Pioneer - gm-120 - SM

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GM-120 U,C,E v COMPONENT CAR STEREO HIGH POWER MAIN AMPLIFIER SERVICE MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS Power source De 13.8V (11 ~16V allowable) Grounding system Negetive type Dimensions IW xH xO} 180 60% 212 mm (7-1/8 x2-3/8%8-3/8 in} Weight 23 kg (5.1 bs! A, Max. current consumption 10a, Power output (max) sow + 6ow (continuous) 35W + 35W (1 kHz, 1%) BOW + SOW (30 H2~20 kt2, 0.3%) Load impedance 40 (4~82 allowable) Frequency response 30~30,000 Hz (—3 a8} Signal-to-noise ratio More than 75 dB Distortion ‘No more than 0.04% (at 25W, 1 kHz) Input level 70 mv/22 kit CRT-168 = 8H GH=120/y 1002 8M 1 IN: s13s0629 Note: MP: O108R~39 U Specifications and the design subject to possible mosifiation without notice due to improves. QPIONEER CONTENTS iin 1. PARTS LOCATION ccs 1 2. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Block Diagram 2.2 Power Supply Ci 2.3 Power Amplifier 2.4 Protection Circuit 3. ADJUSTMENT 3.1. Idle Current Adjustment SCHEMATIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM CONNECTION DIAGRAM... EXPLODED VIEW PACKING METHOD 8. PARTS LIST enna soos Zoevaer 1. PARTS LOCATION mw HNHONGM-120 Nozaoa 7 chor i 20. eanseres Sees citsoe? fu 5a eee oat Serine Resor Semis Resistor ethos? ‘ ca ecb Col. 0580 hiss \ cot ut Y ereoa Fig. 1 ceP027 2. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION minora nnuu nM \ 2.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM npur ort ene sien Se ten Fr L ead wae & ioe | tHermo | OVER Loan te INPUT | power ~— | oureur reeresten | —psautavor | ste ae ce aan CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIO Nunn mn umn HH 2.2 POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT © The high-efficiency DC-DC converter boosts a DC voltage of 13.8V to +24V (at no load) to obtain high power. The circuit is completely of 3 separately excited system, and its oscillation frequency is set outside of the audible zone approximately 29 kHz) for improving the power rise characteristics and switching waveforms. The power to the power stage is supplied by bridge rectifying by an RF fectifier silicon diode, and two large-capacitance capacitors (3,300 x each) Pioneer's exclusive DC feedback circuit used for Improved power regulation assures stabilized output voltage at all times. © A special booster circuit is provided for the memory Circuit of your deck or tuner so that the deck or tuner will not be adversely affected at all by voltage drops. 2.3 POWER AMPLIFIER (FIG. 4) The first stage is @ differential amplifier (1), which is a PNP ‘dual transistor withthe current mirror circuit (03) as its load. ‘and provides stabilized high gains up to the high range. The voltage amplifiers (Q7, 09) are Darlington-connected. ‘operating with the constant current circuit (Q5) as a load. ‘© The power amplifier is automaticaly switched on and off by @ built-in electronic switch synchronously with your deck or tuner. When the deck or tuner is switched on, 038 is equivalently grounded. and switched on. thereby supplying the power to the T.T.L oscillator to operate it (Fig. 3) os se Fig. 3 ‘They are characterized by high-gain amplification with good linearity The output stage consists of Darlington-connected dual SEPP circuits of Class B operation, by which high power outputs are produced with high efficiency PROTECTION Vee Fig. 4 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION INNINNINNNN NANTON OHM MA-120 2.4 PROTECTION CIRCUIT (FIG. 5) ‘The protection circuit instantly switches off the high-voltage circuits of the set to protect the final stage amplifier and speaker ‘The protection circuit consists of the following four parts, © Overload Detector Circuit (021) This circuit detects output terminal shortcrcuits, and unduly small load resistance. It forms a bridge circuit “with the load serving as one of its sides. and generates @ protection signal if the bridge circuit becomes ‘unbalanced, or if 21's VBE voltage exceeds 0.6V. '# DC Voltage Detector Circuit (026, 27) This circuit detects the DC voltage generated at the amplifier output (center) point The two bases are ‘connected to each other with a capacitor, and one of the terminals is connected to the output center point. AC signals are erased at the same level, and DC voltages only are detected out of balance If the DC balance of the power stage is lost due to some cause, 9 potential difference develops between the two bases of the differential amplifier so that the collector currents of 026 and 27 become unbalanced. thereby ‘energizing either of the two diodes (D19, D20). As a result, @ protection signal is generated. ‘© Thormo Detector Circuit (TH1) This circuit detects abnormal rise of the heat sink panels ‘The heat sink panel is fitted with a posistor (THI), by which 9 protection signal is generated if the heat sink temperature reaches about 95°C. © SCR Protector Circuit (SR1) ‘The above-mentioned protection signals are applied to the SCR (SR1) gate by the diode OR circuit ‘This SCR (SR1} operates to switch off the power applied to the oscillator of the DC-DC converter and thus stops: the power supply to the secondary winding of the ‘wansformer Fig. 5 eee 3. ADJUSTMENT onion sonoma nn 3.1. IDLE CURRENT ADJUSTMENT 1. Connect your deck or tuner. and turn the volume control 3, Adjust the somitixed resistors (VAI forthe left channel, 10 the minimum position. \VR2 for the right channel) until the DC voltmeter reads If you have neither a deck or tuner, connect a resistor of 13 to 14 mv. 200 t0 300 ohms {3 to SW) to Pin 6 of the socket and 4 After a few minutes of power supply, readjust the the ground, and set the power amplifier in operating ‘semi-fited resistors (VAI for the left channel, VR2 for condition. until the DC voltmeter reads 1310 14 Note: No load need be connected, 2. Connect a DC voltmeter [with a range of up to 1.0 mV} 10 both ends of the emitter resistors (R43, RAS for the left channel; R44, R46 for the right channel) in the power stage. 20808080 0 Fig. 6 4, SCHEMATIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 1 I 2 L £ I 2a) a I 1 A i Q1,2.2SA979-FG , — \ T 1 i tm 213, 2sc2035-0 | ol ar |92si2sc200e-Ky,[ #07 i ae bs ee >| | an 1 1 I || se aesiesdrss- 3 | 8 i = en rR ns | | eS eh | Loss 1a 28a733-P I Pi, = | fey =e Q34:28C229-FG OQ 7~10:2SCIT7BA-E | | For seg = ue Dewi mn I ea S810 v a T = = |e toe ree \ jot Qin ey, | |e V getpacbary * ar Ld or920:2se6ae-0,\8 | et Sit {| [4 - . j = Ey 1? os ee” i ai tc | { @e4i2sc2002-K.L ae \ fy at \ Ls | o2i,z2:2sce4s-P GM-120 I 5 TI é A 929°28C200I-K,L_ ' 029 soy ICKHOTA0P ! z a oa | | | | | oa eer | B | D9-21 IS ISSS oF 82076 ! I ! I 1 oe ar | i (931,32:2862002-KL pag amu _ozacru-znseresacasca | net 1 1 I | | 1 c| I I I bccy+ee 1 ! 4 ite \ = an i I (03) CTU-R@Rer ESACES|-O12N | 33 300-1 iF f—r ono i D } . Fio. 7 | a I 5 I 6 5. CONNECTION DIAGRAM GM.120 f 1 i ‘AMP UNIT

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