Music Sequence Reference

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MusicSequence Reference

Audio & Video: Audio


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MusicSequence Reference 5
Overview 5 Functions by Task 5 Creating and Configuring Music Sequences 5 Working with Music Tracks 6 Working With Audio Processing Graphs and MIDI Endpoints 6 Working With Time 6 Working With Files 7 Functions 7 DisposeMusicSequence 7 MusicSequenceBarBeatTimeToBeats 8 MusicSequenceBeatsToBarBeatTime 8 MusicSequenceDisposeTrack 9 MusicSequenceFileCreate 10 MusicSequenceFileCreateData 11 MusicSequenceFileLoad 12 MusicSequenceFileLoadData 12 MusicSequenceGetAUGraph 13 MusicSequenceGetBeatsForSeconds 14 MusicSequenceGetIndTrack 15 MusicSequenceGetInfoDictionary 15 MusicSequenceGetSecondsForBeats 16 MusicSequenceGetSequenceType 16 MusicSequenceGetSMPTEResolution 17 MusicSequenceGetTempoTrack 17 MusicSequenceGetTrackCount 18 MusicSequenceGetTrackIndex 19 MusicSequenceNewTrack 19 MusicSequenceReverse 20 MusicSequenceSetAUGraph 20 MusicSequenceSetMIDIEndpoint 21 MusicSequenceSetSequenceType 21 MusicSequenceSetSMPTEResolution 22 MusicSequenceSetUserCallback 23 NewMusicSequence 23 Callbacks 24 MusicSequenceUserCallback 24 Data Types 25 MusicSequence 25 MusicTimeStamp 25 Constants 25

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Music Sequence Load Flags 25 Music Sequence Types 26 Music Sequence File Type Identifiers 26 Music Sequence File Flags 27

Document Revision History 29

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MusicSequence Reference

Framework: Declared in

AudioToolbox/MusicPlayer.h MusicPlayer.h

A music sequence contains one or more music tracks, and can be played using a music player. Music tracks, in turn, can contain MIDI data and audio unit parameter automation data. A music sequence is an opaque MusicSequence data type. The opaque types used with a music sequence are described in the following documents:

MusicEventIterator Reference MusicPlayer Reference MusicTrack Reference

Result codes for this opaque type are described in MusicPlayer Reference.

Functions by Task

Creating and Configuring Music Sequences

NewMusicSequence (page 23)

Creates a new empty music sequence.

DisposeMusicSequence (page 7)

Disposes of a music sequence.

MusicSequenceSetSequenceType (page 21)

Sets the sequence type for a music sequence.

MusicSequenceGetSequenceType (page 16)

Gets the sequence type for a music sequence.

MusicSequenceSetSMPTEResolution (page 22)

Calculates the SMPTE resolution for a specified frame rate and number of ticks per quarter note.

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MusicSequence Reference

MusicSequenceGetSMPTEResolution (page 17)

Calculates the frame rate and number of ticks per quarter note for a specified SMPTE resolution.
MusicSequenceSetUserCallback (page 23)

Registers a user callback function with a music sequence.

MusicSequenceGetInfoDictionary (page 15)

Returns a dictionary containing music sequence information.

Working with Music Tracks

MusicSequenceNewTrack (page 19)

Add a new, empty music track to a music sequence.

MusicSequenceDisposeTrack (page 9)

Removes a music track from a music sequence, and disposes of the track.
MusicSequenceGetTrackCount (page 18)

Gets the number of music tracks owned by a music sequence.

MusicSequenceGetIndTrack (page 15)

Gets the music track at the specified track index.

MusicSequenceGetTrackIndex (page 19)

Gets the index number for a specified music track.

MusicSequenceGetTempoTrack (page 17)

Gets the tempo track for a music sequence.

Working With Audio Processing Graphs and MIDI Endpoints

MusicSequenceSetAUGraph (page 20)

Associates an audio processing graph with a music sequence.

MusicSequenceGetAUGraph (page 13)

Gets the audio processing graph associated with a music sequence.

MusicSequenceSetMIDIEndpoint (page 21)

Associates a specified MIDI endpoint with all music tracks in a music sequence.

Working With Time

MusicSequenceGetSecondsForBeats (page 16)

Calculates the number of seconds that correspond to a number of beats.

MusicSequenceGetBeatsForSeconds (page 14)

Calculates the number of beats that correspond to a number of seconds.

Functions by Task
2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MusicSequence Reference

MusicSequenceBeatsToBarBeatTime (page 8)

Formats a music sequences beat time to its bar-beat time.

MusicSequenceBarBeatTimeToBeats (page 8)

Formats a music sequences bar-beat time to its beat time.

MusicSequenceReverse (page 20)

Reverses the MIDI and tempo events in a music sequence, so the start becomes the end.

Working With Files

MusicSequenceFileLoad (page 12)

Loads data into a music sequence from a URL reference.

MusicSequenceFileLoadData (page 12)

Load data into a music sequence from a data reference.

MusicSequenceFileCreate (page 10)

Creates a MIDI file from the events in a music sequence.

MusicSequenceFileCreateData (page 11)

Creates a data object containing the events from a music sequence.

Disposes of a music sequence.
OSStatus DisposeMusicSequence ( MusicSequence inSequence );


The music sequence to dispose of. Return Value A result code. Discussion You cannot dispose of a music sequence while it is associated with a music player. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later. See Also
NewMusicSequence (page 23)

Related Sample Code PlaySequence

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MusicSequence Reference

Declared In

Formats a music sequences bar-beat time to its beat time.
OSStatus MusicSequenceBarBeatTimeToBeats( MusicSequence inSequence, const CABarBeatTime *inBarBeatTime, MusicTimeStamp *outBeats );


The music sequence that you want the beat count for.

The bar-beat time to be represented as beats.


On output, the music sequences beat time. Return Value A result code. Discussion The sequence's tempo track time signature events are used to to calculate the bar-beat representation. If there are no Time Sig events added to the sequence 4/4 is assumed. A time signature event is a MIDI Meta Event as specified for MIDI files. Refer to AudioToolbox/CAClock.h for more information. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later. See Also
MusicSequenceBeatsToBarBeatTime (page 8)

Declared In

Formats a music sequences beat time to its bar-beat time.

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MusicSequence Reference

OSStatus MusicSequenceBeatsToBarBeatTime( MusicSequence inSequence, MusicTimeStamp inBeats, UInt32 inSubbeatDivisor, CABarBeatTime *outBarBeatTime );


The music sequence that you want bar-beat time for.


The beats to be represented as bar-beats.


The denominator of the fractional number of beats.


On output, the music sequences bar-beat time. Return Value A result code. Discussion The sequence's tempo track time signature events are used to to calculate the bar-beat representation. If there are no Time Sig events added to the sequence 4/4 is assumed. A time signature event is a MIDI Meta Event as specified for MIDI files. Refer to AudioToolbox/CAClock.h for more information. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later. See Also
MusicSequenceBarBeatTimeToBeats (page 8)

Declared In

Removes a music track from a music sequence, and disposes of the track.
OSStatus MusicSequenceDisposeTrack ( MusicSequence inSequence, MusicTrack inTrack );


The music sequence to remove the music track from.


The music track to remove and dispose of. Return Value A result code.

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MusicSequence Reference

Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later. See Also

MusicSequenceNewTrack (page 19)

Declared In

Creates a MIDI file from the events in a music sequence.
OSStatus MusicSequenceFileCreate ( MusicSequence inSequence, CFURLRef inFileRef, MusicSequenceFileTypeID inFileType, MusicSequenceFileFlags inFlags, SInt16 inResolution );


The music sequence that you want to create a MIDI file from.

The URL to the MIDI file to be created.


The type of file to create.


Flags that configure the file creation process.


The resolution, which depends on the file type and the music sequence type. Return Value A result code. Discussion This function can be (and is most commonly) used to create a MIDI file from the events in a sequence. Only MIDI based events are used when creating the MIDI file. MIDI files are normally beat based, but can also have a SMPTE (or real-time rather than beat time) representation. The inResolution parameter specifies the relationship between "tick" and quarter note for saving to a standard MIDI file. Pass 0 to this parameter to use the default value; namely, the value that is currently set on the tempo track. The various sequence types determine the kinds of files that can be created, as follows:

BeatsWhen saving a MIDI file, it saves a beats (PPQ) based axis. SecondsWhen saving a MIDI file, it will save it as a SMPTE resolution - so you should specify this resolution when creating the MIDI file. If zero is specified, 25 fps and 40 ticks/frame is used (a time scale of a millisecond)


2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MusicSequence Reference

SamplesYou cannot save to a MIDI file with this sequence type.

The complete meaning of the 16-bit "division" field in a MIDI File's MThd chunk. If it is positive, then a tick represents 1/D quarter notes. If it negative, the following pertains:

Bits 14-8 are a signed 7-bit number representing the SMPTE format: 24, -25, -29 (drop), -30. Bits 7-0 represents the number of ticks per SMPTE frame. Typical values are 4, 10, 80, 100. You can obtain millisecond resolution by specifying 25 frames/sec and 40 divisions/frame:
30 fps with 80 bits (ticks) per frame: 0xE250 ((char)0xE2 == -30)

Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later. See Also

MusicSequenceFileCreateData (page 11) MusicSequenceSetSMPTEResolution (page 22)

Declared In

Creates a data object containing the events from a music sequence.
OSStatus MusicSequenceFileCreateData ( MusicSequence inSequence, MusicSequenceFileTypeID inFileType, MusicSequenceFileFlags inFlags, SInt16 inResolution, CFDataRef *outData );


The music sequence that you want to create a MIDI data object from.

The type of file format for the data in the data object.

Flags that configure the data object creation process.


The resolution, which depends on the file type and the music sequence type.

On output, the data object containing MIDI data in the specified format. Return Value A result code. Discussion The CFData object should be released by the caller.

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


MusicSequence Reference

Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later. See Also

MusicSequenceFileCreate (page 10)

Declared In

Loads data into a music sequence from a URL reference.
OSStatus MusicSequenceFileLoad ( MusicSequence inSequence, CFURLRef inFileRef, MusicSequenceFileTypeID inFileTypeHint, // can be zero in many cases MusicSequenceLoadFlags inFlags );


The music sequence to load the data into.

inFileRef A file:// URL pointing to a file that contains the data to load. inFileTypeHint

Provides a hint to the system about the file type referenced by the inFileRef parameter.

Flags that specify how the data should be parsed, and how it should be assigned to tracks. See Music Sequence Load Flags (page 25). Return Value A result code. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later. See Also
MusicSequenceFileLoadData (page 12)

Related Sample Code PlaySequence Declared In


Load data into a music sequence from a data reference.


2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MusicSequence Reference

OSStatus MusicSequenceFileLoadData ( MusicSequence inSequence, CFDataRef inData, MusicSequenceFileTypeID inFileTypeHint, // can be zero in many cases MusicSequenceLoadFlags inFlags );


The music sequence to load the data into.


The contents of a valid file loaded into a CFData object.


Provides a hint to the system about the file type referenced by the inFileRef parameter.

Flags that specify how the data should be parsed, and how it should be assigned to tracks. See Music Sequence Load Flags (page 25). Return Value A result code. Discussion The data to be loaded must conform to the file type indicated by the inFileTypeHint parameter. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later. See Also
MusicSequenceFileLoad (page 12)

Declared In

Gets the audio processing graph associated with a music sequence.
OSStatus MusicSequenceGetAUGraph ( MusicSequence inSequence, AUGraph *outGraph );


The music sequence whose associated audio processing graph you want to get.

On output, the audio processing graph associated with the music sequence. Return Value A result code.

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


MusicSequence Reference

Discussion If no audio processing graph is already associated with the music sequence, this function creates a default graph. The default graph contains an Instrument unit (of type DLSMusicDevice) and a dynamic compressor unit (of type DynamicCompressor). In this case, all music tracks in the music sequence have their outputs directed to the Instrument unit. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later. See Also
MusicSequenceSetAUGraph (page 20)

Related Sample Code PlaySequence Declared In


Calculates the number of beats that correspond to a number of seconds.
OSStatus MusicSequenceGetBeatsForSeconds ( MusicSequence inSequence, Float64 inSeconds, MusicTimeStamp *outBeats );


The sequence that you want to get a count of beats for.


The number of seconds that you want the corresponding number of beats for.

On output, the number of beats that corresponds to the number of seconds in the inSeconds parameter. Return Value A result code. Discussion This function makes use of the music sequences tempo track. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later. See Also
MusicSequenceGetSecondsForBeats (page 16)

Declared In


2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MusicSequence Reference

Gets the music track at the specified track index.
OSStatus MusicSequenceGetIndTrack ( MusicSequence inSequence, UInt32 inTrackIndex, MusicTrack *outTrack );


The music sequence to obtain the music track from.


The whole-number index for the music track you want to obtain. This function returns an error if the value for this parameter is not greater than 0 and less than the number of music tracks.

On output, the music track specified by the inTrackIndex parameter. Return Value A result code. Discussion This function is for accessing only music tracks, not the tempo track. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later. See Also
MusicSequenceGetTrackIndex (page 19)

Related Sample Code PlaySequence Declared In


Returns a dictionary containing music sequence information.
CFDictionaryRef MusicSequenceGetInfoDictionary ( MusicSequence inSequence );


The music sequence that you want the information dictionary from. Return Value A dictionary object containing information about a music sequence.

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


MusicSequence Reference

Discussion The dictionary can contain one or more of the kAFInfoDictionary_* keys specified in AudioToolbox/AudioFile.h. The caller should release the returned dictionary. If the call fails it will return

Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later. Declared In


Calculates the number of seconds that correspond to a number of beats.
OSStatus MusicSequenceGetSecondsForBeats ( MusicSequence inSequence, MusicTimeStamp inBeats, Float64 *outSeconds );


The sequence that you want to get a count of seconds for.


The number of beats that you want the corresponding number of seconds for.

On output, the number of seconds that corresponds to the number of beats in the inBeats parameter. Return Value A result code. Discussion This function makes use of the music sequences tempo track. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later. See Also
MusicSequenceGetBeatsForSeconds (page 14)

Declared In

Gets the sequence type for a music sequence.


2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MusicSequence Reference

OSStatus MusicSequenceGetSequenceType ( MusicSequence inSequence, MusicSequenceType *outType );


The music sequence whose sequence type you want to get.


On output, the sequence type for the music sequence. Return Value A result code. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later. See Also
MusicSequenceSetSequenceType (page 21)

Declared In

Calculates the frame rate and number of ticks per quarter note for a specified SMPTE resolution.
MusicSequenceGetSMPTEResolution ( SInt16 inRes, SignedByte *fps, Byte *ticks );


The SMPTE resolution of a MIDI file.


Frames per second.


Ticks per quarter note. See Also

MusicSequenceFileCreate (page 10) MusicSequenceSetSMPTEResolution (page 22)

Gets the tempo track for a music sequence.

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


MusicSequence Reference

OSStatus MusicSequenceGetTempoTrack ( MusicSequence inSequence, MusicTrack *outTrack );


The music sequence whose tempo track you want to obtain.


On output, the tempo track. Return Value A result code. Discussion Each music sequence has a single tempo track. All tempo events are placed into this track, as well as some other eventssuch as the time signature from a MIDI file. The tempo track, once retrieved, can be edited and iterated over as can a music track. Most non-tempo events in a tempo track are ignored. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later. Declared In

Gets the number of music tracks owned by a music sequence.
OSStatus MusicSequenceGetTrackCount ( MusicSequence inSequence, UInt32 *outNumberOfTracks );


The music sequence whose track count you want.


On output, the number of music tracks in the music sequence. Return Value A result code. Discussion The track count provided by this function excludes the tempo track. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later. Related Sample Code PlaySequence Declared In


2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MusicSequence Reference

Gets the index number for a specified music track.
OSStatus MusicSequenceGetTrackIndex ( MusicSequence inSequence, MusicTrack inTrack, UInt32 *outTrackIndex );


The music sequence to obtain the track index number from.


The music track whose index you want to obtain. This function returns an error if the music track is not part of the music sequence specified in the inSequence parameter.

On output, the zero-based index of the music track that you provided in the inTrack parameter. Return Value A result code. Discussion This function is for accessing only indexes for music tracks, not the tempo track. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later. See Also
MusicSequenceGetIndTrack (page 15)

Declared In

Add a new, empty music track to a music sequence.
OSStatus MusicSequenceNewTrack ( MusicSequence inSequence, MusicTrack *outTrack );


The music sequence to add the new music track to.


On output, the new music track that was appended to the list of tracks for the music sequence. Return Value A result code. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


MusicSequence Reference

See Also
MusicSequenceDisposeTrack (page 9)

Declared In

Reverses the MIDI and tempo events in a music sequence, so the start becomes the end.
OSStatus MusicSequenceReverse ( MusicSequence inSequence );


The music sequence that you want to time-reverse. Return Value A result code. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later. Declared In

Associates an audio processing graph with a music sequence.
OSStatus MusicSequenceSetAUGraph ( MusicSequence inSequence, AUGraph inGraph );


The music sequence to associate with an audio processing graph.


The audio processing graph to associate with the music sequence. Return Value A result code. Discussion After you call this function, the system directs a played music sequences output to the associated audio processing graph. By default, all music tracks in the sequence are directed to the first node in the graph that is an Instrument unit (of type DLSMusicDevice). Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.


2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MusicSequence Reference

See Also
MusicSequenceGetAUGraph (page 13)

Declared In

Associates a specified MIDI endpoint with all music tracks in a music sequence.
OSStatus MusicSequenceSetMIDIEndpoint ( MusicSequence inSequence, MIDIEndpointRef inEndpoint );


The music sequence that you want to associate with a MIDI endpoint.

The MIDI endpoint to associate with the music sequence. Return Value A result code. Discussion This is a convenience function, equivalent to iterating through the music tracks in a music sequence and targeting each to the MIDI endpoint. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later. Related Sample Code PlaySequence Declared In

Sets the sequence type for a music sequence.
OSStatus MusicSequenceSetSequenceType ( MusicSequence inSequence, MusicSequenceType inType );


The music sequence whose sequence type you want to set.


The type of sequence to assign to the music sequence. For the list of available sequence types, see Music Sequence Types (page 26). The default sequence type is kMusicSequenceType_Beats.

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


MusicSequence Reference

Return Value A result code. Discussion The sequence type can be set to kMusicSequenceType_Beats at any time. The sequence type can only be set to kMusicSequenceType_Seconds or kMusicSequenceType_Samples if there are no tempo events already in the sequence. The following considerations pertain to the various sequence types:

kMusicSequenceType_BeatsTempo is specified as beats-per-minute. A music sequence of this type

can contain any number of tempo events.

kMusicSequenceType_SamplesTempo is specified as a sample rate, in terms of samples-per-second.

If you set the tempo to 44,100 using a sequence of this type, then 44,100 beats corresponds to a duration of one second.

kMusicSequenceType_SecondsThe tempo should be set to 60; a beat is a second.

After setting a music sequence to the kMusicSequenceType_Samples or kMusicSequenceType_Seconds type, add a single tempo event to specify the tempo. A meta event of interest for the kMusicSequenceType_Seconds sequence type is the SMPTE Offset meta event, which is stored in the tempo track. The sequence doesn't do anything with this event. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later. See Also
MusicSequenceGetSequenceType (page 16)

Declared In

Calculates the SMPTE resolution for a specified frame rate and number of ticks per quarter note.
SInt16 MusicSequenceSetSMPTEResolution ( SignedByte fps, Byte ticks );


Frames per second.


Ticks per quarter note. Return Value A SMPTE resolution. See Also
MusicSequenceFileCreate (page 10)


2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MusicSequence Reference

MusicSequenceGetSMPTEResolution (page 17)

Registers a user callback function with a music sequence.
OSStatus MusicSequenceSetUserCallback ( MusicSequence inSequence, MusicSequenceUserCallback inCallback, void *inClientData );


The music sequence that you want to add a user callback function to.

A reference to your callback function. Use NULL to remove a registered callback function.

Your data that the music sequence provides back to your callback function when it is invoked. Return Value A result code. Discussion The music sequence invokes your callback for each user event added to any music track owned by the sequence. If there is a callback registered, then UserEvents will be chased when MusicPlayerSetTime is called. In that case the inStartSliceBeat and inEndSliceBeat will both be the same value and will be the beat that the player is chasing to. Usually, where the sequence data is being scheduled for playback, the following applies:
inStartSliceBeat <= inEventTime < inEndSliceBeat

The only exception to this is if the track that owns the MusicEvent is looping. In this case the start beat will still be less than the end beat (so your callback can still determine that it is playing, and what beats are currently being scheduled), however, the inEventTime will be the original time-stamped time of the user event. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later. Declared In

Creates a new empty music sequence.

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


MusicSequence Reference

OSStatus NewMusicSequence ( MusicSequence *outSequence );


On output, the new, empty music sequence. Return Value A result code. Discussion A new music sequence has only a tempo track, with a default tempo of 120 beats-per-minute. The default sequence type is beat-based. For the various sequence types, see Music Sequence Types (page 26). To direct the output of a music sequence to an audio processing graph, use the MusicSequenceSetAUGraph (page 20) function. To direct the output instead to a MIDI endpoint, use the MusicSequenceSetMIDIEndpoint (page 21) function. To direct the output of a specific music track, use the MusicTrackSetDestNode and MusicTrackSetDestMIDIEndpoint functions, described in MusicTrack Reference. Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later. See Also
DisposeMusicSequence (page 7)

Related Sample Code PlaySequence Declared In


typedef void (*MusicSequenceUserCallback) ( void *inClientData, MusicSequence inSequence, MusicTrack inTrack, MusicTimeStamp inEventTime, const MusicEventUserData *inEventData, MusicTimeStamp inStartSliceBeat, MusicTimeStamp inEndSliceBeat );

If you named your callback MyMusicSequenceUserCallback, you would declare it like this:
void MyMusicSequenceUserCallback ( void *inClientData, MusicSequence inSequence,


2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MusicSequence Reference

MusicTrack MusicTimeStamp const MusicEventUserData MusicTimeStamp MusicTimeStamp );

inTrack, inEventTime, *inEventData, inStartSliceBeat, inEndSliceBeat

Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later. Declared In


Data Types
A music sequence.
typedef struct OpaqueMusicSequence *MusicSequence;

Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later. Declared In


A timestamp for use by a music sequence.
typedef Float64 MusicTimeStamp;

Availability Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later. Declared In


Music Sequence Load Flags
Flags used to configure the behavior of the MusicSequenceFileLoad (page 12) and MusicSequenceFileLoadData (page 12) functions.

Data Types
2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


MusicSequence Reference

enum { kMusicSequenceLoadSMF_ChannelsToTracks = (1 << 0) }; typedef UInt32 MusicSequenceLoadFlags;


If this flag is set the resultant Sequence will contain a tempo track, 1 track for each MIDI Channel that is found in the SMF, 1 track for SysEx or MetaEvents - and this will be the last track in the sequence after the LoadSMFWithFlags calls. Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later. Declared in MusicPlayer.h.

Music Sequence Types

The various types of music sequences.
enum { kMusicSequenceType_Beats = 'beat', kMusicSequenceType_Seconds = 'secs', kMusicSequenceType_Samples = 'samp' }; typedef UInt32 MusicSequenceType;


Used for a music sequence that corresponds to a normal MIDI file. The tempo track defines the number of beats per second and can have multiple tempo events. Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later. Declared in MusicPlayer.h.

Used for a music sequence that corresponds to a MIDI file, but employs SMPTE timecode. The tempo track contains a single tempo event that specifies 60 beat-per-minute. Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later. Declared in MusicPlayer.h.

Used for audio samples; a music sequence of this type cannot be saved to a MIDI file. The tempo track contains a single tempo event that specifies an audio sample rate in samples-per-second. Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later. Declared in MusicPlayer.h.

Music Sequence File Type Identifiers

The various types of files that can be parsed by a music sequence.


2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MusicSequence Reference

enum { kMusicSequenceFile_MIDIType = 'midi', kMusicSequenceFile_iMelodyType = 'imel' }; typedef UInt32 MusicSequenceFileTypeID;


A MIDI file type Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later. Declared in MusicPlayer.h.

An iMelody file type. Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later. Declared in MusicPlayer.h.

Music Sequence File Flags

Flags that configure the behavior of the MusicSequenceFileCreate (page 10) and MusicSequenceFileCreateData (page 11) functions.
enum { kMusicSequenceFileFlags_EraseFile = 1 }; typedef UInt32 MusicSequenceFileFlags;


Specifies that an existing file should be erased when creating a new file. Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later. Declared in MusicPlayer.h.

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


MusicSequence Reference


2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to MusicSequence Reference. Date 2009-11-25 Notes Added descriptions for the MusicSequenceSetSMPTEResolution (page 22) and MusicSequenceGetSMPTEResolution (page 17) inline functions. Other minor improvements. 2009-11-17 New document that describes a playable collection of MIDI music tracks.

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Document Revision History

2009-11-25 | 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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