BSBWRT311 Assessment Templates V1.0521

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Assessment Templates

BSBWRT311 Write simple documents

Student ID Student Name

First Name: Bruno

Last Name: Carbajal

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Task 2 – Knowledge Questions
1. Ben is the administration assistant for a manager in the head office at BizOps Enterprises.
One of his duties is to create and send business documents for his manager. Before he
starts, he must plan his documents.

a. What are three (3) key questions Ben The three key questions are:
could ask himself before starting? - What type of document is it?
- Who is the document addressed to?
- What is the content of the document?

b. Why is it important for Ben to know It is important that Ben knows the audience to
who the audience is, for his whom the document is directed in order to carry
document? out a correct execution of the document, following
the protocols established by BizOps

c. What is meant by the purpose of the The purpose of the document is the reason why it
document and why is it important for is developed, following the protocols and
Ben to know this? guidelines established by BizOps, it is important
that Ben knows it because this way he will create a
strictly professional document meeting the
requirements of who it is addressed to.

d. Ben needs to follow BizOps • Always maintain professionalism, especially

communication requirements when when dealing with clients or other employees
creating documents. Name two (2) • Use respectful and appropriate language at all
organizational requirements. times.

2. Give two (2) examples for each of the following communication methods.

Communication methods Examples

Verbal Communication - A phone call.
- A person to person conversation.
Written Communication - Brochures or flyers
- Letters
Use of Technology - Email
- Instant messaging

3. Ben creates many different types of documents for his manager. Each type of document
has a different requirement.

a. What are three (3) principles Ben - All letters are to be sent on BizOps letterhead, which
could use when writing standard requires the document to be set out with a left and
business letters? right margin of 2.5 cm and a 7 cm space at the top to
accommodate the letterhead.
- All documents are to be left justified.
- All letters are to be signed and include the name and
position title of the sender.

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b. Emails are a very common way to - Email is a free tool.
communicate in the workplace. - Email is fast.
What are four (4) reasons why - Email is simple.
Ben might choose to send an - Email is paperless and therefore good for the planet
email? and minimizes stationery costs.
c. Written procedures are The written procedures are important because they
documents that outline how to help to guarantee the standardization of the process, in
perform certain activities. Why addition, they facilitate the execution of the same
are these important in the following a specific model implemented by the
workplace? company.
d. Name two (2) features of a - A copy of all written communication is required for
written procedures document. filing.
- All communication to customers should address with
generic titles of Ms. or Mr. unless otherwise advised by
the customer.
4. Ben’s manager has asked Ben to create an agenda for an upcoming meeting.
a. What is an agenda and what is its An agenda is designed to organize and guide a
purpose? person when it comes to achieving goals, but for
this it must be used correctly. The purpose is to help
those organized tasks be fulfilled and completed.
b. What are three (3) items Ben should - Establish the objective of the meeting.
include in the meeting agenda? - Make a list of the topics on the meeting
- Identify the list of meeting attendees
5. Ben’s manager has asked Ben to write a memorandum to inform staff of a change in the
procedures to request annual leave. The new procedure will start on the 1st of next month
and will require staff to use a new online form to request their annual leave.
Name three (3) key points Ben should include in the memo to staff.

- Who is the memorandum addressed to?

- Date of the memorandum.
- Affair.
- Briefly worded document of the memorandum.

6. Which of the following statements are true for a business letter format? Place an X against
the true statement.

Business letters are: X if TRUE

Written on letterhead X
Informal in style
Use the fully-blocked layout X
Used when a record of business activity is required X

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7. Different documents require a different style of writing. Choose whether the following
documents are formal or informal style.

Document Formal or Informal

Business letter discussing a new deal Formal

Email to team member asking for help on a project Informal
A new procedure for advertising job roles Formal

8. When Ben is creating business documents, he needs to make sure they look balanced and
are easy to read. Which of the following could Ben use so that his documents look well-
structured? Mark with X those that apply.

Ben could: X If they apply.

Use headings. X
Use capital letters to write important paragraphs.
Use bullet points for his lists. X
Use paragraphs that are not too long. X
Use lots of different colours and styles of text everywhere.
Put in a table to explain information. X

9. After Ben has planned his business document, he will begin with a draft copy. He will then
check his draft copy, or someone will check it for him, and he will apply the amendments
to a final copy.

a. What is the purpose of creating a The purpose of creating a draft is to find

draft copy first? possible corrections, in addition, to find a well-
structured idea of the message that you want to
convey so that the information is appropriate to
the recipient.

b. List three (3) ways Ben could - Make a list with the most important points.
check his draft copy to make sure - Analyze the data of what you want to show.
it meets the requirements? - Define the text format (Based on the BizOps

c. Why might Ben ask a work Asking for help in the revision of a document is
colleague or supervisor to of great help to Ben since this way possible
proofread his final document? flaws in the document can be identified, it is
very important to have another point of view.

10. Ben will require further information to complete his documents in the following
situations. What additional information will he need and who could he get this from?

Situation Additional information he Who to get the

requires. information from?

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The operations manager has asked Ben Ben may require: Operations Manager
to send out a reminder for the meeting - Meeting subject
next week. - Date and time specifically
The sales director has asked Ben to Ben must have the Sales Director
create a graph on last month’s sales previous month's sales
figures. The information he gave Ben figures to create a correct
was for two months ago. report

Ben’s team leader has asked him to Before adding the Customer
add to the meeting agenda for the information to the agenda,
meeting next week. She would like the Ben must confirm
customer service manager to speak at attendance at the meeting
the meeting for 20 minutes. She has with the customer service
not confirmed this with the customer manager.
service manager.

11. The following paragraph has been proofread by a colleague who has highlighted spelling,
grammar, capital letters and punctuation errors. Rewrite the paragraph making the

The candidate is Customer-oriented and have completed a fullsales cycle as a SMB Account
Executive. they have 2 or three years of experience where they have been maximize sales,
fullfiling quotas, and building trusted and loyal relationships with high-profile clients.

Rewrite the corrected paragraph here:

The candidate is customer-oriented and he completed a full sales cycle as a SMB Account
Executive. They have 2 or 3 years of experience where they have been maximized sales,
fulfilling quotas, and building trusted and loyal relationships with high-profile clients.

12. Ben is required to check his documents before making them available.

a. What tool could Ben use to check for any If Ben uses Microsoft word, a very good
spelling, punctuation or grammatical tool is the spell check that he brings, it
mistakes? is very useful. Google also allows us to
use this function.
b. What are two (2) other ways Ben can - Online text corrector
proofread his documents? - Word processor (digital tool for
correction of grammatical errors)

12 Questions Total

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Task 3 – Portfolio: Write simple documents at BizOps
Document 1: Business Letter

Document 1, Step 2
Business Letter Planning Template
Business letter planner
Method of communication: The method of communication that will be carried out is a
Letter, Email, Graphics, social business letter
media, newsletter,
Audience: The letter is addressed to Julie Tran, event coordinator of the
Who is the letter for? restaurant "Blackbird"
Purpose The reason is to confirm the date and time of the year-
What is the reason for the end event of the BizOps company
Style of document The document style is a business style
Formal, informal, business,
Any organisational The business letter must follow the style and format
requirements? established by the BizOps company
Any policies, or style guide
Key points The key point of this document is to confirm the place,
giving the time, date and place for the end of the year
What is it that you need to

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Document 1, Step 6d
June 21, 2021

Julie Tran
Event co-ordinator
Riverside Centre, 123 Eagle Street,
Brisbane Queensland 4000

Dear Julie Tran

As you may be aware we are planning to host our New Year’s Eve Dinner and Awards Night at
Blackbird Brisbane, but there is some confusion about the date and time of the event so we
need to check the details before sending invitations to the personal.
Then I send the details of our event to make the respective confirmation.

Reservation date: 16 of next month

Time: from 6.30 pm to midnight
Dinner served: 7pm
Cost per person: $ 50
It includes the following information:
Attendees: 27
Schedule of events:
Drinks on arrival and before dinner: 6.30 pm
Dinner: 7:00 p.m.
Staff awards: 8:00 p.m.
Entertainment: from 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Stay tuned to your comments.

Bruno Carbajal Melendez

Administration assistant
BizOps Retail Department
[email protected]

25 End Lane, Brookvale, NSW 2189
Telephone: (02) 5678 1234
Free-call: 1300 121 212
Facsimile: (02) 5678 123

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Document 1, Step 6e

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Document 1, Step 7
Final BizOps Business Letter

Final BizOps Business Letter

June 21, 2021

Riverside Centre, 123 Eagle Street,

Brisbane Queensland 4000

Dear Julie Tran

As you may be aware we are planning to host our New Year’s Eve Dinner and Awards Night
at Blackbird Brisbane, but there is some confusion about the date and time of the event so
we need to check the details before sending invitations to the personal.
Then I send the details of our event to make the respective confirmation.

Reservation date: 16 of next month

Time: from 6.30 pm to midnight
Dinner served: 7pm
Cost per person: $ 50
It includes the following information:
Attendees: 27
Schedule of events:
Drinks on arrival and before dinner: 6.30 pm
Dinner: 7:00 p.m.
Staff awards: 8:00 p.m.
Entertainment: from 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Stay tuned to your comments.


Bruno Carbajal Melendez

Administration assistant
BizOps Retail Department
[email protected]

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25 End Lane, Brookvale, NSW 2189
Telephone: (02) 5678 1234
Free-call: 1300 121 212
Facsimile: (02) 5678 123

Final proofread ✔
Checked that all changes have been made. ✓

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Document 2: Staff Reminder Email

Document 2, Step 2
Email Planning Template
Email planner
Method of communication: The communication method to be used will be email.
Letter, Email, Graphics, social
media, newsletter,
Audience: The email is addressed to the retail staff of the BizOps
Who is the letter for? company.

Purpose Communicate the details of the event to minority

What is the reason for the personnel.
Style of document The document is informal in style
Formal, informal, business,
Any organisational Remind staff of good behavior in the development of the
requirements? event, through the company's code of conduct.
Any policies, or style guide
Key points Emphasize the good behavior that must be observed in
all the events organized by the company.
What is it that you need to

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Document 2, Steps 3-4
Draft Email Template

Draft Email
Good afternoon everyone!

In order to generate well-being and integration among employees, the companies

organized our end of the year party, then sent the relevant information so that everyone
can arrive.

I send the details of our event to make the respective confirmation to the events

Reservation date: 16 of next month

Time: from 18.30
Venue: Blackbird Restaurant, Brisbane City

PS: It should be noted that the company wants the event to develop normally, that is why I
invite all employees to opt for good behavior during the development of the event based
on the company's code of conduct.
We are waiting for you!

Bruno Carbajal Melendez

Administration assistant
BizOps Retail Department
[email protected]

25 End Lane, Brookvale, NSW 2189
Telephone: (02) 5678 1234
Free-call: 1300 121 212
Facsimile: (02) 5678 123

Review Checklist ✓
Have you checked spelling and grammar?

Does the document follow the BizOps Style Guide?

Does the document meet purpose and requirements?

Does the document include information about expected behaviour?

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Document 2, Step 5
BizOps Email Template

BizOps Email
TO: Retail staff
FROM: Bruno Carbajal
DATE: June 21, 2021
SUBJECT: New Year's Eve dinner invitation

Good afternoon everyone!

In order to generate well-being and integration among employees, the company organized our
end of the year party, then sent the relevant information so that everyone can arrive.

I send the details of our event to make the respective confirmation.

Reservation date: 16 of next month

Time: from 18.30
Venue: Blackbird Restaurant, Brisbane City

PS: It should be noted that the company wants the event to take place in total normality, that
is why it invites all collaborators to opt for good behaviour during the development of the
event based on the company's code of conduct.

We are waiting for you!

Bruno Carbajal Melendez

Administration assistant
BizOps Retail Department
[email protected]

25 End Lane, Brookvale, NSW 2189
Telephone: (02) 5678 1234

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Free-call: 1300 121 212
Facsimile: (02) 5678 123

Document 3: Feedback Survey Form

Document 3, Step 1
Feedback Survey Planning Template

Feedback Form planner

Method of communication Survey form
Letter, Email, Graphics,
social media, form,
Audience The survey is aimed at all the people who participated in our
Who is it for? event

Purpose The purpose is to receive feedback from the event to make

Reason for the document. changes in future events and demonstrate the level of satisfaction
with it.
Style of document Informal
Formal, informal, business,
Any organisational No, to carry out a survey it does not require a specific format
Any policies, or style guide
Key points Know the reaction of the event participants
What is it that you need to
say? Suggested questions?

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Document 3, Step 2

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Document 3, Step 3-4
Draft Feedback Survey Form
Draft Feedback Survey form
Carrying out a satisfaction survey not only helps us to measure the compliance of the employees
but also to measure the level of success of the event that takes place, having said this below we
have a small survey directed to all the participants of the event that will serve as feedback for the

1. Taking into account all your experience in the event, was their behavior adequate for the
development of the activity?
 Strongly agree
 Somewhat agree
 Neither agree nor disagree
 Something to disagree
 Strongly disagree

2. Please indicate your level of agreement for the statement: The duration of the event was
perfect. (Not too long and not too short)
 Strongly agree
 Somewhat agree
 Neither agree nor disagree
 Something to disagree
 Strongly disagree
3. Did the place where the event take place meet your expectations?
 Strongly agree
 Somewhat agree
 Neither agree nor disagree
 Something to disagree
 Strongly disagree

4.The methodology that will be carried out for the evaluation of the survey is the Likert scale
which is defined in this way.

Positive for:
 Strongly agree
 Somewhat agree
 Neither agree nor disagree

Negative for:

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 Something to disagree
 Strongly disagree

Review Checklist

Have you checked spelling and grammar?

Does the document follow the BizOps Style guide?

Does the document meet purpose and requirements?

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Document 3, Step 5
Final Feedback Survey Form
Final Feedback Survey form
Carrying out a satisfaction survey not only helps us to measure the compliance of the employees
but also to measure the level of success of the event that takes place, having said this below we
have a small survey directed to all the participants of the event that will serve as feedback for the

1.Taking into account your complete experience in the event, how did you find the development of
the activity?
 Strongly agree
 Somewhat agree
 Neither agree nor disagree
 Something to disagree
 Strongly disagree

2. Please indicate your level of agreement for the statement: The duration of the event was
 Strongly agree
 Somewhat agree
 Neither agree nor disagree
 Something to disagree
 Strongly disagree
3. Did the place where the event take place meet your expectations?
 Strongly agree
 Somewhat agree
 Neither agree nor disagree
 Something to disagree
 Strongly disagree

The methodology that will be carried out for the evaluation of the survey is the Likert scale which
is defined in this way.

Positive for:
 Strongly agree
 Somewhat agree
 Neither agree nor disagree

Negative for:

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 Something to disagree
 Strongly disagree

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