Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
1 - TCP Teaching
1st Sem 2022 The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles 2022
Course: TCP
Do you remember specific examples of things you have learned in school He said yes, he always
to help you remember things? checks his writings.
How do you think you learn thing best – by seeing it, by hearing it, or by By seeing
doing it?
Do you use them? yes
Does your teacher help you figure out how you learn things best, or help Yes
you learn that way?
Do you do activities to help you learn things in school? Yes, he likes to play sports
in school
What kind of activities do you do He likes to running.
Do you think they help? Yes
Do you like to read, why or why not? No, I like watching cartoons
Is there something that cold change at school that might make you like Hmmm.. I don’t know,
reading more (even more) maybe
What kind of things do you read at school? English, math, science books
Do you get to choose some of the things do you read? Sometimes Yes, and
sometimes No
Do you read outside the school? - if so what do you like to read Sometimes yes, when my
mom asked me to read my
school books.
Why do you prefer to read those kinds of things/books My teachers and my mom
ask me to read it
Do you think reading is important? Yes, my mom always told
me that reading will help me
to become smart.
Many people think that reading will help you do better in school - do you? Yes, my teacher always told
Why or why not? me very good in reading
What kinds of things do you do when reading to make sure you None
understand what you are reading
Has your teacher helped you learn ways to help you read better Yes
TO help you understand and remember what you read Yes
TCP Page 1
Facilitating Learner-Centered
1 - TCP Teaching
1st Sem 2022 The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles 2022
Extend by Reflecting
1. He was able to respond accordingly to all the questions that I asked him, he was very jolly and
active, and he was able to remember a total of 6 words that I presented though it took a little time
for him to recall all the words he was able to remember the six words that I have presented
especially after I show him again the words that he needs to remember. This indicates that the
child has a good sense of remembering things especially if he will be properly guided throughout
his development stage. The child needs more time to develop as well as someone that will guide
him as he continues to develop and grow.
2. The child was very enthusiastic to retell the story about the lion and the rat, he also liked the story
and he was able to retell the story in the correct order. Considering the age difference between
the two learners in our study, there is little difference in how they both responded in terms of
speed and accuracy. The child in first grade is a little faster in answering the question that is being
3. We all know how important learning to read and remember is. This is the reason why as
educators we need to learn and address this issue about the children’s development concerning
their memory and reading skills. We know that reading helps to develop the importance of
language skills, especially with today’s technology that due to the advent of computers would
make reading less important. Reading also improves and enhances our social skills, it also helps
us to understand instructions, develop new skills, grow our imaginations, reading also helps us
improve our writing skills, build a strong vocabulary and improve our spelling skills and most of
all it supports all areas of life.
What did you learn from the video? How can you also apply this?
I learned about the TQLR. T stands for Tune in, Q stands for question, L stands for Listing and R
stands for remembering. This is a nice skill of learning to learn, as the teacher and the student discussed in
the video, when you say tune in it means that you need to focus and listen attentively to the story,
question is to ask an interesting question about the story, listen to means that student need to listen to the
teacher and last is to remember the important part of the story. The teacher also asks if the student is
doing this in the class which is also a better way of identifying if that student understands the importance
of it. This method of teaching will help not only the student but also the teachers to make sure that
their student knows what to do when the teacher is discussing something in the classroom. This will also
help to remind the students that paying attention, listening to the teacher, and remembering the important
part of the lesson will help them improve their knowledge.
Video making
Purpose: The purpose of this video is to add additional tips for the student on what they need to
do when the teacher is discussing something in the class, this will help the student to remind
them about their responsibility for them to learn better and to remember the lesson that is being
discussed in the class.
Explanation: This video is created only for educational purposes. A short video that will somehow add
information and tips to students on how they will remember their lesson when the teacher or someone
is discussing it in front of the class.
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