Litinhthewoolan Illuminati Primer

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Veronica Swift
An Illuminati
Understanding The System
Through the Eyes of its

Veronica Swift

Cover art by Ivan Cujic

© 2022 Veronica Swift

This book is dedicated to:

The people who tried to escape, and did not make it out.
The people who made it out, but were too afraid to speak about it.
Those who made it out, and talked about it.
Those who made it out, and wrote about it.
Those who weren’t members, but who dedicated their lives, fortunes,
and honor to helping the above survive their escape.

Many thanks to those who made this possible, including the very hard
working DT, and all of my blog and Locals subscribers.

If someone charges you for this book other than the author, they have
committed theft.

This first edition eBook is being made free to the public for individual use
Pass it around to your friends and family, or anybody who needs an
introduction to the evil in the world.

If you want to help defray the costs of publication,

come subscribe to my community at:

Free for individual use only.

Permission to repost on government, organization, education, or any
other for-profit websites or to use by the aforenamed is expressly
prohibited without the prior written permission of the author, and
appropriate payment.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 4

A Note on Reference Numbers 8

Prologue 10

Disclaimer and Warning 13

How this Book Came About 16

Key Whistleblowers 19

Chapter 1: The System 22

Chapter 2: Satan, aka Lucifer 27

Chapter 3: Mothers of Darkness 32

Chapter 4: Satan’s Demon Generals 40

Chapter 5: The Antichrist 43

Chapter 6: The 4 P’s; Priest, Pindar, Prophet,

Phoenix 48

Chapter 7: Protectors 50

Chapter 8: The Satanic Council 57

Chapter 9: Sisters of Light 63

Chapter 10: The Media 66

Chapter 11: Brides of Satan 74

Chapter 12: Programming 76

Chapter 13: Infiltrated Institutions 91

Catholic Church/Vatican/Holy See 92

Masons 96

Mormons 102

Amish/Mennoite/Hutterite (Anabaptists) 108

Education 111

Public Servants & the Legal System 112

Museums and Art Galleries 116

ISST-D 117

Banks 118

Chapter 14: Practices 119

Marriage 119

Homosexuality 121

Breeder Programs 124

Grooming/Infant abuse 127

Cross Dressing 128

Adoption 129
Rituals 130

Posture 134

Protect Your Brother at All Costs 135

Code of Silence 136

Blood Drinking 137

Color Comms 138

Quota System/Keeping Track of Quotas 141

Signatures 143

Ritual Names 144

Bestiality 146

Child Training 147

Pedophilia (blackmail) 150

Philanthropy 151

Underground Tunnels 153

Underground Cities 156

First Born Family Sacrifice 157

Getting Rid of the Bodies 157

Adrenochrome 158
DNA manipulation 160

Chapter 15: The Front Organizations 162

Chapter 16: The Bilderberg Group 164

Chapter 17: The United Nations 166

Chapter 18: The World Economic Forum 170

Chapter 19: The Central Intelligence Agency 174

Chapter 20: The Federal Bureau of Investigation176

Chapter 21: The National Security Agency 178

Chapter 22: The New World Order 179

Chapter 22: Epilogue 182

References/Reading List 188

About the Author 240

A Note on Reference

While reading this book you will come across my unique

numbering System.

You’ve probably encountered end notes, which are

contained at the end of each chapter. I don’t use these.

You may have encountered References, which are

sequentially numbered and sometimes referred to as MLA or
APA style. I don’t use these either.

Instead, I’ve devised a universal reference number

system, one that I can use for this book, and any other
publication from now on, with no need for re-numbering as
with endnotes or traditional footnotes.

At the end of a sentence or paragraph, you’ll find

parenthesis with letters followed by numbers, such as (AB
01). The AB refers to the publication, which in this case is
called Age of Betrayal, and there are 4 separate interviews
and each has a reference number, so there is AB 01, AB 02.
AB 03, AB 04. You can find all of these reference numbers
listed alphabetically in the Reference/Reading List section at
the end of the book.

And the God of Peace shall bruise Satan under your feet
shortly. The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Amen. Romans 16:20

Does the Illuminati have natural enemies?

“The only true enemy that they see is the Christian Church,
which opposes all they do.”


This book is a two-fold attempt to more fully understand

the worldwide religious System frequently called the
Illuminati, but also to put it in a form and structure so that
other people can understand it, as well. It’s not meant to be
comprehensive, but rather an overview. I chose a short list
of whistleblowers to draw my sources from, all of whom have
escaped the Illuminati after having been engaged in it at
various levels of its operation. Some were high-level, some
very low-level, and a few were in-between. All have
interesting, engaging, and often horrifying stories. To my
knowledge, nobody has yet attempted to put together an
Illuminati ‘big picture’ by taking information from
individuals at a variety of levels of the organization from
their perspective and using their words. For me, this
approach has given a more well-rounded understanding of
the megalith of evil that is the Illuminati.

I write a blog called Lifting The Wool, which I started in

an attempt to understand what a former high-level
Illuminati defector and whistleblower (that I call ‘Our
Whistleblower’ on the blog) has divulged about what she
calls “The System.” ‘The System’ moniker refers to the
many-faceted and frankly pretty complicated money-making
and world-domination-pursuing structure that the Illuminati
have set up. While the Illuminati seems to be a rather new-
ish name for this organization, it’s a group that seems to go
back thousands of years, and if you can believe it, right
straight back to a child of Adam and Eve, the offspring of
Cain. If you’re like me, the history of it is secondary in
importance as the operational structure of modern time. I
have an easier time understanding the history of something
when I first understand what exactly it is, so in this book I’m
focusing on what the Illuminati System is now, and maybe
I’ll have time in a future book or blog to delve into the

In this modern time, The System is an income-generating

organization, with a religious foundation. They make money
through human trafficking, drug running, gun running,
gambling and other illegal, immoral and nefarious pursuits.
“If there’s an illegal activity, they’re doing it.” (SV 02) What
they do best, however, is keep their operations highly secret.
This secrecy is like a veil that has been draped over the
public at large, preventing us from really knowing what is
happening, despite the astonishing fact that they operate
quite a lot right out in the open. The more I learn, the more
puzzled I am that the general public really doesn’t know
more than they do. There have been a lot of people who have
written books, and blogs, and done interviews and ‘told on’
The System to us, the non-member public. And yet, I’m not
a spring chicken and I’d never really heard of it. Or maybe I
had, but just hadn’t digested any of it because it seemed
fantastical and not grounded in reality.

I think that an additional aspect of the reason that not

many previous whistleblowers got a ton of traction is that
this stuff is really, really difficult to hear. It’s difficult to
emotionally digest, and it’s heartbreaking at times to realize
that people have gone through such horrors—and I mean
both people trapped inside The System and those used,

abused, and discarded by The System. Make no mistake,
what the Illuminati System is engaged in is brutal, cruel,
torturous and on such a level of evil that the word evil ceases
to be a great description. We don’t have an English word for
something worse than evil, and yet that is what this group is.
They’re beyond evil.

Recently (December 2021) someone on Twitter (that I

cannot find and therefore cannot reference for you—which as
you will see is pretty rare for me) said that she had been
studying the Illuminati/The System for 40 years, and the
piece that brought it all together for her was the information
that the woman I call Our Whistleblower has revealed over
the past 2-4 years. I agree; this information is the clincher
that allows enough of the puzzle pieces to be present and put
together so that the picture of the organization, its structure,
its function and its aims makes sense. There are still holes,
but it’s comprehensive in a way that before this particular
whistleblower’s revelations it hasn’t been in the past.
Previously we’ve had perspectives from mostly mid-to-lower
level escapees. Our Whistleblower is the highest to defect
and talk about The System. In the past it’s been like trying to
imagine an elephant by staring at a photo of its eyelashes.
You can’t tell what it is in its entirety from just that bit of
information. With Our Whistleblower’s revelations, we’ve
taken a giant few steps back and can see the elephant now. I
feel bad for even making an elephant reference, they are
gentle and beautiful animals, and this System is not gentle,
and it’s not beautiful.

Disclaimer and Warning

There are two possible ways to take the information in

this book. One is to discount it as complete rubbish, the
fantasies of the wild imaginations of a number of different
people, a vast conspiracy theory with no basis in reality, a
heaped and steaming pile of you-know-what. The other way
is to consider that so many different whistleblowers might
not be wrong and that all of them are risking their lives to
reveal the information, so it might all have merit. After
reading and writing and following these folks intensely for
well over a year, I stake a claim on the latter. Yet not all are
with me; there are vehement detractors to these people and
their information. Search online and you will find all
manner of negativity. So I’ll say right now, I could be wrong
in trusting them, and it may ‘bite me’ in the butt in the long
run. But I don’t think so, or I wouldn’t be spending the time
to write this book. Take it as truth; take it as fiction—it’s
yours to decide.

I’m not egotistical enough to think that what I compile

here will help change anybody’s mind, but I deeply desire
that it will, because if you do change your mind it will change
your outlook on the world, and when your eyes are open you
cannot help but change your reactions, your emotions, and
your way of interacting in the world. I think it gets better by
leaps and bounds the more you know. Perhaps not easier,
and it takes time to get through the phase of understanding

and on to the other side of it. There’s some grief there for
many people. Rest assured you will get through it.

For the most part, this book is written like a research paper.
I like to research and I think that too few people these days
on the internet are diligent enough to cite their sources.
Many times what you read in blogs and even in “news”
stories are opinions of the writer. If I give you my opinion,
you’ll know it. If it’s someone else’s experience or opinion, I
will source it. Some of these sources have been wiped from
the internet, but for each item that I source I have a hard
copy, and I will make all of that available, somehow, to you
the reader. I can prove that what you will read in this book
has come from someone else’s writings or videos or audio
podcasts, and not from me or my imagination.

That said, I’m not confident that everything here is the be all,
end all, truth. Cheryl Beck, a victim of the Illuminati, said
recently on Twitter that she didn’t believe everything that
Luciferians have to say, so she didn’t agree with some of the
stuff she’d seen from Fritz Springmeier, an Illuminati
researcher. We all take a risk in believing whistleblowers,
and researchers, and people’s memories, which are not all
perfect. There is a measure of confidence that we can take,
however, which is that they really have everything to lose if
they’re lying to us. They are already under pressure as
defectors, The System takes away their abilities to hold down
a job, make a living, to thrive in society, to live in confidence
that they won’t be killed. Many of them make a living with
appearances and by writing books or listener donations via
crowdfunding sources. If their listeners could truly prove

they were lying to them, it might land them in a permanently
homeless and destitute situation. Again, this is just my own
analysis, you are free to disagree to any degree you wish.

In a moment of frustration one day, I wrote here, “If you

disagree with what these folks have revealed, feel free to
complain directly to them. If you complain to me I’ll be
happy to smack you around for them.” I’m always up for
constructive criticism, and if you don’t believe me you can
troll the comments section of my blog. I hold a “wait and
see” attitude about a lot of this, to see if it is ever
independently verified by something that I, for example,
could verify with my own 2 eyes. But I also trust my gut, and
my gut says that this System and its many tentacles is the
reason why the world works the way it works, and it’s the
explanation that I personally needed to make the world make
sense to me. I bring you along for the ride, in hopes that it
can bring you the same measure of peace of understanding
that it has brought me.

How this Book Came

October 20, 2020 was a dividing point in my life. Not

exactly a mid-life crisis, but possibly just as significant. It
was the day my outlook on the entire world changed, both for
the better and the worse, all at the same time.

Before I say exactly what happened on that day, I’ll tell

you a little bit about myself. I grew up book smart and
world-stupid, had a firm sense of justice and fairness that
was cemented in the Christian ethos (vs. the social justice
circus), and never really knew what I wanted to do with my
life. I was bad at math because it wasn’t visual, loved to read,
and generally understood animals more than I understood
people. I have hated creative writing since grade school; I’m
bad at it as I can’t think up stories at all.

I went to college because someone told me to, not because

I really wanted it, and got multiple degrees with flying colors,
not because I wanted to work in that field of study, but
because I found the subjects interesting. I went into
teaching because I loved the subject I taught passionately,
and thankfully that passion was evident to most of my

I always felt a combination of boredom and failure in

whatever I tried, even if I was good at what I was doing, and
eventually that plus a lack of being a willing conformist to
the world would push me out of each job or career. I hated
the state I lived in, but it took me decades to move and go
elsewhere, and it took the retiring and move of my mother to
be the push I needed to pack up and leave because I didn’t
want to be so far away from her. We landed in a small town
in the middle of nowhere, central United States. Flyover

When I arrived, there was a ton of work to do on the small

house, large (for me) acreage I’d purchased, and little did I
know it was going to take me years to get the initial
renovation work done. I’d taken some of it on myself for cost
purposes, and I was slow and everything seemed to get in the
way of progress, mostly my health which wasn’t that great
after I moved. I seemed to develop allergies to everything.
Outdoors, indoors, food, cleaning supplies—they all seemed
to come at me out of nowhere. Allergies take a while to
identify and remove from your diet and environment, and
they exhausted me. I would work for a half-hour or hour and
then have to rest and recover before I could get back at it.

I binge-watched a lot of videos in that year-and-a-half of

work and rest. And, of course, there was the COVID thing to
contend with as well, but—and I hate to say this—it never
affected me much. I was working at home, I rarely went out,
and I don’t watch TV. Plus, I’d already had the symptoms
called COVID in December of 2019, before the name of it hit
the general public consciousness and before it was the scary
boogeyman virus. It was challenging to breathe laying down,
so I propped myself up and took a lot of vitamins and drank
a lot of water and got over it, because that’s what most

people will do who have no underlying medical conditions
and who aren’t elderly.

So, that day, the 20th of October, I clicked on a Sarah

Westall video, (SW 04) because I like her guests most of the
time, and proceeded to have my mind blown in a way that’s
changed me and my outlook on life, forever. I made a lot of
audible gasps and my jaw literally dropped a few times
during that video. It was my pivot point.

Today it is December 2021, so it’s been about 14 months

since then, and a lot has happened during that time.
Specifically, 2,800+ research files, 90+ blog posts and over
150,000 words written about the subject that Sarah Westall
introduced me to that day. It’s has changed and is
continuing to change the way I look at the world. The
interviewee calls what she described in that video the
“System” most of the time, but it’s called by many other
names, including the Brotherhood, the Great White
Brotherhood, the company, the cabal, the deep state, the
elite, the hierarchy, and the Illuminati. You may have heard
of one or more of those names, but didn’t know what they
actually meant. Me too.

Key Whistleblowers

“In a time of Universal Deceit, telling the truth is a

revolutionary act” -Author unknown; often
incorrectly attributed to George Orwell

Jessie Czebotar—Jessie was born into an Illuminati

ancestral lineage and chosen at age 4 to be the successor to
her maternal grandmother, who held the position of Queen
Mother of Darkness in the Illuminati. She was trained
intensely as a child, and then abruptly released from her
obligation to The System, although they do invite her back
on a regular basis. Jessie has released the information in the
sources that I have used for this book, as well as to the
Federal government as a Federal-level whistleblower on the
individuals and their actions that she was privy to as a child.

Cisco Wheeler—Cisco was born into the Illuminati. Her

father was Leo Wheeler, aka Dr. Black, and he was her
programmer and handler from infancy, along with Josef
Mengele who was also her programmer. Cisco went on to be
a programmer herself for the Illuminati, and in mid-2021
she revealed that she, like Jessie Czebotar, was slated to
become a Mother of Darkness. Cisco and Fritz Springmeier
wrote a number of books together on the Illuminati, and it is
acknowledged from former insiders like Jessie that his
information on the Illuminati is sound. This is likely in large
part due to Cisco’s insider information.
Cathy O’Brien—Cathy was a mind-controlled slave that
was trained as a Presidential model to service presidents and
other high-level Illuminati members until she was rescued by
Mark Phillips, whom she later married. Cathy’s daughter
Kelly was also programmed by The System, and Cathy spent
many years fighting for Kelly’s medical treatment to heal her
from that programming. Cathy deprogrammed herself with
Mark’s help, but her daughter’s programming was higher-
tech and needed professional assistance, which the
government fought against. Her website is https://trance-

Svali—Born into The System, Svali (a pseudonym) was a

programmer for both the Jesuits and the Illuminati, and is
currently writing a book some of the most difficult-to-read
information on the depravity of the Jesuits in programming
their members. She blogs her experiences and knowledge at and

Kerth Barker—Kerth was brought into the Illuminati by

an employee of his family. They had no idea he was used and
abused by the people she took him to. He finally broke free
of the Illuminati and their programming and has self-
published a number of books, which you can find at or on He died in early 2021
as a result of an Illuminati attack that gave him a rapid
growing fatal cancer.

Cheryl Beck—Cheryl Beck was programmed and mind-

controlled by the Luciferian System as a child. She was one
of the recipients of an implant in the bone behind her eye,

which was to facilitate The System’s control over her. She
wrote a book called Secret Weapons under the pen name
Cheryl Hersha. Secret Weapons has since been declined to
be republished by the publisher, and used copies retail for
upwards of $250 USD.

Fiona Barnett—Fiona was programmed and mind-

controlled by the Luciferian System in Australia and the
United States. Against a fierce uphill battle and much
blowback by The System, she turned whistleblower and
activist for victims, as she describes herself. She wrote a
book called Eyes Wide Open, and has released its latest
“lockdown edition” for free, both on her website and to bypass its shutdown by
The System.

Anna Starfire—Anna was given into The System as an

infant, and went through terrible clandestine
experimentation programs by Nazi doctors brought to the
United States in Project Paperclip. She had numerous parts
of her brain removed and replaced with electronics, some of
which allowed her to transmit and receive from satellites.
She wrote a book called MK Ultra Dark Labs 1959 - 1975
Testimonial Report that can be found on

Chapter 1: The System

“The elect are given knowledge of the Mysteries

and are illumined and are thus known as The
Illuminati or the Illuminated Ones, guardians of
the ‘Secrets of the Ages.” William Cooper, Behold a
Pale Horse

It’s hard to know where to start, at what point to begin

this story, because there are so many possible entry points,
and it’s almost necessary to know a little bit about all of it
before it makes sense. So, bear with me, this is a complex
web I’m about to try to describe.

I’ll start in modern-day, because while I could start way

back in history, it’s less relatable.

This organization that the interviewee calls ‘The System’

is organized a bit like a company, except you won’t find it on
the stock exchange, and you most likely won’t know if your
next-door neighbor is a member. It’s a hidden System, by
necessity, because what they do is, frankly, amoral, illegal
and disgusting, not to mention evil. A harsh and rigid veil of
secrecy is the way that this group has survived for so many
thousands of years. If you’re in it, you generally won’t escape
it even if you really want to, unless you leave inside a body
bag. Generally you’re born in, but it’s also possible to
become a member from outside, and by outside they mean
that you are not of the families that comprise this group.
Often those families are what are called the bloodlines, or
bloodline families. It’s described at times as a cult, a
religion, a cabal, and each of those are accurate descriptions
for different facets of the organization.

How I got away so many decades of my life not knowing

about this group is a bit perplexing, because plenty of people
have written about it, and plenty of books, websites, and
videos exist to let people know what it’s about. But this
System also operates on a rigid and many-tiered hierarchy,
and the folks at the bottom don’t know too much about the
folks at the top, so reading a book about a low or mid-level
member of The System often doesn’t give any clues as to the
top level of the structure. Each person’s story is generally
distinct, as in compartmentalized. I’m more of a big picture
person to start, and then at that point I can fit in the other
stories, so some of these books didn’t make much sense, and
frankly they weren’t part of my fields of interest. I imagine
this is true for many other people as well—I mean, honestly,
who wants to read about evil? Most of us just aren’t drawn
to it.

Additionally, there seems to be a lot of need-to-know kind

of divisions that keep most members from understanding
and being able to tell about the big picture of the group.
They know and understand their immediate group, but
might not know much of anything about other related
groups. It’s a little like living in Connecticut and never
having traveled or watched a video. You have a vague idea of
how Montanans live, but no specifics.

And lastly, most of the members are what is termed
programmed. The process of programming is essentially
torture, to create memory compartments held by amnesic
barriers. You can imagine it’s like having a brain full of tiny
water balloons, where the memories of each balloon don’t
mix. To get from one memory to another you have to jump
from balloon to balloon. Some of those balloons are highly
guarded, by demons.

Whut? Yes, I wrote that correctly. Demons, as in fallen

angels, as in evil entities, as in Satan’s minions.

But, wait a minute. Satan’s not real, good and bad angels
are imagination, right? Not in this System. Maybe in your
church, maybe in your life he’s a fictional character, but not
in the lives of the people in this Illuminati Brotherhood
System. To them, he’s very real. If they fall out of line, the
punishment received is very real. If you’re in the disbelief
camp right now, I was right there with you. I have had to
change my mind on it and accept that this is real. You don’t
have to change your mind, you can hold whatever beliefs you
want and still make it through this book just fine. But these
folks operate in a world, a realm—a parallel reality, if that
description helps your comfort level—where demons exist.

This System is Satan’s System. He runs it. He’s the CEO,

as it were. He dictates what is to happen, and his underlings
follow his directives, or there’s hell to pay. Literally.

The System has changed a bit recently, but for thousands

of years, beneath Satan in his System was a group of women
responsible for taking directions from him and relaying
those instructions to the groups and individuals below them.

The structure is very hierarchical. These 5 women interacted
with Satan, every day. Hmm. Interacted with Satan? How’s
that, you say?

As I’ve heard it described, there is a spirit world that

many can see into, but most of us non-family, non-bloodline
can’t. These 5 women have the ability to see, hear and
interact with Satan and other spiritual entities in this spirit
world. These abilities are extra-sensory, and sometimes are
described as “spiritual gifts”.

Sarah Westall’s interviewee was slated to become one of

these five women who interacted with Satan. She was tested,
chosen and trained for years to eventually be awarded that
position in full as an adult. She never did get that
opportunity, however, because she wasn’t interested in being
a part of this Brotherhood. She was interested in being a
Christian. You can’t follow Satan and be a Satan-worshipper
(or Luciferian, as it’s often called) and a Christian at the
same time. In The System, sometimes these folks hide who
they really are behind an outward covering of Christianity, to
fool their neighbors, friends, and even relatives, but the
actual practices of System membership are antithetical to
Christianity. Exactly the opposite, lots of times, and
mutually incompatible.

Sarah’s interviewee’s name is Jessie Czebotar, and she is

the woman I have called “Our Whistleblower” on my blog.

As I’ve heard it put by Jessie, Satan likes to “mock” God,

and does this by taking Christian principles and turning
them upside-down. If Christians get baptized in the Spirit,
Luciferians have a satanic baptism. If Christians get

married, Luciferians marry Satan. If God commands no
adultery, Luciferians have days every month where they get
together and have group sex with each other and demons.
It’s called Satanic Revels, and you don’t have to believe me,
you can look it up, there are published Satanic Calendars
with the dates of the rituals on them. (ZZ 08)

Chapter 2: Satan, aka

“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of

the morning!” -Isaiah 14:12

Jessie Czebotar describes having seen Satan, or as most of

the people in the Illuminati call him, Lucifer, in 4 possible
forms throughout her childhood training in The System.
Two forms were human, and two were as a dragon. One
human form of Satan was “handsome, alluring, attractive
and glittering”, while the other was a man shadow with black
armor. Satan could also take the form of a 1-headed dragon
or a 7-headed red dragon. His dragon form was usually only
seen during certain rituals. (SS 01) In another reference,
Jessie likens Satan’s human form to an angel without wings,
with a golden appearance to his hair and skin. (GD 01, RoR
015) This is similar to how Elaine, another high-level escapee
of the Illuminati Brotherhood, also describes Satan as having
a handsome glowing appearance to his skin. (RB 01) In one
human form he wore a red velvet suit, similar to the red
velvet suit worn by Scott Cohen on the Tenth Kingdom. (CS

Jessie also experienced Satan as a consummate and

unabashed liar, who promises his followers the moon, while
behind their backs telling her to her face that he instead

intends to kill everybody, even his followers, as soon as he
gets what he wants from them. (SS 01, RoR 209)

What does he want? According to Jessie, Satan wants to

replace the Christian entity called God—with himself. (SS 01)
Biblically, Satan was a former angel of that God, and when
he fell from grace in the heavens he took a large number of
angels with him, and now they all inhabit what are called the
“lower realms” or what Christians might call Hell. (ARA 012)
Before the fall, Satan’s angelic name was Lucifer. After the
fall, Christians call the angels that left God’s kingdom with
Lucifer, “demons”. Jessie describes the structure of the
heaven and hell spirit realms as a bit like a 5D chessboard.
The two top realms (1st and 2nd) are the heavenlies where
God and Jesus Christ reside, the two bottom realms (4th and
5th) are the lowerlies where Satan and his demons reside,
and in the middle (3rd) is the earthly realm. The 1st, 2nd, 4th
and 5th realms are spiritual (non-corporeal) while the 3rd is
physical. (SW 02) Satan can come and go freely through all 5
realms, while Satan’s demons are restricted to the 3rd, 4th
and 5th realms. They can sometimes manifest in non-spirit
form on the earthly 3rd realm, but they are not allowed into
the heavenlies at all. (ARA 012)

In order for Satan to get his demons into the heavenlies,

where they cannot normally go, Satan needs an army of
humans to act as bodily hosts for demons. In other words,
he literally wants to attach all his demons to people, so that
the people can escort the demons from the earthly realm to
the heavenly realms, bypassing the normal restrictions on
the demons getting there by themselves. Originally, before
Satan fell from grace, all angels could travel all of the realms.
Afterward is when they are restricted to the lower realms and

earth. (ARA 012) Jessie has said that after Christ did the
work for us that he did on the cross humans are now able to
go to the throne room of God in the heavenlies. She is able
to go there in spirit, and has described what it looks like. (CS
01) She has said that other humans can go to God’s throne
room, as well, (ARA 012) even though I think most of us
wouldn’t have a clue how to do that. That cluelessness
works to Satan’s advantage because he’s been able to figure
out that while his fellow demons cannot go into the
heavenlies by themselves, they can go if they were “hosted”
by a human, who can travel there. Hence demonic
possessions of humans, that’s how Satan plans to build an
army, by using humans as demon hosts to storm the
heavenly realms and take over God’s throne room. Yup, it’s a
wild thing to consider. But even if you don’t believe it; they

The manner in which this demon-possessed human army

will be made is through the occult, with the help of a process
called programming. Occultic rituals invite demons into the
bodies and lives of humans. Occasionally, even, humans
willingly invite the demons to “possess” them, and enter
their physical/spiritual/soul space. This is not easy, and can
often be a painful process. Other times, the Illuminati simply
enslave and program humans using extreme torture methods
so that they will comply with their commands. The process
of modern-day programming has been refined over the past
100 years to a fine science engineered in at least one case by
NASA/DARPA (CO 01), and by one estimate resulted in an
astonishing estimate of 1 programmed slave of the Illuminati
per city block. (GC 01, GC 02) And that estimate was a long
time ago, so there are probably a lot more than that now.

To sweeten the pot and lure in followers into this scheme,
Satan promises those who follow him money, fame, fortune,
and “privileged knowledge not of this world.” Also, he
promises them eternal life, with their own kingdom as a
ruler-God. Those who subscribe to Satan’s lying schemes
actually think he’s going to make them their own eternally-
living God. But according to Jessie, he has fooled them, and
he actually intends to kill everybody, even his followers, once
he (theoretically) attains God status himself. (SS 01)

Jessie has spoken on a few occasions about the

relationship that the Mothers of Darkness have with Satan,
strongly suggesting that they take part in intimate relations
with Satan because they are seduced by him, and how,
although she never did, he was nearly impossible to resist.
She describes him as “very alluring”, with an intense
emotional draw towards him. She describes herself as
constantly saying ‘No’ to Satan—no to serving him, no to
doing what he wanted her to do, and no to entering any kind
of personal intimate relationship with him. (GD 01) Mind, at
the time Jessie experienced this, she was a child somewhere
between the age of 4.5 and 10 years old. Satan seems to be a
pedophile. Many of his followers are, as well.

While Jessie spent quite a lot of time in Satan’s presence

training for the Mother of Darkness position, she describes
others as having to go through a whole lot of fasting,
cleansing and rituals, and that they could do this “for a whole
year just to get a moment of Satan’s attention.” (ARA 043)
While many people wanted that connection to Satan, wanted
his power for themselves to use, Jessie never did. She made
it clear to him that she rejected him, which makes you
wonder why he would keep her in The System at all. Others

he disposed-of at will, why not her? Jessie thinks he chose
her because Satan “wants what is God’s,” (RoR 015) and he’s
not going to give her back. He won’t kill her, she’s
untouchable, but he’ll harass her and try to make her life a
living hell as an incentive to get her to give in and go back to
him and do what he wants. (CS 21)

Chapter 3: Mothers of

“The Mothers of Darkness are all connected to the

Collins bloodline.” -Jessie Czebotar (DO 10506)

The 5 women who for centuries were at the top of the

hierarchy, under Satan, or as they call him, Lucifer, are
collectively called Mothers of Darkness. As a tactic to
confuse anybody who might have gotten interested or too
close to understanding The System, many of the women
underneath the Mothers of Darkness were also called
Mothers. (RoR 019) Even more confusing is that nobody in
The System uses their own names when they meet with each
other, they all use ritual names when they were around each
other, so if they met someone in the grocery store after
seeing them last night at a satanic ritual, they wouldn’t have
any idea what to call them, or what their cover name/real
name was. Jessie’s ritual name was Sunshine. (GD 02)
Secrecy has been paramount for keeping this System under
the radar for so long, but when Jessie started going public
with her whistleblower story, the structure and function has
been opened wide for anybody who wants to see. She’s a
federal whistleblower, which means that some of her
information could be released publicly, and some could not.
Most of what she’s released has been a bombshell and never-

before-told about the people, the structure, the organization
and the inner workings of The System.

The Mothers of Darkness were grouped hierarchically. Of

the 5 women, the one at the head of the group was called the
Queen Mother of Darkness. Then there was a group of 3
Mothers (including the Queen Mother) who were more
important and two other less important mothers at the
bottom. The group of 3 is sometimes referred to as the Maid,
Maiden, and Crone, with the most recent Queen Mother as
the crone. For ease, I’m going to refer to the Mothers of
Darkness as a group with the acronym MoD.

Jessie was set to become the Queen MoD when she was
old enough. At that time, this was the absolute top of The
System, the highest of the hierarchy. There is nobody above
the king or queen in the royalty, and since the Luciferian
Brotherhood System is a hierarchical System, there was
nobody above the Queen MoD when Jessie was a child
except Satan.

The 5 MoD’s have historically been from the same family

lineage, and the job is typically passed-along from the older
generations to the younger generations. When Jessie was a
girl, one of her grandmothers was the Queen MoD, and
Jessie was tapped at age 4 1/2 to become her successor. A
successor is the title given to the trainee for that System
position. When the person in the job description retires,
their successor takes their place. It’s an apprenticeship of
sorts, with some pretty gruesome and grueling training
involved. Here’s Jessie’s story about how she was chosen to
be the Queen MoD successor:

The MoD’s had us in a kindergarden-type classroom, and
a bunch of kids were sitting in a circle and in the middle they
had placed a candle, a mirror, a shawl, raven feathers—all
objects connected to witchcraft. Each child would go, pick an
item and then put it back down. When I went up, I picked up
a sword. The MoD’s couldn’t see it until I picked it up, and
they were quite shocked. They knew they hadn’t placed that
sword in the circle, so they asked me what I was doing, and I
told them “I picked my item” and they asked me “where did
that come from”. The Mothers knew that I could see, hear
and feel in the spirit realm, but until that point they didn’t
know how strong those spiritual gifts were. (ARA 1)

It might be hard or even impossible for some of you to

accept that there is a spirit world, that spirits exist, that they
have their own—dimensions—for lack of a better world, and
that some people can see them and others can’t. I can’t see
in the spirit world. But I often can strongly feel things others
cannot, so it wasn’t terribly difficult for me to accept that
other people like Jessie have sight into the unseen realms. If
it’s difficult for you to accept because you’ve never had any
experiences that you can relate it to, I get it.

After that experience picking up a sword from the spirit

realm, Jessie was chosen to be the Queen MoD successor,
and once a successor is chosen for one of these very high-up
hierarchy positions in The System, it triggers a succession
ritual. At the time of the sword-in-the-circle activity, Jessie’s
grandmother was in the position of successor to the current
MoD, and when Jessie was chosen as her grandmother’s
successor, it was the designated time for Jessie’s
grandmother to become the Queen MoD. (GD 02) This was

done at a ritual in the basement level of a castle called
Neuschwanstein in the Bavaria region of Germany. (BM 02)

A description of the ritual room, from my blog.

“Underground Neuschwanstein castle, built into the rock, is
a fighting arena where witches’ battles occur. Light comes in
from the cliff face that looks out towards Mary’s Bridge over
the canyon between the southwest side of the castle and the
mountains. As you enter the very thick, ornate wooden
doors to the fighting arena, on the right is a slit in the cliff
face where light can enter. Straight ahead across the arena
are 11 gold thrones where Satan, the Mothers of Darkness
and the successors to the Mothers would sit. On the left
there were stairs up to a balcony where sometimes other
high-level Illuminati would sit to watch. There was no light
that came from that side, so sometimes it would be lit with
candles brought by the onlookers, frequently a group called
the Sisters of Light, the Illuminati’s spiritual elite task force.”

If you look up Neuschwanstein Castle on the internet,

you’ll notice it looks a bit like the castle on the Disney logo,
and indeed Disney modeled his logo after that castle. Not
just because he liked Neuschwanstein, no, but because Walt
Disney was also highly connected to other individuals in the
Lucifieran Brotherhood religion, and symbols like that, put
out in plain sight for everybody to see (and mostly to not
understand) are how the Brotherhood communicates with
one another while simultaneously leaving the rest of us
completely in the dark about it all. But I digress. (FS 02)

The succession ritual was a terrible sight and a shock for

young Jessie. “She’s four-and-a-half years old. Her blonde
hair is frizzy and unmanageable. She’s the oldest child of

three children of a young couple, and It’s the fall of 1981.
Her parents both work, and she is in the charge of her
mother’s mother, a woman she will spend the next 5+ years
calling her “proctor”, as that is the name that this
organization gives to the primary trainer of a child in The
System. Before this day, she hasn’t seen or been exposed to
anything in her life that would prepare her for what she is
about to see. Once seen, her life changes forever. It starts
like a normal morning, except that after her parents go to
work, instead of going to school, her proctor suggests they
take a trip. One of her great uncles owns an airport and they
take off from there and wind up in Bavarian Germany, at
Castle Neuschwanstein…in the basement. Heavy, carved,
ornate wooden doors open to a large arena space. Her
proctor tells her to be silent and watch. Two long wooden
boxes are presented to this woman, and from them she takes
special swords, long, and with a curved end. At the opposite
end of the arena are gold thrones, and on them are sitting
women that the girl will shortly come to know as “Mothers of
Darkness”. Her proctor then proceeds to use the sword to
behead one of the women. Then she ritually cannibalizes the
body. The proctor eventually comes over to where the child
is, kneels down, puts her bloody hands on the child’s cheeks,
and tells her that the child will do that to her one day. The
child is her successor, and this is how the successors take
their position.” (ARA 002, BM02)

Not all successions in The System require beheading

rituals. Some take place after witches’ battles. Because, you
see, the Luciferian Brotherhood is a religion (ARA 54, RR 42)
and their religion involves witchcraft. At the higher levels,
they are witches and warlocks, who engage in magic. At the
low levels, many of them are disposable commodities that

are used for sex or money-making purposes. The System
differentiates between the two by labeling them either
“hierarchy” or “expendable”. Expendable seems to mean
that they are either used and killed, or designated for re-use
throughout their life without being killed. Jeanette Archer, a
UK whistleblower on the British royal family (who she
asserts are also members of this Luciferian Brotherhood
Illuminati religion), describes a human hunt where the
children that were permitted to be killed wore one color
wristband, and the children who could be abused but not
killed wore another color wristband, to indicate to the
perpetrators what they were allowed to do to them. (JA 01)
If you’ve never heard of a human hunt, it’s a fairly standard
practice in the Brotherhood, and it’s just what it sounds like.
Children are released into a wooded area, and adult
perpetrators come after them and either kill them or sexually
assault them, depending on the type of hunt. Yes, this is
illegal. No, the adults are not usually prosecuted for their

Why? Because the general public is not aware of what is

going on, and because the people who do know, such as
Judges, District Attorney’s (Crown Prosecutors), and police
are either in on it, or they’re bribed or threatened to keep
quiet. Jeanette Archer tells of how, even before she was
delivered to the hunting parties, the cops raped her en route.
And after other events, she was taken to individuals dressed
in Judges’ robes who warned her to be quiet and never tell
what happened to her. Except they weren’t actors, they were
actual judges in her own community. Jeanette knew she had
no recourse in the law in her community—there was literally
nobody to tell. She was a child who had a wristband saying
she couldn’t be killed because her family was in the religion

as well, and they gave her up willingly to these events. She
was completely trapped. (JA 01) Jessie also had the
experience of having nobody to tell. She describes telling
anybody she could possibly tell when she was a child, and
having the police point-blank tell her to stop talking about it
if she wanted to live. She estimated that where she did her
training in Chicago 6 out of every 10 people were in the
Brotherhood, including teachers, police, social workers, and
school administrators. (SW 6)

Part of the job description of the MoD’s is to “staff” The

System. To find appropriate individuals to place in training
for other System positions as teachers, bankers, doctors,
nurses, computer programmers, social workers, judges,
attorneys—you name it, there doesn’t seem to be a profession
that hasn’t been staffed with a few infiltrators placed there by
The System. (SV 13) Jessie talks about how she rarely went
to school when she was a child, but yet was marked present
in her classroom every day without fail. (RoR 013)
Administrators, principals, school and church secretaries.
All of these jobs are fair game for The System to infiltrate.
Why do they do this? Because their goal and hope is to take
control of the entire world—by secretly taking it over from
within our systems. They can direct world affairs, all the way
down to the local level, without anybody knowing they are
doing it, if nobody knows who they are or what their ulterior
motives are. They can rise to the top of The Systems they’ve
infiltrated and begin to implement The System’s goals, bit by
bit, so that the public doesn’t have a big rejection reaction.
It’s the strategy of slowly boiling the frog in the pot. It’s also
super-secrecy, but in plain sight.

The MoD’s job also involved placing hierarchy children in
witchcraft training programs, and to do that they had to
identify the strengths or connections of the children to
particular elemental types of magic—fire, earth, water, wind,
etc. and then the child would be put in a training program
with teachers that specialized in that sort of magic
(witchcraft). (ARA 1)

Chapter 4: Satan’s Demon

“Moloch… the moment he can, he plans to kill me,

he’s made that quite clear.” -Jessie Czebotar (SW

As the mothers of Darkness are directly beneath Satan in

the earthly realm, Satan has beneath him many loyal spirits,
or demons, who in the Christian tradition are called ‘fallen
angels’ and they reside in the lower realms. Similar to the
highly organized and hierarchical structure of the earth-
realm Illuminati, the organizational structure of Satan’s
underlings in the lower realms seems to be quite military-
esque. At the top, just beneath Lucifer are his seven demonic
“generals” whose names are Moloch, Ba’al, Ashtoreth,
Samael, Abbadon, Azazael and Thoth, with whom Jessie met
regularly. (SW 02) Ba’al can also be written Baal, and
Ashtoreth has a whole slew of other names and spelling
variations, including Ashtoroth, Astarte, Jezebel, Lilith,
Ishtar, Isis, Diana, and Anat. (ZZ 09)

Satan’s goal is to connect or attach his demons to his

human Illuminati, which means they serve as physical body
hosts for these spirits. We might also call this process
‘possession’. Elaine, a former high-level member of The
System, does an excellent job of explaining how she was

possessed by a high-level demon called Mann-Chan. First,
she summoned him, and he appeared to her as a very
handsome and gentle man. He told her there was nothing to
fear, that he would be her teacher, her guide, and her
“redeemer”. Then, the instant before he walked into her to
possess her body, he changed into his demon form which
consisted of pig bristle hair, yellow fang teeth, and stubby
fingers with long pointed nails. As he entered her body, he
cause her such searing pain she wished she could die. After
that, he controlled her life, what she ate, what she said, how
well she slept. She also was often put into an unconscious
state by this demon who then did what he wished with her
body. (RB 01, pg 46)

Jessie describes the higher-level demons as “bloodlusty”

which means they demand blood in rituals, with the three
most bloodlusty being Moloch, Samael and Ba’al. (ARA 007)
“If you’re hosting that demon… they demand blood,” she
says. She personally knew only a few that got away with not
killing others in rituals, but in order to do that, they had to
give their own blood, and as time went on they had to give
increasing amounts which caused them to eventually have
seizures and other physical problems. Even without giving
their own blood, the physical stresses of being a human host
for a high-level demon can cause fatal physical problems. If
someone is a host to a demon general, Jessie estimates their
life span to be only 5 or 10 years; when the demons are done
with their hosts they will literally rip them apart from the
inside in rather gruesome ways that cause their deaths.
Moloch “shreds (his hosts) to pieces when he’s done with
them.” (ARA 003)

Part of Jessie’s training to eventually make her a
competent Mother of Darkness was to train her to hear satan
and his demons when they were talking in the spirit realms.
Her proctor, who was at that time the Queen Mother of
Darkness, would get Jessie out of bed late at night and sit on
the landing at the top of the stairs with her. Jessie describes
her as moving her hands in a weird way, and saying “do you
hear him (Lucifer), do you hear him calling you.” (SW 02)
Once she began hearing in the spirit realm, she would just
blurt out whatever they were saying, whether she was
supposed to or not. She overheard a lot of private demon
conversations that way, and exposed their nasty plans to
others. (ARA 002, ARA 017)

Chapter 5: The Antichrist

“The AntiChrist will arrive on the scene like a thief

in the night” -Springmeier & Wheeler

Satan, being rather dramatic and prone to a lot of rituals

and their accompanying pomp and circumstance, could not
have just created a human-demon army, stormed heaven,
thrown over God and been done with it all, but no. He has
loftier goals then that. Part of the process for Satan is to take
over and enslave humanity to his ends, to rule not only in the
heavenlies and lowerlies, but on earth, as well.

The occult was around long before Jesus Christ walked

the earth, and God’s attempt to send Jesus Christ to earth to
mitigate some of the effects of the occult on humans seems to
have angered Satan. As a result, many of the things he
engages-in on earth have to do with trying to ‘un-do’ or flip
180 degrees God’s plan with his son on earth. As a
consequence, Satan at some point seems to have decided to
throw the proverbial middle finger at God and create his own
“son”, the Anti-Christ (or Antichrist). He wants this human/
demon Anti-Christ to look like the return of Christ (Godly on
the outside), to act like him (do miracles and wonders, etc.)
and to be subject to a mimicking of Christ’s life (death and
resurrection), in order to fool the general public into

thinking that he is, indeed the return of Christ, and not a
demon in human form. (FS 03, RoR 109)

Much of what the Illuminati is doing these days seems to

revolve around preparations for what are termed the “end
times” or what Christians might know as the Apocalypse
predicted in the Bible’s New Testament ‘Book of Revelation’.
End times events in the Christian tradition include the
return of the Messiah (also known as the second coming of
Christ), and the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, Plague,
War, Famine, and Death. Satan seems to be orchestrating
this biblical version of the End Times, by grooming and
training his own Christ figure, which The System calls the
Anti-Christ or Antichrist.

This System-orchestrated End Times is also called the

Great Deception, because when the Antichrist springs on the
scene and the masses of people worldwide become aware of
him for the first time, they are supposed to be in awe of him
and believe that he is the second coming of Christ. The
general public will not be made aware that behind the
scenes, this man will worship Satan and consider Satan to be
his personal God. (FS 02, pg. 470) It is the plans of the
Luciferian Brotherhood that the Anti-Christ will suffer a fatal
wound, will die and be resurrected, as the real Jesus Christ
was. (RoR 109) He will perform miracles for the world to
see. He will be charismatic and charming and will fool the
world into thinking he’s the real and true resurrected Jesus
Christ. (RR 19) Will this happen? As the saying goes, “the
best laid plans….”. If the Luciferian plan to install their
Antichrist on earth to rule the world indeed happens, we
shall see how well it actually goes, or if a mass raising of
consciousness called the Great Awakening foils the plans of

the Illuminati for their plans of the masses to adore their

The Illuminati and their occult precursors have been

around a long time, and it hasn’t always been known what
was the right time to spring into action their end time rituals
and events, but it seems that they are upon us now. Rituals
have been done and plans have been set in motion for these
end times to happen, and some of the first signs of that
happened in the first quarter of 2020. The Illuminati has
always had an “Anti-Christ in waiting” trained and ready, in
perpetual preparation for the end times, unsure if they would
be put into action or not. (RoR 237) Jessie suggests in the
past, as now, they have multiple candidates, in case
something happens to the prime candidate others could step
into their place. (DNR 10) One of the ways that the end times
have been identified is the lack of successors for the Mothers
of Darkness. Jessie and 4 other women who were a cohort of
successors (this cohort includes Cisco Wheeler) were the last
women trained to take Mother of Darkness jobs in The
System. Despite looking hard, they were unable to find any
more. (RoR 196) This was another indication that the end
times were at hand.

It has been the job of a special group of 5 men, collectively

called “Merlin” (singular, even though they are multiple
individuals), to train and prepare each Antichrist-in-waiting.
This 5-men Merlin group calls the Antichrist trainee ‘Arthur’.
It seems possible that the entire fable of King Arthur and the
Knights of the Round Table was actually thought up by the
Illuminati as a means of communicating about their
Antichrist project right in front of all our faces, without us
being aware of it. Merlin in the fable is a sorcerer, and the 5

high-level men termed Merlin are also very high-level
practitioners of the magick arts. Arthur will grow up to be a
king, like Jesus Christ was the King of Kings. Except Arthur/
Antichrist will be motivated by Satan himself, and not the
Holy Spirit of God, as Jesus Christ was. (RoR 237, RoR 244,
ARA 48, RR 31)

One of the first set of rituals that would kick off the
Luciferian end times was to switch out the leadership of the
Mothers of Darkness for the headship of the Antichrist. The
MoD’s have been running things in The System for an
unknown number of generations, but as of early 2020, the
Antichrist supplanted the Mothers as the head living being
on earth running Satan's System. There were supposed to be
5 ritual ceremonies done, one for each Mother of Darkness
and one for each (mocked) stage of life of Christ, including
his birth, baptism, calling, temptation, and consummation.
Jessie was supposed to be present for the last, the
consummation ceremony on April 24th, 2020, but she is a
System escapee and federal whistleblower, and stayed at
home and did not participate. (DNR 01) In fact, nobody
showed up for that ritual, because Covid quarantine had
started, but even though Satan did not get his ritual, the
Antichrist still took over. (RoR 018)

The Mothers of Darkness haven’t been put into retirement

with the shifting of power from them to the Antichrist, as it is
reported that they will serve as the Anti-Christ’s “brides,” as
well as a bit of security for him. (FS 03, page 470) Yes, by
“bride” I do mean the intention is for them to be intimate in
the biblical sense of husband and wife. These aren’t the only
people who will be connected to the Anti-Christ, the
Illuminati have gone so far as to create a John the Baptist

position, as well as a Mary/Madonna position, which “are
(multiple) women that are closely connected to the Anti-
Christ.” (FS 03)

Before the Anti-Christ is revealed to the public, the temple

in Israel will have to be built. Jessie reports that she has
seen the foundation blocks underground, and other
preparations that have been made in the building process.
Once completed, Jessie says that the Anti-Christ “will stand
in the temple mount in Israel and they will declare
themselves God,” “and the high priest will declare him (the
Anti-Christ) as the messiah—as God.” (RoR 209, DNR 01)

Chapter 6: The 4 P’s;
Priest, Pindar, Prophet,

What did Jessie mean by “their high priest?” What is a

Luciferian high priest, and what would he be doing in the
temple in Israel? Shouldn’t the High Priests in that temple
be Jewish? Can a Luciferian be a Jew, as well as worshipping
Satan? Of course they can’t be both, but they can have a
Jewish day life (cover life) and a Luciferian night life (occult
life). That’s kind of how the entire System stays so under the
radar, is that each person involved does normal and
seemingly reputable kinds of things during the day and saves
the rituals, demon consorts, sorcery, witchcraft and other
occult practices for night, or times when they are hidden
from public view. There are individuals in this System who
have cover lives of Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim,
atheist, Satanic,—you name it—and a hidden, true Luciferian
faith. (not all Satanists are Luciferian or Illuminati.) Satan
has no requirement for his followers to be truthful or honest,
so they are free to deceive all of us however they need to to
serve Satan.

The Antichrist will have 4 very high ranking Luciferian

allies with titles in The System of “Priest,” “Prophet,”
“Pindar,” and “Phoenix”. At the time of this writing, the
given name of only one of those positions has been released,
and that is Barack Obama, who is the Phoenix. (ARA 031)
The Phoenix holds the position of head of the Satanic
Council, and is an incredibly powerful person in The System.
(SW 02, SW 27) The identities of the Priest, the Prophet, and
the Pindar are not known at this time.

Chapter 7: Protectors

Many, if not all high-level hierarchy individuals in The

System have personal protection, assigned to them and paid
for by The System. Protectors are sometimes born into
certain special families who pass down the protector roles
from generation-to-generation, and sometimes protectors
are chosen through the MoD’s selection process. Protectors
are sometimes called protector-assassins, for killing people is
part of their job description. Protectors are assigned to
young hierarchy children, and they are raised and trained
together and go through events and rituals together. They do
not, however, show up in the hierarchy child’s cover life, they
will be out of sight. (GSR 01)

As you probably can imagine from my description of this

System so far, not many people would voluntarily or willingly
take part and remain in it unless there was some force
keeping them there. The standing threat for most of The
System’s members is severe torture of family, friends, pets,
or themselves if they try to escape, followed by their death.
Nonetheless, people still tried to defect during the time
Jessie was young and in training to be a MoD, and some of
the horrors she witnessed as a child had to do with the brutal
torture and assassination of people who tried to defect and
get out of the Brotherhood. The System assassinates
defectors in front of other members, to deter and discourage
them from defecting too.

One of the most gruesome scenes Jessie describes is that
involving the little boy assigned and in-training to be her
protector. He was chosen for his position at roughly the
same time Jessie was, and he was actually sitting next to her
in the circle when Jessie picked up the spirit sword as her
item. They discovered that they had telepathic abilities, she
could hear him when he spoke in his head, but not out loud,
and he could also hear her telepathically as well. She
describes it as ‘hearing in the spiritual realm’. (ARA 1) From
all her descriptions of him, they had a tight bond because of
their shared dangerous experiences, but they didn’t always
like one another.

His family (and I don’t know Jessie’s protector’s real

name because his name has not been publicly released at this
time) must have also been members of The System, as his
mother tried to defect and take her children with her, and as
punishment for her attempt to get out and escape their
clutches, the Brotherhood killed his entire family—in front of
him. Because it’s hard for me to call him by just pronouns,
I’m going to give him a pretend name and call him Lou. In
her videos, Jessie calls him her training partner. (ARA 2)

In the middle of the night at about 3 am (the witching

hour), Jessie, the Queen MoD (QMoD), the QMoD’s
protector (who was a chief of police in the Chicago area at
that time) and a few others drove to Lou’s family’s house and
as Jessie and the QMoD watched, Lou and his family were
dragged from their home and lined up on the lawn in front of
the house. Lou was taken and placed beside Jessie. He had
to watch what came next. The Chief of Police Protector
raped Lou’s sister, who was 8 years old. His baby brother
was taken away by someone. Then the family was driven to a

barn close by and hung and gutted in front of everyone.
They all died. Neither Jessie or Lou were allowed to
interfere, turn away, or close their eyes. They were warned
by the QMoD, and they had seen other horrors from
disobeying her orders, so they watched in horrified, stunned
silence. (ARA 2)

They assigned Lou to a new family, a new “grandfather”

named Michael Karkoc who was a NAZI and former member
of the Ukrainian Legion of Defense who was brought to the
United States via Operation Paperclip, a post WWII program
that brought many high-level NAZI’s from the Germany
regime to the USA. Some men who came via Operation
Paperclip went into medicine and continued the horrific
experiments of the concentration camp variety on
expendable children in the United States (AS 01), others like
Lou’s new grandfather, were part of the training program of
The System for hierarchy children. Still others went into
science, some into programming. All of this, from what I can
gather, has been paid for either by the illegal activities of The
System, or by taxpayer funds. The latter possibility horrifies

Unlike Lou, others are born into their protector roles

because they come from families that are protectors
generation after generation.

The basic structure of the protector division of the

Luciferian Brotherhood Illuminati System is that there are
six protector divisions, headed by one individual who
oversees all of them. There are 6 people that report to the
Head Protector, each one in charge of one of the protector
departments. Each department has a different purpose and

structure. One department focuses on protection for high-
level military members of The System. (The level of US
Military that are Brotherhood members astonishes me)
Another department are called the wolves, and a third are
vampires. What you’ll find as you study the Illuminati
Brotherhood more and more is that these things normal
people might call legends, well, they’re Illuminati truths.
(ARA 7)

To become a wolf, you’re born into a family that has for

generations been werewolves, and at age 5 you “take the
generational spirit”. (ARA 7) The same goes for vampires
(ARA 16) By that Jessie means there is a demon who is
attached (spiritually or supernaturally) to their body, and it
allows people with the werewolf spirit to be physically
changed by that spirit, to have their joints manipulated and
altered, their body morphed from human into something
that looks and acts like a werewolf. Jessie states that one of
her friends was a werewolf, and to get rid of the spirit that
lay claim to his body, he had to rebuke it and cast it out. As
another Illuminati high-level defector Cisco Wheeler has
said, “Jesus is the decode” for the occult/Illuminati, meaning
that all of their spell-casting, witchy works and demon-
attaching can be cancelled or reversed by biblical principles,
in this case referring to the mandate of Jesus to his disciples
in Matthew 10:8 to Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the
lepers and drive out demons.

Vampires and wolves aren’t the friendliest with each

other, Jessie states. “For centuries have always been at war
with each other”. (ARA 16) Historically, both the vampire
and the wolf ancestries go back to Vlad the Impaler, and
when the two lines split the wolves derived from the line of

Rasputin, and the vampires came from the Romanov line
(RoR 018) One modern-day famous vampire is Johnny
Depp, according to Jessie, and his ancestry comes from the
royal French lines. Depp’s band is called the “Hollywood
Vampires” and its members include other vampires as well.
One of the other bands that Depp’s band is connected with
also has “acclaimed vampires”, one of which came to recruit
girls in a city that Jessie lived in. She says that the band
travels and uses their music to recruit girls into “feeder
groups” that they get from girl groupies that are fans of the
bands. “These girls become their food. (The vampires) suck
the blood under their neck and … usually they’ll drug them
so for the girls it was like a dream, they don’t really know
what happened. Then there’s different types of black magic
they can do to heal the skin” so that there is no mark, and
because the girls were drugged there’s nothing left for them
to remember. (ARA 16) Another big recruiting tool is a live-
action role playing game called Vampire Masquerade.(VM)
Apparently quite a few high-profile university professors are
involved in this game, many from psychology departments.
You can find the same professors listed on the Bilderberg
meeting lists, so it’s likely they are high-level hierarchy
System members. (ARA 16, DO 20203)

There are a number of whistleblowers that mention

seeing US presidents turn into werewolves and shred
children. One of them is Cheryl Beck. President Bush Sr.'s
secret service name was ‘timberwolf’ and Cheryl says that
they gave it to him for a reason. One February 15th a
Lupercalia ritual was done in honor of him, and they
celebrated “the demonic spirit of the wolf. She and other
children were wheeled to the ritual in cages and put in semi-
circles. Their eyes were taped-open so they had to look at

what was occurring in the ritual. “I was five-ish when this
happened,” Cheryl says. “The little girls were lined up on a
banquet table and Poppy (Bush) just went down and raped
all of us. There were probably 13 of us because they like the
number 13. Then they put them back in their cages, and he
(Poppy Bush) was overtaken by a looper demon, which is a
werewolf-type entity. He took on the characteristics of a
wolf, running around on all fours and growling and howling
and his son was there and his job was to calm his father
down when he got out of control. ‘W’ comes over and rushes
at him to restrain him, and he literally gets flung backwards
10 feet, hits his head on the stone wall and slides down the
wall unconscious and there’s a whole blood trail from where
he hit his head. That’s where he remained unconscious.
They let out the toddler boys, which was this man’s
preference of raping to death and that’s what he did as a
wolf-type entity, literally tore them apart and killed them.
(CB 03)

Jessie explains further what these demon spirits do when

they take over a body. “at age five, they take a pact with the
demon, and from that point on the demon can basically
control them whenever it wants to.” “They can ask the
demon to change form if they want to, but otherwise (the
person) is in full control unless it’s a full moon. (On those
nights the person) would literally black out and wouldn’t
remember the entire evening. He had no control over
whatever that spirit wanted to do with his body.” At age 5
they take the family spirit of this werewolf, and from that
point on that spirit can start shape shifting this individual
into a werewolf. “At age 21 they go through another
initiation ritual, which (seals) the pact” with the spirit. (ARA

Jessie reports also seeing werewolves shred people. “It
was probably one of the first ten deaths that I saw was a
werewolf killing somebody right in front of my face, and
literally he shredded… the guy within seconds. It was a male
defector who had been brought in, and the last thing they
shred is the face, so forever I have this image of the horror on
this man’s face as he was shredded alive.” (ARA 16) Every
year on the Rothschild estate they would do hunts with the
top-level (elite) hierarchy people hunting expendable
children, “but every five years they allow the vampires and
werewolves to hunt,” and the elites will watch while the
vampires and werewolves hunt the expendable children.
Jessie was witness to one of these hunts in 1982.

Chapter 8: The Satanic

Directly beneath the Mothers of Darkness in the structure

of the Luciferian Brotherhood Illuminati is a large group
called by many different names. I call it the Satanic Council
because that’s the name I have heard it called the most, but
it’s also termed the Druidic Council, the World Governing
Council, the Global Alliance and the Global Federation,
among others. (RoR 049, SW 27) Jessie says that there are 3
more politically correct names for it including the Global
Alliance, World Governing Council or Global Federation
although in my research those seem to be the names I see
least frequently. The name ‘World Governing Council’ seems
to pop up mostly in conjunction with a high-level System
Baroness named Somerset Belenoff. At times it seems like
the World Governing Council is spoken about as if it’s really
a sub-group of the Satanic Council. Part of the secrecy of the
Brotherhood and their groups and meetings seems to be
aided by the many names that might all mean the same
thing. (SW 27) This strategy reminds me of their penchant
to re-define words all the time, as well, which just serves to
make everybody confused. Confusion for them is good, it
keeps the spotlight off of deeper investigation and it means
that none of us on the outside are ever sure of exactly what
we’re reading about. All that aside, I’m going to call them

the Satanic Council from now on because that seems to be
the most frequent term used by my source, Jessie.

The Satanic Council has 300 what are called ‘seats’, but
many of those seats are filled by 3 to 5 individuals who rotate
their representation on the council, so there are quite a few
more than 300 people than can fill the 300 seats as
representatives of this group. The entire council is also
broken down into high-level sub-groups composed of a
subset of the members of the Satanic Council, some of which
are more well-known than others, including the ‘Council of
21’ the ‘Council of 13’ and the ‘Council of 9’, all three of which
are considered “Upper Chamber” or extremely high level
councils. Final decisions for the entire System go through
these groups of men and women. (RoR 049) To further
confuse us, Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler also say
that more than one of the sub-group meetings of the Satanic
Council are “conclaves without formal names.” (FS 03)

The Satanic Council is responsible for running the

businesses of the Illuminati. Their businesses include high
level sex slavery, human trafficking, gun running, drug
running and other illegal and morally reprehensible money-
making schemes. Because these businesses are worldwide,
the structure of The System has been operationally divided
into geographic areas that they call ‘quadrants’. There are
two sets of quadrants, one for the United States, and one for
the rest of the world. The four United States Quadrants are
North, South East and West, and those same 4 quadrant
names are also used to divide up the rest of the world into
‘International Quadrants”. (SW 1) The northern United
States quadrant consists of Wisconsin, Michigan, Chicago
and Indianapolis, (ARA 051) and the rest of the quadrants

are not clearly defined by my sources, although Great Britain
is said to be in the Western Quadrant on a few occasions
(ARA 006, ARA 050). I can only guess that the southern US
quadrant includes states like Texas and Louisiana, and the
Eastern Quadrant includes regions like Virginia and the
Washington DC area. The west would be the left coast,
including California and Oregon. I would prefer to present
this information for certain and not as a guess, but I include
this guess because it’s helpful to have some sort of visual to
refer to, even if in the future I find out that it’s not entirely
correct. We can rely on the Northern Quadrant information,
and extrapolate the rest with moderate certainty. Since the
north is positioned at a compass position north, the south is
not likely to be California or Massachusetts. The east and
west are also not likely to be opposite of actual compass
directions, but again, I’m guessing.

Each individual on the Satanic Council holds a rank in

The System of at least Grand High Priest or Grand High
Priestess; in fact, when members attain the Illuminati rank
of Grand High Priest or Priestess, they are afforded a seat on
the Council. Some names of the members of the Satanic
Council are known, and some are not. Some are
entertainers, some businessmen, some world leaders, royals,
bankers, architects, professors—pretty much any profession
can be and likely is represented by the individuals in this

The head of the Satanic Council holds a position called the

“Phoenix”, and that position was held for nearly 30 years by
George Soros, who stepped down around 2018/2019. Soros
was succeeded by Barack Obama, who is the current Phoenix
of the Satanic Council. (ARA 031) Each quadrant has a

number of Grand High Priests and Priestesses, and one of
the Grand High Priestess for the Eastern US Quadrant was
held by Gloria Vanderbilt until her death in 2019. She was
supposed to be succeeded by Hillary Clinton, but for
whatever reason, Hillary was unable to take that position,
one she was groomed for her whole life. (ARA 21) If you’re
shocked by these names, I understand. I’ll reiterate that this
System runs the world political structure, and its members
are at the top of each society.

Being appointed in childhood as a successor, and trained

to take a position as Grand High Priest or Priestess is one
way to get a seat on the Satanic Council. The other way to
get a seat on the Satanic Council is to do battle for the
position, in a witches battle. After Gloria Vanderbilt died
and her successor Hilary did not step up to take that

position, for whatever reason that may be, to fill the position
there was a witches battle instead. Now, directly below
Grand High Priests and Priestesses in the hierarchy structure
of the Brotherhood is a rank called just High Priest or High
Priestess. For Gloria’s position, two High Priestesses did
battle, and the winner took that position. The two witches
who participated in that particular battle for Gloria’s position
were Beyoncé of singing fame and Megan Markle, the wife of
Prince Harry of the UK royalty. (ARA 21) Yup, the royals of
most if not all countries are all involved in this System, too.

Hillary’s husband Bill Clinton was also eligible to take a

position on the Satanic Council when two other men on the
council, Barron Hilton (Paris Hilton’s grandfather the Hilton
Hotel mogul) and Hal Taxil (possibly an architect, he’s been
difficult to research) both died. Like Hillary, Bill did not step
up to take either position, but a number of other High Priests
were eligible for those positions, including George Clooney
(actor & head of the ‘Hollywood warlocks’) and Mark
Zuckerberg (of Facebook/Meta) (ARA 21) Even though she
is now out of The System and isn’t able to see these battles in
person, it was clear to Jessie that George Clooney was the
one that took Barron Hilton’s seat. She did wistfully note,
though, that she would have given anything at that time “to
watch Zuckerberg kick Clinton’s a**.” (MJ 01, RoR 168)

Another recent revelation about the Satanic Council is

that one of it’s sub-groups is called ‘Merlin’, as in King
Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, that Merlin.
This Merlin group consists of 5 high level male sorcerers,
who are also called elders. These 5 Merlin men have seats on
the Satanic Council, but they are also concurrently members
that sit above the Holy See, above the Vatican. One Merlin is

a Cardinal in the Catholic Church. Another heads up the
Orthodox Church. Merlin’s job has been to groom and train
each generation’s Anti-Christ candidates. Part of their craft
is necromancy, talking to the dead, so that they can access
the wisdom of the old dead Illuminists to properly train their
charges. Appropriately, the ‘public’ name for the Antichrist
candidates they are training is ‘Arthur.’ Just like in the fable.
Merlin are also responsible for the new quantum global
financial System for the Brotherhood, and Jessie asserts that
they have named their new quantum financial System
‘Excalibur’. (RoR 237, DO 20203) Yup, not even fairy tales,
legends and lore are safe from the infiltration of The System.
Does it make sense why the Kennedy empire was deemed
“Camelot”? The Kennedy clan were Brotherhood Illuminati,
as well. After John F Kennedy died, Jackie Kennedy married
another very high ranking Brotherhood member, Aristotle
Onassis. (FS 02) If this book is killing your world view, I’m
sorry. I’ve been there.

Chapter 9: Sisters of Light

The Sisters of Light are a high-level division used to

protect The System, but in a more global and less personal
way than protector-assassins. They’re comparable to a
special operations military division that uses supernatural
spiritual warfare instead of bullets. For example, they might
use supernatural means to cause heart attacks in the
spiritual dimensions that will actually kill people in the
physical dimension on earth. This is a type of warfare that
seems to be rather common in the US military, although they
hide it very well from the general public. Another function of
the Sisters of Light is as spiritual protection outside the
spaces where big rituals are, doing protection spells for those
who are gathering there for the ritual. (BM 01, ARA 007)

There are 52 sisters of light based in the United States and

another 52 based internationally and they’re divided with 13
in each quadrant. (BM 01) One of their jobs is to cause chaos
and problems for individuals or groups working against the
Brotherhood. Using magic and powers afforded to them by
the demons they work with, they can cause pestilence or
sickness, flooding or hurricanes, vehicle problems, financial
problems, evictions, job troubles, marital issues and family
problems in people who they want to silence or debilitate.
Christians are not an infrequent target. For example, if there
was a strong Christian pastor in an area, they might target
him to get him to or shut down his church and leave the area.
He or his family might get sick, have an accident, or “lose his
faith.” (GD 04, RoR 223)

Not all work they do is for destruction. Some Sisters of

Light are expert healers, and are employed to repair the
bodies of people who have been in a fight and gotten injured.
Jessie witnessed them healing people after witches’ battles or
training injuries, and herself was the recipient of their
healing during training to be a MoD. (GD 04) She has
remarked that she hated their “witchy hands” as they healed
her wounds from fight training. Clarista Gingrich (wife of
politician Newt Gingrich) is a Sister of Light that healed
Jessie from wounds sustained during training. When Jessie
went home to her Mom after day training she wouldn’t look
bruised. For quite a while Jessie’s mother was kept in the
dark about her daughter’s involvement in The System. (RoR
090) Jessie’s proctor had a long, thin device similar to a
skewer that she would “all of a sudden just turn around and
she would stab me in my right side with that skewer…after
she skewered me then I’d have to endure a whole session
with the black magic healers…they would stand there with
their hands hovering over me using vibrations, but (all) I
could feel (was) the wicked evil.” After a while she hated it
so much they had to knock her unconscious to get her to sit
still so they could heal her. (ARA 101) While Jessie’s
description of black magick healers may or may not have
been Sisters of Light, it’s a good possibility they were.

There is a famous climate change group called Extinction

Rebellion who dress up exactly like Sisters of Light used to
dress when Jessie was a child-in-training in the Illuminati.
While you’ll usually see the group dressed in red robes,
Jessie said that the Sisters of Light either dressed in red,

white or black when she was a child. (RoR 223) Jessie can’t
say for sure that the women protesters of Extinction
Rebellion are Sisters of Light, but she knows for sure that the
group is headed by a few Illuminati High Priests. (RoR 164,
ARA 016)

One subset of the Sisters of Light is a very high level

group called the Seven Deadly Cyns, and during Johnny
Depp’s trial in France they appeared outside the location a
number of times dressed in flowing black ceremonial robes
meant to portray oil slicks. They’re run by a High Priest in
The System and are a select group of assassins, who usually
don’t ever appear in public, according to Jessie. Seeing them
there in public was a little like a declared act of war, said
Jessie (ARA 016) although a war declaration against whom
I’m not entirely sure. The prosecution, perhaps?

Chapter 10: The Media

“We have been taken advantage of by every

crooked con man, TV producer, scriptwriter,
author and film flam expert there is in this
country.” -William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse

Along with science, banking, education, government and

churches, Svali asserts that the media is also an area that the
Illuminati have wanted to take over and run for their own
benefit. (SV 13)

The modern-day System of media is infiltrated nearly

completely by the Brotherhood, and is considered by Jessie
to be a bona-fide division of the Brotherhood, run by the
Brotherhood. By media, I mean television, print, magazine,
movies, music, or large broadcasted events like the Oscars or
Emmy Awards or the Super Bowl halftime show. I would say
that factions of the media, such as television news, and late
night talk shows are almost wholly owned and operated by
people who are loyal to the Brotherhood, or controlled by the
Brotherhood, whereas other outlets, such as print
newspapers at the local or even national level have differing
levels of implication in the Brotherhood System. Media is
also the vehicle by which the Illuminati communicates to its
members. Even things like billboards and other mass
advertising on buses or commercials is often Brotherhood-
controlled and used for communication purposes.
Gina Phillips, who is a former Licensed Professional
Counselor who specializes in treating severely damaged
individuals who have been victims of the abuse perpetrated
by this Luciferian Brotherhood Illuminati, describes the
media as a “Tier 2” level of information dissemination that is
controlled or driven by the group’s higher-level “Tier 1”
individuals (she names Hillary Clinton, for example, as a Tier
1 individual). Information dissemination by these Tier 1
individuals could be via color, or shape, object or code word,
hand sign or symbol or any other number of communication
tools the Brotherhood uses and trains its people to recognize.
(GP 1) Gina uses the term Tier 1 to mean the same people
that Jessie calls “high-level hierarchy.” Others call them “the

The covers of magazines like Vogue often feature Tier 1/

hierarchy members of the Brotherhood with specific hand or
arm symbols. These arm symbols can be directions to
locations of meetings or rituals, giving people in grocery
store lines instructions as to what area to contact for further
information about the next big System gathering. Regular
non-illuminati folks are not going to be aware that they are
looking at a clandestine Illuminati communication tool when
they browse the magazine rack.

Advertisements in magazines like Vogue and Vanity Fair

are often designed to reach out to the lower level individuals
in The System, who Gina calls “Tier 3”. (GP 1) Jessie might
term these individuals “expendable” or System slaves. They
are called ‘slaves’ because they are under the complete
control of the Brotherhood and cannot refuse their
commands without harm or punishment. In Springmeier

and Wheeler’s book “Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati
Formula,” they describe Aveda personal care products and
Virginia Slims cigarette advertisements that are designed to
target the low-level individuals who are mind-controlled by
the Illuminati. (FS 1) I’ll describe mind-control and
programming later, suffice it to say for now that this is a
common technique used by the group to get a vast number of
people to do what they want to do, on command. Essentially,
the Tier 2 commands of the media are transmitted to their
Tier 3 “slaves”, and the slaves then carry out whatever that
command instructs.

Jessie talks about communication that the Tier 1/

hierarchy individuals did about her and Sarah Westall in
Rolling Stone magazine after she released some information
hierarchy individuals losing their protectors. (SW 20) It’s
notable that the entire music industry has been described as
an Illuminati enterprise, so using a music publication like
Rolling Stone is not inconsistent. What irked The System
enough to put out a coded article in Rolling Stone about it
was that Jessie had mentioned on a show with Sarah Westall
that there were tunnels beneath the Capitol building in
Washington, D.C. Knowing and being well-versed in the
layout of these tunnels was a specialty of the protector-
assassins in The System, and and they use them to get their
protected hierarchy people (i.e. the senators and
representatives) in and out of the capitol building, and to
safety. The military also knows the entrances and exist, and
the military knew that the protectors usually show up there
the night before they need to be there, to triage and make
plans. During the January 6th 2020 “event” at the Capitol
building where people entered, Jessie believes that some of
the Tier 1/hierarchy Brotherhood congress members fled

into the tunnels thinking their protectors would be there to
meet them, but their protectors weren’t there. Because the
Tier 1/elite rely on their protectors to know the tunnel
Systems and they, themselves, do not know the tunnels, they
couldn’t get out—they had no idea which way to go, so they
had to re-enter the Capitol building as there was no escaping
via the underground. (SW 19)

Sarah and Jessie also point out in that series of videos

that it’s interesting that no major fashion magazine ever did
a profile on Melania Trump in the four years her husband
was president, and yet now those same publications seem
excited that Kamala Harris and Jill Biden are profiled for
their fashion. CNN reported in June of 2021 that Jill Biden
was featured on the cover of Vogue, and Vogue itself
remarked “Dr. Jill Biden is our August cover star!” (VM 1)
The New York Post wrote a June 29 2021 article titled
“Vogue’s Jill Biden cover is so fawning it would embarrass
North Korean propaganda” and noted that the author of the
article, Van Meter seemed “titillated” by her, calling her a
“joy multiplier” and “effortlessly popular.” (NYP 01) The
good thing about living in 2021 is that more and more people
are starting to see through the blatant brainwashing efforts
by the print and visual media orchestrated by the
Brotherhood to skew public perception and plant false ideas.
Luckily for us, some media outlets like the New York Post
sometimes do call out their fellow print institutions when
they really lay it on too thick.

Gina Phillips also calls out the October 2021 cover of

Vogue featuring a pop singer named Lorde as being chock-
full of Illuminati symbolism. (VM 2) Gina’s September 26,
2021 tweet reads, “This is all code. Can U read between the

lines of the article? (GP 2) Gina learned how to decode the
media’s comms (communications between members of the
Brotherhood) after she assisted a woman in getting free from
both The System and the aftermath of the abuse The System
put her through. She clearly states that “people in
government and people who are victims (of Illuminati) mind
control they have secret languages and codes that they use to
activate.” (GP 1) The Tier 2 media is one way they
disseminate these codes.

Like Gina, Jessie also states of the Vogue magazine

enterprise that “there are individuals there who are heavily
implicated in The System, in the Illuminati.” (RoR 029)
Wikipedia mentions Maye Musk (mother of Elon Musk of
Tesla car fame) as being a cover girl on the front of Time,
Vogue, Elle Canada and Women’s Day magazine, as well as
being a CoverGirl spokesmodel. (WK 01) The entire Musk
clan is known to be deep in the Brotherhood System and has
been outed by their former house girl/babysitter Rosemary,
who calls herself Shalom Girl on YouTube. (SG 01) and
Jessie has noted that Elon’s grandfather Joshua N.
Haldeman was connected to Joseph Mengele and other
Nazi’s that were a part of the Illuminati.

One of the very high Tier 1 elite hierarchy individuals was

Gloria Vanderbilt, and her son Anderson Cooper, CNN
anchor, is also believed to be part of The System. His
position for The System is in position of television news
anchor. Just as vampires and werewolves are connected to
family demons at a young age, so are other families in the
Illuminati connected to different family-loyal demons.
Gloria Vanderbilt’s family is connected to two demons
named Ashtoreth (spelling varies and this one has many

names, Ashtoroth, Astarte, Lilith and more) and Marquis. ,
and the powers that those demons give the members of that
family can be used in their work for the Illuminati. (RoR

When Jessie was young, a group that worked with John

Brennan met at Jessie’s grandmother/proctor’s house for
brunch on Sundays from 1981 to 1984. They disguised the
meeting as a book club, reading To Kill a Mockingbird. (RR
01) It was really a cover meeting for discussing Project
Mockingbird, aka how to get the media to further The
System’s goals to bring about the New World Order (which is
a direct plan of the Illuminati Brotherhood to take over the
world and control everybody and everything). (SW 3)

The media often conveniently omits information that

connects events to the Illuminati. Fritz Springmeier in his
book Bloodlines of the Illuminati notes that “almost all the
serial killers have had connections to Satanism and in every
case the media and the police have suppressed or greatly
downplayed their connections to freemasonry and satanism.”
He mentions serial killers Charles Manson, Sam Berkowitz,
Jack the Ripper and Henry Lee Lucas as all having both ties
to freemasonry and satanism, two pillars of the Illuminati.
(FS 02) (More on the freemasonry connection later.) The
media, however, never made a single mention of Manson,
Berkowitz or the others as being involved in the occult.
Shalom Girl (Rosemary) details how Maye Musk worked
closely with Charles Manson while he was in prison, and
when she asked Maye about what she was doing with
Manson, Maye replied, “buying future chaos for the agenda.”

Later in the same book Fritz asserts, “Remember, these
people (the elite Illuminati) own the press, and the media.”
“they control the media….they control the governments, they
control the police forces”. And more ominously “they will
kill or discredit anyone who exposes them.” The Rothschilds
(another Illuminati family) “have control of all three US
(television) networks, plus other aspects of the recording and
mass media industry.” They “control Reuters” and now
control “CNN, which began as an independent challenge” to
the Rockefeller media monopoly. (FS 02) They also pay to
keep certain stories out of the news. (SV 27)

Fritz asserts that there are disinformation agents in the

Illuminati, and that they are positioned in media as TV
anchor men, journalists, commentators, academics quoted in
the media, and some politicians. (FS 02) Jessie has also
stated that the media outlets frequently have the same “go-
to” institutions that they rely on for specialist information,
such as Johns Hopkins, the Mayo Clinic, Stanford Research
Institute and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
They don’t have the truth, they’re not telling you the truth,
they’re the people being used to feed us all a narrative, they
are part of The System and doing their job which is “to make
you a slave to The System”. (SW 07)

Svali, another escapee of the Illuminati, writes in one of

her blogs that she “knew of three people in San Diego who
worked for the Union Tribune (newspaper) who were faithful
Illuminists, and who also wrote frequent articles attacking
local therapists who worked with RA (ritual abuse)
survivors.” The leadership of that local Illuminati group
harassed those individuals so much that they left town. Then
the leadership of the group boasted that they had ‘run so-

and-so out of town’ and gloated about how happy they were
that they were successful in getting those folks that were
helping survivors out of their She notes that the local
illuminati believe in controlling the banks, local
governments, law practices and media in their area, and that
members “are encouraged to go to journalism school” while
other members “help fund local papers.” (SV 08, SV 27)

Jessie also says that the media is a communication

channel for the Illuminati, and says that they’ve been “left
alone” so that the opposition can “know what the enemy is
doing.” (SW 07) A number of people believe that the media
will be one of the last pillars of the Illuminati structure that
is taken down, if they will indeed be taken down and we’re
not being lied to about the takedown of the Illuminati

Much of the success of the media in shaping public

thought and opinion seems to come from constant
repetition. There are numerous compilation videos on the
internet showing different local TV news networks saying the
exact same phrase on the same day. Through media source
outlets that feed the local news outfits, they seem to be told
to say certain phrases, as it’s “part of the program”. Cheryl
Beck, another Illuminati survivor, says “the only way to get
any information into your brain is through the theta wave
state, and that either comes through meditation, repetition
or hypnosis. It seems as though they think that repetition
works best.” (CS 06) The reason the media works so very
hard and The System spends so much time and energy on the
media is that “the Illuminati believe that to control the media
is to control the public.” (SV 28)09l.

Chapter 11: Brides of Satan

“Satan is not really someone you can get to know

on a personal level ” -Jessie Czebotar (SW 27)

The Brides of Satan are available to Satan to make sure

that he is happy and that whatever he desires, he gets. (BM
01) They’re required to look beautiful and “always be ready
to appear if they’re called on for events.. or to accompany
Satan.” In compensation, they are provided with plenty of
money and expensive homes. (ARA 024) They sexually cater
to Satan, and oversee those called his “offspring”. Most don’t
realize what a “nightmare of an abusive relationship” it is
going to be prior to accepting the position in The System,
and after they are initiated they say that it is like being
haunted by your worst nightmare day and night. (SW 27)
Most are not allowed to marry someone human in addition
to being bound to Satan, and their time in The System is
generally short, as he brings in new batches every 5 to 10
years. When the new group is initiated, the previous group is
generally killed. (SW 27) New groups are initiated at Bride
of Satan ceremonies, which generally happen in March. (FS
03) It is one of the few rituals where everybody wears white
robes. (RoR 234)

Elaine was a Bride of Satan in the Northern Quadrant,

(ARA 006) which was in the jurisdiction of Jessie’s proctor,
the Queen Mother of Darkness. Elaine’s life story, initiation

into the Brotherhood and finally her escape from it is
described in Rebecca Brown’s book He Came To Set The
Captives Free. At the pinnacle of her ‘career’ in the
Brotherhood, Elaine was described as “one of the top witches
in the United States.” (RB 01, page 8) The Brotherhood
seemed to be after Elaine right from her birth. In an
innocent and ignorant act, Elaine’s mother gave the
Brotherhood rights to Elaine as an infant. Elaine started out
being recruited into the Sisters of Light, and then was told
about the opportunity to become a regional Bride of Satan.
“There are only 5 to 10 regional Brides of Satan in the U.S. at
any one time. It is a position of great honor and power. The
Sisters of Light told me they were sure I had the ability to
attain this high position. They constantly talked about all the
benefits I would gain if I reached it. I became determined to
gain that position.” (RB 01, page 43) Despite attaining great
heights in the hierarchy, Elaine eventually wanted out of The
System, and with Rebecca’s help worked for years to free
herself from its clutches. Their story of how that happened is
worth reading, it explains in detail what it feels like to be
possessed by a demon, attacked by a demon, trapped in The
System, and the lengths to which The System will try to
prevent someone from leaving. It was years of battle, prayer,
dodging poison, bombs, attacks and more. It took a physical
and emotional toll on both of them.

Chapter 12: Programming

“A life of torture and mind control… is so

excruciatingly painful that I will do anything
necessary in the service of stopping it from
happening in future generations.” -Brice Taylor,
Thanks for the Memories (BT 01)

This Brotherhood System exists and persists in the face of

overwhelming opposition—from its own members. People
don’t want to belong to this group. They don’t want to do the
things that this group does. Jessie estimates that 95% of the
members of the group don’t want to be there, and only 5%
do. (ARA 031, RoR 204) So, how does that work? Aside
from a separate System of blackmail and threats that I’ll
describe later, most of the people in this System have had
their minds altered in childhood, and after being altered,
they have less ability to resist or leave the group. Sometimes
they have zero ability to resist the dictates and commands of
The System.

The process of breaking and retraining an individual so

that they can be a slave to The System is called
‘programming’. Using that programming to manipulate the
individual is sometimes called mind-control. A person who
is programmed and is being used by The System is said to be
mind-controlled, and is sometimes called a mind-controlled
slave. Modern-day slavery is alive and well, and perpetrated
by the Brotherhood System through their System of

The way a slave has been altered isn’t random. It’s very
specific and very purposeful, and the end result is that the
programmed individuals have essentially lost the ability to
control themselves and be self-directing. Cathy O’Brien says
that she lost her connection to reality to the extent that she
had no sense of time during the many years she was
operating as a Presidential sex slave model for The System.
Not only did she not know the time of day, but also what year
it was. (ZZ 17) Being completely controlled from the outside
made time irrelevant.

You can think of a programmed person as being

hypnotized in a sense, but in a very purposeful way.
Programming is a Systematic restructuring of a person’s
brain and their consciousness, done for the purposes of
making them compliant to The System, against their own
will. It’s scientific, and detailed, and horrifying, and results
in a dysfunctional and broken sense of self that isn’t good for
the programmed person, but is very useful for The System.
Programmed individuals are referred-to as slaves, because
they are under complete control of The System.
Programming is one piece of the implementation of a human
slave society.

The Brotherhood System has need of different kinds of

mind controlled individuals, to do different jobs for them.
Since a large amount of income of the Brotherhood comes
from sex trafficking and drug trafficking, slaves are created
and used to do the work of The System in coordinating these
efforts. Slaves can do courier work taking messages to and

from world leaders, they can be black widow assassins, they
can provide sex services to high-ranking politicians, they can
be assets in blackmail schemes, they can carry drugs across
borders, they can be maids or farm workers or literally just
about anything. The list of jobs they can use slaves for is
endless. What slaves do not do is act under their own
direction, they are controlled and given orders by slave
handlers for everything that they do. These handlers have
thousands of different programs that they can use to access
different compartments of the slave’s brain, access different
programs that are inserted into the slave’s brain, and get the
slave to do what they wish them to do. (FS 03, FS 01, KS 01)
Far from “all men are created equal,” programming creates a
two-tier System of elite class and slave class.

In the past, slaves have been created in 2 main ways: by

technological alterations, or by using torture.

Two excellent human examples of slaves created by

technology are Cheryl Beck and Anna Starfire. Cheryl Beck
had an implant in the bone behind her left eye that is
described as being remarkably similar to Elon Musk’s
modern-day Neuralink technology. They removed her eye,
embedded this object in the skull bone behind her eye, then
re-inserted her eye back into the socket, then connected the
device to her brain. It was, in her case, specifically for mind
control, so that her handlers could override her free will and
cause her brain to do as they wished. (ARA 017, ARA 025)
Anna Starfire’s experience was extreme; she had multiple
regions of her brain removed and replaced with transmitter
technology. Portions of her brain and skull bones were
removed and replaced with devices. She had wires coming
out from her head to attach to external technology. Her

tailbone was removed and wires inserted up her spinal
column that connected to her brain technology and auditory
System making her into a human “spy radio”. She was
specifically being designed to be able to uplink to satellites
and other space objects; she says that she could “move
objects in space” with her technologically-enhanced brain so
that the counterintelligence agencies could take pictures.
She explains that her “metal headpieces could start fires” and
that she could jam satellite microwave signals by “angling my
head ever so slightly.” This was all in the 1960’s. (AS 01)
The System’s technology has been greatly refined since then.

Anna Starfire’s experience isn’t unique and she wasn’t the

only slave her age that was altered with brain replacement
technology. She’s just one of the only survivors that have
lived and been able to tell her story. The rest of her cohort
are dead. One government experiment they put Anna
through was called Project Marionette, which was done in
Southern Florida at hospitals and a theme park (unnamed).
Anna describes being awake during the brain surgeries
which were done by doctors who she said already “had 30-35
years of training,” having already done these kinds of
surgeries since the 1930’s in field hospitals for the military,
in Germany, under Josef Mengele. Anna and other children
were “brain sculpted” so that they could test wireless control
of the human brain by linking it to robotic control. When
they were done with the brain surgery, they drugged the
children so they had no conscious control over their bodies,
set up stages and music and linked each child’s social
security number to the remote technology, and through the
remote electrical direction of their muscles caused their
bodies to dance to music a macabre dance show. They oiled
the children’s bodies so they would not have electrical arcs.

By the end of the show, most children were dead. The
parents were told that they had died of pneumonia. They
were buried or cremated and the evidence of the technology
was destroyed. The program managers ‘ordered’ 30-50
children a day for a month’s worth of these dance shows.
Anna describes this experiment as being a precursor of their
intention to control everything humans did. The System’s
military members found those experiments of immediate
interest in creating technology-assisted “super soldiers” who
could be remotely controlled by satellite or cell phones. (AS
01 pgs. 148-155) With the evidence of mass graves in Canada
as has been recently described by Kevin Annett, we have to
wonder how many other children were also slaves created by
experiments done by the secret Brotherhood ‘projects’.

Torture-based programming methods are another form of

mind-control and these methods can be used on unborn
infants still in the womb. Svali terms this type of
programming ‘prenatal splitting’, as what it is designed to do
is fragment and compartmentalize the brain using traumatic
stimuli. Loud rock music, inharmonious modern classical
compositions, or humans yelling at the fetus in the womb
can cause extreme fetal distress. Physically hitting the
mother’s abdomen, ingestion of large quantities of bitter
substances by the mother, or electric shock to the abdomen
can also be used. Prolonged, overwhelming, or severe stress
can cause the fetal brain to ‘split’ and overwhelming
traumatic memories or experiences to be
compartmentalized. (SV 14) Compartmentalization of
traumatic memories is a survival tactic for the severely
abused. It allows their nervous System to get rest, and not
have to deal with the overwhelming stimuli. An analogy
might help in understanding this process. It would be like

having a horribly loud radio playing in the room you’re in,
and you pick up the radio and set it in a padded soundproof
box and close the lid. The radio is still playing the music at
the same volume, but you get rest and relief from that music
causing you distress. In the brain of a traumatized infant,
that trauma (the loud radio) just gets compartmentalized
(put in the padded box) and the infant can survive that
trauma without going insane.

Sometimes these sort of traumas are purposely done to

induce premature labor and ensure that the child is born on
a ceremonial holiday. (SV 14)

Cisco Wheeler, a former programmer for the Brotherhood

Illuminati says that sometimes, instead of developing mind
splits from prenatal trauma, some children develop autism.
The rise in autism rates among children is thought to be
partly due to an increase in trauma-induced mind control
efforts. Some autistic children could therefore be described
as “mind-control duds.” Autism is not solely a result of
programming gone bad as it is recognized that children can
develop autism from many different causes; not all are
caused by mind-control. (FS 03)

In-utero trauma is only the beginning of a child’s

programming nightmare. After the child is born, further
trauma is used to induce further mind splits in those infants
who are “skilled” at dissociation. Dissociation is the ability
to escape a traumatic situation as it is happening, so that the
child is not forced to feel, hear, or see what is going on at the
intensity they would normally feel it if their consciousness
was firmly attached to the body. It can sometimes be
described as spacing out, floating above the body and

watching the situation, a “fly on the wall” 3rd person
observer, retreating into an imaginative daydream, or
blanking out. Sometimes the dissociation happens after the
event, so during the event the person is 100% conscious of
what is going on, and it’s only afterward that they suddenly
discover the event cannot be remembered. I saw an
interview with Mary-Kate Olsen of “Full House” TV fame and
she told the interviewer that she always blanks out the
interview afterward, so the interviewer could ask her
anything, and she wouldn’t remember it afterward at all. (ZZ
15) That’s one form of dissociation. That memory of the
interview is still somewhere in her mind, but
compartmentalized, and she cannot access it consciously any

Cisco Wheeler describes a severe form of dissociation she

experienced when she was being tortured as a child, saying
“when the pain got too much for me I leaped out of my body
just like a bullfrog and hovered over my body and watched
Josef Mengele and my father torture me and…I would
flatline so they couldn't torture me anymore.” (RoR 196)

Mind-control programming is technical and detailed and

involves a lot of work on the part of the programmer. Mind
compartments are created by a specific sequence of steps
that the programmed individual has to repeat until they are
etched very deeply in their mind. The action or task they are
being programmed to carry out often has a word, phrase,
song, or color associated with the programming, so that at
the end of engraining the task and the trigger the two are
inexorably tied and brings about an instant response in the
slave that is involuntary. They cannot refuse. With
apologies for this analogy, it is as if they are being trained

like dogs who will perform upon command. Only instead of
being trained by being offered treats, they are trained with
violence, fear, and shame. It’s important to note here that
this System impresses upon its programmers that what they
are doing is for the benefit of the child. Svali was well into
adulthood before she realized that what she was doing to
children was inappropriate and harmful. She was made to
believe that what she did to the children she oversaw in
programming situations was discipline, and training, and
was for the betterment of the child. They even told her that
she was doing this in love, because discipline and inflicted
suffering were presented to her as corrective discipline
designed to make the child strong. (SV 58)

Svali details the process she and her fellow programmers

used to install a program in a child. First, the child would be
seriously traumatized to create a mind split, then drugged or
hypnotized to bring about a hypnotic state. Then they would
give the programming instructions verbally, then model the
instructions for the child, then tell the child to mimic what
the programmer said and did. If the child made a mistake,
they would be given negative reinforcement, like an electric
shock. Then they would have the child repeat the behavior
on cue until the child did it correctly, and reinforce that with
a positive reward, such as praise and a hug. Then they would
have the child repeat the behavior after on cue 50 or more
times. After that repetition, the program was instilled in the
child and they would sometimes seal the programming with
a ritual. (SV 02) International occult groups could have
their children being continuously programmed at a facility
doing this and other programming for the first 3 years of
their life. (SV 45) This would bring about thousands of
programs, with thousands of cues or triggers to bring forth

the specific behaviors encoded by each program. Cisco notes
that handlers managing slaves might keep at hand a giant
binder of the codes for that particular individual. (FS 03)

Brice describes some of the cues that were used on her to

trigger her programs in private as needles stuck between her
knuckles, and in public as a number code. (BT 01) Cathy
recalls being triggered by harmonic tones played over the
telephone, Jesuit mind-control hand signals, CIA codes and
other government program codes, such as MK Ultra (CO 01)
Some of these codes from different occult or government
mind-control Systems overlap and some do not.

Cisco notes that the result of programming is that “when

they tell you to cry, you cry. When they tell you to scream,
you scream. When they tell you to eat, you eat. Every facet
of your life is totally controlled by them.” (CW 14) Cathy was
programmed to eat no more than 300 calories a day. It kept
her weak, so she was more compliant. (CO 01)

Torture programming has been used in many different

occult societies worldwide. Svali worked for the Jesuits and
the Illuminati. Both groups are international, and both have
operational local groups based in the USA. These are not the
only occult groups that utilize mind control. Some of the
other groups are generational witchcraft covens, satanic
generational covens, government groups like MI-6, Mossad,
CIA, SPETZ, organized crime, and Asian occult groups like
the ninja clans. (SV 55) Many, if not most of these groups
serve Satan. The purpose of all this childhood programming
by occult groups is to “remake” a human into the image of
Satan/Lucifer; someone who could lie, cheat, steal, kill,
torture, eat their children or other people’s children and do

all of that with no conscience or remorse. Perhaps they even
will have been programmed to enjoy it. (SV 58)

Most programmers have themselves been programmed in

childhood; The System self-perpetuates its programming
operation in this way. Svali as a child was programmed by
the Jesuits, and Cisco Wheeler was programmed by her
father, Leo Wheeler, known in the Brotherhood System as
Dr. Black. (SV 51, RoR 196) Cisco became a programmer for
the Brotherhood, and Svali was a programmer for the
Illuminati and for the Jesuits. (SV 43, SV 03)

Programming was practiced by the Brotherhood for

centuries but was fairly rudimentary and unreliable until it
was scientifically studied and refined by Josef Mengele. It is
often difficult to find out concrete and verifiable information
about men who are high-ranking in the Brotherhood System,
and Mengele is one of those people. He is a man who is lied
about in ‘mainstream’ media, encyclopedias and other data
sources as being someone who died earlier than he died, and
lived where he didn’t live, and didn’t do what he did. It’s
fairly commonly accepted that Mengele was a nazi employed
by the regime in WWII-era Germany, and that he did
horrible experiments on children in concentration camps.
Some of his most famous involved twin studies, usually
where one twin lived and the other died. Some accounts say
he died in 1945. There is no doubt, however, that his name
comes up again and again in accounts of programmed
individuals who have escaped The System, and that he is a
ubiquitous figure in the stories of escaped System slaves who
were programmed by him in the 1950’s an 1960’s. A few
accounts note that he died in 1979 in Brazil, which fits better
with the survivor’s stories of him.

Josef was the top programmer for the Brotherhood
Illuminati System during the 1940-1970’s era, and according
to Svali did some programming and teaching of
programming techniques to the Jesuits, as well. Post-
Mengele, different more high-tech programming techniques
were constructed and used that involved frequency, or
wavelength technology. Cathy O’Brien, who was
programmed using the more traditional Mengele-style
programming was able to ‘deprogram’ herself with
assistance, but her daughter Kelly was programmed with the
more high-tech programming and that required a different
more sophisticated level of deprogramming. This is
important because the older slaves in The System that were
programmed with torture methods had their programming
break down and start to fall apart more easily than the more
high-tech frequency-based programming that is going on
now. Cathy deprogrammed herself with help, but her
daughter didn’t have that luxury. (CO 01, CO 02)

In the short run, dissociation is a useful tool for survival

in the face of overwhelming pain or torture. Once the pain is
over, however, dissociation hinders survivors’ abilities to
heal from the trauma. The brain is not always successful at
keeping those traumas compartmentalized permanently, and
dissociation brought about by programming can start to
break down, freeing those compartmentalized memories.
This tends to happen around age 30, which is incidentally
when a slave ‘ages out’ of The System and is usually killed.
Cathy O’Brien escaped her intended demise by being
intercepted and removed from the control of The System by
a smart man who kept her safe from The System’s assassins.
Cathy’s brother attempted suicide at age 30, but wasn’t

successful, and they kept him around, likely because he was
raising three children who were also System slaves. (CO 01)
Suicide can be programmed into a slave and triggered, so
that it makes it look like the idea to die was the slave’s, but in
reality it was The System taking them out with a cue or code
designed to set into motion a suicide program that had been
inserted into their brain in childhood. (FS 03)

Jessie describes in one interview the process of the

Obamas’ children’s programming breaking down. The
interviewer describes the kids as “reckless” and “party
animals”, and wonders why they’re allowed to go wild like
that. Jessie explains that when programming starts to break
down, and memories of their torture start to come to their
conscious minds, they often turn to drugs and alcohol and
their behavior gets wild. The System allows them to go
through that and get to a terrible state of dysfunction so that
they exhibit a clear need to be taken to a drug or alcohol
rehabilitation program. Those programs are designed to
reprogram them, in addition to addiction treatment. The
drugs, alcohol, and out-of-control behavior provide a cover
story to the general public, who doesn’t know that behind the
closed doors of the treatment facility, they are being re-
conditioned for return to compliance within The System.
(SW 06) Svali notes that people returned regularly to
programmers for ‘tune-ups” of their programming when she
was working in the San Diego area. (SV 06)

Programming controls the mind so completely and so

strongly that individuals can be made to think that they are
no longer a human being. When Cisco began
deprogramming herself as a 30-year-old adult, she firmly
believed she was a kitten with a porcelain face. She told the

individual helping her “You’re crazy. I am not a little girl, I
am a kitten.” Going through the process of realizing that she
was not a kitten, but instead she was a little girl was
excruciating for her. She had been so severely tortured
during the programming process that she never wanted to be
a little girl, it was simply too painful. (CW 14)

None of this programming is done in secret. The records

of slaves of The System are kept in government computer
files, and other details about slaves are kept in unofficial
non-computerized files that “never officially existed and are
not give up even to Congressional subpoenas.” Intelligence
agencies have access to these files, however, including the
heads of the CIA and upper-level politicians in The System
like Zbigniew Brezinski and Dick Cheney. (FS 03) There are
only a very few high-level people in the Brotherhood who
have not undergone programming, and they are essentially
handled by Satan who keeps tabs on them. Cisco Wheeler
“programmed all the high-level the people in the Satanic
Council, the United Nations” (RR 22)

The government is so highly intertwined with The System

that it has used taxpayer dollars to fund research programs
designed to further investigate how to create better slaves.
MK Ultra is one of the more widely-known government
research program names, but there are many others, as well,
including Projects Bluebird and Project Artichoke, which
were precursors of MK Ultra, and MK Delta, Project Chatter,
and Project MK Naomi, which were spinoffs of Project MK

The goal of The System is to enslave all of humanity

through whatever means they can, and this seems to include

occult, government and private partnerships all working
together. Cheryl Beck asserts that the Rockefeller’s want to
‘barcode’ us all with implantable RFID-style chips that can
track and control us. (CB 04) While it’s easy to get into the
trap of focusing on one organization or one family or one
initiative it’s if you look at the bigger picture it’s a plan that is
much, much bigger than one family. Programming is the
one facet that seems to bring together the research and
development with the practical applications of their plans for
a slave society. They’ve been working on it all for decades,
and currently The System has progressed partway to being
successful with this global plan of technological control over
each individual. As I write this, just this morning one of the
truckers in the late January 2022 trucker convoy to Ottawa
in Ontario, Canada, found out that his vaccine status and
other cell phone data had been transferred to the border
guards even before he reached the Canada/US border
crossing. This is only the beginning of having our data
‘precede us’ everywhere we go, and eventually, control
everywhere we go. In some locations, internal chipping
already exists to access buildings or secure rooms or as
digital identification. And some people have observed that
individuals who have been injected with what is being
termed the “covid vaccine” now emit Bluetooth MAC
addresses—they are literally emitting unique trackable
signals from their bodies. (ZZ 16)

It’s easy to dismiss or become accustomed to many of the

long-term plans The System rolls out, as they are progressing
towards this goal in small increments. At this time, your cell
phone might be your ‘digital ID’, but eventually, cell phones
might be replaced by implantable devices that control your
ability to bank, or grocery shop, buy gasoline for your car or

even regulate what kinds of buildings you can and cannot
enter. Vaccine passports are another route they are trying
out to see if they can control where we can and cannot go.
Their intention to enslave us isn’t hyperbole, nor is it
speculation. They intend for humans to be a slave society,
and Luciferians our controllers. According to Catherine
Austin Fitts, once the central banks introduce digital
currency, termed CBDC (central bank digital currency), they
will have almost total control over our lives. Want to travel?
If The System overlords don’t want you to, all they have to do
is restrict your digital currency to 5 miles of the radius of
your home. If they successfully abolish the use of cash (as is
their plan), then you have no options, they’ve digitally
tethered you and your car to whatever address you’ve listed
as your home. (CAF 01)

Chapter 13: Infiltrated

“The last mystery at the top of the Masonic

pyramid is the worship of Lucifer” -William
Cooper, in Behold A Pale Horse

The Luciferian Brotherhood Illuminati cabal has

infiltrated just about every institution, organization, religion,
government, and structure that the world has to offer. (FS
03, pg 427) This was a very difficult, if not the most difficult
aspect for me to comprehend of the Luciferian System when
I was first introduced to it. I could accept the idea of witches’
battles and sorcery much easier than I could accept the fact
that churches, government institutions, private corporations,
and social clubs were being used by the Luciferians as part of
their covert organizational structure.

I had to completely re-evaluate my perception of

institutions, companies, nonprofits etc., from the perspective
of my whistleblower sources instead of looking in on them
from the outside. I had to come to terms with the fact that
the world isn’t actually the way it’s presented to us on the
surface. I had to learn coded symbols and messaging, and
mull over the fact that none of this is hidden, it’s in plain
sight, it’s just that I didn’t understand what I was looking at
and didn’t grasp the fact that it was a code. I felt a tad bit

like I was un-knowingly living in the main part of a house
where the tiny space Anne Frank and her family lived-in was,
without knowing they were living there. Like a hidden world
was sitting right beside me and I was oblivious to it.

What I came to realize over time, and with some

difficulty, was that this global Luciferian structure doesn’t
really have its own buildings, meeting places, or
infrastructure on earth’s surface. You aren’t going to look for
a land deed or building deed and find that “Satan, Inc.” owns
it. Every location that is used by the Luciferian elite is owned
by a private entity or family, such as the Rothschild
mansions, or by an independent, seemingly separate
institution altogether, such as the Catholic Churches,
Freemason lodges, private islands or government offices.

In order to operate with near-complete secrecy and veiled

from the public view, they hide in plain sight, inside a wide
variety of society’s businesses, faith institutions, government
offices, and social clubs. The genius of it is that only a small
subset of each of these organizations are Luciferians, and the
rest are just regular folks who have no idea that they are in
the same organization standing alongside evil people who
don’t have the same morals, allegiances, or agenda that they

Catholic Church/Vatican/Holy See

When I learned that Luciferian/Satanic rituals were

happening using the sanctuary of the Catholic church at
night, and in the daytime they were being used to hold
Catholic mass, I think that’s when it finally clicked for me.
(RoR 045, DO 00605) I also learned that the same thing was
happening with Masonic Temples, they were being reported
used for Luciferian rituals and then cleaned-up and used for
Freemason gatherings.

Luciferians do seem to have their own infrastructure and

holdings underground, but not so much above-ground. In a
later section of this book I’ll discuss the secret underground
cities and underground transportation that the Brotherhood
and military use to do some of their nefarious deeds. The
Catholic Church is one of the most duplicitous institutions,
and it both has above-ground and below-ground facilities.
Some churches are nearly completely Luciferian controlled,
and some are mostly not. There are apparently ways to look
at the architecture of a church, its number and placement of
windows, and be able to tell the difference, but I’m not
advanced enough to tell. (CS 25)

Catholic Church, the Masons and the Mormons are the

big 3 institutions that are not what they seem to us non-
Luciferians. This entire section has the potential to cause a
lot of cognitive dissonance for you, dear readers. The
Catholic Church has so many devoted, lovely Christian
people in it—how could you lump the Catholic people
together with Satanists?? I can hear some of you thinking
that already. I wholeheartedly agree, the Catholic Church
does have many devoted, lovely Christian-professing people.
In my opinion they are also completely in the dark, and being
used and abused as a cover by the church hierarchy to
provide cover for the fact that so many priests, cardinals and
high-level individuals are secret Luciferian Satanists. Not all
of them, but a large number. At one major ritual that I will
describe in the latter part of this book were 4 Catholic clergy,
one a Cardinal and one a Reverend Monsignor who were

there at that ritual in their capacity as Luciferian High
Priests. The duplicitous nature of some high-ranking
Catholic Clergy is not in doubt to many escapees of the
Illuminati. It’s just that it’s shocking to us when we find that

This couldn’t possibly be—we normal people would

somehow know, there would be signs, there would be clues,
we would get it, what you’re suggesting is not possible! To
that accusation, I say, there are signs. There are clues, and
we’re not getting them, we’re missing their hidden meanings.
Also, these folks are masters at hiding their “night life” from
everybody. The members of the Luciferian cult (Svali calls it
a cult, and I tend to agree, that moniker fits) are under threat
of death if they reveal this to the public, they would be killed
for letting on. The average Catholic Church member will
have no idea this is happening. Also, this isn’t happening in
every church, and not every priest is a member, so there are
pockets of Luciferian control over certain churches but not
all churches.

It’s also a guess of mine that in those churches that are

also hotbeds of Luciferian activity, the church secretary, and
the janitor and the grounds caretaker, and every level of
employee is also staffed by Luciferians, so there’s no
possibility that any ‘outsider’ might be clued-in by
accidentally running across a ceremony being held in the
sanctuary. The levels of control extend outwards and are
numerous. Jessie describes one church where a nun, under
the guise of giving piano lessons on the 2nd floor of the
parish house would watch and make sure that nobody was
entering the grounds that shouldn’t be there. (ARA 040)

It’s impossible for me to know if the Catholic Church
started out this way and was early-on infiltrated by
Luciferians, or if it started as a genuine, dedicated-to-Jesus
institution. That is a rabbit hole that might be worth looking
into in the future. For now, what I can say based on the
testimony of a number of individuals who have escaped the
clutches of the Illuminati is that they heavily, and I mean
really heavily, use the Catholic Church, all the way to the
tippy top, as cover for their organization.

Jessie has even named the Pope as being involved.

Multiple times. She says that the man we all know of as the
pope is actually a Luciferian who is going to be in charge of
some masonic orders and what is called the “Light Side of
the System,” the side that does white magick. The Dark Side
of The System which is governed by the Black Pope will
oversee the dark masonic orders and the Jesuits. (ARA 031)
Svali names the Jesuits and their Superior General (aka the
Black Pope) as being possibly even more powerful than the
face-front (white) pope, the one we see as the head of the
Vatican. In her eyes, the White Pope might actually be
subservient to the Black Pope. She calls the Black pope the
“REAL leader of the Vatican,” emphasis being hers, not
mine. (SV 60)

More often than not, Jessie groups the Catholics and the
Jesuits together and calls them one “department” of the
Illuminati, one that runs part of the business end of the
organization, namely human trafficking. Don’t fall out of
your seat. Yes, Jessie has implicated the Catholic Church in
trafficking humans, and in using, selling, and disposing of
human remains. One of the ways that they accomplish this
trafficking is that many Catholic Churches have catacombs

and other underground structures that are used for rituals
involving human sacrifices. Some Catholic Churches have
underground incinerators. (ARA 004) The remains of
children sacrificed in rituals on the grounds (or underneath)
Catholic churches can be disposed of by incineration, and
then, much to my own revulsion when I found this out,
sometimes they take those remains and do other things with
them, like create memorial diamonds from them, and then
sell the diamonds for profit, or wear them as trophy
diamonds in rings. (RR 31) Even more disgusting things can
be done with human cremains, and I’ll discuss those later in
part 3.

The Holy See, which is the financial arm of the Vatican is

composed of Satanic Councilmen who are of a special select
committee, Jessie terms them a “special part of the world
governing council.” She asserts that the Holy See is the
power center of the Vatican, not the Black or White pope
(ARA 031) Jessie’s outlook and Svali’s outlook on the
importance and rank of the popes and the Jesuits differs
some, but one thing is for certain, the Catholic Church and
Jesuits are inextricably intertwined with the Luciferian
Illuminati Brotherhood.

Fritz Springmeier says it best. “One of the Illuminati’s

fronts is the Catholic church, which the Jesuits manage for
the Illuminati.” (FS 01)


I have had ancestors that have been Freemasons and

members of Masonic Temples. It was a very sad and difficult
process for me to see beyond what appears to be the
charitable, community-based involvement in Freemasonry to
the rotten core/upper echelon of the occult that occupies the
highest ranks of the group.

On the surface, as with other infiltrated institutions,

Freemasonry looks like a really respectable organization. It is
presented to society as a social/fraternal club whose
members do many good works for the communities in which
they reside. This is because at the base levels this is pretty
much how it operates, and there are many good members
who engage in good and charitable works for their
community. But within the writings of masons like Albert
Pike, who wrote Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the truth of the
duplicitous structure of Freemasonry is found. Pike writes,
“the initiate.. is intentionally misled by false interpretation.
It is not intended that he shall understand (the symbols of
masonry) but it is intended that he shall imagine he
understands them. Their true explanation, is reserved for
the adepts: the Princes of Masonry.” So Pike says it flat out;
the lower levels are deceived as to the truth of Freemasonry,
and the real truth is left for the upper echelon, which he calls
the “Princes”. (TT 01) Adepts, by the way, is a term used
frequently to describe high level magicians. Kerth Barker
agrees with Pike, noting that “some Luciferians are high-
degree Freemasons who conceal their true philosophy from
lower ranked Masons and the public in general.” (KB 03)

In a different work, Pike also writes, “Freemasonry is a

fraternity within a fraternity—an outer organization
concealing an inner Brotherhood of the elect.” They are
“separate yet interdependent orders, the one visible and the
other invisible. The visible side (the social fraternity most

people are familiar with) is full of “men enjoined to devote
themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and
humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret,
most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the
service of the arcanum arcanorum. Google translates
arcanum arcanorum as “The Secret of Mysteries.” Whatever
is going on in the secret of mysteries, it’s not a fun, fraternal,
patriotic endeavor. It’s deeper than that. And indeed, back
in Morals and Dogma Pike clues us in as to the true reason
for the inner circle of Freemasonry, which is this:
“Freemasonry, like all the religions….” (TT 01) So, at the
lower levels, Freemasonry is a social club. At the higher
levels, it’s a religion. One that worships Lucifer. But you
probably won’t know that until and unless you make it to a
very high level, when according to Jessie, someone will clue
you in by whispering in your ear the name of the demons
you’re meditating to or taking vows to, (ARA 002, ARA 034)
and finally at level 66 they will tell you, “Hey, we worship
Lucifer.” (CS 19)

Cheryl Beck says essentially the same thing, except very

clearly and succinctly, which is that the individuals at the
first three levels of masonry (which are called the Blue
Lodge) have “no clue what is going on”. She calls them
“purposely deceived” and says that this occurs “because at
that level they want to weed out the ones that are adept at
the occult principles and the ones who are just there for the
boy’s club.” (CB 01)

So, there are everyday, average, low-level Freemasons

who do charity work, and there are high-level occult
Luciferian masons who consort with demons and do child
sacrifice and worship Satan. The same as with the Catholic

Church, I don’t know if Freemasonry started as a cover
organization for the Luciferians, or if it was a legit institution
to begin with and was infiltrated and slowly taken over by
the Luciferians. Jessie believes that Freemasonry was
created by Luciferians as a way to hide themselves, hide what
they did and who they were within a respectable shell
organization within the community. She notes that the
original name of the Luciferian System was “The
Brotherhood” or “The Great White Brotherhood” and at
every level of masonry the vows, the culture and the function
of the group is about helping out fellow brothers. (ARA 002)
This doctrine even goes as far as to help them cover up and
keep secret their crimes, or evil deeds. The Royal Arch
Mason oath includes the following: “I furthermore promise
and swear that I will assist a Companion Royal Arch Mason
when I see him engaged in any difficulty, and will espouse
his cause so far as to extricate him from the same, whether
he be right or wrong.” (ZZ 04)

In other words, if your fellow mason commits a crime,

you have sworn an oath to get him out of the trouble he’s in.
Furthermore, the next part of the oath states, “I will keep all
the secrets of a Companion Royal Arch Mason (when
communicated so me as such, or I knowing them to be such),
without exceptions.” (ZZ 04) So—if your fellow mason has
committed a crime, you will get him out of it, and keep it a
secret from everybody else. That is a pretty convenient cover
for criminal acts. This is in contrast to the oath for a Master
Mason, which only obligates you to keep the secrets of a
brother mason with the exception of murder and treason.
(ZZ 05) Master Mason is a lower degree than Royal Arch
Mason. The requirements to keep your brother's secrets get
more demanding as you advance and attain higher levels,

and the number of exceptions granted to tell on your fellow
brother decrease. The upshot of it is, the higher you go up
the masonic ladder of degrees (levels), the more possible it is
you'll be a witness or a participant in increasing degrees of
law breaking. For a Luciferian System that wants its
members to do evil, criminal things, this kind of secrecy is
very, very good.

This culture of secrecy and Brotherhood above everything

—above the law, above your family, above your God, even—is
essential to the workings of the Luciferians. I’ll describe
later in the book a ritual that children go through designed
specifically to seal a child to a group of adult perpetrators
that he will be beholden to for the rest of his life. This vow a
mason brother makes to the group binds himself to them. It
ensures that he will help them when they need help, and
keep their secrets at all costs. The ties that are forged
between individuals from the vows, oaths, and structure of
Freemasonry rituals are incredibly strong, and form a very
important backbone of the Luciferian System.

The Freemason’s lodge is broken up into a few different

sections. After the Blue Lodge, there is the Red Lodge which
goes up to the 33rd degree, and beyond that the hidden
degrees of the White and Black Lodges. (TT 01)

The Blue Lodge comprises the first three degrees or levels

of Freemasonry. The first level is the entry point and the
third level is the jumping-off point for all other masonic
orders. For example, if you want to become a Rosicrucian
(Order of the Rosy Cross), you have to first pass through the
Blue Lodge’s first three levels, which are Level 1 Entered
Apprentice, Level 2 Fellow Craft, and Level 3 Master Mason.

Once you finish those, you can continue on to other masonic
orders. The Order of the Rosy Cross is a higher-level division
of masonry less formally called the Rosicrucians. As Jessie
says, Rosicrucians will say they’re not masons, but she
considers them masons as they’ve had to go through those
first 3 masonic levels/degrees and have achieved Master
Mason status. (RR 25) Jessie says that as the Illuminati
hierarchy are trained for their position in The System, they
choose from a wide range of different masonic orders.
Nobody is tied to just 1 or 2 orders, and they collect mastery
in different orders like girls might collect Girl Scout Badges.
(RoR 090)

While most average people who know a little about

Freemasonry might think that the top of the masonic
structure is level 33, Cheryl believes that the Illuminati hold
masonic levels above 33, (CB 01) and Jessie concurs. In fact,
the highest-ranking, level 100 Freemason is a very high-up
Luciferian who holds the rank/title of “Pindar,” and is the
head of the Masonic Orders. (RR 025) If you’re a level 1, 2,
or 3 Freemason, you’ve likely never even heard of the
possibility to be a level 100. Non-luciferians don’t seem to
make it past the lower ranks of masonry much, and in fact
the levels of masonry that can be achieved beyond level 3 are
designed to progressively weed out those who are not
compatible with Luciferian ideals. (CB 01)

Level 32 and 33 masons read the books of Aleister

Crowley and Albert Pike, and this is when the study of white,
grey, and black magic begins and devotions to demons like
Thoth are required. In later levels, oaths are taken directly
to Satan. (ARA 002) One of Jessie’s relatives is a level 66
mason, and the one she believes ordered the hit on her son

Josiah, which killed him in the fall of 2021. (RoR 230, DO
11020) She believes it was in retaliation for some of the
information she has revealed about the dark and evil interior
of the Luciferian System, specifically the location where a
particular ritual was going to be held. Jessie was born into
the masonic System, and her birth certificate even reflects
this fact. It is different than most of ours as it contains the
masonic seal in the upper right-hand corner. (SW 06)

The Grand Masonic Lodges in places like Madison,

Wisconsin and Chicago, Illinois have Jessie’s name in their
records, and there are a few in Germany as well that are
responsible for keeping track of peoples’ names who are in
the Illuminati. The books are guarded, but there are many
names of people who are major players in politics whose
names will be in those books. Jessie intimates that names
like Michael Avenetti, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, and
Bruce Ohr might be found in those Masonic ledgers. The
Masonic Supreme Illustrious Leaders are also the High
Priests and Priestesses in their region who work for the
Illuminati. (SW 06, ARA 002) The top individuals of the
Masonic lodges are high-ranking Luciferians in the
Illuminati, according to both Jessie and Cheryl.

Level 32 is the final level of masonry that can be achieved

without human sacrifice being required. Level 33 Masons
have achieved that rank by sacrificing a child. (ARA 050)


The LDS church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day

Saints) is also an infiltrated institution. This assertion has
angered many LDS members, who are good people. Again, I
want to remind you that being listed in this section is not a
condemnation of the members of this church or any other
infiltrated church or organization. It is by design that the
Luciferians that infiltrate an organization do so secretly, and
do not let the average member know that they are there, or
that they are using their facilities for nefarious purposes.

Unlike the Catholic church, where we are not sure of the

origins or time frame of the Luciferian infiltration, the
origins of the LDS church are clearer, and the connections
with the occult are found in the very beginnings of the
church’s founding. Joseph Smith, the founder of the group,
saw an angel named Moroni, found gold tablets, and
established the LDS church based on his spiritual
experiences, or so the story goes. Joseph Smith was also a
Freemason, and the ‘angel’ Moroni has been described by
some as a demon or fallen angel, not a good angel. Cisco calls
Moroni a “ruling demon.”(FS 03) There are a number of
individuals who stress how important it is to ‘test’ the spirits,
as Lucifer and his demons can take on the appearance of
angels of light. (GP03, ARA 031, FS04) Asking them if they
are a servant of God and Jesus Christ and then watching or
listening to their response is one way to test a spiritual
entity’s loyalties, whether they come to you in a dream, a
vision or a nightmare…if they are a negative spirit their cover
will dissolve and you will see them for what they are, and if
they are not they will declare their loyalty to God. I haven’t
tried this myself, and I suspect that Joseph Smith didn’t
either. If he had, the LDS church might not exist today in its
present form.

Terry Chateau asserts that the LDS church is mired in

Freemasonry. In addition to Joseph Smith being a

Freemason, so were the first five presidents of the church. In
fact, so many of the founders and early church leaders were
Freemasons, it prompted an entire book by Terry Chateau
titled The Mormon Church and Freemasonry. He says in
that book that “Mormonism and Freemasonry are so
intimately interwoven and interrelated that the two can
never be dissociated.” Joseph Smith’s father, Joseph Smith
Sr., and Joseph’s 3 brothers Hyrum, Samuel and William
were also Freemasons. The second church president
Brigham Young, 3rd church president John Taylor, and 4th
and 5th church presidents Wilford Woodruff and Lorenzo
Snow were all Freemasons, as well. Chateau says,
“practically every member of the hierarchy was or became a
Mason shortly after the Prophet (Joseph Smith) was raised
to the degree of Master Mason.” (TC 01) Joseph must have
been something of a Masonic prodigy, because he received
his Masonic first degree on March 15, 1842, and exactly one
day later blasted straight through the second degree and was
awarded the third degree of Master Mason. (ZZ 17)

Since the inception of the LDS church in about 1830 there

has been a rough relationship between the Masonic
organization and the LDS Church. Their association has
been at times close, and at other times very distant. It’s
suggested by some that the public split that the two
institutions had early in church history just before the group
that founded the church moved to Utah might have been for
show. It certainly wasn’t the last of the interest of the church
in being associated with the Masons, as after the move to
Utah Brigham Young “contacted the chiefs of Freemasonry
in England and proposed that Mormonism be granted a
public charter to become its own Masonic Rite. The
hierarchy told him no.” (FS 02)

There was a stretch of time where the church members
were (officially) prevented from being members of a Masonic
Lodge. This ended in 1984, when the Grand Lodge of Utah
officially allowed Mormons to be Masons once again. (TC
01) Whether Mormons that become Masons do so at the
lower-ranking “club membership” levels, or whether they
climb in the ranks to become Lucifer-worshipping Masons is
not known by this author. I can only guess that some do
climb, and some do not, based on the insider information
coming from the escaped Brotherhood Illuminati members
who have outed some of the sinister connections between the
LDS church and what they do for the Illuminati.

In Bloodlines of the Illuminati, Fritz Springmeier

discusses the ancestral connections between Mormons and
the 13 Illuminati bloodlines. According to his research, all of
the top Mormon leadership are descendants of the
Merovingians, one of the most important of the Illuminati
families. Interestingly, the bee symbol used ubiquitously by
the Mormon church is also the family symbol of the
Merovingian family (as well as being a masonic symbol).
Fritz asserts that the church’s 2nd president Brigham Young
might also have Collins and Wheeler bloodline ties, as well,
although those, at the time of writing the book had not been
firmly established. (FS 02) One descendant of Joseph Smith
Jr. told Fritz that “her family is indeed a Satanic bloodline,”
and a different source told Fritz that a breakout group of the
Satanic Council, the Council of 13, ran instructions to the
Mormon First Presidency, and that he/she was the one who
was the actual person couriering the instructions. (FS 02)

Fritz also asserts that “Mormonism is closer to Satanism
than it is to Christianity”, citing sealing rituals as one piece of
evidence for this. “One of the most important things in
Satanism is sealing. Everything is sealed.” Sealing is rarely
talked about in any other religious context, but when reading
about Mormonism, “one begins hearing about sealing again.”
“Mormon men and women are sealed to each other in the
Mormon Temple marriages. The early Mormons were sealed
to many spouses. The Mormon sealing is very similar to
what is done in witchcraft called hand fasting, and it is also
similar to marriage sealing in Satanism.” Fritz also says that
Joseph Smith’s family practiced witchcraft, which is how
they knew about sealing, and is likely the reason it was
brought into the church. The book of Mormon uses the word
sealed or seal more than 20 times, and “the Mormon scholar
D. Michael Quinn writes that ‘The Book of Mormon’s use of
the word ‘sealed’ also suggested a magic context.”

Certain rites/rituals/oaths of the Mormon church through

the years have closely resembled parts of Masonic
ceremonies. Rituals done in the Mormon Temple aren’t
supposed to be discussed outside of the temple, but two
young ex-Mormons on YouTube have, which is why I found
this information available online. They speak of four
priesthoods within the LDS church, two Aaronic (lineage of
Aaron) priesthoods and two Melchizedek priesthoods, and
within the inner temple ceremonies these have tokens, hand
symbols, and oaths that go along with them. Luciferians also
have Melchizedek priests, and tokens, and the Masons have
the hand symbols and oaths. It’s as if both the Luciferian
religion and the Masonic fraternity were mixed-and-matched
to form Mormon rituals.

Breaking the covenant of either priesthood comes with
penalties, and one penalty of the Aaronic priesthood is that
“your throat be cut from ear to ear and your tongue be torn
out by its roots mind you this is the penalty if you reveal any
of these things.” Interestingly, the oath taken by a first-
degree mason is, “Binding myself under no less a penalty
than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out
by its roots, and buried in the rough sands of the sea at low-
water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty
four hours, should I ever knowingly or willingly violate this
my solemn oath and obligation as an Entered Apprentice
Mason.” Mighty similar oaths, if you ask me. It goes further,
however. Another penalty of the Aaronic priesthood in the
Mormon church is “your breasts be torn open your heart and
vitals be torn out and give it to the birds and the beasts of the
field.” The oath of a second-degree Mason is similar, saying
“Binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having
my left breast torn open, my heart plucked out, and given as
prey to the wild beasts of the field and the fowls of the air as
prey.” (JM 01, ZZ 12) Again—almost an identical sentiment
to those two oaths.

Mormon temples have also been built on top of

programming facilities, such as the Lake Oswego Mormon
Temple in Portland, Oregon and the temple in the heart of
Salt Lake City, Utah. Yes, “Mormon hierarchy are allowed to
create slaves,” although their programming is different than
other divisions, like the Jesuits. The Illuminati still assume
top-level control, over-and-above the Mormon-level
programs by overlaying that Mormon programming with
further mind-control programming. “Programmed Mormon
children will think they have the “Spirit of Elijah” in them

and will robotically sing their programming, “Follow the
prophet, follow the prophet.” (FS 01, FS 03)

Merrill Osmond, father of Donny and Marie Osmond

among other children, is part of the Illuminati, and two of his
children, if not more, are both programmed slaves. Merrill
has made money from “drugs, porn and white slavery.” (FS
01) Cathy O’Brien corroborates this, saying that Donny
Osmond was “of the same MK Ultra genetic project” that she
was also a part of, and her father encouraged her to listen to
their music because it enhanced some of her programming.
(CO 01)

Jessie has talked about the involvement of the LDS

church in Luciferian activities as concentrated in their
breeding and genetics programs. Utah has “one of the
largest breeding facilities,” and underground genetics
programs for The System, she says. The Luciferians want
children with certain spiritual gifts or groups of genes, and
they’ve tried to make part of the breeding program look like a
religious preference/lifestyle under the umbrella of the LDS
church. Jessie suggests that the polygamy aspect of the early
Mormon church and now some offshoot factions of the
church are a cover for some of their “top breeder men” who
are “being given” multiple women by The System. (ARA 019)

Amish/Mennoite/Hutterite (Anabaptists)

One would think that an insulated religious group like the

Amish would be spared from the infiltration of witchcraft,
ritual abuse or the Illuminati, but that’s not the case.
“Magic, astrology and new age healing have made solid
inroads into the Old Order Amish.” (FS 04) Some Amish
practice the art of bone-setting, and some of the bone setters
of the Amish practice folk witchcraft. Fritz Springmeier was
witness to this personally as a former Amish man (FS 01)

After the anabaptists moved away from European

persecution and settled in Pennsylvania, they inadvertently
landed right next to Rosicrucian settlements. The
Rosicrucians didn’t last as a cohort in that area, and when
they dissolved, they joined the Mennonites and brought with
them their hermetic magic. (FS 03) The Rosicrucians are an
offshoot of Freemasonry. In order to become a Rosicrucian,
you must first go through the first 3 “base degrees” of
Masonry, and then you can go on to further specialties in
different “orders”. (ARA 020) The “Order of the Rosy Cross”
or is one formal name for the specialized training group that
a level 3 Master Mason “graduate” could choose to join if
they wanted to become a Rosicrucian. (RoR 090) So
essentially, members of the occult merged with the
Anabaptist Mennonites, and brought their occult magic
practices with them.

Russ Dizdar, a man who dedicated his life to rescuing

people from pedophilia, ritual abuse, occult and Illuminati
abuse situations, reported that the Amish not only have
witches and witchcraft but that they are also engaged in
ritual abuse, including Satanic Ritual Abuse. He also notes
that conservative Mennonites have historical problems with
generational incest. (RD 01) All of these are adjunct to the
Illuminati proper, but still are occult or witchcraft-linked
issues, and could be side-effects of the Illuminati in the

The Illuminati proper has infiltrated the Mennonite
Churches, and the Jesuits have had spies placed within the
Amish for a long time, with the intention of destroying the
Amish church. Some Nazi’s that were brought to the United
States under Project Paperclip after WW II were hidden in
Amish communities (as well as being hidden in the Catholic
Church as priests, and in secret government research
programs as scientists) (ARA 024). Intelligence agencies run
by the Illuminati have inserted programmed assassins into
the Amish culture also, which provides an excellent front for
them because who would suspect a trained assassin to be a
quiet and unassuming Amish boy? (FS 03) It reminds me of
the TV show “Amish Mafia,” which many people blew off as
ridiculous, but which seems more plausible in the light of
this information. Television and movies seem to provide
more truth about reality than the media does these days, and
given that the media is Illuminati owned-and-operated it’s
no wonder.

Remarkably, Springmeier also says that the Illuminati

Nazi’s also sent people to upstate New York, and they are still
there, operating a cult that was initially dedicated to helping
Hitler run the USA when Germany won WW II, but when
that didn’t happen they switched their objective to assisting
in hiding Hitlers bloodline, his hidden offspring, among the
Amish. (FS 03)

Some Amish women sell their children to the Illuminati,

especially when they are having twins. They would keep one
of the children, and the other would go to The System.
Sometimes, the Illuminati will place their own children
within the Amish communities, The Amish do not use birth
certificates, so as with children born in breeder programs,

the babies that the Illuminati procures from them are below
the radar. Some Illuminati ??


There is no other natural enemy for the Illuminati save

the Christian church, “which opposes all that they do.” (SV
39) No matter what branch or division of Christianity, the
Illuminati want it subverted, and that includes Christian
schools. Svali was a teacher at a Christian School by day, and
an occult trainer by night. She describes herself as the
“average American housewife” in appearance to others. (SV
02) She notes that in one major metropolitan city there were
Illuminati members working as a psychologist, Army
Colonel, Navy Commander, journalist, nurse, doctor, and a
principal of a Christian school. You couldn’t have picked
them out from among the non-Illuminati of the city. (SV 13)
Many parents believe that they are protecting their
children by taking them out of public schools and enrolling
them in private school, but in private schools, and some
Christian private schools there is human trafficking and
abuse occurring, says Jessie. (DO 10701, DO 10617) She
believes that the Illuminati “are watching your children in
schools. It doesn’t matter if it’s a private school, a Christian
school (or) a government school,” she thinks that all of the
school Systems work together. (ARA 13)
Even universities, some Ivy-league Universities and
Christian universities like Oral Roberts University are
“training centers.” (ARA 026) Cisco outed Oral Roberts U.
as having a programming center beneath it. (FS 01) Cisco
and Fritz also say that the “Jesuit schools throughout the
United States are used for abuse and programming.” (FS 03)

Jessie says that the Illuminati narrative that they have
pushed over time through the media is that there are
“trusted sources” for information, but that in reality, those
trusted sources are Illuminati-controlled, and they are
narrative centers where certain information is favored, and
other information is suppressed. We, as people consuming
controlled “news” have come to believe that these sources are
giving us the correct information. She names Harvard,
Princeton, and Stanford Universities as well as Johns
Hopkins University Medical Center as some of the “trusted
sources” that produce Illuminati-based narratives for public
consumption. (ARA 009) Jessie also notes that “a lot” of
University Professors are participants in the Bilderberg
meetings, which is a breakout of the Satanic Council. (ARA
021) Fritz and Cisco concur, naming many Illuminati
professors in their books teaching in a wide variety of

Public Servants & the Legal System

“Luciferians at the present time have control over the

authorities.” (KB 03 pg 79)

It has become apparent in the legal System of the United

States of America that there is a two-tier justice System at
work, and while most attribute that to a left/right political
paradigm, I think that it’s likely that it’s more a Luciferian/
non-Luciferian split. It’s no secret that George Soros’
foundations have put a lot of money into the District
Attorney political races, or that political judgeship
appointees have become more polarized in the past,
seemingly, again on that left-right spectrum split. The
hysteria over both the Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney
Barrett supreme court justice hearings were a bit of political
theater but the real likelihood is that the nominees that get
the hardest pushback are the non-Luciferians. Kavanaugh
got the full brunt of public displeasure, and Coney Barrett
did not. Guess who is the known Luciferian?

Amy Vivian Coney Barrett, Supreme Court Justice, was

witnessed by Jessie at about age 10 (born in 1972, training
occurred in 1982-3) training in the underground city,
Emerald City, which is beneath the Pentagon in Virginia.
Amy was training to be a Sister of Light--a high-level witch--
in the Luciferian Brotherhood religious System. Jessie also
witnessed another Sister of Light Clarista Gingerich being
trained in white magic by Pleiadians, a class of fallen angel
that has a specialty of healing through song, vibration,
resonance and light. Some people know Pleiadians as aliens,
as in of the UFO variety, but Jessie insists that in her
experience, they are demons; members of the group of
angels that followed Lucifer after he was cast from heaven.
(RoR 242) This alien/demon distinction is one that I have
not personally reconciled, but there are people who have
legitimate reasons to believe that either one or the other is

Judges in California helped steal a boy child from his

mother using illegal practices, along with Kamala Harris who
was the Attorney General of California at the time, and John
Kerry, who signed paperwork removing this child’s
citizenship and declaring him a citizen of no nation at all.
This child had abilities similar to Jessie’s to see, hear and feel
in the spirit world, and the Luciferian System wanted him.
It’s not uncommon for people to have their children stolen
and illegally adopted into Luciferian hierarchy families, and

fairly rare for those children to ever be recovered. One
individual who has received acclaim for rescuing children
took large sums of money from 20 or more families who have
lost their children into The System and he double-crossed
them and took their money but never did recover any of the
kids. (DO 10318, SW 06)

Jessie’s proctor (the Queen Mother of Darkness) had a

protector that was a police chief in a district around Chicago.
Some of the other System’s protectors are active duty
military, in fact at least one ex-member of Seal Team 6 is a
protector in The System.

One thing we do know, based on Jeanette Archer’s

childhood story is that many Judges in the UK are a part of
the Luciferian Brotherhood System. She reports that after
being ritually abused that they would take her to a location
where multiple judges in their robes would sit, whose job it
was to convince her that she wasn’t to tell any authority
figure what had happened to her. They made it clear to her
that even if she did go to the authorities and that her
information was fed into the legal System, that this System
was full of Luciferian judges just like them who would stop
any case of hers from getting her justice. Law enforcement/
police were the individuals who drove Jeanette to these ritual
abuse ‘events’, and she reports that on the way to the events
they would stop and rape her, before they even got there.
Between the cops and the Judges, she was more than
convinced that for her, there was no recourse. Those
individuals at the rituals in the Judges robes were actual
Judges, employed in her area. Police, and Judges. To a
small child, knowing that the public servants were all doing
horrible things to you and threatening you. (JA 01)

In the early days of escaping the Illuminati, Cathy’s friend
Mark Phillips was threatened by police in Nashville
Tennesse, who told him to “forget this woman (Cathy)” and
her daughter, “before your health changes.” They affirmed to
him that Cathy’s handler, Wayne Cox, could “fix” her and
Cathy’s daughter Kelly. Cathy interpreted the “health
changes” as a death threat to Mark. This wasn’t the only one,
and they increased to include not only Mark but Cathy as
well, “from every branch of law enforcement within the state
of Tennessee.” (CO 02)

Cathy’s father also prostituted her to police officers when

she was young. (CO 02) Cheryl Beck learned as she grew up
that most of the police officers in her city were part of a
pedophile ring, and some of them were also members of her
father’s Freemason lodge. (CB 04) Cheryl says “there was
nobody to turn to, the police were involved, the lawyer was
involved, my teachers were involved, (and) the school district
was involved.” (CS 10)

In the Netherlands, another hotbed of Luciferian

infrastructure, The System is rigged from the get-go against
survivor testimony. There’s a layer of screening done there
before a victim can even provide a police report, and many
victims get stopped at that stage and their cases/stories
never even make it in to the legal System. It’s a heinous
tactic almost unfathomable, and yet it really is the actual
practice. (RoR 038)

The more judges, District Attorneys, Defense Attorneys

that are working for the Luciferians, the more they can crush
their opposition (us non-Luciferians and/or Christians) and

suppress victim justice. Amy Coney Barrett is implicated as
being involved. The murder of former Supreme Court
Justice Antonin Scalia was reported as happening any
number of which-ways by the (lying) press. An insider
whistleblower said that Scalia was murdered by the child
he’d raped one too many times. (DS 01)

The sheriff departments are the only independent law

enforcement agencies in the country, beholden to the people
who vote for them and the US Constitution only, but some
districts are pushing to appoint sheriff’s instead of electing
them, citing that they can “choose the best and brightest”
and not be behoden to the public’s wishes. Appointments
would be amenable to installing political favorites, beholden
to public officials instead of the public, but this sort of
arrangement would fit the Luciferian System, where fellow
masonic brothers are beholden to one another, and nobody
else. It would be a bad switch to appoint instead of elect

Museums and Art Galleries

Museums and art galleries can be used to traffic living

humans or their remains. Luciferian artwork sometimes
combines human cremains (ashes) in with the paint.
Possessing the remains of a child, or their handprints, or
fingerprints, means to a Luciferian that they get to feed off
of, or pull energy from that person. That they spiritually own
the land that individual walks on. They also launder money
by selling art for inflated prices. (ARA 03, ARA 016, ARA 20,
ARA 43) Museums were used when Jessie was young to
parade children through so the Mothers of Darkness could
pick and choose which ones would be hierarchy children
chosen for a position in the Luciferian Brotherhood
Illuminati machine, and which ones would feed the machine
as expendable children. (ARA 04) One has to wonder if any
of this is why Hunter Biden’s artwork fetches such large
amounts of money.


International Society for the Study of Trauma and

Dissociation has been infiltrated by Luciferians who are
trained therapists. Jessie discovered that some of these
therapists-by-day were also the individuals that she
witnessed running the underground Chicago breeder
programs for The System. Infiltrating the trauma therapy
community with therapists dedicated to keeping Luciferian
crimes under wraps is a great strategy by The System. (GD
04) Fiona Barnett concurs with Jessie, having dedicated an
entire section of her book Eyes Wide Open to dirty
therapists, admonishing people choosing a therapist to be
careful not to choose one that is a “network operative.”
“Most therapists are either perpetrators or being handled by
perpetrators.” (FB 01)

Having therapists able and willing to treat and help heal

emotional wounds sustained by survivors of extreme abuse is
critically important. Having the Brotherhood System set
things up so that a giant percentage of therapists and other
professionals that specialize in trauma are also their
members is probably the epitome of infiltration. The
Brotherhood breaks them, and then the Brotherhood
prevents them from getting healed, thus keeping them in
bondage to The System.

There are not many individuals who are named as both
being part of The System and part of the therapy community,
but Colin Ross, a very famous individual in the field of
trauma and dissociation, seems to be a good candidate. He
was part of military experiments Jessie was forced to do as a
child along with other hierarchy children. (SW 08) Fiona
also discusses Colin Ross at length in her book, saying that
he is a Canadian therapist considered to be an expert in
“ritual abuse, mind control and DID (Dissociative Identity
Disorder).” (FB 01) Dr. Ross was also a former president of
the ISST-D. (MJ 03)


The entire banking institution is one large upper-level

Luciferian club. Ronald Bernard, a former banker, outed the
institution’s nefarious practices when he, himself, discovered
that to ‘move up’ in the banking world he would be required
to do child sacrifice first. In his own words, “my breaking
point was the invitation to join the sacrifice of children.” (RB

Chapter 14: Practices

“The Illuminati have developed secrecy to a fine

art. They train their people in the art of secrecy
from the time they are born. Most everything they
do, is done orally. They are trained not to write
rituals and other things down. There is very little
paper trail left by the Illuminati. The creation of
slaves with photographic memories facilitates this
secrecy.” -Springmeier & Wheeler


“The Illuminati believe in arranged marriages, and do

NOT allow their members to marry a nonmember. If
someone says their spouse isn’t in it, they (either) aren’t
Illuminati, or they are in denial. This was an unbreakable
policy. My marriage was arranged by the local leadership
council to another ranking member. I didn’t want to marry
him, because I didn’t love him, and I will never forget what I
was told by Athena, my mentor at the time (she held the
second position on the council): ‘That’s for the best, then,
because he can never hurt you or control you.’ Or, my
mother’s timeless advice given when I was 12 years old:
‘Never fu— someone lower than you. They will drag you
down. Always choose someone higher than yourself.” Svali.
(SV 27)
Jessie adds that sometimes the proctors arrange the
marriages, not the parents. The proctors keep track of each
individual’s genetics and put together two genetically
beneficial individuals. (ARA 08) Jessie’s own parents’
marriage was manipulated, but they didn’t find this out until
later, it was done in a very subtle manner. (DO 00529) Bill
and Hillary Clinton were an arranged marriage (ARA 25),
and Princess Diana had an arranged marriage to Charles
(ARA 22). Svali claims that she knew no one in the
Illuminati that didn’t have an arranged marriage. (SV 02)

The Muslim Brotherhood tends to keep their genetic lines

within their own group, and that might be part of the reason
why polygamous marriages and child brides occur there.
Genetics and breeding are a focus with this subset of the
Illuminati. (ARA 11) In case you’re surprised that the
Muslim faith is attached to this Illuminati Brotherhood,
Jessie isn’t the only whistleblower to out a subset of Muslims
as an insider Illuminati group. Kerth Barker, who is also an
escapee of the Illuminati and has written many books on the
subject, asserts that disgruntled high-level whistleblowers
have told him that the invisible top-level individuals who run
the whole thing are headquartered in Medina, Saudi Arabia.
(KB 02)

On the flip side, Fritz Springmeier, in his book Bloodlines

of the Illuminati, talks about how disreputable Illuminists
such as Joseph Kennedy (John F Kennedy’s father) married
into the Fitzgerald family, to gain respectability. he notes,
“This is a common Illuminati tactic. It seems many of the
Illuminati men, look for a wife who will gain them
respectability. Often wives like this are not even brought into

the Illuminati activities, so that they can be the best cover
possible.” (FS 2) So, tactics and practices regarding
marriage seem different at different levels of the Illuminati,
but all are different from modern, standard American
marriage practice of finding someone yourself that you are
compatible with and marrying for love.


“There is a high correlation between homosexuality and

the occult”, writes Fritz Springmeier in his book Bloodlines
of the Illuminati. (FS 02, pg. 177) He also notes that many
religions and ‘magical practices’ throughout the world also
have links to homosexuality. (FS 02, pg. 210) This is
exemplified in an article on Satanists in America states that
more than half are ‘LGBTQ’ (non-heterosexual). (LG 01) But
why, then, arrange marriages for their members, if they are
homosexual? Svali explains that their ‘night personas’ i.e.
their Illuminati ritual personas are homosexual, while their
cover lives are heterosexual. (SV 38)

Jessie reveals one reason that homosexuality might be

more likely in the occult is because when witches and
warlocks are asking for favors, or powers, or something to be
given to them by a demon, the demon will always extract a
price for that favor in return. Many times what is asked by
the demon of the human is homosexual or a perverse form of
sexuality, such as bestiality. This type of practice is linked to
Sex Magick. (GD 03) Fiona Barnett says that in her
experience, rituals “were both homosexual and
heterosexual.” (FB 01)

Additionally, there are quota Systems in the Illuminati
that require members to do increasingly worse, more
damaging or more immoral/sinful acts throughout their
‘career’ in the Illuminati Brotherhood System, ramping up
from rather mild to sick and twisted. An example of
increasingly depraved levels of sexual sin would range from
the mild level of seduction, all the way to pedophilia, with
immorality, homosexuality, rape and bestiality as the ‘steps’
in-between them from low to high perversion. (CF 01) Jessie
distinguishes this kind of progressively increasing quota
System to be something that a celebrity coming in to the
Brotherhood from outside of The System would do (in other
words, not born in to a family of members but choosing to
join from the outside) versus those of a high-level hierarchy
child who would have to participate in whatever they told her
to do from the young ages they begin training with no
easing-in of the requirements. (RR 32)

You would expect, then, that if they were born in to the

Brotherhood, or they had progressed to a high level, the
more they would have progressed through the steps of those
sins, should that particular type of sexual sin be the one they
chose for their quotas, naturally. And we can see the
evidence that this is indeed the case by scanning the reports
of victims of high-level Illuminati perpetrators, and evidence
in the news. Cathy O’Brien notes that “Bill Clinton is
bisexual, leaning far more towards the homosexual end, as is
his wife. (CO 04) Fritz Springmeier notes that “during the
inauguration week (of Bill Clinton), witches, homosexual
witches gathered at the white house for various celebrations
to perform, to hold rituals and other events.” (FS 02) Jessie
notes that there are lots of hidden royal homosexual
relationships. (ARA 10) In a deposition by Lin Wood, the

man being interviewed notes that Mike Pence had a lot of
homosexual relationships with men 20 years and more his
junior, as well as some minors. Rod Rosenstein and Chief
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts were also named as
having homosexual relationships. (ZZ 01) During the
Reagan/Bush administration a large number of top
administration individuals were caught retaining the services
of a homosexual prostitution ring, and in the article an entire
group of staffers were described as a “nest”, and one high-
level client even had such clout he arranged an after
midnight tour of the white house… which included the
services of 2 male prostitutes. (ZZ 02) In the United
Nations, the higher-ups “have been exposed as practicing the
most obscene homosexual and child pornography rituals
imaginable. (ZZ 03) Svali pointedly says, “So many of the
leadership of the Illuminati are blatantly pedophilic and

Fiona Barnett notes in her book Eyes Wide Open that

“Homosexuals rise through military ranks much faster,” and
that the majority of men who were sexually assaulted in the
military were raped by same sex perpetrators. She says that
“the LBG demographic is the major source of child and adult
rapists in the (Australian) military. (FB 01)

Another component as to why the normalization of

homosexuality is being promoted to society is because the
Anti-Christ will be homosexual, and they want him to be not
just accepted, but embraced as a god-man. (FS 03, page 475)
Springmeier states, “The campaign for the acceptance of
homosexuality is just one part of this marketing effort.”

And the last component of the homosexuality connection
to the occult is that it is one side-effect of child programming
by the occult. They bond the child extremely tightly to the
mother, which they have noted promotes latent
homosexuality. They then manage this impulse, possibly for
use to their own benefit. (FS 04)

Homosexuality has a number of benefits for Satan, one of

which is that he wants to destroy the image of a human as
who we are in relation to God, and Cisco Wheeler notes that
“the easiest way to do that is to destroy the seed line” of a
human, and this can be accomplished with the curses that
accompany homosexual practices. (CW 08) Gina Phillips
notes that homosexuality is a sin that carries with it
oppression of 10 subsequent generations. (GP 03) Since the
Illuminati have daytime heterosexual marriages and not
monogamous same sex marriage, many of them yes, do have
biological children.

And lastly on this subject, the Church of Satan has

engaged in an activity called “Pink Mass,” the purpose of
which is to turn the spirit of a dead person gay. (LG 02) It
makes me wonder if this church is a spoof or a parody
account, like a Titania McGrath of the Illuminati, because it
just seems extremely odd.

Breeder Programs

Svali states that breeders “are often chosen from

childhood to have and breed children. They may be chosen
according to bloodlines, or given in arranged marriages or
cult alliances to elevate the children. A parent will often sell
the services of a child as a breeder to the local cult leader in
return for favors or status. These children are rarely used as
a sacrifice, usually they are given to others in the cult to
adopt or raise, but the breeder is told that any child born to
her was sacrificed, to prevent her looking for the child.” (SV

The breeder women that Svali oversaw before escaping

the Illuminati were treated in such unimaginably horrific
ways that I cannot repeat them here because the horror of it
borders on giving me daymares. Suffice it to say that she
reports the breeder women ate a mush-textured food out of
dog bowls on the floor, lapping up the contents because there
was... no other way available for them to feed themselves.
(SV 43)

Children produced by breeder programs are sold for sex,

used for organ harvesting, cannibalization, and then their
remains are cremated, pressed into diamonds or sold to food
companies to be added to “natural flavorings.” When Jessie
was in training in the early 1980’s, she saw children brought
into breeder programs as young as age 10 and kept there
until about age 20. They were impregnated during rituals, so
that they would give birth in time for upcoming rituals. (SW
03, ARA 022)

One of the purposes of the breeder programs is to

produce children with certain spiritual gifts, and the
Brotherhood is especially looking for children with these 3
spiritual gifts: prophecy, intercessor and spiritual warrior.

Jessie asserts that Anderson Cooper’s new baby would

have been a hierarchy child adopted from a breeder
program, and the child would have been chosen for him

because it had the right spiritual gifts or certain elemental
magic that would suit the family’s elemental magic circle.
(ARA 20)

During the early days of Covid lockdown when New York

City set up medical tents in Central Park it is thought that the
military might have been using that situation as cover to
bring up children from the breeder programs in the tunnels
deep under the city. This wasn’t the only deep underground
location where children were being rescued, and there were
reports of up to 5 generations of breeder lines in the tunnels,
meaning anywhere from birth to age 40. One of the reasons
that we’ve seen no media evidence of children coming up
from underground tunnels is because when Satan or his
demons set aside a human for sacrifice, “they want that
person dead,” according to Jessie. After a rescue, “they’re
gonna hunt down and track those kids so they can still use
them for ritual, and they will kill anybody who’s… working to
rescue those kids.” (ARA 022)

When Jessie was a child she was privy to the breeder

program in the extensive underground locations beneath
Chicago, Illinois. (MJ 2) There is an Illuminati training
center that connects with an underground military base, and
there is a breeder program that works in conjunction with
both. (ARA 37) In this particular breeder program under
Chicago, Catholic or Jesuit priests would be brought in “from
different areas around the United States,” chosen to do
rituals during which they would rape multiple breeder girls.
Jessie believes that these particular priests were chosen by
the Illuminati for their genetics. Masonic Lodges were the
other locations where Jessie witnessed rituals during which
the rape of breeder girls occurred. (ARA 031)

Women in the breeder programs were often “born
without a birth certificate, never got one, nobody ever
documented their existence,” and for whom “their sole
purpose is to continuously have children until they die, and
nobody knows they’re even there.” The babies have no birth
certificates, and no death certificates. They’re complete
unknowns. (ARA 01)

Even Jessie’s Mom was used “at least once” in the breeder
program. (GD 02)

Grooming/Infant abuse

An Illuminati whistleblower that has only recently come

out with her story, Cali Shae Bergandi, describes watching
women in her family ‘finger’ infants during diaper changes,
to get them accustomed to being sexually abused and not
reacting badly to it. Infant grooming for subsequent early
sexual experiences is common practice in the Illuminati.
(CSB 01)

In Jessie’s family they used enemas to get infants

prepared for anal sex. They are told by The System that
“good parents” do that for their kids on a regular basis. They
present it as a normal, healthy practice, and moreover, if you
don’t do it, you’re not a good parent. (RoR 019, RR 01)

Cisco Wheeler also notes that in order to prevent

reconstructive surgery for tearing endured in infants the
vagina and anus are stretched using a balloon which is blown
up to enlarge the holes to make those areas available for
sexual penetration. (CW 03)
Cross Dressing

Kerth Barker was sexually abused by the Illuminati as a

child, and one of the things he was made to do frequently
was dress as a girl. They called him Kathy. He broke free
and was deprogrammed (KB High Adept, page 6) but as a
boy was “forced into child prostitution by Satanists.” (page 9)
and hated being dressed like a girl and wasn’t “sure why
Satanic pedophiles were turned on by this.” (page 11) One
trip, he was made to first put on a jock strap, a trainer bra
and a petticoat. “Over that, she had me put on a floral dress
which was very colorful…. It had white lace around the neck
and it went down over my knees. I put on white socks with
ruffled tops.. (and) shiny black patent leather slippers with
ribbons… (and) horn-rimmed glasses with little diamonds in
the sides,” (page 12) along with a curly blonde wig, makeup,
and a pink purse. “In a soft, feminine voice, I said, “I love
this dress on me” and his handler replied, “don’t you look
just ravishing my dear girly boy, you look good enough to
eat.” (page 13)

Jessie’s experience with the Tier 1 elite of The System

dressing their hierarchy children up in the opposite sex’s
clothing is that for the majority of the members, it’s not
something they do of their own free will, it’s something
they’re told they have to do. “Good parents let their children
choose what gender they want to be,” while simultaneously
giving the child only a choice of the opposite sex’s clothing or
toys. For example, giving a boy child two choices, either a
blue dress or a pink dress. We can see cross-dressing in the
children of many Hollywood celebrities, for example Charlize
Theron’s son, or Angelina Jolie’s daughter, and the internet
is ripe with dozens of other examples. (RR 01) Both Charlize
Theron and Angelina Jolie are surmised but not firmly
identified members of the Illuminati. (ARA 011, MM 01)

A number of Hollywood celebrities dress their children in

the typical dress of the opposite biological sex; this has been
seen in Charlize Theron’s children, as well as others. Jessie
says that this is a hallmark of Baphomet worship, where The
System is trying to erase a distinct biological sex identity and
replace it with a neutral sense of self, where these children
“don’t have a distinct identity of (their) own.’ (ARA 026)


There are a number of facets and underlying motivations

behind the common practice of adoption within the

Adoption is described as a common practice in elite

circles. Most adoptions by elite hierarchy families are secret,
and the adoption is done to hide their true parternity/
ancestry. (FS 2, pg. 237) Only some of the true ancestry of
public figures adopted into Illuminati families is actually
known. Adolph Hitler had hidden Rothschild blood, and Bill
Clinton was adopted but his birth parentage is unknown. (FS
2 pg. 36)

Among royalty, secret homosexual relationships where

one of the couple is presented as female are very common
according to Jessie, and they use the excuse of a common
incompatible Rh- factor in royals as an excuse to adopt.
(ARA 010)

Adopted children can originate from breeder programs,
or other hierarchy families, Child Protective Services/foster
care schemes, or even from hospitals that inject newborns
with a substance that makes them look dead, they are
marked as stillborn on the official records, and then they are
medically revived and adopted to high-level Illuminati. (ARA
001, ARA 004, ARA 014, ARA 022, SV 12)

Sometimes, adopted children who are being programmed

are told they are secretly the child of royal parentage, and are
“special” because of that, when they are actually not born of
royalty, and the ruse is used to create a tighter bond between
the child and the group they are in programming with. Svali
was herself a victim of this ruse as a child. (SV 03)


Because the upper levels of the Illuminati Brotherhood

are witches and warlocks, they engage in rituals, which seem
to in part take place to please Satan, as if they spoil the ritual
or do anything wrong during a ritual, they could be killed for
making that mistake. The way Jessie puts it is, “Satan and
the demons are very perfectionistic, it’s a way that they
control and keep their control and get the best results in
obedience.” (MJ 02 & RoR 015)

There are rituals that take place around Halloween,

Christmas and the Spring Equinox (Easter time), that each
high ranking person in The System is required to attend.
Aside from those mandatory rituals, there are voluntary
ritual throughout the year that they can choose to attend, or

Some of the rituals have names like “Moonchild” or
“Satanic Baptism” or “First Blasphemy/12-year-old ritual”.
The first ritual I heard about was the 12-year-old ritual,
which is for elite hierarchy boys when they “graduate” from
their childhood magic circle to begin to take part in their
adult Brotherhood cohort/magic circle. It is also the first
ritual where they willingly take the life of another individual,
and from all accounts of it, it’s a bit of a wild bloodbath.
(RoR 080)

Jessie tells of one 12-year-old ritual she watched as a

young child, and the boy going through it was a Rothschild.
She hinted at which boy it was, but never explicitly named
him. I’ve tried to figure out which Rothschild boy this ritual
was for, and the best I’ve been able to figure it was for
Nathaniel Rothschild, but don’t quote me on that, it’s
inference from hints and is not in any way confirmed.

The first part of the ritual is a hunt, not a hunt to kill but a
kind of titillation scene, where there are girls there who
“seduce the boys and create this foreplay situation where
they’re excited but they don’t get to do anything.” (ARA 003)
The final part of the ritual was in a boat cleaning building on
the Vanderbilt Estate in South Carolina. This particular
location is presented to the public as an indoor swimming
pool, but either by design or chance, it’s never been correctly
identified or the true nature of its purpose revealed to the

The deep, tiled boat cleaning area looks like the deep end
of a swimming pool, and it fills almost the entire room except
for an upper catwalk along two sides in an L shape. The
third side is flat wall and the fourth side has the slanted

portion of the tiled interior of the pool-like structure, which
angles down to the deep end. Along one wall of the catwalk
is a short ladder, and along the remainder of the catwalk are
ropes, hanging from where people’s feet would be, down into
the tiled area. They are tied in what looks like a large
circular noose formation. These are to hang the expendable
children from. “The rope would be under their armpits
holding them up, and then they’d have their hands tied
behind their back, and their feet tied so they couldn’t go
anywhere.” These children won’t survive this ritual.

The 12-year-old boy also gets hung from a rope, and after
being hung, the 12-year-old boy is raped, every which way
you can imagine, by the members of the magic circle that will
be his adult group affiliates. These individuals will be the
mentors to this child for the rest of his life, and will guide
him through his career and support him for life. (ARA 003)
This particular ritual, the individuals present as part of the
adult core group included Hillary Rodham Clinton and John
Brennan. Another individual perpetrator present was
Marilou Schroeder Whitney, a relative of the Vanderbilt clan.

These adult individuals tell this child that he has to

“renounce God and enter (his) position in the Brotherhood.”
The renunciation of God is considered the “First

At that point the child is released, high on adrenochrome,

which according to Jessie produces a psychosis so strong
that you desire to “rip people’s faces off” or shred them with
your hands and teeth. Jessie notes that when she had
adrenochrome tested on her, when she was coming off of the

drug she was put into a straitjacket and locked in a cupboard
so she wouldn’t hurt anyone. (GD 03, ARA 042, ARA 034)

He then begins his first murder by cannibalizing one of

the hung children, and then the others who are in the deep
part of the tiled pool-like area join him, and it becomes one
giant bloodbath. (ARA 003)

4 Illuminati Grand High Priests presided over the ritual,

including the late Reverend Monsignor Thomas C Brady, and
Cardinal Timothy Michael Dolan. Both have day jobs in the
Catholic Church, and are Luciferians on the side.

After the rape of the 12-year-old child, one of the things

that child does is willingly take his first life, which is one of
the children either hung on the 2 sides of the boat cleaning
area or one of the 4 down in the bottom of the area. It
literally looks like an empty pool with tiled sides and bottom,
so it’s hard not to refer to it as a swimming pool. By the end
of the ritual, they were slipping and sliding around in blood
and human remains, because the initiated child eventually
will kill all of the expendable children by the end of the

Jessie, her proctor, Lou (her protector-in-training) and a

few others watched this scene from the catwalk area. But
there were more in attendance before the ritual than actually
were witness to it. Corey Feldman and Corey Haim,
Hollywood child-stars were there, as was Christina Applegate
of TV’s Married with Children fame, Carter Vanderbilt (son
of Gloria Vanderbilt), Senator Robert Byrd, Ewan McGregor
and Jimmy Saville were also named as being present at the
festivities before the actual ritual.

So this 12-year-old First Blasphemy ritual is one kind of
ritual, but there are many others. Satanic baptisms (ARA
033), Satanic Blood Marriages (ARA 040), the Sword of
Judgment ritual (ARA 043) and many others are part of the

Cisco and Fritz note that all rituals are memorized. There
will be no incriminating books or objects to find in people’s
houses that will give them away as secret Luciferians. (FS
02) Jessie says that because she was out of school nearly all
the time to train for her position in The System, and because
that the rituals were often in a language other than English,
she had a hard time reading when she went back to school.
She’d never learned the fundamentals of sounding out words
or sentence structure. Dr. Seuss books she couldn’t read, but
Charles Dickens she could, because some of the spells and
magic she had “learned was out of Charles Dickens’
books.” (ARA 043)


Once a ritual like the 12-year-old ritual is finished, the boy

and the participants go back to their cover lives, and act like
none of it ever happened. (ARA 005) The System terms this
“posture” and it’s a combination of physical stature,
emotional control, and a whole lot of acting, from what I can
tell. All hierarchy children are trained in posture. (ARA 033)
Some of it involves training from childhood to keep posture
in their cover lives, such as attending church and being
involved in the community. Nothing seems out of place,
nothing seems abnormal, “everything looks Godly and

perfect” because The System demands that their cover life is
to look that way. (CS 005)

Jessie says that during rituals, the children were told

where to stand, and “you basically didn’t move, you didn’t do
anything, if you broke that posture there would be hell to
pay.” (ARA 002) There were times when Leo, her protector-
in-training would deliberately fluff up her staticky hair right
as they were going in to a ritual, and she couldn’t move her
hand to get it off of her face or out of her eyes and mouth,
because that would have been a break in posture. (ARA 011)
When Leo, Jessie’s protector-in training, lost his parents and
siblings in a horrific act of torture by The System, he wasn’t
allowed to show any emotion on the outside or even move
while they forced him to watch. That’s posture. (DO 00529)

Protect Your Brother at All Costs

At she ascended into the higher levels of freemasonry

Jessie took oaths where she vowed to protect her brother at
all costs. Her protector was never held accountable for what
he did, he never had any consequences for the actions he
took in The System, it was Jessie’s job to make sure he was
protected and his deeds covered-up. She says “it’s pretty
gruesome” if those vows are broken. Those vows come with
the cost of their left eye, which is why so many celebrities
and politicians walk around with a blackened left eye, like
they got punched. They may have gotten punched, or
perhaps they just went through the high-level ritual where
they took an oath that says that if they ever tell on or fail to
cover up your brother’s crimes ”that it comes at the cost of
the left eye.” Sometimes, she says that “demons will literally
grab that eye” and the person might think they were actually
going to rip the eye from its socket. Other times, there are
chips implanted behind it, or they “do shots” of
adrenochrome in that eye, all of which make it black. (ARA

Code of Silence

Svali says that the code of silence is one reason that the
cult (she calls the Illuminati a cult) has survived so long and
why nobody talks is because it is ingrained into them from a
very young age not to. After rituals, children are set up, and
deliberately asked what they saw or heard during the ritual.
When they tell, they are severely beaten or tortured, and
whatever mind splits are created from this torture are
programmed to never tell, and never even to remember what
happened, as if they do, they will be killed. Children are told
they will be hunted and shot, or tortured slowly, if they ever
remember and tell. For many, this is enough to make them
not remember, and if they do remember, never tell. (SV 14)

One of the first things Jessie was taught was the code of
silence, although in her position she couldn’t be killed, so
instead they threatened to kill someone she loved. (AB 01)
Despite this, she says she tried to tell everybody she could
that her family killed babies, was in the occult—and rarely if
ever did anybody listen. (RoR 197) As a federal
whistleblower, she felt a tremendous amount of relief in
being believed, finally, decades after her experiences as a
child. (ARA 103) In October of 2021, she believes that her
son Josiah was killed in an Illuminati hit ordered by
someone on her father’s side of the family. (DO 11020)

Blood Drinking

“Blood drinking does take place…(and) it is more

widespread than you have been lead to believe, and… it is
much better organized than you could probably imagine. (KB
03, pg 79) Kerth has written half a book devoted to the
practices of cannibalism and blood drinking among Satanists
and Luciferians (not all Luciferians are considered Satanists,
and vice versa). He asserts that there are two main reasons
that individuals drink blood, one being to acquire status or
power in the occult, and the other to acquire stamina and
physical strength, courtesy of a hormone released into the
blood that causes this to happen. That hormone is called
adrenochrome, and the blood containing adrenochrome is
produced by torturing victims prior to harvesting their
blood. (KB 03)

Both humans and animals can have adrenalized blood

and consequently adrenalized meat, and it is possible that if
you eat animal meat, you’ve become accustomed to eating
adrenalized meat without even realizing it, as many animals
are not killed humanely. (KB 03, pg 73) Part of the life work
of Temple Grandin has been to design cattle operations that
keep the animals calm and do not frighten them while they
are en route to being killed prior to butchering, (TG 01) but
not all animal slaughtering operations have this finely-tuned
rather scientific approach, and some religious slaughtering
practices do not have the flexibility for modernization.

For some, drinking blood is limited to initiation rituals.

For example, high level Masons drink blood from a skull
during their initiations. (KB 03, pg. 72) Some rituals don’t
even require drinking the blood ‘straight-up’, but dilute it
with wine before drinking. (KB 03, pg. 69) In some rituals,
they use their own blood instead of blood from another (KB
03, pg. 65) Still other wealthy Luciferians don’t actually
consume the blood by mouth, but instead opt for regular
blood transfusions from healthy young people whose blood
types were a match. (KB 03, pg. 70)

Kerth separates blood drinkers into 3 categories,

persuaders, sippers and harvesters. Persuaders convince
others to donate small amounts of blood to them to drink,
but sometimes small amounts turn into large amounts and it
can be a difficult situation if refusing causes tension which
escalates into violence. Sippers abduct victims and take
small amounts of blood repeatedly. Although this keeps the
victim alive temporarily, eventually they die and a new
victim would need to be found. Stalkers abduct, torture and
then harvest all the adrenalized blood from their victim. (KB
03, pg. 71)

Color Comms

Colors are important in the Illuminati, and most of the

color significance seems to be related to communicating to
others in the group who owns what and who runs what.
Communication out in the open seems to be done in
symbols, not words, and color makes up a big portion of that.

The basic 4 colors that seem to hold the most meaning are
green, gold/yellow, blue and red. The structure of the
Brotherhood System is arranged by what they call quadrants,
or groupings of states or countries that roughly follow a
geographic directional pattern of north, south, east and west.
(ARA 002) The north quadrant is designated by green, the
east by gold/yellow, the south by Red, and the west by Blue.
The people that are assigned to operate in these quadrants
could be called by a name that designates their quadrant, for
example Jacob Rothschild is called the ‘Blue Dragon’ because
he operates in the western quadrant, and that quadrant’s
designative color is blue. (ARA 010) The Belenoff’s come
from the Green Dragon family, because they are
operationally based in the northern quadrant, and the
north’s color is green. (ARA 016, ARA 032)

Another symbol that the Illuminati uses to communicate

status, position and title with one another are rings. Rings
hold stones, and depending upon the stone’s color and size,
this could indicate both their status and position in The
System. Gloria Vanderbilt used to wear a ring with a large
yellow stone, indicating her position title of Grand High
Priestess in the eastern quadrant. Large stone indicated that
she was not just a High Priestess, who might wear a small
yellow stone, but a grand high priestess. Rings that are
thought to be indications of status and position have been
spotted on Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks, Rachel Levine (the
US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps), Qasem
Soleimani, and others. The Mothers of Darkness wear not
only the ring that signifies their quadrant, but another black
ring as well. Jessie says that the black signifies a “stone of
power.” The color of the metal in the ring can also signify
level, if they’re a “head high priest or priestess that ring will
be in gold or white gold,” whereas the “lower level
individuals will have it in silver.” (RR 31)

These colors can also be used on city emblems, military

logos, signage for companies, and a number of other things
that the Brotherhood uses to signify ownership or rulership

over. (ARA 31) It’s something that is hard for most people to
grasp, because we don’t think of ourselves as rulers—but they
do. We don’t have parts of our life and our operations to
hide behind and cover up because they are illegal and
immoral—but they do. Or maybe they don’t, but they
certainly act like they do. So hidden communications are

Pink represents abduction to the Illuminati, abduction of

children, the homeless, or adults for the purposes of using
them in rituals. Certain times each month are set aside as
abduction times where they take people and then hold them
in certain locations just prior to rituals. Jessie has noticed
advertisements in magazines, special perfume releases,
clothing lines, all over-emphasizing the color pink and being
released just at that time of month that would be the start of
ritual abduction. It’s possible but not confirmed that the
pink of Breast Cancer Awareness month, which is October,
might even have been coordinated to coincide with
Halloween, one of the biggest rituals of the year for
Luciferians. (ARA 026)

Gina Phillips talks a lot about color as related to

programming. Colors are tied extensively to the mind
control triggers that are driven into people’s brains as a
result of highly sophisticated techniques used to create slaves
for The System. Purple is one color that she has talked a lot
about recently, as there is a program she calls the “Purple
Rain Program,” which is tied to an activation symbol that the
pop star Prince uses as his name. Purple Rain is also one of
the titles of his songs. Popular music is extensively—if not
mostly—controlled by the Brotherhood System, and they use
songs and artists to their advantage. Gina thinks that the

activation of the Purple Rain program began when Hillary
and Bill Clinton both wore purple at the concession speech to
Donald Trump’s presidential win. Later it was reinforced
when the symbol for Prince’s name was superimposed on the
football stadium where the super bowl was held in
Minneapolis. It was again reinforced by the purple carpet
(instead of the red carpet) at the Emmy’s, and the purple
attire of many of the high-level women in the early 2021
inauguration ceremony of Joe Biden. (GP 01) Gina seems to
go backwards from her client’s ‘activated’ programs to ferret
out the signs, symbols or colors that triggered the program’s

Gina also references black and white what she calls “base
programming,” which represents the duality of man, the
good and bad selves. It can be symbolized by the black and
white masonic checkerboard floor (GP 04, GP 05) Other
kinds of programming can also have color components, but
to go into those would require too much detail than I wish to
afford here.

Quota System/Keeping Track of Quotas

Once born or lured into the Luciferian System, “Satan

demands that you participate in evil and wickedness”.
Everybody is under the mandate, and the requirements are
that you do whatever sin you are proscribed “every single
day.” Each of these quota sins must be a little worse than the
last time. There is no honor System for these sins, either, “it
has to be recorded or witnessed to probe that it happened.
This is how they get a lot of blackmail on people.” (RoR 019)
The photo or video evidence of these sins is kept on large

computer servers, and it can be used to silence people who
try to fight back against The System. (SW 06)

Most of the time people are in an unconscious

programmed mode when they perform these sins, during the
night after they are summoned by The System, they go, do
whatever evil they are required to do, and then “the next
morning they won’t remember a thing about it.” (SW 06)
The dissociation that the programming process produces is
beneficial for The System. Imagine that you couldn’t
remember doing anything evil, but there were photos or
video of it produced every time you complained that you
didn’t want to participate. Even if you weren’t dissociated,
they could have drugged you and positioned you so that in
reality, you didn’t do anything, it just looks like it in the
photo. (ARA 023) You can’t prove you didn’t do it, but it
would be a difficult situation to talk yourself out of. If you
were a politician, for example, it could end your career to
have blackmail like that surface in the public sphere. Jessie
suggests that this is exactly how many elite get trapped in
The System as pedophiles, they may just have been invited to
a party, drugged, and have pictures taken of them that “make
it look like they’re harming a child or young adult..(and) now
the Illuminati has blackmail on them.” (RoR 019)

As a child born into The System, the quota would evolve

more gradually. They would start with requiring the child to
be mean to a classmate who is a Christian, and that would
get ramped up to excluding them from your clique, or
parties, then beginning to be verbally nasty, then spreading
rumors like that the person sleeps around. Later, spells,
incantations, groups of witches attacking that person and
then sending demonic spirits to oppress them. Is that the

end? No, it can get worse. Maybe then they go after that
person’s church or their job, or send things to make them
sick, or try to get them into a car accident, put dead animals
in their yard with curses on them, or literally go and
surround their yard, drag them out of the house and kill
them on the lawn. (MJ 02)

There are also humanitarian effort quotas, and Jessie

notes that one of these was the “no child left behind”
initiative (RoR 223) Luciferian president George W Bush
said that the 2001 law that enacted it in the United States
was the “cornerstone of my administration.” Practically, the
law penalized low-performing schools by allowing students
to transfer out to higher-performing schools, or access
remedial programs in the school they were in. (ZZ 07)
Mostly, though, it just required a boatload of testing, which
in the practical day-to-day efforts of most schools shifted the
focus from teaching children to teaching to the test. Since
teachers were evaluated by their students’ progress, if they
didn’t drill the test questions, their students didn’t do as
well, and the teachers effectiveness was ranked low.
Students stopped learning how to learn, and started learning
how to take tests. So, it’s no child left behind because every
child was equally left behind.


“All the perps have signatures.” (Twitter 001)

I don’t get the impression that this is so much a practice

deliberately developed or imposed by The System, but more
a development that occurs as a result of the preferences of
the individuals as they pursue their ritual goals over time.
Jessie says that individuals in The System often develop
what she calls a “signature kill”, in other words, they have a
preferential ritual method of sacrificing their victim. In the
one person’s signature kill method Jessie spoke of, she
confirmed that a very famous movie found on a very famous
laptop of Mr. A. Weiner was indeed the signature kill method
of Hillary Clinton and that she had seen HRC kill in this
manner “many times.” (ARA 007, SW 12, RoR 027)

Jessie had also seen children as young as age 7 raping and

killing girls younger than themselves in sex magick, and that
for some of them the method they begin using at this young
age becomes their signature. For someone to do that at age 7
is rather shocking for most of us, but Jessie asserts that The
System is looking for those boys “who are the best abusers”
and that they “are applauded for that abuse,” being given
rewards in proportion to their abuse, such that “the worse
you are the more favor you get, the more you’re sought after,
(and) the more you’re desired.” (ARA 013)

Some of those signatures also include signature knots that

they use to tie up their victims, (Twitter 001) and signature
torture methods. (GSR 01)

Ritual Names

One way that The System keeps its members hidden is by

making them go by different names, ritual names, while they
are meeting together. Jessie’s ritual name was ‘Sunshine’
and her protector-trainee Leo’s ritual name was ‘Moonlight’.
(GSR 01) Svali worked with people who had ritual names
(what she terms “cult name”) of Athena and Black Hand (SV
26) She also had a friend whose boss in The System had the
cult name “Ashtoth”. He held a position in the military at the
Pentagon (SV 06) Hillary Clinton’s ritual name was
‘Nightingale’ (RoR 081)

Ritual names are usually give at their first ritual/rite,

usually at age 5. Jessie put her handprint and a symbol of
her ritual name on the handprint wall to Moloch under the
training center near St. Peter’s Church in Rockford, Illinois
when she was about that age. (GD 02) They didn’t put their
ritual name symbol directly next to their handprint so that
the name couldn’t be directly connected to the individual.
(RoR 015) Seven individuals were involved in the initiation
ritual where she was given her ritual name, Michael Aquino
being one of them, and his hands were on her head as well as
her protector-trainee Leo as they were both given their ritual
names. (MJ 1)

Ritual names provide anonymity, even within The

System’s members. Jessie had trouble identifying people
because she knew them by many different names, including
fake names and ritual names. She had to see photos of them
to identify them, because names were difficult and
numerous. (ARA 022, GD 04) She even had multiple
names, she says about 5 of them. (RoR 085)

One of the ways they recorded her name in the books of

the Masonic Lodge near Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany
(Neuschwanstein is the ‘home base’ more or less of the
Mothers of Darkness) was as “Sunshine Child of the Golden
Dawn.” The System also keeps people’s ritual names “in the
Luciferian Satanic Libraries, where they keep everybody’s
names.” Those libraries are at the Vatican. (RoR 085)


Bestiality seems to be a fairly big thing in the Illuminati.

The Satanic Calendar published by the Open Scroll Blog
indicates that there are many dates involving sexual
activities with animals. The spring equinox in March,
Summer Solstice in June, Halloween in October, and Winter
solstice and Christmas Eve are all days that animals are
included in the type of celebration, which are nearly all
labeled as “orgies”. (ZZ 08)

At the lower levels, individuals often film their children

pornographically, and often that includes scenes with the
children engaged in sex with animals. Svali notes that this is
commonplace, and Cathy O’Brien, Brice Taylor, Fiona
Barnett, and Cali Shai Bergandi have reported either
witnessing or experiencing it (BT 10, CB 01, CSB 01, SV 12)
Cathy O’Brien’s father sold the bestiality porn film Bonnie
and the Boxer he made of her to the local mafia, and she
actually witnessed a local politician with a copy of that film
under his arm. As she recalled, the dog in the film was
bigger than she was. (CO 01, CO 02) Cali reports that it “was
not uncommon to walk into the house and see your grandpa
having sex with the dog on the floor.” (CSB 01)

Fiona Barnett witnessed bestiality being used in the cult

members she was in association with “as a means of exerting
power” by the perpetrators, versus being a sexual preference.
(FB 01)

Jessie was witness to a number of different kinds of

bestiality practices, mostly for ritual purposes, especially at
Halloween. Goats would be unleashed on children who were
tied up, and the goats would mount the children. She also
witnessed a child sodomized by a gorilla. Most of these
children did not live through these experiences. There
tended to be a lot of blood and gore involved in the ritual
bestiality. (ROR 100, ARA 009, ARA 015)

Animals are also trafficked to people in other countries

who are interested in being the perpetrator upon the animal,
especially chimpanzees and orangutans. (ARA 009)

Bestiality is also used in programming, (FS 01) and fancy

gem-studded leather collars are fitted on the mind-
controlled slaves for wolves and dogs to bite as they mount
their victims. (FS03)

Child Training

Svali says it’s called training in the facilities, but really it’s
just purposeful abuse. (SV 51)

Jessie began her training in Luciferianism and

Freemasonry at age 4 (SFBIS 01) and her training went both
during the day and half the night; Jessie got very little sleep
as a child. (AB 01) She was rarely in school, although always
marked present. There were many teachers who were
members of The System and they would cover for the
hierarchy children that were in training during the day (RoR
013) By age 10, she was fully trained and ready to take her
position, even though typically, hierarchy children don’t take
their positions until age 30 (RoR 013, REF for age 30) When
she did finally start going to school full-time in fifth grade,
she got constant remarks from teachers passing her in the

hallway about keeping posture and etiquette, she felt like
there were eyes on her everywhere (ARA 043)

Jessie’s training involved a wide variety of things. She

trained in Black Magick with Laurie Cabot Kent, a witch who
owns a store in Salem, Massachusetts and who also has a
high position in The System. (RoR 019) At Gloria
Vanderbilt’s home Jessie was trained by her proctor to “take
care” of a baby by drowning it. Then Gloria showed her how
she did taxidermy on babies. (RoR 019) Her primary trainer
was the Queen Mother of Darkness, but the term proctor was
used for this main training relationship during training
sessions. (SFBIS 02)

A significant part of Jessie’s training happened in one of

The System’s underground training centers. The one she
was in most of the time was beneath the Cathedral of St.
Peter Catholic Church in Rockford, Illinois. (RoR 013) She
had hand-to-hand combat training with a Project Paperclip
Nazi named Michael Karkoc, (SW 05) had experiments done
on her with adrenochrome by John Brennan, where they had
to put her in a straightjacket so she wouldn’t injure anybody
coming down off that drug and was sometimes tossed into
rooms with her protector-in-training Leo and a System
defector, and told that it was “kill or be killed.” (GD 03)
Other parts of her training happened out in the open, such as
hacking at stiff cookie dough, to build muscles for stabbing
infants in rituals. (MJ 02)

Etiquette was part of her training, and it included a lot of

“good girls” and good people” messaging, such as “Good girls
always sit with their knees touching together” and “Good
people don’t tell family secrets”, “Good people don’t talk”

and “Good people shut their mouth”. She was supposed to
stand in a particular way with her feet together and heels
touching. When Jessie didn’t do it, one of the Mothers of
Darkness would whack her in the Achilles with her staff until
her feet were properly aligned. She had to walk around with
a book on her head for proper posture, and was told at age 10
once she was fully trained that she now needed to “start
acting like a Mother of Darkness”. (ARA 043, RoR 013)

Anna Starfire also describes the members of the Knights

of Columbus raping girls in small rooms in the church and
then using “good girl” hypnosis techniques on them to try to
convince them that they were still virgins. (AS 01) “Good
girls” is also a phrase used in programming. (FS 03)

There was also additional compliance training for Jessie

that consisted of throwing her and others down into pits
where there was a type of animal she considered to be a type
of Dragon. She called those pits “Dragon wells” and said she
never knew when she or others were tossed in if the dragon
was fed, or hungry. Even more common than that, her
proctor would toss her into the pitch dark cellar with dead
animals and blood dripping, and leave her there for hours.
(ARA 044)

Jessie’s training was different than others in The System

because of her high level and special position; other children
get different training. In Asian occult societies they train the
children in military maneuvers, herbs for healing and
poisons, and hand-to-hand combat. European-based occult
groups train their children in languages, how to spy, how to
be assassins, as well as extensive military and science
training. (SV 55) Pre-birth and for the first three years of a

child’s life is the most intense training, and it’s basically a
full-time job, according to Svali. (SV 55) A training day for a
young child could begin at 4:30 with a ritual, and (SV 43)
might continue all day, every day, for years on end.

Pedophilia (blackmail)

Fritz Springmeier notes that “It is a standard tactic of the

Illuminati, their New World Order and its various branches
to use fear and blackmail to bring people into line.” (FS 04)

Pedophilia can be used by The System to force someone

who does not want to join to become a member. They will
get someone high or drunk and then photograph them in a
compromising position with a child, and then offer them the
choice of coming into The System or not. If no, then they’ll
threaten you and your family with death. (SS 01) If yes, then
the quotas start, and that individual would have to commit
acts that The System demands, and they have to be
photographed or videotaped for proof. Another scenario that
has been put forth as probable is that at gunpoint someone
would be forced to rape and then kill a child, and that
videotape would be used as blackmail. (ARA 021)

Cheryl Beck had a “sexy Sadie” program that was used to

blackmail government and military people as a child
prostitute seductress. (CS 03) Cathy O’Brien’s daughter
Kelly was “being prostituted to the CIA for blackmail
purposes.” (CO 01) Svali notes that using child prostitutes to
blackmail political leadership outside of the Illuminati was
very common. (SV 12)

For those members who have seen each other’s “dirty
deeds” as Jessie terms it, they can use that witnessing of each
other’s pedophilia and other as leverage. When Kamala and
Barack were joking around about Joe (Biden’s) love for
spaghetti and “sauce,” this for them was a subtle threat or
warning to Joe that they hold blackmail against him, and a
clue for us that they might be members of each other’s
witchcraft circles/groups, or they wouldn’t know so much
about one another. (ARA 013)


Philanthropy, or what The System terms “humanitarian

efforts” is encouraged and even mandatory for most
participants, from high rank down. “The Illuminati kingpins
are great philanthropists, even though much of their
philanthropy is self-serving,” says Fritz Springmeier. He
asserts that it is a good “cover” for them, and we can see this
in the number of individuals who have been named as
System members who have gigantic charitable foundations
like Bill and Hillary’s Clinton Foundation, George Soros’
Open Society Foundations, Barack’s Obama Foundation, the
Oprah Winfrey Foundation, and Madonna’s Raising Malawi
and Ray of Light Foundation. (FS 01, WK 04) The System
even seems to have its own philanthropic oversight
foundation, the Global Philanthropy Group, which Wikipedia
says consults with high-net individuals on their
philanthropic endeavors. (WK 2) If the individual doesn’t
have their own foundation, they may just be identified as a
‘philanthropist,’ as Marilou Whitney is on her Wikipedia
entry. (WK 03)

Nobody so far has out-and-out stated that Bill Gates of
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is involved in The
System, but Svali does say that he has “occultic connections”,
and that his philanthropy is likely the exact opposite of what
normal people would call philanthropic—“it’s not”, she says.
(SV 47)

“Everybody on the Satanic Council—actually all the way

down to the High Priests and Priestesses—has to pick a
humanitarian effort,” says Jessie. Because the individuals in
The System don’t come out in public and declare their
membership, titles or promotions in the Illuminati,
sometimes you can get a clue what rank or position they have
based on their philanthropic endeavors. For example, Jessie
notes that George Clooney took Barron Hilton’s (the Hilton
Hotel Magnate) position on the Satanic Council because
Barron Hilton worked with coffee farmers in Columbia, and
that’s what Clooney declared as his humanitarian effort. (RR

Sometimes the money the individuals use in their

humanitarian effort comes from an individual higher-up in
The System than they are. As the highest-ranking seat on the
Satanic Council for almost 6 decades, George Soros had
access to and distributed quite a lot of money to individuals
below him to use on their philanthropic endeavors. Soros
did this with Oprah, funding a girls’ school in South Africa
with Soros’ money. (MJ 01) And yet, each of the members
are also required to add in their own funds to the
humanitarian efforts, which is a tactic of The System to keep
them from defecting or trying to get out. If you walked away,
you’d be leaving without a large chunk of your own money.
(RR 31)

Philanthropy is also part of the quota System. The
Illuminati members have to do a certain number of things
that look like good deeds to rack up promotional credits in
The System so that they can advance in rank. (MJ 01) All of
the concert fundraisers, the Hollywood stars investing in
children, it’s all a smoke screen to imbue a sense of goodwill
in people witnessing it from the outside, to make us say, hey,
these are good people, they do good things for others. (SW
06) We don’t see the evil beneath, because it’s designed to
be hidden from our view.

Underground Tunnels

“The world is made up of tunnel Systems that go all the

way back to Babylon.” (RoR 205)

Below the earth’s surface there are tunnels, some nearer

the surface and some way below the surface, very very deep.
Most of us are aware that there are tunnels that carry
sewage, street water runoff and other waste either towards a
water treatment plant or the ocean for removal from cities,
but that’s only the very first level of tunnel Systems. Deeper
than that are tunnels for the Deep Underground Military
Bases (DUMBS), and a level even deeper are tunnels used by
The System, specifically by the protectors. (SW 30)

At age 5 the protector trainees will take their Scottish/

York Rite vows, they will be connected to the family’s
“familiar spirit”, and then they’ll have to start learning the
tunnel Systems. The deepest protector tunnels are very low
oxygen, and there are no maps for these tunnels, the
protectors have to learn them by memory. They use them to
travel so that they can protect the elite they are assigned to,
and escape danger from their fellow Luciferians. (CS 13)

Underneath Texas, and connecting to Florida and

California are ocean water-filled tunnels that submarines can
travel through which are used to transport children and
adults in human trafficking. These were built by the
Luciferians specifically for this purpose. (SW 30) Elon Musk
is one individual who owns boring machine companies, and
these boring machines are gigantic, and are capable of
melting rock to tunnel through the underground landscape.
He also builds train Systems underground, which Jessie
believes connects to some of the Underground Cities. (WK
05, SW 12)

In some of the tunnel Systems that The System uses

exclusively for themselves are booby traps, located in a
device that looks something like a decommissioned Poseidon
missile, which is filled with biological weaponized
compounds, things like smallpox and ebola. Jessie was told
as a child that they would be set off if the location was

Tunnel Systems are also used to hold children in cages

before rituals. (ARA 003) The majority of Jessie’s childhood
Luciferian training took place in training centers and tunnels
beneath Catholic Churches. (ARA 008) Cisco concurs with
Jessie that the tunnels play a major role within the Catholic
Church, and that priests use them to worship Satan and
conjure demons (CW 01) The tunnel Systems beneath the
Church of St. Peter in Rockford, Illinois have walls that are
literally Illuminati holy ground, they hold hundreds of years
of the handprints of 5-year-old hierarchy and expendable

children. (GD 05) some of the Catholic Church tunnels even
connect to the Masonic lodges. (MJ 03)

Jessie saw and met individuals that were not quite

human, not quite demonic in the tunnels. (ARA 012) In the
deepest tunnel Systems are born and bred generations of
children who never live to see the light of day. Their skin is
very translucent, and their pupils are very large and black
because of the scarce lighting. The System calls them the
mole children, or the black-eyed children. Their main job is
that they are slaves to underground giants. There have been
issues with them coming up to the surface, similar to the
problems divers have when surfacing too quickly except
instead of nitrogen, these individuals get too much oxygen
and it can cause problems for them. (ARA 034, ARA 049)

In some of the tunnels that are offshoots of the breeder

program locations, they would hold children in cages, and
feed them “fetuses that were not acceptable for them to sell
for the organ programs” (DO 00625) as well as the expired
individuals from the adrenochrome harvesting. (GD 03)

Cisco Wheeler reports that there are tunnels under the

White House in Washington, D.C. used to bring mind-
controlled slaves to rooms there for rituals. There are also
tunnels beneath Scotty’s Castle in Death Valley, California,
and under the Getty Museum near Los Angeles. The
Mormon temple at Lake Oswego in Portland has a large
programming facility in tunnels beneath it, as well the large
Boeing plant in Seattle, WA and the ARCO Beaver Valley
Plant in Pennsylvania. Beneath Disneyland and near Disney
World under Lake Holden in Florida are also underground

programming tunnels. (FS 01) These are just a small sample
of locations; the network is vast.

There are even tunnels that extend from England to the

United States. (RoR 049) The tunnels around the world will
be underneath ley lines in many cases. (RoR 205)

Underground Cities

The Illuminati paid and hired architects like Hal Henry

Bauer Thompson Taxil and Frank Lloyd Wright to build
many of their buildings for them. Taxil built the below-
ground structures while Frank Lloyd Wright built many of
the above-ground buildings. (MJ 02,GD 03)

Jessie has revealed underground cities beneath the

Pentagon, Area 51, and Gove County, Kansas. Emerald City
is beneath the Pentagon, and is lit by Tesla free energy
technology. (RoR 049) It is a home to demons and non-
human entities, including descendants of Nephilim and
individuals with a high percentage of Nephilim DNA. Some
of these entities teach their healing technologies to the
Illuminati’s Sisters of Light. (CS 02) The Wizard of Oz movie
was a decode to tell the higher levels of the Illuminati how to
access Emerald City, ‘over the rainbow’. (ARA 037) The
entire Wizard of Oz book series was highly used in the
Illuminati programming process, as well as being a map for
accessing underground locations.

The underground city below Area 51 is called Zion (or

Mars), and it has a mirror underground city also named Zion
located in Israel. (CS 13) This location has a giant stone
altar with Nephilim skulls on it. Those skulls are there for
‘end-time’ rituals, which are rituals which will be done at the
time that the Illuminati is ready to unveil their New World
Order and raise the Antichrist. (CS 14) There is some
indication that Michael Aquino, famed Satanist and very
high-level Luciferian, faked his own death and went
underground to run the underground city Mars, which he
calls “The Mars Colony”.

Valhalla is in northwestern Kansas, underneath Gove

County. It is a meeting place for the very highest of the
ranks of the Illuminati. (RoR 241)

First Born Family Sacrifice

“A lot of times that oldest child will either be chosen to

serve in The System or they become… the scapegoat which is
the family sacrifice.” (ARA 026) Other girls that are being
set aside to marry high-level men connected to the Satanic
Council or other council groups like the Bilderbergers are
impregnated around age 12 in a ritual, and their child is
birthed around the spring or fall equinox and sacrificed in
special rituals. (ARA 008)

First born sacrifice doesn’t always mean losing their life, it

could mean being set aside for the spirits, the demons, and
what those demons want for a child, in service to Lucifer.
Jessie was the “firstborn that was set aside for service,” in
her family. (ARA 008, ARA 026)

Getting Rid of the Bodies

Jessie talks about the catacombs and other underground

tunnels and rooms beneath the Catholic Churches she was
in, and how they had incinerators for getting rid of human
remains. After rituals or after children were ‘used’ in The
System for whatever money-making schemes they would put
them through, they would incinerate the remains and then
take the ashes and press them into memorial diamonds that
sometimes the individual who killed that child would wear
on a ring or other jewelry. Other remains were bleached and
processed and sold as bleached flour, and some was even
added to other products as “natural flavorings” or “natural

Cali Shai Bergandi witnessed her father, who was in the

grave digging and human remains transport business, take
her to fruit processing facilities in Florida, where they lived.
They had pressing machines with rollers on them, some for
juicing fruit, and some for juicing cadavers. The cadaver
liquid is used for cosmetics and other products. Beneath
Disney there were train tracks that they had converted into
juicing machines. She witnessed her handler rape a drugged
and unresponsive girl in the train car in front of her, and
when he was finished, the girl was tossed out onto the tracks.
Train cars come by all day long and the liquid produced from
those children being run over was piped down into large
vats. Machines would ‘purge’ every time someone was
‘juiced’ and Cali used to cry every time she saw the machine
produce a volume of juice, because she knew someone had
just died.


Adrenaline is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands,

small structures that in humans sit atop the kidneys. When
adrenaline is oxidized, it can create a secondary substance
called Adrenochrome. Wikipedia calls adrenochrome “a
component of several conspiracy theories such as Qanon and
Pizzagate.” As with most topics connected to the Illuminati,
the internet is rife with some of the millions of members
working hard to cover up the truth. While I’ve never heard
adrenochrome spoken of in connection to Q or Pizzagate,
Jessie has plenty to say on the integral part that
adrenochrome plays in The System.

Adrenochrome was used on Jessie when she was young,

by her hand-to-hand combat trainer Michael Karkoc, as well
as two other high-up individuals in The System, John
Brennan and Michael Aquino. (SW 07) She said that when
used at high doses, generally during rituals, they dilute the
adrenochrome in formaldehyde before they give it to the
individual, because they want it to create a psychosis in
them, so that they “go out of their minds.” Jessie describes
the experience as being physically and mentally and
emotionally out of control. She thought things she never
would normally think, and generally was not in her right
mind. She says that they do this because “demonic spirits
love the blood, the gore and the graphic violen(ce).” (CS 04)
She describes the feeling of being on an adrenochrome high
as “wanting to shred and consume” other people. She and
the her training partner were both part of these experiments,
I guess I’ll call them, and they were put in straitjackets before
this particular incident, because otherwise the probably
would have killed the other children in the room. Because
they couldn’t use their hands, she describes them as “trying
to eat each other’s faces off.” (ARA 042)

Coming down off of that adrenochrome high, she and Leo

her protector-in-training were at one time put into a big

white cupboard in one of the rooms of the Catholic Church
this particular experiment was done in, and the two of them
were inside the cupboard, still in the straight jackets, “trying
to kill each other.” He was kicking her in the shoulder trying
to keep her away so she couldn’t get near his face, and
eventually she’s calm enough to have collapsed across his
lap, and she pukes all over him. Coming down makes you
physically ill. (ARA 042)

Jessie witnessed a number of different methods of

procuring adrenochrome as part of her childhood training,
including taking the adrenal glands from living humans, or
taking blood from living humans, or making a tincture or
preparation ahead of the ritual. Another thing she witnessed
as a child was a giant warehouse as large as an airplane
hanger filled with large numbers of abducted senior citizens,
strapped down in what looked like airplane seats, row after
row after row of them with tubes draining them slowly of
their blood. They were too weak from blood loss to get up or
protest this. Eventually, the blood harvesting killed them.
There were also children there undergoing the same
procedure, but they were held in big “wine vats” instead of
airplane seats. Jessie calls this procedure ‘adreno farming’,
adreno being short for adrenochrome. (RR 14) Where they
got all of these seniors and kids we can only guess. Perhaps
from the transportation pipeline from the southern border of
the US, where individuals entering on foot into the USA are
often put on to busses termed “meat wagons” and bussed—
straight out of sight, presumably to facilities that do just this
kind of thing. (ZZ 06).

DNA manipulation

It’s evident to me that one of the great hoaxes perpetrated
on humanity is that there are much more advanced sciences
available to the ‘elite’ than to us normal humans. One thing
that they do that is very advanced, almost mind-bogglingly
advanced, is genetic manipulation and cross-breeding of

Both Jessie and Cisco report that the Illuminati

Brotherhood is secretly creating human-animal hybrids,
called chimeras (chi rhymes with sci as in sci-fi). They are
breeding humans with birds and other animals, as well as
inserting DNA into humans that normally would belong only
to a fish, for example. (RoR 240, FS 01)

Cisco and Fritz Springmeier write about the ‘Aquaman’

which no, is not a comic book character, it’s an actual
creation by the Brotherhood System. DNA was inserted into
a human that enables him or her to breathe underwater
without any scuba gear or air tanks, because they have gills,
and special skin. Like fish. They are called a human
subspecies, which basically means they are mostly the same
as humans, just with some identifiable differences. (FS 01)
These individuals are also massively mind-controlled and
programmed, with their programming described as being
“booby-trapped every which way so that no tampering can be
attempted.” (FS 03)

Chapter 15: The Front

“You have the satanic council, and that breaks

down into several levels, but in our real world time,
the satanic councilmen and councilwomen, these
are going to be your United Nations Members,
NATO, the European Union, the Bilderberg's, all of
those individuals — well, I won’t say all, there are a
few good mixed-in, but the majority of those
individuals across the board, along with the
leaders of other nations, all of those people will be
in (the Satanic Council) underneath the Mothers of
Darkness.” -Jessie Czebotar (AB 01)

In addition to the vast numbers of infiltrated institutions,

there are also organizations at the world level that are more
or less completely owned by the occult, and their overall
goals are aligned with and focused on the overall goals of the
Illuminati and other occult groups working for Satan/
Lucifer. These are front groups masquerading as legitimate,
policy-making and world governance groups, but in reality
they are Illuminati/Brotherhood/occult groups at the core.
They may be headed by a high-level Satanic Councilman, like
the World Economic Forum, or be completely or nearly
completely composed of Satanic Councilmen, like the

Bilderberg Group. Some, like the Central Intelligence
Agency that were created by the Illuminati, in turn create
hundreds of sub-groups to further obfuscate their agenda
and purpose.

Good people do get caught up in some of these front

organizations, like in the CIA, for example. Their presence
provides plausible deniability for the actions and purpose of
the group at large. If they turn whistleblower on their
organizations, they are typically crushed, financially, legally,
socially, and more. It’s a perfect System for discouraging any
others from acting contrary to the leaders of the
organization, who are Illuminati.

These groups operating as fronts for Illuminati interests

include but aren’t limited to the Bilderberg group, the United
Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Health
Organization, the World Council of Churches, the Central
Intelligence Agency, NATO, the European Union and many
others. (AB 01, ARA 029)

The next few chapters give a brief overview of some

organizations that are fronts for Illuminati activities.

Chapter 16: The Bilderberg

“At least once a year, maybe more, two nuclear

submarines meet beneath the polar icecap and
mate together at an airlock. Representatives of the
Soviet Union meet with the Policy Committee of the
Bilderberg Group. The Russians are given the
script for their next performance. Items on the
agenda include the combined efforts in the secret
space program.” -William Cooper, Behold a Pale

The Bilderberg Group is a large group composed of many

individuals, and its attendees rotate from year to year with a
few exceptions. It meets in secrecy every year, rotating its
locations. Jessie believes that the members/attendees of the
Bilderberg conference, which has been held each year since
its inception in the mid-1950’s, are all members of the
Satanic Council. (ARA 021)

Notable Bilderberg attendees have included Prince

Bernard of the Netherlands, Henry Kissinger, Peter Thiel
(co-founder of PayPal), Mark Rutte (Prime Minister of the
Netherlands), Eric Schmidt (Executive Chairman, Google),
John Thornton (president, Goldman Sachs), Gareth Williams

(Leader, House of Lords), Klaus Schwab (World Economic
Forum founder), Richard Haas, (President, Council on
Foreign Relations) and Jeff Bezos (Amazon CEO). (ZZ 23)

Reporters and editors from the New York Times, The

Economist, the Washington Post, the International Herald
Tribune, Newsweek also attend, as well as professors from
Columbia University, Warwick University, Harvard
University, Leiden University, and Oxford University. (ZZ

Attendees are colloquially called “Bilderbergers,” and they

are required to attend as part of their obligation as Satanic
Councilmen. One year a boat with 350 children on it was
stopped by the President of Italy; those children were headed
to the Bilderberg meeting. They would be used for ritual
killings, child sexual exploitation, and cannibalism by many
of those attending. (ARA 021) Whenever the Illuminati
meet, these kinds of activities will occur.

Chapter 17: The United

“Cisco Wheeler programmed all the people in the…

United Nations.” -Jessie Czebotar (RR 22)

The United Nations (UN) is out-and-out controlled by the

Illuminati, and while Jessie admits that there might be a few
non-Illuminists in the ranks, it’s her opinion that most are
part of the Satanic Council and that the United Nations is an
offshoot group of the Satanic Council. It’s a sub-meeting in
the same way that other groups like the Bilderberger
assemblies are breakout meetings of the larger Satanic
Council. (AB 01)

The goal of the Illuminati, according to Svali, is to impose

Illuminati rule on all world nations, and one way that they
plan to do it is to create a world government, one that
supersedes and controls any nation government. This is a
similar strategy to the one that the World Health
Organization also uses, where it attempts to create rules and
procedures that override the national health policies of
individual nations. According to Svali, the United Nations
was created to help overcome nationalism and pride in one’s
country, which the Illuminati consider to be barriers to their
One World Government plans. The United Nations is a
forerunner of what Illuminati members call the Supreme

World Council, which will be installed when the plans for a
“One World” society are further along. (SV 38)

The term Supreme World Council is a bit confusing

because there is also a term, “World Governing Council” that
sounds remarkably similar to Supreme World Council.
However, the World Governing Council is sometimes
explained as being one of the many different names used to
describe the Satanic Council. At other times The World
Governing Council seems to be described as a sub-group of
the Satanic Council. (CS 19) Constantly re-naming groups
and re-defining terms seems to be a deliberate plan to
obfuscate the groups and goals of the Illuminati to the
unsuspecting public.

Cathy says that she was aware of one good person

working within the United Nations against the tide, so it is
possible that it has been infiltrated by a few good men. Her
general assessment of the United Nations, however, is that it
is “corrupted by global elite hell-bent on mass genocide
through AIDS, vaccinations, and Immunizations.” (CO 01)
Another publication says that the top people of the UN “have
been exposed as practicing the most obscene homosexual
and child pornography rituals imaginable. (ZZ 03)

Kerth describes the punishment of two incestuous lesbian

pedophile sisters who were Illuminati members but were not
living up to the higher-up’s expectation of them to produce
income. “The Committee expects its members to produce
income for the Illuminati System or to actively serve the
Illuminati System in some way.” As punishment for being
slackers, these two sisters were sent to New York to become

Illuminati recruiters, and to do work for the United Nations.
(KB 01)

Brice Taylor’s handler, Henry Kissinger, often sent her to

“entertain” foreign ambassadors to the United Nations who
were working for him. (BT 01)

One offshoot organization of the UN is UNICEF, the

United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund.
UNICEF did a study in 19 European countries involving child
pornography, and came to the conclusion that “any efforts to
block children from accessing pornography online might
infringe on their human rights.” Their study concluded that
there was essentially no evidence proving harm to children
from accessing and viewing pornography. The study was
subsequently taken down, edited to remove controversial
bits, and re-uploaded to the website, having been sanitized
after a significant uproar about the conclusions. If you live in
the United States, you are funding this study; 300 million
dollars in direct program funding to UNICEF was renewed in
2021, just a few days before the initial report was released.
(ZZ 19, ZZ 20)

The fundamentally Luciferian publishing organization

known as the Lucis Trust (originally named the Lucifer Trust
& Founded by Alice Bailey) and its publication “World
Goodwill” both “play an active role in the United Nations” in
a consulting role, as stated on their own website. (ZZ 03, ZZ
21) Where is their US headquarters? In the United Nations
building itself, at 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 482, New
York, NY, according to their contact page. (ZZ 22) Manly P.
Hall, a noted freemason, was part of Lucis Trust, as well as
many Rockefellers, who are a known Illuminati bloodline

family. The Lucis Trust book “Externalization of the
Hierarchy” by Alice Bailey gives a game plan for who will rule
when the New World Order (which Bailey terms “New Age”)
takes over. They list the “ruler of the world” as Sanat
(scrambled “Satan”) and say that the 3 vehicles for bringing
in this New World Order will be Masonic Lodges, Churches,
and Education. (FS 02)

Chapter 18: The World
Economic Forum

Klaus Schwab is the founder of the World Economic

Forum (WEF) and holds the Executive Chairman position at
the current time (2022) according to the WEF’s own website, He began it in 1971, fifty years ago. In
2004 he established the “Forum of Young Global Leaders”,
which has included such individuals as Dan Crenshaw
(congressperson from Texas), Peter ‘Pete’ Buttigieg, (former
US presidential candidate and current Biden Administration
Secretary of Transportation), David de Rothschild, Mark
Zuckerberg (Facebook/Meta), Chelsea Clinton (daughter of
Hillary and Bill Clinton), and Huma Abedin, (Hillary Clinton
aide), and Nathaniel ‘Nate’ Rothschild, and Angela Merkel
(German Chancellor). Klaus is also a Satanic Councilman,
according to Jessie, and a very high ranking one, at that.
(ARA 021, ARA 025)

So, while Jessie has not outright said that the World
Economic Forum is a breakout group of the Satanic Council,
it cannot be a wholly non-Luciferian organization. This is
my opinion, inferred from quite a lot of studying how this
Luciferian System works. I might be wrong, but I would not
bet against it using my own money. With a high-up
Luciferian founding and running it, and so many confirmed-
by-Jessie Luciferian Brotherhood members involved
including Zuckerberg, the Clintons, and the Rothschilds, it
would be highly unlikely in my opinion to get that many
Luciferians concentrated in one organization and not have it
be a central group for them all. Birds of a feather, as the
saying goes. What percentage of the WEF is staffed with
Luciferians is anybody’s guess, but the policies of the group
are more than likely designed to support Luciferian goals.

Dan Crenshaw is an interesting character. He’s a member

of Congress from Texas, in the United States. He’s fashioned
himself as a conservative, but his policies and rhetoric
frequently do not align with conservative values. He was
listed as a WEF young global leader in the class of 2019, but
as this fact became well-known and circulated on the
internet, the WEF deleted him from their website. You can
still find it archived in a few places, however. Are they trying
to hide something? It would seem so. In the United States,
we have two main parties, the Democrats, who seem to be
owned by the Luciferians, and the Republicans, who seem to
be highly infiltrated by Luciferians pretending to be
Republicans. We call them RINO’s, which stands for
Republicans-in-name-only. My guess is that this subset of
that political party are actually just Luciferians in disguise.

Other WEF Young Global Leaders have included Chrystia

Freeland, deputy prime minister of Canada, Peter Buttigieg,
Secretary of Transportation for the Biden Administration,
Emmanuel Macron the President of France, Sanna Marin,
the Prime MInister of Finland, Jacinda Ardern Prime
Minister of New Zealand, Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook),
Maria Bartoromo (Fox News). (WL 06) If you search for
some of these on the Young Global Leaders website, you

won’t find them—they’ve been scrubbed off, but Wikipedia
has archived some of them.

The WEF members meet at a Davos conference each year,

named that because it meets in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland.
The 2021 theme was the “Great Reset”, which is Luciferian
code-speak for ‘we want to make the New World Order
happen’. Companies are charged $28,000 to send a
representative to the meeting, which generally happens in
January, but the 2022 meeting has been postponed over the
Covid omicron variant, at least that’s what the news media
says. Dues to belong to the WEF are astronomical, ranging
from $62,000 to $620,000 per year. (ZZ 10, ZZ 11)

The WEF is the organization responsible for the slogan,

“You’ll own nothing, and be happy,” which is a fancy way of
saying that they plan on turning us all into slaves, who live
on their land, rent in their apartment buildings, paying the
elite’s corporations for all that we own. We won’t own our
furniture, or dishes, or bedding. We’ll be beholden to the
Luciferian elite for everything. As with everything, they start
small and work their way toward their goals. On their
website as of December 21, 2021 is an article promoting
Christmas Tree rental, instead of buying an artificial tree or
having one from a Christmas Tree farm, you’d rent an
artificial tree, because, you know, it’s “more eco-friendly”.
Each rental costs upwards of $90, and you can do that for up
to 7 years, rent the same tree. Without inflation that would
be over $600 for those 7 rented years. If you own your own
artificial tree and are using it they claim you’re doing a bad
thing unless you use that artificial tree for 12 years or more,
because from years 1 to 11 that tree is a carbon negative.
Even down to Christmas trees, they really do want us to own

nothing. I wonder how underwear rental will work under
their plan..... will it be mandatory? I want to opt out, please.

Chapter 19: The Central
Intelligence Agency

“The CIA is run by the top Illuminati families, and

so is the Mafia.” -Fritz Springmeier, Bloodlines of
the Illuminati

William Cooper, in his book Behold a Pale Horse, says

that the Illuminati practices “secrets within secrets,” which
refers to the way they hide one organization inside another,
and possibly another, like Russian Dolls. Fritz Springmeier
says the same thing about the CIA, which is that it “is great at
creating front companies which are sold to other fronts, and
whose control eventually gets hidden and obscured.” (FS 02)
He also believes that the CIA was created and run by top
Illuminati families, so it’s not a surprise that they use this
tactic to obscure what they do. One website that lists front
organizations of the CIA as Cambridge Analytica, Edward
Snowden, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency), the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency), GEICO (The
Gecko-themed Insurance Company), Halliburton, MIT’s
Center for International Studies, Voice of America Radio
Liberty, Wikileaks, and Wikipedia, among many others. (ZZ

Jessie experienced John Brennan, former CIA director

and homeland security advisor, as a major individual in her

occult training. He has been named by her as working on
grotesque human experimentation such as fetal in-utero
hand, nose and feet transplants. Human parts were replaced
with pig parts, so the child looked half-human, half pig when
born. (SW 04) The Illuminati System would then have those
infants graphically ritually murdered or raise them as
individuals who were treated as black sheep, enduring
harassment and torture. Occasionally the children would not
realize that they were human. Occasionally they would be
sold as a delicacy to be consumed by cannibals. (SW 31)

Brennan worked directly with the demon Abbadon, which

also gave him access to other institutions and underground
facilities being used by the Illuminati, such as CERN, DARPA
and HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research
Program). (ARA 034) The connections of these experiments
extend to the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), DOD
(Department of Defense), CIA, FBI, CDC (Centers for
Disease Control), and the WHO (World Health
Organization). (RR 30)

Chapter 20: The Federal
Bureau of Investigation

“The Rockefellers were involved in the creation of the FBI,

so that the FBI has always been an arm of power for the
Illuminati. That is why there are official FBI programs in
action today to kidnap children and provide them for
sacrifice.” (FS 02)

When children “owned” by the Illuminati went missing

from underground tunnels, both the Satanic Council and the
FBI “black hats” questioned their own people about the
missing children, and those individuals were scrambling to
keep their jobs. (DO 00625)

When Jessie’s mother finally learned what was going on

with her daughter’s occult abuse, they contacted the FBI,
who told them to either be quiet—or die. (DO 10603)
Subsequently, both the CIA and the FBI have frequented her
homes, making videos and harassing her family. (DO 11020)

The FBI has also been in possession of the Hunter Biden

laptop, and has until recently kept its contents secret, likely
resulting in a presidential win for the Biden administration.
The contents of that laptop are bad, and Jessie hopes that
people will mentally prepare themselves for the violence and
graphic nature of the contents when they are finally revealed.
Hunter Biden is the child of an Illuminati member, and the
FBI has protected him by withholding the contents of the
laptop from the public. (DO 01022)

Fiona says that clean/non-Illuminati members of the FBI

tried repeatedly to charge Hillary Clinton and others with
child trafficking charges, but “their efforts were thwarted by
those in the chain of command above them” Fiona’s book
states that “The CIA trafficked the kids, the FBI covered their
tracks.” (FB 01)

The control by the Illuminati at the top of these

organizations is complete. The FBI allows good people
within their organization to “out” themselves by pursuing
pedophile networks, for example, but then uses that to
destroy their careers, and replace them with individuals
more likely to be loyal to the evil upper ranks. (FB 01)

Chapter 21: The National
Security Agency

“The NSA really works for the Illuminati,” and “Most of

the population in the US is being watched to some
degree.” (KB 03 page 99)

Chapter 22: The New
World Order

“New World Order” is Illuminati code-speak. It is code

for their grand plan to take over and govern the world with
an iron fist. It’s code for a world that benefits them and not
the rest of us. It’s code for everybody worships Lucifer, just
like they do.

Cheryl Beck says that “It has always been the plan of the
Illuminati to have a New World Order, where they are totally
in control of all people (on) every continent.” (CB 01) The
New World Order that she is speaking of is the same thing as
the One World Government that Svali mentions, along with
the One World Economy and One World Religion that Jessie
talks about. (SV 38, RoR 185) “They are here to rule the
world,” says Cheryl. They want to install a Luciferian System
across the globe. (SB 01) Luciferianism is a religion, and
they intend their headship on earth to be the Antichrist.
(RoR 069) Essentially, they want us all to worship Satan and
his ‘son’ the Antichrist. Whether they call that a New World
Order, Build Back Better, One World Religion or any of the
many other “globalist” terms, it all funnels back to one thing
—a Luciferian-centered world society.

Svali says that the plans for this New World Order have
been in place for decades, and some of the things that she
knew of as being part of this plan include things that you
might or might not be surprised at. One thing she says is
that a “viral pandemic would be unleashed in the media, to
see how people would respond to what the media (and the
media subliminals) were telling them, and try to discover
where pockets of resistance were.” (SV 57) We’ve seen this
happen already with the Covid situation. Given that
coronavirus spike protein was known to be a pathogen as far
back as 2004, and that there are well over 4000 patents on
coronavirus that could only have been accomplished with
genetic manipulation of the virus, we can see how this is a
scientifically planned event rather than a spontaneous
occurrence. (ZZ 18) Given that science is one of the six areas
of planned Illuminati takeover, along with the media and the
government, it’s a perfect trifecta of control to manifest this
part of the agenda. (SV 13) Part of the viral pandemic “was
to see if people would believe what the media told them over
what science and real data indicated.” (SV 57)

Another plan for the New World Order was that Donald J.
Trump would serve two terms as the President of the United
States. I know this might come as a surprise to some and an
“I told you so” to others. Trump is considered to be a good
guy by many, including Jessie, who was in support of his
efforts to free the trafficked children held by the occult. She
stops short of confirming that he is not in The System,
however. He may or may not be, we don’t know. Perhaps he
was, but he’s double-crossed them. They certainly wouldn’t
have put up the gigantic hissy fit they did if he was with
them, that’s for sure. His role as a good guy is, as of yet,
unconfirmed. Svali doesn’t know why this particular agenda
of him serving two terms as president changed since she left
the Illuminati. Svali doesn’t take so kindly to Trump. She

believes that both Trump and Biden are mind-controlled—
and that is an expert opinion based on her previous
profession of “head programmer” in the Illuminati (SV 26,
SV 57)

Additional plans that we haven’t seen realized to date

include that the Illuminati want the US currency to be totally
devalued as this would put pressure on the people to accept a
“One World Government in return for economic
stabilization.” The scariest sections of this plan include a
second pandemic highly fatal to young children, and the
implementation of hate laws to criminalize “Christianity,
Judaism, and any political group that does not agree with the
cult agenda.” (SV 57)

We’ve heard Barack Obama talk about the New World

Order, and George Bush Sr., as well as the United Nations,
which is fitting because all three are involved in bringing it
about. Cheryl thinks that the reason it hasn’t been brought to
fruition is because of the 2nd Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States, the one that allows private
ownership of firearms. (CB 01) Antifa and Black Lives
Matter are part of the planned chaos that they hope will
usher in the NWO as well. (CS 10)

Fritz Springmeier reports insiders telling him of ritual

meetings in 1955 where the highest level Illuminati were
present and discussing what had been done and what was to
be done to bring in Satan’s One World Government. (FS 02)
Their plan for a global takeover has been in place for a very,
very long time.

Chapter 22: Epilogue

The preceding has been an account compiled from

whistleblowers, victims, survivors, and fighters who have
taken on or been abused by the occult and lived to tell the

You might ask what a Christian woman is doing studying

the occult structure in depth and spending the time thinking
and writing and researching it enough to put together
hundreds of references in support of her epistle. To an
extent I agree, there are probably other things I could be
doing in life, but if we’re prone to try to help others, we’re
called to affect change in the times that we are in, whatever
they may be. The times the world resides in now is of a
wholehearted, organized, planned, evil takeover of earth and
all the “resources” on it, including humanity.

I disagree with the fact that we humans a resource. We

are God’s sovereign creation, and I intend to keep it that way
if I can. The problem I had, and the problem I see others
having is that they don’t understand the organized takeover,
they don’t know where it’s coming from, they don’t know
what is behind it, and they can’t read the signs, symbols, and
clues that are right in front of us, yet hidden from our

I have found peace in understanding the structure and the

practices of The System, even while learning about their
horrific practices and the tortured individuals trapped inside
this awful organization. I wouldn’t wish myself or anyone
else among them. And yet like so many others, I have felt a
sense of helplessness to change anything. The only thing I
felt like I could change was my own understanding. In the
process, I wanted to share what I had learned, just in case it
could help anyone else.

I didn’t understand the paucity of information out there

until another researcher who has followed my blog said to
me that there was “nobody else” researching this Illuminati
structure and laying it out the way I was. I’m not sure that’s
the 100% truth, but it was her 100% experience. If there are
other basic books out there that lay out the structure and
function of the Illuminati brotherhood system, neither of us
are aware of them. If there are, maybe the way I have laid it
out here is was different enough that it will be valuable to
others. Hence this book, which is just a collection of bits of
stories strung together in a way that I can understand and
get a pretty good big picture from. My hope is that you can,
as well.

While I would prefer to have inserted zero opinion and

fact only, some opinion was necessary for clarification. I
wanted to keep most of my opinions aside from the evidence
I presented here directly from these brave folks, and limit it
to the postscript.

I’m personally grateful for the time I’ve had available to

spend doing research on this subject, and I’m also grateful
for the significant mental shift it’s afforded me. I’m able to
look at the world now and be calm about what previously for
me were incomprehensible and maddening inconsistencies.

I can see the removal of cursive from schools as a
movement toward creating a slave who does not need to be
able to read cursive in their life.

I can see the FBI’s poor treatment of whistleblowers as

consistent with the fact that they are infiltrated, and
probably even initially created by the Illuminati.

I can see the inconsistencies with the Jeffrey Epstein

“suicide” and understand that the judicial system, jail, and
probably everybody involved was likely bribed/blackmailed/
threatened so that inconsistent and weird things happened.
At least they look weird and inconsistent to someone who
doesn’t understand The System. Once you understand, it is
all perfectly consistent with the way they operate.

I know now that the media is a machine designed to

create a false reality and present it to us so that we are
misdirected from the truth. I get why news isn’t news. I get
why CNN is still in operation and wasn’t mothballed a long
time ago.

I can see the flood of people over the southern border and
know that they are an income stream, possible food source,
and likely ritual commodity of the Illuminati and that most
of them will disappear underground and never be seen again.

I understand why food labels don’t list the actual

ingredients, and why most processed foods make me
physically ill.

I understand why no large corporation in America will
have working conditions that don’t require the breaking or
violating of closely held Christian values.

I understand why there is a seemingly unholy alliance of

Democrats, Muslims, Catholics, and Nazi’s.

I get why Hollywood celebrities cross-dress their children,

who are likely adopted.

I get why I couldn’t successfully tolerate working at a

Catholic School located in a ritual area.

All that, and so much more. I get it now.

I’m not saying that learning all of this didn’t come with a
lot of sadness, or a lot of mental hurdles. It did. I had to
accept that by being the descendant of a freemason, my
ancestors were worshipping demons, and that was really
tough for me. I had to accept that I’d been brainwashed into
truly believing that not having children was saving the
planet. I’d been brainwashed that salt was bad for me, and
margarine was good, and that the “scientific studies” were
anything but scientific. Some of these life alterations seem
like small things, they add up to big problems in the long
run, and they’re difficult to mitigate and reverse. Worse, I’d
been brainwashed to believe that I had to have a job, a
career, I had to work for a living, that I should put off
marriage, that I should postpone traveling and hobbies until
I was old and retired. I have to concede that I had accepted
mental slavery to a degree, and that was very difficult. I
didn’t lose my whole life, but I lost many years of it. By the
Grace of God I wasn’t an actual slave of the system.

The dictates of the Illuminati machine, these small things
that collectively add up until at one time you realize that
you’re not in control of your life, and you’re a slave with no
actual chains or shackles—except in your mind. Or maybe
you are a prisoner of your child with autism because
somehow he was environmentally poisoned by deliberate
practices designed to drain your family’s finances straight
into the medical/pharmaceutical cartel owned by the
Illuminati. Maybe you believed the brainwashing that
vaccines were “safe and effective” whilst at the same time the
information was hidden from you that the crooks at the CDC
were shredding the data that proved otherwise. Or maybe
you accumulated astronomical student debt getting a rather
useless University degree, lining their pockets, and
bankrupting yours. Or perhaps you’re stuck in an area of the
country with such a high standard of living driven by
Illuminati racketeering and money-laundering that you can’t
ever seem to achieve just a middle-of-the-road existence.
Perhaps you’re caught in a government assistance cycle you
can’t get out of. There are endless life stories that we’ve
probably all heard or seen and we probably can trace them
back to being a victim of the Illuminati in some way. I’m
grateful I was not their permanent victim in a worse way. So
many unnamed children and adults have been, and if they’re
still alive, many still are. For some, the Illuminati is a life

I feel like I’ve achieved a relative position of personal

power in comparison to where I was in my mental state
before I learned all this, although I’m at a point in life where
I cannot go back and take back the past lost decades of my
life. If all this book achieves is that one young person will

learn, and make the shifts in their life that they need to early
in their life, so they live their life being self-directed, instead
of being Illuminati-directed.

98% of the “chatter” on social media misses the mark that

the underlying problems with government, social structure,
travel, the economy—these are all problems created and
foisted on us by this unseen occultic psychopathic Satanic
cult, that wants to give the middle finger to God and take all
the power for themselves. I call bull**** on The World
Economic Forum’s future plans for us to be a Borg-like slave
class. I won’t comply with “you’ll own nothing and be
happy.” Go stick it where the sun don’t shine, Mr. Illuminist.
I see you, and I rebuke the demons who control you from
affecting me and my life. I will do what I need to do to
ensure that I’m a free-thinking educated woman who is not
brainwashed by their lies any more. If you’ve read this far, I
hope you resolve that they won’t control you any more,

May God’s Blessings Shine Upon You All.

“Let your Light so Shine Before Men so that They May See
Your Good Works, and glorify your Father Which is in
Heaven.” Matthew 5:16

References/Reading List

This reference list includes citations from this work and

additional references not cited directly here, in case you are
interested in learning more about this subject. The citations
are alphabetical, so if you’re hunting for one, it will be
indexed here under the first letter.

The sad truth is that no matter how hard I work on

updating, some of these links will eventually permanently
break. In fact, the day before I was planning to release this
book, the Aquarius Rising Africa YouTube channel was
terminated, leaving me scrambling to find or create
alternative links.

The Illuminati machine works diligently to remove

incriminating evidence from the internet, especially from
sites like YouTube. I have attempted to check the references
to be sure that they all work as of the publication date,
however there are over 450 of them, and if they don’t work,
all I can say is, I’m sorry, and they did work when I last
checked them, which was the day before the book release.

I have compiled an ever-increasing library of video

transcripts at Right on
Radio, Sarah Westall, and Dark Outpost are some of the
“YouTube disappeared” sources that I have captured the
transcripts, so that even if the video has disappeared, they
are there for you to read, download, and pass around.
I will continue to work on keeping these links up-to-date
so if you notice a problem, please contact me through my
blog or at [email protected], or send me a
comment through my blog and I will adjust links as time
goes forward.

Lastly, a number of these sources are pay-to-view only,

such as many of the Dark Outpost videos. In order to access
the links, you will have to pay for a subscription.

(AB 01) Age of Betrayal, Part 1: The “System” of Darkness

April 9, 2020.
(AB 02) Age of Betrayal, Part 2: How the “System”
Controls Our Lives April 9, 2020 https://
(AB 03) Age of Betrayal - Part 3: The Plan is Darker Than
we Feared 10 April 2020 https://
(AB 04) Age of Betrayal, Part 4: A Light in the Darkness
April 10, 2020

(ARA 001) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie

Czebotar (001) 4 September 2020 https://

(ARA 002) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (002) 9 September 2020https://
(ARA 003) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (003) 14 September 2020 https://
(ARA 004) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (004) 19 September 2020 https://
(ARA 005) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (005) 23 September 2020 https://
(ARA 006) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (006) 25 September 2020 https://
(ARA 007) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (007) 26 September 2020 https://
(ARA 008) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (008) 2 October 2020
(ARA 009) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (009) 3 October 2020.
(ARA 010) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (010) 7 October 2020
(ARA 011) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (011) 9 October 2020 https://

(ARA 012) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (012) 23 October 2020 https://
(ARA 013) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (013) 28 October 2020 https://
(ARA 014) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (014) 4 November 2020 https://
(ARA 015) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (015) 6 November 2020 https://
(ARA 016) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (016) 12 November 2020 https://
(ARA 017) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (017) 26 November 2020 https://
(ARA 018) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (018) 3 December 2020 https://
(ARA 019) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (019) 10 December 2020 https://

(ARA 020) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (020) December 17, 2020 https://
(ARA 021) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (021) 7 January 2021
(ARA 022) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (022) 14 January 2021 https://
(ARA 023) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (023) 21 January 2021 https://
(ARA 024) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (024) 28 January 2021 https://
(ARA 025) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (025) 4 February 2021 https://
(ARA 026) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (026) 11 February 2021 https://
(ARA 027) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (027) 25 February 2021
(ARA 028) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (028) 4 March 2021 https://

(ARA 029) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (029) 25 March 2021
(ARA 030) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (030) 31 March 2021 https://
(ARA 031) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (031) 15 April 2021
(ARA 032) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (032) 22 April 2021
(ARA 033) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (033) 12 May 2021
(ARA 034) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (034) 20 May 2021 https://
(ARA 035) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (035) 26 May 2021 https://
(ARA 036) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (036) 10 June 2021

(ARA 037) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (037) 17 June 2021 https://
(ARA 038) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (038) 24 June 2021 https://
(ARA 039) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (039) 8 July 2021 https://
(ARA 040) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (040) 15 July 2021 https://
(ARA 041) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (041) 22 July 2021 https://
(ARA 042) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (042) 28 July 2021 https://
(ARA 043) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (043) 8 September 2021 https://

(ARA 044) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (044) 6 October 2021 https://
(ARA 045) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (045) 20 October 2021 https://
(ARA 046) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (046) 27 October 2021 https://
(ARA 047) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (047) 10 November 2021 https://
(ARA 048) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (048) 8 December 2021 https://
(ARA 049) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (049) 15 December 2021 https://
(ARA 050) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (050) 5 January 2022 https://

(ARA 051) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (051) 14 January 2022 https://
(ARA 052) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar (052) 26 January 2022 https://
(ARA 053) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar Satanic Calendar and Fake Band Aids2 February
(ARA 054) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar Satanic Calendar and Recent Events in South Africa
9 February 2022
(ARA 055) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
Czebotar Orlando Update, Simpsons & The Truckers &
Cotton Schwab (haha) & tiny tim 23 February 2022 https://
(ARA 056) Aquarius Rising Africa Jessie in the House!
We’re talking Blood Diamonds & Lacey Things 2 March 2022

(ARA 101) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with

OVERCOMERS (002): Jessie Czebotar & Lisa Meister 15
October 2020

(ARA 102) Aquarius Rising Africa Connecting with Jessie
and David Connecting with Jessie and David... we're
recapitating today 11 September 21 https://
(ARA 103) Aquarius Rising Africa with Jessie and
Carmen. 9 October 2021. https://
(ARA 104) Solutions with Aquarius Rising Africa ARA
SOLUTIONS (012) with Jessie Czebotar ... surviving family
life after Satanic Ritual Abuse … 23 March 2022 https://

(AS 01) (Anna) Starfire. MK Ultra Dark Labs 1959-1975

Testimonial Report. Coppell, Texas, 2021

(BM 01) Bride Ministries International. Illuminati

Structure Explained by one Chosen as a Mother of Darkness.
10 August 2019
(BM 02) Bride Ministries International. My Training to
Become a Mother of Darkness in the Illuminati. 25 August

(BT 01) Brice Taylor, Thanks for the Memories. 1999.

Brice Taylor Trust.

(CAF 01) Catherine Austin Fitts. On The Highwire with

System UNDER ATTACK” 19 August 2021 https://

(CB 01) SE01/E02 (Part 1): MK Ultra, SRA, Illuminati,
the NWO, & The Cheryl Beck Story 14 April 2021 https://
(CB 02) SE01/E02 (Part 2): MK Ultra & The Cheryl Beck
Story 20 April 2021
(CB 03) SE01/E02 (Part 3): SRA & The Cheryl Beck Story
6 May 2021
(CB 04) Throwaway Child Cheryl Beck part 1 - 23 June
(CB 05) Throwaway Child Cheryl Beck part 2 - 21 July
(CB 06) SE01/E02 (Part 4) Adrenochrome & The Cheryl
Beck Story. 6 May 2021.

(CF 01) Cathy Fox Blog. Illuminati Players and the

Battlefield Earth Realm.
realm/ accessed 18 January 2021
(CF 02) Cathy Fox Blog. Obama is now running the
Satanic Council.
accessed 28 August 2021

(CO 01) Cathy O’Brien with Mark Phillips, Access Denied

for Reasons of National Security. 2004
(CO 02) Cathy O’Brien, TranceFormation of America.

(CO 03) Cathy O’Brien with Michael Jaco, MK Ultra,
Child Trafficking, PTSD survivor discusses how we can
overcome with Cathy O’Brien. Unknown original air date.
Repost date 10 October 2021.
(CO 04) Cathy O’Brien, Sex, Lies & Mind Control, http://, accessed Friday Nov. 26, 2021
(CO 05) Cathy O’Brien, How Trauma, Propaganda &
Secret Gov. Programs Rule the World (and How Healing Is
Possible) 15 May 2021
(CO 06) Cathy O’Brien, Inside The Matrix 10-17-21 with
Cathy O'Brien 17 October 2021.
(CS 1) Carmen Smith Studer - Throne Room of Heaven
Described. 31 March 2021
(CS 2) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie Czebotar Describes
Satan’s Underworld. 21 April 2021 https://
(CS 3) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie Czebotar’s Friend
Ms. Beck. 25 April 2021
(CS 4) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie Czebotar Never
Ending Questions. 28 April 2021
(CS 5) Carmen Smith Studer - Satan’s Fools and God’s
Healing Pools. 12 May 2021
(CS 6) Carmen Smith Studer - Fabulous Ms. Beck is back
with Carmen Studer. 21 May 2021 https://

(CS 7) Carmen Smith Studer - First Time Going Public
About Her Father Abusing Her with Kimball Davis. 22 May
(CS 8) Carmen Smith Studer - THE CLUB no one wants
to belong to, with guest Cathryn Sullivan. 9 June 2021
(CS 9) Carmen Smith Studer - They picked the Wrong
Girls Jessie Czebotar Madyson Marquette & Claire Hocking
Okell. 9 June 2021
(CS 10) Carmen Smith Studer - Healing from Satanic
Ritual Abuse Ms. Beck. 13 June 2021 https://
(CS 11) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie Czebotar featuring
Clare Okell Global Warriors. 23 June 2021 https://
(CS 12) Carmen Smith Studer - They Picked the Wrong
Girls & Surprise a Navy SEAL. 30 June 2021 https://
(CS 13) Carmen Smith Studer - Carmen’s Crazy Questions
for Jessie Czebotar. 4 August 2021 https://
(CS 14) Carmen Smith Studer - The Underground God’s
Tools and Abuse Effects with Jessie Czebotar 18 August
(CS 15) Carmen Smith Studer -Moving Forward with
Grace With Madyson Marquette and Terrina Picarello. 18
August 2021
(CS 16) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie Czebotar Joins me
Remote Viewing vs Visions and Revelations. 6 October 2021

(CS 17) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie is Back with
Carmen Studer. 27 October 2021 https://
(CS 18) Carmen Smith Studer -The Underworld of
Astroworld. 10 November 2021
(CS 19) Carmen Smith Studer - Breeder Program
Questions Answered with Jessie Czebotar. 10 December
(CS 20) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie Czebotar | The
SECRETS in Plain Sight. 5 January 2021 https://
(CS 21) Carmen Smith Studer - Just Fun | With Jessie,
Chantelle, Tom & Me. 15 January 2022 https://
(CS 22) Carmen Smith Studer - Saving All The Children |
with Jessie Czebotar (originally titled “Beast Systems”) 19
January 2022
(CS 23) Carmen Smith Studer - xWhistleblower of Epste!
n & Ghis!aine Cabal | With Artist/Victor Maria Farmer 21
January 2022
(CS 24) Carmen Smith Studer - A Dynamic Duo Jessie
Czebotar & Madyson Marquette. 2 February 2022 https://
(CS 25) Carmen Smith Studer - Jessie Czebotar | Light
Side of Darkness. 9 February 2022 https://
(CS 26) Carmen Smith Studer - Time with the
amazing ..... Jessie Czebotar. 7 March 2022 https://

(CS 27) Carmen Smith Studer - Cheryl Beck is BACK |
Squid Games Show. 5 March 2022. https://

(CSB 01) Cali Shai Bergandi P1 - Occult Child Trafficking,

Epstein, NASA and SRA Survivor Exposes ALL. 14 November
(CSB 02) Cali Shai Bergandi P2 - Occult, Child
Trafficking, Epstein, NASA & SRA Survivor Exposes ALL 14
November 2021

(CW 01) Episode 1 - Cisco Wheeler, Halloween - A Satanic

Holiday - 23 Oct 2020; mirrored on Sean Anthony’s Flow of
Wisdom YouTube channel 23 October 2020 https://
(CW 03) Episode 3 - Cisco Wheeler, Scars, Rituals,
Abortion, & Prophetic Healing. 16 November 2020.
November 16, 2020 (removed from YouTube, not mirrored
any where I know of)
(CW 04) Episode 4 - Cisco Wheeler, The Great I Am. 15
Nov 2020.
v=b1OoCsCksYE (removed from YouTube, not mirrored any
where I know of)
(CW 05) Episode 5 - Cisco Wheeler, Healing Trusting God
& The Holy Spirit. 30 Dec 2020.
watch?v=0BLYT6pICdE (removed from YouTube, not
mirrored any where I know of)
(CW 06) Episode 6 - Cisco Wheeler, The High Places. 12
Feb 2021.
v=lhDpZeRXHm4 (removed from YouTube, not mirrored
any where I know of)

(CW 07) Episode 7 - Cisco Wheeler, The Breath of Life
The Eternal Soul & JFK. 28 Feb 2021. https:// (removed
from YouTube, not mirrored any where I know of)
(CW 08) Episode 8 - Cisco Wheeler, Wisdom &
Revelation - The Breath of God Part 2. 4 April 2021 https:// (removed from
YouTube, not mirrored any where I know of)
(CW 09) Episode 9 - Cisco Wheeler, Wisdom & Revelation
The Logos. 4 April 2021
v=J2vm4btEaTo (taken off YouTube, not mirrored that I
know of)
(CW 10) Episode 10 - Cisco Wheeler, Wisdom &
Revelation The Glory of God - 6 May 2021 https:// (taken off
YouTube, not mirrored that I know of)
(CW 11) Episode 11 - Cisco Wheeler, Cheryl Beck-The
Holy Spirit Healing Pools 15 May 2021https:// (taken off
YouTube, not mirrored that I know of)
(CW 12) Cisco Wheeler Claims She Was Born Into a
Illuminati Family, Subjected to Mind Control, and Used as a
Child Sex Slave to Political _Elites_, Including US Presidents
- Humans Are Free
(CW14) Cisco Wheeler Interview with Wayne Morris.
Date unknown.

(DS 01) David Shurter. The Truth About Scalia’s Murder

—And Yes, He Was Murdered.
was-murdered/ accessed 26 September 2021

(DR 01) Doug Riggs Pastor Doug Riggs - Dissociative
Identity Disorder, Human Alien Hybrids, Demonic
Possession. 22 October 2021.
(DR 02) Doug Riggs. 基督的誕⽣ (Doug Riggs the hot
seat August 11 2021) 7 December 2021. https://

(DNR 01) David Nino Rodríguez with Jessie Czebotar on

Global Cabal and Anti Christ

(DO 00529) Dark Outpost 2020-5-29 Illuminati Victim

Speaks Out Part 1
(DO 00605) Dark Outpost 2020-06-5 Illuminati Victim
Speaks Out Part 2
(DO 00611) Dark Outpost 2020-06-11 Illuminati Victim
Speaks Out Part 3
(DO 00618) Dark Outpost 2020-06-18 Midsummer
Solstice Luciferian Ritual
(DO 00625) Dark Outpost 2020-06-25 The Tunnel
(DO 00702) Dark Outpost 2020-07-02 The
Adrenochrome Nightmare
(DO 00708) Dark Outpost 2020-07-08 Through The
Illuminati Looking Glass transcript https://
(DO 00723) Dark Outpost 2020-07-23 Questions For
(DO 01112) Dark Outpost 2020-08-13 Ask Jessie https://
(DO 01022) Dark Outpost 2020-10-22 Madeleine
McCann Illuminati Victim
(DO 01029) Dark Outpost 2020-10-29 Should Christians
Celebrate Halloween
(DO 01105) Dark Outpost 2020-11-05 Megachurch
(DO 01112) Dark Outpost 2020-11-12 Ask Jessie https://
(DO 01119) Dark Outpost 2020-11-19 The Church of Satan
(DO 01120) Dark Outpost 2020-11-20 Project Looking
(DO 01203) Dark Outpost 2020-12-03 Michael Flynn
Pedo Hunter

(DO 01217) Dark Outpost 2020-12-17 Days Of Darkness
(DO 01221) Dark Outpost 2020-12-21 Will Trump Pull
The Trigger
(DO 10211) Dark Outpost 2021-02-11 Clapper Confirms-
Mike Pence A Pedo
(DO 10225) Dark Outpost 2021-02-25 Military Fights
Underground War
(DO 10304) Dark Outpost 2021-03-04 White House
Tunnels Blown Up Children Saved https://
(DO 10311) Dark Outpost 2021-03-11 Trump Issues Death
Warrant For Fauci
(DO 10318) Dark Outpost 2021-03-18 Biden Is Computer
(DO 10326) Dark Outpost 2021-03-26 Vaccinated
Becoming Reinfected
(DO 10408) Dark Outpost 2021-04-08 Demon Lands On
Vatican Roof

(DO 10415) Dark Outpost 2021-04-15 Demons
Materializing On Earth
(DO 10422) Dark Outpost 2021-04-22 PTSD Or Demonic
(DO 10506) Dark Outpost 2021-05-06 Is This Satanic
Cult Leader Still Alive?
4VGKrC92VeoB/ or
(DO 10513) Dark Outpost 2021-05-13 Illuminati Victim
Answers Her Critics
(DO 10520) Dark Outpost 2021-05-20 Black-Eyed
Children Real Or Myth?
vdK1oG5gfhTZ/ or
(DO 10603) Dark Outpost 2021-06-03 They Might be
(DO 10610) Dark Outpost 2021-06-10 The Secret of
Glamis Castle
(DO 10617) Dark Outpost 2021-06-17 Are these the End
(DO 10624) Dark Outpost 2021-06-24 Are Psychics
(DO 10701) Dark Outpost 2021-07-01 Council of 13
(DO 10708) Dark Outpost 2021-07-08 The Tactics of
(DO 10722) Dark Outpost 2021-07-22 Is Satan Winning?

(DO 10729) Dark Outpost 2021-07-29 Military Holding
white House for Trump
(DO 10805) Dark Outpost 2021-08-05 Disney the
Nightmare Continues
(DO 10819) Dark Outpost 2021-08-19 NYC Will be Nuked
on 911
(DO 10902) Dark Outpost 2021-09-02 Craig Sawyer-
Hero or Monster
(DO 10909) Dark Outpost 2021-09-09 Dead Men Walkin
(DO 11007) Dark Outpost 2021-10-07 Jessie's War-
Battling Demons From Two Worlds https://
(DO 11014) Dark Outpost 2021-10-14 Accident or
Illuminati Murder
(DO 11020) Dark Outpost 2021-10-20 Jessie Returns A
Battle Rejoined
(DO 11028) Dark Outpost 2021-10-28 Biden’s Lolita
(DO 11104) Dark Outpost 2021-11-4 Navy Seals Rescue
Smuggled Kids from Cargo Ship
(DO 11111) Dark Outpost 2021-11-11 is Astral Projection
(DO 11118) Dark Outpost 2021-11-18 is Masturbation a

(DO 11209) Dark Outpost 2021-12-09 What is the Black
Eye Club?
(DO 20106) Dark Outpost 2022-01-06 White Hats
Created Omicron As Antidote Pt. 1 https://
(DO 20114) Dark Outpost 2022-01-14 Revelations In
Time And Space Part 1
(DO 20121) Dark Outpost 2022-01-22 The Vatican's
Secret Time Machine
(DO 20127) Dark Outpost 2022-01-27 Cirsten W Death
Takes A Bizarre Turn
(DO 20203) Dark Outpost 2022-02-03 Spiritual Attacks
Part 2
(DO 20210) Dark Outpost 2022-02-10 Demonically
Possessed Crossing U.S. Border https://
(DO 20224) Dark Outpost 2022-02-24 Eastbound and
Down Part 1
(DO 20324) Dark Outpost 03-24-2022 Putin Beheads
Ukrainian Bioweapons Engineers https://


(FB 01) Fiona Barnett, Eyes Wide Open, Lockdown

edition. June 2020.

(FS 01) Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, Deeper

Insights Into the Illuminati Formula. 2010. CreateSpace
Independent Publishing Platform
(FS 02) Fritz Springmeier, Bloodlines of the Illuminati.
2005. Pentracks Publications.
(FS 03) Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, The
Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind
Controlled Slave.
(FS 04) Fritz Springmeier, Be Wise As Serpants. http://
(FS 05) Live with Fritz Springmeier NEW 2021! https:// 12 Dec 2021

(GC 01) Gene Cosensei (Gene Decode) 5.2.2021 Deep

Dive Understanding the Vaccine
2148801815 (this is a pay site, you would have to subscribe to
get access to this video)
(GC 03) 2-24-202: GENE DECODE, PLANET X, Marduk,
Bohemian Groove, Col Michael Aquino, Galactic Federation


(GD 01) QBits with Good Dog, #150/159 Light at the End
of the Tunnel 21 April 2020.
(GD 02) QBits with Good Dog, #151 Heart of Darnkess. 3
April 2021
(GD 03) QBits with Good Dog,#191/215 Grim Fairy Tale.
4 March 2021
(GD 04) QBits with Good Dog, #195/219 Supplies and
chains. 24 July 2020
(GD 05) QBits with Good Dog,#253 Draining the Swamp.
14 September 2020

(GP 01) TouchedByPrayer TV Gina Phillips interview. 20

November 2020.
(GP 02) Gina Phillips, Twitter
(GP 03) Gina Phillips, QnA Welcome to the Kingdom. 23
February 2021.
(GP 04) Gina Phillips, Intro to Base Programming RAMC.
14 March 2021.
(GP 05) Gina PhillipsTruth Unveiled - Gina Phillips
Decodes the Travis Scott AstroWorld Concert Part 1 GP06 17

November 2021.
(GP 06) Gina PhillipsTruth Unveiled - Gina Phillips
Decodes the Travis Scott AstroWorld Concert Part 2 GP06 19
November 2021.

(GSR 01) Global Spiritual Revolution Radio. Exposing

the Global Luciferian Order. March 25, 2021. https://

(JA 01) Jeanette Archer. Exposing the Satanic Queen at

Windsor Castle. 18 October 2021.
(JA 02) Jeanette Archer. For the Sake of Your Eternal
Soul - Watch and Share Jeanette Archer SRA Survivor. 18
June 2021

(JH 01) Joaquin Hagopian. American Empire Exposed.

Chapter 11, Book 5 Australia: Where the Globalized Satanic
Pedophilia Network Thrives Like No Other. 20 May 2021.
book-5-australia-where.html?m=1 Link broken; blog was
terminated recently. Accessed 22 Sept 2021. Check out
Joaquin’s published books.

(JM 01) Diving into the Mormon Temple Rituals: The

Endowment (Part 3) 24 January 2022 https://

(KB 01) Kerth Barker, Angelic Defenders & Demonic
Abusers. 2019. Kerth Barker Books,
(KB 02) Kerth Barker, Deconstructing the Illuminati,
What the Illuminati Really is and How to Defeat It. 2017.
Kerth Barker Books,
(KB 03) Kerth Barker, Cannibalism, Blood Drinking &
High-Adept Satanism. 2019. Kerth Barker Books,
(KB 04) Kerth Barker, Overcoming Monarch Mind
Control. 2019. Kerth Barker Books,

(KS 01) Kathleen Sullivan. Unshackled: A Survivor’s

Story of Mind Control.

(LG 01) Lucien Greaves. More than Half of American

Satanists Identify as LGBTQ.
(LG 02) Lucien Greaves. Exposing Doug Mesner/Lucien
Greaves – co-founder of the Satanic Temple and Grey
Faction presenter.
satanic-temple-and-grey-faction-presenter/. Accessed 27
November 2021.

(MJ 01) Michael Jaco. Defeating the demonic realm &

bringing in light. 13 March 2021 Jessie Czebotar reveals
looking glass, RV & more
(MJ 02) Shining the Light on Human Sex Traffic by Elites
and Using the DUMBS and Orphanages to Hide It. January

(MJ 03) Michael Jaco, As many as 6 in 10 veterans are
committing suicide according to reliable sources. What is the
cause? 4 June 2021
(MJ 04) Jessie Czebotar Joins The Intuitive Report to
Discuss the Jesus Strand and How the Dark Side Uses it 11
September 2021
(MJ 05) Is the System Set Up for Evil? Are Judges,
Lawyers, Police and Medical Entities Involved? 4 August

(MM 01) Clare and Madyson Chat with Mark. 25 May


(NYP 01) New York Post. Vogue's Jill Biden cover is so

fawning it would embarrass North Korean propaganda. 20
June 2021.

(RB 01) Rebecca Brown. He Came to Set the Captives

Free. 1992. Whitaker House.
(RB 02) Rebecca Brown. Prepare for War. 1992.
Whitaker House.

(RoR 013) Right on Radio Episode 13 Satan Chose Jessie.

12 August 2020.

(RoR 015) Right on Radio Episode 15 Devil’s Appearance
Revealed. 15 August 2020.
(RoR 018) Right on Radio Episode 18 Vamps Masons and
Possession. 24 August 2020. https://
(RoR 019) Right on Radio Episode 19 High Priestess
Cooper’s Training. 30 August 2020. https://
(RoR 027) Right on Radio Episode 27 Shaky Ground--
RBG-Epstein-HRC-Weiner. 7 October 2020. https://
(RoR 029) Right on Radio Episode 29 Mule Theory. 25
September 2020.
(RoR 038) Right on Radio Episode 38 Marion’s Back. 17
October 2020.
(RoR 045) Right on Radio Episode 45 All Hallows Eve.
30 October 2020.
(RoR 049) Right on Radio Episode 49 Somerset Decode.
13 November 2020.
(RoR 069) Right on Radio Episode 69 Battlefield Earth
20 December 2020
(RoR 080) Right on Radio Episode 80 Ceremonies. 10
January 2021.

(RoR 081) Right on Radio Episode 81 Panic in DC
SPACEFORCE Military and Guard Deployed State of
Emergency Declared. 12 January 2021. https://
(RoR 085) Right on Radio Episode 85 Watch the Water.
One Truth to Save the World. 16 January 2021. https://
(RoR 090) Right on Radio Episode 90 Dark to Light.
Know the future. 24 January 2021. https://
(RoR 096) Right on Radio Episode 96 Defeating Demons,
Mockingbird Media and Markets must Fall. 4 February 2021.
(RoR 100) Right on Radio Episode 100 Lupercalia,
Valentines day is a pagan holiday and is attached to demons.
14 February 2021.
(RoR 109) Right on Radio Episode 109 This Happens
First The rise of the Anti-Christ. 7 March 2021. https://
(RoR 164) Right on Radio EP 164 Intel with Tom. Matrix
Collapsing, G7 and DC is Closed. 15 June 2021. https://
(RoR 168) Right on Radio Episode 168 Sitrep News and Q
and A. 22 June 2021.

(RoR 178) Right on Radio Episode 178 Where is Mars
Elon Initiates Direction Major Decode. 9 July 2021. https://
(RoR 185) Right on Radio Episode 185 Updates, Q and A
Recorded Live. 22 July 2021. https://
(RoR 196) Right on Radio Episode 196 Another Mother
Exposing the DS Cabal. 24 August 2021. https://
(RoR 197) Right on Radio Episode 197 It is all about the
Blood! Are we in the Final Days? 26 August 2021. https://
(RoR 204) Right on Radio Episode Jessie Czebotar
TRUST. A Personal Message. 14 September 2021. https://
(RoR 205) Right on Radio Episode 205 Power
Connections The Dark Force over the Earth. 16 September
(RoR 209) Right on Radio Episode 209 Name of
Antichrist Proof we are in End Days. 5 October 2021.
(RoR 220) Right on Radio Episode 220 Mandy from
Scotland Overcome with Emotional Intelligence. 27 October
(RoR 223) Right on Radio Episode 223 Dead Lock
Demons Manson, Bieber and Kan[YE]. 2 November 2021.

(RoR 230) Right on Radio Episode 230 Frequency
Weapon Voice of god Project It is happening NOW. 16
November 2021.
(RoR 234) Right on Radio Episode 234 Black Gold, Texas
Tea. The Alchemy. This is our most important show ever. 22
November 2021.
(RoR 237) Right on Radio Episode 237 Sword and Stone.
Arthur, Merlin and the See Do you really want to know. 30
November 2021.
(RoR 240) Right on Radio Episode 240 Revelation
Chapter 18. In One Hour. Babylon the Great is Destroyed. 5
December 2021.
(RoR 241) Right on Radio Episode 241 The Secret City of
Shamballa Kundalini Sex Magik Jesus Conscious. 7
December 2021.
(RoR 242) Right on Radio Episode 242 Stranger at the
Pentagon. Angels Aliens and Demons in DC. Shall we Play a
Game? 9 December 2021. https://

(RoR 244) Right on Radio Episode 244 Mind Soul
Immortal. Military Mass Population Mind Control. Voice of
god Project. 14 December 2021. https://

(RB 01) Ronald Bernard: My breaking and turning point.

2 September 2020

(RD 01) Russ Dizdar. Undercover believers expose

Amish Darkness. 7 February 2019 https://
(RD 02) Russ Dizdar 080417. 14 August 2017. https://

(RR 01) The Reveal Report, Occult Ritual Abuse. 5

February 2021
(RR 02) The Reveal Report, Special LIVE report with
guest Jessie Czebotar Psalm Magick. 26 February 2021
(RR 03) The Reveal Report, Special live report on the
Nephilim Giants with guest Jessie Czebotar. 12 March 2021
(RR 04) The Reveal Report, Special LIVE report -
Unleashing the power of GOD with guest Jessie Czebotar. 10
March 2021

(RR 05) The Reveal Report, Demonic Attacks & Gods
protection. 28 March 2021
(RR 06) The Reveal Report, Special live report She’s back
April 16, 2021.
(RR 07) The Reveal Report, Spiritual Warfare with Ex-
Satanist John Ramirez. 23 April 2021 https://
(RR 08) The Reveal Report, Live with Jessie Czebotar
Brice Watson talking Glamis Castle. 30 April 2021 https://
(RR 09) The Reveal Report, Special report with Jessie
Czebotar TV Star Roseanne plus guests giving Testimony. 7
May 2021
(RR 10) The Reveal Report, Special LIVE report - with
Jessie Czebotar discussing Hollywood & The Occult. 14 May
(RR 11) The Reveal Report, LIVE Report with Jessie
Czebotar Discussing Seance Spirit Communication. 21 May
(RR 12) The Reveal Report, Jessie Decodes Occult
Symbols and Logos. 4 June 2021 https://
(RR 13) The Reveal Report, LIVE report with Jessie
Czebotar - hidden symbols in kids shows. 11 June 2021
(RR 14) The Reveal Report, Vampires and the Hollywood
Elite. 18 June 2021
(RR 15) The Reveal Report, LIVE report - Brice Watson &
Jessie Czebotar discus Anton Lavey and the rise of Satanism

25 June 2021
(RR 16) The Reveal Report, Bishop Larry Gaiters & Jessie
Czebotar discuss Spiritual Warfare 2 July 2021 https://
(RR 17) The Reveal Report, LIVE from Orlando Florida
with Jessie Czebotar. 16 July 2021 https://
(RR 18) The Reveal Report, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen
AKA Kim Possible 28 October 2021
(RR 19) The Reveal Report, Special LIVE report with
Jessie Czebotar discussing End Times Prophecy 23 July
(RR 20) The Reveal Report, LIVE from New Orleans with
guest Jessie Czebotar 30 July 2021. https://
(RR 21) The Reveal Report, WE ARE BACK - special LIVE
report with Jessie Czebotar & George Iceman 3 Sept 2021.
(RR 22) The Reveal Report, Grifters || They BIG Mad ||
Can the BISHOP Get Some Receipts--unedited original from
10 sept 21.
(RR 23) The Reveal Report, Special LIVE report
addressing the RUMORS with special guests 17 Sept 2021.
(RR 24) The Reveal Report, Halloween History & Rituals
- LIVE report this FRIDAY with Jessie Czebotar 22 Oct 2021.

(RR 25) The Reveal Report, LIVE with Jessie Czebotar
answering your questions 5 Nov 2021. https://
(RR 26) The Reveal Report, LIVE report decoding Travis
Scott Concert Astroworld - MUST WATCH 8 Nov 2021.
(RR 27) The Reveal Report, Reveal Radio - Telegram
show Q&A with Jessie Czebotar 17 Nov 2021. https://
(RR 28) The Reveal Report, LIVE TONIGHT - The
Downfall of Hollywood is it COMING 19 November 2021.
(RR 29) The Reveal Report, L I V E - MK Ultra Mind
Control survivor Cathy OBrien TONIGHT 22 November
(RR 30) The Reveal Report, LIVE report with guest Jessie
Czebotar - HUMAN EXPERIMENTS 26 November 2021.
(RR 31) The Reveal Report, LIVE report with Jessie
Czebotar - The Rings of the Illuminati 3 December 2021.
(RR 32) The Reveal Report, LIVE report - Secret
Gatherings of the Elite with Jessie Czebotar MUST WATCH
10 December 2021.
(RR 33) The Reveal Report, ONE Year Anniversary Show
- Jessie Czebotar talks DEMONIC POSESSION. 18 December
(RR 34) The Reveal Report, Special LIVE report - Pagan
Holidays with guest Jessie Czebotar TONIGHT! 7 January

(RR 35) The Reveal Report, special LIVE report -
Haunted Houses and what can cause them!!! 14 January
(RR 36) The Reveal Report, TONIGHT - special report
with Jessie Czebotar discussing SECRET SOCIETIES. 28
January 2022.
(RR 37) The Reveal Report, Special LIVE report - Biblical
Giants with guest Gary Wayne. 4 Feb 2022. https://
(RR 38) The Reveal Report, special LIVE report from
Orlando Florida TONIGHT! 18 Feb 2022. https://
(RR 39) The Reveal Report, Reveal Report - Special LIVE
report with guest Jessie Czebotar. 25 Feb 2022. https://
(RR 40) The Reveal Report, Special LIVE Report with
George Iceman & Jessie Czebotar 4 March 2022 https://
(RR 41) The Reveal Report, Glory to God Tour LIVE in
Kenner 11 Mar 2022
(RR 42) The Reveal Report. Glory to God Tour in
Shreveport with Jessie Czebotar 18 march 2022 https://
(RR 43) The Reveal Report, LIVE report on spiritual
attacks & strongholds with Jessie Czebotar 25 March 2022

(RT 01) Remember This. Warriors Madyson Marquette

Clare Okell Jessie Czebotar join Denise and Jodi. 1 July 1

(SG 01) Shalom Girl on YouTube. https://
(SG 02) Shalom Girl. Maye Musk, Charlie Manson &
Rosemary’s Baby. 30 November 2020. https://
(SG 03) Shalom Girl. Elon Musk's Grandfather Dr.
Joshua Norman Haldeman 5 August 2021. https:// Made Unlisted
on YouTube Sat Aug 7.

(SS 01) Sean Stone. RAW-Sean Stone with Jessie

Czebotar on Robert David Steele #UNRIG. 10 March 2021.

(SV 01) Svali. The Illuminati: How the Cult Programs

People. accessed 31 August
(SV 02) Radio interview of Svali on “The Investigative
Journal”, 17 January 2006. (according to http:// https://
(SV 03) How the Cult Programs People; A former
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About the Author

eronica Swift is a former educator who stumbled
upon Jessie Czebotar’s work during a physically
difficult year. Since then, she has spent 17 months
trying to understand the hidden System called the Illuminati
Brotherhood, its ways and methods, its people and structure.
Her blog is at When not
staring at the computer screen, she enjoys growing flowers
and playing cribbage.


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