TA10-Unit 10

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Lesson 1: Getting started – An eco-friendly fieldtrip to Phong Nha Cave

I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- an overview about the topic ecotourism
- words and phrases related to ecotourism
2. Core competence
- Develop communication skills and awareness of tourism and their impact on the environment
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
- Actively join in class activities
3. Personal qualities
- Develop a sense of being an ecotourist
- Be aware of tourism and their impact on the environment
II. Materials
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 10, Getting started
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards
- sachmem.vn

Language analysis
Form Pronunciation Meaning Vietnamese equivalent

1. stalactite (n) /ˈstæləktaɪt/ piece of rock hanging down from the roof of a cave nhũ đá, thạch nhũ, vú đá

2. fieldtrip (n) /ˈfiːld ˌtrɪp/ a visit made by students to study something away from their chuyến tham quan
school or college

3. packaging (n) /ˈpæk.ɪ.dʒɪŋ/ the materials in which objects are wrapped before being sold bao bì, giấy gói hàng

Anticipated difficulties Solutions
- Students may not know some words in the conversation. - Provide students with some lexical items before listening and reading
the conversation.
- Students may not know how to work in teams. - Give short, clear instructions and help if necessary.
Board Plan

Date of teaching
Lesson 1: Getting started – An eco-friendly fieldtrip to Phong Nha Cave

* Warm-up: Brainstorming

I. Vocabulary
1. stalactite (n)
2. fieldtrip (n)
3. packaging (n)
II. Practice
Task 1. Listen and read. (p. 110)
Task 2: Read the conversation again. Then find and correct a mistake in each sentence below. (p. 111)
Task 3: Put each phrase into the correct column. (p. 111)
Task 4: Complete these sentences from Task 1. (p. 111)

* Project preparation

* Homework
Choose a local tourist attraction and find information about it.

In each activity, each step will be represented as following
* Deliver the task
** Implement the task
*** Discuss
**** Giving comments or feedback

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up - To activate students’ Brainstorming: What would you like to do this summer vacation? 5 mins
knowledge on the topic * Teacher asks students to brainstorm answers for the question:
of the unit. What would you like to do this summer vacation?
- To create a lively ** Students work in groups to do brainstorming.
atmosphere in the *** Teacher and students discuss the answers.
classroom **** Teacher provides suggested answers and focuses on the phrase “take
- To lead into the new unit part in an eco-tour” to lead in the topic of the unit.

Suggested answers:
Vocabulary - To help students use key VOCABULARY 4 mins
pre-teach language more * Teacher asks students to look at the explanation and the photos to guess the T-Ss
appropriately before they meaning of new words.
read and listen

1. stalactite (n) Ss
2. fieldtrip (n)

3. packaging (n)

** Students say the Vietnamese meaning of the word.

*** Other students correct if the previous answers are incorrect.
**** Teacher shows the Vietnamese meaning, says the words aloud and asks
students to repeat them.
Read and  To introduce the unit Task 1. Listen and read. (p. 110) 7 mins
listen topic (Ecotourism); * Teacher asks students to look at the picture (p. 110), the heading of the T-Ss
 To introduce some conversation and answer the questions:
vocabulary and the
grammar points to be
learnt in the unit.
What can you see?
(A cave / Phong Nha Cave)
Who are the speakers?
(Nam, Mai, and their teacher)
What do you think
they are discussing?
(A trip to the cave).

* Teacher then plays the recording twice, has students listen to the Pair work
conversation, read along and underline words / phrases related to the
environment in the conversation. T-Ss
** Ss do the task individually.
*** Teacher puts students in pairs and asks them to compare the words and
phrases they have underlined and discuss their meaning.
**** Teacher checks check comprehension as a class.

Suggested answers: eco-friendly, damage the environment

Controlled To check students’ Task 2: Read the conversation again. Then find and correct a mistake in 10 mins
practice comprehension of the each sentence below. (p. 111)
conversation. * Teacher asks students to find a mistake in each sentence and correct it: T-Ss
 Ask them to identify and underline the key words in the sentences
first. Then have them read the conversation again and locate the part
that contains the information for each sentence.
 Have them compare the information in the conversation with each
sentence to know which part of the sentence is incorrect, and how to
correct it. Ss
** Students do the task individually.
*** Teacher has students work in pairs to discuss and compare their answers. Pair work
**** Teacher checks the answers as a class. T-Ss
 Have them call out the part of the sentence which is incorrect first.
Then ask them to give the corrections.
 Finally, have some students read the complete correct sentences.
Suggested answers:
1. On an eco-friendly fieldtrip, tourists enjoy, explore and damage the
 but not (OR: and protect / learn about)
2. Nam will take pieces of stalactites because they take a long time to form.
 will not / won’t
3. Mai will bring snacks with a lot of packaging on the trip.
 will not / won’t (OR: will bring … less …)
To help students revise Task 3: Put each phrase into the correct column. (p. 111) 4 mins
phrases related to * Teacher has students read the phrases in the box and explains that these are T-Ss
ecotourism things that tourists should do or shouldn’t on an eco-friendly fieldtrip.
** Teacher asks students to sort the phrases into the columns of Dos and Ss
*** Teacher puts students in pairs and asks them to compare their answers. Pair work
****Teacher checks answers as a class and elicit the meaning of any words T-Ss
students don’t know or find hard to understand.


To help students identify Task 4: Complete these sentences from Task 1. (p. 111) 4mins
conditional sentences * Teacher asks students to read the two incomplete sentences and focus T-Ss
Type 1 and Type 2. attention on the word ‘if’, elicits what kind of words are missing (verbs).
** Teacher asks students to complete the sentences, using words from Task Ss
1. Pair work
*** Teacher puts students in pairs and asks them to compare their answers. T-Ss
**** Teacher checks the answers as a class.

1. add, will be
2. were, wouldn’t
Less - The aim of this activity is Project preparation 10 mins
controlled to inform students what * Teacher asks students open their books at the last page of Unit 10, the T-Ss
practice the final product of the Project section, look at the picture and say what the topic of the Project is
Project should be like and (Ecotours). Teacher then tells students about the Project requirements:
howSs can prepare for it.  Students will have to design an ecotour and then give an oral
presentation of their ideas in the last lesson of the unit.
 Alternatively, ask students to prepare a poster presenting their ideas.
In a poster presentation, students will display their inventions on
posters and hang them around the classroom. One representative from
each group will stand next to the poster. The rest will walk around,
study the posters and talk to any representative of a group if they
want to learn more about an invention.
 Then the class will sit down and vote for the best invention.
** Teacher suggests the steps students should follow: T-Ss
 Collect information (search the Internet, read newspapers, etc.);
 Illustrate their ecotours on computers or on posters, etc.
 Rehearse for the oral or poster presentation.
*** Teacher puts students into groups and have them choose their group T-Ss
leader. Then ask them to assign tasks for each group member, making sure
that all group members contribute to the group work.
**** Teacher helps students set deadlines for each task and support them T-Ss
throughout the process

Wrap up - To help students - Some lexical items about ecotourism T-Ss 1min
Homework memorise the target - Reading for specific information
language and skills that - Scanning
they have learned Homework:
- Choose a local tourist attraction and find information about it.
- Exercises in the workbook
Lesson 2: Language
I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- Use the lexical items related to the topic ecotourism;
- Identify intonation patterns and use appropriate intonation (i.e. rising or falling tone);
- Use conditional sentences Type 1 and Type 2 correctly.
2. Core competence
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
- Access and consolidate information from a variety of sources
- Actively join in class activities
3. Personal qualities
- Develop a sense of an ecotourist
- Be aware of tourism and their impact on the environment
II. Materials
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 10, Language
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards
- sachmem.vn

Language analysis
Conditional sentences Form Use & Examples
Conditional sentences type 1 talk about real
situations in the present or future that we believe
Type 1 If + present simple, … (will) …
are possible or likely to happen.
 If you work hard, you will pass the exam.
Conditional sentences type 2 talk about
imaginary situations that are impossible or
Type 2 If + past simple, … (would) …
unlikely to happen.
 If I were a bird, I would fly

Anticipated difficulties Solutions
- Students may be confused when using conditional sentences type - Give short and clear explanations with legible examples for each case.
1 and type 2. - Give clear instructions, give examples before letting students work in
- Students may have underdeveloped speaking and co-operating groups.
skills. - Provide feedback and help if necessary.

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Lesson 2: Language

* Warm-up:
Matching: Caves in Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park

I. Pronunciation
Task 1: Listen to these sentences. Pay attention to the intonation and repeat. (p. 111)
Task 2: Work in pairs and role-play this conversation. Pay attention to the intonation. Then listen and check. (p. 111)

II. Vocabulary:
Task 1. Below is what ecotourists do. Match each sentence on the left with its explanation on the right. (p. 112)
Task 2: Complete these sentences with the highlighted words in Task 1. (p. 112)

III. Grammar:
Task 1: Decide whether these statements can be real (R) or not (N). (p. 112)
Task 2: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms. (p. 112)

IV. Production
Game: Surprising matching!

* Homework

In each activity, each step will be represented as following
* Deliver the task
** Implement the task
*** Discuss
**** Giving comments or feedback

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up - To activate students’ Matching: Caves in Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park 5 mins
prior knowledge and * Teacher reveals that beside Phong Nha Cave, there are 9 other caves in T-Ss
introduce caves in Phong Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park and asks students to match the pictures
Nha – ke Bang National with the correct names of the caves.
Park. ** Students work in groups of four to do the matching task. Group work
*** Teacher and students discuss the answers. Ss-Ss
**** Teacher confirms the answers as a class. T-Ss

Phong Nha Cave Son Doong Cave

Hang En Cave Hang Toi Cave (Dark Cave)

Hang Voi Cave (Elephant Cave) Thien Duong Cave (Paradise

Tra Ang Cave Tu Lan Cave

Hang Va Cave Hang Vom & Hang Gieng Vooc

Presentation To help students recognise PRONUNCIATION 5 mins
(Pronunciati the intonation patterns in Task 1: Listen to these sentences. Pay attention to the intonation and
on) different types of repeat. (p. 111)
sentences. * Teacher asks students to listen to some sentences and has them pay T-Ss
attention to the arrows at the end.
** Teacher asks students to listen to the sentences again, but this time have T-Ss
them use their hands to indicate the falling and rising tones at the end of each
sentence. Teacher then asks students to read the notes in the Remember! Box
and checks understanding by asking individual students to briefly explain the
intonation patterns in the three types of sentences: statements, Wh-questions
and Yes-No questions and provide an example for each kind.

***Teacher plays the recording again, pausing after each sentence for
students to repeat. Encourage them to use their hands to indicate the
intonation pattern.
**** Teacher confirms the correct intonation.


Practice Task 2: Work in pairs and role-play this conversation. Pay attention to 5 mins
the intonation. Then listen and check. (p. 111)
* Teacher asks students to read quickly through the conversation and checks T-Ss
To help students practise understanding.
different intonation ** Teacher has students work in pairs to role-play the conversation. Pair work
patterns in a conversation. *** Teacher asks students to peer check and give comments to their partners.
**** Teacher asks students to pay attention to the three intonation patterns T-Ss
they have just learnt.

Audio script:
Presentation To help students VOCABULARY 4 mins
(Vocab – understand the meanings Task 1. Below is what ecotourists do. Match each sentence on the left
pre-teach of words / phrases related with its explanation on the right. (p. 112)
to ecotourism. * Teacher explains the context of the activity and tells students that the T-Ss
statements represent things that ecotourists do.
** Students read the statements, focusing their attention on the key word Ss
highlighted in each sentence.
*** Teacher puts students in pairs and asks them to compare their answers. Pair work
**** Teacher checks answers as a class: T-Ss
 Explain or elicit any new or difficult words
 Draw attention to the prepositions after some of the highlighted
 Tell students they should try to memorise both the words and the
prepositions that go with them.

1. b
2. a
3. e
4. d
5. c
Practice To help students practise Task 2: Complete these sentences with the highlighted words in Task 1. 10 mins
these words in meaningful (p. 112)
contexts. * Teacher asks students to work in pairs and tells them to read the sentences T-Ss
carefully and decide which highlighted word in Task 1 can be used to
complete each of the sentences.
** Students work in pairs to complete the task. Pair work
*** Teacher asks students to peer check and give comments to their partners.
**** Teacher checks answers as a class: T-Ss
 Have Ss call out the word they have used in each sentence first.
 Confirm the correct answers.
 Ask Ss to explain the meaning of each word using the definitions in
Task 1.
 Ask some students to read the complete sentences.

1. profit; crafts
2. aware; impact
3. responsible

Presentation To help students recognise GRAMMAR: 6 mins

(Grammar – the differences between Task 1: Decide whether these statements can be real (R) or not (N). (p.
pre-teach) Types 1 and Type 2 112)
conditional sentences. * Teacher asks students to study the sentences individually. T-Ss
** Students decide which statement is possible or likely to happen, and Ss
which one is imaginary or unlikely to happen.
*** Teacher asks students to peer check and give comments to their partners. Pair work
**** Teacher checks answers as a class: T-Ss
 Tell students that all sentences that are ‘possible or likely to happen’
are conditional sentences Type 1, while sentences that are ‘imaginary
or unlikely to happen’ are conditional sentences Type 2.
 Ask students to read the notes in the Remember! box. Check
understanding by asking questions about each type.
1. N
2. R
3. N
4. R
Practice To help students practise Task 2: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms. (p. 112) T-Ss 5 mins
conditional sentences * Teacher asks students to put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms and
Types 1 and Type 2. tells them to pay attention to the meaning of each sentence, and whether the
situation is possible (Conditional sentence Type 1) or not (Conditional
sentence Type 2).
** Students complete the task individually. Ss
*** Teacher asks students to peer check and give comments to their partners. Pair work
**** Teacher checks answers as a class: T-Ss
 Check answers as a class:
 Have individual students write the sentences on the board.
 Go through each sentence and ask Ss to explain why they have used
that particular form.

1. will stay
2. would grow
3. were / was. would be
4. give. will reduce
* Game: Surprising matching! Group work 4 mins
Production *Teacher divides the class into 4 groups.
 Group A will write If clause type 1. Group B will write Main clause
type 1.
 Group C will write If clause type 2 Group D will write Main clause
To give students a chance
type 2.
to apply what they have
** Teacher then will match members of group A with ones of group B, and
do the same with group C and D.
*** Teacher and students discuss and give comments to the surprising
**** Teacher confirms the possible answers and restates the use of
Conditional sentences type 1 and type 2.
Wrap up - To help Ss memorise - Use the lexical items related to the topic ecotourism; T-Ss 1min
Homework what they have learned - Identify intonation patterns and use appropriate intonation (i.e. rising or falling
- Use conditional sentences Type 1 and Type 2 correctly.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10_Reading
- Exercises in the workbook
Lesson 3: Reading _ Ecotour brochures

I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- Develop reading skill for specific information in a brochure about ecotours.
2. Core competence
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work
- Develop presentation skill
- Actively join in class activities
3. Personal qualities
- Develop a sense of an ecotourist
- Be aware of tourism and their impact on the environment
II. Materials
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 10, Reading
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards
- sachmem.vn

Language analysis
Form Pronunciation Meaning Vietnamese equivalent

1. protect (v) /prəˈtekt/ to keep someone or something safe from injury, damage, or loss bảo vệ

2. souvenir (n) /ˌsuː.vənˈɪər/ something you buy or keep to help you remember a holiday or quà lưu niệm
special event

3. explore (v) /ɪkˈsplɔːr/ to search and discover (about something) khám phá

Anticipated difficulties Solutions
- Students may lack knowledge about some lexical items. - Provide students with the meaning and pronunciation of words.
- Students may have underdeveloped reading, speaking and co- - Let students read the text again (if necessary).
operating skills. - Create a comfortable and encouraging environment for students to
- Encourage students to work in pairs, in groups so that they can help
each other.
- - Provide feedback and help if necessary.

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Lesson 3: Reading _ Ecotour brochures
* Warm-up
Name the tours

* Reading
1. protect (v)
2. souvenir (n)
3. explore (v)

Task 1: Work in pairs. answer these questions. (p. 113)

Task 2: Read the brochures below. Then work in pairs to solve the crossword using words from the brochures. (p. 113)
Task 3: Which tour does each statement below talk about? Write a, b, c or d. (p. 113)
Task 4: Work in groups. Think of new ideas for making one of the tours better for the environment. (p. 114)

* Homework

In each activity, each step will be represented as following
* Deliver the task
** Implement the task
*** Discuss
**** Giving comments or feedback
Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time
Warm-up - To introduce the topic of Name the tours 5 mins
reading. * Teacher shows the pictures and asks students to name the tours based in T-Ss
these pictures.
** Students raise hands to provide the answers. Ss
*** Teacher and students discuss the answers. T-Ss
**** Teacher confirms the appropriate names of the tours and provides T-Ss
suggested answers.

Suggested answers:

Reef Tour Trekking Tour

National Park Tour Whale-watching Tour

Pre-Reading VOCABULARY 7 mins

To provide students with * Teacher asks students to look at the explanation and the photos to guess the T-Ss
some lexical items before meaning of new words.
reading the text. 1. protect (v)
2. souvenir (n)
3. explore (v)
** Students say the Vietnamese meaning of the word. Ss
*** Other students correct if the previous answers are incorrect. Ss-Ss
**** Teacher shows the Vietnamese meaning, says the words aloud and asks T-Ss
students to repeat them.

Task 1: Work in pairs. answer these questions. (p. 113)

To introduce the topic of * Teacher puts students in pairs to ask and answer the questions. T-Ss
the reading and get **Teacher explains that each photo is part of a brochure advertising a tour in T-Ss
students involved in the four different places: Australia, Viet Nam, Zimbabwe, Hawaii and asks them
lesson. to discuss what tourists can do on the tours without reading the texts.
*** Teacher has some students share their answers with the whole class. Ss
**** Teacher gives comments and checks students’ pronunciation if T-Ss
While- Task 2: Read the brochures below. Then work in pairs to solve the 20 mins
Reading To help students practise crossword using words from the brochures. (p. 113)
guessing the meaning of * Teacher points out that the part of speech (v, n, adj) as well as the brochure T-Ss
words from context. where they can find the words are provided in brackets.
** Teacher asks students to work in pairs to solve the crossword using words Pair work
from the brochures.
*** Teacher walks round the class and provide help if necessary. T-Ss
**** Teacher checks the answers as a class. T-Ss
 Have individual Ss write the words on the board.
 In weaker classes, check understanding of the words by asking
students to make sentences with them.

To help students practise
reading for specifi c
information. T-Ss

Task 3: Which tour does each statement below talk about? Write a, b, c
or d. (p. 113)
* Teacher reminds students of the scanning skill:
 Ask Ss to read the four statements and underline the key words in
each of them.
 Check the key words students have underlined T-Ss
 Remind Ss that the statements may include paraphrased information. Pair work
Tell them to read through the brochures again looking for the key T-Ss
words they underlined in the statements or words with the same or
similar meaning
** Teacher asks students to match each statement with the correct brochure.
*** Teacher asks students to peer check and give comments to their partners.
**** Teacher checks answers as a class:

1. d (Clue: Buy local souvenirs to help the local Whale Protection Program)
2. c (Clue: Learn how you can help save wild animals in the local research
3. b (Clue: Children not allowed)
4. a (Clue: Watch 3D documentaries to learn about sea animals and the coral
reef, and what you can do to protect it)
Post- To help students use the Task 4: Work in groups. Think of new ideas for making one of the tours 10 mins
Reading language and ideas from better for the environment. (p. 114)
the unit to make * Teacher asks students if they think the four tours in Task 2 are friendly to T-Ss
suggestions for more eco- the environment and has students read the brochures again and underline
friendly tours. things that make them eco-friendly.
** Teacher puts students into groups. Each group should choose a tour and Group work
brainstorm ideas for making it more eco-friendly. Students read the example,
then elicit which brochure it refers to (c) and how it will help the
environment Ss
*** Teacher asks students some groups to present a summary of their ideas
or just the most useful ones in front of the class. Ss-Ss
**** Teacher encourages the rest of the class to give comments and praises
for good effort and interesting ideas.

Suggested answers:
A. If they ban swimming with fish, the Great Barrier Reef will be better
protected. Tourists should not be allowed to dive very close to the coral
B. Tourists should always follow the walking paths and trails on the Sapa
Trekking Tour. The local people with whom the tourists stay should only use
local ingredients. If they only use local ingredients, their carbon footprint
will be lower.
D. The boats on the Whale-watching Tour should not get too close to the
whales or make too much noise. If the boats are environmentally friendly,
they will not harm the whales or their habitats. This is because
environmentally-friendly boats use less fuel and oil, make small waves and
are quiet.
Wrap up - To help Ss memorise the - Some lexical items about ecotourism. T-S 3 mins
Homework target language and skills - Reading for general and specific information in a brochure about ecotours..
that they have learned Homework:
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10: Speaking
- Exercises in the workbook
Lesson 4: Speaking _ How to become an ecotourist
I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- Talk about how to become an ecotourist
2. Core competence
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work
- Develop presentation skill
- Actively join in class activities
3. Personal qualities
- Develop a sense of being an ecotourist
- Be aware of tourism and their impact on the environment
II. Materials
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 10, Speaking
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards
- sachmem.vn

Language analysis
Functions Useful expressions Examples

… should (not) / ought (not) to / do sth. We should not litter on the beach or the street.

One of the things … can / should (not) do / is (to) One of the things we should not do is to litter on
do sth. the beach or the street.
Giving suggestions
I suggest that … (should / should not) do sth. I suggest that we should not litter on the beach or
the street.

It will (be better / good …) if …/ do / avoid doing It will be better for the environment if we avoid
sth. littering on the beach or the street.

Anticipated difficulties Solutions
- Students may lack knowledge about some useful structures. - Provide students with the form and use of some useful structures in their
- Students may have underdeveloped speaking and co-operating skills. - Create a comfortable and encouraging environment for students to
- Encourage students to work in pairs, in groups so that they can help each
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.
- Some students will excessively talk in the class. - Explain expectations for each task in detail.
- Have excessive talking students practise.
- Continue to clarify task expectations in small chunks (before every

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Lesson 4: Speaking _ How to become an ecotourist

* Warm-up
Matching game:
Task 1: Match each verb on the left with a phrase on the right. use the pictures to help you. (p. 114)

* Speaking: Benefits of volunteering activities

Task 2: Work in pairs. discuss which of the things in Task 1 we should or should not do to become ecotourists. Use the expressions below to help
you. (p. 115)
Useful expressions Examples
… should (not) / ought (not) to / do sth. We should not litter on the beach or the street.
One of the things … can / should (not) do / is (to) do sth. One of the things we should not do is to litter on the beach or the
I suggest that … (should / should not) do sth. I suggest that we should not litter on the beach or the street.
It will (be better / good …) if …/ do / avoid doing sth. It will be better for the environment if we avoid littering on the beach
or the street.
Task 3: Work in groups. Talk about what tourists should or should not do if they are on an ecotour to a tourist attraction in your local area. use the
discussion questions below to help you. (p. 115)
Task 4: Share your ideas with the whole class. Vote for the best ideas. (p. 115)

* Homework

In each activity, each step will be represented as following
* Deliver the task
** Implement the task
*** Discuss
**** Giving comments or feedback

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up - To introduce the topic of Matching game: 5 mins
reading. Task 1: Match each verb on the left with a phrase on the right. use the
- To enhance students’ pictures to help you. (p. 114)
skills of cooperating with * Teacher puts students work in groups of four. Each group will have to Group work
teammates. match a verb with the appropriate phrase. The fastest groups with the correct
answers will be the winner.
** Students work in groups.
*** Students give comments to other groups. T-Ss
**** Teacher confirms the answers.

1. litter 2. avoid 3. follow

4. hunt 5. waste 6. buy

1. c (on the beach or the street)
2. d (crowded places)
3. a (walking paths and trails)
4. b (wild animals)
5. f (water and electricity)
6. e (locally made souvenirs)
Pre- To help students Task 2: Work in pairs. discuss which of the things in Task 1 we should 10 mins
Speaking brainstorm more ideas for or should not do to become ecotourists. use the expressions below to help
the main speaking task. you. (p. 115)
* Teacher asks students to read the useful expressions and the examples in T-Ss
the box.
Pair work



** Teacher asks students to work in pairs and discuss which of the activities
in Task 1 they should do, and which they should not do to become
*** Teacher walks round the class and provide help and encourages pairs to
try to use the structures in the box.
**** Teacher asks some pairs to present their ideas in front of the whole
class and praises for interesting suggestions and fluent delivery.
While- Task 3: Work in groups. Talk about what tourists should or should not 10 mins
Speaking do if they are on an ecotour to a tourist attraction in your local area. use
To give students an the discussion questions below to help you. (p. 115)
opportunity to discuss in * Teacher asks students to study the discussion questions first and checks T-Ss
groups and give understanding by eliciting some responses from the whole class.
suggestions to ecotourists.

** Teacher puts students into groups and ask each group to choose a tourist Group work
attraction in their local area.
 Tell them to talk about what tourists should or should not do if they
are on an ecotour to that tourist attraction.
 Remind them that they are going to share their ideas with the whole
class later.
 Give sheets of paper form them to take notes of their ideas. T-Ss
*** Teacher walks round the class and provide help when necessary.
Post- To help students present Task 4: Share your ideas with the whole class. Vote for the best ideas. (p. 17 mins
Speaking their ideas in front of the 115)
class. * Teacher has each group prepare a brief presentation of their ideas. T-Ss
** Teacher allows a time limit of 3 - 4 minutes for students to practise their Group work
presentations in their group.
*** Teacher invites some groups to present in front of the class while the rest
of the class give feedback and say what they like about it. When students
finish their presentations, let them reflect on their performance
**** Teacher then asks other students to give further comments. Teacher Ss-Ss
then praises for good effort, highlight the presenters’ strong points and makes
suggestions for better organisation and presentation of their ideas.
Wrap up - To help students Talk about how to become an ecotourist T-S 3 mins
Homework memorise the target Homework:
language and skills that - Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10: Listening
they have learned - Exercises in the workbook
Lesson 5: An ecotour in the Mekong Delta
I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- Use the lexical items related to the topic ecotourism
- Listen for specific information in a tour guide speech welcoming ecotourists in the Mekong Delta
2. Core competence
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work
- Actively join in class activities
3. Personal qualities
- Develop a sense of an ecotourist
- Be aware of tourism and their impact on the environment
II. Materials
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 10, Listening
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards
- sachmem.vn

Anticipated difficulties Solutions
- Students may have underdeveloped listening skills. - Play the recording many times if necessary.
- Encourage students to work in pairs, in groups so that they can help each
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.
- Some students will excessively talk in the class. - Explain expectations for each task in detail. Have excessive talking
students practice.
- Continue to explain task expectations in small chunks (before every

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Lesson 5: An ecotour in the Mekong Delta
* Warm-up
Answer the questions.

* Listening:
Task 1: Work in pairs. Look at the photos from an ecotour in the Mekong Delta. What do you think ecotourists can do there? (p. 115)
Task 2: Listen to a tour guide introducing the tour. Number the pictures in Task 1 in the order you hear them. (p. 115)
Task 3: Listen again. Fill in each gap in the brochure below with one word. (p. 115)
Task 4: Work in groups and discuss the question. (p. 115)

* Homework

In each activity, each step will be represented as following
* Deliver the task
** Implement the task
*** Discuss
**** Giving comments or feedback

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up - To introduce the topic of * Answer the questions 5 mins
reading. *Teacher asks Ss some questions about river deltas. T-Ss
- To set the context of the 1. How many river deltas are there in Viet Nam?
listening text and activate 2. Do you know the names of the 2 river deltas in Viet Nam?
students’ prior knowledge. 3. Do you know another name for Cuu Long River Delta?
**Students spend some time thinking about the answers for the questions. Ss
***Some students share the answers with the whole class. Ss-Ss
****Teacher confirms the answers and leads in the new lesson. T-Ss

Suggested answers:
1. There are 2.
2. Red River Delta and Cuu Long River Delta.
3. Mekong Delta
Pre-listening Task 1: Work in pairs. Look at the photos from an ecotour in the 7 mins
Mekong Delta. What do you think ecotourists can do there? (p. 115)
* Teacher sets the context: T-Ss
 Ask students to imagine they are ‘travelling’ to Mekong Delta
 Describe or show it on the map. (It is in the far south of Viet Nam,
covering 13 cities and provinces such as Can Tho, Long An, Tien
Giang, Ben Tre, Vinh Long, Tra Vinh, Hau Giang, Soc Trang, Dong
Thap, An Giang, Kien Giang, Bac Lieu and Ca Mau.)
 Introduce or pre-teach some words or phrases to help students
describe the pictures, e.g. floating market, host family, weaving
To introduce more topic- (village). Pair work
related vocabulary and ** Teacher puts students in pairs and ask them to study the pictures and
activate students’ prior describe what they see in each one. Teacher encourages students to think
knowledge. what ecotourists can do there based on the pictures.

*** Teacher asks some students to share their ideas with the whole class. T-Ss
**** Teacher and students discuss the ideas.

Suggested answers:
- Visit a floating market, and buying fruits there
- Visit a weaving village, buying traditional arts and crafts
- Have a traditional meal / food (with a host family or at a local
While- Task 2: Listen to a tour guide introducing the tour. Number the 10 mins
listening pictures in Task 1 in the order you hear them. (p. 115)
To help students practise * Teacher tells students to listen to a tour guide introducing an eco-friendly T-Ss
listening for specific tour in the Mekong Delta.
information to order ** Teacher asks students to order the pictures while they are listening to the Ss
pictures. recording.
*** Teacher has students to swap their textbook for peer checking. Pair work
**** Teacher checks the answers as a class. T-Ss

1. a
2. b
3. c

Task 3: Listen again. Fill in each gap in the brochure below with one 10 mins
To help students practise word. (p. 115)
listening for specific * Teacher tells students that they are going to listen to the recording again. T-Ss
information. ** Students have some time to study the brochure first then fill in the gaps Ss
in a brochure.
*** Teacher asks students to discuss their answers in pairs when they finish. Pair work
**** Teacher checks the answers as a class, plays the recording again, T-Ss
pausing after each answer.

1. eco-friendly
2. local
3. souvenirs
4. traditional

Audio script:
Good morning and welcome everyone. I’m Hoang, your guide today. I
promise you are going to enjoy this eco-friendly tour in the Mekong Delta.
On the first day of our tour, we will start by visiting the famous Cai Be
Floating Market to experience the daily life of the people on the river.
Our next stop will be a weaving workshop in a Cham River Village where
you’ll discover the amazing weaving skills of the local people. In the
afternoon, join us on a trip to visit the local arts and crafts market. Here
you can buy lovely souvenirs made by local people. After a long day, you
can enjoy a delicious evening meal full of traditional foods prepared by
your host family and learn more about local culture.
I would also like to remind you that this is an ecotour and we try to reduce
our impact on the environment. So when you are on a boat, please avoid
throwing anything into the river. Please put all your rubbish in the paper
bags here.
Thank you for joining our ecotour and helping protect the local
environment. Now please sit back and enjoy the view of the Mekong Delta.
Post- To give students the Task 4: Work in groups and discuss the question. (p. 115) 10 mins
listening opportunity to use the * Teacher has students look at the brochure in 3 again and underline the T-Ss
ideas and language in the activity they find most interesting.
listening to talk about ** Teacher puts students in pairs to discuss their choices Group work
their opinions and give *** Teacher invites some groups to share their ideas in front of the class.
reasons. **** Other groups discuss the questions, take notes of the ideas and give
feedback to their friends.

Wrap up - To help Ss memorise the - Some lexical items related to the topic Ecotourism T-S 3 mins
Homework target language and skills - Listen for specific information in a tour guide speech welcoming
that they have learned ecotourists in the Mekong Delta
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10: Writing
- Exercises in the workbook
Lesson 6: Writing _ Writing a website advertisement for an ecotour
I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- Use the lexical items related to the topic Ecotourism
- Write a website advertisement for an ecotour
2. Core competence
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work
- Actively join in class activities
3. Personal qualities
- Develop a sense of an ecotourist
- Be aware of tourism and their impact on the environment
II. Materials
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 10, Writing
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards
- sachmem.vn

Anticipated difficulties Solutions
- Students may have underdeveloped writing skills. - Encourage students to work in pairs and in groups so that they can help
each other.
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Lesson 6: Writing _ Writing a website advertisement for an ecotour
* Warm-up
Watch a video and guess the place:  Hoi An Ancient Town
* Writing
Task 1: Look at the photos of an ecotour to Hoi an villages (Da Nang, Viet Nam), and complete the notes below. Then discuss your ideas in pairs.
(p. 116)
Task 2: Rewrite these sentences about Hoi an villages. Use the expressions below to help you. (p. 116)
Task 3: Write a website advertisement (120 – 150 words) for an ecotour to Hoi An villages. Use what you have learnt in Task 1 and Task 2 and
the suggested outline below to help you. (p. 116)

* Homework

In each activity, each step will be represented as following
* Deliver the task
** Implement the task
*** Discuss
**** Giving comments or feedback

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up - To introduce the topic of Watch a video and guess the place 5 mins
writing. * Teacher plays a video and ask students to guess the place in the video. T-Ss
- To set the context for the ** Students raise hands to provide the name of the place. Ss
writing part. *** Students discuss their friends’ answers. Ss-Ss
**** Teacher confirms the answer as a class. T-Ss

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSyoQflfkyU

(Nhờ BTV download video về)

Hoi An Ancient Town
Pre-writing To brainstorm ideas for Task 1: Look at the photos of an ecotour to Hoi an villages (Da Nang, 7 mins
their writing task Viet Nam), and complete the notes below. Then discuss your ideas in
pairs. (p. 116)
* Teacher tells students that they are going to write about an ecotour in Hoi T-Ss
** Teacher puts students in pairs to work on the notes together: Pair work
 Ask Ss to focus attention on the pictures on page 54 and study them.
 Ask each question and have students read the examples.
*** Students discuss their answers. Ss-Ss
**** Teacher checks the answers as a class. T-Ss

Suggested answers:
What do you think is special about Hoi An villages?
– coconut palms near Thu Bon River
– traditional crafts such as colourful paper lanterns
What do you think tourists can do there?
– do the gardening at a local farm
– ride bicycles through the villages
– travel on basket boats
– visit craft villages
What can tourists do to make their trip more eco-friendly?
– use eco-friendly transport such as bicycles
– buy traditional crafts to help local people
To help students revise Task 2: Rewrite these sentences about Hoi an villages. use the 8 mins
expressions and structures expressions below to help you. (p. 116)
to use in their writing task. * Teacher asks students to study the useful expressions in the box, then T-Ss
focuses attention on the sentences and checks comprehension.

** Teacher asks students to rewrite them, using the suggested words and the
structures in the box.
*** Teacher asks students to swap their textbook for peer checking
**** Teacher checks answers as a class.

Suggested answers:
1. Hoi An villages are well-known for their beautiful vegetable and herb
2. Tourists can spend the morning working on a local farm.
Pair work
3. Tourists are recommended to buy handmade products to help local T-Ss

While- To help students practise Task 3: Write a website advertisement (120 – 150 words) for an 15 mins
writing writing a website ecotour to Hoi An villages. Use what you have learnt in Task 1 and Task
advertisement for an 2 and the suggested outline below to help you. (p. 116)
ecotour to Hoi An * Teacher asks students to study the suggested outline in their Student’s T-Ss
villages. Book.

** Teacher gives students a time limit to do the writing task. Ss

*** Teacher walks round the class to provide help when necessary. T-Ss
Post-writing - To do a cross-check and * Teacher has the groups swap and give feedback on each other’s writing. T-Ss 7 mins
final check on students’ ** Students work in pairs and swap their draft letters for peer review. Pair work
writing. *** Teacher then gives feedback on one writing as a model. T-Ss
****Teacher collects Ss’ writings to mark and provide written feedback in T-Ss
the next lesson.

Wrap up - To help Ss memorise the - Some lexical items related to the topic Ecotourism T-S 3 mins
Homework target language and skills - Write a website advertisement for an ecotour
that they have learned Homework:
- Rewrite the paragraph in the notebooks.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10: Communication and culture/ CLIL
- Exercises in the workbook
Lesson 7: Communication and Culture/ CLIL
I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- Use the lexical items related to the topic Ecotourism;
- Ask for and give advice
- Know more information about tourism impact on the environment.
2. Core competence
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
- Access and consolidate information from a variety of sources
- Actively join in class activities
3. Personal qualities
- Develop a sense of an ecotourist
- Be aware of tourism and their impact on the environment
II. Materials
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 10, Communication and culture/ CLIL
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards
- sachmem.vn

Language analysis
Useful expressions
Asking for advice Giving advice
- Can you help me with (sth)? - You should / ought to / had better (do sth).
- I have a problem and I need your help / advice. - It’s / It'll be a good idea (to do sth).
- Should I (do sth)? - If I were you, I would (do sth).
- What do you think I should (do / bring…)? - What about / How about (doing sth)?
- Why don’t you (do sth)?
- I’d recommend (doing sth).

Anticipated difficulties Solutions
- Students may have underdeveloped speaking and co-operating - Encourage students to work in pairs and in groups so that they can help
skills. each other.
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.

- Some students will excessively talk in the class. - Explain expectations for each task in detail.
- Have excessive talking students practise.
- Continue to explain task expectations in small chunks (before every

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Lesson 7: Communication and Culture/ CLIL
* Warm-up

I. Everyday English
Asking for and giving advice

Useful expressions
Asking for advice Giving advice
- Can you help me with (sth)? - You should / ought to / had better (do sth).
- I have a problem and I need your help / advice. - It’s / It'll be a good idea (to do sth).
- Should I (do sth)? - If I were you, I would (do sth).
- What do you think I should (do / bring…)? - What about / How about (doing sth)?
- Why don’t you (do sth)?
- I’d recommend (doing sth).
Task 1: Listen to a conversation between a woman and a tour guide. Fill in each gap with one word you hear. Then practise it with your partner. (p.
Task 2: Work in pairs. make similar conversations asking for and giving advice about trips. Use the expressions below to help you. (p. 117)

II. Culture
Environmental studies
Task 1: Read the text below and fill in each gap in the table below with one of the highlighted words from the text. (p. 117)

III. Production
Task 2: Which kind of tourism does each description below fit best? Tick the appropriate column. (p. 118)

* Homework

In each activity, each step will be represented as following
* Deliver the task
** Implement the task
*** Discuss
**** Giving comments or feedback

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up - To introduce the topic. Brainstorming: 5 mins
* Teacher asks students to answer the question: T-Ss
 “What kind of advice do you need before a tour/trip?”
** Students raise hands to do brainstorming. Ss
*** Teacher and students discuss the answers. T-Ss
**** Teacher provides the suggested answers and introduce the topic of the T-Ss
listening task.
Suggested answers:

Presentation To introduce and help Asking for and giving advice 7 mins
students remember Task 1: Listen to a conversation between a woman and a tour guide. Fill
different structures to ask in each gap with one word you hear. Then practise it with your partner.
for and give advice. (p. 117)
* Teacher tells students that they are going to listen to a conversation T-Ss
between a woman and a tour guide:
 While listening, they should complete the conversation with the
words they hear.
 Give them some time to skim through the conversation. Check
understanding of the words such as surfing, surfboard and wetsuit.
 Encourage them to guess the answers before listening.
** Students listen to the conversation and complete the listening task. Ss
*** Teacher asks students to swap their textbooks for peer checking. Pair work
**** Teacher checks the answers as a class: T-Ss
 Play the recording again, pausing after each word to confirm the
correct answers.
 Put students into pairs and have them practise the conversation

1. should
2. were
3. Should
4. recommend
Practice Task 2: Work in pairs. make similar conversations asking for and giving 10 mins
advice about trips. Use the expressions below to help you. (p. 117)
* Teacher gives the instruction of the task: T-Ss
 Tell Ss that the words they used to fill in the gaps in 1 are part of
expressions for asking for and giving advice.
 Ask Ss to read the list of expressions and check understanding.
** Students work in pair to complete the task: Pair work
 Students role-play conversations similar to the one in Task 1.
 Ss should pretend that one of them is a tourist and the other is the tour
 Students have a few minutes to plan their conversations before they
role-play them.
 Students should decide on the type of tour, the place, the activities
and what advice to ask for and give.
 Students then swap roles.
To help students practise *** Teacher walks round the class and provides help when necessary. T-Ss
asking for and giving **** Teacher asks some pairs to role-play their conversations in front of the Ss-Ss
advice about a trip. whole class, praises for good effort, clear pronunciation and fluent delivery.
Practice To help students learn ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 10 mins
about types of tourism Task 1: Read the text below and fill in each gap in the table below with
through CLIL one of the highlighted words from the text. (p. 117)
(Environmental studies) * Teacher sets the context: T-Ss
and learn some content  Ask Ss some questions to find out what they already know about the
vocabulary. topic:
o What kinds of impact does tourism have on the environment?
o Name different kinds of tourism which are good / bad for the
environment that you know?
 Ask Ss what they want to know about the topic. Write their questions
on the board:
o How much damage will tourism do to the environment in the future?
(CO2-emissions from tourism will increase by 25% in the next 15
o What are the main ways for tourism to damage the environment?
(direct and indirect: When tourists are littering on the street, they are
damaging the environment directly. When tourists are travelling by
plane and vehicles which emit CO2, they are damaging the
environment indirectly).
 Ask Ss to look at the two pictures and think of to opposite adjectives
to describe each, e.g. crowded vs. private, noisy vs. quiet, polluted vs.
** Teacher tells students that they are going to read about four popular types Ss
of tourism and put them into categories in the table according to their
negative or positive impact on the environment.
*** Teacher and students elicit any new or difficult words, e.g. Why is Ss-Ss
tourism is called ‘the smokeless industry’? (Because it is an industry without
chimneys and is considered environmentally friendly).
**** Teacher confirms the answers as a class. T-Ss

Task 2: Which kind of tourism does each description below fit best? 10 mins
Production Tick the appropriate column. (p. 118)
* Teacher tells students to read the text again to decide which statement fits T-Ss
which type of tourism.
** Students do the task in groups. Group work
*** Teacher lets students discuss their answers. Ss-Ss
**** Teacher checks answers as a class: T-Ss
To help students  Have Ss call out their answers first.
understand differences  Then provide, or ask some Ss to provide the clue for the answers in
between four main types the text
of tourism.

Wrap up - To help Ss memorise - Use the lexical items related to the topic Ecotourism; T-S 3 min
Homework what they have learned - Ask for and give advice
- Know more information about tourism impact on the environment.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10_Looking back and project
- Exercises in the workbook
Lesson 8: Looking back and project
I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- Review the vocabulary and grammar of Unit 10
- Apply what they have learnt (vocabulary and grammar) into practice through a project
2. Core competence
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Develop presentation skill
- Develop critical thinking skill
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work
- Actively join in class activities
3. Personal qualities
- Be more creative when doing the project
- Develop self-study skills
II. Materials
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 10, Looking back and project
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards
- sachmem.vn

Anticipated difficulties Solutions
- Students may have underdeveloped speaking and co-operating - Encourage students to work in pairs and in groups so that they can help
skills. each other.
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.

- Some students will excessively talk in the class. - Explain expectations for each task in detail.
- Have excessive talking students practise.
- Continue to explain task expectations in small chunks (before every

Board Plan
Date of teaching
Lesson 8: Looking back and project
* Warm-up
Watch the video and guess the name of the place.
 Trang An Ecotourism Complex

I. Looking back
Choose the correct words to complete the conversation. (p. 118)

Work in pairs. Role-play the conversation above. Try to use appropriate intonation. (p. 118)

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms. (p. 118)

II. Project
Design an ecotour

* Homework

In each activity, each step will be represented as following
* Deliver the task
** Implement the task
*** Discuss
**** Giving comments or feedback

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up - To introduce an Watch the video and guess the name of the place. 5 mins
ecotourism complex and * Teacher plays the video and asks students to guess the name of the place. T-Ss
lead in the next part of the ** Students watch the video and try to find out the name of the place based Ss
lesson. on the sights in the video as soon as possible.
*** Teacher and students discuss the answers. T-Ss
**** Teacher confirms the answers as a class. T-Ss

Link video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCspAti-0T8&t=18s

(Nhờ BTV download video và cắt đoạn có tên Tràng An ở timeline 0:06-

 Trang An Ecotourism Complex
Looking Vocabulary 5 mins
back Choose the correct words to complete the conversation. (p. 118)
* Teacher asks students to read each sentence and check comprehension and T-Ss
asks students study the context carefully and decide on the correct words to
complete the conversation.
** Students complete the task individually. Ss
*** Teacher asks students to exchange their textbooks for peer checking.. Pair work
**** Teacher checks answers as a class by asking individual student to read T-Ss
To revise words students the sentences.
have learnt in this unit
1. sustainable
2. protect
3. profits
4. litter
5. aware
6. ecotourism
7. impact
Pronunciation 5 mins
Work in pairs. Role-play the conversation above. Try to use appropriate
intonation. (p. 118)
* Teacher asks students to work in pairs to role-play the conversation in T-Ss
To practise different
intonation patterns
** Students role-play the conversation, using the appropriate intonation. Pair work
*** Teacher asks some pairs to role-play or read out loud the conversation in
front of the class.
**** Teacher praises for good effort and natural delivery. T-Ss
To revise conditional Grammar 7 mins
sentences Type 1 and Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms. (p. 118)
Type 2. * Teacher explains to students that they are going to review the use of T-Ss
conditional sentences Type 1 and Type 2, gives students some time to review
the grammar rules in the Language lesson before doing the activity.
** Students complete the task individually. Ss
*** Teacher asks students to swap their textbooks for peer checking. Pair work
**** Teacher corrects the answers as a class by asking individual student to T-Ss
read the sentences and explain why they used conditional sentences Type 1
or Type 2.

1. were / was; would live
2. work; will be
3. allow; will have
4. had; would go
Project Design an ecotour 20 mins
* As students have prepared for the project throughout the unit, the focus of
this lesson should be on the final product, which is an oral presentation. T-Ss
** Teacher has students work in their groups.
 Give them a few minutes to get ready for the presentation. Group work
To provide an opportunity
 Give Ss a checklist for peer and self-assessment. Explain that they
for students to develop
will have to tick appropriate items while listening to their classmates’
their research and
presentations and write comments if they have any.
collaboration skills, and to
 The presenters should complete their self-assessment checklist after
practise giving an oral
completing their presentation.
 If necessary, go through the assessment criteria to make sure Ss are
familiar with them.
*** Teacher invites two or three groups to give their presentations, Ss-Ss
encourages the rest of the class to ask questions at the end.
**** Teacher gives praise and feedback after each presentation. T-Ss
Wrap up - To help students - Review the vocabulary and grammar of Unit 10 T-S 3 min
Homework memorise what they have - Apply what they have learnt (vocabulary and grammar) into practice
learned through a project
- Exercises in the workbook

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