Research Proposal

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Project Proposal

Reon George

School of Management
Bengaluru – 560077

1.1 Organizational Development:

Every organisation needs to stay viable and survive in this complex environment.
Today the businesses are have shifted from their product centric approach to values
and people centric approach. This became possible through Organization
Development. Organization development is concerned with people and organisations,
as well as people inside organisations, and how they perform in various situations.
Organizational development is also about intentional change, which is about
improving the functioning of individuals, teams, and organisations (Srinivasan, 2021).
(Porras & Robertson, 1992) defines “Organizational development is a set of
behavioural science-based theories, values, strategies, and techniques aimed at
planned change of organizational work and attitude aimed at improving individual
development and improving organizational performance through change in the
behaviour of organizational members in the workplace.”
So, what is the goal for having OD in organizations? The ultimate goal of
organisational development is to boost the organization's competitiveness in order to
produce a market-winning firm. This can be accomplished via improving profitability,
margins, market share, morale, cultural values, or other sources of competitive
advantage. (Vulpen, 2019)
Many OD interventions are related to HRM. These include interventions in
performance and talent management. OD, on the other hand, takes a more holistic
approach, looking at individuals, teams, and organisational structures, whereas HRM
concentrates solely on people behaviours.

1.2 Benefits of Organization Development at Workplace:

Increasing productivity and efficiency has numerous advantages. Using a well-

thought-out organisational development structure is one of the finest strategies to
support positive results in these measures. Organizational development is applied to
provide an organisation with the necessary tools to adapt and respond positively to
market developments. The following are some of the benefits of organisational
development are:

 Continuous Development:
Organizations that participate in organisational development are constantly
refining their business models. Organizational development establishes a
continuous pattern of progress in which strategies are developed, evaluated,
implemented, and appraised for results and quality. Essentially, the process
creates an atmosphere in which a corporation may welcome change both within
and outside. The modification is intended to encourage periodic renewal.
 Increased Communication:
Effective communication, interaction, and feedback in an organisation
contribute significantly to organisational development. An effective
communication system integrates employees with the aims, values, and
objectives of the firm. Employees realise the significance of change in an
organisation when there is open communication. Active organisational
development improves communication inside an organisation by providing
constant feedback to stimulate change.
 Employee Growth:
Organizational development places a strong emphasis on effective
communication, which is utilised to motivate staff to make the necessary
adjustments. Many developments in the industry require employee
development programmes. As a result, many firms are attempting to improve
their employees' skills in order to equip them with more market-relevant
 Products and services get enhanced:
One of the primary advantages of organisational growth is that it contributes
significantly to the enhancement of products and services. Employee
development is one strategy to change; a crucial focal point is a reward for
motivation and accomplishment. Employee involvement leads to improved
innovation and productivity. Organizational development fosters
transformation through competitive analysis, consumer expectations, and
market research.
 Increased Profitability:
One of the primary advantages of organisational growth is that it contributes
significantly to the enhancement of products and services. Employee
development is one strategy to change; a crucial focal point is a reward for
motivation and accomplishment. Employee involvement leads to improved
innovation and productivity. Organizational development fosters
transformation through competitive analysis, consumer expectations, and
market research.


According to (“Organizational Development Guide Definition, Process, Models,”
2022) there are seven process involved in Organizational Development:

Adapting or Identifying an area
Continuing of Improvement

Evaluating initial Investigating the

results problem

Implementing Creating an Action Plan

Motivation and

re 1.1: Organizational Development Process (“Organizational Development Guide

Definition, Process, Models,” 2022)

 Identifying an area of improvement:

Organizational change begins with identifying a need that corresponds to
corporate objectives. Companies frequently recognise that requirement right
away, but they may adopt a data-driven method to identifying problems via
formal surveys and feedback. This method provides a more in-depth
understanding of the area for improvement. Companies should consider what
they wish to alter and why that change is required.
 Investigating the problem:
After identifying the area for improvement, businesses perform an
investigation to determine why the problem exists, what the impediments to
change are, and what solutions have previously been tried. Surveys, focus
groups, and individual consultations might also be included in this step.
 Creating an action plan:
The organisation then develops a strategy that includes allotted resources and
well-defined personnel functions. This strategy will include specific support
for those involved as well as a measurable goal. Companies should consider
how they will convey changes to employees and manage feedback during this
 Creating motivation and a vision:
After the company's executives have clearly defined and conveyed a plan,
they must persuade their staff to share a vision. This step entails leaders
serving as passionate role models while assisting employees in understanding
the plan's overall goals and desired impact.
 Implementing:
While stability is required during implementation, employees must also be
supported during the transition through mentoring, training, and coaching.
When considering such assistance, management should examine what new
skills employees will require and what means of delivery will be most
effective. Ongoing feedback and communication can make the transformation
process go more smoothly.
 Evaluating initial results:
Following the implementation of a strategy, the company's executives may
provide a space for shared reflection, asking themselves and their employees
if the change effectively accomplished the business goals. They will also
assess the change management process and consider what could be improved.
This phase cannot be missed; if the company does not analyse the changes, it
will not know whether the interventions were successful.
 Adapting or continuing:
The corporation may decide to modify its plan based on the preliminary
findings. If the findings reveal success, the current plan may be continued to

1.4 Employee Engagement:

Employee Engagement is not all about employee satisfaction and employee
happiness, it’s the emotional commitment the employee has towards the
organization and its goals (Kruse, 2022)

 What are the dimensions of Employee Engagement?

According to (Rathore, Bhawna , Mathur, 2017), there are six dimensions of
Employee Engagement which are as follows:
 Personal Professional Growth
Professional Growth refers to acquiring new abilities and job experience that
will assist you in reaching a career objective.
 Leadership Culture
Leadership culture refers to how leaders engage with one another and with
people of their teams. It is the manner in which leaders operate, communicate,
and make decisions. It is also about their daily working environment: their
activities, interactions, beliefs, and values.
 Employee Satisfaction
Employee satisfaction refers to how satisfied an individual is with their
employment and the role it plays in their lives.
 Work Relationship
Working relationships are the relationships you create in the workplace with
coworkers, colleagues, and managers.
 Employee Well-Being
Employee wellbeing is described as the employees' overall mental, physical,
emotional, and financial health.
 Employee Value Proposition
An employee value proposition (EVP) is a component of a company's
branding strategy that represents everything the company has to offer its

1.5 Succession Planning:

Many business leaders and human resource professionals feel that succession
planning is a difficult process reserved for the largest firms with the most advanced
organisational development departments Succession planning is the systematic and
deliberate preparation for successor. Organizational leadership makes an attempt to
recruit, develop and keep individuals with a variety of leadership abilities capabilities
capable of carrying out current and future initiatives organisational objectives
(Leibman et al., 1996).

 What are the dimensions of Succession Planning?

According to (Vulpen, 2020), there are four dimensions to Succession Planning,
which are:
 Talent Development
Talent Development refers to initiatives to stimulate learning, employee
engagement, talent management, and staff development in order to drive
organisational performance, productivity, and results.
 Identification of leadership talent
Leader identification is the process through which employees describe
themselves based on their interactions with leaders. Employees have a sense of
leader identification when they assimilate their perceptions of leaders into
their self-concept.
 Leadership Development
Leadership development is a collection of activities that prepares current and
future leaders to excel in their roles.
 Succession decisions
The process of finding and developing internal candidates for important
business leadership positions within the firm.

2.1 Introduction:
This chapter emphasises on the previous studies relating to Employee Engagement,
Succession Planning and Organizational Development. By going through the studies
it would help to identify the problem and research gap. The review of literature is
done chronologically, conceptually and empirically by citing the works of the others.

2.2 Review of Organizational Development:

There are lot of studies done on Organizational Development in various domains.
Most of the studies concluded that OD is very important for organizations to
transform for the survival. It was also revealed that OD has shifted to a human-centric
 Early methods to organisational development focused mostly on putting
humanistic ideas into practise at work. personal development, interpersonal
competency, involvement, dedication, satisfaction, and work democracy were
among the values stressed (Heckmann et al., 1975)
 “Organizational development” refers to the process of creating the “organizational
strength” and “shape” required by an organization as it grows in size and
 Organizational development is value-driven and, more importantly, its core values
provide a mission statement for both the OD process and its technology.

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