Large Deformations of Framed Structures Under Static and Dynamic Loads?
Large Deformations of Framed Structures Under Static and Dynamic Loads?
Large Deformations of Framed Structures Under Static and Dynamic Loads?
Abstract-With reference to the problem of large deformations and stability of elastic framed structures, this paper
explores the computational capabilities of a general beam-column type method which was recently developed by the
senior author. The method is flexible in that the coordinate system used may be either Eulerian or Lagmngian. In
addition, various types and levels of consistent approximations can be introduced into the analysis in a rather routine
In an effort to evaluate the merits of the method in the static case, extensive numerical studies were carried out on
a groupof specially selected and relatively simple st~ctural systems. In formulating the dynamic case, use was made
of a well-known numerical integration technique, namely, the so-called “Newmark’s /3-method”. Again, numerical
studies were carried out, although on a smaller scale than in the static case. These studies clearly indicate that the
suggested method is both practical and highly accurate.
[T] = [$I
(b) Member forces in member coordinates
4=$g (11)
which, in turn, is an implicit function of {u}.
Equilibrium equations. The equilibrium equations of
the structure as a whole can be written symbolically as is the usual “slenderness ratio” for a column pinned at
both ends, and a prime superscript on c, or bi denotes a
fihx*,..., x,)-P,=0 for i=l,2 ,..., n (12) differentiation with respect to q. Also,
Largedeformationsof framedstructures
understaticanddynamicloads 541
(22) in which
WI = [RIWI, t81 (32)
in which f’) and p” are 3 x 3 matrices defined by
[G’“‘]= [B][R],[g’“‘](R],‘[~Ir (33)
ff’ = 0 except fli = J+$$i
=h (23) can be evaluated directly, without actually performing
any matrix multiplication on the computer. Note that, for
-1 consistency, the assumption of smah p would have to also
A’=0 except fg =- (24)
(1+@ be incorporated into the system equilibrium equations,
eqn (12), via eqn (1).
Equation (16), while it is somewhat different in form, is The approximate theory outlined in this section may be
essentially equivalent to eqn (45) of Ref. [ 11,except that S interpreted as a transition from Eulerian to Lagrangian
was considered to be small in comparison with unity in coordinates, although the relationships that have been
eqn (45). derived may or may not be consistent with those given by
Eulerion us Lugmngian coordinates. The relationships other writers who use Lagrangian coordinates.
derived in the preceeding sections are valid for arbitrarily It should also be mentioned at this time that the
large member rotations provided, of course, that relative practical advantages of the Lagrangian approach are
member deformations are small enough to justify the use better appreciated in space than in plane problems.
of the beam-column theory. If the rotations are also small, Computational techniques and approximations. Two
then it would be possible to introduce a useful simplifica- techniques are commonly used in solving nonlinear
tion into the analysis, with only minor effects on the problems. The first consists in applying the loads in small
accuracy of the method. increments, and determining the corresponding changes in
For this purpose, let the configuration of the structure from a sequence of
linearized analyses (Fig. 2a). This technique does not
a =d+p (25) involve iteration, but requires that the tangent stiffness
matrix be updated at each load level. The second
in which ~5refers to the initial undeformed orientation of technique is an iterative one (Fig. 2b). For any desired
the member, and p represents the angle of rotation of the load level, an approximate solution is first assumed or
chord. The transformation matrix [RI can now be calculated; it is then improved step by step via a
expressed as Newton-Raphson type of iteration until the joint equilib-
WI = mR1, (26)
so that, from eqn (2),
-p 0
bl= p 1 0 w
[ 0 0 1
ITI = ~~I~Rl,~~l~tl~~l’~Rl~~~lr
+$ S,[R][R],[~“)][R],T[~]~. (30)
Judging from appearances, eqn (30) would seem to be
even more complicated than eqn (16). If the actual
computational work is performed according to the
detailed sequence indicated in eqn (30), this observation
may indeed be valid. For computational purposes, (b) Ileratii
however, eqn (30) can be rewritten in alternate and more
compact forms, such as Fig. 2. Commoncomputationaltechniques.
rium equations (eqn 121,are satisfied within a prescribed indicating that the imperfect system will not buckle (at
tolerance. Various combinations of iterative and finear- least in a theoretics sense).
ized incremental techniques are also commonly used, Numerical sohtions. In an effort to assess the compu-
In analyzing plane frames by the beam-column ap- tational merits of the proposed general method of
proach outlined in the preceding sections, one may analysis, six special problems were selected for detailed
consider the possibility of reducing the required computa- numerical studies. These problems, which are summar-
tional work by introducing some simplifying approxima- ized schematically in Fig. 4, are relatively small and
tions. For example, one could: simple, but have certain interesting and representative
(a) Use Lagrangian coordinates. features:
(b) Set Gi = Gz = H = 0 in eqn (18). Then, [t] would be (a) No instability. Exact solution available.
a function of q only. (b) Limit point when shallow, b~ur~ation point when
(c) Use undeformed member Iength in writing member steep. Exact solution available.
equilibrium equations, i.e. neglect S in comparison with fc) Column (perfect or imperfect). Exact solution
unity in eqns (7, 23, 24). available for perfect case.
These and other conceivable approximations can be (d)
(e) Previously examined by other investigators. Selected
used individually or in various combinations.
mainly for comparison purposes.
Detection ofinstability. It may be of interest to note at (f)
this point that many writers view a lack of convergence in
the iterative process as an indication of instability. This
reasoning, while it is clearly justified from a theoretical
viewpoint, appears to be unreliable as a practical buckling
criterion. Better results are obtained by noting[4] that the
determinant of the system tangent stiffness matrix
vanishes at all critical points,
transform into a limit point indicating that the system is
imperfection-sensitive, or it may disappear completely
F-’ 9 /: l-=$=-j
e (
(ff Fixed beam
l hra?im (Et&ion)
0 IO 20 30 40 50 m
0 4 6 12 16 20 24 26
exact solution, and the Lagrangian, while it is not exact, is converge at subtantially lower load levels. A lack of
seen to be highly accurate. As in the case of the cantilever convergence in the iterative process was viewed by those
beam of Fig. 5, the linearized incremental solutions do authors as an indication of instability. In light of the
appear to have a tendency to drift away from the exact additional numerical data presented herein, such a
solution. However, their accuracy seems to remain conclusion would not necessarily be justified. It should
satisfactory for most practical purposes. also be noted that the bent shown in Fig. 9 is not
As for the det [r] vs P relationship, it is seen, from Fig. imperfection-sensitive, so that, in the presence of a small
7, that all the solutions that are presented do exhibit the imperfection, the structure would not even buckle.
typical behavior that characterizes a limit point. The A recent comparative study by Ebner and Ucciferro [7]
results obtained for a steeper arch are summarized in Fig. gives numerical results obtained by several different finite
8, where the existence of a bifurcation is quite obvious. element techniques for a group of specially selected
Note also that, in the presence of a small imperfection, the problems. The group includes, in particular, the cantilever
critical point transforms into a limit point, thus confnming beam of Fig. 4(e), with L, = 52.30 in., .L2= 50.72 in.. E =
the imperfection-sensitive character of the system. 30x lVpsi, I= 1/6OOOin.‘, A = 1/5in.*, P,=0.85lb.,
The results obtained for a simple one-story bent are P2 = 1.35lb. The results reported for this relatively simple
shown in Fig. 9. It is particularly important to note that the problem are reproduced in Table 1, along with results
iterative procedures developed as part of the present obtained by the linearized incremental version of the
investigation did function properly (i.e. with no significant present method in Eulerian coordinates. It is seen that the
convergence difficulties) up to, even beyond, the critical present solution, although it uses only two elements, is at
load of the limiting case of the perfect bent. It may be of least as accurate as, if not even more so, than the
interest to note, in this connection, that an alternate solutions obtained by various versions of the finite ele-
iterative technique suggested by James et a!.[61 failed to ment approach.
3- 0 lherution (Eulerion)
+ Iteratiw (Eulerian with 8 *O)
Table I. Comparison of solutions for the cantilever beam shown in Fig. 4(e)
Largedeformationsof framedstructuresunderstaticand dynamic toads 545
problem. In an effort to check on the adequacy of known at time tK, and it is desired to determine the
book-keeping process suggested herein for rotations (i.e. configuration at fK+,= fK+ At. For this purpose, let eqn
the use of joint orientation matrices) solutions were (35) be rewritten in an incremental form as
obtained by con~de~g three different initial o~en~tions
in space for the fzintilever beam. AII three solutions thus MM + t~l&] - tbp] = 0 (37)
obtained were found to agree with the results of the plane
case withii the tolerance specified for the iterative pro- in which {AP} represents (known) load increments, and
cess. {ai} and {Ax}denote (yet unknown) increments of accel-
erations and displacements. It is now necessary to take
DYNAMIC ANALYSIS advantage of the fact that {a} is essentially the second
In extending the method to the dynamic case, the derivative of {x}. Newmark’s #Lmethod[l3] appears to
masses are assumed to be lumped at the joints oniy. In be particularly convenient for this purpose. Using, for
addition, the effects of rotary inertia and damping, which example, a value of /3 = l/4, Newmark’s equations reduce
lead to complications in the Eulerian formulation, are to
Plane fruntes. Under the assumptions stated, the equa- {Ax}= (AtKi”)+f (At)V’“)} +$(At)2{?K+1)} (38)
tions of motion of a planar framed structure can be
obtained from eqn 12 by simply inserting the necessary and
in& terms. Thus
{A~]=~(At)ii(K))+~(ntXi(“+l)) (3%
f~]~~x’)+VP-~~~=O (35)
in which (M] = mass matrix, and a dot on xi indicates a in which & = velocity. Substituting {_?x’}+{ti~ for
differentiation with respect to time. With rotary inertia {PK+‘)}in eqn (38), and solving for {AZ},
effects out of the picture, [A4Jis a diagonal matrix,
IAil’ ---+Ax}
(At)2 -&{P}-2li’9 (40)
Substituting this expression into eqn (37). and reananging,
Ml= (36) 4
~‘]~~}~~A~~ [M]{Axf = {AP)
Time t, set
3. Solve eqn (41) for {AX},then calculate {x(~+‘)}. The same problem was also solved by a three-
4. From eqn (40), determine {Ai}, then {,PK+‘)}. dimensional version of the method described above, and
5. From eqn (39). determine {ti}, then {i(K+‘)}. the results (not presented herein) were found to be in
close agreement with those shown in Fig. 10.
In the iterative technique, an approximate solution is
first obtained at f = fK+I by the linearized incremental
procedure outlined in the preceeding paragraph. This SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
solution is then improved step by step, until the equations Some of the more important conclusions to be drawn
of motion are satisfied within a prescribed tolerance. In from this investigation are:
what follows, the subscript j is used to refer to the jth I. The proposed method of analysis proves to be highly
iteration cycle, while t is kept constant at I = fK+,. The accurate even when the deformations of the structure are
computational work that the jth cycle involves can be quite large, provided the Eulerian approach is used.
summarized as follows: 2. Judging from the limited numerical data presented,
1. From eqn (35). calculate the unbalanced joint forces: the Lagrangian approach can be expected to yield
generally satisfactory results for small or moderately
{AQX = IV - [Ml{~]i -U]i (42) large deformations.
3. Neglecting G,, G2, H in [f] does adversely affect the
2. Let {AAx},,{AAih, {Ufi denote the corrections behavior of the tangent stiffness matrix. By retaining
that {AQX implies for {Ax}, {&}, {Ai}. Then from eqn these terms, one may be able to reduce the total
VO), computational work through improved accuracy, although
the work required per load increment and/or per iteration
cycle may show a slight increase.
4. In most problems of practical interest, 6 is indeed
small in comparison with unity, and can be neglected.
3. Noting, from eqn (37), that However, it may be preferable to retain S in the
formulation, because (a) the required additional computa-
4 tional work is often negligibly small, and (b) in some
bliIAAxh +m [MlWxI, = IAQX WI problems (such as the steep truss of Fig. 8) S may be
somewhat large.
determine {AAx}~ 5. Critical points (whether of bifurcation or limit type)
4. If ,{AAx}~ obtained in the preceding step is suffi- can be detected conveniently and accurately by monitor-
ciently small in comparison with {x} according to a ing the determinant of the system tangent stiffness matrix.
prescribed tolerance, then stop iteration, increase t by At, 6. The observations summarized in items 14 are also
obtain a new linearized incremental solution, and return to applicable to the dynamic case. It may be added that the
step 1. Otherwise: advantages of the Lagrangian approach become much
5. From eqn (43), determine {AAi}, then {i}, and return more apparent in the dynamic case, especially when
to step 1. analyzing space problems.
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