QR Sept10
QR Sept10
QR Sept10
Regd. Office: UB Tower, UB City, 24, Vittal Mallya Road, Bangalore - 560 001
Unaudited Financial Results for the period ended September 30, 2010
Rs. in Lakhs (except in respect of items 16 to 18) Unaudited Audited Three Months Ended Six Months Ended Year Ended 30.9.2010 30.9.2009 30.9.2010 30.9.2009 31.03.2010 56,691 (899) 7,156 14,637 1,368 5,899 3,512 2,424 11,117 5,501 3,323 54,038 2,653 1,702 4,355 1,244 54 3,057 3,057 (866) 2,191 2,191 2,400 0.82 60,058,335 25.02 41,225 (603) 7,031 8,746 1,125 3,752 2,583 2,074 7,638 4,301 2,960 39,607 1,618 1,554 3,172 1,592 22 22 1,536 1,536 (365) 1,171 1,171 2,400 0.40 60,058,335 25.02 134,254 (398) 15,968 33,600 2,973 13,689 6,243 4,775 23,903 12,440 7,072 120,265 13,989 3,525 17,514 2,586 (4) 71 14,861 14,861 (5,055) 9,806 9,806 2,400 3.91 60,058,335 25.02 97,748 (91) 11,982 23,830 2,322 10,048 4,760 4,123 18,631 9,696 5,774 91,075 6,673 3,443 10,116 3,299 (371) 30 7,158 7,158 (2,438) 4,720 4,720 2,400 1.79 60,058,335 25.02 199,745 (462) 25,216 51,153 4,911 20,064 9,892 8,827 37,033 18,891 11,325 186,850 12,895 7,768 20,663 6,216 (782) 116 15,113 15,113 (5,416) 9,697 9,697 2,400 88,888 3.68 60,058,335 25.02
Sl. No.
1 (a) Net Sales/Income from Operations (b) Other Operating Income 2 Expenditure a) (Increase) / Decrease in stock in trade and work in progress b) Consumption of Raw Materials c) Consumption of Packing Materials d) Power & Fuel Cost e) Purchase of Traded Goods f) Employees Cost g) Depreciation h) Advertisement & Sales Promotion i) Selling & Distribution j) Other Expenditure k) Total 3 Profit from Operations before Other Income, Interest and Exceptional Items (1-2) 4 Other Income 5 Profit before Interest and Exceptional Items (3+4) 6 Interest Charges - Interest - Exchange difference - Other Finance Charges 7 Profit after Interest but before Exceptional Items (5-6) 8 Exceptional Items (1-2) 9 Profit (+)/Loss (-) from Ordinary Activities before tax (7+8) 10 Tax expense 11 Net Profit(+) / Loss(-) from Ordinary Activities after tax (9-10) 12 Extraordinary Items (net of tax expense Rs.Nil) 13 Net Profit (+) / Loss(-) for the period (11-12) 14 Paid-up equity share capital (Face value of Re.1 each) 15 Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserves as per balance sheet of previous accounting year 16 Earnings Per Share (EPS) (in Rs.) 17 Public Shareholding - Number of Shares - Percentage of Shareholding 18 Promoters and Promoter group Shareholding a) Pledged / Encumbered - Number of Shares - Percentage of Shares (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) - Percentage of Shares (as a % of the total share capital of the company) b) Non - Encumbered - Number of Shares - Percentage of Shares (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) - Percentage of Shares (as a % of the total share capital of the company)
STATEMENT OF ASSETS & LIABILITIES AS AT 30th SEPTEMBER, 2010 (UNAUDITED) Rs. in Lakhs Particulars Shareholders Fund: (a) Capital (b) Reserves and Surplus Total (a) + (b) Loan Funds Deferred Tax Liability TOTAL LIABILITIES Fixed Assets Investments Current assets loans and advances (a) Inventories (b) Sundry Debtors (c) Cash and Bank balances (d) Other current assets (e) Loans and Advances Total (a) to (e) Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions (a) Liabilities (b) Provisions Total (a) + (b) Miscellaneous expenditure (to the extent not written off) Profit and Loss Account TOTAL ASSETS Notes: Unaudited as at 30.09.2010 27,090 98,694 125,784 56,670 1,943 184,397 83,180 10,407 24,103 64,194 9,662 5,061 25,919 128,939 34,998 3,131 38,129 184,397 Unaudited as at 30.09.2009 27,090 85,785 112,875 62,165 1,970 177,010 81,347 14,907 20,521 55,657 1,727 2,958 26,268 107,131 25,803 572 26,375 177,010 Audited as at 31.03.2010 27,090 88,888 115,978 67,133 2,163 185,274 83,832 15,307 19,602 61,625 8,332 3,545 27,694 120,798 32,123 2,540 34,663 185,274
1. The Company is engaged in manufacture, purchase and sale of Beer including licensing of brands which constitutes a single business segment. The Company also considers the whole of India as a single geographical segment. 2. Exchange difference represents loss (gain) on liability restated at the exchange rates as at the end of the respective periods on foreign currency loan availed by the Company for working capital purposes. The Company has opted to repay the entire facility during the quarter ended June 2010 booked a gain of Rs. 4 Lakhs on settlement of the facility. 3. The Company's investments in Millennium Alcobev Private Limited and Maltex Malsters Private Limited are long term and strategic in nature. The diminution in book value of these investments is only temporary in nature and further the Company has also obtained an independent valuation in respect of these investments, which is in excess of the book value, and hence no provision for diminution is considered necessary. 4. The Company does not own any brewing facility in Tamil Nadu, which is one of the major markets in India contributing about 18% of the Company's business. With an intention of ensuring supplies from Balaji Distilleries Limited (BDL), having brewing facilities in Tamil Nadu, the Company has entered into an agreement with the promoters of BDL to secure to the Company perpetual usage of brewery and for grant of first right of refusal in case of sale or disposal of the brewery in any manner by BDL, and has advanced an amount of Rs.15,500 Lakhs to one of the Promoter Companies of BDL, acting for and on behalf of the other Promoters also. Subsequently, the Boards of Directors of BDL and United Spirits Limited (USL) have considered and approved a proposal for merger of BDL into USL, which is subject to obtaining of the necessary regulatory approvals by both the Companies. The Company has obtained a commitment from USL that the arrangement with Promoters will be adhered to on completion of the proposed merger. The advance will be repaid upon the completion of the merger or in accordance with the terms of the related Agreement, whichever is earlier. In June 2009, BDL has allotted 90,000,000 Equity Shares upon conversion of warrants to certain parties. These parties have entered into a supplemental agreement with the Company to the effect that they will be bound by the terms and conditions of the earlier agreement between the Company and the promoters of BDL. 5. During the quarter ended June 30,2008 the Company has raised Rs.42,278 (net of issue expenses) Lakhs through an issue of shares on rights basis (Rights Issue).The proceeds of the rights issue have been utilised in the following manner: a. Rs. 20,255 Lakhs for repayment of cash credit/overdraft accounts and for additional working capital requirements. b. Rs. 22,023 Lakhs for Capital Expenditure. 6. Investor complaints pending as on July 1, 2010 were Nil. During the quarter ended September 30, 2010, eight (8) Complaints were received and disposed and there were no complaints unresolved as on that date. 7. The Company has paid a dividend @ Rs. 3/- per Cumulative Redeemable Preference Share amounting to Rs. 867 Lakhs (inclusive of Dividend Distribution Tax) for the year ended March 31, 2010 to Scottish & Newcastle India Limited. A final dividend of Rs.0.36 per equity share of Re.1/- equivalent to 36% amounting to Rs.1,008 lakhs (inclusive of Dividend Distribution Tax) was paid by the Company for the year ended March 31, 2010. 8. Earnings per Share (EPS) is stated after providing for pro-rated Dividend on the Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares for the period ended September 2010. 9. The figures relating to the previous year/period(s) have been regrouped / reclassified wherever necessary. 10. A Scheme of Amalgamation for amalgamating Associated Breweries & Distilleries Limited, Millennium Alcobev Private Limited and Empee Breweries Limited into the Company has been filed with the High Court at Karnataka. Millennium Beer Industries Limited and United Millennium Breweries Limited are proposed to be amalgamated through a Scheme to be filed through Board for Industrial & Financial reconstruction. The above schemes are effective April 01, 2010 subject to necessary approvals. 11. The unaudited results for the quarter ended September 30, 2010 have been approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on October 28, 2010 and have been subjected to limited review by the auditors of the company. By the Authority of the Board, Sd/Place : Amsterdam, Netherlands KALYAN GANGULY Date : October 28, 2010 Managing Director