1st Yr LLB Criminology - Exam Notes
1st Yr LLB Criminology - Exam Notes
1st Yr LLB Criminology - Exam Notes
Prison reform activist and lawyer Ajay Verma defines what's wrong with our prison system.
Over an interview in his south Delhi office, Verma laid out the 10 things that need to change
most urgently in prisons across the country.
In April 2017, the government actually asked lawyers to offer “Pro Bono legal services” to
underprivileged litigants who were unable to afford a lawyer. That July, the National Legal
Services Authority (NALSA), a government body that provides legal services to those who
can’t afford it, decided to map all prisoners in 1,401 prisons across the country, list charges
against them and provide legal aid to those unable to engage an advocate. That project is
The Supreme Court has also asked the states to conduct training and sensitisation
programmes for senior police officers of all prisons on their functions, duties and
responsibilities and the rights and duties of prisoners. Verma said, “It is important so they are
aware of the rights of inmates”—for example the rights to legal aid, a speedy trial, protection
from torture, a reasonable wage, and protection from solitary confinement.
“We have started a skill development course with Gems and Jewellery Skill Council of
India in Tihar .The other skills that the jail authorities teach are automobile repairs, electrical
skills, garment-making, air-conditioning work, construction, woodwork and others. Other
jails in India should also focus on imparting skills.”
Verma believes “conjugal visits should be allowed in every prison,” and not just for raising
families. “It helps in de-stressing inmates,” Verma told us, “and also helps them in bonding
with their family.
Amending the constitution to include principles of prison management and treatment of undertrials
under DPSP, and including prisons in the concurrent list.
Enactment of uniform and comprehensive law on matters related to prisons.
A department of Prisons and Correctional Services to be opened in each state and UT.
Government should frame a National Policy on prison and form a National Commission
on prisons to look into matters more seriously.
Ensure the holistic development of prisoners like stress management, Yoga, etc.
Ratifying the UN Convention against torture and sensitizing the staffs about the need to
treat prisoners as humanely as possible.
Changing the people’s attitude that “Everyone inside the jail is not a criminal, he is either
an offender nor an under trail”.
Increasing the budgetary allocation of the Criminal Justice System.
Encourage Interactive and community policing in all possible ways.
Open prison or semi open prison has to be encouraged like that in UP and Rajasthan.
Open or Semi open prisons
Semi-open prisons or open prisons allow convicts to work outside the jail premises and earn a
livelihood and return in the evening.
Reduce overcrowding and operational costs in prison administration.
Reduce the psychological pressure and lack of confidence when they assimilate into society.
Develops a humane attitude about the offenders in society.
Utilizing the first-of-its-kind advanced DNA FORENSIC LAB in CHANDIGARH
and pass The DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill, 2018
to reduce the overcrowding by the faster conviction of offenders.
Extending Legal Right to Vote prisoners and free legal aid (Directive Principle entrusted
in Article 39a of our Constitution).
Way ahead:
Indian jails dubbed as a university for grooming criminals structural changes are
needed to address the key issues. Else, prisons will continue to be heaven for politically
connected criminals and hell for socio-economically disadvantaged undertrials.
Schools of Criminology
Introduction of the School of Criminology: – In the year 1890, the term
criminology was extracted from the mixture of 2 Latin terms, crimen, which
indicates crime, and logus, which means analysis or knowledge. Criminology is
a socio-legal analysis that seeks to identify the possible reasons for felonious
behaviour as well as recommend effective solutions.
Explanations of criminology
Acts of crime.
The criminals’ victims.
The perpetrators or criminals.
Theory of crime and criminals.
Prevention and control of criminal activity by potential culprits.
The criminal justice system’s effectiveness
Theories Of crime are an essential component of criminology. The principle is a
phrase that relates to a concept or set of principles that are developed to explain
actual facts or incidents. As a consequence, a theory was propounded or
discussed as probably true but not recognised or proven to be correct, and also
basic rules or concepts relating to a specific subject. Theories Of crime examine
why so many people commit offences and are extremely important in the
current discussion over how violent acts must be dealt with and effectively
4 School of Criminology
During the 18th and 19th centuries, criminology schools flourished.
Criminology is divided into four distinct schools:
1. Pre-Classical school
2. Classical school
3. School of Positivists
4. School of Neo-Classical
5. Sociological School
6. Geographical School
7. Multi Factor School
Pre-Classical School
The demonological school is another term for the pre-classical school. With the
supremacy of the catholic religion in Europe during the 17th century, There
were few scientific explanations for the causes of offence at the time, and the
idea of a criminal act was ambiguous and uncertain.
Classical School
Cesare Beccaria, Romilly, & Romilly are the founders of classical theory. The
core principle of this school is that all men are self-centred and thus highly
susceptible to criminal behaviour. Men, as per this school, have free will and act
as per their pleasures and pains (hedonism). This school rejects the demonism
theory, which states that men act under the influence of bad spirits.
The Classical School of Criminology was brought to light in the late 1700s and
early 1800s. The classical school developed during the Enlightenment in
response to excessive and cruel punishments to crime. Beccaria argued for more
humanitarian forms of punishment and against physical punishment and the
death penalty. He believed that punishment should fit the crime and not be
The classical school developed three main theories, which are still in use
nowadays. They are as follows:
The classical school developed three main theories which are still in use
nowadays. They are as follows:
Rational Choice Theory
According to this theory, crimes were committed as a result of conscious
decisions. Individuals are said to decide to commit the crime out of their own
free consent. Individual people may choose to commit an offence whenever the
benefits exceed the expected costs of breaking the law.
Positivist School
School of Neo-Classicism
The neo-classicist school arose, in part, to address some of the issues raised by
the classical school.
Inconsistencies in classicism, as per Young, Walton & Taylor, embodied
themselves in widespread punitive policy measures as well as in day-to-day
practise. In practise, it was hard to overlook the factors that influence of human
behaviour and simply continue as if appropriate punishment and confinement
could be accurately measured on a certain widespread calculation: aside from
lack information on the application of the law itself, classicism seemed to
contravene commonly held rational and reasonable aspect of human behaviour
& behaviour.
Enables for extenuating factors by taking into account the individual’s situation
(physical and social environment).
A certain amount of allowance was made for an offender’s previous record.
When determining on a sentence, a court must consider the offender’s criminal
history as well as his or her personal circumstances.
This is also called as socialistic school. The supporters of this theory consider
lack of money, economy disparity, poverty are the main causes of crime. When
the difference between the rich and the poor becomes wider and wider and the
problem of poverty and unemployment becomes terrible, then a person commits
This school says that crimes are committed due to external human atmosphere
According to the thinkers –
The multi-factor school is the most popular school. The supporters of this
school say that there are many causes of crimes. According to them, there is no
definite scientific theory of crime.
In theories of crime, including such Green Criminology & eco crime, individual
rights, and human protection, the idea of social serious harm can also be used to
establish new narrative structure possible outcomes. It opens the door to new
ideas about how to regulate worldwide social relationships and innovative facets
of doing things about justice. A range of social as well as criminological
specific concerns could be believed about completely different within such
social damage and supranational institutions set of rules.
juvenile delinquent
A juvenile delinquent is a young person who is guilty of committing crimes, especially destruction of
property or violence.
Section 30 in The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Rules, 2007
30 Shelter Homes. —
(1) For children in urgent need of care and protection, such as street children and run-
away children, the State Government shall support creation of requisite number of shelter
homes or drop-in-centres through the voluntary organizations.
(2) Shelter homes shall include: *(g) short-stay homes for children needing temporary
shelter, care and protection for a maximum period of one year, *(h) transitional homes
providing immediate care and protection to a child for a maximum period of four months,
*(i) 24 hour drop-in-centres for children needing day care or night shelter facility.
(3) The shelter homes or drop-in-centres shall have the minimum facilities of boarding
and lodging, besides the provision for fulfilment of basic needs in terms of clothing, food,
health care and nutrition, safe drinking water and sanitation.
(4) There shall be separate shelter homes for girls and boys as per rule 40(2)(d) of these
(5) All shelter homes shall provide requisite facilities for education, vocational training,
counselling and recreation or make arrangements for it in collaboration with voluntary
organizations or corporate sector.
(6) The Committee, Special Juvenile Police Units, public servants, childlines, voluntary
organizations, social workers and the children themselves may refer a child to such
shelter homes.
(7) All shelter homes shall submit a report of children using the shelter home facility
along with a photograph of the child to the Committee, the missing persons bureau or
special juvenile police unit and the District Child Protection Unit or the State Child
Protection Unit.
(8) The requirements of producing a child received by a shelter home before the
Committee, inquiry and disposal under sections 32, 33, 38 and 39 of the Act shall apply
only to shelter homes other than drop-in-centres as specified in rule 30(2)(c) of these
(9) The services of Officer-in-charge, child welfare officer, social worker shall be
provided for the proper care, protection, development, rehabilitation and reintegration
needs of children in shelter homes.
(10) No child shall ordinarily stay in a short stay home for more than a year except in
special circumstances with the approval of the Committee.
Syndicate Crime:
This is the most significant area of organized crime and consist of the supply
of illegal goods and services; smuggling, bootlegging, gambling, prostitution and
foreign exchange violations are examples of such crimes. There are frontmen at
various levels executing the work assigned to them.
An intermittent sentence is a jail sentence that the offender serves in ”chunks” of time,
instead of all at once. For example, if an offender gets an intermittent sentence, they may
go jail on the weekends, (i.e., Friday night until Monday morning) but be out of jail during the
What is Recidivism?
The definition of Recidivism is a relapse, or return, to a specific behavior, generally in a
negative context. Criminal recidivism is a return to illegal behavior following release from
prison. In the United States, recidivism is assessed over the three-year period following an
individual's release. If an individual relapses in criminal behavior and gets arrested or sent
back to prison, theirs is considered a case of recidivism.
Recidivism is one of the biggest obstacles incarcerated individuals face upon prison release.
One of the most effective means of combatting this phenomenon within prisons is
rehabilitative programming. Through these initiatives, which equip individuals with
emotional coping skills to aid in the transition out of prison, vocational skills to support a
return to the workforce, and educational opportunities to support inmates who wish to further
their learning. Lack of this programming correlates directly with higher rates of recidivism.
The more training, education, and support that incarcerated individuals receive whilst in
prison, the higher their chances are of successfully avoiding recidivist actions.
Speed Normal
Causes of Recidivism
Recidivism rates are the metrics of individuals returning to criminal activity after being
released from prison. This can happen for many reasons.
It has been proven that men experience higher rates of recidivism in all criminal categories
(drugs, property, assault, battery, etc.), while women only experience slightly raised rates of
recidivism in the categories of property and drug-related crime. These differences may be due
to the social groups individuals return to, employment opportunities or lack thereof, need for
vocational skills in order to step away from criminal forms of earning income, familial
responsibilities, and more. On the whole, however, women are markedly less likely to
experience recidivism than men, but both groups have shown reduced rates of recidivism
when given the chance to complete probation instead of prison time.
Race impacts recidivism in rates of arrest and imprisonment, sentence length, and life after
prison. Non-white individuals receive notably harsher sentences than their white counterparts.
These longer sentences directly correlate to higher rates of recidivism, as the longer an
individual is kept out of mainstream society, the harder it is to reenter it successfully.
Additionally, non-white communities (particularly Black communities) experience
disproportionate rates of poverty, resource access, and police violence.. These factors
contribute to rates of recidivism, as community members return home to the communities
where they chose, or felt forced to choose, criminal activity in the first place.
Police Misconduct
Police misconduct can also contribute to recidivism. Excessive and inappropriate use of force
by officers on individuals can elicit responses or trigger arrests that return an individual to the
carceral system. Police misconduct has been experienced more often by individuals
previously involved in the criminal justice system, as well as people of color.
Mandatory Sentences
The 1984 Sentencing Reform Act made minimum sentences (also known as mandatory
sentences) required in all trials, removing the power that judges previously had to assign
prison term lengths based on individual cases. Mandatory sentencing has caused an uptick in
imprisonment, sending more individuals into incarceration instead of offering alternative
means of serving time for criminal activity (parole, probation, etc.). Because The Sentencing
Reform Act sent more people to prison, more individuals experience recidivism. The best
way to combat recidivism is to reduce the number of individuals sent to prison. Mandatory
sentencing makes that much harder to do.
Born Criminal
“Born Criminal” is a theory brought forward in the 18th century by Italian
criminologist Cesare Lombroso. Lombroso's theory suggested that criminals are
distinguished from noncriminals by multiple physical anomalies.
Double Jeopardy
The doctrine of double jeopardy is a rule that states that no one should be put
twice in peril for the same offence. “No individual shall be arrested and punished
for the same offence more than once,” the Indian Constitution said in article 20(2).
What is atavism criminal justice?
Cesare Lombroso's atavism theory argues that criminals are primitive savages
who are evolutionarily backward compared to normal citizens. According to
Lombroso, born criminals possess an array of stigmata or markers that may be
considered putative evidence of their criminality.
Jail Manual
The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh has approved the new Model Prison Manual
consisting of 32 chapters which aims at bringing in basic uniformity in laws, rules and
regulations governing the administration of prisons and the management of prisoners
all over the country.
Here is the list of 8 Indian Jails You Can Go To Without Getting Convicted
Tihar Jail, Delhi. ...
Yerwada Jail, Maharashtra. ...
Madras Central Jail, Chennai. ...
Naini Central Jail, Uttar Pradesh. ...
Rajahmundry Central Jail, Andhra Pradesh. ...
Hijli Jail, West Bengal.
Definition of on probation
Probation is a type of criminal sentence that is served by an offender instead of a jail
sentence. It is a period of supervision of a criminal offender by a corrections officer, usually
in the form of a probation officer.
the study of the punishment of crime and of prison management.
Causes of crime
Poverty. Poverty is one of the main reasons for crime. ...
Peer Pressure. It is an established fact that peer pressure plays a significant role in
the lives of all teenagers and young adults. ...
Drugs. Crime and drug abuse are closely related. ...
Politics. ...
Religion. ...
Background. ...
Society. ...
Table of Contents hide
1.1) Lack of education
1.2) Poverty
Lack of education
Prison states that their goal is to treat and rehabilitate them. But
it is found that offenders are not properly reformed. In prison the
offenders suffer from mental distress. Thus after releasing from
jail they again join back o criminal activity.
In simple word Recidivism means some people will re-offend after
they have been convicted. Recidivism is a vital component to
understand criminal justice system. However, determining why
people re-offend and measuring how often they do so proves to
be much more difficult. In this I have given the reason for
recidivism but there are many other reasons which need to find
out which lead offenders to commit the crime again. Further,
proper measure need to be taken to curb recidivism.
Atavistic Form
Features of the thief: expressive face, manual dexterity, and small,
wandering eyes.
Features of the murderer: cold, glassy stares, bloodshot eyes and
big hawk-like nose.
Features of sex offenders: thick lips and protruding ears.
Features of women offenders: shorter and more wrinkled, darker
hair and smaller skulls than ‘normal’ women.
He also claimed the 'born criminal' had a liking for tattoos, cruel and wicked
games and their own language through a primeval slang (a throwback to their
savage ancestry).
Lombroso argued that criminals were not to blame for their criminal activities
as their behavior was determined by their physiology. This theory was
influenced by Darwin’s theory of evolution. (The Origin of the Species was
published in 1859)
Critical Evaluation
Lombroso became known as the father of modern criminology. He was
one of the first to study crime and criminals scientifically, Lombroso’s
theory of the born criminal dominated thinking about criminal behavior
in the late 19th and early 20th century. This was an important shift from
the thinking which had dominated this field for thousands of years
which had analysed crime on moral and religious terms and therefore
crime was not seen as a legitimate topic for scientific study.
However, the research carried out by Lombroso lacked the rigour we
now expect from scientific studies. He did not use a control group
against which to compare his participants. Furthermore, Lombroso
interpreted the presence of some physical characteristics as a cause of
offending behavior but it could be argued that these traits might have
interacted with social factors.
According to Agnew (1992), possessing these unpleasant physical
characteristics might lead to unpleasant social interactions, this leads to
frustration and anger which, in turn, lead to offending behavior.
Goring (1913) carried out a study comparing over 2000 London convicts
with a control group. He failed to replicate Lombroso’s findings.
Lombroso argued that the physical characteristics he identified were
innate but this might not have been the case, they might have been
influenced by environmental factors such as poor nutrition in
This theory is deterministic as it implies that possessing particular
innate physical characteristics is likely to lead to crime. It does not take
into account the influence of free will and moral/ religious values. This
limits its usefulness as it cannot explain individual differences.
This explanation is socially sensitive; some of the features described by
Lombroso are linked to skin colour and other traits are associated with
the concept of race so it has been accused of scientific racism.
Furthermore this theory has also been used to support eugenics.
Eugenics is a philosophy arguing that those who are born with genetic
advantages should be allowed to breed for the good of society but those
who are born with genetic disadvantages should be eliminated to
improve the genetic quality of the human population.
White-Collar Crime
A type of non-violent crime that is financially motivated
The difference between white-collar crime and blue-collar crime stems from
the different types of criminal activity that the criminal has access to
engage in.
1. Fraud
2. Insider trading
Insider trading is trading done with the benefit of the trader possessing
material, non-public information that gives him or her an advantage in the
financial markets. For example, an employee at an investment bank may
know that Company A is preparing to acquire Company B. The employee
can buy stock in Company B with the expectation that the company’s stock
will rise significantly in price once the acquisition becomes public
3. Ponzi scheme
Identity theft and computer system “hacking” are two of the most
widespread computer crimes. It’s estimated that losses from identity theft
in the United States alone totaled nearly $2 billion in 2019. California, with
over 73,000 cases of identity theft reported, was the state whose citizens
suffered the most from the crime – Florida was a very distant second with
37,000 reported cases.
5. Embezzlement
Our money has become more colorful and expanded in detail because it
had to in order to combat counterfeiting. With today’s computers and
advanced laser printers, the old currency was just too easy to copy.
However, it’s questionable how successful the government’s efforts in this
area have been. Rumor has it that very high-quality copies of the new $100
bill were available within 24 hours of the new bill first being issued.
7. Money laundering
8. Espionage
1. Individual crimes
It’s difficult to keep in mind that the term “hacking” – where a computer
criminal breaks into a large database, such as the credit card records of a
retail store, to steal both identity information and money – didn’t even exist
in the mainstream culture 30 years ago.
Also, many considered the terms “phishing,” “email scam,” and the all-
encompassing “cybercrime” as foreign. Computers gave us tools and
capabilities that formerly didn’t even exist.
However, “progress” always comes with a price – and the price tag for our
computerized and cell phone-connected world is a whole new category of
crimes that, like computers and cell phones themselves, simply didn’t exist
until the advent of new technology made such crimes possible.
Various types of Cyber crime attack modes are 1) Hacking 2) Denial Of Service
Attack 3) Software Piracy 4) Phishing 5) Spoofing. Some important tool use for
preventing cyber attack are 1)Kali Linux, 2) Ophcrack, 3) EnCase, 4) SafeBack, 5)
Data Dumber
Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) collects data on persons held under
sentence of death and persons executed during the calendar year from the
state department of corrections and the Federal Bureau of Prisons,
see Capital Punishment series. Reports produced from this collection
summarize the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status.
The data describe prisoners’ sex, race, Hispanic origin, education, marital
status, age at time of arrest for the capital offense, and legal status at the
time of the offense. Reports also include information on removals, including
execution trends and time between imposition of death sentence and
execution. BJS also collects preliminary counts of executions during the
following year to provide web users with the most recent available data,
see Prisoners executed.
Commission of crime
To commit a crime (including organised crime), there are four stages that
needs to be fulfilled. First, there should be an intention to commit a crime.
Secondly, there must be some preparation to give effect to the crime. Third,
there should be an attempt, i.e., presence of some action in pursuance of the
crime being committed. Lastly, the attempt should be accomplished for the
commission of that crime.
Another important characteristic of an organised crime is that it is not a one-
time event, but rather on a regular basis, just as a business. It is because of
this aspect of continuity that the term is referred to as ‘organised’, since a
structure has been created wherein similar activities (crimes) are being
conducted regularly to earn profits.
Money laundering
Money laundering is one of the most serious crimes which can severely affect
any economy in several aspects. This crime is specifically governed by
the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002. It is a way by which illegal
money earned from sources such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, etc.
are diverted to create an impression that such money comes from a
legitimate source. Many criminals are engaged in this profession where they
help people with an illegal income to convert it into a legitimate income.
Smuggling is another major economic offence in a form of organised crime.
This is mostly governed by the Customs Act, 1962. It is natural that the
goods which are illegal in the territory of India or heavily taxed are smuggled
to continue their trade or maintain profits. With a change in fiscal policy, the
definition of smuggled goods vary but it is mostly items such as contraband
substances, valuable jewels, electronics, certain fabrics, etc. which are
smuggled in India. Due to the vast coastline, it becomes easy for people to
smuggle goods.
Drug trafficking
Drug trafficking is another major crime that poses a threat to the younger
population of India, considering its drastic effects on physical and mental
health. It is usually considered that the most important reason for the high
rate of drug trafficking is the geographical condition of India. It is located
between the Golden Triangle (Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos) on the
northeast and Golden Crescent (Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran) on the
northwest- both of which are the two largest sources of illicit drugs in Asia.
Resultantly, this form of organised crime has become more prevalent and
significant in the country.
Human trafficking
Article 23 of the Indian Constitution explicitly prohibits human trafficking.
Further, there are various trafficking prohibition laws discussed in the latter
part of the article. Human trafficking is one of the most significant and
heinous organised crimes. This involves women trafficking, child trafficking,
trading in sex workers, etc. A book titled “Indian Mafia” by S.K. Ghosh has
revealed that there are more than twenty-five lakh prostitutes in the country
and roughly, three lakh prostitutes get into the profession every year.
Prostitution per se is not a crime but forcefully dragging young girls or
running a brothel imposes criminal liability. Moreover, human trafficking is
undoubtedly a crime.
Criminal conspiracy
Section 120A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) deals with criminal
conspiracy. Where two or more persons agree to commit a crime, then they
can be punished for criminal conspiracy. The exception clearly provides that
it is immaterial whether the object of such crime committed is the main
intention or incidental. Hence, organised crimes shall definitely be governed
by this provision. Further, Section 120B of the IPC imposes criminal liability
which can extend up to death punishment and even heavy fines.
Preventive laws
Miscellaneous laws
Apart from these laws, there are various other laws that govern certain
specific organised crimes. To exemplify, the Narcotics Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Act, 1884 govern the cases relating to trafficking of
different narcotic substances; Customs Act, 1962 governs and imposes
liability for cases related to smuggling; Prevention of Money Laundering Act,
2002 governs the cases relating to money laundering. Apart from these,
there are many other laws such as the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act,
1956; the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973, the Public Gambling Act,
1867 etc.
Slow trials
Though these organised criminals are tried under different laws, the whole
process of trials is very slow and there is a very low conviction rate because
in most of the cases, in such a long period of time, the witnesses deny to
come out of fear and in some cases, the pieces of evidence are lost.
Obtaining proof
As mentioned earlier, most of the witnesses deny coming out of fear, so even
if they are arrested, they are later acquitted because of insufficient evidence
and longevity of time. These players are really strong and influential in their
area of operations and naturally, people would not wish to risk their lives by
providing statements against them.
Lack of resources
A major part of the country is still unorganised and lack of proper resources
and technology become an obstacle in way of curbing organised crime. The
lower-ranked police officers are not given sufficient powers and a statement
before them is not an admissible evidence. Further, these officers do not
have sufficient equipment to tap these criminals.
Lack of coordination
Since there is no central agency controlling these activities, every state has
its own way of functioning. These criminals do not stay for long at one place
and keep migrating every now and then. In such cases, due to lack of
coordination, it becomes difficult and sometimes, impossible to catch them.
The aforesaid discussion reveals the concept of organised crime where the
ultimate intention of the criminals is not to harm someone but rather make
profits, however, some form of injury is caused. Some common features of
these crimes have also been mentioned above. Such crimes occur in various
forms including drug trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering,
contract killings, etc. There are various central and state laws such as the
Indian Penal Code, PMLA, NDPS Act, preventive laws, etc. to govern and curb
organised crimes. Despite the existence of various legislation, the State has
not been successful in curbing these crimes to a considerable extent. This is
because of various challenges faced by the State such as lack of proper
enforcement, lack of resources, slow trials, difficulty in obtaining proof, etc.
In light of these circumstances, it is imperative that the Parliament bring in
some laws specifically governing organised crimes and form diplomatic
relations with other nations since many of these crimes are transnational in
The term probation and parole are the two alternatives to the
incarceration, wherein the conduct of the offender is supervised
according to the law. Probation can be understood as a penalty
imposed by the court in which the criminal offender is not detained but
allowed to remain in the community, on the promise of good behaviour,
subject to the supervision of the probation officer.
1. Comparison Chart
2. Definition
3. Key Differences
4. Conclusion
Comparison Chart
Meaning Probation is the suspension of Parole implies the early release of the
sentence of an offender and allowing convict before the expiry of the sentence
them to stay in the community while term, to serve the rest of the protion in the
inculcating good behavior, under the community, while ensuring good behavior
supervision of an officer. and subject to specific conditions.
Grant Prior to the incarceration. After the offender has completed a certain
portion of his prison sentence.
Allowed to First time offenders and crimes that Criminals that are already under detention.
does not involve violence.
Definition of Probation
The condition of probation differs regarding the accused and the criminal
offence, which encompasses community service, fines, reporting to a
probationary officer, restriction on consumption of drugs and alcohol,
counselling, jail time and so forth.
Definition of Parole
By the term, parole is meant the grant of release to the convict, only
when he has served a part of his punishment in jail.
The points stated below are relevant, so far as the difference between
probation and parole is concerned:
By and large, probation and parole share many similar aspects but are
not one and the same thing as probation is for those offenders who do
not have any previous criminal record, whereas parole is for those
convicts who are serving detention due to a serious crime committed by
them, but pursues good behaviour and follows the rules of jail properly.
So, for that, they are awarded parole.
The term Criminology is derived from an Italian Professor of law “Raffaele
Garofalo” as Criminologia. After that, a French Anthropologist “Paul
Topinard” used the analogous French term Criminologie.
There is no universally accepted definition of criminology. However,
According to Law Lexicon
“Criminology is the study of crime, its nature, its causes, its detection, and prevention.”
According to Dr. Kenny
“Criminology is the branch of criminal science that deals with the causes of crime,
analysis, and prevention of crime.”
Main Purpose of Criminology
The main purpose of criminology is to know different aspects and causes of crime.
These will help in the treatment and rehabilitation of criminals again in society.
Nature of Criminology
Criminology is an interdisciplinary field of study, involving scholars and
practitioners. It represents a wide range of behavioral and social sciences as well as
natural sciences.
It deals with the research of sociologists, psychologists, and writings in law.
Scope of Criminology
The word scope means the maximum extent to which a certain field is applicable or
has influence.
1. It is the study of the origin and development of criminal laws.
Criminology studies how criminal laws are evolved under different circumstances. It
also presents certain types of punishments to prevent crime.
2. It analyses the causation of crime and the personality of the
In criminology, we study the reasons for criminal behavior and when and how a man
turns into a criminal. We study the subject that why some people commit crimes
while others do not commit crimes.
3. It helps us in the detection and investigation of crime.
Criminology is modern science that helps us a lot to detect and investigate the
reasons behind the crime.
4. It is the study of different factors behind the crime.
Criminology also studies various factors that enhance a crime such as Criminal
Sociology, Criminal Psychiatry, Victimology, Criminal Ecology, Criminal
Demography, and Criminal Physical Anthropology.
5. It studies the reasons for the development of criminals.
After discovering the origin of crime, criminologists study the factors due to which
people develop a criminal attitude.
6. It tells us the ways to arrest and apprehend criminals
Criminology tells us various ways to arrest and treat habitual criminals as well.
7. It helps us to understand the criminal behavior and the etiology
Understanding the behavior and psychology of criminals is of great importance. So,
criminology helps a lot in this noble job.
8. It studies the methods adopted by the criminals to commit crimes
Criminology studies various methods and measures which are adopted by the
offenders for the violation of criminal laws.
9. It looks at the reaction of society regarding crime.
After the commission of a crime, criminology as science looks upon the rection of
society towards the offender or the crime committed. The purpose is to get the views
of society about the crime.
10. It helps us in the prevention of crime
Criminology presents various methods to prevent crime. It plans different ways to
deter criminals. In this way, they are threatened to commit crimes because they
know that they will be punished if they were found accused of any criminal activity.
11. It develops the concept of rehabilitation
Criminology encourages us to establish rehabilitation centers in the country so that
the criminals must be treated in a fine and healthy way. In this way, they may
become responsible men in society.
Criminology is the scientific study of nature, extent, causes, consequences, and
prevention of criminal behavior on the individual as well as social levels.
Criminology is rewarding and a fascinating field due to its broad scope and
Criminal activities : their
nature, scope and problems in
Any act that is forbidden by the law to perform is committed by any person
or any act that is ordered by the law to perform is refused to perform, then
such an act or refusal is called a crime. A crime is an unlawful or illegal
activity. Such activity, however, can be differentiated either as criminal
activity or civil wrong. The question that arises is, what can be denoted as
criminal activity or civil wrong?
There have been several jurists and philosophers who have given their
definition of crime. Famous English jurist William Blackstone had defined the
term crime as any such act that had been committed or had been omitted in
the violation of any public law is termed as a crime. Sergeant Stephen, an
English philosopher, had also defined crime. According to his definition, crime
is not only any such act or omission which is punishable by law but also such
acts which hurt the moral sentiments of the society. Prof. Kenny, a famous
jurist, too had defined crime. As per him, crime can be only denoted to such
acts which are punishable and only remissible by the State, if the State feels
so. However, this definition has gained little criticism. This definition has
been criticized on the fact that criminal activities can only be remissible by
the State, but some compoundable offences can be amicably sorted out
within the private persons.
Nature of criminal activity
Certain principles determine the nature of criminal activity. Those principles
Crime against the body – IPC recognizes crime against the body in
the form of murder, kidnapping, abduction, hurt, causing death by
Crime against property – IPC recognizes robbery, theft, dacoity,
preparation, and assembly to commit dacoity, burglary as crimes
against property.
Crimes against public order – IPC recognizes riots, arson, etc.
Economic crimes – IPC recognizes criminal breach of trust, cheating,
counterfeiting, etc.
Crimes against a woman – Rape, assault, dowry death, cruelty by
husband and his relatives, etc.
IPC also recognizes crimes against children. For example,
kidnapping for slavery, kidnapping from lawful guardianship,
procuration for minor girls, etc.
All other crimes mentioned in IPC come under the scope of criminal
Certain special and local Acts also determine criminal activities and give
punishments. Some of them are the Narcotics Drug and Psychotropic Act,
1985, Arms Act, 1959, the Public Gambling Act, 1867, Excise Act,
1958, Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956, Indian Railways Act,
1989, Essential Commodities Act, 1955, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, etc.
Human beings
The term human being is not defined in the IPC, but IPC has defined ‘man’,
‘woman’, ‘persons’, ‘public’, and ‘gender’. As per IPC, the term ‘gender’
denotes both male and female unless stated anything else expressly in any
provision or statutes. In the case of Girdhar Gopal v. State (1952), the issue
was that the term ‘he’ used in Section 354 of IPC denoted only the male or
both male and female. The High Court of Madhya Pradesh had held that the
term ‘he’ will denote both men and women. Thus, a man or a woman will be
held guilty for outraging the modesty of a woman based on the
circumstances of the case.
The IPC has also defined the terms ‘man’ and ‘woman’. According to IPC,
‘man’ can be stated as any male of any age and ‘woman’ can be stated as
any female of any age. IPC commenced in the year 1860. At that time, the
concept of the third gender was not recognized by IPC. However, over the
years, it has been observed that the third gender needs to be recognized
under IPC and other laws. Due to their non-recognition, they were
discriminated against from getting justice or rights and could not enjoy the
fundamental rights guaranteed by the constitution. Thus, in the landmark
case of National Legal Services Authority v. Union Of India (2012), the
honourable Supreme Court had held that all those persons who, at the time
of their birth, were neither male nor female will be denoted as the third
gender and they will be recognized under the Indian law. This was mainly
done to safeguard them and enable them to enjoy their fundamental rights,
social, economic, political, and other legal rights. The ambit of the term ‘man’
and ‘woman’ is very wide, but it does not include anyone in the womb of a
The IPC has also defined the term ‘person’. Under IPC, a ‘person’ can be both
a natural person like any human being and any artificial person like any
corporation or company, or association. The term ‘person’ also includes a
body of persons or any idols which is often stated as a legal person.
However, in criminal cases, the corporations are only held liable for any
quasi-criminal offences like non-repair of bridges, nuisance, trespass,
forgery, etc. Corporations can never be held liable for offences like murder,
robbery, or everything which falls under the purview of offences against the
State, and for any offence whose punishment has been prescribed as
imprisonment or death. An unborn child in the womb of a mother is also
considered a person under Section 11 of IPC.
Under IPC, the term ‘public’ is used for any class of public or community. IPC
does not lay down the definition but states out what can come under the
term ‘public’. This term cannot be interpreted widely.
Mens rea
It is one of the most important essentials required to claim an act as a
criminal activity. Criminal law keenly observes the behaviour or conduct of
the person who had committed the crime. It is believed that the conduct of a
person is very important to determine an accused is guilty or innocent. In
criminal law, an activity to be denoted as criminal activity, the act must
consist of some manifestation of physical behaviour; any sort of mental
element present to execute the crime.
In the case of Om Prakash v. State of Uttarakhand, (2003), it was held that
the motive of a crime is not necessary to determine conviction. In this case,
the court turned down the plea of absence of motive for the commission of
the crime where the guilt of the accused had been already proved. Under
Indian law, the doctrine of mens rea has been used in two different ways.
Firstly, in IPC, offences in themselves have been stated with words like
‘voluntarily’, ‘intentionally’, and ‘knowingly’, which thereby shows the usage
of the doctrine. Secondly, the doctrine of mens rea had also been
incorporated in Chapter IV of IPC where the general exceptions are stated.
Actus reus
‘Actus reus’ means an act or a deed committed by any person. Generally, it
means the physical commission of a deed either by committing something
which was prohibited by law to do or refusal of any act which was stated by
law to do. It is the physical result of human conduct. In the case of Moti
Singh v. State of Uttar Pradesh (1963), it was observed that two gunshots
were fired at the victim. The victim, after two to three weeks, succumbed to
injuries. However, to prove that the victim was murdered, it was necessary
to prove that the victim died due to the gunshots fired at him. The mens rea
and actus rea are interlinked to each other. There is no mens rea without
actus reus. The presence of mere malice without the commission of any act
would not amount to criminal activity. For example, if a man had in mind
thought to kill a woman, but he had not done any such act, then it would not
amount to a crime.
Injury has been defined by the IPC. The term injury has a wider ambit under
IPC. It not only includes bodily harm but also includes harm to one’s mind,
reputation, or property. An injury will be only determined as an element of
an offence if it has been caused illegally. If the injury has not happened due
to any illegal activity, it will not amount to any offence. The injury can be
against one person, group of persons or society at large.
Any criminal activity does not affect just the victim or their family, it also
affects the whole society. It creates lifelong trauma in society because
society and crime are interrelated. They cannot be separated as the accused
at some point in his/her life had been part of the same society and also
where he/she commits such unlawful acts is also the society. Thus, it is very
crucial to prevent such criminal activities. There have been various laws
made to punish the offenders. As of 2021, it has been reported by Delhi, the
capital of India, that the crime rates have dropped down to almost 15% from
the previous year in Delhi. However, in some other states in India, the crime
rate has risen to an alarming rate as compared to the previous year.
Regarding the prevention of criminal activities, the main power lies with the
state governments, therefore more strict and speedy actions should be taken
to combat such activities. If any State feels that certain laws need to be
amended which would help prevent such criminal activity, they should
immediately convey it to the concerned authority.
Neo-Classical School of
Criminology and Its
Published by Admin on March 10, 2022