Marketing Bio Sheet

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Marketing: Student Bio Sheet

(This side to be completed by student)

First Name: __________________________ Last Name: ________________________________________

Nick Name: __________________________ Class Period: _________ Date of Birth: __________________
Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s): _____________________________________________________________
Name of Guidance Counselor: ______________________________________________________________
What is your favorite brand/store? ___________________________________________________________
Future college and/or career plans: __________________________________________________________
What topic(s) are you most interested in learning about in this course? ______________________________
List any previous business courses you have taken: _____________________________________________
Do you have a printer that works at home? (circle one) Yes No
List all Chromebook/PC programs/apps you know how to use (ex. Lucidpress, WeVideo, Google Forms):
List any after school clubs or activities you will be participating in this year (ex. baseball, Business Club):
What are your hobbies and interests? _________________________________________________________
What do you feel are your strengths and weaknesses? (In other words, things you do well and things you
need to improve upon.)____________________________________________________________________
Do you have a job? If so, where? ____________________________________________________________
What do you like most about school? _________________________________________________________
What do you like least about school? _________________________________________________________
Does listening to music help with your ability to learn/study/focus? (circle one) Yes No
Favorite genres (types) of music? ____________________________________________________________
Is there anything else you would like me to know? ______________________________________________
Is there anything you would like to know about the course or the instructor? __________________________
Please have your parent/guardian complete the back of this worksheet and return by January 28, 2022.
Congrats on completing your first Marketing assignment.
Marketing: Student Bio Sheet
(This side to be completed by parent OR guardian)

First Name: __________________________ Last Name: ________________________________________

Relationship to student: ____________________________________________________________________

Daytime Phone #: _________________________ Email Address: _________________________________

What do you feel are your student’s strengths/special abilities? ____________________________________



What do you feel are your student’s weaknesses? _______________________________________________



What do you hope your student learns from this course? __________________________________________




Please list anything else you think I should know about your student in order to help him/her
succeed in Marketing:




Thank you for helping me learn more about your student.

I look forward to a successful semester!

M: Student Bio Sheet 8/20/2022

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