Significance of Physical Exercise in Fighting Disease

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Physical Exercise in Fighting Disease






The Significance of Physical Exercise in Fighting Disease

Physical exercise is any structured, intentional, and planned physical activity. Physical

activity is any body movement resulting from the contraction of muscle tissue, which includes

sports, leisure activities, dancing, strolling, and physical exercise. Numerous signaling pathways

have been demonstrated to be activated by regular exercise, producing a long-lasting anti-

inflammatory and antioxidative response.

Activity-induced energy expenditure, which is determined by the activity pattern,

including exercise, is the most erratic part of primary energy use. Variation in energy

consumption impacts energy intake, basal metabolism, and eventually body composition when

energy disparity is not balanced by body fat store or militarization. Changes in physical activity

over time, such as immobility or exercise training, have an impact

Additionally, compared to trained people, the higher metabolic rate that follows exercise

lasts longer in untrained people. The elevated metabolic rate returns to pre-exercise reclining

values more quickly after training than it does after the exercise-induced increase in metabolism

returns to post-exercise resting values. Due to discomfort during exercise and limited exercise

tolerance, obese, sedentary people may find it difficult to remain with aerobic exercise programs

once they start.

1. Porcari, J., Bryant, C., & Comana, F. (2015). Exercise physiology. FA Davis
2. Patel, P. N., & Zwibel, H. (2021). Physiology, exercise. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls

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