The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
Kingdom of Bahrain
This Kingdom of Bahrain strives towards achieving sustainable economic growth whilst
recognising that these efforts would only be attainable through the achievement of environmental
sustainability and good environmental management and practice. Despite its small size, Bahrain is
proud to be home to many species and ecosystems, some of which are of great international and
regional significance. Recognising the uniqueness of its natural heritage, which has given the
country its name today and has contributed towards sculpting the country’s culture and identity,
the country has embarked on a two year journey (2013-2015) which has seen it revise and update
its first National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) drafted in 2007.
This document outlines the results of tremendous efforts made by the kingdom which brought
together a wide range of national stakeholders that covered the public and private sector,
academia and research institutions in addition to members from civil society and media. All
stakeholders were engaged with the NBSAP Project Team based at the Supreme Council for
Environment along with the appointed consultants for a long process of rigorous and extensive
consultation. These consultations witnessed four NBSAP stakeholder engagement workshops,
focus groups consultations and one-to-one sessions all of which aimed at defining the next 5 years
strategy for biodiversity conservation in the kingdom of Bahrain.
Furthermore, Bahrain is proud to be one of the first countries in the region to respond to the
initiative launched by the United Nations Environment Programme calling for embracing the
Ecosystem Based Approach on the national and regional levels. In addition, Bahrain is also the first
country in the GCC region to have established its Clearing House Mechanism (CHM). In this spirit,
the kingdom embraces the committed to fulfill the international obligation as a party to the
Convention on Biological Diversity. Moreover, it is committed towards the conservation and
sustainable utilisation of its biodiversity for its citizens and future generations. This second
NBSAP is a key step forward towards achieving this goal.
This project was conducted under the guidance of His Highness Sh. Abdullah Bin Hamad Al
Khalifa, the Personal Representative of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council
for Environment (SCE) and the supervision of Dr. Mohamed Mubarak Bin Daina, the Chief
Executive of the SCE. The Council is deeply grateful to the United Nations Environment
Programme – Regional Office of West Asia (UNEP-ROWA) for their unfailing technical support and
the Global Environment Facility (GEF) for their financial support. Further gratitude goes to all
stakeholders and individuals who have participated and contributed towards this journey of
preparing this NBSAP.
Project Title
Updating the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Kingdom of
Bahrain, 2013 - 2015.
Funding Partner
Executing Partner
Project Team
Prepared By
We would like to acknowledge the contribution of all experts and reviewers and the
effective participation of all representatives of public and private sectors in the updating
processes of the NBSAP.
Dr. Elsa Sattout | International Consultant
Prof. Jameel Al Khuzai| National Consultant
Dr. Ameer Abdulla | International Consultant
Dr. Humood Naser | University of Bahrain
Dr. Abdelmawgoud Ragab | Directorate of Agricultural Affairs
Mr. Bassam Al Shuwaikh | Directorate of Fisheries
Mrs. Nouf Al Wasmi | Supreme Council for Environment
Ms. Eman Hussein | Civil Society
Government Sector
Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities
The Informatics and e-government
Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Economic Development Board
Electricity and Water Authority
National Oil and Gas Authority
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Interior
o Customs
o National Coast Guard
Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications
Ministry of Works, Municipality and Urban Planning
o Marine Resources Affairs
o Directorate of Agriculture Affairs
Supreme Council for Environment
Supreme Council for Women
Survey and Land Registration Bureau
o Topographic Survey Directorate
o Hydrographic Survey Directorate
Private Sector
Environment Arabia Consultancy Services
Gulf Petrochemical Industries CO.
Mattar Jewelers
The Bahrain Petroleum Company
The National Initiative for Agricultural Development (NIAD)
Academic Sector
Arabian Gulf University
Bahrain Centre for Strategic, International and Energy Studies
University of Bahrain
Civil Society and NGOs
Arab Youth Climate Movement, Bahrain Chapter
Bahrain Environment Society
National Institute for Human Rights
Youth and Environment Society
Intergovernmental organizations
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
United Nations Environmental Programme – Regional Office of West Asia (UNEP-
MPA Marine Protected Area
MRA Marine Resource Affairs
MTT Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications
MWMU Ministry of Works, Municipalities and Urban Planning
MYS Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs
Table of Contents
List of tables
List of figures
Executive Summary
terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems’. Since then, various activities
took place among which the empowerment of environmental governance
whereby the reform of the Public Commission for the Protection of Marine
Resources, Environment and Wildlife resulted in a Supreme Council for
Environment (SCE) with a Directorate of Biodiversity hosting four units on
species protection and protected areas management. On the other hand, national
and local initiatives involving restoration, reforestation and awareness programs
on biodiversity have recorded an increase in number and improvement in their
implementation throughout the years.
In 2010, parties to the CBD were requested to review and update their NBSAP
following the Strategic Plan of Biodiversity (SPB) 2011-2020 adopted at the 10th
Conference of the Parties (COP) held in Nagoya Japan. The strategic plan calls
parties to "take effective and urgent action to halt the loss of biodiversity to
ensure that ‘by 2020 ecosystems are resilient and continue to provide essential
services, thereby securing the planet's variety of life, and contributing to human
well-being, and poverty eradication’. Being keen to fulfill the Strategic Plan
requirements and to align the national targets with the Aichi Biodiversity
Targets, the Kingdom launched a series of activities to update its NBSAP and
develop its Fifth National Report to the CBD in 2012. These activities were
implemented in the context of a project funded by the Global Environment
Facility (GEF). The project was co-financed from the SCE and it was executed
with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme’s -Regional
Office West Asia (UNEP-ROWA). The project was lead by the SCE and it built on
establishing close partnerships between public and private sectors as well as
civil societies. The process focused on all emerging opportunities to engage
stakeholders and mobilize major players to partake in the NBSAP’s updating
process. The methodology of work was implemented in five stages: [1]
Stocktaking and assessment, [2] Stakeholders engagement, [3] NBSAP basic
policy instruments development, [4] National targets setting and indicators
selection, [5] Actions and implementation planning.
The NBSAP targets and actions capitalized mainly on national priorities
identified during the first phase of the project and on the participation of all
national stakeholders. National priorities included the need for setting the scene
for science-policy interface which calls for national assessments of all type of
species and ecosystems services and improvement of institutional arrangements
for cross-sectoral cooperation; strengthening biodiversity conservation
governance through the development of mechanism and design of tools for
effective laws implementation; increasing awareness on the value of biodiversity
on the basis of communication strategy and awareness programmes, and
mobilizing financial resources for NBSAP implementation. The updated NBSAP
presents the Kingdom’s mission and vision, strategic goals and guiding
principles which aim at improving governance and cross-sectoral cooperation,
strengthening national capacities to better communicate biodiversity’s values,
involving communities in the conservation of biodiversity while empowering
women and improving the well-being of the Bahraini’s citizens. It includes 12
national targets and a series of actions which fulfill its long term vision where
the Kingdom is willing to ‘Strive towards improving resilience of all four
ecosystems in the Kingdom and managing sustainably ecosystems services to
ensure good quality of life for the Bahraini citizens by 2030.’ The NBSAP draws a
road map for the implementation of all actions with milestones and timeframe,
priority actions and their timelines, indicators to monitor the advances towards
the implementation of Aichi targets, potential for mainstreaming biodiversity
conservation into national policy instruments, financial resources need and
proposition for resources mobilization in the context of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Section 1: NBSAP’s Context and methodology of work
1. 1. Context
The methodology of work included all the activities needed to build up the
NBSAP of the KoB (Fig. 1). All national policies and their instruments were
reviewed before launching participatory approach and stakeholders
engagement. These approaches involved around fifty representatives from
thirty-five institutions including public and private sectors as well as civil
The project was officially launched during the first national workshop in
November 2012. The workshop participants’ list built on the one stemming from
a previous event organized in 2011. This side event aiming at developing the
2011 list of indicators and discussing their availability in the Kingdom, defined in
fact the trends foreseen to ensure the progress towards the implementation of
the Aichi Targets. It initiated the development of the first list of stakeholders
whom will be involved in the NBSAP updating process. It included
representatives from government agencies, universities, private sectors, NGOs
and other regional and international organizations.
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
Stock-taking Analysis
National Reports | Journal Articles | Stakeholders Participation
Grey Literature | Working documents
Protected Areas Stakeholders mapping Four national
Strategy Decision-making processes workshops
Startegic Goals
Institutional Defining National
Targets & Indicators Action plan
conventions & NAPs
The face-to-face meetings were held in March and April 2015. The focus group
meetings took place in June 2015. Those meetings targeted all government
agencies, industries, universities, development agencies and non-governmental
organizations. They were the first steps taken towards stakeholders’
engagement in the setting of national targets, definition of their roles and the
identification of potential for resource mobilization. The industries were
addressed to identify any opportunity for partnerships and the potential for
harmonizing their Corporate Social Responsibility programs with the national
priorities of biodiversity conservation; especially programs related to awareness
programs and communication strategies.
The third workshop (August 2-4, 2015) aimed at validating the national SMART
targets. It opened the ground for discussing necessary actions towards meeting
the Aichi Targets and potential sources of funding. It explored new opportunities
for partnerships. The fourth workshop (December 27, 2015) was the closing
event to fine-tune all updated NBSAP components.
The seven national reports mentioned above provided guidance for the
identification of national priorities as well as developing the mission and vision.
The guiding principles were selected based on the country preference while
being aligned with the needs of the SBP goals. The priorities have set the scene
for defining the strategic goals, national objectives and targets as well as actions
The national targets (SMART) for each type of ecosystem were set during the
second national workshop in accordance with the SBP2011-2020 and the Aichi
Biodiversity Targets. The identification of the indicators took into account
national capacities and the availability of data in the various institutions. Further
to the identification of data holders, those were selected to be leaders in data
gathering, curation, maintenance, management and monitoring. A second round
of stakeholders’ involvement for finalizing the national targets was organized
during the third national workshop.
Phase 6. Defining actions and implementation plan
An action plan was developed based on the revised activities listed under each of
the national target and their corresponding indicators. The indicators will be
measured to monitor the progress towards effective CBD implementation as well
as for reporting. Biodiversity mainstreaming process was proposed to ensure
effective management and cross-sectoral cooperation.
Section 2: The Kingdom’s biodiversity profile
with time to reach 1455 species in Bahrain ranging from microbes to large mammals
(table 1) (Alkhuzai, 2015a; SCE, 2015). Still, it is believed that this number is
underestimated since many taxa are yet to be identified.
Table 1. Terrestrial and marine species diversity in the KoB (Alkhuzai, 2015).
Genetic diversity of Arabian horse breeds and palm tree varieties is of high
importance in the Kingdom. Apart from the genetic diversity, both are of great
historical and cultural value to the Bahrainis. Over the years, local varieties of
agricultural crops and fruit trees have acquired adaptation capacity and gained
specific traits, though become of high value to farmers’ and conservation
from sand dunes to seagrass beds, coral reefs, mangroves and salt marshes and
Sabkhas (fig. 2)1.
Sand dunes
Sand dunes occur mainly on the western coastal lowland of the island. Many of these
are phytogenic mounds that formed due to accumulation of sand by plants
(Loughland and Zainal, 2009).
Seagrass beds
Most of seagrass habitats in territorial water in the Kingdom are located in the
eastern subtidal waters, mainly south of Fasht Al-Adham extending to Hawar Islands
and in the western subtidal areas (Alkhuzai et al., 2009). Seagrass beds constitute a
habitat and rich feeding ground for a number of commercial fishes, mollusks,
crustaceans, endangered dugongs (Dugon dugon)and green turtles. They provide
nurseries for commercial shrimps and green turtles offspring. The dugong
population in the KoB is acknowledged as the world second largest (currently about
3000 individuals) after Australia’s Great Barrier Reef population (SCE, 2015). Both
dugong and sea turtles recognized as keystone species, (i.e. green turtle, hawksbill
sea turtles) rely both on intact and productive seagrass for feeding. Seagrass beds
are habitats for pearl oysters. They play an important role in the stabilization of
sediment. Seagrass beds species in Bahrain host three of eleven species of
seagreasses found in the Arab region. Those are Halodule uninervis (Fors.) Asch.,
Halophila stipulacea (Fors.) Asch. and Halophila ovalis (R. Brown) Hooker (Alkhuzai
et al., 2006; Sheppard et al., 1992).
Coral reefs
Coral reefs locally known as ‘Fasht’, occupy a total area which is larger than Bahrain
itself. They expand over large area in Fasht Al-Adhm and Khawr Fasht, Fasht Al-
Jarim, and Bulthama. Corals cover less than 5% of the reef areas in Fasht Al Adham,
Fasht Al Jarim and Khor Fasht. Smaller reef habitats are dispersed in eastern
Bahrain. Those latter are in poor condition and are subject to degradation. Coral
reefs maintain a large diversity of fish and shellfish species while they constitute the
nurseries for commercial fish species (SEC, 2015; Alkhuzai et al., 2009).
Algal beds
Algal beds are located in between the seagrasses and coral reefs. The most
commonly occurring macro-algae species belong to the brown algae. There are
green algae, red algae, Brown algae, and Coralline algae. The most dominant is the
Sargassum sp. and the Hormophysa sp. (SCE, 2015).
Mangroves, populated by Avicennia marina, cover a total area of 80ha with 50ha in
Ras Sanad and the rest in Tubli Bay, Sitra and Al-Aker. A large area of 300 ha was
destroyed in mid seventies because of land reclamation (Loughland and Zainal,
2009). They host a wide range of animals including bacteria, invertebrates, fish,
birds and mammals. They play a major role in the stabilization of coastlines by
promoting sedimentation (Alkhuzai et al., 2009).
Salt marshes
Salt marshes are small and dispersed. They are colonized by Phragmites australis,
Arthrocnemum macrostachyum, and Sueda spp. They are home to the reef heron and
some terrestrial birds (SCE, 2015).
Figure 2. Distribution of marine and costal habitats in the KoB (Loughland, 2006).
Coastal Sabkhas
Coastal Sabkhas are characterized by high salinity with salt crusts. Many Sabkhas
occur in the southern areas (near Ras Al Bar) and in Hawar Islands (Al Zayani and
Loughland, 2006).
Intertidal mudflats
Mudflats in the intertidal areas of Bahrain are limited and exist only on the eastern
coast of the main islands and some internal areas of Muharraq. They constitute
habitats with higher biomass than other intertidal areas. They are of great value for
migratory bird species (Al Zayani and Loughland, 2009).
Rocky shores
Natural rocky shores are rare in the Kingdom of Bahrain. They are found in Sitra,
Nabih Salih Islands and to a limited extend on the Hawar Islands. They are valuable
for their diverse range of intertidal inhabitants. They are home to macroalgae and
invertebrate animals. Artificial rocks installed to reduce the high current flow to the
Sitra Bridge are nowadays sort of very
diverse habitats (Al Zayani and
Loughland, 2009).
highly sensitive to climate change and the organisms are living under extreme
environmental conditions (Alkhuzai, 2015a).
oases and the artesian wells are used for agriculture. Date palm also can be found on
the island of Nabih Salih, however these as other date palm habitats are increasingly
threatened by the extraction of water. The overexploitation of those aquifers either
for agriculture or for human use resulted in their salinization and depletion (KoB,
2006; Alshabaani, 2010).
economic revenues from fisheries were estimated at BHD13.161 Million in 2012
(DOF, 2013). The agricultural ecosystems constitute important transition zone
supporting biodiversity, local crops varieties and biological control. The revenue
from oil and gas is estimated at BHD2.662 million in 2014 (MOF, 2014). Desert
ecosystem is a source of energy and has a great potential for scientific research
similarly to the marine and coastal ecosystems.
Figure 5. The ecosystems services found in the KoB (AlMealla 2014, Loughland 2006).
The estimation of cultural services is limited to the tourism sector including travel
whereby the monetary value accounts for BHD540 million in 2014 with an expected
growth of 5% per year (BHD882.7 million by 2024) (WTTC, 2014). It is worth noting
that this value does not necessarily reflect services provided solely by the
ecosystems in the Kingdom, instead it primarily reflects the economic activity
generated by the international tourism industries (i.e. hotels, travel agents, airlines
and other passenger transportation services) and it includes the activities of the
restaurant and leisure industries. The latter activities could reflect partially values of
domestic tourism. Therefore, there is a need to initiate detailed mapping and
valuation exercises of the services provided by of all four types of ecosystem found
in Bahrain.
2.5. Conservation value and practices
The total number of threatened species in Bahrain is thirty three among which three
mammals, three birds, four reptiles, nine fishes, one species of mollusks species, and
thirteen other invertebrate species (IUCN, 2013). The species with high conservation
values in the Kingdom include the leatherback turtle, hawksbill turtle, green sea
turtle, Socotra cormorant,
dugong, whale shark and the
Indo-Pacific finless porpoise.
Internationally, Bahrain’s
territorial waters are home to
the second largest population of
dugongs after Australia. The
Kingdom is acknowledged as a
regional hotspot for seasonal
migratory birds (King, 2006).
Hawar islands host the largest
breeding population of Socotra
cormorant in the world. The
islands are home to the largest
breeding population of the
western reef heron (Egretta
gularis) in the Middle East (SCE,
Figure 6. Distribution of PAs in the KoB (Abdulla, 2015).
On the other hand, the Kingdom hosts six protected areas (table 2, fig. 6), in addition
to various sites of regional and international importance (i.e. Ramsar site, World
Heritage Site). It is worth mentioning that 81 ‘hadrah’ have been registered in
northern coastal areas with different of impact (i.e. neutral, minor, moderate, major)
and various protection levels (HIA maritime).
Table 2. Existing protected areas in Bahrain.
2 Ramsar site
Thamah3 Coral reefs with highest incidence of pearl. equipment, recreational
2.6. Governance of biodiversity
The Kingdom ratified the CBD in 1996. In 2007, Bahrain developed the first NBSAP in
collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Since then
institutional reform (fig. 7) among many other institutional arrangements and activities
took place, empowering to a certain extent biodiversity governance and fostering
conservation practices. Meanwhile, it is worth noting that the institutional structure
started to evolve before the issuance of the Kingdom’s constitutional law in 2002.
Wildlife conservation and nature protection is at the heart of the KoB’s constitution in
articles 9h, 11 and 117a. In its constitutional law, the Islamic Shari’a is considered as the
guiding principle for the development of any law and/or regulatory measure in the
Kingdom (Art. 2). As a basis and in general, national policies in the Kingdom give equal
rights and opportunities to all Bahraini citizens and they aim at ensuring social welfare
(Art. 23). Government supports scientific research (Art. 7) while being strongly
committed to agricultural development through the strengthening of small-holders and
improvement of agricultural production (9g) and to take necessary actions for the
protection of the environment (9h). In its article 11, the government appropriates the
ownership of all natural resources and commits again to its conservation and use while
ensuring national security and economic development. International conventions further
to their ratification and signature can be used as interim measures until national laws
are developed, approved and issued. Nevertheless, if these conventions are not in line
with any of the Bahraini’s laws, their implementation requires the issuance and approval
of new laws (Art. 37) (Constitutional Law, 2002).
Over time, institutional reform for improving biodiversity conservation governance took
place whereby in a 22 years time, the structure evolved from a Committee under the
Ministry of Health (1980) to an independent entity named the Supreme Council for
Environment (SCE) in 2012 (Fig. 7). Within the SCE’s structure, the Directorate of
Biodiversity is responsible for all issues related to biodiversity conservation in the
Kingdom, which will be hosting the Species Protection and Protected Areas Departments.
The Species Protection Department shall host two units; the Species Protection and
Biological Trade. The Protected Areas Department shall manage the Protected Areas
Monitoring and Protected Areas Planning units.
Council for
Commission for
Independent the Protection
entity of Marine Environmental
Resources, Affairs
Environment Under the Environmental
and Wildlife Ministry of Affairs
Protection Units State for
* Species Municipalities National
Protection Affairs and Under the Committee for
Environmental Ministry of wildlife
* Biological Environemtnal
Affairs Housing, protection
Trade Protection
and Committee
National Environment Under Ministry
2.Protected Commission for
Areas Units of Health
* PAs Protection
* PAs Planning
The general terms of the SCE include setting up the environment and sustainable
development strategy. It is the leading agency in its implementation and mainstreaming,
this in partnership with relevant ministries as well as national stakeholders.
On the other hand, the institutional mandates of government authorities reflect their
direct and indirect roles in biodiversity conservation. As shown in figure 8, these public
agencies respond to the various line of activities needed for good practices in
biodiversity conservation from national biodiversity baseline assessments, to policy
instruments design, law development and implementation to communicating
biodiversity values. The involvement of all sectors in biodiversity conservation lines of
actions has evolved over the years. Institutional reform has strengthened the existing
institutional and administrative structures and brought on board additional partners.
The analysis of biodiversity governance shows the direct and indirect involvement of all
sectors in biodiversity conservation in the Kingdom with various weights and interests
(table 3). It defines the 4 types of players based on the degree of capacity to conserve
biodiversity and the degree of influence of the key stakeholders on biodiversity
conservation. The four types of players are:
Critical Players are those who are the lead agencies managing closely biodiversity
conservation and involved primarily in strategic development.
Primary players are those who are the main actors in the mainstreaming process,
building capacity and raising awareness as well as planning and controlling on site.
Secondary players are those who are good partners to collaborate for lobbying, political
clout and exchanges. They provide support at financial, technical, managerial levels.
Tertiary players are those who must be kept informed of activities and emerging issues
because they can provide support in the control on ground and in law implementations.
The analysis draws a clear picture about the needed cross-sectoral cooperation for
better implementation of biodiversity conservation. This is reflected in the national and
sub-national structure for biodiversity conservation presented in Section 7. Meanwhile,
the stakeholders and decision-making’s Report4 also gives a clear picture on the role and
involvement of each of the private and public agencies involved in biodiversity
National Comptent Authorities
•Supreme Council for Environment (SCE)
•Directorate Agriculture Affairs (DAA)
•Marine Resources Affairs (MRA)
•Directorate of Water Resources
•National Oil and Gas Authority (NOGA)
Resource Mobilisation
•Ministry of Finance
•Bahrain Development Bank (BDB)
•Budget Department (BD)
•Economic Development Board
•Industry (BAPCO,GPIC, TATWEER, etc.) [Part of the CSR programs of private sector]
•Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage (ARCWH)
•Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities (BACA)
•Information Authority Affairs
Table 3. Key national stakeholders and their influence and capacity.
1 2 3 4
IN BIODIVESITY Low Moderate High Very high
5 Alba, ASRY, GIIC, GARMCO, BANAGAS, BALAXECO, BASREC, BAS, Al Hassanain Dredging Co., Rock Excavation Companies.
6 Fisherman farmers.
and Antiquities Municipalities and Urban
3. Supreme Council for Women Planning
4. Information Affairs Authority 3. Directorate of Agriculture
5. Budget Directorate Affairs
6. Economic Development Board 4. Directorate of Fisheries
7. Environment Arabia 5. Universities
8. GIIC, GPIC, BAPCO 6. Sanitary Engineering
4 9. Environmental NGO7 Planning and Projects
Very high 10. Donors8 Directorate
11. The Informatics and e-
government Authority 7. Sanitary Engineering
Operations and
Maintenance Directorate
7Arab Youth Climate Movement-Bahrain, Bahrain Environment Society, Bahrain Youth and Environment Society, Bahrain Women’s Association,
Environment Friends Society, Mother and Child Society, Malkiya Rovers, Scubamaster.
8 Bahrain Development Bank, Regional Development Banks.
Regulatory measures for biodiversity conservation
The first law related to the management of natural resources was issued in 1980
on the extraction of ground water in the KOB. Since then, a series of laws and
decisions have been issued for the protection of species, management of natural
resources and the institutional reform that gave more power for the governance
of biodiversity as shown in table 4. Close observation of the chronological lining
up of the issuance of laws and decisions would provide an idea about the threats
to biodiversity and ecosystems services in the Kingdom.
Species protection
Sea cows, sea Decision No. 3/ Total ban of hunting Fine and prison
turtles, dolphins 2003
Hubara species Law No. 2/ 2005 Ban of hunting and trade
and Bahraini
Local varieties of Decision No. 3/ Ban import of date palm and Control on Port of Entry
date Palm 2006 ornamental palm trees from
countries infested by palm
trees insects
National Steering Decision No. 44/ Supervision Nine members9
Committee for 2011 Biodiversity protection
Biological Decision No. policies
Diversity 81/2011
Supreme Council Law No. 47/ Define SCE mandates/TOR Strategy of Environment
for Environment 2012 and Sustainable
Development, Cooperation
and coordination
Supreme Council Law No. 91/ Organization Five directorates
for Environment 2012
Sand excavation Law No. 37/ Ban extraction and export Permits Issued by the
2014 Minister and the Council of
The first NBSAP (2007) was developed based on stocktaking exercises including
bibliographic review, focused meetings and workshops. It was designed based on
Bahrain’s National Environmental Strategy (2006) in order to meet stated
sustainable development goals (i.e. environment, social and economic growth).
‘The NBSAP goal aims at halting the loss of biodiversity within Bahraini
terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems’. Under the NBSAP, six priority
programmes were shortlisted. These target [1] A management framework for
Bahrain biodiversity conservation, [2] Public communications for participation
in Bahrain biodiversity conservation, [3] Adoption of a Strategic Environmental
Assessment tool in local and national sector and cross-sector development
planning, [4] Development of PAs Programme for Hawar Islands, Mashtan Island
and Ras Sanad, [5] Establishment of an Environmental Trust Fund and [6]
Establishment of an Environmental Compensation Framework. The 2007’s
NBSAP was not adopted by the Prime Minister’s Cabinet. Consequently, the
environmental trust fund in addition to other programs could not be established,
as budget was not allocated for their implementation. Since 2007, the KoB has
been striving with its capacities and governance structure to ensure the
conservation and the adaptive management of biodiversity to keep the balance
and the pace in socio-economic development while focusing on human well-
being. Below is a briefing on what happened at the governance, national
capacities and stakeholder participation levels:
9 NSCB members: SCE (3), MOC (1), MOE (1), MOIT (1), MWMUP (1), UOB (1), CCIB (1).
put biodiversity conservation related public or private ventures on the
national agenda. The reform boosted the importance of biodiversity
conservation among all stakeholders.
National capacities: Systemic and institutional capacities have been
improved for better implementation processes. The development of the 2007
NBSAP improved national capacities and raised awareness so implemented
activities at national and local levels were building up important cumulative
effects. The enhancement of systemic, institutional and individual capacities is
the main drivers for effective implementation of the strategy.
Stakeholder’s participation: Stakeholders participation brought more
engaging during the NBSAP update process. Lasting more than eighteen
months, the process was more interactive and it was built on face-to-face and
focused group meetings, Delphi techniques and questionnaires. The approach
followed partly the one adopted in the development of the 2007 NBSAP while
giving adequate weight to the private sector as well as to representation of
other sectors.
There is a need to infuse biodiversity conservation in national curricula and to
foster regional and international cooperation to increase technology transfer.
It is expected that the implementation of the updated NBSAP will build up cases
with good practices in sustainable management.
Section 3: Threats to biodiversity and national priorities
2012, driven by high oil prices, rising government spending, expansion in
property and construction, as well as high demand for private social and
personal services (mostly private health and education) (MIA, 2015). Coastal
and marine environments in the Arabian Gulf are the prime target for most of the
major housing, recreational, and economic developments (Naser et al., 2008).
According to Madany (1991), a number of sites along the coast of Bahrain down
to the coast of Sitra Island have been either dredged or reclaimed since 1930s.
These activities increased significantly in the 1970s, serving both industrial and
residential purposes, and lead to clear changes in the area of Bahrain (SCE,
Domestic and international tourism
As a result of greater wealth, domestic and international tourism from all types
have increased in the last decade, leading to a huge impact on the marine
environment in the Kingdom. Those activities rely on land reclamation in coastal
and marine areas where artificial islands, beaches and jetties are developed.
Litter and sewage discharge resulting from touristic activities are either left on
the beaches or thrown from vessels. They alter the habitats and strangle marine
turtles among other marine mammals. Meanwhile, debris that blow away from
waste disposal sites accumulate underwater and alter the substrate making the
areas unsuitable for marine organisms (Miller and Abdulqader, 2006).
Alien species
Following the increase in the maritime transport especially import operations,
grey data shows a steady increase in imported goods, especially in new crop
varieties and ornamental plants. It is likely expected that the import will keep
the same pace among agricultural plant species and crop varieties resulting in a
decrease in native plants’ distribution, especially in northern Bahrain. On the
other hand, two well known invasive species of birds the Corvus splendens and
Acridotheres tristis, predate on eggs and chicks of local bird species decreasing
their populations’ growth (SCE, 2015). It is worth noting that a quick appraisal
with Bahraini’s growers revealed that farmers only care about crop yield.
Consequently, imported varieties in the market will increase with time. There is
a lack of governmental control on that issue especially for seed grown plants.
operations. In 1991, dugong deaths were witnessed as a result of a large oil spill
(Hodgson, 2006). Other sources of oil pollution are ballast water discharged by
oil tankers, oil water discharge from garages and machine shops as well as
discharges to the sea from land-based industry and urban sources (i.e. loading
terminals, oil leaks from loading and off-loading facilities in operation terminals,
sewage effluent) (SCE, 2015).
Climate change
Bahrain’s marine ecosystem has been affected by the changes in climate
conditions for more than two decades. Potential detrimental effects of global
warming have been observed on the plant communities in seagrass beds;
increase in water depth and changes in tidal regimes and salinity; increased UV
radiation, turbidity and growth of epiphytes. Additionally, climate change has
seriously affected coral reefs communities in the Kingdom through bleaching and
killing over 90% in 1998 (Hodgson, 2006).
Table 5. Conservation status of biodiversity in Bahrain.
The analysis revealed that the marine and coastal ecosystems are of high
conservation priority (tables 5 and 6), needless to say that the oceans and seas
are at the heart of the cultural heritage of the Kingdom. Definition of national
priorities was based on stakeholders’ engagement and participation and on
baseline biodiversity assessment (Alkhuzai, 2015a).
i. Take necessary measures to cease agricultural land
Agriculture conversion through the land use and management plan
ii. Promote sustainable farming systems while maintaining
the balance in ecological functioning emphasizing on the
cultural and historical value of Palm groves
iii. Develop value chain for the goods and services provided
by Palm grove to increase local communities livelihood
Freshwater i. Identify and map freshwater springs and their water flow
Springs ii. Take necessary administrative, legal and financial
measures to protect freshwater springs, improve their water
flow, and control development activities in Spring Important
Areas (SIAs);
iii. Integrate ‘SIAs’ within the eco-tourism strategy.
Vision: ‘Strive towards improving resilience of all four ecosystems in the Kingdom
and managing sustainably ecosystems services to ensure good quality of life for the
Bahraini citizens by 2030.’
Mission: ‘Biodiversity in the kingdom is assessed, mapped and valued and its
conservation is integrated into all national policies and accounted for in national
budgeting by 2021.’
The guiding principles of Bahrain’s NBSAP integrate all aspects of good practices
of biodiversity protection at the governance, social and economic levels.
National Sovereignty
National sovereignty means that Bahrain has complete and acknowledged rights
to manage and use biodiversity in accordance with its own policies.
Nevertheless, Bahrain has made an international commitment to conserve
biodiversity and manage its resources without harming other States or
jeopardizing the common heritage of humankind or the development options of
future generations. National sovereignty is closely related to Bahrain’s
leadership and political will to assume full responsibility for the design,
development and implementation of the NBSAP.
Good governance
Good governance embraces the traditions and institutions by which authority in
a country is exercised for the common good. This includes first the process by
which those in authority are selected, monitored and replaced; second the
capacity of the government to effectively manage its biodiversity and implement
sound policies; and third the respect of citizens and the state for the institutions
that govern economic and social interactions among them.
Sustainable management
The stewardship and use of biodiversity resources in a way, and at a rate, that
conserves species diversity and ecological integrity and that maintains the
carrying capacity of the four major ecosystems in Bahrain in terms of
productivity, regeneration, and vitality. It also draws on their potential to fulfill
relevant provisional, supporting, regulating and cultural ecosystem services for
the present and future generations to come. It ensures balanced ecological
functioning in line with socio-economic development, at local, national, and
global levels.
Ecosystem approach
The ecosystem approach is a strategy for the integrated management of land,
water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an
equitable way. Application of the ecosystem approach is based on the application
of appropriate scientific methodologies focused on levels of biological
organization which encompass the essential processes, functions and
interactions among organisms and their environment. It recognizes that humans,
with their cultural diversity, are an integral component of ecosystems.
Ecosystem-based management
Ecosystem-based management (EBM) is a place-based approach to natural
resource use that aims to restore and protect the health, function and resilience
of entire ecosystems for the benefit of all organisms. Having its foundation in the
interdependence between ecosystem health and human well-being, EBM is
based on ecosystems protection and community participation. Community
participation requires a certain degree of organization and capacity and is
therefore mostly in the hands of organized interest groups. It aims among many
other things to mobilize citizen-science programmes and the empowerment of
Stakeholders’ participation
Stakeholders in biodiversity conservation are all those who depend on or benefit
from the ecosystem services and goods, or who decide on the control of or
regulate access to biodiversity resources. They participated in the development
of the NBSAP in various ways: directly or indirectly, actively or passively, in
supporting or opposing roles.
Precautionary principle
The precautionary principle or precautionary approach to risk management
states that if an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the
public or to the environment, in the absence of scientific consensus that the
action or policy is not harmful, the burden of proof that it is not harmful falls on
those taking an action. The principle implies that there is a social responsibility
to protect the public from exposure to harm, when scientific investigation has
found a plausible risk. These protections can be relaxed only if further scientific
findings emerge that provide sound evidence that no harm will result.
Evidence-based science
Evidence-based science is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current
best evidence in making decisions to enhance provision of products and services
from biodiversity resources. It recognizes that biodiversity management is
context specific, ever-changing, and involves uncertainties, and that the best
evidence is derived from a systematic process which aims to minimize bias”.
Human well-being
Political, economic and civil societal support for biodiversity conservation can be
considerably improved if the biodiversity worth to humans and societies at the
local scale are quantified and economically valued. This could also bring in an
incentive for better governance of socio-ecological systems to ensure the
sustainable management of biodiversity. Human well-being coupled with
ecosystem services programme strives to bridge this gap in knowledge by
exposing ecosystem services into on-going and new societal and policy
The strategic goals (SGs) and their general objectives draw on a synthesis of the
results of the biodiversity baseline assessment, the stakeholders mapping
exercises executed during the course of the NBSAP project and the results of the
stakeholders participation exercises. The SGs target all aspects of biodiversity
conservation including governance; systemic, institutional and individual
capacities; ecological functioning and services and communication and outreach.
The strategic goals values are aligned with the NBSAP guiding principles and
long-term vision.
10Actions under the SG need to address inducing changes in consumer behaviors and lifestyle and practices (seasonal
catches, respect of carrying capacity, etc.).
11Embedded actions need to enhance the access to biodiversity sites and sustainable ecotourism activities.
SG III: Bridge the gaps between scientists, citizens and decision-makers by
fostering innovation and research
The twelve national targets were set following the SBP 2011-2020 guidance and
they were aligned with the twenty Aichi Biodiversity Targets. They draw on
emerging national needs, national priorities identified and the conservation
status of the ecosystems and their habitats.
Marine and coastal ecosystems
Target 1: Protect an additional 10% of Bahrain’s territorial marine and coastal
Update marine and coastal ecosystems assessment and value their services
including invasive species.
Map the ecosystem services and conservation status of marine and coastal
habitats and identify Important Areas12.
Issue decision(s) and develop integrated management plans (IMPs) for the
protection of the identified sites.
Develop and implement a 5-year eradication plan for invasive marine and
coastal species.
Accession of the Ballast Water Management Convention – International Marine
Coral Reefs
Target 4: Protect no less than 25% of remaining unprotected coral reefs
Map ecosystem services of all coral reefs which are not protected, their values
and their socio-ecological systems.
Issue decisions for the protection of the remaining unprotected coral reef areas
and put in place mechanisms for their conservation.
Develop and implement an IMP based on the existing restoration program.
Design and implement a monitoring program (MP) and strengthen existing
national capacities.
Target 5: Raise awareness among 90% of key stakeholders and 50% of the
general public
Design and implement mechanisms for key stakeholders engagement.
Develop and implement a communication strategy on the values and services of
coral reefs and all marine and costal habitats to induce behavioral changes.
Target 6: Rehabilitate mangroves by 25% and increase the populations of
migratory bird species
Update the ecological and socio-economic assessment of the existing
mangroves and develop a ‘bookkeeping’ for bird species populations.
Develop an adaptive IMP for mangroves.
Take immediate measures to reduce polluted effluents from the government
sewage treatment plants and wastewater discharged by the industrial sector.
Desert ecosystem
13 Gene bank will also host accession of agricultural crops varieties and all other types of plants.
Develop and implement a communication strategy including outreach materials
for potential cultural services.
Target 10: Decrease pest infestations in Palm grove by 100% and reduce other
Develop and implement an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program to
reduce red weevil among others pest.
Eradicate the introduced palm varieties.
Section 5: National Action Plan
The twelve national targets set require the prioritization of the various actions
involved in their implementation (table 7). For instance, emergency actions are
required for the eradication of red weevil on date palm and introduced palm
varieties. The application of existing regulatory measures is also a priority; though
there is a need to develop mechanisms of implementation and tools as well as to
mobilize the corresponding NCAs or leading bodies. The development of IMPs and
MPs requires baseline assessments on all species, ecosystem services and socio-
ecological systems. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an enabling environment
for the launching of these assessments in 2016.
Systemic, institutional and individual capacities strengthened
Eradication plan of invasive marine species successfully
Analysis of defined indicators and setting the scenes for the
2022-2027 NBSAP
DOF 1.2. 2018
DOCG 1.3. 2017-2021
UOB 1.4. End of 2016
Leading agency Partners Timeline
put in place mechanisms for their plans developed
conservation 4.4.MP and Training
4.3. Develop and implement an IMP manual developed
based on the existing restoration
4.4. Design and implement a MP
including strengthening existing
on the values and services
of coral reefs to induce
behavioral changes
Ecosystem Mangroves
6.Rehabilitate 6.1. Update the ecological and 6.1. Mangroves ES valued
mangroves by 25% socio-economic assessment of 6.1. Bookkeeping of Birds
and increase the existing mangroves and
6.2. IMP 2017-2022
populations of develop a ‘bookkeeping’ for
migratory bird species bird species populations 6.3. Decision for Emergency
measures issued
6.2. Develop and implement
adaptive IMPs for mangroves
6.3. Take immediate measures
to reduce polluted effluents
from the government treatment
plants and wastewater by the
industrial sector
Target 6 Actions Outputs
7.3.Establish a gene bank for
desert plants and wildlife
Target 7 Actions Outputs
Target 8 Actions Outputs
T7: Manage within limits 10.1. Map of Ecosystem
T9: Reduce invasive species
10.2. IMP
T13: Conserve gene pool
Nb of Private Public
T15: Enhance resilience Partnerships (PPPs) BHD 250,250
T16: Implement Nagoya
T19:Improve knowledge
Aichi targets Indicators COST
Leading agency Partners Timeline
5.3. Actions towards improving protection of species
The establishment of protected areas and their effective management has ‘long
been a cornerstone of biodiversity conservation efforts and remains the most
widely deployed and best-known strategy’. Nevertheless, biodiversity outside the
boundaries of these areas are important and valuable (Redford et al., 2015). The
guiding principles of the NBSAP in Bahrain set the ground towards the protection
of ecosystems being protected or not. In that light, the actions defined to meet
specific targets will have as basis the Ecosystem approach. The identification of
important sites and/or AZE and the development of regulatory measures to ensure
their long-term conservation will contribute not only to the protection of species
but also to the protection of genetic resources through the establishment of a gene
bank (Target 7) and to an increase of ecosystems resilience (Target 1).
On the other hand, the PAs network will ensure that 90% of the available plant
and animal species are protected in the Kingdom. In the national PAs strategy, it is
proposed that the existing PAs system needs to define specific management
objectives and develop operational management plans. The proposed strategy shed
the light on the declaration of new PAs of ecologically important and sensitive
habitats. These are northern Hayrat, northwestern waters of the Hawar Islands,
and area in the North of Bahrain / South of Fasht Al Jarim. In parallel, an expansion
of the PAs network with the identification of new sites is essential to ensure
representativeness of all ecosystems and habitats found in the Kingdom. Certain
PAs such as Arad and Tubli Bay require immediate management intervention to
prevent their degradation. Hawar Islands and Hayr Bul Thamah containing natural
and cultural values of national and international importance, require an
operational and functional management system. The Hawar Islands site with an
important conservation values is currently on the tentative UNESCO-WHS (Abdulla,
critical habitats in the Kingdom. On one hand, the development of IMPs and MPs
will strengthen ecological integrity and ensure resilience of the critical sites. These
plans and programs are sought to be not only effective but also adaptive to manage
any emerging changes. On another hand, the expansion of green corridors (belt)
and the establishment of PAs network will also have a great impact on the
resilience of existing critical ecosystems especially agriculture and urban
ecosystems. Green corridors will be managed in a way to play the role of a
transition zone (tension zone/ecotone) between the various terrestrial and costal
habitats found in the Kingdom. Additionally, the restoration of mangroves will
boost marine ecosystems and increase the resilience of coastal populations and
communities, linking the existing meta-populations of either birds or marine
The PAs strategy proposes two fundamental concepts for long-term success of
the PAs strategy while ensuring representativeness of the Kingdom ecosystems and
habitats. The first one is related to the establishment of a legally mandated
governing body for PAs and the second one involves the development of a program
of work to operationalize hands-on management. The latter will contribute to
strengthen the administration of PAs management schemes at the SCE (e.g.
recruitment of PA managers, rangers) and strengthen technical capacity (e.g.
training in surveillance, enforcement, promotion, monitoring, and business
planning for the PA system) (Abdulla, 2015).
Section 6: Implementation plan
It is worth noting that other national policy instruments exist but are outdated
such as National Environment Strategy (2006), National Planning Strategy (2007),
and Bahrain Vision (2010-2015). Even if outdated, they are mentioned in here to
shed the light on the core principles of the Kingdom’s national policy instruments
revolving around same principles as biodiversity conservation policies. The
National Environmental Strategy was endorsed with a set of guiding principles.
Those are precautionary and polluters pay principles, partnership and
improvement of the state of the environment.
Table 8. Mainstreaming potential of the NBSAP targets with national policies.
National policies instruments NBSAP’s Targets
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1
0 1 2
Economic Vision 2030
Conserve natural areas for future generations to enjoy
Implement energy-efficient regulations
Invest into technologies that reduce carbon emissions, minimize pollution and promote the use of more
sustainable energy
Encourage new generations of Bahrainis to gain experience and in-depth knowledge of their cultural
Government Action Plan 2015-2018
Develop environmental awareness and education projects
Strengthen partnership with local community in all environmental fields
Increase the networks of PAs
Restore critical and vulnerable biodiversity areas
Protect species in their natural range and regain number of threatened species with extinction (Animal
breeding programs in captivity and plant nurseries)
Develop new regulations; strengthen monitoring, and frequency of inspection processes
Revise and update constitutional framework of environmental issues to be in line with rapid changes,
guaranteeing the protection of natural habitats and plant and animal life in both desert and marine
Update monitoring systems of environmental violations
Improve EIAs implementation mechanisms (industrial waste, untreated domestic waste, other dumps).
Protect coastal and marine protected areas
Support greenery and tree-planting projects
Developing means of protecting the environment, species, strains and varieties of ecological,
economical, and cultural importance
Agriculture Affairs Strategy 2010-2015
Achieve relative food security
Conserve natural resources
Combat animal and plant diseases and strengthen the abilities to deal with cross boundary diseases
Support small-scale farming
The National Planning Strategy (2007) whose aim is to transform Bahrain into a
prosperous and innovative city-state of the 21st Century, addresses issues such
as natural resources, lack of zoning, weak transport infrastructure, insufficient
public open space and the need for improved education and comprehensive
employment. It lays out ten key strategies that coordinate and focus on
development, control land speculation, protect resources, preserve historic and
ecologically important sites, integrate transport and ensure public access to open
space and the waterfront. The Bahrain Economic Vision (2010-2015) objective is
to achieve food security, sustainable income and economic prosperity through
eco-tourism and local production via utilizing restored and conserved
ecosystems.’ Despite of the holistic vision in the previous strategies and plans,
there is little progress in environmental protection portfolios and a shy progress
in the implementation of sustainable development. Nevertheless, it is expected
that the new biodiversity strategy will foster biodiversity mainstreaming process
and synergizing efforts towards better practices in environmental protection and
higher effectiveness in national plans implementation tackling biodiversity
conservation and environmental protection such as the 2020 Vision and
The 2030 vision foresees not only economic development but also leveraging
the standard of life of Bahrainis and improving their well-being. It states that
society and government in Bahrain ‘will embrace the principles of sustainability,
competitiveness and fairness to ensure that every Bahraini has the means to live a
secure and fulfilling life and reach their full potential’. It draws on law
enforcement, cultural preservation and conservation of natural spaces for future
generations to enjoy, education and research, strengthening national capacities,
sustainable energy sources, and planning processes for a better quality of life
with more attractive and open spaces.
Despite the potential of mainstreaming in the above-mentioned recent national
policy instruments, the GAP reveals to be a more recent and fertile ground to
ensure mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation while fostering resource
mobilization at the same time at the national level. Though, this first step
requires a close collaboration to be launched by the SCE to synchronize and
synergize efforts towards meeting the targets set under the NBSAP. The GAP
2015-2018 targets development, poverty reduction, natural resources
management and climate change. It integrates environmental protection, urban
development and strengthening good governance among its six strategic
priorities. Additionally, the GAP involves cross-sectoral cooperation (p. 9),
improve citizenship through the education system (p. 21), establish
infrastructure to institutionalize research and strengthen research capacities to
respond to national priorities (p. 22). In its fifth chapter, the GAP focuses on
sustainable use of water resources and electricity while promoting green
technology (p. 41). The GAP 2015-2018 foresees food security (p. 44) while
providing support to farmers and ensuring mechanisms for plant protection.
Under this same chapter, the action plan targets activities similar to the NBSAP
targets set (p. 47-48). It is evident that through the plan there is room for
synergizing and harmonizing efforts on one hand. On the other hand, again it
opens the door for resources mobilization from national budgets.
the biodiversity-related conventions (table 10). Nevertheless, there is a need to
align the national targets sets within the NBSAP with the other biodiversity-
related conventions through direct contact and the establishment of formal
institutional arrangements settings to ensure regular follow up and avoid the
duplication of efforts and for resource mobilization.
Table 9. Policy instruments and cross-sectoral cooperation under the ratified environmental agreements in the KoB.
Table 10. Alignment of NBSAP targets with biodiversity-related conventions goals.
Biodiversity related Conventions NBSAP Targets
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands
Goal 1: Addressing the drivers of wetland loss and degradation
Goal 2. Effective conservation and management of the RAMSAR Sites Network
Goal 3. Wise use of all wetlands through partnerships
Goal 4. Raised awareness and involvement in wetlands
Convention on International Trade of Endangered Fauna and Flora Species
Goal 2: Secure the necessary financial resources and means Convention implementation
Goal 3: Contribute to significantly reducing the rate of biodiversity loss
Convention on Migratory Species
Goal 1: Address the underlying causes of decline of migratory species (MS)
Goal 2: Reduce the direct pressures on MS and their habitats
Goal 3: Improve the conservation status of MS and the ecological connectivity and resilience of their
Goal 4: Enhance the benefits to all from the favorable conservation status of MS
Goal 5: Enhance implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management, capacity
The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)
Goal 1: Conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture and the
fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of their use, for sustainable agriculture and food
World Heritage Convention
Goal 1: Continually improve World Heritage site management capacities
Goal 2: Counter threats to World Heritage in Danger sites
Goal 4: Apply the Ecosystem Approach
International Plant Protection Convention
Objective: To protect world plant resources, including cultivated and wild plants by preventing the
introduction and spread of plant pests and promoting the appropriate measures for their control.
6.3. Resource mobilization
The environmental trust fund proposed in 2007 as the main mechanism to ensure
the availability of financial resources NBSAP implementation was not made
operational. This was mainly due to a lack of follow up on NBSAP implementation
in terms of endorsement and approval from parliament. Thus NBSAP was not
given a priority and was not communicated properly with various government
agencies in the Kingdom. This was among the many shortfalls that were faced by
the stakeholders striving to establish an enabling environment for biodiversity
conservation especially in terms of governance and policy instruments.
The updating process showed high motivation and potential strong
engagement from the public and private institutions. It opened the ground for
discussing potential partnerships (PPPs among others) for resource mobilization
for the implementation of the various actions of the NBSAP (2016-2021).
Different lines of financial resource were identified with the main categories of
actions (table 11). Lines of financial resources fall under one of the followings:
Government budget
Public sector (TAMKEEN)
Private sector (CSR, donations)
Inter-governmental organization
Local and regional Development Banks
15 IMPs, IPMs, MPs, Ecotourism strategies, Laws, tools for laws implementation
16 Species assessment, ES mapping, FWS mapping, AZEs, etc.
17 Communication strategy, outreach material, awareness campaign, schools activities
18 Gene Bank, Botanical Garden, Guesthouses, etc.
It is proposed that the financial resources flow will a priori feed the
environmental trust fund (fig. 9). High Net-Worth Individuals (HNWI) identified
at national or regional and even global level will also feed into the NTF, this in
addition to the development banks in the Gulf and Arab countries as well as the
Asian development banks. Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is
another type of financial support, which provide funds for species assessment and
developing and updating the checklist of plants and animals. Similar funding
initiatives exist for the marine life. Capacity development at individual level can
be resources that can be acquired from TAMKEEN and other domestic
governmental budgets allocated for the institutional and systemic capacities of
governmental agencies.
International Organizations
GEF, World Bank, GBIF
Development banks
Islamic Development Bank,
Asian Development Bank
Figure 9. Potential funding sources for building up a National Environmental Trust Fund
for NBSAP implementation.
that means of awareness include conventional Media tools such as TV, Radio,
Social Media managed by the MOCT and MYS. Other means of direct
communications proposed include seminars, workshops, round table discussions,
educational courses, training addressed to government officials, and publication
of relevant educational manuals.
• Institutional capacity: It aims at developing its own individuals and staff, as well
as putting in place a path for collaboration with agency staff, national and regional
bodies. This level includes the overall performance and functional capabilities of
the institution, such as developing mandates, tools, guidelines and information
management systems.
In the NBSAP, the NCSA is scheduled to start at the end of 2016. It is a necessary
component of the NBSAP implementation in order to ensure effective
management of all actions planned for the next 5 years to come.
Supervising Coordinating
executing Partners
Agency Committees
Council for Public
Steering DOB-SCE
Environmen sector
Sub-national DAA-
Committees Universities
Universities & civil
Figure 10. Leading agencies and partners’ coordination structure for the NBSAP
19 It is proposed not to have more than 10-12 members on each of the committees or sub-committees.
1. Directorate of Fisheries (DOF)
2. Directorate of Agricultural Affairs (DAA)
3. National Oil and Gas Authority (NOGA)
4. Port and Maritime Affairs
5. The Informatics and e-government Authority (previously CIO)
6. Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities (BACA)
7. Directorate of Budget (DOB)
8. Industries: ALBA, Bahrain Steel, etc.20
9. Academic sector and Research: UoB and AGU21
10. Bahrain Development Bank
12. NGOs
On another hand, it is crucial to consider having the National Focal Points (NFPs)
on board of the NBSC.
20 Representative of one of the listed industry will be on board and the representative can alternate between the existing
industries in the Kingdom
21 Representatives of one university can serve three years and be replaced by representative of another university.
22 It is proposed to address TAMKEEN and involve them on specific issues related to Building capacities or to get them on
assist in mainstreaming process to avoid duplication and overlap with any other
national policy instruments. NIAD, as part of the TT will be a major partner on the
projects/programs related to reforestation (green corridor/belt, ecotone, public
gardens), Environmental Education at schools, Environmental awareness, as well
as women empowerment in the agricultural sector. NGOs will be selected to join
the technical teams based on their organization’s missions and capacities.
23The TORs of the sub-national committees could be merged with the municipal council (Article
19- Municipality law). If this can be applicable so there will be no need to create a ‘new’
committees (the sub-national ones).
Supreme Council for Environment
Figure 11. Structure and membership of the NBSC and technical teams responsible for all aspects of NBSAP’s implementation24,25
24 NIAD: Reforestation with native species, Environmental Education at schools, Environmental awareness, Women empowerment in agriculture.
25 NGOs are selected to join the technical teams based on their missions and capacities.
3 Representatives 4 Rapporteurs 4 Rapporteurs
National Biodiversity Steering Committee
Figure 12. National and sub-national coordination structure for NBSAP’s implementation26.
26 NB: The sub-national committees are linked to the technical teams through the designated ‘Rapporteur’– the diagram presents the 3 layers of coordination.
Section 8: Monitoring and Reporting
The kingdom of Bahrain is the first country in the GCC region to establish its
Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM) in support of the implementation of the
Strategic Plan for Biodiversity (2011-2020). Bahrain CHM27 is conceived as a
virtual platform bringing together governmental entities, practitioners, scientists
and experts to monitor the state of biodiversity in the KoB (fig. 13). It is set as an
inter-operable system linking and directing the users to websites of all relevant
organizations in Bahrain with the following aims:
Showing the existing cooperation between government agencies and
national partners across all sectors to implement the NBSAP;
Assisting users in finding all biodiversity related information; from theory
to practices;
Forming a national and regional hub for practitioners and experts to
encourage global scientific cooperation;
Communicating grassroots initiatives, EBM projects and on-going activities
on biodiversity conservation.
The CHM will be used for the coordination among the three levels of
coordination involving the NBSC, TTs and sub-national committees. The
rapporteurs and representative will be designated as authorized users to share
updates on merging issues and needs. The CBD-NFP and CHM-NFP will be the
responsible on the validation of all information shared through the CHM and
related to the NBSAP implementation.
Videos Directories
Social National
networking Projects
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