Chapter 2 - Branches of Law
Chapter 2 - Branches of Law
Chapter 2 - Branches of Law
Dr. AbdelRahman Mohamed Sayed
Public Law
■ Civil Law - is a body of rules that defines and protects the private rights of citizens,
offers legal remedies that may be sought in a dispute, and covers areas of law such
as contracts, torts, property and family law.
■ Property law - Centers on the ownership rights of individuals with regard to tangible
or intangible assets.
■ Contract law - Regards the ability of individuals to form and enforce agreements.
■ Tort law - Protects the rights of individuals against infringement by other individuals.
Public & Private Law
Often, an individual’s actions will subject her to a criminal prosecution by the government as well as
a civil action by an injured party.
Substantive Law & Procedural Law
■ A substantive law defines a legal relationship or prohibits certain conduct. That is, it
says what you can or cannot do. For example, a state that says, “though shalt not
steal”. This would be a substantive law.
■ Procedural law, on the other hand, dictates how the substantive law is administered
or carried out. For example, a state statute reads, “an individual has 30 days to file
a response to a civil complaint.” This is a procedural law dictating how to carry out a
civil action.
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