MMM-R FCT Man 0722 en-US

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Introduction 1

Fundamental safety
instructions 2

System requirements 3
Setting up the SINUMERIK
control system for Manage 4
MyMachines /Remote
Manage MyMachines /Remote
Integrating MindSphere 5
Working with Manage
Function Manual
MyMachines /Remote 6
Setting up Manage
MyMachines /Remote 7
Service Client

Using MyMachines /Remote

Service Client 8
Disconnecting the
SINUMERIK control system 9
from MindSphere

Appendix A

Valid for control:

SINUMERIK 840D sl/ 840DE sl/ 828D

Manage MyMachines /Remote, Version

A5E44039359B AP
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage
to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices
referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to
the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance
are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient
conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may
be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this
publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.

Siemens AG A5E44039359B AP Copyright © Siemens AG 2018 - 2022.

Digital Industries Ⓟ 07/2022 Subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 About Manage MyMachines /Remote ................................................................................... 7
1.2 About this documentation ................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Feedback on the technical documentation ........................................................................... 8
1.4 mySupport documentation .................................................................................................. 9
1.5 Service and Support............................................................................................................. 9
1.6 Important product information .......................................................................................... 11
1.6.1 OpenSSL ............................................................................................................................ 11
1.6.2 General Data Protection Regulation .................................................................................... 11
1.6.3 Security notes .................................................................................................................... 12
2 Fundamental safety instructions......................................................................................................... 15
2.1 General safety instructions................................................................................................. 15
2.2 Warranty and liability for application examples ................................................................... 15
2.3 Security information .......................................................................................................... 15
3 System requirements........................................................................................................................... 17
4 Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines /Remote ................................... 23
4.1 Activating the data acquisition ........................................................................................... 23
4.2 Checking and updating the versions ................................................................................... 25
4.2.1 Displaying version data ...................................................................................................... 25
4.2.2 Installing a SINUMERIK 828D update .................................................................................. 26
4.2.3 Client update under Windows ............................................................................................ 28
4.2.4 Client update under Linux .................................................................................................. 32
4.3 SINUMERIK Integrate.......................................................................................................... 36
4.3.1 Activating the SINUMERIK Integrate client .......................................................................... 36
4.3.2 Activating use of SINUMERIK Integrate ............................................................................... 37
4.4 SINUMERIK 840D sl ............................................................................................................ 38
4.4.1 Configuring the URL and proxy ........................................................................................... 38
4.4.2 Install the registration key on a SINUMERIK control system.................................................. 41
4.4.3 Create drive ....................................................................................................................... 44
4.5 SINUMERIK 828D ............................................................................................................... 45
4.5.1 Configuring the URL and proxy ........................................................................................... 45
4.5.2 Install the registration key on a SINUMERIK control system.................................................. 48
4.6 Adapting SINUMERIK Operate............................................................................................. 50
4.6.1 Exchanging a certificate (optional) ..................................................................................... 50
4.6.2 Activating logs for troubleshooting..................................................................................... 53
4.7 PCU retrofit ........................................................................................................................ 53

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Table of contents

5 Integrating MindSphere ...................................................................................................................... 59

5.1 Logging in to MindSphere .................................................................................................. 59
5.2 Icons and buttons in MindSphere ....................................................................................... 62
5.3 Managing users ................................................................................................................. 65
5.4 Asset Manager ................................................................................................................... 66
5.4.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 66
5.4.2 Opening the Asset Manager ............................................................................................... 67
5.4.3 Creating an asset type........................................................................................................ 68
5.4.4 Creating an Asset ............................................................................................................... 70
5.5 Shopfloor Management Application ................................................................................... 73
5.5.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 73
5.5.2 Activating Manage MyMachines /Remote ........................................................................... 74
5.6 Connecting the SINUMERIK control system with MindSphere .............................................. 80
6 Working with Manage MyMachines /Remote...................................................................................... 83
6.1 Open Manage MyMachines /Remote .................................................................................. 83
6.2 Machine Configuration....................................................................................................... 85
6.3 Download remote service client ......................................................................................... 88
6.4 Download certificate .......................................................................................................... 90
6.5 Remote access sessions ...................................................................................................... 92
6.5.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 92
6.5.2 Starting a remote session as a SE........................................................................................ 93
6.5.3 Joining a remote session .................................................................................................... 97
6.5.4 Managing remote access sessions ...................................................................................... 98
6.5.5 Configuring the session log settings ................................................................................. 103
6.5.6 Evaluating and editing session information ...................................................................... 104
6.5.7 Exporting session information.......................................................................................... 107
6.5.8 Remote sessions with Manage MyMachines...................................................................... 110 Start new remote session ................................................................................................. 111 Joining a remote session .................................................................................................. 113
6.6 Service Dashboard ........................................................................................................... 116
6.7 Using the calendar function ............................................................................................. 119
7 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client.................................................................. 123
7.1 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators (MO) ................................. 123
7.1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 123
7.1.2 Installing Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client MO (IPC or PCU) ............................ 124
7.1.3 Entering the address of a proxy server .............................................................................. 132
7.1.4 Integrating an OEMFrame application into HMI sl ............................................................. 133
7.1.5 Silent Installation ............................................................................................................. 134
7.2 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - service engineer (SE) ...................................... 136
7.2.1 Installing Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client SE................................................. 136
7.2.2 Entering the address of a proxy server .............................................................................. 145

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Table of contents

8 Using MyMachines /Remote Service Client ....................................................................................... 147

8.1 Overview of the functions ................................................................................................ 147
8.2 User roles and operator interface ..................................................................................... 148
8.3 Joining a remote session as MO (PCU/NCU)....................................................................... 149
8.4 Joining a remote session as MO (IPC)................................................................................ 152
8.5 Conducting a remote session via VPN (IPC) ....................................................................... 155
8.6 Desktop sharing (SINUMERIK Integrate Client) .................................................................. 160
8.7 Desktop sharing (IPC / PCU) .............................................................................................. 162
8.8 Transferring files .............................................................................................................. 165
8.9 Remote STEP 7................................................................................................................. 175
8.9.1 Setting-up the Internet connection with SIMATIC Manager................................................ 175
8.9.2 Setting up a connection with the TIA Portal via the Internet .............................................. 179
8.10 Transferring the conference leadership............................................................................. 184
8.11 Terminating the remote session........................................................................................ 186
8.12 Additional functions......................................................................................................... 187
8.12.1 Network interruption ....................................................................................................... 187
8.12.2 Setting the log-on data .................................................................................................... 188
8.12.3 Setting file transfer........................................................................................................... 189
8.12.4 Setting the language........................................................................................................ 191
8.12.5 Setting the log file............................................................................................................ 192
9 Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere ..................................................... 195
9.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 195
9.2 Deactivating use of SINUMERIK Integrate.......................................................................... 196
9.3 Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere ....................................... 196
A Appendix............................................................................................................................................ 199
A.1 List of abbreviations......................................................................................................... 199
A.2 Requirements for the Shopfloor Management Application ................................................ 200
Index .................................................................................................................................................. 203

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Table of contents

Manage MyMachines /Remote

6 Function Manual, 07/2022, A5E44039359B AP
Introduction 1
1.1 About Manage MyMachines /Remote

Manage MyMachines /Remote

With "Manage MyMachines /Remote", you can provide efficient and low-cost support for
machine tools and production equipment via the Internet.
In the event of a fault, the service organization of the machine manufacturer has fast access to
important control data and diagnostic functions. In that way, the machine manufacturer or
maintenance department can immediately analyze the current condition of the machine tool in
which a fault occurred.
Remote Sessions (remote access) helps you avoid time-consuming on-site service assignments
and prepare them better. Machine manufacturers can reduce their warranty costs while
providing more efficient service support.

1.2 About this documentation

This document describes the following:
How you connect MindSphere to the SINUMERIK control system (machine tool).
More information can be found at: Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage
MyMachines /Remote (Page 23).
The functionality of the MindSphere Application "Manage MyMachines /Remote"
More information can be found at: Working with Manage MyMachines /Remote (Page 83)

MindSphere is a cloud-based, open IoT operating system from Siemens which connects your
machines and physical infrastructure with the digital world. This gives you a complete overview
of your data at all times.
Several MindSphere-based applications are available - the "MindSphere Applications".

More information
More information about the MindSphere applications can be found at: MindSphere
documentation (
As well as the manuals, you will also find data sheets and FAQs at the following link: MindSphere

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1.3 Feedback on the technical documentation

Target group
This publication is intended for:
• Project engineers
• Technology experts (from machine manufacturers)
• Commissioning engineers (systems/machines)
• Programmer-users

The Function Manual describes the functions in such a way that the target group is aware of
them and can select them. The manual provides the target group with the information required
to implement the functions.

Standard scope
This documentation only describes the functionality of the standard version. This may differ
from the scope of the functionality of the system that is actually supplied. Please refer to the
ordering documentation only for the functionality of the supplied drive system.
It may be possible to execute other functions in the system which are not described in this
documentation. This does not, however, represent an obligation to supply such functions with
a new control or when servicing.
For reasons of clarity, this documentation cannot include all of the detailed information on all
product types. Further, this documentation cannot take into consideration every conceivable
type of installation, operation and service/maintenance.
The machine manufacturer must document any additions or modifications they make to the
product themselves.

Websites of third-party companies

This document may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites. Siemens is not responsible for
and shall not be liable for these websites and their content. Siemens has no control over the
information which appears on these websites and is not responsible for the content and
information provided there. The user bears the risk for their use.

1.3 Feedback on the technical documentation

If you have any questions, suggestions or corrections regarding the technical documentation
which is published in the Siemens Industry Online Support, use the link "Send feedback" link
which appears at the end of the entry.

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1.5 Service and Support

1.4 mySupport documentation

With the "mySupport documentation" web-based system you can compile your own individual
documentation based on Siemens content, and adapt it for your own machine documentation.
To start the application, click on the "My Documentation" tile on the mySupport homepage

The configured manual can be exported in RTF, PDF or XML format.

Siemens content that supports the mySupport documentation application can be identified by
the presence of the "Configure" link.

1.5 Service and Support

Product support
You can find more information about products on the internet:
Product support (
The following is provided at this address:
• Up-to-date product information (product announcements)
• FAQs (frequently asked questions)
• Manuals
• Downloads

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1.5 Service and Support

• Newsletters with the latest information about your products

• Global forum for information and best practice sharing between users and specialists
• Local contact persons via our Contacts at Siemens database (→ "Contact")
• Information about field services, repairs, spare parts, and much more (→ "Field Service")

Technical support
Country-specific telephone numbers for technical support are provided on the internet at
address ( in the "Contact" area.
If you have any technical questions, please use the online form in the "Support Request" area.

You can find information on SITRAIN at the following address (
SITRAIN offers training courses for automation and drives products, systems and solutions from

Siemens support on the go

With the award-winning "Siemens Industry Online Support" app, you can access more than
300,000 documents for Siemens Industry products – any time and from anywhere. The app can
support you in areas including:
• Resolving problems when implementing a project
• Troubleshooting when faults develop
• Expanding a system or planning a new system
Furthermore, you have access to the Technical Forum and other articles from our experts:
• FAQs
• Application examples
• Manuals
• Certificates
• Product announcements and much more
The "Siemens Industry Online Support" app is available for Apple iOS and Android.

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1.6 Important product information

Data matrix code on the nameplate

The data matrix code on the nameplate contains the specific device data. This code can be read
with a smartphone and technical information about the device displayed via the "Industry
Online Support" mobile app.

1.6 Important product information

1.6.1 OpenSSL
This product can contain the following software:
• Software developed by the OpenSSL project for use in the OpenSSL toolkit
• Cryptographic software created by Eric Young.
• Software developed by Eric Young
You can find more information on the internet:
• OpenSSL (
• Cryptsoft (

1.6.2 General Data Protection Regulation

Siemens observes standard data protection principles, in particular the data minimization rules
(privacy by design).
For this product, this means:
The product does not process or store any personal data, only technical function data (e.g. time
stamps). If the user links this data with other data (e.g. shift plans) or if he/she stores person-
related data on the same data medium (e.g. hard disk), thus personalizing this data, he/she must
ensure compliance with the applicable data protection stipulations.

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1.6 Important product information

1.6.3 Security notes

SINUMERIK controls linked to MindSphere

Security standards for SINUMERIK controls connected to MindSphere
The connection of SINUMERIK controls to MindSphere via TLS 1.2 /https meets the highest
security standards.
SINUMERIK versions that do not meet these standards are not part of the product. For these
versions, additional security measures must be taken.
You are solely responsible for preventing unauthorized access to your plants, systems,
machines and network. Systems, machines and components should only be connected to the
company's network or the Internet if and to the extent necessary and with appropriate security
measures (e.g. use of firewalls and network segmentation) in place.

Data misuse and data manipulation

Data misuse due to an unprotected Internet connection
An unrestricted Internet connection can lead to data misuse, e.g. when transferring the asset
Before establishing a network connection, ensure your PC is exclusively connected to the
Internet via a secure connection. Pay attention to the security-relevant notes.
More information about communications security is provided in the Configuration Manual:
Industrial Security (

Data misuse when saving
It is essential to use secure data storage when saving your data - particularly your confidential
data. Store this data, encrypted locally or encrypted on the network. Make sure that this data
cannot be accessed by unauthorized personnel.
This applies to the following data:
• Archive files
• Image files
• Project files
• Trace files
• Safety-relevant data
More information about secure data storage can be found in the Configuration Manual:
Industrial Security (

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1.6 Important product information

Data manipulation possible
There is a risk that an attacker could gain access to the operating PC within the network. There,
the hacker can read or manipulate various system components (e.g. the content of databases).
In this way, the attacker can change tool data, NC programs, machine archives, or the system
structure itself, for example. "Manage MyMachines /Remote" cannot prevent this type of attack.
• As the person responsible for the machine network, it is therefore imperative that you take
the appropriate industrial security measures for the production/machine network.
Siemens AG accepts no liability for this!

Saving the operator PC/and SINUMERIK control

Backing up the operator PC (service engineering side)
The necessary security measures (e.g. virus scanner, firewalls, OS patching, etc.) must be
implemented on the PCs that are used by machine operators or end users for visualization and
configuration of "Manage MyMachines /Remote".
In order to further restrict access to the key saved in the service engineers PC, it is recommended
that multi-factor authentication is configured on the operating system of the service engineers
More information about PCs in the industrial environment is provided in the Configuration
Manual: Industrial Security (

Backing up the SINUMERIK control (machine operator side)
The necessary security measures (e.g. virus scanner, firewalls, operating system patching, etc.)
must be implemented on the SINUMERIK controls.
More information about communications security is provided in the Configuration Manual:
Industrial Security (

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1.6 Important product information

Data archiving, data transport and saving data

Data archiving
When archiving your exported data, observe that you are responsible for ensuring that this data
is securely archived.
These include, for example, the following measures:
• Save exported data to an area with restricted access within the OEM/end customer location,
for example, access restrictions to SharePoints, databases through user administration with,
e.g. authorization.
• Protect your encrypted data storage locations, such as SharePoints, against manipulation.
• If absolutely necessary, only store your confidential or security-relevant data encrypted on
your PC / systems or the network. Security-relevant data includes sensitive data, such as
archives, passwords, or executable files (*.exe).
• Regularly back up your security-relevant data and carefully protect it against loss and

Transporting data
Apply the following measures when transporting data:
• If you send confidential and/or security-relevant data by e-mail, always send this e-mail only
encrypted or signed, especially in the public domain or on the Internet.
• If you wish to transport confidential and/or security-relevant data on a data storage medium
(USB flash drive, hard disk, etc.), carefully investigate as to which data storage media are
considered secure. These data storage media must be regularly checked for viruses. Always
save your data on local data storage media so that the data is encrypted.
These measures are especially important for sensitive data, such as archives, passwords or
executable files (*.exe).

Saving captured data
The "Manage MyMachines Remote" product was developed by Siemens, also taking into account
the "Privacy By Design" principle. This means that the service provider (OEM) makes the decision
as to how long the captured data, such as information about the time period and participation
in remote sessions, is saved.

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Fundamental safety instructions 2
2.1 General safety instructions

Danger to life if the safety instructions and residual risks are not observed
If the safety instructions and residual risks in the associated hardware documentation are not
observed, accidents involving severe injuries or death can occur.
• Observe the safety instructions given in the hardware documentation.
• Consider the residual risks for the risk evaluation.

Malfunctions of the machine as a result of incorrect or changed parameter settings
As a result of incorrect or changed parameterization, machines can malfunction, which in turn
can lead to injuries or death.
• Protect the parameterization against unauthorized access.
• Handle possible malfunctions by taking suitable measures, e.g. emergency stop or
emergency off.

2.2 Warranty and liability for application examples

Application examples are not binding and do not claim to be complete regarding configuration,
equipment or any eventuality which may arise. Application examples do not represent specific
customer solutions, but are only intended to provide support for typical tasks.
As the user you yourself are responsible for ensuring that the products described are operated
correctly. Application examples do not relieve you of your responsibility for safe handling when
using, installing, operating and maintaining the equipment.

2.3 Security information

Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary
to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security
concept. Siemens’ products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept.
Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems,
machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be connected to

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Fundamental safety instructions
2.3 Security information

an enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary and only
when appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls and/or network segmentation) are in place.
For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, please
visit (
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure.
Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they are available
and that the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are no longer
supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customer’s exposure to cyber
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS Feed
under (
Further information is provided on the Internet:
Industrial Security Configuration Manual (

Unsafe operating states resulting from software manipulation
Software manipulations, e.g. viruses, Trojans, or worms, can cause unsafe operating states in
your system that may lead to death, serious injury, and property damage.
• Keep the software up to date.
• Incorporate the automation and drive components into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept for the installation or machine.
• Make sure that you include all installed products into the holistic industrial security concept.
• Protect files stored on exchangeable storage media from malicious software by with suitable
protection measures, e.g. virus scanners.
• On completion of commissioning, check all security-related settings.

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System requirements 3
Hardware and operating software
The connection is established via the "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client".
The SINUMERIK Integrate Client is required if you wish to use the integrated Manage
MyMachines /Remote Client in the SINUMERIK Integrate Client. It may be necessary to upgrade
this component.


SINUMERIK Integrate Operating software Hardware version Operating sys‐

client software version SINUMERIK Operate version tem

2.0.13 4.5 SP4, HF1, 2, 3, 4 NCU 7x0.3 (B) PN Linux

2.0.16 4.5 SP5, HF1, 3, 5 PCU 50.5 Windows 7
2.0.19 4.5 SP6, HF2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13 IPC 427E Windows 10
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 IPC 477E
4.5 SP4, HF1, 2, 3, 4 NCU 7x0.3 (B) PN Linux
4.5 SP6, HF1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
3.0.13 4.7 SP1, HF1 NCU 7x0.3 (B) PN Linux
3.0.14 4.7 SP2, HF1, 3, 4 PCU 50.5 Windows 7
3.0.16 4.7 SP3, HF1, 2, 3 IPC 427E Windows 10
3.0.19 4.7 SP4, HF1, 4, 5, 6 IPC 477E
4.7 SP5, HF1
4.7 SP6, HF1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
4.7 SP7, HF14
4.8 SP1, HF1, 2, 3
4.8 SP2, HF1, 3
4.8 SP3, HF1
4.8 SP4, HF1, 3, 4, 6, 8
4.8 SP5, HF5, 6
4.8 SP6, HF1, 3, 4, 5
4.8 SP7
4.0.16 4.92, HF3 NCU 7x0.3 (B) PN Linux
4.0.19 4.93, HF1, 2, 3, 5, 6 PCU 50.5 Windows 7
4.0.20 4.94, HF3, 4 IPC 427E Windows 10
4.95 IPC 477E
4.95, HF1
4.95 SP1, HF1
4.95 SP1, HF3

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System requirements


SINUMERIK Integrate Operating software Hardware version Operating sys‐

client software version SINUMERIK Operate version tem

4.0.15 6.13, HF1, 4, 6 NCU 1750 Linux

4.0.16 6.14, HF3 NCU 1760
4.0.18 6.15, HF1 IPC 427E Windows 10
4.0.19 6.15 SP1
4.0.20 6.15 SP1, HF1
6.15 SP1, HF3


SINUMERIK Integrate Operating software Hardware version Operating sys‐

client software version SINUMERIK Operate version tem

2.0.13 4.5 SP4 PPU 281.3 Linux

2.0.14 4.5 SP5, HF1, 2 PPU 261.3
2.0.16 4.5 SP6, HF1, 2, 3, 4 PPU 241.3
3.0.13 4.7 SP2, HF1
3.0.19 4.7 SP3, HF2
4.7 SP4, HF1, 2
4.7 SP5
4.7 SP6, HF1
3.0.13 4.8 SP4, HF1 PPU 271.4
3.0.14 4.7 SP2, HF1 PPU 290.3
3.0.16 4.7 SP3, HF2 PPU 28x.3
3.0.19 4.7 SP4, HF1, 2 PPU 26x.3
4.7 SP5 PPU 24x.3
4.7 SP6, HF1, 2
4.7 SP7, HF1, 3
3.0.14 4.8 SP4, HF1, 2, 3, 4, 5 PPU 27x.4
3.0.19 4.8 SP7 PPU 290.4
4.0.17 4.94
4.0.18 4.95, HF1


SINUMERIK Integrate Operating software Hardware version Operating sys‐

Client Version HMI Advanced Version tem IPC 427D Windows 10

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System requirements

SINUMERIK control system

Screen resolution 800 x 600

1280 x 1024
1366 x 768
1440 x 900
1600 x 1200
1680 x 1050
1920 x 1200
1920 x 1080

Web browser
You can use the following web browsers:
• Chrome
Version from 65.0.3325.18 (64 bit) up to the current version
• Firefox
Version 59.0.2 (64 bit) up to the current version
• Microsoft Edge (Chromium based)
Version from 85.0.564.51

Operator PC

Processor 1 GHz processor

RAM (GB) 4
Free hard disk capacity (GB) 1
Operating systems Windows 7 SP1 (x64) Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate
Windows 10 (x64) Pro/Enterprise
Screen resolution At least 1980 x 1080

Industrial PC

Processor 1 GHz processor

RAM (GB) 4
Free hard disk capacity (GB) 1
Operating systems Windows 7 SP1 (x64) Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate
Windows 7 Standard Embedded
Windows 10 (x64) Pro/Enterprise
Screen resolution At least 1980 x 1080 pixels

Only one VNC connection possible
Only one VNC viewer connection is permissible to the SINUMERIK control system.

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System requirements

Remote STEP 7
• SIMATIC Manager versions:
– 5.4
– 5.5
– 5.6
• TIA Portal versions:
– 15.0
– 15.1
– 16.0
– 16.1
– 17.0
• TCU and Remote STEP 7 support the following SINUMERIK Integrate client versions:
– 2.0.13
– 2.0.14
– 3.0.13
– 3.0.14
– 3.0.19
– 4.0.20
• SINUMERIK Operate runs under PCU or IPC with the following SINUMERIK Integrate client
– 2.0.16
– 3.0.16
– 4.0.16
– 4.0.20

Function "Remote STEP 7"
Remote STEP 7 is available in the following configurations:
• SINUMERIK Operate under Linux (NCU)
• SINUMERIK Operate on PCU or IPC
Remote STEP 7 is not supported by SINUMERIK 828D.
Remote STEP 7 is supported by SINUMERIK ONE if SINUMERIK Integrate Client version 4.0.20 and
Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client version are installed.

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System requirements

SINUMERIK Integrate applications
Parallel operation with SINUMERIK Integrate applications is not possible.

More information
More information on how to connect remote control systems are provided in the following
"Manage MyMachines /Remote - installation in existing control environments" and "SIMATIC

Type of delivery
The "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client" is available via the "Manage MyMachines /
Remote" application.
The updates and more information on the applications and products are stored on PridaNet and
can be downloaded directly from there.
- OR -
You can contact your machine manufacturer.
- OR -
You can contact the Siemens Service & Support.

Trustworthy software from the Internet
If you download clients from the Internet, only install software that has been signed by Siemens.

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System requirements

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Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for
Manage MyMachines /Remote 4
4.1 Activating the data acquisition

To use the MindSphere application, you must perform various steps in MindSphere and on the
SINUMERIK control system itself.








In MindSphere:
1. Create the desired assets.
More information can be found at: Asset Manager (Page 66)
Detailed information can be found at: MindSphere - Asset Manager System Manual
2. Create the "onboard.key".
More information can be found at: Connecting the SINUMERIK control system with
MindSphere (Page 80)

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Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines /Remote
4.1 Activating the data acquisition

At the SINUMERIK control system:

1. Check the installed versions.
More information can be found at: Displaying version data (Page 25)
– If an appropriate SINUMERIK Integrate version is not installed, then perform a client
More information can be found at: Client update under Windows (Page 28)
2. Activate the SINUMERIK Integrate client.
More information can be found at: Activating the SINUMERIK Integrate client (Page 36)
3. Enable the use of SINUMERIK Integrate.
More information can be found at: Activating use of SINUMERIK Integrate (Page 37)
4. Configure the URL and proxy.
– On the SINUMERIK 840D sl control system:
More information can be found at: Configuring the URL and proxy (Page 38)
- OR -
– On the SINUMERIK 828D control system:
More information can be found at: Configuring the URL and proxy (Page 45)
5. Restart SINUMERIK Operate.
6. Insert "onboard.key".
– On the SINUMERIK 840D sl control system:
More information can be found at: Install the registration key on a SINUMERIK control
system (Page 41)
- OR -
– On the SINUMERIK 828D
More information can be found at: Install the registration key on a SINUMERIK control
system (Page 48)
7. Start with editing the diagram.

File "onboard.key"
The file "onboard.key" contains safety-related information for the one-time connection setup of
a SINUMERIK controller with MindSphere and must therefore be stored safely - both on the
terminal, on which the file is stored temporarily, and on the target controller. Only when the
connection between the SINUMERIK control system and MindSphere has been completely set up
is this connection setup key no longer relevant.
This file is then automatically deleted on the SINUMERIK control system.
Secure the terminals used for this accordingly, for example, using virus protection programs,
firewalls, OS updates, etc.

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4.2 Checking and updating the versions

4.2 Checking and updating the versions

4.2.1 Displaying version data

In the "Version data" window you can check whether you are using a suitable version.
Only use the versions specified in this document.
Additional information is provided in Chapter: System requirements (Page 17).
The following components with the associated version data are specified:
• CNC software
Among other things, the SINUMERIK Operate version is displayed in the details.
• PLC basic program
• PLC user program
• System extensions
Among other things, the SINUMERIK Integrate version is displayed in the details.
• OEM applications
• Hardware
Information is provided in the "Nominal version" column as to whether the versions of the
components differ from the version supplied on the CompactFlash card.

Icon Description
The version displayed in the "Actual version" column matches the version of the CF
The version displayed in the "Actual version" column does not match the version of
the CF card.


1. Start the SINUMERIK Operate operating software on the SINUMERIK con‐

trol system.
2. Press the <MENU SELECT> key.
3. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.

4. Press the "Version" softkey.

The "Version data" window opens.
The data of the available components is displayed.
5. Select the component for which you would like more information.

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Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines /Remote
4.2 Checking and updating the versions

6. Press the "Details >" softkey in order to obtain more detailed information
on the components displayed.

Start a client update if you have the required SINUMERIK Integrate version on your SINUMERIK
control system.
Information is provided in the following chapter as to how you perform a client update:
• Client update under Windows (Page 28)
- OR -
• Client update under Linux (Page 32)

4.2.2 Installing a SINUMERIK 828D update

If you are not using a suitable software version on the SINUMERIK 828D control, you must install
the required software update/backup.

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4.2 Checking and updating the versions

1. Switch the control on.
The following is displayed during startup:

2. Press the <SELECT> key within three seconds.

To call the "Startup menu", press the following keys in succession:
Menu back key, HSK2 (horizontal softkey 2), VSK2 (vertical softkey 2)

PPU with touch operation
To call the "Startup menu" during startup, there is an additional shortcut key for all PPUs: "8"
→ "2" → "8"

3. The "Startup menu" is displayed, "Normal startup" is the default setting.

4. Select the "Install software update/backup" option to install an update on the system
CompactFlash card from the user CompactFlash card or USB flash drive.

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4.2 Checking and updating the versions

5. The following message is displayed:

"Do you want to install the software update? Either CF card or USB stick must be plugged in".
6. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB interface on the front of the operator panel and click
7. Make sure that only individual ".tgz" files are located on the USB flash drive. Press the <INPUT>
key to install the required files.
8. The installation preparation and then the installation procedure are shown on the screen.
9. At the end, the following message is displayed: "Restoring complete. Switch off and remove
data medium!"
Switch the control off and remove the storage medium.
Additional information on commissioning SINUMERIK 828D can be found in the SINUMERIK
828D Commissioning Manual

4.2.3 Client update under Windows

The SINUMERIK Integrate client update required "setup.exe" was transferred into the installation

1. Start the SINUMERIK control system in the Windows service mode.
2. Open the installation directory.
3. Start setup file "setup.exe" with a double-click.
SINUMERIK Integrate Client - InstallShield Wizard opens.

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4.2 Checking and updating the versions

4. The welcome screen opens and shows the applications to which the update applies.
Click "Next >" to start the installation preparation.

5. The "License Agreement" window opens.

Read the license agreement.
– If you want to print the terms, click "Print."
– Then activate the "I accept the terms in the license agreement" checkbox and click "Next
- OR -
Click "< Back" to return to the previous window.

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Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines /Remote
4.2 Checking and updating the versions

6. The next window displays the installation directory for the application.
Click "Next >" to accept the directory suggested by the setup.

7. The Wizard is ready to start the installation.

Click "Install" to start the installation.

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4.2 Checking and updating the versions

8. The installation is started, and the progress is displayed with a progress bar.

9. Click "Finish" to complete the installation.

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Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines /Remote
4.2 Checking and updating the versions

4.2.4 Client update under Linux

• Emergency Boot System V04.70.05.00
• SINUMERIK Operate 4.5 SP4
- OR -
• SINUMERIK Operate 4.7 SP2

1. Copy the "sinintclient.tgz" file to the USB flash drive.
2. Insert the USB flash drive into the NCU.
3. Start the NCU.
4. In the menu, select "Update NCU Software and Data" with the cursor keys and press the "OK"

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4.2 Checking and updating the versions

5. In the menu, select "Update system software from USB memory stick" with the cursor keys
and press the "OK" softkey.

6. You receive a list with all tgz files.

Select the current file.
Press the "OK" softkey to confirm your selection.
- OR -
Press the shortcut key <Shift> + <F8> on the operator panel.

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4.2 Checking and updating the versions

7. The selected file is displayed.

Press the "OK" softkey to confirm your selection.
- OR -
Press the shortcut key <Shift> + <F8> on the operator panel.

8. A confirmation prompt appears.

Press the "OK" softkey to confirm the confirmation prompt.
- OR -
Press the shortcut key <Shift> + <F7> on the operator panel.

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4.2 Checking and updating the versions

9. The installation is started.

10.When the installation has been completed, the following message appears.
Remove the USB flash drive.
Select "Restart" from the menu and press the "OK" softkey.

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4.3 SINUMERIK Integrate

4.3 SINUMERIK Integrate

4.3.1 Activating the SINUMERIK Integrate client

1. Start the SINUMERIK Operate operating software on the control.
2. Press the "Setup" and "Mach. data" softkeys.
3. Press the "Password" softkey.
4. The "Set password" window opens.
5. Enter the password for "Manufacture" and press the "OK" softkey.
6. Press the menu forward key and the "Display MD" softkey.
– Set the machine data

7. Press the <MENU SELECT> key followed by the menu forward key.
8. The "SINUMERIK Integrate" softkey is displayed on the extended horizontal softkey bar.

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4.3 SINUMERIK Integrate

4.3.2 Activating use of SINUMERIK Integrate

1. Press the "SINUMERIK Integrate" softkey.
The "SINUMERIK Integrate" welcome window opens.
2. Press the "Settings" softkey.
The "Settings" window opens displaying the system status "Use DEACTIVATED".
– Press the "Activate use" softkey.

3. The confirmation prompt "Do you want to activate the use of SINUMERIK Integrate
applications?" is displayed.
– Press the "OK" softkey to confirm the prompt.
The use of SINUMERIK Integrate applications is enabled.

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4.4 SINUMERIK 840D sl

4.4 SINUMERIK 840D sl

4.4.1 Configuring the URL and proxy

Transferring SINUMERIK data on the MindSphere platform
The following steps allow you to transfer the SINUMERIK data to the MindSphere platform.
By performing the steps described below, in particular through input and confirmation of the
Web service URL, processes are performed automatically in which software scripts are loaded to
the SINUMERIK control.

The use of SINUMERIK Integrate has been activated.
Check whether the Internet connection is available and activated:
• TCU:
Press the "Online Services" softkey. The "Login" window is opened.
If this is not the case, check the connected Internet connection.
• PCU:
Start the control in service mode, and call up an Internet page using the Web browser, for
example, "".

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4.4 SINUMERIK 840D sl

1. The "Settings" window is open.
Press the "URLs >" softkey.
2. Press the "Edit" softkey and select the following settings:
– Directory: Select the "User" entry in the "Directory" drop-down list.
– Display home page: Select the "Overwrite here" check box.
– RenderService: Select the "Overwrite here" check box.
– Web service URL: Select the "Overwrite here" check box.
– Enter the following Web service URL depending on which MindSphere system you are
connected with:
MindSphere V3 Livesystem (
MindSphere Alibaba (
– Enter the required value in the "Transmit timeout in seconds" input field. The default value
is 200. Then select the "Overwrite here" check box.
– Enter the required value in the "Receive timeout in seconds" input field (default value is
200), and select the "Overwrite here" check box.

3. Press the "OK" softkey.

A syntax check is performed and the access data is saved.
Usually, the settings are now complete. If further adaptations need be made within your
company network, read the following paragraph:

Proxy adaptations (optional)

1. Clarify with your network administrator whether the Proxy settings have to be adjusted for
the connection to Cloud mode.
If this is necessary, proceed as follows:
2. Press the "Proxys >" softkey.
The stored settings are displayed.

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4.4 SINUMERIK 840D sl

3. Press the "Edit" softkey and select the following settings:

– Select the "Use fix proxy" check box.
– Enter your proxies in the "Proxy 1" to "Proxy 3" input fields.
– Select the "Overwrite here" check box even if you only enter one proxy in order to accept
the new entry.

4. Press the "OK" softkey to save the settings.

5. If an authentication is required for the proxy, press the "Authorization" softkey.
– Select the "Overwrite here" check box to accept the new entry.
– Enter the user data in the "Domain", "User name" and "Password" input fields.

6. Press the "OK" softkey to save the settings.

7. Restart the control so that the access data can take effect.

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4.4 SINUMERIK 840D sl

Additional ports
Activate the port for https communication to ensure secure data transfer between the user
server and the control.
1. Press softkey "Commissioning" >" Network" > "Company network".
The "Company network settings" window opens.
2. To edit the settings, press the "Change" softkey.
3. In the "Firewall exceptions" area, add port "TCP/443" in the "Additional ports" input box.
4. Press the "OK" softkey.

4.4.2 Install the registration key on a SINUMERIK control system

Activating SINUMERIK Integrate generates the setup of the URL/proxy and the restart in the
directory of the "boot_job" folder.
• Operate (PCU): C:\temp\boot_job
• Operate (NCU): /var/tmp/boot_job (accessible on the CF card via WinSCP)
If the folder was not set up, then create the folder manually.
There are 2 ways to copy the "onboard.key" to the SINUMERIK control system:
• Via the SINUMERIK Operate user interface
• With the aid of WinSCP

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4.4 SINUMERIK 840D sl

• The "onboard.key" has been generated.
• The "boot_job" folder is created on the SINUMERIK control system, e.g. at C:\temp
• The time and date on the control system has been synchronized with the current time and
• The Internet connection has been checked and is established.

Procedure with SINUMERIK Operate (PCU 50)

1. Insert the USB flash drive with the "onboard.key" file into the PCU.
The USB flash drive is shown in the directory tree.
2. Copy the file "onboard.key" into the following directory: C:\temp\boot_job.
3. Check the PCU configuration.

Procedure with SINUMERIK Operate (NCU)

1. At the SINUMERIK control system, start the SINUMERIK Operate operating software.
2. Press the "Setup" softkey.
3. Press the "System data" softkey.
The directory tree is displayed.
4. Insert the USB flash drive with the "onboard.key" file into the NCU.
The USB flash drive is displayed in the directory tree.
If the USB flash drive is not detected by SINUMERIK Operate, you must change to a different
USB port or configure a logical drive.
Further information is provided in Chapter: Create drive (Page 44)
5. Select the "onboard.key" and press the "Copy" softkey.
6. Navigate in the following directory: HMI data\Applications\User and press the "Paste" softkey.

7. Then restart.

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4.4 SINUMERIK 840D sl

Procedure with, e.g. WinSCP (NCU)

1. Copy the generated "onboard.key" file using a suitable tool, e.g. using WinSCP via the
network to the control system.
2. Start the SINUMERIK control system and open the directory /var/tmp/boot_job.

3. Insert the "onboard.key" file in the "boot_job" directory.

– If a "cert.key" file exists in the /var/tmp/boot_job folder, then the control system was
already connected to MindSphere.
Delete the complete content of folder "boot_job" and empty the cache. Then insert the
new "onboard.key" file.
– Alternatively, you can also insert the "onboard.key" file into the following directory: /user/
4. Then start the SINUMERIK Operate operating software.
When the connection to the server is successful, the "cert.key" file is created.
5. The onboarding process is completed. The "onboard.key" is no longer displayed in the

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Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines /Remote
4.4 SINUMERIK 840D sl

4.4.3 Create drive


Entry Meaning
Connection Front USB interface that is located at the front of the operator panel.
X203/X204 USB interface X203/X204 that is located at the rear of the operator panel.

X212/X213 TCU20.2/20.3
Symbolic Symbolic name of the drive


1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.

2. Press the "HMI" and "Log. drive" softkeys.

The "Set up drives" window opens.

3. Select the softkey that you want to configure.

4. To configure softkeys 9 to 16 or softkeys 17 to 24, click the ">> Level"

5. To allow input fields to be edited, press the "Change" softkey.

6. Select the data for the appropriate drive or enter the required data.
7. Press the "Details" softkey if you want to enter additional parameters.
Press the "Details" softkey to return to the "Set up drives" window.

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8. Press the "OK" softkey.

The entries are checked.
A window with a prompt opens if the data is incomplete or incorrect.
Acknowledge the prompt with the "OK" softkey.
The drive, e.g. "usb-NEU" is shown in the directory tree.


4.5.1 Configuring the URL and proxy

Transferring SINUMERIK data on the MindSphere platform
The following steps allow you to transfer the SINUMERIK data to the MindSphere platform.
By performing the steps described below, in particular through input and confirmation of the
Web service URL, processes are performed automatically in which software scripts are loaded to
the SINUMERIK control.

The use of SINUMERIK Integrate has been activated.

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Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines /Remote

1. The "Settings" window is open.
Press the "URLs >" softkey.
2. Press the "Edit" softkey and select the following settings:
– Directory: Select the "User" entry in the "Directory" drop-down list.
– Display home page: Select the "Overwrite here" check box.
– RenderService: Select the "Overwrite here" check box.
– Web service URL: Select the "Overwrite here" check box.
– Enter the following Web service URL depending on which MindSphere system you are
connected with:
MindSphere V3 Livesystem (
MindSphere Alibaba (
– Enter the required value in the "Transmit timeout in seconds" input field. The default value
is 200. Then select the "Overwrite here" check box.
– Enter the required value in the "Receive timeout in seconds" input field (the default value
is 200), and select the "Overwrite here" check box.

3. Press the "OK" softkey.

A syntax check is performed and the access data is saved.
4. In order to establish a connection from the customer network, you must adapt the proxy
Press the "Proxys >" softkey.
The stored settings are displayed.

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5. Press the "Edit" softkey and select the following settings:

– Select the "Use fix proxy" check box.
– Enter your proxies in the "Proxy 1" to "Proxy 3" input fields.
– Select the "Overwrite here" check box even if you only enter one proxy in order to accept
the new entry.

6. Press the "OK" softkey to save the settings.

7. If an authentication is required for the proxy, press the "Authorization" softkey.
– Select the "Overwrite here" check box to accept the new entry.
– Enter the user data in the "Domain", "User name" and "Password" input fields.

8. Press the "OK" softkey to save the settings.

9. Restart the control so that the access data can take effect.

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Additional ports
Activate the port for https communication to ensure secure data transfer between the user
server and the control.
1. Press softkey "Commissioning" >" Network" > "Company network".
The "Company network settings" window opens.
2. To edit the settings, press the "Change" softkey.
3. In the "Firewall exceptions" area, add port "TCP/443" in the "Additional ports" input box.
4. Press the "OK" softkey.

4.5.2 Install the registration key on a SINUMERIK control system

The activation of SINUMERIK Integrate, the setting up of the URL/proxy and the restart creates
the "boot_job" folder in the /var/tmp/ directory.
If the folder was not set up, then create the folder manually.
Copy the "onboard.key" to the SINUMERIK control system, e.g. using WinSCP.

• The "onboard key" has been generated.
• The "boot_job" folder is created on the SINUMERIK control system, e.g. at C:\tmp

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• The time and date on the control system has been synchronized with the current time and
• The Internet connection has been checked and is established.

1. Copy the generated "onboard.key" file using WinSCP for example via the network to the
SINUMERIK control system.
2. Start the SINUMERIK control system and open the directory, e.g. /var/tmp/boot_job.
If the "boot_job" folder does not exist, then create the folder manually.

3. Open folder "boot_job" and insert file "onboard.key".

– If a "cert.key" file exists in the /var/tmp/boot_job folder, then the control system was
already connected to MindSphere.
Delete the complete content of folder "boot_job" and empty the cache. Then insert the
new "onboard.key" file.
4. Then start the SINUMERIK Operate operating software.
When the connection to the server has been successfully established, then the "cert.key" file
is created.
5. The onboarding is completed and the "onboard.key" is no longer displayed in the directory.

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4.6 Adapting SINUMERIK Operate

4.6 Adapting SINUMERIK Operate

4.6.1 Exchanging a certificate (optional)

In order to achieve comprehensive security, it is necessary to update the certificate "cacert.pem".
The following manual steps are required for this purpose.

SINUMERIK Operate with SINUMERIK Integrate client under Linux

1. Open the directory: card/addon/sinumerik/hmi/sinintclient/cfg
2. Select "cacerts.pem".

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4.6 Adapting SINUMERIK Operate

3. Use WinSCP, for example, to open "cacerts.pem" in the editor.

4. Insert the content of "Customer Root CA" at the end of "cacerts.pem".

5. Close the file to save the certificate.

6. Perform a restart.

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4.6 Adapting SINUMERIK Operate

SINUMERIK Operate under Windows

1. Open the "Customer Root CA" file in the editor and copy the entire content to the clipboard.
2. Use WinSCP, for example, to open "cacerts.pem" in the editor.

3. Insert the content of "Customer Root CA" at the end of "cacerts.pem".

4. Close the file to save the certificate.

5. Store the adapted file in the same directory again:
6. Perform a restart.

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Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines /Remote
4.7 PCU retrofit

4.6.2 Activating logs for troubleshooting

At the SINUMERIK control system, activate the logs in the "ePSConfig.user.xml" file for

1. Press the "System data" softkey.
2. Navigate in the following directory: System CF card/user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg.
3. Open file "ePSConfig.user.xml".
4. Make the following setting:
<separateScriptLog active="1">1</separateScriptLog>
<scriptLogPath active="1">/var/tmp/scriptLog</scriptLogPath>
<scriptLogSeverity active="1">8</scriptLogSeverity>
<uiScriptLogSeverity active="0">2</uiScriptLogSeverity>
<maxScriptLogSize active="1">10000</maxScriptLogSize>
<maxLogLifeTimeDays active="0">30</maxLogLifeTimeDays>
5. Restart the SINUMERIK control system and have the log files sent to you.

4.7 PCU retrofit

HMI Advanced V7.7 is installed. More information about the installation is provided in the
Commissioning Manual "SINUMERIK 840D PCU Retrofit".

Setting up SINUMERIK Integrate Client for PCU Retrofit

1. Install the current SINUMERIK Integrate Client. More information is provided in the
Installation Manual "SINUMERIK Integrate 5, Manage MyResources,
Optimize MyProgramming /NX-Cam Editor, Analyze MyPerformance /OEE".
2. Open the following file: F:\add_on\MH\settings.ini
– Change the following entry:
– Save and close the file.

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Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines /Remote
4.7 PCU retrofit

3. Open the following file: F:\add_on\regie.ini

– Change the following entry:
Startup42 = name := oemframe, cmdline := "cmd.exe /c F:\\add_on\\MH\
Startup43 = name := oemframe, cmdline := "cmd.exe /c F:\\add_on\\MH\
– Save and close the file.
4. Create and connect the machine with MindSphere. More information is provided in Chapters:
– Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines /Remote (Page 23)
– Connecting the SINUMERIK control system with MindSphere (Page 80)

Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client for PCU Retrofit

1. Install the "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client for Machine Operators - IPC" on the
PCU retrofit machine. More information is provided in Chapters:
– Download remote service client (Page 88)
– Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client (Page 123)
2. Open the following folder: F:\add_on\language
– Insert the following line in "INI" file: HSK8="MMMR_SC"
Name "MMMR_SC" can be selected as required.
– The selected name appears as 8th softkey on the horizontal softkey bar.
The digit can be selected as required. Ensure that you use the same digit for "Task" in file
3. Open the following file: F:\add_on\regie.ini
– Insert the following line in the file: Task8=name := Oemframe, cmdline := "C:\\Program
Files (x86)\\Siemens\\MMMR SC\\ManageMyMachinesRemoteServiceClientMO.exe",
Timeout :=30000, HeaderOnTop := False, Preload := False, WindowName:=" Manage
MyMachines /Remote Service Client"
Extensions of file "regie.ini"
The following extensions of file "regie.ini" may be required:
• "Startup42 = name := oemframe, cmdline := "cmd.exe /c F:\\add_on\\MH\
\MhDdeService.exe", Timeout := 60000"
• "Startup43 = name := oemframe, cmdline := "cmd.exe /c F:\\add_on\\MH\
\MachineHandler.exe", Timeout := 60000"

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4.7 PCU retrofit

4. Start HMI Advanced. The selected name appears as 8th softkey on the horizontal softkey bar.
Press the softkey.

5. ManageMyMachinesRemoteServiceClientMO.exe opens. In the menu bar, call "Settings" >

Window "Proxy settings" opens. Check the settings.

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4.7 PCU retrofit

6. In the menu bar, call "Settings" > "Login...".

Window "Login settings" opens. Check the settings.

7. Enter your user name and your tenant and then click on "OK".

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4.7 PCU retrofit

8. When using for the first time, a "Sign In" browser window will appear for authenticating your
– Enter your e-mail address and your MindSphere password.
– Click on "Sign In".

9. Session window "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client" opens.

The session is established and you see a list of the participants.

Incorrect registration entries
If PCU Retrofit was started in the service mode, then HMI Advanced must be started using
administrator rights, as otherwise additional, incorrect registration entries will be generated
for the SInInt client.
If incorrect registration entries were generated, each content that starts with "ePS Network"
must be deleted.

Restrictions for active sessions:

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4.7 PCU retrofit

If you work in HMI Advanced while a session is active, and you navigate back to the session
window "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client" via the softkey that was created, in some
cases, a gray window opens.
• If you see a gray window, click in the window at a location at which an element should be
available. The window is then re-displayed.
• If you cannot use the mouse on the machine operator page, then press "F1" (Help).
• The problem does not occur if a remote access or file transfer operation was already executed.

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Integrating MindSphere 5
5.1 Logging in to MindSphere

You require a MindAccess user account in MindSphere.
More information on creating an account can be found at:
• "MindSphere - Settings System Manual"
• "MindSphere - Asset Manager System Manual"

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Integrating MindSphere
5.1 Logging in to MindSphere

1. Click the link provided by email from Siemens AG.
The website is displayed: https://<customer-tenant-name>.<mindsphere>
2. The "Sign In" window opens.
– Enter your e-mail address and your password.

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Integrating MindSphere
5.1 Logging in to MindSphere

– Click the "Sign In" button.

- OR -
If you have forgotten your password, click "Forgot Password?".
The "Reset your Password" window opens.
Enter your e-mail address and click the "Submit" button.
Your password is reset and you are informed of this via e-mail.
Click on "Back to Sign In".

3. The launch pad opens. You can access the individual applications via this user interface.

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Integrating MindSphere
5.2 Icons and buttons in MindSphere

5.2 Icons and buttons in MindSphere

The following icons and buttons are available.

Icon Description
Switches to the MindSphere launch pad.

Opens a menu and shows the following data:

• Tenant name
• Tenant type
• Tenant location
Opens a menu with the following information:
• Shows the version
• Copyright Siemens AG
Links to the product:
• Function Manual
• Readme
• Application Note
• Readme OSS
• MindSphere OSS
• Support information
• Release notes
• MindSphere status

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Integrating MindSphere
5.2 Icons and buttons in MindSphere

Icon Description
Opens a menu with the following information and links to the prod‐
• Shows the version
• Link to the MindSphere store
• Link to the MindSphere status
• Third-party software
• MindSphere Academy
• MindSphere Support
• Corporate Information
• Acceptable Use Policy
Logging out of MindSphere after a security prompt.

Asset Manager
Opens a menu with the following information:
• Shows the version
• Copyright Siemens AG
Links to the product:
• Third-party software
• Documentation - System Manual Asset Manager
Hides the list of assets.
Shows the list of assets again.
Text box for free text search

Opens the Asset search

Switches to the hierarchical view of the assets

Editing an asset

Adding a subordinate asset

Opens a selection of "Asset Manager" functions, and provides the

option of directly accessing the required views.
• Share asset
• Move asset
• Files
• Operations Insight
• Delete asset
Operations Insight

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Integrating MindSphere
5.2 Icons and buttons in MindSphere

Icon Description
"Operations Insight" is the successor of the "Fleet Manager" appli‐
Opens a menu with the following information and links to the prod‐
• Shows the version
• Copyright Siemens AG
Links to more information:
• Third-party software: Frame Application
• Third-party software: Frame Dashboards
• Third-party software: KPIs
• Third-party software: Work orders
• Third-party software Web
• Third-party software: Tour guide
• Documentation - Operations Insight System Manual
Shopfloor Management App
Opens a menu with the following information:
• Shows the version
• Copyright Siemens AG
Links to the product:
• Function Manual
• Readme
• Application Note
• Readme OSS
• MindSphere OSS
• Support information
• Release notes
• MindSphere status
ManageMyMachines /Remote
Opens a menu with the following information:
• Shows the version
• Copyright Siemens AG
Links to the product:
• Function Manual
• Readme
• Application Note
• Third-party software
• Release notes
• MindSphere status

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Integrating MindSphere
5.3 Managing users

5.3 Managing users

You process/edit users, roles and rights in the MindSphere "Settings" application.
More information is provided at: MindSphere (

User groups and authorizations

For "Manage MyMachines /Remote", you create users with different rights.
The following users are available:
• Administrator:
– mmmremote.admin
Can access each Manage MyMachines /Remote function
• Standard user
– mmmremote.user
The following restrictions apply:
"Machine Configuration" area
– Read-only access
– Cannot register or log off machines
Area "Manage remote sessions":
– Cannot change the status of a session
– Cannot delete session information
• Subtenant user
Can only access function:
– "Download Client"
– "Start new session"
– "Manage remote sessions" (read access)
For machine operators that only install or update the Remote Service Client
• Tenant Administrator
• Shopfloor Management Application Administrator
– shopfloormgmtapp.admin

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Integrating MindSphere
5.4 Asset Manager

1. In the launch pad, click on the "Settings" application.

The "Settings" window opens and offers you user administration for editing/processing.
2. Create or edit the users.
3. Assign the corresponding roles.

5.4 Asset Manager

5.4.1 Overview

"Asset Manager" is a MindSphere application belonging to the Industrial IoT platform of Siemens.
In the "Asset Manager", using assets, you model the structure of an industrial process within
In the "Asset Manager", connect your machine tool, the asset, with the MindSphere application
and configure the data acquisition.
The specific functions and configuration options for the "SINUMERIK" area are discussed in the
Using an asset type, you can define which aspects should be integrated into the template. Using
asset types, you have the option of creating a template, e.g. for several devices, and linking this
with your aspects. When creating a new asset, you can access the template or the type.
Aspects are combined, preconfigured data and form the context for evaluating industrial
processes. An aspect can comprise several variables. Within an industrial process, assets transfer
the aspects into the MindSphere application as time series data.

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Integrating MindSphere
5.4 Asset Manager

5.4.2 Opening the Asset Manager

1. In the Launchpad, click on the "Asset Manager" MindSphere application.

2. The "AssetManager" window opens and you have the following options:
– Edit assets
– Add subordinate assets
– Creating assets
More information can be found in the following section: Creating an Asset (Page 70).
– Creating and editing types
More information can be found in the following section: Creating an asset type
(Page 68)
– Creating and editing aspects

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Integrating MindSphere
5.4 Asset Manager

5.4.3 Creating an asset type

The following asset types are supported:
• BasicAsset
• BasicAsset > BasicDevice
• BasicAsset > BasicDevice > BasicSinumerikAsset
• BasicAsset > BasicAgent
• BasicAsset > BasicAgent > MindConnectIoT2040
• BasicAsset > BasicAgent > MindConnectLib
• BasicAsset > BasicAgent > MindConnectNano

1. In the left window pane, click the "Library" > "Asset Types" button.
The "BasicAsset" window opens.

2. In the center window pane, select "BasicDevice" and click the small arrow (navigate to the
child element).
The "BasicDevice" window opens.

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5.4 Asset Manager

3. Select "BasicSinumerikAsset" in the middle pane and click the small arrow (navigate to the
child element).
The "BasicSinumerikAsset" window opens.
4. In the center window pane, click "+ Create type" to create a new asset type.
The "Create type" window opens.
– Enter a name for the new asset type.
Entering the name is mandatory and activates the "Save" button.
– Enter a description of the new asset type.
– Select an image with the maximum permitted size of 5 MB.
Images in the working area
Ensure that the name of the image in your working area is unique.

– Add your chosen variables.

– Add your chosen aspects.
– Click "Save" to create the new type.

Filtering an asset type

1. Open the "Types" window.
2. In the center window pane, select "BasicDevice" > "BasicSinumerikAsset".
3. In the input field "Filter", enter the name.
The corresponding data is displayed in the right-hand window area

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Integrating MindSphere
5.4 Asset Manager

5.4.4 Creating an Asset

Online status
MindSphere applications can evaluate the status of an asset using the "OnlineStatus" variable.
This variable is predefined in the aspects of the following asset types:
• BasicSinumerikAsset

• BasicAgent

To monitor the online status, use an asset type that is based on these types.

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Integrating MindSphere
5.4 Asset Manager

1. In the left window pane, click "Assets".
2. In the center window pane, click "+ Create asset".
In the right window pane, you can see "Select type".
3. In the "Filter" field, enter the name of the required asset type or select the type that you have
just generated from the list.
Click on "Create".

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Integrating MindSphere
5.4 Asset Manager

4. The "Add asset" window opens.

– In the "Name: *" input field, enter a name. This input field is a mandatory field.
– Populate the input fields in the "General" and "Location" areas.
The "Save" button is activated.
– Click "Save" to save the new asset.

5. The new asset is displayed.

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Integrating MindSphere
5.5 Shopfloor Management Application

5.5 Shopfloor Management Application

5.5.1 Overview
The MindSphere "Shopfloor Management Application" has buttons on the left of the window
which offer you the following functions:
• Activation of assets for the application
• Configuring a variable
• Configuration of a gateway

You require the following user role in order to use the MindSphere "Shopfloor Management
• shopfloormgmtapp
More information is provided in Chapter: Managing users (Page 65).


Button Description
Select an asset from "Shopfloor".
In the "Application" tab, activate or deactivate access to the application "Manage MyMachines /Remote".
More information is provided in the following Chapter:
Activating Manage MyMachines /Remote (Page 74)
Under "Gateway", you integrate data from "SINUMERIK Integrate Analyze MyCondition" into MindSphere.
You will find more information in the "Manage MyMachines, Manage MyMachines / Spindle Monitor" Function
The "Machine overview" window of the MindSphere application "Manage MyMachines" is opened under
You will find more information in the "Manage MyMachines, Manage MyMachines / Spindle Monitor" Function
The relevant MMM role is a requirement.
The "Overview" window of the MindSphere application "Analyze MyPerformance" is opened under "AMP".
More information can be found in the "Analyze MyPerformance" Function Manual.

Under "SSA" the "SINUMERIK Service Assistance" window opens.

You will find more information in the "Manage MyMachines, Manage MyMachines / Spindle Monitor" Function
The prerequisite is that you have purchased the "SSA" application.

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Integrating MindSphere
5.5 Shopfloor Management Application

Button Description
The "Navigation view" window of the "Manage MyMachines /Remote" MindSphere applicationis opened under
More information is provided in the Chapter: Working with Manage MyMachines /Remote (Page 83)
The MindSphere application "Asset Manager" is opened under "Asset Manager".
You will find more information in the "Manage MyMachines, Manage MyMachines / Spindle Monitor" Function

1. In the launch pad, open the "Shopfloor Management App" MindSphere application.

2. Window "Shopfloor Management Application" > "Shopfloor" opens.

Select the required asset in the center of the window area.

5.5.2 Activating Manage MyMachines /Remote

• You have purchased the "Manage MyMachines /Remote" MindSphere application.
• You require the following user roles:
– Tenant admin and shopfloormgmtapp.admin
More information is provided in Chapter: Managing users (Page 65)

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Integrating MindSphere
5.5 Shopfloor Management Application

1. In the launch pad, click the "Shopfloor Management App" MindSphere application.
2. Window "Shopfloor Management Application" > "Shopfloor" > tab "Application" > "Manage
MyMachines" opens.
– Select the required asset on the left-hand side of the window.
To filter the assets, enter a character string in the "Search ..." field.
– Select the "Application" tab > Manage MyMachines /Remote in the upper right corner.
– To activate the use of "Manage MyMachines /Remote" for this asset, set the slider to the
right to activate access to "Manage MyMachines /Remote".

3. A pop-up "Charging model" opens.

– Activate option button "1 month enablement (charged monthly in areas)"
- OR
Activate option button" 12 months enablement (charged annually upfront)"
– To confirm the selection, click on "Next".
- OR -
If you do not wish to keep the selection, then click on "Cancel".

4. Click on link "Product Sheet and Specific Terms for Manage MyMachines/Remote" and read
through the information.
– Activate the "I confirm that I am authorized to activate the upgrade at the fees and terms
and conditions set out in the Product Sheet and Specific Terms for Manage MyMachines/
Remote." check box.
– Click on "Next".

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Integrating MindSphere
5.5 Shopfloor Management Application

5. Activate the "Start Now (Automatically renewed)" option button to start the runtime with the
current date.

- OR -
Activate the "Custom Duration" option button to specify the runtime individually.
– In the "Start Date" text box, open the calendar to define the start date.
In the "Renewal Date" text box, open the calendar to set the start date.
– Enter the renewal period in the "Renewals/Cycles" text box.
– The "Subscription End Date" field is automatically populated if you define the "Start Date",
"Renewal Date" and "Renewals/Cycles" text boxes. The subscription end date obtained
from the renewal period is displayed.
– Add the individual tag names in text box "Custom-Tag Name".
Add the individual tag values in text box "Custom-Tag Value".
– Click "Cancel" to exit the procedure.
- OR -
Click the "Confirm" button to confirm the time period.

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5.5 Shopfloor Management Application

6. You will receive a confirmation that the configuration has been saved successfully.
Click the "OK" button to close the message.

7. Data acquisition is initiated if the "Start Now" (Automatically renewed) option is enabled or
the "Custom Duration" option is enabled and the start date is set to "Today".
If the "Custom Duration" option is enabled and the start date is not set to "Today", data
acquisition will start at the date you specified.

Editing the billing period

When entering the data for the custom period, note the following:
• The renewal cycle for years/months must be between 0 and 99.
• The key of the custom tag and the value of the custom tag must not exceed 30 characters.

Manage MyMachines /Remote Product Sheet and Specific Terms

If you click on link "Product Sheet and Specific Terms for Manage MyMachines /Remote", window
"Manage MyMachines /Remote Product Sheet and Specific Terms" opens.
You obtain information about the product:
• Requirements
• A brief product description
• Cost model
• Special Terms & Conditions
• Export control regulations
• Safety information
• Explanation of terms

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Integrating MindSphere
5.5 Shopfloor Management Application

Changing the billing period

Multiple billing when changing the start date or subscription option
If you change the start date of an active billing period or the subscription option, then you
receive a new billing, even if the new billing period already lies in the active billing period.

1. To change the billing period, click the "Change Configuration" icon.

2. A "Charging Model" pop-up opens and you are notified when the next settlement date will be.

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5.5 Shopfloor Management Application

3. In pop-up "Subscription options" you receive a note that the subscription for the asset is
already active for a billing period.
– If you change the "Renewal date" or the "Renewals/Cycles" of the billing period, the newly
selected option will not take effect until the end of the currently active subscription
– If you change the "Start date" of the billing period, the newly selected option becomes
active at the defined start date.
The billing occurs either on the same day or later.

4. If you set the billing period in the future, you will see the activation date and the slider will
be displayed in yellow.

Machine configuration
After activating Manage MyMachine /Remote, you can access the "Machine Configuration"
window via the corresponding link.

Click the button to return to the "Shopfloor Management Application" window and the
relevant asset.

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Integrating MindSphere
5.6 Connecting the SINUMERIK control system with MindSphere

5.6 Connecting the SINUMERIK control system with MindSphere

Using the MindSphere application "Asset Manager", connect the SINUMERIK open-loop controls
with MindSphere.
More information on roles within MindSphere and on configuring assets is provided in:
MindSphere documentation (

• The MindSphere application is activated.
• You require the "MindAccess User" role in MindSphere to do this.
• The configuration must have been saved.

1. Click on the "Asset Manager" MindSphere application.
2. Select the required asset in the left-hand side of the window.
3. In the right-hand side of the window under "Connectivity", click on the arrow next to "MTA
Asset Config".
4. The "Onboarding / Offboarded" window > "Connectivity" tab opens and you can see the
connection status, e.g. "Offboarded".

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Integrating MindSphere
5.6 Connecting the SINUMERIK control system with MindSphere

5. Select the "I hereby accept the conditions, which can be downloaded under the following
link. Conditions" check box.
– Click the "Conditions" link.
The "MindSphere – Terms & Conditions" window opens.
– Click on your region.
– From the list, select the appropriate Terms & Conditions.
– Read the Terms & Conditions.
- OR -
Download the Terms & Conditions.
- OR -
Print the Terms & Conditions.
– Close the window.
The "Connectivity" window is displayed again.
6. Click the "Connect SINUMERIK with MindSphere" button to connect the asset with

7. The "onboard.key" is generated and shown below the status bar.

Please note that you neither change the name nor content of the file.

8. Click the "Save" button to accept the entries and save a consistent version of the
Wait for confirmation that the asset was successfully saved.

9. Copy the "onboard.key" to one of the specified storage locations in the control system.
More information can be found in the following chapters:
– SINUMERIK 840D sl: Install the registration key on a SINUMERIK control system (Page 41)
– SINUMERIK 828D: Install the registration key on a SINUMERIK control system (Page 48)

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Integrating MindSphere
5.6 Connecting the SINUMERIK control system with MindSphere

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82 Function Manual, 07/2022, A5E44039359B AP
Working with Manage MyMachines /Remote 6
6.1 Open Manage MyMachines /Remote

• The SINUMERIK control system has been successfully connected with MindSphere.
• The owner of the tenant, in which the Manage MyMachines /Remote application is operated,
must use Multi Factor Authentication (MFA).

More information
• Information on how to connect a SINUMERIK controller can be found in the chapter: Setting
up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines /Remote (Page 23).
• Information about the owners of the tenant is provided in the System Manual: User
Management, in the chapter: "Administering users"
• If you have the authorization level of a subtenant, you have restricted access authorization
and you cannot access the following functions:
– Machine Configuration
– Session Log Settings

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Function Manual, 07/2022, A5E44039359B AP 83
Working with Manage MyMachines /Remote
6.1 Open Manage MyMachines /Remote

1. To open Manage MyMachines /Remote, click on the "MMM /Remote" symbol.

2. The "Navigation View" window opens and you have the following options:
– Machine Configuration
More information on this topic can be found in the chapter: Machine Configuration
(Page 85)
– Manage Remote Sessions
More information on this topic can be found in the chapter: Using MyMachines /Remote
Service Client (Page 147)
– Start New Session
More information on this topic can be found in the chapter: Starting a remote session as
a SE (Page 93)
– Session Log Settings
More information on this topic can be found in the chapter: Configuring the session log
settings (Page 103)
– Download Client
More information on this topic can be found in the chapter: Download remote service
client (Page 88) and Download certificate (Page 90)
– Service Dashboard
More information on this topic can be found in the chapter: Service Dashboard (Page 116)

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Working with Manage MyMachines /Remote
6.2 Machine Configuration

Navigation view for subtenant

If you open Manage MyMachines /Remote with the authorization of a Subtenant, you only have
access to the following functions:
• Managing remote sessions - only read access
• Start New Session
• Download Client

6.2 Machine Configuration

You have the possibility of registering SINUMERIK control systems for Manage MyMachines /
Remote and authorization to issue session recordings.

You require the appropriate authorization levels.
More information can be found in Chapter: Managing users (Page 65).
You cannot use the function if you only have "Subtenant" authorization.


Parameter/icon Description
Machine Displays the name of the SINUMERIK control system.
Machine path Shows the path of the SINUMERIK control system.
The "Released" icon indicates a released asset.

Activation status Displays the state of the SINUMERIK control system:

• Registered
• Disconnected
Recording permission Displays whether the authorization for recording the session is available
or not:
• Yes
• No
PLC Access permission Displays whether authorization to access the PLC is available or not:
• Yes
• No
Description Shows an individual description.
The "Manage MyMachines /Remote" start page opens.

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6.2 Machine Configuration

Parameter/icon Description
Opens window "My Filters" to filter the SINUMERIK control systems (ma‐
chines) according to specific criteria.
• Machine path
• Activation status
• Recording permission
• PLC Access permission
In the "My Filters" window you add additional values for the search.
Deletes a filter criterion in window "My Filters".
Closes window "My filters".
Indicates whether session recording or PLC access is allowed or not.

The "Shopfloor Management application" icon opens the "Shopfloor

Management application" window and calls the corresponding asset.
Export Exports the displayed list in the CSV format.

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6.2 Machine Configuration

1. Click the "Machine Configuration" button.

2. The "Machine Configuration" window opens and shows you the overview of the SINUMERIK
control systems (machines).
– You can enlarge or reduce the individual columns in the overview.
– In the status bar you can see the number of acquired machines in the left area and the
number of window pages in the right area.

– If the entry is too long, this is indicated by three dots.

If you move the mouse pointer over the entry, the complete entry is displayed in a tooltip.

– Distributed machines are shown to you in the "Machine path" column with an icon and the

3. Select a SINUMERIK control system (machine) and click on "Edit".

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6.3 Download remote service client

Filtering machines
1. Click on the "Filter" symbol.
The "My Filters" window opens.
2. Select the required filter criterion from list "Attribute".

3. Select the required value from list "Value".

4. Add the filter criterion for the current filter using the "+" icon.
Remove the corresponding filter criterion using the "Delete" symbol.
5. Click on "Reset Filters" to remove all filters.

Export overview
1. Filter the list if necessary.
2. Click on "Export".
The displayed list is exported in the CSV format, and is saved in the download directory of the
3. The file is displayed in the lower left-hand section of the window, and you can make the
following selection:
– Open
– Always open a file of this type
– Display in folder:

6.3 Download remote service client

The SINUMERIK control system has been successfully connected with MindSphere.

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6.3 Download remote service client

1. Click the "Download client" button.

2. The "Download Manage MyMachines Remote Service Client" opens and lists these options:
– "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client for machine operators - PCU from Vx.x.x.x.":
Client for installation on the SINUMERIK control system (PCU) with version data
– "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client for machine operators - IPC from Vx.x.x.x":
Client for installation on the IPC with version data
– "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client for service engineers - 64 bit from Vx.x.x.x":
Client for installation on an operating PC with a 64-bit operating system with version data
– "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client for service engineers - 32 bit from Vx.x.x.x":
Client for installation on an operating PC with a 32-bit operating system with version data

3. Behind "Accept", click on "Terms of Use" or the small arrow and read the associated
Then activate option checkbox "Accept Terms of Use".
If you wish to cancel the operation, then click "Cancel".
- OR -
To download the corresponding version, activate the check box and click "Download".
4. Then carry out the installation and configuration.
More information can be found in the following chapters:
Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators (MO) (Page 123)
Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - service engineer (SE) (Page 136)

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6.4 Download certificate

6.4 Download certificate

1. Click the "Download client" button.
2. Window "Download Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client" opens.
– Activate the "Certificate" option button.
– Behind "Accept", click on "Terms of Use" or the small arrow and read the associated
Then activate option checkbox "Accept Terms of Use".
If you wish to cancel the operation, then click on "Cancel".
- OR -
To download the certificate, click on "Download".

3. The certificate is located in the lower left-hand section of the window.

4. Open the file.
You can obtain information about the certificate.

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6.4 Download certificate

5. Click on "Install certificate...".

The certificate import wizard opens.
– Activate the "Local computer" option button, and click the "Next" button.

6. The certificate store window opens.

– Activate the "Place all certificates in the following store" option button.
– Click on "Browse..." and select the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities".
– Click on "Next".
7. Window "Completing the wizard" opens and lists the settings.
Click on the "Finish" button.
8. Then install and configure the MyMachines /Remote service client.
More information can be found in the following chapters:
Installing Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client MO (IPC or PCU) (Page 124)
Installing Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client SE (Page 136)

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6.5 Remote access sessions

6.5 Remote access sessions

6.5.1 Overview

The necessary client software has already been installed on the SINUMERIK control or the
operator PC and has been configured.
More information can be found in the following chapters:
Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - service engineer (SE) (Page 136)
Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators (MO) (Page 123)

The following description is an example scenario.
1. The machine operator contacts the service engineer with a problem.
2. The service engineer starts a session in the MindSphere application "Manage MyMachines /
Remote" and opens the Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client.
More information on this topic can be found in Chapter: Starting a remote session as a SE
(Page 93)
3. The service engineer informs the machine operator that a session has been initiated.
4. The machine operator at the SINUMERIK control system opens the Manage MyMachines /
Remote Service Client and logs on for the session.
More information can be found in the following chapters:
– Joining a remote session as MO (PCU/NCU) (Page 149),
– Joining a remote session as MO (IPC) (Page 152)
5. All of the functions are available as soon as both participants have entered the session:
– Desktop sharing, including remote control
– File transfer
6. Additional or monitoring participants can enter a session.
More information on this topic is provided in Chapter: Joining a remote session (Page 97)
7. The data from a session is recorded and can be viewed in an overview in the MindSphere
application "Manage MyMachines /Remote".
The data is thus still available at a later point in time.
More information can be found in Chapter: Managing remote access sessions (Page 98)
8. You can review a session in more detail - and you have the opportunity of changing and
exporting log files.
More information is provided in Chapters: Evaluating and editing session information
(Page 104) and Exporting session information (Page 107)
9. The service engineer can provide a new certificate.
More information is provided in Chapter: Download certificate (Page 90)

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6.5 Remote access sessions

6.5.2 Starting a remote session as a SE

Only a service engineer can start a remote session.

If you click the "Start new session" button and select an asset that is not online in MindSphere or
is not connected with the "Manage MyMachines" application, then the following warning
message is displayed:
"The following action may not be possible due to a connection problem. Please confirm that the
machine has an online connection."
You can still continue the process.

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6.5 Remote access sessions

1. Click on "New session".

- OR -
Click on "Manage remote sessions".

The "Session overview" window opens and displays an overview of all sessions.
Click on "New session".

2. The "Select machine for remote access" window opens.

– You can enlarge or reduce the individual columns in the overview.
– If the entry is too long, this is indicated by three dots.
If you move the mouse pointer over the entry, the complete entry is displayed in a tooltip.

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6.5 Remote access sessions

– Select a machine directly from the list.

- OR -
Set a filter for the machine name, machine path or description.

3. Afterwards mark the desired machine.

Released machines are shown to you in the "Machine path" column with an icon and the

– To start the session, click on "Start session".

- OR -
– Click on "Download MMM /R File".

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6.5 Remote access sessions

Resetting the filters

If you have set a filter, click the "Reset Filter" button to remove the filter selection.

Start session using the button

1. Click on "Start session".
2. Window "URL: mmmr open?" opens.
– To start the session, click on button "URL: open mmmr".
– To cancel the operation, click on "Cancel".

3. The "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client" application is started.

The user is the head service engineer.

Download "MMM /R File"

1. Download "MMM /R File"
2. File "client_mmmr" is downloaded and is displayed in the lower left-hand section of the

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6.5 Remote access sessions

3. Click on file.
Window "Open client.mmmr" opens.
– Activate check box "Open with" and from the drop-down list, select entry
"Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client".
– Click "OK" to open the client.
4. The "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client" application is started.
The user is the head service engineer.

6.5.3 Joining a remote session

• The session is active.
• The machine operator has already joined the session.

1. The "Session overview" window is open.
Click in the overview on the underscored name of the required session. Active sessions are
2. The "Session log of .." opens.
Click on "Join".
3. Window "URL: mmmr open?" opens.
To start the session, click on button "URL: open mmmr".
To cancel the operation, click on "Cancel".

4. The "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client" window opens, and you are automatically
dialed into the session.

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6.5 Remote access sessions

6.5.4 Managing remote access sessions

In the "Session information" overview, you can see all of the sessions and you can do the
• View and edit the state of a session (save/do not save)
• View basic information of a session
• Delete a session
• Export a log file.
For more information, refer to Chapter: Exporting session information (Page 107)
• Start a new session as service engineer.
For more information, see Chapter: Starting a remote session as a SE (Page 93)


Parameter/icon Description
State Shows the following states:
• Shows a closed session.
• Indicates that a session was saved.
• Shows a running session.

Session name Indicates the session name.

Machine name Shows the name of the machine.
File transfer Indicates whether a file was transferred.

PLC access Indicates whether the PLC was accessed.

VPN Indicates whether a VPN connection exists.

Desktop Share Indicates whether a desktop has been shared.

Recording Indicates whether the session was recorded.

Notes edited Indicates whether the session includes notes.

Initiator Shows the e-mail address of the service engineer.

Start time Shows the session date in the following format: DD-MM-YYYY hh:min:sec
Duration Indicates the duration of the session in the following format: hh:min:sec
Window "Navigation view" opens.
"Displayed columns" icon:
Opens a window in which you set columns to be displayed or hidden.
Opens the "Session Log Settings" window.

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6.5 Remote access sessions

Parameter/icon Description
Opens a window in which you configure when session information is deleted.
You cannot make any changes if you open this window as subtenant. You can
only view the time periods.
Opens window "My filters" and you can then filter the sessions according to the
following criteria:
• Name of the initiator
• Session name
• Machine name
• File transfer
• PLC access
• Desktop Share
• Recording
• Notes edited
• Start time
• Duration
The following operators are taken into account when filtering "Duration":
– greater than
– less than
– between
Creates an additional filter criterion in window "My filters".
Deletes a filter criterion in window "My Filters".
Closes window "My filters".

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6.5 Remote access sessions

1. Click on "Manage Remote Sessions".

2. The "Session overview" window opens and displays an overview of all sessions.
An active session is shown in color.

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6.5 Remote access sessions

Displaying/hiding columns
You have the option of displaying or hiding columns.
1. Click on the "Displayed columns" icon in the upper right-hand section of the window.
2. A window with all of the available columns opens.
– Set the slider to the required column to the right to display the columns in the overview.
– Set the slider to the required column to the left to hide the columns in the overview.

Configuring schedules
You have the option of defining when session information is deleted.
1. Click on the "Wrench" icon in the upper right-hand section of the window.
2. Window "Configure scheduler" opens.
From the spin box, select the number of days after which session information should be

Subtenant only has read access
You can only view the time period, but you cannot make any changes if you open this window
as subtenant.

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6.5 Remote access sessions

Filtering session overview

1. Click on the "Filter" icon.
The "My Filters" window opens.
2. From the drop-down list, select an attribute for filtering and enter the associated value.
– Using the "+" symbol, define additional criteria to further restrict the search.
– You delete individual filter criteria using the "Recycle bin" icon.
– Click on "Reset Filter" to display all session information.

Changing a state

Authorization required
As subtenant, you cannot change the state (save/do not save information).

1. Select one or more sessions.

2. Click the "Change state" button.
The "Are you sure you want to save the session(s)?" window opens.
3. Click on "Yes" to save session information.
- OR -
Click on "No" to cancel the operation.

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6.5 Remote access sessions

Delete sessions information

• You cannot delete any active session!
• As subtenant, you cannot delete any sessions.

1. Select one or more sessions.

2. Click on "Delete".
A confirmation prompt is displayed.
3. Click on "Delete" to delete session information.
- OR -
Click on "Close" to cancel the operation.

Exporting session information

1. Click the "Export" button.
2. The displayed list is exported in the CSV format, and is saved in the download directory of the

6.5.5 Configuring the session log settings

You have the option of adding additional text fields to the session log.

You require the appropriate authorization levels.
More information can be found in Chapter: Managing users (Page 65).
You cannot use the function if you only have "Subtenant" authorization.

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6.5 Remote access sessions

1. Click the "Session Log Settings" button.

2. The "Session Log Settings" window opens and displays the self-defined text fields on the
administrative page and a preview page for the session log.

3. Click the "Add new text field" button.

4. Enter the desired labeling for the text field and then click on "Accept".

5. The new text field is displayed on the administrative page and on the preview page.
The text field is also created in the session log of the next remote access session.

6.5.6 Evaluating and editing session information

When a session is finished, you can still edit or add session data. You have the option of exporting
this data into a CSV file and/or in the PDF format.
If you need additional text fields in the session log, you can use the Configuring the session log
settings (Page 103). The additional text fields will then be available to you for future sessions.

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6.5 Remote access sessions

You require the appropriate authorization levels.
More information can be found in Chapter: Managing users (Page 65).


Parameter Description
Logs: Shows the following session data:
Session name Shows the session names.
Start time Shows the start and end time in the following format:
End time Year-month-day (YYYY-MM-DD)
Hour:Minute:Second (hh:mm:ss)
Duration Displays the total duration of the session in the following format:
Hour:Minute:Second (hh:mm:ss)
The session is still active if the data is shown in color.
Initiator Shows the e-mail addresses of the service engineer.
Machine opera‐ Shows the machine operator.
tor Shows the email address of the additional service engineer if this
Service engineer engineer participated in the session.
PLC access
Remote STEP 7 Shows whether PLC access is via Remote STEP 7:
used • Yes
• No
Start time Shows the start time in the following format:
Year-month-day (YYYY-MM-DD)
Hour: Minute: Second (hh:mm:ss)
Duration Displays the total duration of the session in the following format:
Hour:Minute:Second (hh:mm:ss)
Traces that have Contains a list of the traces that have been completed.
been completed
File transfer
File transfers Contains a list of the file transfers that have been completed.
that have been

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6.5 Remote access sessions

Parameter Description
Session name * Shows the session names.
Asset Name Shows the machine names
Asset description Shows the description of the asset
Service type Shows the following:
• Paid service
• Free service
Customer con‐ Add the customer's contact data.
Session type You can select the session type from the drop-down list.
Topic You can select the topic of the session from the drop-down list.
Successful Oper‐ You can appropriately activate/deactivate the option box.
ation / Machine
in Production?
Follow-up sched‐ You can appropriately activate/deactivate the option box.
uled with techni‐
Comments You can enter comments in the text boxes provided.

* Is a mandatory field and must be filled out

1. Click on "Manage remote sessions".

2. Window "Session information" opens.

3. In the overview, select a session and click on the session name that is underlined.
The "Session log of <session name>" window opens.

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6.5 Remote access sessions

4. Click on the "Edit notes" button.

The right window area is released for changes and additions.
Note: You cannot change log data!
5. Edit the required entries.
– Enter the name of the customer contact
– Select the session type and session topic from the appropriate lists.
– Fill-out the customer-specific text boxes.
6. Click on "Save" to save the changes.
- OR -
Click "Cancel" to discard the entries.
More information can be found in Chapter: Exporting session information (Page 107).

Asset deleted
When an asset has been deleted in MindSphere, you will get the message in the upper right area
as well as in the right area above the asset name.
• The icon for deleting records of deleted assets is disabled.
• Recordings cannot be downloaded.

6.5.7 Exporting session information

You have the option of exporting session information for the displayed sessions in the following
• Log file in the CSV format

You must have the appropriate authorization levels to view all session information.

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6.5 Remote access sessions

More information can be found in Chapter: Managing users (Page 65).

1. Click on "Manage remote sessions".

2. The "Session overview" window opens and displays an overview of all sessions.
Filter the displayed sessions if necessary.

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6.5 Remote access sessions

3. In the overview, select a session and click on the session name that is underlined.
Window "Session information of <Name_date_time>" opens.

4. Click on "Export CSV".

The displayed information is saved in the download directory in the CSV format.
The file is displayed in the lower left section of the window.
When clicking on the arrow icon you have the following options:
– Open - opens the file
– Always open files of this type - automatically opens the file
– Show in folder - exports the file to the selected folder

- AND / OR -
Click on "Export PDF".
An additional window opens in which you can define the print settings.
Click on "Save" to start printing the PDF.

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6.5 Remote access sessions

6.5.8 Remote sessions with Manage MyMachines

You can also start or enter remote sessions via Manage MyMachines.

• You have purchased Manage MyMachines and Manage MyMachines /Remote for the
particular tenant.
• You are logged in as user and have Manage MyMachines and Manage MyMachines /Remote
• Access to Manage MyMachines and Manage MyMachines /Remote for the required asset is
More information can be found in Chapter: Activating Manage MyMachines /Remote
(Page 74).


Icon Description
• You have no rights to start the remote session.
– The rights for Manage MyMachines /Remote were not assigned to the
user or were removed.
– Manage MyMachines /Remote was not purchased for the tenant
- OR -
• Manage MyMachines /Remote is not activated.
– The subscription is not activated or has expired.
You can start a new remote session.

You can join an existing remote session.

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6.5 Remote access sessions Start new remote session

1. In the launch pad, click on the "Manage MyMachines MindSphere" icon.
2. The "Machine Overview" window opens and the available machines are displayed.

3. Click on the blue "MMM /R" icon "Start new remote session" of the required asset.
- OR -
Click on the underscored name of the required machine.
The "Machine Dashboard" window opens.
Click on the blue "MMM /R" icon next to the "Pending Alarms" display.
- OR -
Click on the icon of the required machine and click on "Dashboard".
The "Machine Dashboard" window opens.
Click on the blue "MMM /R" icon next to the "Pending Alarms" display.

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6.5 Remote access sessions

4. The "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client" session window opens.

5. A new remote session is started and the log details for the selected asset are displayed.

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6.5 Remote access sessions Joining a remote session

• The session is active.
• The service engineer and machine operator have already joined the session.
The following warning message is output if there are no active owners in the session:
"Terminated: There is no owner SE or MO yet".
• It is not permissible that a desktop is continually shared and/or files transferred.
The following warning message is output if the desktop is shared and/or files transferred.
"Aborted: Joining is not allowed during ongoing desktop sharing or file transfer".

1. In the launch pad, click on the "Manage MyMachines MindSphere" icon.
2. The "Machine Overview" window opens and the available machines are displayed.

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6.5 Remote access sessions

3. Click on the blue "MMM /R" icon "Join remote session" of the required asset.
- OR -
Click on the underscored name of the required machine.
The "Machine Dashboard" window opens.
Click on the green "MMM /R" icon next to the "Pending Alarms" display.
- OR -
Click on the icon of the required machine and click on "Dashboard".
The "Machine Dashboard" window opens.
Click on the green "MMM /R" icon next to the "Pending Alarms" display.

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4. The "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client" session window opens.

5. You join the remote session and the log details for the selected asset are displayed.

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6.6 Service Dashboard

6.6 Service Dashboard

You require admin rights to use the "Service Dashboard" function.


Parameter/icon Description
Opens the "Manage MyMachines /Remote" start page.
Displays the time range and the time zone used. By default, the time range is
set to "Last 7 days".
Opens the calendar function.
More information can be found in the chapter: Using the calendar function
(Page 119).
Export PDF Exports the "Service Dashboard" data in the time range used to a PDF file.

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6.6 Service Dashboard

1. Click on the "Service Dashboard" button.

2. The "Service Dashboard" window opens.

– The "Number of sessions performed by time" bar chart shows you the total number of
service calls per day/week/month/quarter.
– The "Total duration of sessions by subtenants" pie chart shows you the time spent per
customer in a certain period of time (hh:mm:ss).
Hover the mouse over the diagrams to display the underlying data in detail.

3. To make time range settings in the time range, click in the upper left of the time range

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6.6 Service Dashboard

4. Click "Export PDF" to export the displayed data of the window to a PDF file.
The "Print" window opens.
To save the PDF file, click "Save"
- OR -
To cancel the operation, click "Cancel".

5. If no session was held in the selected time range, the following message is displayed:
"No sessions performed within the selected time range! Please make a different filter

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6.7 Using the calendar function

6.7 Using the calendar function

You have the option of selecting the time range and time zone using the calendar function.

Button / parameter

Button/parameter Description
Displays the time range and the time zone used.
Opens the calendar function.
Absolute Manually entering a fixed time range
Relative Selecting a relative time range:
• Last 60 minutes
• Last 24 hours
• Last 7 days
• Last 30 days
• Last 90 days
• Today
• Yesterday
• Last week
• Last month
• Last quarter
Time zone Selecting the time zone used
• Local: Local time at the machine location
• UTC: World time

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Working with Manage MyMachines /Remote
6.7 Using the calendar function

1. Click on the time range display.
The calendar window opens.
2. To use a fixed time range:
– Open the "Absolute" tab.
– Click on the required start date.
– Click on the required end date.
– Enter a precise time in format hh:mm:ss.
- OR -
Activate the checkbox "All Day".

3. To use a relative time range:

– Open the "Quick Range" tab.
– Click on the required time range.

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Working with Manage MyMachines /Remote
6.7 Using the calendar function

4. Open the "Time zone" tab, and select the required time zone.
5. Click on "OK".
The calendar window is closed. The new time range and the time zone used are displayed on
the button.

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Working with Manage MyMachines /Remote
6.7 Using the calendar function

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122 Function Manual, 07/2022, A5E44039359B AP
Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service
Client 7
7.1 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators

7.1.1 Overview
As the machine operator, you have various options for accessing the functions of Manage
MyMachines /Remote:
1. SINUMERIK Operate runs on the NCU.
In this scenario, you connect to Manage MyMachines /Remote with the aid of the SINUMERIK
Integrate Client.
You can find further information on the installation and configuration of the SINUMERIK
Integrate Client in the following chapters:
– Checking and updating the versions (Page 25)
– SINUMERIK Integrate (Page 36)
– Configuring the URL and proxy (Page 38)
You can find further information on the installation of the SINUMERIK Integrate Client from
a remote computer in the
example application Manage MyMachines /Remote - Installation in existing control
2. SINUMERIK Operate runs on a PCU or IPC.
In this scenario, you install the Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client.
You can find further information on the installation and configuration of the Remote Service
Client in the following chapters:
– Download remote service client (Page 88)
Ensure that you select the correct client. The clients for PCU or IPC use different processes
for establishing a connection and authentication.
– Installing Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client MO (IPC or PCU) (Page 124)
– Entering the address of a proxy server (Page 132)
– You have the option of integrating the Remote Service Client into the SINUMERIK Operate
as an OEMFrame application:
Integrating an OEMFrame application into HMI sl (Page 133)

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.1 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators (MO)

7.1.2 Installing Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client MO (IPC or PCU)

You have downloaded the client setup, e.g. to a USB flash drive.
You will find information on this in Chapter Download remote service client (Page 88).

1. Copy the client setup, e.g. from the USB flash drive to the SINUMERIK control or the IPC.
2. Open the installation directory into which the client setup was copied.
3. Double-click to start the "MMMR_SC_MO_setup.exe" setup file, e.g. from "Manage
MyMachines /Remote service client for machine operators - PCU from Vx.x.x.x.".
The welcome dialog "Welcome to the Wizard for Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
MO Vx.x.xx.x" opens.
Click "Next >" to prepare the installation.

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.1 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators (MO)

4. The "License Agreement" window opens.

Read the license agreement.
– Click "Print" if you want to print out the conditions.
– Then select the "I accept the terms in the license agreement" option button and click
"Next >".
- OR -
Click "< Back" to return to the previous window.

5. The "Destination Folder" window opens.

Click "Next >" to accept the directory suggested by setup.
- OR -
Click "Change..." to change the installation directory.

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.1 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators (MO)

6. The "Ready to Install the Program" window is opened.

Click the "Install" button to start the installation.

7. The "Installing Manage MyMachine /Remote Service Client MO" window is opened.
The installation is started.

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.1 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators (MO)

8. The "Welcome to the Certificate Import Wizard" window opens.

Click on "Next >".

9. Window "Certificate Store" opens.

Activate the "Place all certificates in the following store" option button.
Click on "Browse...".

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.1 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators (MO)

10.Window "Select Certificate Store" opens.

Select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" and click on "OK".

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.1 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators (MO)

11.Window "Certificate Store" is redisplayed, and you see the entry below "Certification store:"
Click on "Next >".

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.1 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators (MO)

12.The "Completing the Certificate Import Wizard" window opens and shows you the settings.
Click on the "Finish" button. The certificate is imported.

13.You receive a message that the certificate was successfully imported.

Click "OK".

New request by the wizard
It is possible that the certificate import wizard again prompts you to import another
certificate. Repeat steps as described under 8. to 13.

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7.1 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators (MO)

14.The "Wizard Completed " window opens.

Click "Finish" to complete the installation.

15.Once installation has been completed, you will be prompted to restart your SINUMERIK
control or the IPC.
Click on "Yes".

16.The following symbol is displayed on the desktop for you to start Manage MyMachines /

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.1 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators (MO)

7.1.3 Entering the address of a proxy server

If access to the Internet is done via a proxy server, define the desired method via the proxy

Settings Description
Do not use a proxy (direct connection) Establishes a direct connection to the Internet.
Automatic proxy detection Automatically determines the address of a proxy server to ac‐
cess the Internet.
Use system proxy settings The suggested setting:
Uses the setting saved in Internet Explorer to go into the Inter‐
Click "Internet options" to open the Internet options of the sys‐
tem in order to check or change the proxy settings.
Use Manufacturing IT client proxy set‐ Uses the settings of the Manufacturing IT client to gain access to
tings the Internet.
Use automatic configuration script:
Address Address input of the proxy server from which the proxy script is
Use these proxy settings (manual):
Server Address input (address and port) to specify a specific proxy serv‐
Port er.
Use these proxy credentials:
User name Input of the access data if the proxy server requires a login.
Remember authentication data The access data is stored retentively in the system.
The password is stored in encoded form.

1. Open "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client".
2. Call "Settings" > "Proxy..." in the menu bar.
The "Proxy settings" window opens.

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7.1 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators (MO)

3. Select the desired proxy setting.

4. Click "OK" to save the settings.
- OR -
Click "Cancel" to reject the settings.

Using your own proxy logon data

If you are using your own proxy logon data, select the "Use these proxy settings (manual):" check
1. Then select the check box "Use these proxy credentials:" and enter your user name and
2. Select the "Remember authentication data" checkbox if you want to save your login data
3. Click the "OK" button to save the settings.

7.1.4 Integrating an OEMFrame application into HMI sl

Integrating an OEM Frame application

The Windows OEMFrame applications are used to generate and use softkeys. The required
settings are described in this chapter based on an example.
You will have to modify or create the following files:
• Configuration file "systemconfiguration.ini"
• Configuring the start softkey
In order to start an OEMFrame application from the operating software, configure a softkey
on the expansion bar of the operating area.

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.1 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators (MO)

Example configuration file "systemconfiguration.ini"

In file "systemconfiguration.ini", save the call for Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
accordingly. Depending on the access protection level assigned to you, you extend the
"systemconfiguration.ini" file contained in the relevant directory.
<HMIInstallDir>\\hmi\ \user\sinumerik\hmi\oem\

Add the following line to the [areas] section:
AREA500=name:=MMMR, process:=ProcessOEM
Add the following line to the [processes] section:
PROC500=process:=ProcessOEM, cmdline:="C:\\Program Files (x86)\
\Siemens\\MMMR SC\\ManageMyMachinesRemoteServiceClientMO.exe",
oemframe:=true, deferred:=true, classname:="QWidget"
Adjust the indexes of the relevant entries (PROC500, AREA500) in accordance with your HMI
The path for the executable file of the service mode client can differ from the path stated above,
depending on the version installed (32 bit/64 bit) and the path selected during installation.

Further information
You can find further information about the options for integrating OEMFrame applications in the
SINUMERIK Operate Commissioning Manual.

7.1.5 Silent Installation

You have the option of using Silent Installation to install "MyMachines /Remote Service Clients".
This installation type allows you to install Manage MyMachines /Remote Service clients without
any user interaction at all. The steps to install the certificate are part of the newly implemented
Silent Installation.
The actions that would have had to be performed using the wizards to import the certificate are
now performed in the background. While doing this, the correct certificates are placed at the
storage location of the Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

You require administration rights to perform a Silent Installation.

Use the following parameters in the command line:
/s > for Silent Installation

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.1 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - Machine operators (MO)

/x > to delete
setup.exe /s /v"/qn" > for Silent Installation with default settings
REBOOT=ReallySuppress > to suppress a forced restart (e.g. MMMR_SC_SE_x64.exe /s /
v"/qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress)

The subsequent example is applicable for machine operators.
You can install other service clients using the same procedure running in the background.
1. Open "Command Prompt".

2. Enter the directory in which the "setup.exe" file is located.

3. Execute the following Silent Installation command to install the client in the default directory.
e.g. MMMR_SC_MO_setup.exe /s /v"/qn"

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.2 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - service engineer (SE)

4. You do not have to make any other entries during the installation procedure.
– The clients are installed in the standard directory C:\Programs (x86)\Siemens\MMMR SC.
– The certificates are placed in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

5. To install function "OpenVPN", insert parameter OPENVPN_OPTION=1 at the end of the

MMMR_SC_IPC_MO_setup.exe /s /v"/qn OPENVPN_OPTION=1
– The VPN button is added to the SE client user interface. VPN is only supported for MO / IPC
6. If you want to completely remove the service clients, execute the following command:
MMMR_SC_MO_setup.exe /x /s /v"/qn"

7.2 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - service engineer (SE)

7.2.1 Installing Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client SE

You have downloaded the client setup.
More information can be found in Chapter: Download remote service client (Page 88).

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.2 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - service engineer (SE)

1. Open the installation directory on the operator PC.
2. Double-click to start the "MMMR_SC_MO_x64_setup.exe" setup file, e.g. from "Manage
MyMachines /Remote Service Client for service engineers - 64 bit from Vx.x.x.x.".
The welcome dialog "Welcome to the Wizard for Manage MyMachines /
Remote Service Client SE x64 Vx.x.xx.x" opens.
Click "Next >" to prepare the installation.

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.2 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - service engineer (SE)

3. The "License Agreement" window opens.

Read the license agreement.
– Click "Print" if you want to print out the conditions.
– Then select the "I accept the terms in the license agreement" option button and click
"Next >".
- OR -
Click "< Back" to return to the previous window.

4. The "Destination Folder" window opens.

Click "Next >" to accept the directory suggested by setup.
- OR -
Click "Change..." to change the installation directory.

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.2 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - service engineer (SE)

5. The "Ready to Install the Program" window is opened.

Click the "Install" button to start the installation.

6. The "Installing Manage MyMachine /Remote Service Client SE x64" window is opened.
The installation is started.

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.2 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - service engineer (SE)

7. The "Welcome to the Certificate Import Wizard" window is opened.

Click on "Next >".

8. Window "Certificate Store" opens.

Activate the "Place all certificates in the following store" option button.
Click on "Browse...".

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.2 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - service engineer (SE)

9. Window "Select Certificate Store" opens.

Select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" and click on "OK".

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.2 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - service engineer (SE)

10.Window "Certificate Store" is redisplayed, and you see the entry below "Certification store:"
Click on "Next >".

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.2 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - service engineer (SE)

11.The "Completing the Certificate Import Wizard" window opens and shows you the settings.
Click on the "Finish" button. The certificate is imported.

12.You receive a message that the certificate was successfully imported.

Click "OK".

New request by the wizard
It is possible that the certificate import wizard again prompts you to import another
certificate. Repeat steps as described under 7. to 12.

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.2 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - service engineer (SE)

13.The "Wizard Completed " window opens.

Click "Finish" to complete the installation.

14.Once installation has been completed, you will be prompted to restart your PC.
Click on "Yes".

15.The following symbol is displayed on the desktop for you to start Manage MyMachines /

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.2 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - service engineer (SE)

7.2.2 Entering the address of a proxy server

If access to the Internet is done via a proxy server, define the desired method via the proxy

Settings Description
Do not use a proxy (direct connection) Establishes a direct connection to the Internet.
Automatic proxy detection Automatically determines the address of a proxy server to ac‐
cess the Internet.
Use system proxy settings The suggested setting:
Uses the setting saved in Internet Explorer to go into the Inter‐
Click "Internet options" to open the Internet options of the sys‐
tem in order to check or change the proxy settings.
Use Manufacturing IT client proxy set‐ Uses the settings of the Manufacturing IT client to gain access to
tings the Internet.
Use automatic configuration script:
Address Address input of the proxy server from which the proxy script is
Use these proxy settings (manual):
Server Address input (address and port) to specify a specific proxy serv‐
Port er.
Use these proxy credentials:
User name Input of the access data if the proxy server requires a login.
Remember authentication data The access data is stored retentively in the system.
The password is stored in encoded form.

1. Open "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client".
2. Call "Settings" > "Proxy..." in the menu bar.
The "Proxy settings" window opens.

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Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
7.2 Setting up Manage MyMachines /Remote - service engineer (SE)

3. Select the desired proxy setting.

4. Click "OK" to save the settings.
- OR -
Click "Cancel" to reject the settings.

Using your own proxy logon data

If you are using your own proxy logon data, select the "Use these proxy settings (manual):" check
1. Then select the check box "Use these proxy credentials:" and enter your user name and
2. Select the "Remember authentication data" checkbox if you want to save your login data
3. Click the "OK" button to save the settings.

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146 Function Manual, 07/2022, A5E44039359B AP
Using MyMachines /Remote Service Client 8
8.1 Overview of the functions
The following functions enable diagnostics to be performed and faults to be corrected via the
control. It is up to the service engineer to execute the functions for all problems via remote
access on a PC with a mouse and keyboard.
To be able to use these actions you must activate the functions in Manage MyMachines /Remote.


Function Description
Desktop sharing Permits the display and remote operation of a control. For safety reasons,
however, it is not possible to initiate machine movements or to start NC
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Desktop sharing (SINU‐
MERIK Integrate Client) (Page 160)
File transfer Enables the transfer of one or more files or directories. Transfer can be
from the workplace PC to the control or vice versa. This allows, for exam‐
ple, patches to be imported for the error correction. The control can also
be updated quickly. Even complex NC programs are transferred to the
service engineer for offline testing or for modification via file transfer.
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Transferring files
(Page 165)
Remote STEP 7 With STEP 7, the control tasks can be implemented based on the SIMATIC
S7 automation systems.
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Setting-up the Internet
connection with SIMATIC Manager (Page 175)
Conference call Allows several service engineers to participate in a conference. You either
participate with an observing role or as leader of the conference.
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Transferring the confer‐
ence leadership (Page 184)
Automatic recording of the Enables the session to be recorded and archives to the server as session
meeting information.

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Using MyMachines /Remote Service Client
8.2 User roles and operator interface

8.2 User roles and operator interface

User roles
You can participate in a session with the following roles:
1. Session leader
2. Machine operator
3. Observing service engineer
These user roles can have different states and are defined on the user interface with different

Icon No. Role Status

1 Session leader The session leader actively participates in the session.
2. Session leader The session leader is active and hosts the session
(desktop sharing).
3 Machine operator The machine operator participates actively in the ses‐
4 Machine operator The machine operator hosts the session.
The session leader does not control the remote desk‐
5 Machine operator/service engineer Transfer control

6 Machine operator The machine operator was present in the session, but
is currently not present.
7 Observing service engineer The observing service engineer participates actively
in the session.
8 Observing service engineer The observing service engineer was in the session,
but is currently not present.

It is possible to participate as an observing service engineer as follows:
• A service engineer at the operating PC leads the session
• A machine operator at the SINUMERIK control system participates in the session

User interface

Conference data
Machine ID Shows the ID of the machine.
Session ID Shows the session ID.
Status Displays current information for the session.
Tenant Shows the organization of the connected machine.
Name Shows the names of the participants.
Status Shows the current role of the participant.

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Using MyMachines /Remote Service Client
8.3 Joining a remote session as MO (PCU/NCU)

Tenant Shows the organization of the current user.
Remote access Shows a remote access.
Is only displayed for the head service engineer.
Shows a terminated participant access.

Shows that the function to end remote access is not available because
desktop sharing has not been started.
In this state, you cannot perform any function via the button.
File transfer Shows the data transfer.
Is only displayed for the head service engineer.
Transfer of leader‐ Shows the transfer of leadership.
ship Is only displayed for the head service engineer.

Symbols on the status bar

Icon Description
Shows a session recording.

Shows no participation in the conference.

Participation in a conference has been performed.

The conference has been interrupted because of a network error.

8.3 Joining a remote session as MO (PCU/NCU)

• The SINUMERIK Operate operating software is started.
• The SINUMERIK control has been successfully connected with MindSphere.
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Install the registration key on a SINUMERIK
control system (Page 41)
• As machine operator, the service engineer has informed you that he has started a remote

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Using MyMachines /Remote Service Client
8.3 Joining a remote session as MO (PCU/NCU)

1. Press the menu forward key and press softkey "SINUMERIK Integrate".
2. The "SINUMERIK INTEGRATE" window opens.
For information
The "MMM /Remote" softkey is available and activated if you have integrated
"Manage MyMachines /Remote" as an OEMFrame application.
Additional information on this topic is provided in Chapter. Integrating an OEMFrame
application into HMI sl (Page 133).
Press the "MMM Remote" softkey.

3. You can join the session as machine operator once the service engineer has started the

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Using MyMachines /Remote Service Client
8.3 Joining a remote session as MO (PCU/NCU)

4. The "Manage MyMachines /Remote" session window opens. You see the session number and
the participants.

- OR -
You see an appropriate message in the status bar if the service engineer has still not started
a session.
Press the "Exit session" softkey if you wish to close the window.

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Using MyMachines /Remote Service Client
8.4 Joining a remote session as MO (IPC)

5. The participants are displayed in the SE application once the participants have been
registered at the SINUMERIK control system.
As SE, you can use the following functions at the PC:
– File transfer
– Share screen
– Remote STEP 7 is available for SINUMERIK Operate with Linux or Windows
You can implement the control functions based on SIMATIC S7 using Remote STEP 7.
You can find additional information at: Setting-up the Internet connection with
SIMATIC Manager (Page 175)
Additional information on the required versions of SINUMERIK Operate and SIMATIC
Manager can be found at: "Supplementary Conditions".
6. To exit the session, press the "Exit session" softkey.

8.4 Joining a remote session as MO (IPC)

• The "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client for machine operators - IPC" is installed.
You can find additional information on this topic in the following chapter: Download remote
service client (Page 88).
• As machine operator, the service engineer has informed you that he has initiated a remote
• The service engineer has started the session.

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Using MyMachines /Remote Service Client
8.4 Joining a remote session as MO (IPC)

1. Open the Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client for machine operators - IPC.
The "Welcome" window opens.

2. Enter your user name and your tenant.

3. When using the system for the first time, enter the machine ID.
The machine ID is assigned when registering the machine for Manage MyMachines /Remote.
If you select a registered machine in the Asset Manager or in Manage MyMachines, then the
machine ID is displayed in the URL.
Example of a machine ID: a6cdxxxb8dca41d69456c6c6b7e5604e
4. Click "OK".

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Using MyMachines /Remote Service Client
8.4 Joining a remote session as MO (IPC)

5. On the first use, a "Sign In" browser window will appear for authenticating your machine.
– Enter your e-mail address and your MindSphere password.
– Click the "Sign In" button.

6. The "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client" session window opens.

The session is established and you can see the list of participants.

Opened session
You can participate as often as you want in a session that has been opened.
Only the session leader can finally close that session.

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Using MyMachines /Remote Service Client
8.5 Conducting a remote session via VPN (IPC)

8.5 Conducting a remote session via VPN (IPC)

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) allow users to send or receive data over a distributed or public
network as if their computers were connected directly over a private network.
• The service engineer sends an invitation to the VPN conference.
• The machine operator agrees to the VPN connection.

Service engineer PC
• It is not permissible that the service engineer has any administrator rights on the service
engineer PC.
• The administrator of the service engineers PC must define the permissible applications,
which communicate via the virtual VPN adapter, by configuring the firewall settings of the
operating system.

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Using MyMachines /Remote Service Client
8.5 Conducting a remote session via VPN (IPC)

• The connection between the service engineer at the PC and the machine operator at the
SINUMERIK control system has been established.
More information is provided in Chapter: Joining a remote session as MO (IPC) (Page 152).
• OpenVPN has been installed for both the service engineer and the machine operator, e.g.
using Silent Installation.
More information is provided in Chapter: Silent Installation (Page 134).
• A "Network Bridge" is set up for OpenVPN TAP and LAN [X2] (only has to be done once after
a new installation):
The Windows English user interface is shown in the following diagrams.

– Under "Network connections", select OpenVPN TAP and LAN [X2] and open the menu
with a right-click
Click on "Bridge Connections".

– The "Network Bridge" network is created. Open the Network Bridge menu with a right-
click and click on "Properties".

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Using MyMachines /Remote Service Client
8.5 Conducting a remote session via VPN (IPC)

– Activate checkbox "Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and click on button "Properties".
Enter an IP address and then click on "OK".
Network Bridge settings
For the network bridge, the same network settings and restrictions apply that were
defined for IPC LAN [X2].
The assigned IP for the network bridge must be one of the inactive IPs in the same
machine network.
The OpenVPN-IP address assigned for the service engineer client as a default is If this IP address is already being used, then it must be updated to an
inactive IP in file "mmmr_se.ovpn" under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Siemens\MMMR SC".

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8.5 Conducting a remote session via VPN (IPC)

– Within the simulation environment, IPC [X2] had a direct connection to NCU [X120].
Using the VNP connection, you can access devices in the machine network.
Any other procedure requires additional security measures.
After establishing the network bridge, a direct connection to the PLC on the NCU via
SINUMERIK Operate is not supported.

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8.5 Conducting a remote session via VPN (IPC)

1. With a connection established, the service engineer clicks on the "VPN" icon in the "Manage
MyMachines Service Client" to send an access request.

2. The machine operator receives a message in the "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service
Client" session window indicating that the service engineer wants to establish a VPN
connection allowing him to access all devices in the same network.

– The machine operator clicks on "Cancel" if he does not wish to establish a connection.
The service engineer receives an appropriate notification.

– The machine operator clicks on "OK" if he agrees to establish a connection.

3. While the VPN connection is being established, the service engineer can see the tooltip "VPN
waiting for connection..." when the mouse pointer is hovered over the VPN button.

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8.6 Desktop sharing (SINUMERIK Integrate Client)

4. After successful establishment of the VPN connection, the following window is started on
both sides:
– "OpenVPN Connection (mmmr_se)" is started on the service engineer's PC.
– "OpenVPN Connection (mmmr_mo)" is started on the machine operator's control.
– On both sides, the color of the "OpenVPN Connection (mmmr_se)" and "OpenVPN
Connection (mmmr_mo)" icon in the taskbar changes from yellow to green .
5. The color of the "VPN" icon changes in column "VPN".
Message "VPN connected" is displayed in the tooltip if the mouse pointer is positioned above
the icon.

8.6 Desktop sharing (SINUMERIK Integrate Client)

Desktop sharing enables the display and remote operation of a control. For safety reasons,
however, it is not possible to initiate machine movements or to start NC programs.
• The owner of the conference requests desktop sharing.
• The machine operator consents to desktop sharing.

• The connection between the service engineer at the PC and the machine operator at the
SINUMERIK control system has been established.
• Using the SINUMERIK Operate operating software, the rights for remote access was set under
"Diagnostics" > "Remote diagnostics" > "Right for remote diagnostics".
• The "Desktop sharing" function is activated.

Allowing remote access to the SINUMERIK control system
Only allow a remote access session if you know the following:
• Have you been notified of a remote access session?
• Do you know and trust the person who is conducting the session?

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8.6 Desktop sharing (SINUMERIK Integrate Client)

1. The owner of the conference clicks the "Desktop sharing" icon to access the SINUMERIK

2. The machine operator at the SINUMERIK control system receives a message that an external
PC wishes to access the control system.
The machine operator can either authorize or deny access.

– The machine operator clicks "No" to deny access.

The service engineer cannot control the SINUMERIK control system of the machine
operator until access permission is issued by the machine operator.
The service engineer sees the following message:

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8.7 Desktop sharing (IPC / PCU)

– The machine operator clicks "Yes" to authorize access.

The user interface of the SINUMERIK control system is then displayed at the operator PC.
The service engineer can now access the SINUMERIK control system.
The "REC" icon indicates the access.

Only one desktop can be shared
If remote control is already active, a second desktop cannot be shared on the same SINUMERIK
control within the existing session.

Scaling the screen
If you change the screen size at the PC, then the size of the user interface is also scaled.
When access is terminated, the position and size of the screen is saved. If you reopen the same
session, then the same screen size is displayed.

8.7 Desktop sharing (IPC / PCU)

Desktop sharing enables the display and remote operation of a control. For safety reasons,
however, it is not possible to initiate machine movements or to start NC programs.
• The owner of the conference requests desktop sharing.
• The machine operator consents to desktop sharing.

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8.7 Desktop sharing (IPC / PCU)

• The connection between the service engineer at the PC and the machine operator at the
SINUMERIK control system has been established.
• The "Desktop sharing" function is activated.

Allowing remote access to the SINUMERIK control system
Only allow a remote access session if you know the following:
• Have you been notified of a remote access session?
• Do you know and trust the person who is conducting the session?

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8.7 Desktop sharing (IPC / PCU)

1. The session leader clicks on the "Desktop sharing" icon to access the machine operator's PC.

2. The machine operator in the MMM /Remote application receives a notification that an
external PC would like to access the control system.
The machine operator can either authorize or deny access.

– The machine operator presses "Cancel" if he denies access.

The service engineer cannot control the machine operator's PC until the machine
operator issues access permission.
The service engineer sees the following message:

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8.8 Transferring files

– The service engineer clicks on "OK" if the machine operator authorizes access.
The user interface of the machine operator's PC is then displayed on the service engineer's
The service engineer can now access the machine operator's PC.
The red dot in the status bar indicates access.

8.8 Transferring files

It is possible to transfer single or multiple files or directories between the service engineer's PC
and the operating PC of the machine operator - and vice versa. This allows, for example, patches
to be imported for error correction.

• The connection between the service engineer and the machine operator has been
• The "File Transfer" function is current.

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8.8 Transferring files

Important icons

Icon Description
Opens the higher level in the directory tree.

Updates the view of the directory tree. The directory list is only updated automatically when
other actions, such as navigation, copying, renaming or deleting, have been performed. If
the machine operator makes changes to the directory tree outside of the remote session, the
owner of the conference must update the view.
Creates a new subdirectory in the selected directory level.

Displaying file properties

In the "Filetransfer" window, the following file properties are displayed in the file system in the
column view:
• File name
• File size
• Date of the last change
• Attributes
When you close the window, the window size and position are saved. When the function is
opened again, the window is restored with the same dimensions.
You can set the column width and position. However, the settings are not saved.

Start transmission
1. Click the "Open file transfer" icon to start the file transfer.

2. The "Filetransfer" window is displayed once the function has been established.
You can now transfer files between your PC (local file system) and another PC (remote file
3. Use the cursor to navigate to the required files.
4. Some directories and files are protected. If you do not have sufficient access rights, the
message "Access denied" is displayed.

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8.8 Transferring files

5. Select the files or directories that you want to transfer, either at the PC (local file system) and/
or at the remote file system.

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8.8 Transferring files

6. The machine operator must grant permission for the file transfer.
Issuing permission for all functions of a session
If the machine operator activates option checkbox "Grant approval for all actions in this
session" then approval is also issued for the following functions of the session:
• Desktop sharing
• File transfer
• STEP 7 via Internet
• Automatic session recording
If the machine operator uses the SINUMERIK control:
– Transfer is started if the machine operator presses the "Yes" softkey.
– Transfer is denied if the machine operator presses the "No" softkey.

If the machine operator uses the application MMM /Remote PCU/IPC:

– Transfer is started if the machine operator clicks on "Yes".
– Transfer is rejected if the machine operator clicks on "No".

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8.8 Transferring files

7. Copy the selection into the appropriate directory using symbols ">" / "<".
No other actions can be performed during the copying procedure.
The file transfer can be canceled by the machine operator. In this case, the message
"Filetransfer canceled!" appears

If a directory or a file already exists in the target system, the following prompt is displayed:
"Path already exists on the remote file system. Overwrite?" The source and target directories
are also displayed.
Confirm this message with "OK".
If you no longer want to receive such messages, activate the "Apply to all in the process!"
checkbox before confirming.
The operation is displayed on a progress indicator.

8. You see the result at the end of the data transfer.

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8.8 Transferring files

Resuming the file transfer

If a file transfer is interrupted by a temporary network fault, the copy procedure is resumed
automatically when the connection is established again. During network failure, the
corresponding window is deactivated. As soon as the network fault has been corrected, file
transfer is automatically resumed starting from the last byte transferred successfully.

If the connection cannot be re-established during the current session, then the transfer can be
continued manually in a later, separate session.
The service engineer must start the copying procedure to the same target directory again. If the
system finds the incomplete file from the previous unsuccessful transfer in this directory, then
the operation is continued from precisely this position.

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8.8 Transferring files

Check the source and target files
To ensure that the source and target files are identical, the checksums are compared first. This
calculation can take several minutes for large files (above approx. 100 MB). During this interval,
the message "Waiting for confirmation!" is displayed in the status bar.

Creating a new directory

You can create new directories on your operator PC or on the SINUMERIK control in the same way.
1. Navigate to the required directory level.
2. Click the icon to create a new directory.
3. Assign a name to the new directory.
4. The machine operator must authorize creation of the directory.

Performance optimization of the file transfer

The "speed" of file transfer depends on the specific network configuration and the network load.
The file transfer rate can also fluctuate substantially during transfer.
In addition to the progress bar, the current percentage and transfer rate (KB/s) can be observed.

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8.8 Transferring files

Display of the file transfer in the protocol

The actions performed by the service engineer are shown in the dialog below the list of
participants in the protocol. The protocol is only available for the machine operator.

Protocol window of the file transfer

File The protocol window of the file transfer opens automatically when the service
engineer performs an action.
The window can also be shown or hidden via the "Conference" > "File transfer
protocol" window.
The directory and the file name to which the actions performed by the service
engineer refer, are displayed in the window.
The protocol settings can be made using window "Settings" > "File transfer".
Action Shows the type of action.
Status Shows the current status of the action.
Sequence Shows the progress as a percentage and as a progress bar. A progress bar and
percentage is also shown in the lower part of the window.
The machine operator can cancel the action via the icon.

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8.8 Transferring files

The machine operator automatically sees the protocol when the service engineer starts the file
transfer. Irrespective of this, the machine operator can open and close the protocol window
1. Call the "Conference" > "File transfer protocol" menu.
You will see the log in the lower window with the current status.
2. During the file transfer, in addition to the name of the current file, you will see the action
performed, the status, a progress bar and an icon to cancel the file transfer in the protocol

In the "Settings" menu, you specify whether the file functions performed during a session are to
be written to a protocol file.

Canceling file transfer

1. Click on icon to cancel an ongoing file transfer.
2. A confirmation prompt is displayed.
Click on "Yes" to irrevocably cancel the file transfer.

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8.8 Transferring files

Deleting files
1. Select the directories or files to be deleted.
2. Right-click to call the "Delete file" menu command.
If you delete a directory or a file with write protection, the following prompt is displayed: "File
is write-protected, do you still want to delete it?"
• Click "OK" to delete the message.
• If you no longer want to receive such messages, select the "Apply to all in the process!"
check box before confirming.

3. The machine operator must authorize the deletion of the files.

Delete operation
You cannot perform any other actions during deletion.

Renaming a file
As a remote user, you can change the name of transferred files or directories:
1. Select the appropriate file or directory.
2. Right-click to call the "Rename" menu command.
3. Enter the required name.
4. Click "OK".
5. The machine operator must authorize the name change.

Assigning attributes
As a remote user, you can change the attributes of transferred files or directories:
1. Select the appropriate file or directory.
2. Right-click to call the "Attributes" menu command.
The setting dialog opens for the attributes of the selected element (file or directory).
3. Set the required attributes via the check boxes.

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8.9 Remote STEP 7

4. Click "OK" to confirm the settings.

5. The machine operator must authorize the attribute change.

Ending file transfer

You end file transfer in the same way:
• Owner of the conference: You close file transfer using icon "X" in the upper right-hand section
of the window.
• Owner of the conference: You close file transfer and end the conference.
File transfer and any operations still in progress are terminated.
• Machine operator: You leave the conference.
The message "File transfer canceled!" is displayed for the service engineer.

8.9 Remote STEP 7

8.9.1 Setting-up the Internet connection with SIMATIC Manager

Using the "Remote STEP 7" function, as a remote user, you can execute all of the functions in
SIMATIC Manager.

• The SIMATIC Manager must be installed on the local PC.
Versions 5.4 and 5.5 are supported.
• The Service Engineer Client must then be installed.
• The client on the machine operator side must support Remote STEP 7.
• The network interface of the SIMATIC Manager on the PC must be adapted.
• The "Step 7 via Internet" function is updated.

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8.9 Remote STEP 7

• The "Commissioning engineer" or "Service engineer" role must be assigned.

• The operator at the SINUMERIK control system must have adequate access rights.
– Machine manufacturer (password)
– Service (password)
– User (password)
Further information can be found at: Installation Manual "SINUMERIK Integrate MMP, MMT,

Allowing remote access to the SINUMERIK control system
Only allow a remote access session if you know the following:
• Have you been notified of a remote access session?
• Do you know and trust the person who is conducting the session?

Changing the network interface of the SIMATIC Manager

To be able to use the "RemoteS7" function, the network interface of SIMATIC Manager must first
be changed.
1. Open the menu "Tools" > "Set PG/PC interface..." in SIMATIC Manager.

2. The "Set PG/PC Interface" dialog opens.

3. Click the "Access Path" tab.
In the "Interface Parameter Assignment Used" list, navigate to the "RemoteS7" interface
parameter assignment and select the appropriate entry.

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8.9 Remote STEP 7

4. Click on "Diagnostics..." if you wish to test the interface parameterization.

5. The Diagnostics dialog then opens.

Click "Test". The result is displayed in the Diagnostics dialog.
Click "OK" in both dialogs.

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8.9 Remote STEP 7

Start Remote STEP 7 on the SINUMERIK control system

1. Click on the "RS7" icon to remotely access the SINUMERIK control system.

2. The function start depends on the default setting:

– Remote STEP 7 is active after a short time when the "Always request permission" function
is selected.
– If the "Always request permission" function is not selected, the machine operator must
permit access.
If the machine operator presses the "Yes" softkey, access is permitted.

3. If the machine operator presses the "No" softkey, access is denied for the remote user.
The remote user receives the following message:

Access rights at the SINUMERIK control system

The following access rights are required at the SINUMERIK control system to start Remote STEP 7:
• Access level 1 = machine manufacturer (password)
• Access level 2 = service (password)
• Access level 3 = user (password)

Inadequate access rights

The message is also displayed if the access rights are inadequate:

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8.9 Remote STEP 7

Inadequate access rights are:

• Access level 4 = keyswitch 3
• Access level 5 = keyswitch 2
• Access level 6 = keyswitch 1
• Access level 7 = keyswitch 0
The current access level is displayed in the lower section of the window.

Closing Remote STEP 7

1. Check that no operations are active in the SIMATIC Manager.
2. Click the "RS7" icon again to end the remote access.
3. Confirm the prompt with "Yes" if you really want to terminate the function.

8.9.2 Setting up a connection with the TIA Portal via the Internet
Using the "Remote STEP 7" function, as a remote user, you can execute all of the functions in
SIMATIC Manager.

• The TIA Portal must be installed on the local PC.
Versions 15.0, 15.1, 16.0 and 16.1 are supported.
• If PLCs use the "Remote STEP 7" function with the TIA Portal, then OMS+ must be activated.

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8.9 Remote STEP 7

• The Service Engineer Client must be installed on the local PC.

• The client on the machine operator side must support "Remote STEP 7".
• The device must be registered and online in the network.
• The remote session must have been set up.

Start Remote STEP 7 on the SINUMERIK control system

1. To activate function "Remote STEP 7" click on the icon .

2. Wait for the machine operator's response. The machine operator must issue permission for
the remote access.
Remote STEP 7 access is activated.

Connecting the device with the TIA Portal

1. Start the TIA Portal.
The TIA Portal opens and the portal view is displayed. You can now create a new project or
open an existing project.
2. To create a new project, in the portal view click on entry "Create new project". Enter the basic
project data at the right in the work cell.

- OR -

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8.9 Remote STEP 7

3. To open an existing project, click on entry "Open existing project" in the portal view.

The last project used is displayed to the right in the work cell.
Here, select a project and click on "Open". Alternatively, using "Browse", you can open the
directory structure of the PC, from where you can select a project.
4. In the TIA Portal, switch from the portal view to the project view.

5. Double-click on entry "Add new device" in the project navigation.

A dialog with the same name opens.

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8.9 Remote STEP 7

6. Click the "Controller" button.

7. In the folder structure under "Controller", expand the corresponding SINUMERIK device
family and then select the required device and confirm your selection with "OK".
The selected device is created in the project navigation.

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8.9 Remote STEP 7

8. Select the device in the project navigation and call menu path "Go online / Extended online".
The "Go online" dialog opens.

9. Here, make the following connection settings:

– Select "PN/IE" in the "PG/PC interface type" field.
– Select the entry "RemoteS7" in the "PG/PC interface" field.
– Select the entry "Direct at slot '2 X150'" in the "Connection to interface/subnet" field.
10.In the "Select target device" field, select option "Show devices with the same addresses".

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8.10 Transferring the conference leadership

11.In the dialog, click on "Start search".

The search starts. The results are listed in the results list once the search has been completed.

12.Select the device you require from the list, and click on "Go online".
If your device was successfully connected with your PC, then this is displayed in the status
information using this icon .
The project work cell is marked using an orange bar on the right-hand side.

Disconnecting the device from the TIA Portal

Click in the icon bar of the TIA Portal on icon "Disconnect online connection".
The connection is disconnected.

8.10 Transferring the conference leadership

As conference owner, you can transfer the conference leadership to another, observing service
engineer. The owner role therefore switches to another operator.

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8.10 Transferring the conference leadership

• The remote session must have been set up.
• At least one head service engineer and a monitoring service engineer must actively
participate in a session.

1. As conference head, click on icon "Transfer conference control" in the line of the service
engineer to whom you want to transfer conference leadership.

The message that the system is waiting for confirmation by the future conference owner is
displayed on your PC.
The following query appears on the PC of the selected service engineer:

2. The observing service engineer must click the "Yes" button to take over the conference
If the observing service engineer rejects the transfer of leadership with the "No" button, an
appropriate message appears on the PC.

3. If the "Always request permission" function is not active, the machine operator must confirm
the transfer of leadership.
The message "Waiting for confirmation from the machine operator!" appears on your PC and
on the PC of the next conference leader.
4. The machine operator agrees to the transfer of leadership.
The conference leadership is then transferred to the desired observing service engineer. The
changed user roles are updated accordingly in the list of participants.
Rejecting the transfer
If the machine operator rejects the transfer, you and the observing service engineer receive
the following message: "The transfer of leadership has been rejected by the machine

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8.11 Terminating the remote session

8.11 Terminating the remote session

For the various participants, a session is terminated in various ways
• The service engineer terminates the session:
– The machine operator at the control system sees the following message: "Session ended".
– The other participants see the following message: "The session has been terminated by
the owner"
• An observing participant terminates the session:
– The window is closed, however the session remains active.
– The observing participant can join the active session again at any time.
• The machine operator at the control system exits the session:
– The session remains active for all of the other participants.
– The remote access function is deactivated.

Closing a session
Only a service engineer at the PC can close a session.

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8.12 Additional functions

1. Select the "Conference" > "Exit" menu.

2. If actions of the service engineer are still active when you leave the session, relevant
messages are displayed.
3. Click on "Yes" to exit the session.
The functions or applications in progress are cancelled.
- OR -
Click "No" if you do not yet want to exit the remote session.

- OR -
In the "Conference" menu, select the "Exit" function to terminate the conference.
In the upper right-hand section of the window, click on the "X" to close the window.

8.12 Additional functions

8.12.1 Network interruption

The following error message is displayed if the network is interrupted during an active session.
All internally active functions are terminated and "Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client"
cyclically attempts to participate in the session again.
Click the "Cancel" button to terminate the connection process.

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8.12 Additional functions

8.12.2 Setting the log-on data

You can save your login data. Your data is then automatically set when logging in.

Settings Description
Server selection
MMM /Remote Service Server Address of the Manage MyMachines /Remote Server
User role
Service engineer Activate the appropriate role.
Machine operator
Login data - my registered user data.
User name Entering the registered MindSphere user data to log in

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8.12 Additional functions

1. Call "Settings" > "Login..." in the menu bar.
The "Login settings" window opens.
2. Enter the necessary data.
Click "OK" to save the settings.
- OR -
Click "Cancel" to reject the settings.

8.12.3 Setting file transfer

You can log the actions in a file during a remote session. You specify the settings of the log file
in the "File Transfer Settings" window.

Settings Description
Temporary files
Location: Specify the log directory or create a new directory in which the log files
will be stored.
The directory selection is made in the "Find directory" window.
Max. filesize [Kbytes]: Defining the maximum number of log files.
If "0" is entered, no log files are written. When the maximum number of
files is reached, the oldest log file is deleted.
Additional drive types
Removable drives The machine operator specifies which drive types the service engineer
Remote/network drives may access. If no drive type is selected, the service engineer may only
access the available hard drives.

1. In the menu bar, call "Settings" > "File transfer...".
Window "File transfer settings" opens.
2. A standard directory is specified for the logs.
If you want to use another directory as the log directory, you can specify that here. Additional
information at: "Find directory / Create new directory".
3. Specify the maximum number of log files that can be saved in the log directory.

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8.12 Additional functions

4. Then define which drive types are supported for the file transfer.
Select the corresponding check box for each drive type that is to be supported.
5. Click "OK" to save the settings.
- OR -
Click "Cancel" to reject the settings.

Find directory / Create new directory

1. Click "..." behind "Location:" if you want to set a different directory than that specified.
The "Find Directory" window opens.
2. Select the required directory in the directory tree.
- OR -
Click "Create new directory" to create a new directory.
3. Click "OK" to specify the directory.

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8.12 Additional functions

8.12.4 Setting the language

You can make the following language setting:
• Set the language you want the display to appear in
• Define 2 favorites to speed up setting the language.
• Use language toggling.

Changing the language in the "Languages" menu

You can change the currently displayed language on two ways.
1. Open the "Languages" menu.
All the available languages are displayed. The current language has a check mark.
2. Select the required language.
The user interface is changed and displays the texts in the corresponding language.

Toggling the language

You must have first defined 2 favorite languages if you wish to quickly set the language.
1. Call "Settings" > "Language..." in the menu bar.
2. The "Toggle language" window opens.
Select the favorite languages.

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Using MyMachines /Remote Service Client
8.12 Additional functions

3. Click "OK" to save the selection.

- OR -
Click "Cancel" to reject the selection.

4. Enter the key combination <Ctrl> and <L>.

The language changes.

8.12.5 Setting the log file

A log file is frequently required for diagnostic purposes.
You can activate the creation of a log file and make further settings.


Setting Description
Enable logging Switches the log functionality on/off.
Enable diagnosis log‐ Performs the logging with an increased log level and a greater maximum file size.
ging More data is therefore available for diagnostic purposes.
In this mode, no maximum file size and no log level must be specified. These
values are specified by "Manage MyMachines /Remote".
Location: Defines or creates a directory in which the log files are stored. The directory is
created in the "Find Directory" window.
Max. filesize [Kbytes] Specification of the maximum file size in KB.
"Manage MyMachines /Remote" creates a maximum of 2 log files. As soon as the
first file reaches the maximum size, a new log file is created. If an older file already
exists, then it is overwritten.
Log level Specifies whether and which data is to be logged.
None Do not log any data.
Fatal Critical errors that prevent further program execution.
Error Simpler errors that occur during the program execution, but that do not prevent
further execution.
Warning Warnings that indicate problems.
Info Information that indicates irregularities in the execution.
DebugN Logging of the program execution. "N" specifies the level of detail.

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Using MyMachines /Remote Service Client
8.12 Additional functions

1. In the menu bar, call "Settings" > "Logging ...".
Window "Logging settings" opens.
2. Activate option box "Enable logging".
This activates creating a log file. You create log files with the default settings displayed in the
dialog. If required, you make fine settings for the logging.
3. A standard directory is specified for the log files.
If you want to use another directory as the log file directory, specify that directory; you will
find more information under: "Find/create directory"
4. Activate option checkbox "Activate diagnostics logging" if you wish to have an extended log
However, you can then no longer manually define the maximum file size and the log level.
5. Click "OK" to save the settings.
- OR -
Click "Cancel" to reject the settings.

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Using MyMachines /Remote Service Client
8.12 Additional functions

Search/create directory
1. Click "..." behind "Location:" if you want to set a different directory than that specified.
The "Find Directory" window opens.
2. Select the required directory in the directory tree.
- OR -
Click "Create new directory" to create a new directory.
3. Click "OK" to specify the directory.

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194 Function Manual, 07/2022, A5E44039359B AP
Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from
MindSphere 9
9.1 Overview

If you no longer wish to use the MindSphere application on your SINUMERIK control system,
proceed as follows:
1. Lock SINUMERIK Integrate: Deactivating use of SINUMERIK Integrate (Page 196)
2. In the "Asset Manager", disconnect the machine tool system from
MindSphere: Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere (Page 196)

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Function Manual, 07/2022, A5E44039359B AP 195
Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere
9.3 Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere

9.2 Deactivating use of SINUMERIK Integrate

1. Press the "SINUMERIK Integrate" softkey.
The "SINUMERIK Integrate" welcome window opens.
2. Press the "Settings" softkey.
The "Settings" window opens displaying the system status "Use ACTIVATED".
– Press the "Deactivate use" softkey.

3. You obtain the confirmation prompt "Do you really want to deactivate the use of the
SINUMERIK Integrate applications?".
– Press the "OK" softkey to confirm the prompt.
The use of SINUMERIK Integrate applications is deactivated.

9.3 Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere

Using the MindSphere application "Asset Manager", disconnect the SINUMERIK control from
More information on roles within MindSphere and on configuring assets is provided in:
MindSphere documentation (

In MindSphere, you require role "mtaassetconfig" as standard user or administrator.

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196 Function Manual, 07/2022, A5E44039359B AP
Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere
9.3 Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere

1. In the Launchpad, open the "Asset Manager" MindSphere application.
2. Select the required asset in the left-hand side of the window.
3. In the right-hand side of the window under "Connectivity", click on the arrow next to "MTA
Asset Config".
4. Under the "Connectivity" tab, you can see the connection status, e.g. "Onboarding...".
– Click the "Disconnect machine tool from MindSphere" button to disconnect the asset from
– Click "Save" to save the setting.

After MindSphere and the machine tool have been disconnected, we recommend deleting
the following files from your SINUMERIK control system:
• All files in the "boot_job" folder
• All files in the "cache" folder
• All files in the "service_job" folder
You will find the files:
• If you use PCU/IPC under: C:\temp
• If you use NCU under: /var/tmp

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Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere
9.3 Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere

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198 Function Manual, 07/2022, A5E44039359B AP
Appendix A
A.1 List of abbreviations

Admin Administrator (user role)

AMM /C Analyze MyMachine /Condition
AST Auto Servo Tuning: Automatic servo tuning
CNC Computerized Numerical Control:
COM Communication
DIR Directory:
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
h Hour
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure,
IB Commissioning engineer (user role)
ID Identification number
IE Internet Explorer
IFC Interface Client
IoT Internet of Things
IPC Industrial PC
MB Megabyte
MFA Multi Factor Authentication
MLFB Machine-Readable Product Code
MMM Manage MyMachines
MMM /R Manage MyMachines /Remote
MO Machine operator
MSTT Machine control panel
NC Numerical Control: Numerical control
NCU Numerical Control Unit: NC hardware unit
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OP Operation Panel: Operating equipment
PC Personal Computer
PCU PC Unit: Computing unit
PLC Programmable Logic Control: Programmable Logic Controller
SE Service engineer
SK Softkey
SW Software
TPM Trusted Plattform Module: Chips for safety functions
URL Uniform Resource Locator
UTC Universal Time Coordinated, coordinated global time

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A.2 Requirements for the Shopfloor Management Application

VNC Virtual Network Computing

VPN Virtual Private Network

A.2 Requirements for the Shopfloor Management Application

The system on which "SINUMERIK Integrate" or "HMI Advanced" is installed has access to the
internal network and to the internet.

Connections required

Connections with SINUMERIK Integrate

The SINUMERIK Integrate Client is installed and activated in SINUMERIK Operate or HMI
Configure the MMM Machine Communication URL in the SINUMERIK Integrate client.
If a proxy is installed in the network, configure the proxy in the SINUMERIK Integrate client.
You can find more information in the "Configuring URL and proxy" chapters for
• SINUMERIK 840D sl (Page 38)
• SINUMERIK 828D (Page 45)
The SINUMERIK Integrate client is connected with the internet, and can access address
Gateway client based (

Internal links required

For machines to access the "MMM Machine Communication" URL, access to the following pages
is allowed within the firewall of the internal network:
• * (
• (
• (
• * (
• * (
To register machines in the MMM connection:
• Call the following page:
Asset Manager (
• Download "onboard.key".

Manage MyMachines /Remote

200 Function Manual, 07/2022, A5E44039359B AP
A.2 Requirements for the Shopfloor Management Application

Devices in the factory have access via the internet to
• * (
• (
• (
• * (
• * (
The proxy and MAC address configuration for the machine agents is correct. If the internet
connection is interrupted, then data are backed up encrypted and locally in the buffer of the
The registry key for MMM /Remote Session is stored encrypted on the hard disk.

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Function Manual, 07/2022, A5E44039359B AP 201
A.2 Requirements for the Shopfloor Management Application

Manage MyMachines /Remote

202 Function Manual, 07/2022, A5E44039359B AP

" E
"Siemens Industry Online Support" app, 10 ePSConfig.user.xml, 53
Exchanging a certificate
Linux, 50
A Windows, 52
Access levels for STEP 7, 178
Data acquisition, 23
SINUMERIK Integrate client, 36 File transfer, 147
Using SINUMERIK Integrate, 37 Assigning attributes, 174
Asset Cancel, 173
Asset type, 68 Deleting files, 174
Create, 71 Execution, 165
Online status, 70 Exit, 175
Asset Manager Performance optimization, 171
Functions, 66 Protocol, 172
Open, 67 Restart, 170
Authorizations, 65 Settings, 189
Start, 166

Calendar function, 119
Certificate Installation
Download, 90 Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
Import for machine operator (MO), 127 MO, 124
Import for service engineer (SE), 140 Manage MyMachines /Remote Service Client
Charging model, 75 SE, 137
Commissioning overview, 23 SINUMERIK 828D software update, 27
Conference call, 147
Configuring the proxy
SINUMERIK 840D sl, 38
Configuring the URL
Change, 191
Logging settings, 193
SINUMERIK 840D sl, 38
Create folder, 194
Create drive
Find directory, 194
SINUMERIK 840D sl, 44
Login settings, 189

Data acquisition
Activating, 23
Exporting data, 88
Data matrix code, 11
Filtering, 88
Desktop sharing, 161, 164
Registering, 87
Displaying version data, 25

Manage MyMachines /Remote

Function Manual, 07/2022, A5E44039359B AP 203

Manage MyMachines Remote sessions

Activating, 75 Overview, 100
Manage MyMachines /Remote Remote STEP 7
Open, 84 Close, 179
Product information, 7 Start, 178
Managing remote sessions, 108
Connecting the SINUMERIK open-loop control, 80 S
Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control
system, 197
Sharing, 147, 161, 164
Login, 59
Send feedback, 8
mySupport documentation, 9
Service Client
Logging settings, 193
Login data, 189
N Proxy server, 132, 145
Network interruption, 187 Setting file transfer, 189
Session log
Editing, 106
O Export PDF, 109
Exporting CSV, 109
OEMFrame application
Settings, 104
Integrating, 133
Setting the login data, 189
File transfer settings, 189
SINUMERIK 840D sl - NCU, 42
Logging, 193
SINUMERIK 840D sl - PCU 50, 42
Login, 189
SINUMERIK 840D sl - WinSCP (NCU), 43
Proxy settings, 132, 145
Online status, 70
Shopfloor Management Application, 75
Open, 74
Siemens Industry Online Support
P App, 10
Product support, 9 Silent Installation, 134
Proxy settings, 132, 145 SINUMERIK 828D
Configuration, 132, 145 Configuring the URL and proxy, 45
Own logon data, 133, 146 Installing a software update, 27
Configuring the URL and proxy, 38
R Create drive, 44
Recording the session, 147
Activating client, 36
Remote access
Activating use, 37
Changing the conference leadership, 185
Lock use, 196
Changing the network interface of the SIMATIC
SINUMERIK Integrate Client update
Manager, 176
For SINUMERIK Operate under Linux, 32
Remote STEP 7, 178
For SINUMERIK Operate under Windows, 28
Remote Service Client
Installing, 28
Download, 88
Standard scope, 8
Remote session
Step 7 via the Internet, 147
Exit, 187
Join, 97
Functions, 149
Overview, 94

Manage MyMachines /Remote

204 Function Manual, 07/2022, A5E44039359B AP

Technical support, 10
TIA Portal
Connecting the device, 180
Disconnecting the connection, 184
Time range
setting, 119
Training, 10

Update - SINUMERIK Integrate
SINUMERIK Operate under Linux, 32
SINUMERIK Operate under Windows, 28
User groups, 65
User interface, 148
User roles, 148

Websites of third-party companies, 8

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Manage MyMachines /Remote

206 Function Manual, 07/2022, A5E44039359B AP

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