Population Pyramid Practice 2022jbnbmn

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Task 1: Population Pyramid - Review the Trends

Directions: The shape of population pyramids provide information on population trends. Using the shapes, explain the
trends. included the following vocabulary: Cohort, core, periphery, semi-periphery & dependency ratio.

it has a well distrubuited population that still facilties

moderate growth as the youth are still by the far the biggest
groups . semi periphery

it has a very high spendcy ratio with the cohorts based on

genders being roughly equal it should expierence vast
econmic growth soon when the children mature. periphial

the population is aging and children are a small group in

comprasion this countries population will decline. core

it is quite consistent with expections here and there

however much of the population is aging but it still seems
to have some growth. core
Task 2: Guess the Population Pyramid

Directions: Changing scale can change the shape of a population pyramid to reflect what is trending in that community.
Use the hints to guess the pyramid. Type the letter of the place next to the correlating pyramid.

1. b 2. a

3. d 4. c 5. f

6. h 7. g 8. e

Helpful Hints
Ann Arbor, MI - University of
Buffalo county, SD - Crow Creek
Indian Reservation, one of the poorest
counties the United States
Fort Bragg, NC - United States
military base
Leavenworth, KS - United States
Manhattan, NYC - wealthy downtown,
few families
Northampton, MA - Smith College, an
Task 3: Exploring US - Population Pyramid Analysis

Directions: Use the Population Pyramid of Naples, Florida, and Loredo, Texas, 2010 to answer questions 1 through 4
below, to rank each city’s policy priorities.

1. n How does the population pyramid of Naples, Florida compare with the population pyramid of Loredo, Texas?
naples has a large aging population whilst lared has a massive amount of chilren

2. cWhich age range in Laredo has the largest population of males? Of femails? Which age range in Naples has the
largest population of males? Of females? in naples men are populase in the earlier yers whilst the women are
dominate in the elderly whilst in lared females are more dominate in the older whilst men are more dominat in
working ages

3. Rank the following public policy considerations on a scale of 1 (most important) to 6 (least important) as if they
were being presented to Naples and Lorado. In other words, how are the population pyramids used to predict
markets for goods and services?
4. 1
5. 3
6. 2
7. 4
8. 3
9. 6
10. i believe that naples requires morgage relief and elderly care as they have a massive amount
of old and aging peoples.
i believe laredo requires more child care and traffic relief and bicyle lanes as they will soon have a
larger driving population and the children will often ride bikes. they dont need elderly care due to the
small amount of elderly and rezoning would be useful to support the rapidly growing population

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