Topic 8 Transport in Plants

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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

0610/32/0/-/0/Q F
1 Xylem and phloem are transport tissues in plants. They transport substances from
organs that are known as sources to organs known as sinks.
Complete the table to show:
• two substances being transported in each tissue
• an organ that is a source for substances being transported in each tissue
• an organ that is a sink for substances being transported in each tissue.
source of
substances being sink for substances
tissue substances in the
transported in the plant

1 …………………
2 ………………….

1 …………………
2 ………………….


0610/32/2/1//Q E F
2 Fig. 1.2 shows a transverse section through a buttercup root at the end of the cold winter
(W) and at the end of the warm, moist summer (S). At the end of the winter, the cells
contain very few starch grains. At the end of the summer, most of the root cells contain
many starch grains.

Fig. 1.2

(a) Suggest why there are few starch grains in the cells of W compared with a large
number of starch grains in the cells of S.

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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants


(b) Describe how enzymes in root cells synthesise starch.


3 Fig. 6.1 shows a leaf and a flower of Helleborus orientalis. 0610/32/0/-//Q

Fig. 6.1
(a) H. orientalis is a dicotyledonous plant.
State three features visible in Fig. 6.1 that show it is a dicotyledonous plant.



3. [3]

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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

Fig. 6.2 is a photograph of a section through a leaf of H. orientalis.

0.1 mm

Fig. 6.2

(b) Complete the table, using ticks (), to show the cells that carry out photosynthesis.

cells that carry out



(c) Explain how two features of leaves, visible in sections such as that shown in Fig. 6.2,
are adaptations for efficient photosynthesis.




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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(d) During the period when H. orientalis is photosynthesising at a fast rate, substances are
transported through the plant in the phloem from sources to sinks.
(i) Name two substances that are translocated from a source to a sink.


(ii) For these substances state the source and two possible sinks.


sink 1

sink 2 [2]

4 (a) Explain the meaning of the term transpiration. 0610/3/2/1/12/Q D E


(b) Root hair cells provide a large surface area for the absorption of water from the soil.

Explain, using the term water potential, how water is absorbed from the soil into root
hair cells.


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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

5 Fig. 4.1 shows a cross section of part of a stem of buttercup, Ranunculus.

Fig. 4.2 is an outline drawing of one vascular bundle from the stem of Ranunculus.

Fig. 4.1

Fig. 4.2

(a) Draw and label the position of the xylem and the phloem in the outline of the vascular
bundle in Fig. 4.2. [2]

(b) Name the carbohydrate that is transported in the phloem.


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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(c) Substances transported in the phloem are carried upwards in the stem at some times
of the year and downwards at other times.

Explain why substances are transported in the phloem upwards at one time of the year
and downwards at another.


(d) Define the term transpiration.


(e) The rattan palm is a plant that climbs on rainforest trees to heights of about 40 metres.

Explain how water is moved to the tops of tall plants, such as the rattan palm.


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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

6 This question is about transport in plants. 0610/3/2/1/13/Q

(a) Two pea plants, D and E, were supplied with substances containing the radioactive
isotopes, carbon-14 (14C) or phosphorus-32 (32P), as shown in Fig. 4.1.

A leaf of plant D was exposed to radioactive carbon dioxide.

Plant E was placed into a solution containing radioactive phosphate ions.

growing point flower


clear plastic
nutrient nutrient solution
bag with added
solution with added
carbon dioxide
phosphate ions

plant D plant E
Fig. 4.1

After several hours the plants were analysed for the presence of the radioactive isotopes.

Sucrose containing 14C was found throughout plant D.

Compounds containing 32P were found throughout plant E.

Complete Table 4.1 to show:

• the tissue in which each substance is transported;

• one possible sink for each substance.

Table 4.1

pea plant D E
sucrose phosphate ions

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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(b) State one substance, other than sucrose, that is produced in leaves and translocated
to other parts of the plant.


(c) Outline how sucrose is produced from carbon dioxide in pea plants.


(d) State two uses of sucrose within a pea plant.

2 [2]

(e) Explain how ions, such as phosphate ions, are absorbed by plant roots.


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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

7 Ecologists study plants and animals in their natural environment. 0610/3/2/1/1/Q

Some ecologists inserted probes into the water-conducting tissue in trees, as shown in Fig. 4.1.
The ecologists measured the time taken for water to move up from probe 1 to probe 2.

tree probe 2
probe 1

Fig. 4.1 data logger

(a) (i) Name the water-conducting tissue into which the two probes were inserted.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Describe how the structure of this water-conducting tissue is adapted to its function.




..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Explain the mechanism of water movement from the roots up the tree to the leaves.








............................................................................................................................................. [4]

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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(c) Fig. 4.2 shows the rate of water conduction up three different trees in a forest over 24 hours.


tree A

rate of water
/ dm3 per hour

tree B


tree C
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
time / h
Fig. 4.2

(i) Describe the rate of water conduction in tree A, during this 24 hour period.
You will gain credit for using the data in Fig. 4.2 to support your answer.







..................................................................................................................................... [3]

(ii) Suggest how the ecologists used the data in Fig. 4.2 to calculate the total volume of
water used by a tree in 24 hours.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(iii) In Fig. 4.2, tree A is a tall tree, tree B is a medium-height tree and tree C is a short tree.
Suggest reasons for the different rates of water conduction in the three trees.







..................................................................................................................................... [3]

8 Leaves are made of tissues. 0610//2/1/1/Q

(a) Define the term tissue.




Fig. 4.1 is a photograph of a transverse section of a leaf, showing the upper and lower surfaces.

leaf hair
on upper


leaf hair
on lower

Fig. 4.1

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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(b) Name:

(i) tissue A


(ii) the process by which gases travel through the stomata.


(c) Describe how root hair cells differ from the cells labelled B in Fig. 4.1.






(d) Outline how water that has entered a root hair cell reaches the stomata.









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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(e) Leaf hairs, shown in Fig. 4.1, help to increase the humidity near the leaf surface.
(i) Compare the leaf hairs on the upper leaf surface with the leaf hairs on the lower leaf




(ii) Explain the importance of increasing humidity near the leaf surface.






9 Water moves into plants from the soil and exits through the leaves. 0610//2/1/1/Q D E
(a) Explain how water moves from the soil into the root.










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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

Water reaches the leaves from the roots through the xylem. Fig. 4.1 shows images of stomata
on the lower surfaces of leaves of two varieties of olive plant, A and B. Both are shown at the
same magnification.

Fig. 4.1

(b) (i) Describe the function of stomata.






(ii) Compare the density of stomata between the two varieties of olive plant, A and B, shown
in Fig. 4.1.






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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(iii) Under identical environmental conditions the rate of water uptake in plant A is higher
than plant B.

Explain why.








10 A student cut a section of a root and made an outline drawing of the distribution of tissues as
shown in Fig. 3.1.

Fig. 3.1

(a) (i) Identify the position of the xylem tissue by drawing a label line and the letter X on Fig. 3.1.

(ii) State why xylem is a tissue.





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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(b) Water absorbed by the roots moves through the stem and enters the leaves. Most of this
water is lost in transpiration.
Explain how the internal structure of leaves results in the loss of large quantities of water in








11 Aphids are insects that feed on the phloem sap in plants. 0610/4/0/-/1/Q
Fig. 3.1 shows a diagram of an aphid with its mouth parts inserted into the stem of a plant.

phloem xylem
Fig. 3.1

(a) The mouth parts of the aphid reach the phloem tissue of the stem.

(i) State the name of the foods the aphid could suck out of the phloem tissue.

1 .........................................................................................................................................

2 .........................................................................................................................................

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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(ii) Explain the role of phloem in plant transport. Use the words source and sink in your









...................................................................................................................................... [4]

(b) Fig. 3.1 shows some of the features of xylem.

Describe how xylem is adapted for its functions.













.............................................................................................................................................. [6]

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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(c) Some farmers spray their crops with insecticides to kill pests such as aphids.

Explain the benefits of killing pests.





.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

12 When water is in short supply, plants can wilt as shown in Fig. 3.2. 0610/4/0/-/1/Q E

Fig. 3.2

(i) State two conditions that are likely to increase the chances of wilting.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................

(ii) Explain what happens to the cells of a leaf to cause wilting.







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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants






(iii) Wilting may look harmful, but it is often a strategy for survival.
Suggest the advantages to a plant of wilting.






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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

13 Fig. 3.1 shows a photomicrograph of a section of a root. 0610/4/2/1/1/Q

Fig. 3.1
(a) Structure J is a xylem vessel.
The xylem vessels conduct water from the roots to the stems.
State the features of xylem vessels that enable them to conduct water.








(b) Describe the pathway of water from outside the root to the xylem vessels (J) at the centre of
the root. Use the letters in Fig. 3.1 in your answer.










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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(c) Scientists wanted to determine the flow-rate of water in roots.

They measured the flow-rate in three zones of onion roots as shown in Fig. 3.2.

zone 3
glass jar containing
zone 2
zone 1

Fig. 3.2

They measured the flow-rate in healthy roots and roots that had been treated with a toxic

Their results are shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1

zone in average flow-rate of water / arbitrary units

Fig. 3.2 healthy roots treated roots
1 150 160
2 230 200
3 280 270

(i) Calculate the percentage increase in the average flow-rate between zone 1 and 3 for
healthy roots.

Give your answer to two significant figures.

Show your working.

............................................................ %

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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(ii) The scientists observed that the xylem vessels nearer the root tip were narrower than
the xylem vessels higher up the root.
Describe how the width of xylem vessels in different zones of a root affects the average
flow-rate of water. Use the information in Table 3.1 in your answer.








(iii) Suggest why there was little difference in the flow-rate in healthy roots and in roots
treated with the toxic solution.






14 (a) Fig. 3.1 is a photomicrograph of some xylem vessels. 0610/4/2/1/1/Q

Fig. 3.1

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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(i) State one structural feature of xylem vessels and explain how this is related to the
function of water transport.

feature ...............................................................................................................................


explanation ........................................................................................................................




(ii) Explain the mechanism that is responsible for the movement of water in xylem vessels.








...................................................................................................................................... [4]

(iii) State one role of xylem vessels other than transport.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) The rate of transpiration is affected by several factors including the temperature and the
humidity of the air.

State and explain the effect of an increase in temperature on the rate of transpiration.





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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants




.............................................................................................................................................. [3]

15 (a) Fig. 3.1 is a photomicrograph of part of the upper surface of a broad bean leaf, Vicia faba.

Fig. 3.1

(i) On Fig. 3.1, identify and label two structures that are visible in cell P. [2]

(ii) State the name of the tissue shown in Fig. 3.1.


(iii) The tissue shown in Fig. 3.1 is transparent.

Explain why it is important to the plant that the tissue shown in Fig. 3.1 is transparent.








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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(b) Stomata are found on the lower surface of broad bean leaves.

Describe the function of stomata.








(c) More than 40 years ago, botanists studied the leaves of broad bean plants and discovered
that guard cells control the opening and closing of stomata. They found that stomata were
open when the guard cells were turgid.

Table 3.1 shows some of their measurements.

Table 3.1

closed stomata open stomata

ion concentration in guard cells / pmol 0.3 2.5
guard cell volume / μm3 4000.0 6500.0
turgor pressure in the guard cells / MPa 2.0 4.8
width of stomatal opening / μm 0.0 8.0

(i) Ions move into guard cells by active transport.

Describe how the ions move into the guard cells.




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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

(ii) Describe and explain how the change in ion concentration causes the guard cell volume
to change. Use the information in Table 3.1 in your answer.












(iii) The botanists left the broad bean plants unattended for three days. During this time the
broad bean plants wilted.

Suggest two environmental factors that can cause plants to wilt.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................

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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants

0610/42/F/M/19/Q D
5 Scientists investigated the effect of cuticle thickness on water loss from the leaves of the balsam
fir tree, Abies balsamea.

The leaves were divided into three groups:

A – thick cuticle
B – medium cuticle
C – thin cuticle

Samples of leaves from each group were weighed. The leaves were placed on a tray in dry air at
20 °C. The samples of leaves were reweighed, at intervals, over 15 hours.

The scientists calculated the mass of each sample of leaves as a percentage of the initial mass.

Fig. 5.1 shows the results.



mass of the 90
leaves as a
of the initial
mass 85

80 B

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

time / hours

Fig. 5.1

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IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4 Topic 8 Transport in Plants
(a) (i) Describe and explain the results shown in Fig. 5.1.











..................................................................................................................................... [5]

(ii) The investigation was repeated on a day when the air humidity was higher.

Suggest and explain the effect that this would have on the results.







..................................................................................................................................... [3]

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1 tissue substances source sink NB substances transported score:-
roots ; stem / growing ONE mark for TWO correct responses
points / buds /
water, ions / named R references to single cells as sources or
xylem leaf / flower /
ion / mineral / salts ; sinks e.g. root hairs
fruit / seed /
storage organ ;

either R glucose
leaf ; stem / growing
points / buds / mark each box independently
root / flower /
IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

fruit / seed /
Sucrose / sugar,
phloem storage organ ;
amino acids ;
storage young AW
organ ; leaf / stem /
growing points
/ buds / root ; [6]

2 (a) 1 (cells of W were) in, the winter / cold / low light / short days / assume answers refer to W unless told
AW ; otherwise – accept ORA for S
I refs. to water
2 starch, has been used / converted to glucose or sugar /
broken down ;
3 to provide energy ; R ‘produce’ 1 (cells of S were) in summer / warm / high
4 in respiration ; light / AW ; I refs. to water
5 to keep the, plant / cells, alive ; I for growth, etc. 2 starch has been, stored / produced ;
6 root has become a source (not a sink) ; 8 result of (more) photosynthesis ;
7 when there has been, no / few, leaves ; 6 root is a sink (not a source) ;
8 so there has been, no / little / less, photosynthesis ; 7 many leaves ;
9 ref. to, light / temperature / cold, as limiting factor(s) ; [max 3]

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants
(b) 1 sucrose / sugar, transported / translocated ; A travels / in if given breakdown of starch award MP6 to 9 only
2 glucose / monosaccharide ;
3 joined together (by chemical bonds) ; R if refers to joining A ‘join together to make maltose’
4 condensation reaction / described ;
5 glucose added to growing chain / AW ;
6 (starch is a) long / chain, molecule ; A is a polysaccharide A polymer / polymerisation

7 enzyme provides active site for reaction ;
8 enzyme, catalyses / speeds up, the reaction ; A enzyme(s) is/are (biological) catalyst(s)
9 ref. to lock and key (model) ; [max 3]
IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

3 (a) 1 broad leaves ;

2 network of veins ;
3 five petals ; [3]

(b) one mark for mesophyll cells, one mark for guard cell
NB: B + E = 1 mark
NB: Each extra tick (over 3) penalise by one mark F = 1 mark

features cells that carry out photosynthesis


E ;

F ;

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants
(c) 1 upper epidermis is transparent / thin ;
2 lets light through to palisade, cells / mesophyll ;

3 palisade cells with many chloroplasts ; A lots of chlorophyll NB: Paired MPs (i.e. explanation must be
4 absorb as much light as possible / AW ; linked to correct feature)

5 palisade cells arranged lengthways ; If a letter is given rather than named feature
6 less cell walls to scatter light / AW ; then allow the explanation mark if relevant

7 palisade cells close together ; MP3 – need ref. to more, lots of / AW
8 absorb as much light as possible ; MP4 – light qualified – much as possible etc.
IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

9 spaces in spongy mesophyll ;

10 allow (diffusion of) carbon dioxide to mesophyll cells ;
A each cell has surface for gas exchange

11 guard cells / stomata ;

12 allow (diffusion of) carbon dioxide into leaf ;

13 xylem ;
14 to provide water (as raw material) ;

15 phloem ;
16 to remove products of photosynthesis ; [2 + 2]
(d) (i) sucrose ; R sugar
amino acids ;
hormones / plant growth substances / auxin(s) ; [max 2]
(ii) leaf ;
two of the following for one mark
stem, root, bud, flower, fruit, seed, storage organ ; [2]

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants
4 (a) loss of water vapour ; accept evaporation
from, leaves / stems / aerial parts / through stomata ; accept diffusion through stomata

(b) water moves from high(er) water potential to low(er)

water potential ;

by osmosis ;
through partially permeable membrane ;
ref to protein pores ; [max 3]
IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

5 (a) 1 mark for drawing and 1 mark for labelling

phloem xylem drawing must represent correct position of xylem
and phloem as shown in Fig. 4.1

if cells are drawn, these must be in the correct

positions for xylem and phloem as in the

(b) sucrose ; [1] ignore sugar / non-reducing sugar

A phonetic spellings

(c) 1 during growing season / when photosynthesising / when food is A when there is plenty of light
made ;
2 (substances are) transported (down), to the roots or to (named)

3 transported (up) to the, growing points / flowers / fruits / seeds / A move for are transported
new leaves / AW ; MP3 A transported up for either time of year once
4 (time of year) when no photosynthesis / when food is not made ;

5 (substances are transported upwards) from, roots / storage organ

/ seed ;
source may be a storage organ or a leaf
6 (substances transported) from source to sink ; [max 4] depending on the time of year

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants
(d) 1 evaporation of water, from (surfaces of) mesophyll ;
2 movement / diffusion / loss of, water vapour ;
3 from, leaves ; A (named) aerial / upper, parts ;
4 through / from, stomata / cuticle ; [max 3]

(e) 1 evaporation / transpiration, causes movement of water ; ignore capillarity (except if discussing events at
2 in xylem ; interface between water and air in mesophyll in
3 reduces pressure at the top of the plant / ref to a water potential leaf)

4 transpiration pull ;
5 maintained by cohesion between water molecules ;
6 maintains a continuous column of water / AW ;
7 adhesion of water / AW, to walls of xylem ; [max 4]
IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants
6 (a)
pea plant D E

substance sucrose phosphate ions


transport phloem ; xylem ; ignore any vessels / tubes / etc


sink growing tip / flower / growing tip / flower /
fruit / seed / stem / fruit / seed / stem / A growing point / meristems / areas where
root ; leaves / chloroplasts ; growth occurs
IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

(b) amino acids ; A (named) plant hormones

R proteins [1]

(c) 1 photosynthesis ;
2 light (energy) is, absorbed / trapped, by chlorophyll ;
3 carbon dioxide reacts with water in the presence of light (energy) ; A word equation / balanced equation if
MP3 not written out
4 to make glucose (and oxygen) ; do not award MP3 if ‘broken down’
A formula for glucose in an equation
5 glucose used to make sucrose ; ignore fructose
MP5 do not award if glucose is broken
[max 3] down unless already penalised in MP3

(d) 1 respired / oxidised to provide energy / used to provide energy / e.g. energy for, growth / active transport
energy for a suitable process ; R ‘produce energy’ A respiration
2 converted to starch for (energy) storage ;
3 converted to cellulose to make cell walls ;
4 used to make nectar to attract, pollinators / AW ; R to make fruit / seed unqualified
5 stored in fruits to attract animals (for seed dispersal) ; [max 2]

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants
(e) 1 root hairs / root hair cells ; ignore diffusion / movement down a
2 active transport ; concentration gradient / osmosis
3 against, concentration / diffusion, gradient
A from low to high concentration ; ignore gradient in ‘from low concentration
4 using, energy / ATP ; R energy produced / production of energy gradient to high concentration gradient’
5 from respiration ;
6 ref to, proteins / carrier molecules (in membranes) ; [max 3]

7 (a) (i) xylem; 1

(ii) thick / lignified, cell walls; one feature linked to a reason

IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

for support; max 1 for feature

cell walls are waterproof / no water leaks out;

long / hollow / no cytoplasm / no organelles / no end walls;

water passes through easily / low resistance (to flow);

for lateral movement;

AVP;; max 2

(b) 1 transpiration / transpiration pull;

2 creates a, tension / negative pressure;
3 water potential gradient; I water into roots I water concentration
4 osmosis into leaf cells;
5 continuous column of water;
6 cohesion of water molecules / described;
7 adhesion of water to, cell wall / xylem;
8 water evaporates, into airspaces (in mesophyll);
9 water (vapour), diffuses / passes, out through stomata; A evaporates
10 root pressure; max 4

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants
(c) (i) 1 two peaks; Correct units (dm3 per hour) for water
2 at 10 h, and 14 / 15 h; conduction must be stated at least once.
3 no water conduction before 4 h; If no units at all, only penalise once.
4 slow / gradual, increase from 4 h to 6 h / 7 h;
5 maximum water conduction rate of 2.4 dm3 per hour;
6 steep increase in rate of water conduction at 7 h / 7.5 h;
7 decrease in rate of water conduction after 14.5 – 15 h; A at 15 h
8 any other data quote; max 3

(ii) add the volume (of water conducted) for each hour / calculate area A half hour
under curve / AW; 1
IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

(iii) possible reasons:

different rates of transpiration;
different numbers of leaves / different surface areas;
different rates of evaporation;

factors affecting transpiration:

(sun)light / shade;
temperature / heat;
wind speed;

different species;
different diameters of xylem / AW;
any feature of leaf structure;
e.g. thickness of cuticle / stomatal density / hairs
length of roots;
different ages;
AVP; max 3

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants
8 (a) (group of) cells with similar structure(s) working together to perform a [1]
function ;

(b) (i) (spongy) mesophyll ; [1] ignore palisade

(ii) diffusion ; [1]

(c) no chloroplasts / chlorophyll in (root hair cells) ; ora

root hair cells are not column shaped ; ora
(root hair cells) have long protrusion / extension / larger surface area ; max [2]
ora R root hair cells have hairs
IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

(d) 1 water moves from root cells, into xylem ; ignore method of movement across the
2 cohesion / adhesion AW, of water molecules ; root
3 (this) pulls on / creates tension (in water column in xylem) ; A ‘stick together’, ref to polar
4 Water moves up / through, the xylem ;
5 mass flow of water (in xylem) / transpiration stream ;
6 water moves into leaf by osmosis (from xylem) ;
7 loss of water from leaf (cells) lowers water potential ; ignore ‘water concentration’
A ref to water potential gradient
8 evaporation, from surfaces of (mesophyll) cells / into air spaces (in R ‘through stomata’
leaf) ; max [4]

(e) (i) more leaf hairs on lower surface ;

leaf hairs appear larger on upper surface ; max [1]

(ii) (increased humidity at lower surface) will reduce transpiration rate ;

causes lower water demand / less water loss / reduces chances of less water loss by transpiration = 2
wilting ; marks.
reduced, concentration gradient (water vapour) / water potential
gradient ;
creates a boundary layer / AW ; max [2]

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants
9 (a) root hairs ;
water moves, from high water potential to low water potential / down
water potential gradient ;
by osmosis ;
through partially permeable membrane ;
through protein pores (in membrane) ; max [4]

(b) (i) movement of gas / oxygen / carbon dioxide, into and out of leaf ; ignore air
for, photosynthesis / respiration ;
allows transpiration ;
enables water to be pulled up the plant / AW ; max [2] A transpiration pull
IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

(ii) greater density / more stomata, in variety A ;

four times more ; [2]

(iii) more stomata / AW, in variety A ;

more transpiration in variety A ; ora
greater opportunity for loss of water vapour through stomata in
variety A ; ora
by evaporation, from surfaces of (mesophyll) cells / into air spaces
(in leaf) ;
loss of water from leaf (cells) lowers water potential ;
(this) pulls on / creates tension (in water column in xylem) ; A transpiration pull
cohesion of water molecules / AW ; max [3] A ‘stick together’ / ref to polar

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants
10 (a)(i) label line and X pointing to any part of the ‘star’ in the centre of the root 1
section ;

(a)(ii) composed of (group of) cells with similar structures ; 2

working together to perform shared functions ;

(b) xylem supplies water ; 3

air spaces ;

large (internal) surface area ;
water evaporates from surface of mesophyll cells ;
guard cells, open / close, stomata ;
water vapour, diffuses / moves, out through stomata ;
IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

11 (a)(i) sucrosse / sugar ; 2
amino acids ;

(ii) transloocation ; 4
(phloem) allows bidireectional moveme ent / AW ;
movem ment (of food / saap) from source to sink ;
sucrosse / amino acids / food, are produced / taken from m storage, at
a sourrce ;
storage / growth, is a sink ;
region of respiration / s
named d example of a, ssource / sink (in the correct conttext) ;
some o organs can be both
b a source or a sink at differe
ent times ;

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants
(b) functions 6 max 5 from one section
conduct / transport, water (and mineral ions) ;
ref to transpiration ;
reduced resistance to water flow / AW ;
structural) support (for plant) ;
prevents (inward) collapse (of xylem vessels) ;
(spirals) allows (some) flexibility / bending, of stems
(to prevent breaking) ;

long / elongated (cells / vessels / tubes) ;
ref to lignin (in walls) ;
IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

(cell walls) are water impermeable / waterproof / AW ;

(secondary) thickening of cell walls ;
hollow / no cytoplasm / no (named) organelles ; A rings / spirals / AW
no, end / cross, walls (between cells) ;
end plates to connect vessels (end to end) ;
pits in walls (for water movement between vessels) ;

(c) reduced / no, damage to crops ; ora 2 A not / less, eaten by pests

increased, yield / quality (of the crop) ; ora
more, income / profit ; ora
because more, sugar / amino acids, available for growth ; ora
reduced disease transmission / AW ; ora

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants
12 (i) no / little, water ; 2 A drought / no, rainfall / precipitation /
high temperature ; irrigation
low humidity / dry air ;
high wind speed ;
long day length / high light intensity ;
high salinity / salt ;
freezing ;
disease ;

(soil) waterlogging / low oxygen concentration / pH ;
mineral / magnesium, deficiency ;

(ii) ref to osmosis ; 4

IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

water, lost from / moves out of, cells / vacuoles ;

down water potential gradient ;
pressure of, water / cell contents, on (inelastic) cell wall decreases ;
correct ref. to turgor / turgidity / flaccid / plasmolysed ;
ref. to plants / cells, rely on water, for (structural) support / to
prevent wilting ; ora
water in cells not being replaced as quickly (as it is being lost) ;
AVP ;;

(iii) stomata close ; 2

to prevent more water loss ;
water conserved for, other processes / other parts of plant ; A reduces transpiration
decrease surface area, exposed to the Sun / for absorption of heat ;

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants
13 (a) no, cytoplasm / (named organelle) / hollow ; 3
ref. to lignin (in walls)
(cell walls) are waterproof / water impermeable / AW
(secondary) thickening of cell wall ;
long / elongated (cells / vessels / tubes) ;
(bordered) pits (for water movement between vessels) ;
no, (perforated) end / cross walls (between cells) / end plates to connect
vessels (end to end) ;

(b) (water enters) root hair (cells) / M ; 5
by osmosis ;
the soil has a higher water potential than the root (cells) ; ora
IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

water moves from an area of high(er) water potential to low(er) water

potential ;
active transport of ions to create a water potential gradient ;
(across / through partially permeable), membrane(s) ;
ref to root cortex / L – cortex / M to L to (K) to J ;

(c)(i) 87 ;; 2

(c)(ii) the nearer the tip / zone 1, the lower flow rate ; ora 3
flow rate increases (from tip to bulb) in both treated and healthy roots ;
flow rate is greater in zone 1 in the treated roots ;
flow rate is lower in zones 2 and 3 in the treated roots ; ora
comparative data quote with units ;

(c)(iii) xylem vessels are dead, so toxins / treatment have no effect ; 2

osmosis / water flow into root, does not rely on living cells / energy 
/ is passive / AW ;

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants
14 (a)(i) thick / strong, (cell) wall ; 2
withstanding, tension / collapse / hydrostatic pressure / AW ;

lignin (in walls) / walls are impermeable ;

prevents collapse / waterproofing ;

wide / AW ;
transport large volumes of water ;

no (cell) contents / empty / dead cells / like pipes / like tubes ;
no / little resistance to flow of water / allows water to flow easily / lots of water 
/ continuous columns of water / no obstruction ;
IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

no, cross walls / end walls ;

no / little, resistance to flow of water / allows water to flow easily / lots of
water / continuous columns of water / no obstruction ;

(bordered) pits ;
lateral transport / AW ;

(a)(ii) evaporation from (cell walls) in mesophyll ; 4

diffusion of water vapour through stomata ;
reduction of, pressure / water potential, at top (of plant) resulting in water
moving upwards ;
continuous column of water (in the xylem) ;
cohesion of water (molecules) ; A if described incorrectly
cohesion described as, forces / attraction, between water molecules ;
transpiration pull ;
water enters or leaves xylem, by osmosis / down water potential gradient ;

(a)(iii) support / described ; 1

(b) increase / decrease (in rate of transpiration) ; 3

more / less, evaporation ;
increase / decrease, rate of diffusion (of water vapour) ;
ref. to (kinetic) energy of (molecules of) water ;
stomatal pores become, wider / narrower ; A stomata close

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants

guard cells become, turgid / flaccid ;

15 (a)(i) cell membrane / cell wall / cytoplasm / vacuole / nucleus ;; 2

(a)(ii) epidermis ; 1

(a)(iii) allows light through ; 3

(light) reaches chloroplasts / chlorophyll ;
in mesophyll / palisade cells ;
(palisade / mesophyll / chloroplasts / chlorophyll) need light for

photosynthesis / trap energy from light ;

(b) for gas exchange / diffusion of gases ; 3

for, photosynthesis / respiration / transpiration ;;
IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

correct gas with direction for named process ;;

controls the rate of, diffusion / transpiration / photosynthesis ; A ref. to prevent, wilting / water loss
ref. to transpiration pull ;

(c)(i) move against the concentration gradient ; 2

proteins (in membrane) ;
using energy ;
from respiration ;

(c)(ii) high(er) ion concentration results in large(r) (guard cell) volume ; ora 5
comparative data quote with units to support any description ;
high(er) ion concentration causes low(er) water potential ; ora
(high ion concentration causes) water to move into (guard) cells ;
across partially / AW, permeable membrane ;
by osmosis ;
large cell volume correlates with high turgor pressure ; ora
because cell water / membrane / cytoplasm / vacuole, pushes more on
cell wall ;

(c)(iii) lack of water ; 2

high temperature ;
low humidity / dry air ;
wind ;
AVP ;;

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Topic 8 Transport in Plants
0610/42 Cambridge IGCSE – Mark Scheme March 2019
Question Answer Marks Guidance

5(a)(i) 1 leaf A / thick cuticle, lost the least mass / water ; 5

2 leaf C / thin cuticle, lost the most mass / water ;
3 leaf B / medium cuticle, lost more mass or water than A / less mass or
water than C ;
4 loss of mass is due to the loss of water ;
5 the thicker the cuticle the, less water / mass, lost ;

6 loss of, mass / water, fastest initially (then slows) ;
7 ref. to transpiration / (reduced) evaporation ;
8 data manipulation with ref. to mass ; e.g. calculation of loss
IGCSE Biology Topical Paper 4

5(a)(ii) less, water / mass, loss (from leaves A, B and C) ; 3

idea of the same pattern of results as the first experiment ;
reduced transpiration ;
increased water (concentration) in the air ;
ref. to a smaller concentration gradient ;
less diffusion of water vapour ;

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