3 Perform Industry Calculations

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Unit of Competency:

Module Title:

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Gattaran, Cagayan

Welcome to the Module:Performing Industry Calculations. This module contains training materials and activities for
you to complete.

The unit of competency “Perform Industry Calculations" contains information and applications on performing the
four fundamental operation, conversion of units, calculations on algebraic expressions, and computation of percentage and
ratio. It is one of the Common Competencies of Shielded Metal Arc WeldingNational Certificate Level I (SMAW NC I).

You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to complete each learning outcome of the
module. In each learning outcome there are Information Sheets, Resource Sheets and Reference Materials for further
reading to help you better understand the required activities. Follow these activities on your own and answer the self-check
at the end of each learning outcome. Get the answer key from your instructor and check your work honestly. If you have
questions, please don’t hesitate to ask your facilitator for assistance.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

You may already have some or most of the knowledge and skills covered in this module because you have:
 been working for some time
 already completed training in this area.

If you can demonstrate to your trainer that you are competent in a particular skill or skills, talk to your trainer about
having them formally recognized so you won't have to do the same training again.

If you have qualification or Certificates of Competency from previous training, show them to your trainer. If the skills
you acquired are still relevant to this module, they may become part of the evidence you can present for RPL.

At the end of this learning material is a Learner’s Diary. Use this diary to record important dates, jobs undertaken
and other workplace events that will assist you in providing further details to your trainer or assessors. A Record of
Achievementis also provided for your trainer to complete once you completed the module.

This learning material was prepared to help you achieve the required competency in performing industry calculations.
This will be the source of information for you to acquire the knowledge and skills in this particular trade independently and
at your own pace with minimum supervision or help from your instructor.
In doing the activities to complete the requirements of this module, please be guided by the following:

 Talk to your trainer and agree on how you will both organize the training under this module. Read through the
module carefully. It is divided into sections which cover all the skills and knowledge you need to successfully

 Work through all information and complete the activities in each section. Read the information sheets and
complete the self-check. Suggested references are included to supplement the materials provided in this module.

 Most probably your trainer will also be your supervisor or manager. He/she is there to support you and show
you the correct way to do things. Ask for help.

 Your trainer will tell you the important things you need to consider when you are completing the activities and it
is important that you listen and take notes.

 You will be given plenty of opportunities to ask questions and practice on the job. Make sure you practice your
new skills during regular work shifts. This way you will improve both your speed and memory and also your

 Talk to more experienced work mates and ask for their guidance.

 Use self-check questions at the end of each section to test your own progress.

 When you are ready, ask your trainer to watch you perform the activities outlined in this module.

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 As you work through the activities, ask for written feedback on your progress. Your trainer keeps feedback/pre-
assessment reports for this reason. When you have successfully completed each element, ask your trainer to
mark on the reports that you are ready for assessment.

 When you have completed this learning material and feel confident that you have had sufficient knowledge and
skills, your trainer will arrange an appointment with a registered assessor to assess you. The results of your
assessment will be recorded in your Competency Achievement Record.

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No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code

Basic Competencies
1 Participate in Workplace Communication Participating in Workplace Communication
2 Work in a Team Environment Working in a Team Environment
3 Practice Career Professionalism Practicing Career Professionalism
4 Practice Occupational Health and Safety Practicing Occupational Health and Safety
Procedures Procedures
Common Competencies
1 Apply Safety Practices Applying Safety Practices
2 Interpret Drawings and Sketches Interpreting Drawings and Sketches
3 Perform Industry Calculations Performing Industry Calculations
4 Contribute to Quality System Contributing to Quality System
5 Use Hand Tools Using Hand Tools
6 Prepare Weld Materials Preparing Weld Materials
7 Set-up Welding Equipment Setting-up Welding Equipment
8 Fit-up Weld Materials Fitting-up Weld Materials
9 Repair Welds Repairing Welds
Core Competencies
1 Weld Carbon Steel Plates Using SMAW Performing Fillet and Groove Welding on
Carbon Steel Plates
2 Weld Carbon Steel Pipes Using SMAW Performing Groove Welding on Carbon Steel

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UNIT OF COMPETENCY Perform Industry Calculations

MODULE TITLE Performing Industry Calculations


This module covers the competencies required to perform basic calculations using the four fundamental



At the end of this module you MUST be able to:

1. Solve Mathematical Problems;

2. Convert system of measurements;
3. Perform algebraic expressions;
4. Measure work piece.


Module Title: Interpreting Drawings and Sketches

Learning Outcome Learning Content Progress Check No. Training Page

Duration No.

1. Perform Four 1. Four Fundamentals Activity Sheet

Fundamentals of Operations
Operation 2. Measurements of Area Activity Sheet
3. Measurements of Activity Sheet
2. Convert System of 1. English System of Self-check
Measurements Measurement
2. Metric System of Self-check
3. English-Metric System Activity Sheet
of Measurement
3. Perform Algebraic 1. Basic Equations Activity Sheet
Expressions 2. Ratio and Proportion Activity Sheet
3. Averages, Percents and
Percentages Activity Sheet

4. Measure Work piece 1. Reading Linear Self-check

2. Reading Angular Self-check

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Qualification : SMAW NC I

Unit of Competency : Perform Industry Calculations

Module Title : Performing Industry Calculations


This module contains information and applications in performing industry calculations. It includes solving
mathematical problems using the four fundamental operation, conversion of units of measurement, and measuring and
estimating work piece.

You need to complete and pass the self-check of this module before you can perform higher level competencies.
Practices in this module will help you be familiar and apply solving problems using the four fundamental operations,
conversion of units of measurements, and measuring and estimating of work pieceprior to actual demonstration of the
process. Desirable values and attitude must also be taken into consideration.

This module consists of three learning outcomes. Each learning outcome contains learning activities for both
knowledge and skills, supported with information sheets, activity sheet, job sheets, operation sheets and self-checks
gathered from different sources. Before you perform the manual exercises, read the information/activity/job/operation
sheets mentioned in the special instruction column and answer the self-check for confirmation that you are equipped with
the knowledge necessary to perform the skills portion of the particular learning outcome with your instructor.

Upon completion of this module, you have to submit yourself to your instructor for assessment. You will be given a
Certificate of Completion as a proof that you have met the standard requirements (Knowledge and Skill) for this module. The
assessment could be made using different methods as prescribed in the competency standard.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the module, the trainees/students should be able to:

1. Perform the four fundamental operations;
2. Convert system of measurements;
3. Perform algebraic expressions; and
4. Measure workpiece.

Assessment Criteria:

1. Simple calculations involving whole numbers, mixed numbers, fractions and decimals are performed
using the four fundamental operations.
2. Simple calculations are performed on algebraic expressions using the four fundamental operations.
3. Simple transposition of formulae are carried out to isolate the variable required involving the four
fundamental operations.
4. Equations involving an unknown solved correctly.
5. Percentages are computed using the appropriate formula.
6. Ratio and proportion are computed using the appropriate formula.
7. Units are converted to the required figure using the given formula.
8. English and metric measurements are converted according to procedure.
9. Work piece are measured correctly using English and metric system of measurement.
10. Areas and volumes of objects are computed using the appropriate formula.

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1. Industry Calculations Mathematics operations on industrialproblems

2. SI unit Internationally accepted unit of measurement

3. English Measurement Imperial system based on the use of inch, pounds and second as its units of
length,mass and time

4. Metric Measurement Composed of units having uniform scaleof relationship based on decimals.
Meter is the basic unit for all measurements of length.

5. Equation A mathematical statement that two expressions usually divided by an equal

signare of the same value

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Qualification : SMAW NCI

Unit of Competency : Perform Industry Calculations

Module Title : Performing Industry Calculations

Learning Outcome #1 : Solve Mathematical Problems


1. Four Fundamental Operations

2. Measurements of Area
3. Measurements of Volume

Assessment Criteria:

1. Simple calculations involving whole numbers, mixed numbers, fractions and decimals are performed
using the four fundamental operations.
2. Simple calculations are performed on algebraic expressions using the four fundamentals of operation.
3. Simple transposition of formulae is carried out to isolate the variable required involving the four
fundamental of operations.
4. Equations involving an unknown solved correctly.
5. Percentages are computed using the appropriate formula.
6. Ratio and proportion are computed using the appropriate formula.


Students/Trainees must be provided with the following:

Tools Equipment Supplies and Materials

CBLM on Perform Industry

Bond Paper/Yellow Paper

Evaluation Methods:

 Written Test

 Demonstration

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Learning Experience

LEARNING OUTCOME # 1: Solve Mathematical Problems

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read Information Sheet No. 3.1-1 If you have some problem on the content of the information sheet,
Four Fundamental Operation don’t hesitate to approach your facilitator.

If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on the content of the
information sheet, you can now answer the self-check provided in
the module.

2. Answer Self-Check No. 3.1-1. Compare your answer to the answer key 3.1-1. If you got 100%
correct answers in this self-check, you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not, review the information sheet and go over
the self-check again.

3. Read Information Sheet No. 3.1-2 If you have some problem on the content of the information sheet,
on Averages, Percent, and don’t hesitate to approach your facilitator.
If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on the content of the
information sheet, you can now answer the self-check provided in
the module.

4. Answer Self-Check No. 3.1-2 Compare your answer to the answer key 3.1-2. If you got 100%
correct answers in this self-check, you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not, review the information sheet and go over
the self-check again.

5. Read Information Sheet No. 3.1-3 If you have some problem on the content of the information sheet,
on Ratio and Proportion don’t hesitate to approach your facilitator.

If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on the content of the
information sheet, you can now answer the self-check provided in
the module.

6. Answer Self-Check No. 3.1-3 Compare your answer to the answer key 3.1-3. If you got 100%
correct answers in this self-check, you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not, review the information sheet and go over
the self-check again.

7. Read Information Sheet No. 3.1-4 If you have some problem on the content of the information sheet,
on Plane Geometry don’t hesitate to approach your facilitator.

If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on the content of the
information sheet, you can now answer self-check provided in the

8. Answer Self-Check No. 3.1-4 Compare your answer to the answer key 3.1-4. If you got 100%
correct answers in this self-check, you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not, review the information sheet and go over
the self-check again.

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Information Sheet No. 3.1-1

Four Fundamental Operations

At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to:

1. Apply the four fundamental operations in solving problems on fractions and decimals; and
2. Observe the order of operation in solving problems involving the four fundamental operations.

Four (4) Basic Mathematical Operations

1. Addition (+)

a. 16 + 4 = 20

b. 1+1+3+5=
2 4 4 6

6 + 3 + 9 + 10= 28
28 =2 4or21
12 123

c. Add the data 244.682, 3.1416, and 0.013

244. 682 0
+ 3.141 6
0.013 0
247. 836 6

2. Subtraction (-)

a. 16 – 4 = 12
b. 3 -2=
4 5

15 – 8=7
20 20

c. Subtract the data 31.807 from 152.061

- 31.807

3. Multiplication (x)

a. 16 x 4 = 84

b. 2 x4=
3 5

2 x 4 =8
3 x 515

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c. 2 x3 =
3 4

1 1
2 x3=1 x 1 = 1
3 4 1 2 2
1 2

d. 4.65
x 3.2
+ 930

4. Division (/) or (÷)

a. 16 / 4 = 4 or 16 ÷ 4 = 4

b. 7÷ 3
8 4

Invert the divisor, which becomes 4/3 and multiply.

7x4 =7 x 1=7 =11
8 3 2x3 6 6

Parentheses are also used for grouping and sometimes for multiplication.
a. (16 + 4) – 4 = 16
while 16 + (4 – 4) = 16

b. (5 + 3)(6 - 2) = (8)(4) = 8 x 4 = 32

Order of Operation

To perform the operations in the right order, remember PEMDAS, which stands for:
P = Parentheses
E = Exponents
M = Multiplication
D = Division
A = Addition
S = Subtraction

1. Start by working inside parentheses, innermost first.

2. Simplify any exponent expression next.
3. Then perform all multiplication and division functions, from left to right, as they appear.
4. Finally work all addition and subtraction functions from left to right.

Example: 22 + (4 – 1) (5) =
4 + (3 x 5) =
4 + 15 = 19

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Activity Sheet No. 3.1-1

Four Fundamental Operations

Direction: Compute the following mathematical operations.

1. Basic Operation

a. 3–5+8

b. 6x7-9+2

2. Fractions

a. 3+4–5
4 5 20

b. 2 1–3+7
3 4 6

3. Decimals

a. 345.25 + 12.0 – 22.32

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Answer Key No. 3.1-1

Four Fundamental Operations

1. Basic Operation

a. 3–5+8=6

b. 6 x 7 - 9 + 2 = 31

2. Fractions

a. 3+4–5 = 15 + 16 – 5 = 26 or 1 3/10
4 5 20 20 20

b. 2 1–3+7 = 28 – 9 + 14 = 33 or 2 3/4
3 4 6 12 12

3. Decimals

a. 345.25 + 12.0 – 22.32 = 334.93

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Information Sheet No. 3.1-2

Measurements of Areas

At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to:

1. Identify plane figures; and

2. Compute the areas of the different plane figures.

Measurement of Areas

As it often happens in welding, you find a requirement for knowing a formula to calculate the amount of
metal needed to complete a project, or you may need to know how much extra weight will be added to a structure
to add a strengthening gusset or brace.

Plane figures are the most commonly encountered situations in the workshop particular in welding. It has
the measurement of two dimensions which is referred to as area.

The SI unit for measuring area is the square meter (m 2). It is defined as the area of a square whose sides
measure one meter equally. The distance around a figure is called the perimeter. It is measured by the total
distance around the figure.

The following are plane figures with the corresponding mathematical formula in solving the area and
perimeter or circumference.

1. Square. A square is a plane figure having four equal sides equal in length and four right angles.

a. A = s2
where: A = area
s = side

b. P = 4s
where:P = Perimeter
s = side
Example: Find the area and perimeter of square A.

a. Area = s2
= 22
Area = 4”

b. Perimeter = 4s
= 4(2”)
Perimeter = 8”

2. Rectangle. A plane figure whose sides are parallel to each other having two equal sides and four right angles.

a. Perimeter = 2l + 2w
b. Area =lxw
l = length
w = width
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Example: What is the area and perimeter of the steel with rectangular shape?

a. Area =lxw
= 3 ¾” x 1 ½”
= 15/4” x 3/2”
= 45/ 8
Area = 5 5/8”

b. Perimeter = 2l + 2w
= 2 (3 ¾) + 2(1 ½”)
= 7 ½” + 3”
Perimeter = 10 ½”

3. Circle. A plane figure with parts which are equally distant from the center.

D = diameter
r = radius
C = circumference
A = area

Diameter.Straight line through the center ending at the curve, dividing the circle into two
parts.Equal to twice the radius.

D = 2r

Radius. Straight line from the center to the curve equals ½ the diameter.

r = D/2

Circumference.The distance around the circle.

C = πD
where: π = 3.1416

Area. The maximum capacity a circle can occupy and is measured by square meter.

A = πr2
where: π = 3.1416
It has been found by mathematical computation that the circumference of a circle is
approximately 3.1416 which is generally represented by the Greek letter pi (π). 3.1416 is only an
approximate number but for ordinary shop use is accurate enough.

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The perimeter of a circle is called the circumference. To calculate the circumference (c) of a circle,
multiply the diameter (D) times 3.14 ( π or “ pi”).

The radius ( r) multiplied by two and then multiplied by 3.14 (π) also equals the circumference.

Using an automatic cutting torch, a circle is cut from a ¼-inch steel plate. How many inches around the
cut does the machine travel in completing the cutting operation and what is the area of the object?

Given: Diameter = 33”

π = 3.1416
a. C = π D
= 3.1416 x 33”
C = 103.62728”

b. A = πr2

r = D/2
= 33” / 2
r = 16 ½”

A = 3.1416 (16 ½” )2

A = 855.3006 in2

4. Triangle. A plane figure having three sides and three angles.

a. Right Triangle. In a right triangle, the sum of the squares of the length of the sides is equal to the
square of the hypotenuse.

c2 = a 2 + b2
A = ½ bh
A = area
b = base
h = height

b. Oblique Triangle. Three sides are given, use the Heron’s Formula.

A = /[s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)]

s =(a + b + c)
A = area
s= side
a = adjacent
b = base
c = hypotenuse

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c. To solve for the perimeter, add all given sides of the triangle.

P = perimeter
a and c = sides
b = base


Using the illustration below, compute the area and perimeter of the triangle. The height of the
object is 8 cm.

Using the Heron’s Formula:

A = /[s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)]

s =(a + b + c)

Solve for s:

s =12 + 15 + 10
s = 18.5

A = /[ 18.5 (18.5 – 12)(18.5 – 15)(18.5 – 10)]

= /[ 18.5 ( 6.5)(3.5)(8.5)]

A = 59.81


= 12 + 15 + 10

P = 37

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Activity Sheet No. 3.1-2

Measurement of Areas

Direction: Solve the following geometrical problems.

1. Find the perimeter of the template.

2. Calculate for the area in cm2 of the clamp arm.

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Answer Key No. 3.1-2

Measurements of Areas

1. Find the perimeter of the template.

Let a=60 mm, b=25mm (2), c=30mm, d=πD

Solve for b and d

b = 25mm(2)

= 50mm

d = 3.1416[(2)(7.5)]

= 47.124mm

π = 3.1416
r = radius = 7.5
D = 2r

= 60mm + 50mm + 30mm + 47.124mm
P = 187.124mm

2. Calculate for the area in cm2 of the clamp arm.

Area of the Object = A - A - A

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a. Solve for the Area of the Rectangle
= 140mm x 65mm
= 9100mm2

b. Solve for the Area of the Circle

A = πr2
= 3.1416 (25mm)2
= 1963.5 mm2

c. Solve for the Area of Triangle

Note: There are 4 triangles in the object.

A = ½ bh
= ½ (30mm)(15mm)
= 225mm2

A = 225mm2 x 4
= 900mm2

Area of the Object = A - A - A

= 9100mm2 – 1963.5mm2 – 900mm2

A = 6236.5 mm2

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Information Sheet No. 3.1-3

Measurement of Volumes

At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to:

1. Identify solid figures; and

2. Compute the volumes of the different solid figures.

The amount of metal contained in a block is measured in cubic units. The amount of free space in a
hollow object, such as a bottle, is also measured in cubic units. The amount of solid material is known as its

The SI unit for the measurement of volume is the cubic meter, abbreviated m 3. It is defined as the volume
of a cube whose edges measure one meter and where the edges of the cube have the same lengths and 90 0 angles.

The volume of an object has the fundamental properties listed below. Please note that these are
analogous to those given for area.

a. Every polyhedral region has a unique volume, dependent only on your unit cube.

b. A box has a volume of length x width x height (V= lwh).

c. Congruent figures have equivalent volume.

d. Total volume is the sum of all non-overlapping regions.

Formula for the Calculation of Volume

1. Regular Solids

V = volume
A = area of the base
b = width
L = length
h = height

2. Prism

V = volume
A = area
h = height of prism
perpendicular to the base area

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3. Cylinder
V =πd2 x h

V = volume
A = area of the base
h = height
d = diameter
r = radius
π = pi (3.14.16)

4. Cone
V =A x h
V =πd2 x h
V = volume
A = area of the base
h = height
d = diameter
r = radius
π = pi (3.14.16)

5. Sphere
V =4πr3
V = πd3
V = volume
d = diameter
r = radius
π = pi (3.14.16)

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Activity Sheet No. 3.1-3

Measurement of Volumes

Direction: Solve the following geometrical problems.

1. A water tank with an inside diameter of 1.2m and a height of 3.0 meter is 75% full. What is the
volume of space that the water is occupying?

2. Determine the volume of the object.

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Answer Key No. 3.1-3

Measurements of Volumes

1. A water tank with an inside diameter of 1.2 m and a height of 3.0 meter is 75% full. What is the
volume of space that the water is occupying?

Volume of the Object = Area of the Base x Height

= πr2 x 3.0 m

But r = d/2
Where d = diameter

r = 1.2 m / 2
r = 0.6 m

V = 3.1416 (0.6m)2x 3.0m

= 3.392928m3
x 0.75
= 2.544696m3

2. Determine the volume of the object.

V = Area of Base x Height

Solve for the Area of the Base

Area = l x w
= 50cm x 30cm
= 150cm2

V = 150cm2 x 120cm

V= 18000cm3

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Qualification : SMAW NCI

Unit of Competency : Perform Industry Calculations

Module Title : Performing Industry Calculations

Learning Outcome # 2 : Convert System of Measurements

1. English Unit of Measurement
2. Metric Unit of Measurement
3. English – Metric Equivalents

Assessment Criteria:
1. Units are converted to the required figure using the given formulae.
2. English measurements are converted to metric measurements according to procedure.


Students/Trainees must be provided with the following:

Tools Equipment Supplies and Materials
CBLM on Perform Industry

Bond Paper/Yellow Paper

Evaluation Methods:

 Written Test

 Demonstration

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 Learning Experience

LEARNING OUTCOME # 2: Convert System of Measurement

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read Information Sheet No. 3.2-1 If you have some problem on the content of the information
English Units of Measurement sheet, don’t hesitate to approach your facilitator.

If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on the content of

the information sheet, you can now answer the self-check
provided in the module.

2. Do Activity Sheet No. 3.2-1 Compare your answer to the answer key 3.2-1. If you got
100% correct answers in this self-check, you can now move to
the next information sheet. If not, review the information sheet
and go over the self-check again.

3. Read Information Sheet No. 3.2-2 If you have some problem on the content of the information
Metric Units of Measurement sheet, don’t hesitate to approach your facilitator.

If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on the content of

the information sheet, you can now answer self-check
provided in the module.

4. Do Activity Sheet No. 3.2-2 Compare your answer to the answer key 3.2-2. If you got
100% correct answers in this self-check, you can now move to
the next information sheet. If not, review the information sheet
and go over the self-check again.

5. Read Information Sheet No. 3.2-3 If you have some problem on the content of the information
English-Metric Units of Measurement sheet, don’t hesitate to approach your facilitator.

If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on the content of

the information sheet, you can now answer self-check
provided in the module.

6. Do Activity Sheet No. 3.2-1 Compare your answer to the answer key 3.2-1. If you got
100% correct answers in this self-check, you can now move to
the next information sheet. If not, review the information sheet
and go over the self-check again.

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Information Sheet No. 3.2-1

English Units of Measurement

At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to:

1. Be familiar with the English units of measurement; and

2. Apply conversion of units of English measurement.

A. English System of Measurements

The English system or Imperial system also called as the inch-pound system of measure, is based on the use of the
inch, pound and the second as its units of length, mass, and time.

The English system, though in usage for some time, was found to contain many irregularities. A typical example is
that the British foot is different in length from the American foot which is again different from the South Africa foot, and so
on. Because of this, an International system was conceived in favor of adopting a new system of weights and measures with
the use of the metric system.

Basic Units of English Length of Measurement

1 mile = 1 760 yards (yd)
= 5 280 feet (ft)
1 yard = 3 feet (ft)
= 36 inches (in)
1 foot = 12 inches (in)

Basic Units of English Weight of Measurement

1 ton = 2 000 pounds (lb)
1 pound (lb) = 0.0005 ton
= 16 oz
1 oz = 0.0625 lb

Basic Units of Area in English Measurement

1 square foot (ft2) = 144 square inch (in2)
1 square yard (yd2) = 9 square feet (ft2)
= 1296 square inch (in2)
1 acre = 43 560 ft2
1 mile (mi) = 640 acres

Basic Units of Volume in English Measurement

1 cubic yard (yd3) = 27 ft3
= 202 gallons
1 cubic feet (ft3) = 1 728 cubic inches (in3)
= 7.48 gallons (gal)
1 barrel = 42 gallons (gal)
1 gallon = 4 quart (qt)
1 bushel = 32 quart (qt)
1 quart (qt) = 57.75 cubic inch (in3)

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Conversion of Units of Measurement


1. How many feet are there in 6 yards?

Note: 1 yd = 3 feet

6 yd x3 feet = 18 feet
1 1 yd

2. There are 12 inches in 1 foot. How many feet are there in 96 inches?

Note: 1 foot = 12 inches

96 inches x1 foot = 8 feet

1 12 inches

3. Convert 12 pounds in to oz.

Note: 1 lb = 16 oz

12 lb x16 oz= 192 oz

1 1 lb

4. How many square ft are there in 3 square yards?

Note: 1 yd2 = 9 ft2

3 yd2x9 ft2= 27 ft2

1 yd2

5. If the computed volume of the object is 24 ft3, what is the volume of the object in yd3?

Note: 1 yd3 = 27 ft3

24 ft3 x1 yd3= 0.88 yd3

27 ft3

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Self-Check No. 3.2-1

English Units of Measurements

Multiple Choice:
Direction: Analyze the problems carefully. Choose the correct answer and write the letter only on your answer

1. How many pounds are there in 60 kilograms?

a. 130 lbs
b. 132.3 lbs
c. 133. 5 lbs
d. 135 lbs

2. If there are 16 oz in 1 pound (lb) and 2.205 pounds (lb) in 1 kilogram, what is the equivalent value of 96 oz in
a. 1.85 kgs
b. 1.93 kgs
c. 2.50 kgs
d. 2.72 kgs

3. The units of length, mass, and time for the Imperial system of measurements are
a. inch, pound, second
b. meter, pound, second
c. inch, kilogram, second
d. meter, kilogram, second

4. There are 6 units of steel casements to be fabricated. Three units measure4ft x 4ft., two units measure 4ft x 6ft.,
and another unit is 2 ft x 6 ft. What is the total area of the steel casement to be fabricated?
a. 48 ft2
b. 60 ft2
c. 72 ft2
d. 108 ft2

5. A cylindrical pail with a diameter of 12 inches and a height of 15 inches containQDE paint. What is the volume of
the pail?
a. 1.0 ft3
b. 1.25 ft3
c. 1.5 ft3
d. 1.75 ft

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Answer Key No. 3.2-1

English Units of Measurement

1. b
2. d
3. a
4. d
5. a

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Information Sheet No. 3.2-2

Metric Units of Measurement

At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to;

1. Be familiar with the metric units of measurement; and

2. Apply conversion of units of metric measurement.

Metric System of Measurement

The extension of the Metric System is the SI units. The SI is an abbreviation meaning Systems International
d’Unites in French or the International System of Units in English. The standard for world usage of the SI system has been
established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). All member states, including the Philippines,
received recommendations from the ISO.
Metric system is composed of units having uniform scale of relationships based on decimals. Its basic principle is
the metre with scales of multiples and sub-multiples of ten. All units of surface area, capacity, volume, and weight are
derived directly from the standard metre.
The metre is the basic SI unit for all measurements of lengths. Quite a number of measuring instruments have
been developed and graduated using the standard metre. It is most commonly used unit in the metric system where other
units are derived

Basic Units of Metric Length Measurement

1 kilometers (km) = 10 hectometers (hm)
= 100 decameters (dam)
= 1000 meters (m)

1 meter = 10 decimeters (dm)

= 100 centimeters (cm)
= 1000 millimeters (mm)

Basic Units of Metric Weight Measurement

1 kilogram (kg) = 10 hectogram (hg)
= 100 decagram (dkg)
= 1000 gram (g)

1 gram (g) = 10 decigram (dg)

= 100 centigram (cg)
= 1000 milligram (mg)

Basic Units of Area Metric Measurement

1 square meter (m2) = 10 000 square centimeter (cm2)
1 hectare = 10 000 m2
1 square kilometer (km ) = 100 hectare

Basic Units of Volume Metric Measurement

1 cubic meter cm3 = 1000 liter (L)
1L = 1000 milliliter (mL)
1 mL = 1 cm3

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Conversion of Units of Measurement


1. Convert 2.20 meters to centimeters.

Note: 1 meter = 100 cm

2.20 m x 100 cm = 220 cm

1 1m

2. How many millimeters are there in 2.0 m?

Note: 1 m = 100 cm
1 cm =10 mm

2.0 m x100 cm x 10 cm =2000 cm

1 1m 1 cm

3. If there are 1000 grams in 1 kilogram, how many grams are there in 3.75 kilograms?

Note: 1 kg = 1000grams

3.75 kg x1000 g = 3 750 grams

1 1 kg

4. How many square meters are there in 2 units of steel window which measures
120 cm x 150 cm?

Note: 1 m2 = 10 000 cm2

Area = 120 cm x 150 cm

= 18 000 cm2
2 units of steel window = 2 x 18 000 cm2
= 36 000 cm2

36 000 cm2x m2= 3.6 m2

10 000 cm2

5. If a pail consists of 4 liters, how many cm3 are there in a pail?

Note: 1 L = 1000 mL
1 mL = 1 cm3

4 L x1000 mLxcm3 = 4000 cm3

1L 1 mL

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Self-Check No. 3.2-2

Metric Units of Measurement

Multiple Choice:
Direction: Analyze the problems carefully. Choose the correct answer and write the letter only on your answer

1. This piece of steel channel has a length of 22 millimeters. Express this measurement in centimeters.

a. 2.2 cm
b. 2.02 cm
c. 2.22 cm
d. 2.202 cm

2. This is the basis of all SI measurement of length.

a. millimeter
b. centimeter
c. meter
d. kilometer

3. The basic units of length, mass, and time for the metric system of measurements are
a. inch, pound, second
b. meter, pound, second
c. inch, kilogram, second
d. meter, kilogram, second

4. A pipe with end plate is shown.

a. Find the length of the pipe section in the weldment in millimeters.

a. 2 184.40 mm
b. 2 184.44 mm
c. 21 844 mm
d. 21 844.4 mm

b. Find the thickness of one plate in millimeters.

a. 2.54 mm
b. 2.45 mm
c. 25.4 mm
d. 254 mm

c. Find the overall length in meters.

a. 2.23 m
b. 2.35 m
c. 2.55 m
d. 2.25 m

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Answer Key No. 3.2-2

Metric Units of Measurement

1. a
2. c
3. d
4.a a
4.b c
4.c a

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Information Sheet No. 3.2-3

English-Metric Equivalents

At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to:

1. Apply conversion of units of English to metric measurements and metric to English measurements.

English – Metric Equivalents

Most of the jobs require that you work in either English units or Metric, but not both. It is necessary, however, to
occasionally convert unit from one system to another.

Basic Units of English-Metric Measurement on Length and Weight

1 kilometer (km) = 0.62137 mile (mi)

1 meter (m) = 1.09361 yards (yd)
= 3.28084 feet (ft)
= 39.37 inches (in)
1 centimeter (cm) = 0.39370 inch (in)
1 millimeter (mm) = 0.039370 inch (in)

1 mile (mi) = 1.609 kilometer (km)

1 yard (yd) = 0.9144 meter (m)
1 foot (ft) = 0.3048 meter (m)
1 inch = 2.54 centimeter (cm)
= 25.4 millimeter (mm)

Basic Units of English-Metric Measurement on Weight

1 kilogram (kg) = 2.205 pounds (lb)

1000 kilograms (kgs) = 1.102 tons
1.102 tons = 2 204.621 pounds (lb)

Conversion of Units of English-Metric Equivalent


1. Convert 3.0 meters to feet.

Note: 1 m = 3.28084 ft

3.0 m x 3.28084 ft = 9.84252 ft

1 1m

2. How many centimeters are there in 3 feet?

Note: 1 inch = 2.54 cm

1 ft = 12 inches

3 ft x12 in x 2.54 cm = 91.44 cm

1 1 ft 1 in

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3. How many inches are there in 1.20 meter?

Note: 1 m = 39.37 in

1.20 m x 39.37 in= 47.244 in

1 1m

4. If there are 2.54 cm in 1 inch, how many millimeters are there in 12 inches?

Note: 1 in = 2.54 cm
1 cm = 10 mm

12 in x 2.54 cmx 10 mm = 304.8 mm

1 1 in 1cm

5. Convert 2.5 kilograms in pounds.

Note: 1 kg = 2.205 lb

2.5 kg x 2.205 lb = 5.5125 lb

1 1 kg

6. What is the equivalent value of 1 kilogram to ounce?

Note: 1 kg = 2.205 lb
1 lb = 16 oz

1 kg x2.205 lb x 16 oz = 35.28 oz
1 1 kg 1 lb

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Activity Sheet No. 3.2-3

English-Metric Equivalents

Direction: Solve the following practical problems.

1. A 5 mile fun run is held to promote healthy heart to the public. If the average step of the participants is 0.8 m,
how many steps do the participants will take in running the race?

2. There are 3 units of steel casement to be fabricated in the workshop. Each unit measure 4 ft x 6 ft. How many
square meters of the units will be fabricated?

3. Convert the following measurements:

a. 2250 m = ___________ ft.

b. 3.5 kg = ___________ oz.

c. 12 m3 = ___________ ft3

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Answer Key No. 3.2-3

English-Metric Equivalents

1. Convert 5 miles to meter

Equivalent Value: 1 mile = 1.609km or 1609m

5 miles x 1609m = 8045m

1 mile

8045m / 0.8 = 10 056.25 steps

2. Compute the area of the given unit.

4 ft x 6 ft = 24ft2 x 3 = 72ft2

Convert 72ft2 to m2

Equivalent Value: 1m = 3.28084ft

72ft2 x 1m2= 6.6890 m2

3.28084ft x 3.28084ft

3. Convert the following measurements:

a. 3. 22.5 m = ___________ ft.

22.50m x 3.28084ft = 73.809 ft


b. 3.5 kg = ___________ oz.

3.5kg x 2.205lbsx 16oz = 123.48 oz


c. 12 m3 = ___________ ft3

12m3 x 3.28084ft x 3.28084ft x 3.28084ft = 423.77 ft3 1m3

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Qualification : SMAW NCI

Unit of Competency : Perform Industry Calculations

Module Title : Performing Industry Calculations

Learning Outcome # 3 : Perform Calculations on Algebraic Expressions

1. Basic Equations
2. Ratio and Proportion
3. Averages, Percent and Percentages

Assessment Criteria:

1. Simple calculations are performed on algebraic expressions using the four fundamental operations.
2. Simple transposition of formulae is carried out to isolate the variable required, involving the four
fundamental operations.
3. Appropriate formula applied and results obtained in accordance with job specifications.
4. Percentages are computed using appropriate formula.
5. Ratio and proportion are computed using appropriate formula.

Students/Trainees must be provided with the following:

Tools Equipment Supplies & Materials

CBLM on Perform Industry

Bond Paper/Yellow Paper

Evaluation Methods:

 Written Test
 Demonstration

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Learning Experience

LEARNING OUTCOME # 3: Perform Calculations on Algebraic Expressions

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read Information Sheet No. 3.3-1 If you have some problem on the content of the information
Basic Equations sheet, don’t hesitate to approach your facilitator.

If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on the content of the
information sheet, you can now answer the self-check provided
in the module.

2. Do Activity Sheet No. 3.3-1 Compare your answer to the answer key 3.3-1. If you got 100%
correct answers in this self-check, you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not, review the information sheet and go
over the self-check again.

3. Read Information Sheet No. 3.3-2 If you have some problem on the content of the information
Ratio and Proportion sheet, don’t hesitate to approach your facilitator.

If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on the content of the
information sheet, you can now answer the self-check provided
in the module.

4. Do Activity Sheet No. 3.3-2 Compare your answer to the answer key 3.2-2. If you got 100%
correct answer in this self-check, you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not, review the information sheet and go
over the self-check again.

5. Read Information Sheet No. 3.3-3 If you have some problem on the content of the information
Averages, Percents, and sheet, don’t hesitate to approach your facilitator.
If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on the content of the
information sheet, you can now answer the self-check provided
in the module.

6. Do Activity Sheet No. 3.3-3 Compare your answer to the answer key 3.3-3. If you got 100%
correct answers in this self-check, you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not, review the information sheet and go
over the self-check again.

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Information Sheet No. 3.3-1

Basic Equation

At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to:

1. Apply basic equation in solving mathematical problems.

Algebra works like a scale. Pretend that on the right side there are 45 bottle caps, and on the left side are
23 bottle caps and an unknown number of bottle caps. The scale is balanced; therefore, we know that there must
be an equal amount of weight on each side.

As long as the same operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.) is done to both sides of
the scale, it will remain balanced. To find the unknown number of bottle caps on the left side, we would remove 23
bottle caps from each side of the scale. This action keeps the scale balanced and isolates the unknown.

Since the weights (number of bottle caps) on both sides of the scale are still equal and the unknown
amount is alone, we now know that the unknown amount of bottle caps on the left side is the same as the
remaining amount (22 bottle caps) on the right.

Because an equation represents a scale, it can also be manipulated like one. The figure on the next page
shows a simple equation and the steps we can follow to solve it.

x + 23 = 45
x = 45 – 23
x = 22
Complex Equation

This equation has both a constant and a variable on each side. To solve this problem, you must keep both
sides of the equation equal; perform the same operation on each side to get the variable “x” alone. The steps to
solve the equation are shown:

problem x + 23 = 2x + 45

subtract x from each side x - x + 23 = 2x – x + 45

result 23 = x + 45

subtract 45 from each side 23 – 45 = x + 45 – 45

result - 22 = x

answer x = -22

Take a look at the other equation. As you can see, after the variable is substituted from the left and the
constant is subtracted from the right, you are still left with 2x on one side.

problem x + 23 = 3x + 45

subtract x from each side x – x + 23 = 3x – x + 45

result 23 = 2x + 45

subtract 45 from each side23 – 45 = 2x + 45 – 45

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result - 22 = 2x

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switch the left and the right 2x = - 22

result x = - 11

Activity No. 3.3-1

Basic Equation

Direction: Solve the following equation.

1. x + 5 = 15

2. x + 34 = 7

3. 50 = - 23 + 2x

4. – 32 = x + 3

5. 22 + 2x = 24

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Answer Key No. 3.3-1

Basic Equation

1. x + 5 = 15 x = 10

2. x + 34 = 7 x = 41

3. 50 = - 23 + 2x x = 36.5

4. – 32 = x + 3 x = -35

5. 22 + 2x = 24 x=1

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Information Sheet No. 3.3-2

Ratio and Proportion

At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to:

1. Apply the principles and applications of ratio and proportion.


When comparisons are made between two quantities with the same units such as feet, inches, shillings,
pounds, etc., this is known as ratio. Numbers may be related to each other in various ways and the number of
times that one number may be contained in another number is known as ratio.

Refer to the illustration where the strip of metal is 16 inches long and is folded at the 12-in. mark. The
sides are 4-in. and 12-in long and it can be said that the sides are in the ratio of 4 to 12, expressed as 4:12.

One part is 4/16 of the whole length while the other part is 12/16 of the whole. The number 16 is arrived
at by 4 and 12. The numbers 4 and 12 are both divisible by 4 and the ratio may be expressed simply as 1:3. This
indicates that sides AB and BC are in the ratio of 1 to 3. The side AB is ¼ of the whole and the side BC is ¾ of the
whole. The number 4 (denominator) is found by adding the terms of the ratio. By examining the fractions before
and after cancelling, it will be seen that they are the same.

AB = 4/16 = 1/4
BC = 12/16 = 3/4

The ratio compares line AB to line BC. It means that line AB has 1/4 and line BC has 3/4 part of the


1. A piece of flat mild steel bar 4 ft long has to be cut up in the ratio of 6 to 4. Find the length of each
Total number of parts 6 + 4 = 10
One part (4 ft = 48 inches)
48 in. / 10 = 4.8 in
Four parts 4 x 4.8 = 19.2
Six parts 6 x 4.8 = 28.8
Total 48.0 in

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2. A welding electrode core wire is made up of iron, copper, and carbon in the ratio of 20:3:2 by weight.
What weight of each copper is needed to make up 100 lb of the wire?

Total number of parts 20 + 3 + 2 = 25

Weight of iron 20/25 of 100 = 80 lb
Weight of copper 3/25 of 100 = 12 lb
Weight of carbon 2/25 of 100 = 8lb
Total Weight = 100 lb

A proportion is a special form of an algebra equation. It is used to compare two ratios or to make
equivalent fractions.
1 X
2 6

The four parts of the proportion are separated into two groups, the means and the extremes, based on
their arrangement in the proportion.

Extremes are read from left to right and top to bottom, the very first number and the very last number.
This can be remembered because they are at the extreme beginning and the extreme end.

Means are the second and third numbers read from left to right and top to bottom. Remembering that
mean is a type of average may help you remember that the means of a proportion are in the middle when reading
left-to-right, top-to-bottom.

1 X
2 6

Numbers 1 and 6 are the extremes while variable x and number 2 are the means.

Algebra properties tell us that the product of the means is equal to the product of the extremes.

If you encounter a proportion that has one of its means or extremes left blank, or uses another symbol
such as a question mark you can treat it as if it was a variable. Or you can replace the question mark or blank
space with a variable such as x.

5 ?

9 = 90
5 x

5(90) = 9 (x)

450 = 9x

X = 50

1. A certain size of bolts costs P200 per 100 pos. 1f 560 of these bolts are required, what is the total

100 =560
200 x

100 100

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X = 1200

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100 bolts cost P200.00
1 bolt costs P 2.00
560 bolts x P 2.00 = P 1 200.00

2. If 10 men spend 6 days to complete a job, in what number of days will 15 men complete the same

6 days require 10 men

X days require 15 men
X = 6 x 10/15
X = 4 days

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Activity Sheet No. 3.3-2

Ratio and Proportion

Direction: Solve the following problems on ratio and proportion.

1. x=16
4 21

2. 2= 6
X 18

3. 3= 3
2 x

4. Six pieces of steel angle are cut to make a welded joint. Two pieces of the metal measures 12”, another two
pieces measure 18”, one measures 24”, and the last piece measures 6”. If the total weight of the welded joint
requires 100 kgs, how much weight of eachjoint is needed?

5. In a certain company with 120 employees, 30 % are female welders, 45% are male welders and the rest are in
the administrative staff. How many employees of each distribution to make it 100%?

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Answer Key No. 3.3-2

Ratio and Proportion

1. x=16 x = 3.047619048
4 21

2. 2= 6 x=6
X 18

3. 3= 3 x=2
2 x

4. Six pieces of steel angle are cut to make a welded joint. Two pieces of the metal measures 12”, another two
pieces measure 18”, one measures 24”, and the last piece measures 6”. If the total weight of the welded joint
requires 100 kgs, how much weight of each joint is needed?
2 pcs x 12” =24”
2 pcs x 18” =36”
1 pc x 24” = 24”
1 pc x 6” = 6”

Get the total length of the materials.

Total = 24” + 36” + 24” + 6”
= 90”

24”/90 x 100 = 26.66 kgs

36”/90 x 100 = 40.0 kgs

24”/90 x 100 = 26.66 kgs

6 “ /90 x 100 = 6.66kgs


5. In a certain company with 120 employees, 30 % are female welders, 45% are male welders and the rest are in
the administrative staff. How many employees of each distribution to make it 100%?

30% of 120 = 36 females

45% of 120 = 54 males
100% of 120 =120 employees

? = 25% of the 120 = 30 other employees

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Information Sheet No. 3.3-3

Averages, Percent and Percentages

At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to:

1. Explain the principles and applications of averages, percent and percentages; and
2. Apply the principles and applications of averages, percent, and percentages.

A. Average

A system of mathematics used to compute the arithmetic mean of certain quantities.


To find the average of two or more quantities, they are first added together. Then, the sum is divided by
the number of quantities.


Find the average of 1/4”, 3/16”, 1/2”, and 5/16”.

Place the numbers in a column for addition:





Since the fractions cannot be added in this form, we must find the common denominator. As in any case
of addition of shop fractions, we use the largest denominator, which in this case is 16.
1/4 = 4/16

3/16 = 3/16
1/2 = 8/16

5/16 = 5/16


20/16 =Total

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There are four numbers. To find the average of the four numbers, we divide the total of all the numbers by
the number of quantities (4).

20 ÷ 4=
16 1

20 x 1 = 5
16 4116

Answer: The average of 1/4", 3/16, 1/2” and 5/16” =5/16”.

B. Percent

A percent of a number is a method of expressing some part of whole numbers with a base of 100. Thus,
100٪ of a number is all of it.

Example: Express 1/2 and 1/4 as percents.

1/2 = .50 = 50٪

1/4 = .25 = 25 %
3/4 = .75 = 75%

Note that the fraction is changed to a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator first. Then
the decimal point is moved two places right, dropped, and the percent sign is added.

75 = 3
100 4

50 = 1
100 2

25 = 1
100 4

A whole number appears on the left side of a decimal point: parts of a whole number appear on the right
side of a decimal point.

Whole Numbers
1 6 9 12
.25 .20 .18 .40
Whole numbers
and parts 1.25 6.20 9.18 12.40

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One dollar is written:

One dollar and 25 cents is written:

C. Percentage

A percentage is another way of expressing a part as a fraction of a whole unit. All percentage problems
consist of three elements: (a) the base, (b) the rate and (c) the percentage.

Given the problem;

5 % of $ 100.00 is $ 5.00, the base is $ 100.00, the rate is 5%, and the percentage is $5.00.

To compute for the base, rate, and percentage, the following mathematical formula is applied:

1. Base = Percentage ÷ Rate


2. Rate = Percentage ÷ Base


3. Percentage = Base x Rate



1. Find 5% of $100.00:

× 0.05 (2 decimal places)
$5.00( 2 decimal places)

The percentage symbol (%) does the work of two decimal places, 5% is written 0.05; 18% is
written 0.18, and so on. 125% is written as 1.25 ( two decimal places), but 31/4% is written as 0.0325
since the 25 is a quarter of the whole number 3, which is written 0.03.

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2. What percent of $ 100.00 is $ 5.00?

3. 5 is 5 % of what number?

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Self-Check No. 3.3-3

Averages, Percents and Percentages

Multiple Choice:
Direction: Analyze the problem carefully. Choose the correct answer and write the letter only on your answer

1. A welded steel tank holds 325 gallons. Another tank holds twice as much. What is the average amount held by the
a. 500 gallons
b. 487 ½ gallons
c. 450 ½ gallons
d. 430 gallons

2. A welder completes 87 % of 220 welds. How many completed welds are made?
a. 180.50 welded joints
b. 186 welded joints
c. 191.40 welded joints
d. 192.75 welded joints

3. There are 12 jobs of work to be done. When each job costs $40, what is the total cost of the jobs?
a. $460
b. $480
c. $ 520
d. $ 580

4. What percent of 250 is 50?

a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 25%
d. 50%

5. A fabricated project has a markdown price of $ 400. If the markdown price was 30% off, how much was the project
a. $120
b. $ 571
c. $ 982
d. $ 1333

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Answer Key No. 3.3-3

Averages, Percents and Percentages

1. b
2. c
3. b
4. b
5. b

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Qualification : SMAW NCI

Unit of Competency : Perform Industry Calculations

Module Title : Performing Industry Calculations

Learning Outcome # 4 : Measure Work Piece


1. Measurements of Length
2. Measurements of Angle

Assessment Criteria:

1. Work pieces are measured and estimated based on their application.

2. Use of measuring instruments on lengths and angles is properly observed.


Students/Trainees must be provided with the following:

Tools Equipment Supplies & Materials
Calculator CBLM on Perform Industry Calculations

Bond Paper/Yellow Paper

Evaluation Methods:

 Written Test

 Demonstration

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Learning Experience

LEARNING OUTCOME #4 :Measure Work Piece

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read Information Sheet No. 3.4-1 If you have some problem on the content of the information
Measurements of Length sheet, don’t hesitate to approach your facilitator.

If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on the content of

the information sheet, you can now answer the self-check
provided in the module.

2. Answer Self-Check No. 3.4-1 Compare your answer to the answer key 3.4-1. If you got
100% correct answers in this self-check, you can now move to
the next information sheet. If not, review the information sheet
and go over the self-check again.

3. Read Information Sheet No. 3.4-2 If you have some problem on the content of the information
Measurements of Angle sheet, don’t hesitate to approach your facilitator.

If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on the content of

the information sheet, you can now answer the self-check
provided in the module.

4. Answer Self-Check No. 3.4-2 Compare your answer to the answer key 3.4-2. If you got
100% correct answers in this self-check, you can now move to
the next information sheet. If not, review the information sheet
and go over the self-check again.

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Information Sheet No. 3.4-1

Reading Linear Measurement

At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to:

1. Apply proper used of measuring instruments on lengths;

2. Measure work piece using English and Metric system of measurements; and
3. Estimate the needed materials for the project.

A. English Measurements

Generally speaking, most tapes used by welders are of the 6-foot variety, although at times it is more convenient to
use tapes that are longer. The most convenient are graduated in 1/32”, 1/16”, 1/8”, 1/4”, 1/2”. It is most important that
the welder learn to read a tape, and is necessary for accuracy in measuring work. Some tapes even give 1/64” spaces, but
rarely can a cut be made so close to such a measurement. Cuts that need to be close to fine measurements will generally be
made with a saw or shear.

Least count is the smallest reading a measuring instrument can give. For English measurements with an 8
graduation as a whole, the least count is 1/8. For measurements with 16 graduationsas a whole, the least count is 1/16, for
measurements with 32 graduations, and least count is 1/32, and a measurement with 64 graduations as a whole, the least
count is 1/64.

1. Measurements with 8 graduations as a whole.

Reading of the Measurement:

A = 4/8 or ½ “
B = 6/8 or ¾ “
C = 7/8 “
D = 1 2/8 or 1 ¼”
E = 1 5/8”

2. Measurements with 16 graduations

Reading of the Measurement:

F = 3/16”
G = 7/16”

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H = 11/16”
I = 14/16 or 7/8”
J = 1 3/16”

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B. Metric Measurement

The metric steel rule is used to measure various lengths of steel in metric units.Metric measurements are
expressed in decimal parts of a whole number. For example, one-half millimeter is written as 0.5 mm.

Reading of the Measurement

A = 0.2 H = 4.3
B = 0.5 I = 5.0
C = 1.0 J = 5.7
D = 1.6 K = 5.9
E = 2.1 L = 6.3
F = 2.6 M = 7.2
G = 3.5 N = 7.8

A full-scale example of a rule is shown above where millimeter, centimeter, decimeter, and meter are specified.
Ordinarily, rules are graduated with least count (L.C.) of 1.0mm, but engineer’s steel rules used for precision work in the
industry have least counts of 0.5 mm engraved on the scale.

All measuring instruments, from the simple rule to a sophisticated interferometer, have least counts. Least count is
the smallest reading a particular measuring instrument can give.

Reading a Rule

To read a rule is easy. Just count the number of lines from the point where the measurement starts, usually the
end at the left of the rule to the point it ends and you have the reading in millimeters plus 0.5 mm, if ever there is.

Every tenth line on the scale is numbered. This corresponds to 10 mm, 20 mm, 30 mm, and so on, to guide the
user with ease in reading the measuring instruments.

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The reading on Figure 2 is 20 mm from the left end of the rule to the point marked by the sight as shown. Notice
that in this rule, every fifth line is numbered.

For instances when the rule is older and the reference end at the left is worn-out, we can use any line inside the
scale as the starting point of the measurement. When this happens, it is advisable to use line number 10 or 100 because it
could be used as another zero to start the measurement.

A typical example of this situation is shown below. The reading starts at line ten on the scale to give a workpiece
width size of 15.0 mm

To avoid the error of parallax, hold the rule so that the graduations are as close as possible to the object being
measured and sight the graduations square to the scale.

To measure the inside diameter of a work piece, you can either proceed in the manner described below or you can
place the front edge of the rule against the top inner edge of the work piece and then move the other end of the scale up and
down to find the maximum reading.

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To find the distance between the centers of two holes with equal diameter, place the rule across the holes with its
scale in line with the center line of the holes. Line up the first main graduation with the outer edge of the left hole and read
the scale at the point where the graduation meets the inner edge of the right hole. This measurement corresponds to the
distance between the centers of the two holes.

To find the distance “D” between two holes with different diameters, measure the diameter of each hole first.

Add these two measurements and divide the result by two.

20 + 10 = 30
30 2 = 15

Now measure the distance between the inner edges of the two holes and add 15 to this measurement.

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D = 30 + 15 = 45 mm
You can also measure the distance between the outer edges of the two holes and subtract 15 for this measurement

D= 60 - 15 = 45 mm

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Activity Sheet No. 3.4-1

Reading Linear Measurement


A. Read the distances from the start of this steel rulemeasure to the letters. Record the answers in the
proper blanks.

A. __________
B. __________
C. __________
D. __________
E. __________

A. ___________ F. __________
B. ___________ G.__________
C. ___________ H. __________
D. ___________ I. __________
E. ___________ J. __________

B.Use this illustration to compute the estimated materials for each part.

A welder makes 20 of these table frames.

a. How many centimeters of square steel tubing are

required to complete the order for Part A?

b. How many centimeters of square steel tubing are

required to complete the order for Part B?

c. How many meters of square tubing are required to

complete the order for part C?

d. How many pieces of steel tubing are needed to

fabricate 20 units of table frame if the standard length
of the material to be used per piece is 6 meters?

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Answer Key No. 3.4-1

Reading Linear Measurement


A. 3/16”

B. 7/16”

C. 11/16”

D. 15/16”

E. 1 3/16”


A. 7mm F. 41mm or 4.1cm

B. 2mm or 1.2cm G. 50mm or 5.0cm

C. 19mm or 1.9cm H. 56mm or 5.6cm

D. 29mm or 2.9 cm I. 79mm or 7.9cm

E. 65mm or 6.5cm J. 74mm or 7.4cm

3. Use this illustration to compute the estimated materials for each part.

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A welder makes 20 of these table frames.

a. How many centimeters of square steel tubing arerequired to complete the order for Part A?

Part A 4 pcs x 26.25” = 105”

Convert 105” to cm

105” x 2.54cm = 266.7cm


266.7cm x 20sets = 5334 cm

b. How many centimeters of square steel tubing are required to complete the order for Part B?

Part B: 2 pcs x 30.75” = 61.5”

Convert 61.5” to cm

61.5” x 2.54cm = 156.21cm


156.21cm x 20 sets = 3124.2 cm

c. How many meters of square tubing are required to complete the order for Part C?

Part C: 2 pcs x 63.50” = 127”

Convert 127” to meter

127” x 1m = 3.225806452 m

3.225806452 m x 20sets = 64.51612903 m

d. How many pieces of steel tubing are needed to fabricate 20 units of table frame if the standard length of the
material to be used per piece is 6 meters?

Add Part A, Part B and Part C

Total = Part A + Part B + Part C

= 5.334m + 3.1242m +64.51612903m

Total = 72.97432903 m

Compute the number of steel tubing to be used in the fabrication of 20 sets of table frame

Number of pieces of steel tubing = total length ÷ 6m

= 72.97432903m ÷ 6m

= 12.16238817 pcs


13 pieces of steel tubing

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Information Sheet No. 3.4-2

Measurements of Angle

At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to:

1. Measure work piece using angle measurement.

Angular Measurements

Another part to be measured is an angle. When two lines intersect each other, it forms angle measurements and
measured in degrees.


All true circles can be divided into 360 0 equal segments or degrees. Each degree is 1/360 th of the circle. The lines
that form angles can be thought of as being lines that come from the center point of the circle.


The instrument used by the draftsman in determining the angle formed when straight lines intersect is the
protractor, and is a half circle (semi-circle) divided into 180 0 or 180 equal divisions.

There are two rows of numbers on the protractor. These are provided so that the protractor can be used to measure
both clockwise and counterclockwise directions.

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Using the Protractor

1. Place the center mark of the protractor at the point where the two lines meet.

2. Place the zero degree mark of the protractor on either one of the two lines that form the angle.

3. Read from zero degree mark or graduation that matches up with the second line forming the angle.

Common Angle Classifications

Angles are described by the number of degrees they contain, for example a 30 0 angle or 1100 angle. In addition to
this specific description of the angle’s size, angles are divided into two broad groups: Acute and Obtuse Angles.

1. Acute Angle. An angle that consists of less than 90 degrees.

2. Obtuse Angle. An angle that consists of more than 90 degrees.

3. Right Angle. When two lines intersect to form a 90 0 angle, they also form a square corner.

4. Straight Angle. If two lines form 180 degrees angle, the lines in effect become one line.

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Activity Sheet No. 3.4-2

Measurement of Angle

Direction: With the aid of a protractor, measure the plotted angles.

A. D.

B. E.


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Answer Key No. 3.4-2

Measurement of Angle

A. 290

B. 550

C. 1130

D. 150

E. 410

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Evidence Plan

Trainee’s Name

Facilitator’s Name

Qualification GMAW NC II

Unit of Competency Perform Industry Calculation

Oral Questioning
Ways in which evidence will be collected: [tick the column]

The evidence must show that the candidate is able to:

1. Perform four fundamental operations x x x

2. Convert system of measurement x x x

3. Perform Algebraic Expressions x

4. Measure work piece x x x

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Candidate’s Name:
Facilitator’s Name:
Qualification: GMAW NC II
Unit of Competency Covered Perform Industry Calculations
Date of Assessment
Time of Assessment
Instructions for Demonstration

Given the approved plan of the proposed project, you are required to estimate the supplies and materials
needed. Include 5% of the computed supplies and materials for the waste allowance.

Materials & Equipment

Observation: / to show if evidence is
During the demonstration of skills, the candidate: Yes No N/A
 Interpreted blueprint of the proposed project*
 Identified supplies and materials needed*
 Used hand tools properly*
 Applied measurements*
 Identified number of supplies and materials needed*
 Observed safety practices*
The trainee’s demonstration was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Trainee’s Signature Date

Facilitator’s Signature Date

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Oral Questioning

Satisfactory response

Questions to probe the candidate’s underpinning knowledge:


1. What order of operations would be applied in computing mathematical problems?

2. How will you determine the volume of a cylinder?

3. What is the equivalent value of 1 inch (in) to centimeter (cm) and 1 kilogram (kg)
to pounds (lbs)?

4. What is the smallest reading of a measuring instrument?

5. What action would you take in measuring distances if the reference end as the
starting point of measurement is worn-out? No other measuring instrument is
The Candidate’s overall performance was:

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Candidate’s Signature Date

Facilitator’s Signature Date

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Competency Assessment


Multiple Choice:
Direction: Read the statement carefully. Choose the best answer and write the letter only in your answer sheet.

1. Summation is the result of putting numbers together.

a. Addition
b. Division
c. Subtraction
d. Multiplication

2. What will be the result when numbers are multiplied together?

a. Sum
b. Product
c. Quotient
d. Difference

3. Which of the mathematical operations is wrong?

a. 8 x 3 – 9 + 3 = 12
b. 9 ÷ 3 + 5 x 2 = 16
c. 16 – 2 + 4 = 16
d. 20 + 4 – 8 = 16

4. What mathematical operation will be applied when two dimensions of certain figures are considered?
a. Addition
b. Subtraction
c. Solving for the area
d. Solving for the volume

5. What is 3/4 + 1/2 - 5/8 ?

a. 1/4
b. 1/3
c. 3/5
d. 5/8

6. What is the volume of the space that the water will occupy when the cylinder has a diameter of 0.40 meters and its
length is 1.2 meters?
a. 150 650.5 cm3
b. 150 796.8 cm3
c. 163 986 cm3
d. 167 776 cm3

7. What are the units of length, mass, and time for the Imperial system of measurement?
a. inch, pound, second
b. meter, pound, second
c. inch, kilogram, second
d. meter, kilogram, second

8. This is the basic SI units of all measurements of lengths.

a. inch
b. meter
c. centimeter
d. pound and inch

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April 15, 2022 Revision No
Course Title:
Shielded Metal Arc Welding NCI
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9. What practice will be observed in converting measurements of different units?
a. convert the value given
b. use equivalent value of the same unit
c. use the numerical value of the given units
d. determine the equivalent value of different units

10. If there are 16 ounces in 1 pound, 2.205 pounds in 1 kilogram, how many kilograms are there in 96 ounces?
a. 1.85 kgs
b. 1.93 kgs
c. 2.50 kgs
d. 2.72 kgs

11. There are 5 units of steel casement to be fabricated. Each unit measure 4ft x 6 ft. How many square meters of the
units are to be fabricated?
a. 6.68 m2
b. 7.31 m2
c. 11.15 m2
d. 36.57 m2

12. What mathematical operation is scale represented for?

a. Ratio
b. Equation
c. Proportion
d. Average and Percent

13. Why is ratio necessary in a mathematical problem?

a. expresses some part of a whole number
b. determine the percent of certain quantities
c. determine the arithmetic mean of the figures
d. compare between two quantities with the same units

14. How do we determine the value of a mean in a proportion?

a. first number
b. second number
c. first and second numbers
d. second and third numbers

15. A welded tank holds 225 gallons. Another tank holds twice as much. What is the average amount held by the tanks?
a. 287.5 gallons
b. 337.5 gallons
c. 350 gallons
d. 380 gallons

16. The price of the project cost $1 225.00. What is the original price of the project if the markdown price is 25% off
a. $ 1 531
b. $ 1 633
c. $ 2 143
d. $ 2 244

17. What is the smallest reading of a measuring instrument?

a. Fraction
b. Decimal
c. Least count
d. Whole number

18. What is to be measured when two lines intersect each other?

a. Degree
b. Angle measurement
c. Linear measurement

Sector: Date Developed: Document No.:

Metals and Engineering 1041522SMAW031
April 15, 2022 Revision No
Course Title:
Shielded Metal Arc Welding NCI
Developed by:
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d. Area of the figure

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Metals and Engineering 1041522SMAW031
April 15, 2022 Revision No
Course Title:
Shielded Metal Arc Welding NCI
Developed by:
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19. From the illustration below, compute the materials needed to fabricate 4 units of the table frame for Part A. Each
length of the material is 20 ft.

a. 0.75
b. 1.5
c. 1.75
d. 2.0

20. Based on the illustration above, how many pieces of materials are needed to fabricate 4 units of the table frame? Each
length of the material is 6 meters.

a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8

Sector: Date Developed: Document No.:

Metals and Engineering 1041522SMAW031
April 15, 2022 Revision No
Course Title:
Shielded Metal Arc Welding NCI
Developed by:
Robin M. Concordia Page 89 of 90
Answer Key

Competency Assessment

1. a 11. c
2. b 12. b
3. c 13. d
4. c 14. d
5. d 15. b
6. b 16. b
7. c 17. c
8. b 18. b
9. c 19. c
10. d 20. a

Oral Questioning

1. What order of operations would be applied in computing mathematical problems?

- To perform the operation is the right order, remember PEMDAS, which stands for Parenthesis, Exponents,
Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction

2. How will you determine the volume of a cylinder?

- To compute the volume of a cylinder, solve first the area of the base then multiply by the height or length.

3. What is the equivalent value of 1 inch (in) to centimetre (cm) and 1 kilogram (kg) to pounds (lbs)?
- 1 in. is equal to 2.54 cm and 1 kg is 2.205 lbs.

4. What is the smallest reading of a measuring instrument?

- The smallest reading of a measuring instrument is the least count.

5. What action would you take in measuring distances if the reference end as the starting point of measurement is
worn-out? No other measuring instrument is available.
- Once the reference end of the measurement is worn-out, use the line number 10 or 100 as another zero to
start the measurement.

Sector: Date Developed: Document No.:

Metals and Engineering 1041522SMAW031
April 15, 2022 Revision No
Course Title:
Shielded Metal Arc Welding NCI
Developed by:
Robin M. Concordia Page 90 of 90

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