org (ISSN-2349-5162)
Assistant professor, 2Student
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the customer satisfaction towards banking services with special reference of State Bank
of India, Pattukkottai. For this study, the data collected from 30 respondents were taken in Pattukkottai with the help of well-
structured questionnaire. This study was conducted with due reference of literature review. The study focused on banking
services of SBI such as ATM services, Mobile / Internet banking, Card services, Savings account, fixed deposit and Loan
services. Analysis was made by the use of statistical tools like Percentage analysis and chi-square test. This study clearly
shows the level of satisfaction of the customers with respect to each and every service rendered by the bank.
Banking in India
The companies Act of India describes Bank as “A Bank is a financial institution which takes money from the public for the
purpose of providing or investment repayable on demand or withdraw by cheques, drafts or order”.
State Bank of India (SBI) is an Indian multinational public sector bank and financial services constitutional body
headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. SBI is the 43 rd largest bank in the world and ranked 221st in the Wealth Global 500 list
of the world’s biggest establishments of 2020, being the only Indian bank on the list.
It is a public sector bank and it is a largest bank in India with a market share by assets and a share of the total loan and
deposits market. It is also the fifth largest establishment in India.
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The bank derives from the Bank of Calcutta, established in 1806 via the Imperial Bank of India, making it the eldest
commercial bank in the Indian Subcontinent. The Bank of Madras combined into the other two position banks in British India,
the Bank of Calcutta and the Bank of Bombay, to form the Imperial Bank of India, which in turn developed the State Bank of
India in 1955. The Government of India in 1955, with Reserve Bank of India (India’s central bank) taking a 60% stake,
change names it State Bank of India.
1. Aby Abdul Rabb (2014) banking services and banking performance affecting the level of customer satisfaction.
Thereby rectifying customer worries and alleviates the number of customer as well [2].
2. Prema M and Mythily K (2016) This study concludes majority of the respondents were satisfied about the banking
services of SBI, and also majority of the respondents were influenced by “Customer Care” provided by SBI [7].
3. Mohan D (2017 The respondents are mostly focus on improving customer satisfaction while the banks are focus on
modern banking services, to attract its customers [6].
4. Aayasha Nawaz (2017) The result showed that there was a significant relationship between the variables of customer
satisfaction and banking services of the SBI and the customers have highly satisfaction of bank service [1].
5. Sugavaneswari R and David Amirtha Rajan S (2018) analyze the customer preference and satisfaction towards
banking service with both private and public banks in Chennai district [12].
6. SadikaSultana M and Ramitha N B (2018) Improve their service delivery to justify the benefits of electronic
banking products and services [9].
7. Sakthi Prasad R and Amuthanayaki V P (2020) The majority of the sample respondents were satisfied with the rate
of interest [10].
8. Kumar T S and Vinothini V (2020) improving their customer service and it will help framing new policies relating
to customer service [5].
9. Rameena KA (2020) Overall, these three services received good ratings from the respondents and they find the
employees very helpful regarding these services [8].
10. Chitra S and Ramasethu A (2021) It has been observed that many customers are not aware of all sorts of facilities
provided by SBI. Thus the SBI bank should make better awareness campaigns [3].
11. Kolanchinathan G and Elango S (2021) Banks are trying their level best by providing the best security options to
the customers but then to there is lot of factors which betrays a customer from opening an internet bank account [4].
12. Shalini Dubeyand Kanika Expectations and perception. The various statistical tools have been used accordingly to
compile the result [11].
The research design used in this study is descriptive analysis. Descriptive researchdescribes data and characteristics about
the population or phenomenon being studied. It set up the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. The
research design is the conceptual structure within which research is shown. It is a plan that specifies the sources and types of
information related to the research problem.
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This research is completely based on the description of the factors that lead to the perception and awareness of consumers.
It is basically valued on the various parameters which include consumer preferences, attitudes and their demographic factors.
Convenient Sampling Method is implemented to collect the primary data. The respondents for the purpose of this study are
selected systematically.
In this study, “A study on customer satisfaction towards banking services provided by SBI in Pattukkottai” - Data will be
collect through primary sources.
The statistical tools applied for the study include the following are
Percentage method
Chi – square test
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© 2021 JETIR December 2021, Volume 8, Issue 12 (ISSN-2349-5162)
1. Age
Below 25years 9 30
25-35years 8 27
35-45years 7 23
Above 45years 6 20
2. Gender
Male 16 53
Female 14 47
3. Education Qualification
UG 7 23
PG 12 40
Illiterate 11 37
4. Occupation
House wife 6 20
Student 6 20
Employee 7 23
Business Man 5 17
6 20
5. Monthly Income
Below 20k 8 27
20k-40k 4 13
40k-60k 4 13
60k-80k 10 34
Above 80k 4 13
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The above table shows that 57% of respondents are agreeand 13% of respondents are disagree with the
sufficient cash is maintained at the ATM center.87% of respondents are agree and no respondents are
chosen disagree with the facilities availableto deposit money at ATM center.80% of respondents are agree
and 3% of respondents are disagree with the ATM centers have a check book entry facility. 83% of
respondents are agree and no respondents are chosen disagree about ATM centers have security and
camera surveillance.
The above table shows that about the Mobile banking / Internet banking, 23% of respondents are chosen
agree and 27% of respondents are choose disagree with mobile banking has proper authorization to
transfer money.50% of respondents are choose disagree and 23% of respondents are choose agree with
money transfer in E Banking service is faster. 80% of respondents are choose agreeand 3% of respondents
are choose disagree with the server support system is strong in Mobile / Internet banking. 33% of
respondents are choose disagree and 37% of respondents are choose agree with the transfer large amount
of money through mobile / internet banking.
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The above table shows that, 17% of respondents are faced timeout in 2-5 times, 40% of respondents are
faced timeout in 5-8 times, 33% of respondents are faced timeout in 8-10 times and 10% of respondents
are faced timeout in more than 10 times.
The above table shows that, 43% of respondents are disagree and 34% of respondents are agree with
maintenance charge of ATM card. 50% of respondents are agree and 17% of respondents are disagree
with transact use Rupay, visa, Master Card.60% of respondents are agree and 17% of respondents are
disagree about remains card expires.
The above table shows that, 40% of respondents are agree and 23% of respondents are disagree with
opening new savings account is customer friendly. 33% of respondents are disagree and 30% of
respondents are agree with interest rate is reasonable. 37% of respondents are agree and 26% of
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respondents are disagree with counter time. 37% of respondents are agree and 40% of respondents are
disagree about service charge for minimum balance is reasonable.
The above table shows that, 43% of respondents are agree and 20% of respondents are disagree about
interest on fixed deposit is reasonable.
The above table shows that, 67% of respondents are agree and 7% of respondents are disagree about
availability of loan in bank. 47% of respondents are agree and 30% of respondents are disagree about
interest rate of loan is reasonable.
Null Hypothesis H0: There is no significant relation between Age and facilities available to deposit
Alternative Hypothesis H1: There is significant relation between Age and facilities available to deposit
Chi-Square Tests
Significance (2-
Value df sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 7.593 3 .055
Likelihood Ratio 7.971 3 .047
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Null Hypothesis H0: There is no significant relation between Age and security and camera surveillance in
ATM center.
Alternative Hypothesis H1: There is significant relation between Age and security and camera
surveillance in ATM center.
Chi Square
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.014 3 .798
Likelihood Ratio .944 3 .815
Linear-by-Linear .005 1 .945
N of Valid Cases 30
The Critical value is 1.014 and the level of significance is 0.798. Therefore, significance value is
greater than 0.05, Accept null hypothesis H0 and reject alternative hypothesis H1, it concluded that there
is no significant relation between age and security and camera surveillance in ATM center.
Null Hypothesis H0: There is no significant relation between Age and checkbook entry facility in ATM
Alternative Hypothesis H1: There is significant relation between Age and checkbook entry facility in
ATM machine.
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Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 9.123 6 .167
Likelihood Ratio 9.064 6 .170
Linear-by-Linear .838 1 .360
N of Valid Cases 30
The Critical value is 9.123 and the level of significance is 0.167. Therefore, significance value is
greater than 0.05, Accept null hypothesis H0 and reject alternative hypothesis H1, it concluded that there
is no significant relation between age and check book entry facility in ATM machine.
Null Hypothesis H0: There is no significant relation between Age and availability of various loans in
Alternative Hypothesis H1: There is significant relation between Age and availability of various loans in
Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 8.780 6 .186
Likelihood Ratio 10.880 6 .092
Linear-by-Linear .090 1 .764
N of Valid Cases 30
The Critical value is 8.780and the level of significance is 0.186. Therefore, significance value is
greater than 0.05, Accept null hypothesis H0 and reject alternative hypothesis H1, it concluded that there
is no significant relation between age and availability of various loans in bank.
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The majority of respondents are chosen agree about server support system is strong in Mobile
banking.(Table 6.1.3)
The majority of the respondents are faced timeout in 5-8 times.(Table 6.1.4)
The majority of respondents are disagreeing card maintenance charge in card services.(Table
The majority of respondents are agreeing opening a new saving account is customer friendly in
saving account.(Table 6.1.6)
The majority of respondents are agreeing about interest rate on fixed deposit is reasonable in fixed
deposit.(Table 6.1.7)
The Critical value is 7.593 and the level of significance is 0.055. Therefore, significance value is
greater than 0.05, Accept null hypothesis H0 and reject alternative hypothesis H1, it concluded
that there is no significant relation between age and Deposit money facility in ATM
machine.(Table 6.2.1)
The Critical value is 1.014 and the level of significance is 0.798. Therefore, significance value is
greater than 0.05, Accept null hypothesis H0 and reject alternative hypothesis H1, it concluded
that there is no significant relation between age and security and camera surveillance in ATM
center.(Table 6.2.2)
The Critical value is 9.123 and the level of significance is 0.167. Therefore, significance value is
greater than 0.05, Accept null hypothesis H0 and reject alternative hypothesis H1, it concluded
that there is no significant relation between age and check book entry facility in ATM
machine.(Table 6.2.3)
The Critical value is 8.780and the level of significance is 0.186. Therefore, significance value is
greater than 0.05, Accept null hypothesis H0 and reject alternative hypothesis H1, it concluded
that there is no significant relation between age and availability of various loans in bank.(Table
The customers of SBI bank satisfy about the server support system in Mobile banking they shall
maintain it for future period and improve the remaining facilities. (Finding 1)
The customers are not satisfied about faced timeout while transaction through mobile or internet
so they improve to satisfy the customers. (Finding 2)
The customers are not satisfied about card maintenance charge so they improve to satisfy the
customers. (Finding 3)
The customer’s age does not influence the cash deposit facility in ATM machine, the customers
are satisfy about cash deposit facility in ATM machine so they shall maintained it. (Findings 6)
This study clearly shows that the level of satisfaction of the customers with respect to each and every
service rendered by the bank. The Customers were found to be satisfied with respect to certain services
and they expressed their desire to improve some of the services in future and with the entry of many
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private and foreign banks. The Competition is heavy in banking sector. The bank that satisfies its
customers in all dimensions will surely succeed.
[1] Aayasha Nawaz (2017) “Customer’s satisfaction towards banking services of state bank of India in
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[11] Shalini Dubey and Kanika Verma “A Study on Perception of Customers towards Banking Services:
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