021 https://
(ARA 036) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (036) 10 June 2021
(ARA 037) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (037) 17 June 2021 https://
(ARA 038) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (038) 24 June 2021 https://
(ARA 039) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (039) 8 July 2021 https://
(ARA 040) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (040) 15 July 2021 https://
(ARA 041) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (041) 22 July 2021 https://
(ARA 042) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (042) 28 July 2021 https://
(ARA 043) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (043) 8 September 2021 https://
(ARA 044) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (044) 6 October 2021 https://
(ARA 045) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (045) 20 October 2021 https://
(ARA 046) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (046) 27 October 2021 https://
(ARA 047) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (047) 10 November 2021 https://
(ARA 048) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (048) 8 December 2021 https://
(ARA 049) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (049) 15 December 2021 https://
(ARA 050) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (050) 5 January 2022 https://
(ARA 051) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (051) 14 January 2022 https://
(ARA 052) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (052) 26 January 2022 https://
(ARA 053) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar Satanic Calendar and Fake Band Aids2 February
(ARA 054) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar Satanic Calendar and Recent Events in South Africa
9 February 2022
(ARA 055) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar Orlando Update, Simpsons & The Truckers &
Cotton Schwab (haha) & tiny tim 23 February 2022 https://
(ARA 056) Aquarius Rising Africa Jessie in the House!
We’re talking Blood Diamonds & Lacey Things 2 March 2022
(ARA 102) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
and David Connecting with Jessie and David... we're
recapitating today 11 September 21 https://
(ARA 103) Aquarius Rising Africa with Jessie and
Carmen. 9 October 2021. https://
(ARA 104) Solutions with Aquarius Rising Africa ARA
SOLUTIONS (012) with Jessie Czebotar ... surviving family
life after Satanic Ritual Abuse … 23 March 2022 https://
(CB 01) SE01/E02 (Part 1): MK Ultra, SRA, Illuminati,
the NWO, & The Cheryl Beck Story 14 April 2021 https://
(CB 02) SE01/E02 (Part 2): MK Ultra & The Cheryl Beck
Story 20 April 2021
(CB 03) SE01/E02 (Part 3): SRA & The Cheryl Beck Story
6 May 2021
(CB 04) Throwaway Child Cheryl Beck part 1 - 23 June
(CB 05) Throwaway Child Cheryl Beck part 2 - 21 July
(CB 06) SE01/E02 (Part 4) Adrenochrome & The Cheryl
Beck Story. 6 May 2021.
(CO 03) Cathy O’Brien with Michael Jaco, MK Ultra,
Child Trafficking, PTSD survivor discusses how we can
overcome with Cathy O’Brien. Unknown original air date.
Repost date 10 October 2021.
(CO 04) Cathy O’Brien, Sex, Lies & Mind Control, http://, accessed Friday Nov. 26, 2021
(CO 05) Cathy O’Brien, How Trauma, Propaganda &
Secret Gov. Programs Rule the World (and How Healing Is
Possible) 15 May 2021
(CO 06) Cathy O’Brien, Inside The Matrix 10-17-21 with
Cathy O'Brien 17 October 2021.
(CS 1) Carmen Smith Studer - Throne Room of Heaven
Described. 31 March 2021
(CS 2) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie Czebotar Describes
Satan’s Underworld. 21 April 2021 https://
(CS 3) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie Czebotar’s Friend
Ms. Beck. 25 April 2021
(CS 4) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie Czebotar Never
Ending Questions. 28 April 2021
(CS 5) Carmen Smith Studer - Satan’s Fools and God’s
Healing Pools. 12 May 2021
(CS 6) Carmen Smith Studer - Fabulous Ms. Beck is back
with Carmen Studer. 21 May 2021 https://
(CS 7) Carmen Smith Studer - First Time Going Public
About Her Father Abusing Her with Kimball Davis. 22 May
(CS 8) Carmen Smith Studer - THE CLUB no one wants
to belong to, with guest Cathryn Sullivan. 9 June 2021
(CS 9) Carmen Smith Studer - They picked the Wrong
Girls Jessie Czebotar Madyson Marquette & Claire Hocking
Okell. 9 June 2021
(CS 10) Carmen Smith Studer - Healing from Satanic
Ritual Abuse Ms. Beck. 13 June 2021 https://
(CS 11) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie Czebotar featuring
Clare Okell Global Warriors. 23 June 2021 https://
(CS 12) Carmen Smith Studer - They Picked the Wrong
Girls & Surprise a Navy SEAL. 30 June 2021 https://
(CS 13) Carmen Smith Studer - Carmen’s Crazy Questions
for Jessie Czebotar. 4 August 2021 https://
(CS 14) Carmen Smith Studer - The Underground God’s
Tools and Abuse Effects with Jessie Czebotar 18 August
(CS 15) Carmen Smith Studer -Moving Forward with
Grace With Madyson Marquette and Terrina Picarello. 18
August 2021
(CS 16) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie Czebotar Joins me
Remote Viewing vs Visions and Revelations. 6 October 2021
(CS 17) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie is Back with
Carmen Studer. 27 October 2021 https://
(CS 18) Carmen Smith Studer -The Underworld of
Astroworld. 10 November 2021
(CS 19) Carmen Smith Studer - Breeder Program
Questions Answered with Jessie Czebotar. 10 December
(CS 20) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie Czebotar | The
SECRETS in Plain Sight. 5 January 2021 https://
(CS 21) Carmen Smith Studer - Just Fun | With Jessie,
Chantelle, Tom & Me. 15 January 2022 https://
(CS 22) Carmen Smith Studer - Saving All The Children |
with Jessie Czebotar (originally titled “Beast Systems”) 19
January 2022
(CS 23) Carmen Smith Studer - xWhistleblower of Epste!
n & Ghis!aine Cabal | With Artist/Victor Maria Farmer 21
January 2022
(CS 24) Carmen Smith Studer - A Dynamic Duo Jessie
Czebotar & Madyson Marquette. 2 February 2022 https://
(CS 25) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie Czebotar | Light
Side of Darkness. 9 February 2022 https://
(CS 26) Carmen Smith Studer - Time with the
amazing ..... Jessie Czebotar. 7 March 2022 https://
(CS 27) Carmen Smith Studer - Cheryl Beck is BACK |
Squid Games Show. 5 March 2022. https://
(CW 07) Episode 7 - Cisco Wheeler, The Breath of Life
The Eternal Soul & JFK. 28 Feb 2021. https:// (removed
from YouTube, not mirrored any where I know of)
(CW 08) Episode 8 - Cisco Wheeler, Wisdom &
Revelation - The Breath of God Part 2. 4 April 2021 https:// (removed from
YouTube, not mirrored any where I know of)
(CW 09) Episode 9 - Cisco Wheeler, Wisdom & Revelation
The Logos. 4 April 2021
v=J2vm4btEaTo (taken off YouTube, not mirrored that I
know of)
(CW 10) Episode 10 - Cisco Wheeler, Wisdom &
Revelation The Glory of God - 6 May 2021 https:// (taken off
YouTube, not mirrored that I know of)
(CW 11) Episode 11 - Cisco Wheeler, Cheryl Beck-The
Holy Spirit Healing Pools 15 May 2021https:// (taken off
YouTube, not mirrored that I know of)
(CW 12) Cisco Wheeler Claims She Was Born Into a
Illuminati Family, Subjected to Mind Control, and Used as a
Child Sex Slave to Political _Elites_, Including US Presidents
- Humans Are Free
(CW14) Cisco Wheeler Interview with Wayne Morris.
Date unknown.
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Identity Disorder, Human Alien Hybrids, Demonic
Possession. 22 October 2021.
(DR 02) Doug Riggs. 基督的誕⽣ (Doug Riggs the hot
seat August 11 2021) 7 December 2021. https://
(DO 01217) Dark Outpost 2020-12-17 Days Of Darkness
(DO 01221) Dark Outpost 2020-12-21 Will Trump Pull
The Trigger
(DO 10211) Dark Outpost 2021-02-11 Clapper Confirms-
Mike Pence A Pedo
(DO 10225) Dark Outpost 2021-02-25 Military Fights
Underground War
(DO 10304) Dark Outpost 2021-03-04 White House
Tunnels Blown Up Children Saved https://
(DO 10311) Dark Outpost 2021-03-11 Trump Issues Death
Warrant For Fauci
(DO 10318) Dark Outpost 2021-03-18 Biden Is Computer
(DO 10326) Dark Outpost 2021-03-26 Vaccinated
Becoming Reinfected
(DO 10408) Dark Outpost 2021-04-08 Demon Lands On
Vatican Roof
(DO 10415) Dark Outpost 2021-04-15 Demons
Materializing On Earth
(DO 10422) Dark Outpost 2021-04-22 PTSD Or Demonic
(DO 10506) Dark Outpost 2021-05-06 Is This Satanic
Cult Leader Still Alive?
4VGKrC92VeoB/ or
(DO 10513) Dark Outpost 2021-05-13 Illuminati Victim
Answers Her Critics
(DO 10520) Dark Outpost 2021-05-20 Black-Eyed
Children Real Or Myth?
vdK1oG5gfhTZ/ or
(DO 10603) Dark Outpost 2021-06-03 They Might be
(DO 10610) Dark Outpost 2021-06-10 The Secret of
Glamis Castle
(DO 10617) Dark Outpost 2021-06-17 Are these the End
(DO 10624) Dark Outpost 2021-06-24 Are Psychics
(DO 10701) Dark Outpost 2021-07-01 Council of 13
(DO 10708) Dark Outpost 2021-07-08 The Tactics of
(DO 10722) Dark Outpost 2021-07-22 Is Satan Winning?
(DO 10729) Dark Outpost 2021-07-29 Military Holding
white House for Trump
(DO 10805) Dark Outpost 2021-08-05 Disney the
Nightmare Continues
(DO 10819) Dark Outpost 2021-08-19 NYC Will be Nuked
on 911
(DO 10902) Dark Outpost 2021-09-02 Craig Sawyer-
Hero or Monster
(DO 10909) Dark Outpost 2021-09-09 Dead Men Walkin
(DO 11007) Dark Outpost 2021-10-07 Jessie's War-
Battling Demons From Two Worlds https://
(DO 11014) Dark Outpost 2021-10-14 Accident or
Illuminati Murder
(DO 11020) Dark Outpost 2021-10-20 Jessie Returns A
Battle Rejoined
(DO 11028) Dark Outpost 2021-10-28 Biden’s Lolita
(DO 11104) Dark Outpost 2021-11-4 Navy Seals Rescue
Smuggled Kids from Cargo Ship
(DO 11111) Dark Outpost 2021-11-11 is Astral Projection
(DO 11118) Dark Outpost 2021-11-18 is Masturbation a
(DO 11209) Dark Outpost 2021-12-09 What is the Black
Eye Club?
(DO 20106) Dark Outpost 2022-01-06 White Hats
Created Omicron As Antidote Pt. 1 https://
(DO 20114) Dark Outpost 2022-01-14 Revelations In
Time And Space Part 1
(DO 20121) Dark Outpost 2022-01-22 The Vatican's
Secret Time Machine
(DO 20127) Dark Outpost 2022-01-27 Cirsten W Death
Takes A Bizarre Turn
(DO 20203) Dark Outpost 2022-02-03 Spiritual Attacks
Part 2
(DO 20210) Dark Outpost 2022-02-10 Demonically
Possessed Crossing U.S. Border https://
(DO 20224) Dark Outpost 2022-02-24 Eastbound and
Down Part 1
(DO 20324) Dark Outpost 03-24-2022 Putin Beheads
Ukrainian Bioweapons Engineers https://
(GD 01) QBits with Good Dog, #150/159 Light at the End
of the Tunnel 21 April 2020.
(GD 02) QBits with Good Dog, #151 Heart of Darnkess. 3
April 2021
(GD 03) QBits with Good Dog,#191/215 Grim Fairy Tale.
4 March 2021
(GD 04) QBits with Good Dog, #195/219 Supplies and
chains. 24 July 2020
(GD 05) QBits with Good Dog,#253 Draining the Swamp.
14 September 2020
November 2021.
(GP 06) Gina PhillipsTruth Unveiled - Gina Phillips
Decodes the Travis Scott AstroWorld Concert Part 2 GP06 19
November 2021.
(KB 01) Kerth Barker, Angelic Defenders & Demonic
Abusers. 2019. Kerth Barker Books,
(KB 02) Kerth Barker, Deconstructing the Illuminati,
What the Illuminati Really is and How to Defeat It. 2017.
Kerth Barker Books,
(KB 03) Kerth Barker, Cannibalism, Blood Drinking &
High-Adept Satanism. 2019. Kerth Barker Books,
(KB 04) Kerth Barker, Overcoming Monarch Mind
Control. 2019. Kerth Barker Books,
(MJ 03) Michael Jaco, As many as 6 in 10 veterans are
committing suicide according to reliable sources. What is the
cause? 4 June 2021
(MJ 04) Jessie Czebotar Joins The Intuitive Report to
Discuss the Jesus Strand and How the Dark Side Uses it 11
September 2021
(MJ 05) Is the System Set Up for Evil? Are Judges,
Lawyers, Police and Medical Entities Involved? 4 August
(RoR 015) Right on Radio Episode 15 Devil’s Appearance
Revealed. 15 August 2020.
(RoR 018) Right on Radio Episode 18 Vamps Masons and
Possession. 24 August 2020. https://
(RoR 019) Right on Radio Episode 19 High Priestess
Cooper’s Training. 30 August 2020. https://
(RoR 027) Right on Radio Episode 27 Shaky Ground--
RBG-Epstein-HRC-Weiner. 7 October 2020. https://
(RoR 029) Right on Radio Episode 29 Mule Theory. 25
September 2020.
(RoR 038) Right on Radio Episode 38 Marion’s Back. 17
October 2020.
(RoR 045) Right on Radio Episode 45 All Hallows Eve.
30 October 2020.
(RoR 049) Right on Radio Episode 49 Somerset Decode.
13 November 2020.
(RoR 069) Right on Radio Episode 69 Battlefield Earth
20 December 2020
(RoR 080) Right on Radio Episode 80 Ceremonies. 10
January 2021.
(RoR 081) Right on Radio Episode 81 Panic in DC
SPACEFORCE Military and Guard Deployed State of
Emergency Declared. 12 January 2021. https://
(RoR 085) Right on Radio Episode 85 Watch the Water.
One Truth to Save the World. 16 January 2021. https://
(RoR 090) Right on Radio Episode 90 Dark to Light.
Know the future. 24 January 2021. https://
(RoR 096) Right on Radio Episode 96 Defeating Demons,
Mockingbird Media and Markets must Fall. 4 February 2021.
(RoR 100) Right on Radio Episode 100 Lupercalia,
Valentines day is a pagan holiday and is attached to demons.
14 February 2021.
(RoR 109) Right on Radio Episode 109 This Happens
First The rise of the Anti-Christ. 7 March 2021. https://
(RoR 164) Right on Radio EP 164 Intel with Tom. Matrix
Collapsing, G7 and DC is Closed. 15 June 2021. https://
(RoR 168) Right on Radio Episode 168 Sitrep News and Q
and A. 22 June 2021.
(RoR 178) Right on Radio Episode 178 Where is Mars
Elon Initiates Direction Major Decode. 9 July 2021. https://
(RoR 185) Right on Radio Episode 185 Updates, Q and A
Recorded Live. 22 July 2021. https://
(RoR 196) Right on Radio Episode 196 Another Mother
Exposing the DS Cabal. 24 August 2021. https://
(RoR 197) Right on Radio Episode 197 It is all about the
Blood! Are we in the Final Days? 26 August 2021. https://
(RoR 204) Right on Radio Episode Jessie Czebotar
TRUST. A Personal Message. 14 September 2021. https://
(RoR 205) Right on Radio Episode 205 Power
Connections The Dark Force over the Earth. 16 September
(RoR 209) Right on Radio Episode 209 Name of
Antichrist Proof we are in End Days. 5 October 2021.
(RoR 220) Right on Radio Episode 220 Mandy from
Scotland Overcome with Emotional Intelligence. 27 October
(RoR 223) Right on Radio Episode 223 Dead Lock
Demons Manson, Bieber and Kan[YE]. 2 November 2021.
(RoR 230) Right on Radio Episode 230 Frequency
Weapon Voice of god Project It is happening NOW. 16
November 2021.
(RoR 234) Right on Radio Episode 234 Black Gold, Texas
Tea. The Alchemy. This is our most important show ever. 22
November 2021.
(RoR 237) Right on Radio Episode 237 Sword and Stone.
Arthur, Merlin and the See Do you really want to know. 30
November 2021.
(RoR 240) Right on Radio Episode 240 Revelation
Chapter 18. In One Hour. Babylon the Great is Destroyed. 5
December 2021.
(RoR 241) Right on Radio Episode 241 The Secret City of
Shamballa Kundalini Sex Magik Jesus Conscious. 7
December 2021.
(RoR 242) Right on Radio Episode 242 Stranger at the
Pentagon. Angels Aliens and Demons in DC. Shall we Play a
Game? 9 December 2021. https://
(RoR 244) Right on Radio Episode 244 Mind Soul
Immortal. Military Mass Population Mind Control. Voice of
god Project. 14 December 2021. https://
(RR 05) The Reveal Report, Demonic Attacks & Gods
protection. 28 March 2021
(RR 06) The Reveal Report, Special live report She’s back
April 16, 2021.
(RR 07) The Reveal Report, Spiritual Warfare with Ex-
Satanist John Ramirez. 23 April 2021 https://
(RR 08) The Reveal Report, Live with Jessie Czebotar
Brice Watson talking Glamis Castle. 30 April 2021 https://
(RR 09) The Reveal Report, Special report with Jessie
Czebotar TV Star Roseanne plus guests giving Testimony. 7
May 2021
(RR 10) The Reveal Report, Special LIVE report - with
Jessie Czebotar discussing Hollywood & The Occult. 14 May
(RR 11) The Reveal Report, LIVE Report with Jessie
Czebotar Discussing Seance Spirit Communication. 21 May
(RR 12) The Reveal Report, Jessie Decodes Occult
Symbols and Logos. 4 June 2021 https://
(RR 13) The Reveal Report, LIVE report with Jessie
Czebotar - hidden symbols in kids shows. 11 June 2021
(RR 14) The Reveal Report, Vampires and the Hollywood
Elite. 18 June 2021
(RR 15) The Reveal Report, LIVE report - Brice Watson &
Jessie Czebotar discus Anton Lavey and the rise of Satanism
25 June 2021
(RR 16) The Reveal Report, Bishop Larry Gaiters & Jessie
Czebotar discuss Spiritual Warfare 2 July 2021 https://
(RR 17) The Reveal Report, LIVE from Orlando Florida
with Jessie Czebotar. 16 July 2021 https://
(RR 18) The Reveal Report, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen
AKA Kim Possible 28 October 2021
(RR 19) The Reveal Report, Special LIVE report with
Jessie Czebotar discussing End Times Prophecy 23 July
(RR 20) The Reveal Report, LIVE from New Orleans with
guest Jessie Czebotar 30 July 2021. https://
(RR 21) The Reveal Report, WE ARE BACK - special LIVE
report with Jessie Czebotar & George Iceman 3 Sept 2021.
(RR 22) The Reveal Report, Grifters || They BIG Mad ||
Can the BISHOP Get Some Receipts--unedited original from
10 sept 21.
(RR 23) The Reveal Report, Special LIVE report
addressing the RUMORS with special guests 17 Sept 2021.
(RR 24) The Reveal Report, Halloween History & Rituals
- LIVE report this FRIDAY with Jessie Czebotar 22 Oct 2021.
(RR 25) The Reveal Report, LIVE with Jessie Czebotar
answering your questions 5 Nov 2021. https://
(RR 26) The Reveal Report, LIVE report decoding Travis
Scott Concert Astroworld - MUST WATCH 8 Nov 2021.
(RR 27) The Reveal Report, Reveal Radio - Telegram
show Q&A with Jessie Czebotar 17 Nov 2021. https://
(RR 28) The Reveal Report, LIVE TONIGHT - The
Downfall of Hollywood is it COMING 19 November 2021.
(RR 29) The Reveal Report, L I V E - MK Ultra Mind
Control survivor Cathy OBrien TONIGHT 22 November
(RR 30) The Reveal Report, LIVE report with guest Jessie
Czebotar - HUMAN EXPERIMENTS 26 November 2021.
(RR 31) The Reveal Report, LIVE report with Jessie
Czebotar - The Rings of the Illuminati 3 December 2021.
(RR 32) The Reveal Report, LIVE report - Secret
Gatherings of the Elite with Jessie Czebotar MUST WATCH
10 December 2021.
(RR 33) The Reveal Report, ONE Year Anniversary Show
- Jessie Czebotar talks DEMONIC POSESSION. 18 December
(RR 34) The Reveal Report, Special LIVE report - Pagan
Holidays with guest Jessie Czebotar TONIGHT! 7 January
(RR 35) The Reveal Report, special LIVE report -
Haunted Houses and what can cause them!!! 14 January
(RR 36) The Reveal Report, TONIGHT - special report
with Jessie Czebotar discussing SECRET SOCIETIES. 28
January 2022.
(RR 37) The Reveal Report, Special LIVE report - Biblical
Giants with guest Gary Wayne. 4 Feb 2022. https://
(RR 38) The Reveal Report, special LIVE report from
Orlando Florida TONIGHT! 18 Feb 2022. https://
(RR 39) The Reveal Report, Reveal Report - Special LIVE
report with guest Jessie Czebotar. 25 Feb 2022. https://
(RR 40) The Reveal Report, Special LIVE Report with
George Iceman & Jessie Czebotar 4 March 2022 https://
(RR 41) The Reveal Report, Glory to God Tour LIVE in
Kenner 11 Mar 2022
(RR 42) The Reveal Report. Glory to God Tour in
Shreveport with Jessie Czebotar 18 march 2022 https://
(RR 43) The Reveal Report, LIVE report on spiritual
attacks & strongholds with Jessie Czebotar 25 March 2022
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(SV 16) Svali. Chapter 6, Brain Wave Programming. accessed 31 August 2021
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(SV 18) Svali. Chapter 8, CIA, Governmental and
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(SV 19) Svali. Chapter 9, Programming Linked to Stories,
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6IMy8KmVAyg/ 9 October 2020
(SW 04) Sarah Westall; Deep Inside the Satanic Cabal,
World Agenda, Leadership Structure, Rituals with Jessie
Czebotar 3 of 3 11 October 2020
(SW 05) Sarah Westall: Loyalty to the Illuminati is
created and maintained with life part 1. 20 October 2020
(SW 06) Sarah Westall: Loyalty to the Illuminati is
created and maintained with life part 2. 22 October 2020
(SW 07) Sarah Westall; Hunter Biden’s deep State
Blackmail Files exposed: Why not More? What’s the
Strategy, Jessie Czebotar 30 October 2020 https://
(SW 08)Sarah Westall: Patreon Exclusive Experiments
and Projects on Children 31 October 2021 https://
(SW 09) Sarah Westall Massive Family Trust Dismantling
the Great Reset Fight Between Good and Evil Part 1 of 3 19
November 2020
(SW 10) Sarah Westall; Patreon exclusive w Jessie
Czebotar 10-11-2020 19 November 2020 https://
(SW 11) Sarah Westall; Ruling Elites Satanic goals
Massive Family Trust Dismantling the Great Reset 2 of 3 22
November 2020
(SW 12) Sarah Westall; Ruling Elites Satanic goals
Massive Family Trust Dismantling the Great Reset 3 of 3 22
November 2020
(SW 13) Sarah Westall; Luciferian Meaning of Winter
Solstice Rare Event World Trafficking Hubs 1 of 2 10
December 2020
(SW 14) Sarah Westall; Luciferian Meaning of Winter
Solstice Rare Event World Trafficking Hubs 2 of 2 12
December 2020
(SW 15) Sarah Westall; Enemy’s Agenda is Luciferian
Anti-Human Pure Evil. 20 December 2020 https://
(SW 16) Sarah Westall; Exclusive what do the Lower
Realms Look Like. 20 December 2020 https://
(SW 17) Sarah Westall; Washington DC Tunnel Systems
How The Real Riot Plans Failed. 8 January 2021 https://
(SW 18) Sarah Westall; Supporter Exclusive His Kingdom
Comes In Power the Battle. 9 January 2021 https://
(SW 19) Sarah Westall; Inauguration, strangeness, high
codes and rituals part 1. 23 January 2021 https://
(SW 20) Sarah Westall; Inauguration, strangeness, high
codes and rituals part 2. 24 January 2021 https://
(SW 21) Sarah Westall; MK Ultra has changed and is
more powerful part 1. 14 February 2021 https://
(SW 22) Sarah Westall; MK Ultra has changed and is
more powerful part 2. 17 February 2021 https://
(SW 23) Sarah Westall; Complete Control FEMA Camps,
and Your basic needs part 1. 28 February 2021 https://
(SW 24) Sarah Westall; Complete Control FEMA Camps,
and Your basic needs part 2. 2 March 2021 https://
(SW 25) Sarah Westall; The Great Decode How Entities
Use Ancient Knowledge to Control Humanity 1 of 2. 24 May
(SW 26) Sarah Westall; The Great Decode How Entities
Use Ancient Knowledge to Control Humanity 2 of 2. 25 May
(SW 27) Sarah Westall; Glamis Calling Org World
Governing Council Children of the Tunnels. 13 April 2021
(SW 28) Sarah Westall; Are they dead or being used for
Luciferian purposes? 12 May 2021 https://
(SW 29) Sarah Westall; Globalists Manipulating Free Will
to Mock God Why they Do It. 29 May 2021 https://
(SW 30) Sarah Westall; World War 3 Battles on Many
Fronts Helping Survivors Recover from Trauma With
Chaplain Jessie Czebotar. 5 July 2021 https://
(SW 31) Sarah Westall; Government Experiments 3500
per child. 8 June 2021
(SW 32) Sarah Westall; Westall Monarch sex slave Laura
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(SW 33) Sarah Westall; MK Ultra Methods Being Used
Now On Humanity, British Rock Invasion, Child Subjects
(with Ann Diamond) 19 August 2021 https://
(SW 34) Sarah Westall; Infinite soul Capture & Perpetual
Harvesting of Humanity w/Jessie Czebotar. 9 Dec 2021
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About the Author
eronica Swift is a former educator who stumbled
upon Jessie Czebotar’s work during a physically
difficult year. Since then, she has spent 17 months
trying to understand the hidden System called the Illuminati
Brotherhood, its ways and methods, its people and structure.
Her blog is at When not
staring at the computer screen, she enjoys growing flowers
and playing cribbage.