Economic Survey Summary Vasavi
Economic Survey Summary Vasavi
Economic Survey Summary Vasavi
[Document subtitle]
Ch. No. Chapter Name Page No
2. Fiscal Developments 6
3. External Sector 12
9. Jay Ho: Ayushman Bharat's Jan Arogya Yojana (Jay) And Health Outcomes 32
Introduction 2022-23.
• COVID-19 pandemic: The last two years have been difficult • Pickup in private sector investment: The year ahead poised
cor the world economy on account of the COVID-19 pandemic. for a pickup in private sector investment with the financial
Repeated waves of infection, supply-chain disruptions system in good position to provide support for economy’s revival.
and, more recently, inflation have created particularly • Projection: These perditions are comparable with World Bank
challenging times for policy-making. and Asian Development Bank’s latest forecasts of real GDP growth
• Analyzing the aspects Putting the spotlight on the way forward of 8.7 percent and 7.5 percent respectively for 2022-23.
after the pandemic, the Economic Survey of 2021- 22 has • As per IMF’s latest World Economic Outlook projections:
analysed aspects such as inflation, global liquidity measures, India’s real GDP is projected to grow at 9 percent in 2021-22
and rising energy prices to detail the risks for the economy going and 2022-23 and at 7.1 percent in 2023-2024, which would
ahead. make India the fastest growing major economy in the world for
• It has also taken stock of growing revenues to indicate the all 3years.
availability of fiscal space, should the government see the • Agriculture and allied sectors: It is expected to grow by 3.9
need to provide additional support. percent; industry by 11.8 percent and services sector by 8.2 percent
• The Survey has noted that growth in 2022-23 will be in 2021-22.
supported by widespread vaccine coverage, gains from supply-side • On demand side consumption is estimated to grow by
reforms and easing of regulations, robust export growth, and 7.0 percent, Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) by 15 percent,
the availability of fiscal space to ramp up capital spending. exports by 16.5 percent and imports by 29.4 percent in 2021-22.
• Macroeconomic stability indicators: They suggest that the
Key highlights
Indian Economy is well placed to take on the challenges of 2022-
• Growth: Indian economy estimated to grow by 9.2 percent in
real terms in 2021-22 (as per first advanced estimates)
Investment, as measured by Gross Fixed Capital Formation
subsequent to a contraction of 7.3 percent in 2020-21.
(GFCF) is expected to see strong growth of 15 per cent in
• GDP projected to grow by 8- 8.5 percent in real terms in
2021-22 and achieve full recovery of pre-
Economic Survey 2021-2022
pandemic level.
safety-nets to cushion the impact on vulnerable sections
• Buffer against possible global liquidity tapering of society and the business sector, significant increase in
Combination of high foreign exchange reserves, sustained foreign capital expenditure to spur growth and supply side reforms for a
direct investment, and rising export earnings will provide adequate sustained long-term expansion.
buffer against possible global liquidity tapering in 2022-23.
• Government’s flexible and multi-layered response: It is
• Economic impact of “second wave”: It was much smaller partly based on an “Agile” framework that uses feedback-
than that during the full lockdown phase in 2020-21, though loops, and the use of eighty High Frequency Indicators (HFIs)
health impact was more severe. in an environment of extreme uncertainty.
• Government of India’s unique response: It comprised of Agile is an iterative approach to project management and
software development that helps teams deliver value to their
customers faster and with fewer headaches.
Gross Domestic Output (Constant Prices, Base Year: 2011-12)
activity”, and the importance of vaccination in the re-opening of safety nets to cushion the impact on vulnerable sections of
contact-intensive sector. society/business. It is a flexible policy response based on a
• Macro economic indicator: Vaccination is not merely a Bayesian updating of the information.
health response but is critical for opening up the economy and Other leg of the barbell strategy is to cushion for unpredictable
therefore, it should be treated for now, as a macro economic negative outcomes by providing safety nets.
indicator. Over the course of a year, India delivered 157 crore doses.
Economic Survey 2021-2022
Revenue Collection
• Net tax revenue to the Centre, which was envisaged to grow at
8.5 per cent in 2021-22 BE relative to 2020-21 PA, grew at
64.9 per cent during April to November 2021 over April to
November 2020 and at 51.2 per cent over April to November 2019.
• Within direct taxes, personal income tax has grown at 47.2 percent
over April-November 2020 and at 29.2 per cent over the
April-November 2019. The corporate income tax registered a
growth of 90.4 per cent over April-November 2020 and
• The agile fiscal policy response adopted by the Government 22.5 per cent over April-November 2019.
of India encompassed a change in mix of the stimulus measures • The indirect tax receipts have registered a YoY growth of 38.6 per
amidst an uncertain evolution of the pandemic situation. cent in the first eight months of this fiscal year. The rise in
• In the initial phase of the pandemic, the fiscal policy focused imports of goods and services ensued due to the recovery in both
on building safety-nets for the poor and vulnerable sections manufacturing sector and consumption demand, have led to a rise
of society to hedge against the worst-case outcomes. in customs collection.
• Stimulus measures such as direct benefit transfers to the
vulnerable sections, emergency credit to the small
Economic Survey 2021-2022
New guidelines for reforms in Public Procurement and years, they have been given exemption from filing income
Project Management tax returns if they only have pension income and interest income.
• The Government issued new guidelines for procurement and project The time limit for reopening of assessment has also been reduced
management in October 2021, which have expanded the ambit of from six years to three years.
selecting bidders for executing government projects and procuring Certain non-resident persons have also been exempted
goods and services. The key changes in the procurement process are from the requirement of furnishing of income tax returns,
as follows: subject to fulfillment of prescribed conditions.
Quality-cum-Cost Based Selection (QCBS) for Works To reduce litigation, Finance Act 2021 has introduced a special
and Non-Consultancy Services: The revised guidelines mechanism for dispute resolution to reduce the disputes
now allow QCBS for the selection of bidders for works and non- particularly for small and medium taxpayers having
consultancy services as well (where estimated value of
procurement does not exceed 10 crore). Measures to boost investment
Fixing of Evaluation/ Qualification and Scoring • The Taxation Laws (Amendment) Act 2021 has provided
Criteria under QCBS for Works and Non- Consultancy that no tax demand shall be raised in future on the basis of the
Services: In order to ensure quality, the procuring entities said retrospective amendment for any offshore indirect transfer of
now have the freedom to amend the specifications based Indian assets if the transaction was undertaken before 28th May
on their requirements and make any criteria used in 2012.
evaluation mandatory. • Incentives have been provided by Finance Act 2020 to encourage
Stringent deadlines for making payments: The new foreign investments of Sovereign Wealth Funds and Pension Funds
guidelines stipulate timely release of payments of 75 per cent or into the infrastructure sector of India.
more of bills raised within 10 working days of the submission of • In order to incentivize start-ups, the eligibility for claiming tax
the bill. The remaining bill payment is to be made after final holiday has been extended for start-ups incorporated till 31 st
checking within 28 working days. The procuring entity is also March 2022 by the Finance Act 2021.
liable to pay interest if the payment of bills is delayed by over
• The capital gains exemption for investment in start-ups has
30 working days.
also been extended for one more year till 31st March 2022.
Single bid rejection: The new rules stipulate public
• Various tax incentives have been provided for units located in
authorities to consider single bid as valid provided that the
the International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) in order to make
procurement was satisfactorily advertised, sufficient time
it a hub for financial services in the world.
was given for submission of bids, the qualitative criteria
were not unduly restrictive and prices are reasonable in Promoting digital transactions
comparison to market values.
• Through the Finance Act 2021, the monetary threshold of getting
Fixed Budget based Selection for Consultancy
books of accounts audited has been increased to Rs 10 crores in
Services: Under this method, the cost of consulting services
case of businesses whose total turnover or gross receipts made in
shall be specified as an affixed budget in the tender
cash does not exceed 5 percent of the total turnover or gross receipts
document itself. Because of the basic and repetitive nature of
and the total expenditure including purchases made in cash does
the consultancy work, its budget can be reasonably
not exceed 5 percent of the total expenditure during the previous
Direct Tax measures by CBDT during 2021-22
Measures undertaken to curb Tax Evasion and
• Ease of compliance for taxpayers: promote the widening of tax-base
Most of the processes and compliance requirements
• For widening the tax net of Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) and
have been shifted to online platforms and the need for the
Tax Collection at Source (TCS) several new transactions were
taxpayers to physically visit the Income Tax Offices has
brought into its ambit.
been eliminated or minimized.
• In order to promote the furnishing of income-tax returns, a
A new e-filing portal was launched in 2021 with improved
special provision has been inserted to the Act to deduct/ collect tax
features such as a new taxpayer- friendly portal integrated
at higher rates in case of certain persons who have not filed their
with immediate processing of ITR return, pre-filled returns,
income tax return for both of the preceding two previous years
free of cost ITR preparation software, new call centre for
taxpayer assistance including chatbot/ live agent and mobile app and the tax deducted/ collected was greater than Rs 50,000 in each
function. of the two years.
To ease the burden of senior citizens above the age of 75
Economic Survey 2021-2022
Indirect tax measures by CBIC during 2021-22 • To provide relief to the taxpayers from the high amount of late
(Customs): fee accumulated on pending GSTR-3B returns, a late fee
• The Most Favored Nations rates of Basic Custom Duties have amnesty scheme has been brought out in respect of pending returns
been increased in recent years on such items which are being in FORM GSTR-3B for the tax periods from July, 2017 to April,
manufactured in India or which domestic industry aspires to 2021.
• To reduce the burden of late fee on smaller taxpayers, late fee
• Under the Phased Manufacturing Plan (PMP) in respect of structure (under section 47 of the CGST Act) has been rationalized
significant products like mobile phones, other electronic for prospective tax periods from June 2021 onwards by aligning the
goods like TVs, electric vehicles, batteries, solar panel etc, upper cap of late fee with tax liability/ turnover of the taxpayers.
the Basic Custom Duties (BCD) rates in respect of different stages • Retrospective amendment of section 50 of CGST Act, 2017 was
of the value chain of these products are calibrated in a manner that
done to provide interest payment on net cash basis with effect from
encourages gradual deepening of domestic value addition. .
01.07.2017 to facilitate the taxpayers and to help in removing
• CBIC has launched the use of ECTS (Electronic Cargo ambiguity and disputes regarding payment of interest on gross tax
Tracking System) in Oct 2021 to ensure swift and secure basis or net cash basis.
movement of dutiable goods from port of import to customs
• Instead of quarterly requirement to file FORM GST ITC-04
warehouse. return, containing details of all goods sent to job worker and
• The scheme of Direct Port Delivery (DPD) has been revamped to received from job worker, it has been made an annual
a Customs document based DPD from the previous client based requirement for taxpayers having annual aggregate
DPD. turnover in preceding financial year is up to ` 5 crores and
• CBIC has introduced a Risk Management System (RMS) to once in six months for taxpayers having annual aggregate
facilitate faster drawback disbursal for genuine exporters and to help turnover in preceding financial year above ` 5 crores.
in better checking of fraudulent drawback claims on exports.
Good and Services Tax(GST)
• CBIC has launched the Indian Customs Compliance
Information Portal (CIP) for providing free access to information GST was introduced through the 101st Constitution Amendment Act,
on all Customs procedures and regulatory compliance for nearly 2016.
12,000 Customs Tariff Items. A Single Tax: The Government of India introduced the GST under their
• To address the shortage of containers across the Country, CBIC “one nation, one tax” reform. It is a single tax levied on the supply of
issued instructions to enable more availability of containers for goods and services right from the manufacturer to the consumer and
exports. essentially replaces multiple indirect taxes.
• Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products Scheme Framework: Under the GST framework: (i) the center will levy and
enables the issue of Export Rebate in the form of a transferable collect the Central GST, (ii) the states will levy and collect the State
duty credit/ electronic scrip (e-scrip) which will be maintained GST, on supply of goods and services within a state.
in an electronic ledger by the CBIC. Integrated GST (IGST): The center will levy the Integrated GST (IGST)
• This revamped end-to-end automated scheme aims to on inter-state supply of goods and services, and apportion the
provide a boost to Indian exports by providing a level playing field state’s share of tax to the state where the good or service is
to domestic industry abroad. consumed.
The GST Council is a Constitutional body chaired by the Union
Changes in Goods and Services Tax:
Finance Minister and comprises the Minister of State for
Finance/ Revenue and finance ministers of all states. It makes
recommendations on all important issues related to the Goods
and Services Tax.
Economic Survey 2021-2022
Top ten Import Sources in 2021-22 (April-November) [By Share in Per cent]
• India’s net IIP stood at (-) 11.3 percent of GDP (US$ -332
• Accordingly, being the second largest component, Indian rupee-
billion) as of end-September 2021.
denominated debt provides significant insulation from
EXTERNAL DEBT exchange rate fluctuations.
• The repo rate which currently stands at 4 percent is the lowest in
the last decade.
• Since May 2020, the policy rates have been on hold along with
an accommodative monetary policy stance with forwarding
guidance that this stance will continue as long as necessary to revive
growth on a durable basis while ensuring that inflation remains
within the target (Consumer Price Index inflation of 4 percent
within a band of +/- 2 percent).
Introduction the price rise in pulses and edible oils that reported high inflation
• Rising global inflation: As economic activity started showing reflecting the impact of imported inflation in these
signs of picking-up in the second year of the pandemic, the commodities.
global economy faced the fresh challenge of rising global inflation. • Petrol and diesel prices: Reduction in central excise and
• Major economies: COVID-19 related stimulus spending subsequent cuts in VAT by most States has also helped
in major economies along with pent-up demand boosting ease petrol and diesel prices.
consumer spending pushed inflation up in many advanced
• Wholesale inflation based on Wholesale Price Index (WPI)
and emerging economies.
after remaining very benign during the previous financial year
• The surge in energy, food, non-food commodities, and on account of pandemic induced weakening of economic activity,
input prices, supply constraints, disruption of global supply chains, record low global crude oil prices and weak demand, witnessed a
and rising freight costs across the globe stoked global inflation sharp uptick, rising to 12.5 per cent during 2021- 22.
during the year.
• This was attributable to the pick-up in economic activity,
• Crude oil prices also witnessed an upswing during the year on the sharp increase in international prices of crude oil and other imported
back of increased demand from recovering economies and supply inputs, and high freight costs.
restrictions by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
• The consequent divergence between CPI-C and WPI
Countries and its allies (OPEC+).
inflation: during the year remained a subject of debate.
• On the domestic front the average headline Consumer Price
• This divergence can be explained by factors such as variations due
Index-Combined (CPI-C) inflation in India moderated to 5.2
to base effect, difference in scope and coverage of the two indices,
per cent in 2021-22 from 6.6 per cent in the corresponding
their price collections, items covered and difference in commodity
period of 2020-21 and was recorded at 5.6 per cent in 2021.
• The Consumer Price Index inflation remained range bound
• Further, WPI is more sensitive: to cost-push inflation led
as food prices eased considerably due to the supply management
by imported inputs. With the gradual waning of base effect in
response by the Government.
WPI, the divergence in CPI-C inflation and WPI inflation is also
• Food inflation remained benign during the year at 2.9 per cent expected to narrow down.
as against 9.1 per cent in the corresponding period last year.
• In the case of vegetables prices of onions and potatoes Key highlights
remained under control, though retail prices of tomatoes witnessed • The average headline CPI-Combined inflation moderated to
an uptick due to untimely rains in major producing states. 5.2 per cent in 2021-22 from 6.6 per cent in the corresponding
However, with fresh arrivals in the market, retail prices period of 2020-21.
of tomatoes too, are showing signs of easing. The decline in retail inflation was led by easing of food
While seasonality plays a significant role in the case of inflation.
vegetables, random shocks like untimely rains also have Food inflation averaged at a low of 2.9 per cent in 2021-
an impact on their availability and prices. 22 (April to December) as against 9.1 per cent in the
A strong network of cold storage chains well supported corresponding period last year.
by effective transport infrastructure is needed to stabilize the Effective supply-side management kept prices of most
prices of such perishable commodities. essential commodities under control during the year.
Effective supply-side management kept prices of most Proactive measures were taken to contain the price rise in pulses
essential commodities under control during the year. and edible oils.
• Edible oils: Proactive measures were taken to contain Reduction in central excise and subsequent cuts in
Value Added Tax by most States helped ease petrol and
diesel prices.
Economic Survey 2021-2022
• India’s overall score on the NITI Aayog SDG India Index & Land Forests
Dashboard improved to 66 in 2020-21 from 60 in 2019-20
and 57 in 2018-19.
• Despite 2020-21 being a pandemic year, India performed
well on eight of the 15 SDGs measured by the NITI Aayog SDG
India Index.
• Of these countries, Brazil (59 per cent), Peru (57 per cent),
• This increase in total forest cover is mainly attributed to an increase
Democratic Republic of Congo (56 per cent) and Russia (50 per
in very dense forest which rose by 19.54 percent between 2011 and
cent) have half or more of their total geographical area under forests.
2021. Open forest also improved by 6.71 per cent, while moderately
• India ranked third globally in average annual net gain in forest dense forest declined by 4.32 per cent between 2011 and 2021.
area between 2010 to 2020, adding approximately
• Amongst states, Madhya Pradesh (11 per cent of India’s total forest
0.38 percent of the 2010 forest area every year between 2010 to
cover) had the largest forest cover in India in 2021, followed by
Arunachal Pradesh (9 per cent), and Chhattisgarh (8 per cent),
• India’s total forest cover was 7,13,789 sq km in 2021
• Mizoram (85 per cent), Arunachal Pradesh (79 per cent) and
reflecting an increase of 3.14 per cent in the forest cover over
Meghalaya (76 per cent), were the top three states in terms of highest
2011, from 21.05 per cent of the country’s geographical area in
percent of forest cover w.r.t. total geographical area of the state in
2011 to 21.71 per cent in 2021.
Plastic Waste Management and Elimination of identified single use plastic items, which have low utility
Identified Single Use Plastics and high littering potential, by 2022.
• India is committed to mitigate pollution caused by littered single In order to stop littering due to light-weight plastic carry
use plastics. In 2018, the Government announced that India would bags, the thickness of plastic carry bags has been increased to
phase-out single use plastic by 2022. one hundred and twenty microns with effect from December 31,
Movement) Rules, 2016 as amended regulate the import of identified The plastic packaging waste, which is not covered under the
plastic waste into the country by SEZ and EOUs. phase out of identified single use plastic items, shall be
collected and managed in an environmentally sustainable way
• India piloted a resolution on ''Addressing Single Use Plastic Product
through the Extended Producer Responsibility of the
Pollution'' which was adopted by the Fourth United Nations
Producer, Importer and Brand Owner (PIBO), as per Plastic
Environment Assembly held in 2019.
Waste Management Rules, 2016.
• The following domestic regulatory actions have been taken in 2021:
• A National Level Taskforce has been constituted by the
In August 2021, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change for taking
Climate Change, Government of India, notified the Plastic
Waste Management Amendment Rules, 2021 prohibiting coordinated efforts to eliminate identified single use plastic
items and effective implementation of Plastic Waste Management
Rules, 2016. All States/UTs and concerned central ministries are
members of the National Task Force.
Economic Survey 2021-2022
• The Government of India launched the National Clean Air
Programme (NCAP) in 2019 to tackle the air pollution problem in
a comprehensive manner, with a target to achieve 20-30
• Ground Water Resources Assessment of states/UTs is carried out
per cent reduction in particulate matter (PM) concentrations by
jointly by state groundwater/ nodal departments and Central 2024 across the country keeping 2017 as the base year for the
Ground Water Board at periodic intervals, and the Dynamic comparison of concentration.
Ground Water Resources of India is published by compiling the
• In 2019-20, the highest funds were released to Uttar Pradesh,
state/UT wise ground water resources assessed.
followed by Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh while in 2020-
• During the period 2009-20, units categorized as “safe”, have 21, the highest funds were released to Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and
declined from 2009 (73 per cent) to 2020 (64 per cent). West Bengal.
“Semi- critical” units have increased from 9 per cent in 2009 to • Several steps are being taken to control and minimize air pollution
15 per cent in 2020. The share of “Critical” units has remained in from various sources in the country, which inter alia include:
the range of 3-5 per cent during 2004-2020. The share of Vehicular Emission: India has leapfrogged from BS-IV to
“Over-exploited” units accounted for 14-17 per cent of total BS-VI norms for fuel and vehicles since April, 2020. Metro
assessment units during 2004-20. In addition, approximately rail networks for public transport have been enhanced and
one per cent of assessment units have been categorized as “saline”. more cities have been covered. Cleaner/alternate fuels like
CNG, LPG and ethanol blending in petrol have been
Reservoirs introduced. Government has approved Phase-II of FAME
• The reservoir live storage is at its peak during monsoon months Scheme with an outlay of 10,000 Crore for a period of five
and lowest in summer months, requiring careful planning and years commencing from 1st April 2019.
coordination of storage, release and utilization of reservoirs. Industrial Emission: Stringent emission norms for coal based
thermal power plants have been introduced. There is a ban on
Rivers use of imported pet coke in the country since July 2018, with
• The Ganga River Basin is the largest river basin in India, covering exception for permitted processes. Online continuous emission
more than a quarter of the country's land area, hosting about monitoring devices have been installed in highly polluting
43 per cent of its population and contributing 28 per cent of industries. Brick kilns have been shifted to zig-zag
India’s water resources. technology to reduce pollution.
• The Government of India launched the Namami Gange Mission in Air Pollution due to dust and burning of waste: Six
2014 as an integrated and multi-sectoral mission for waste management rules covering solid waste, plastic waste, e-
conservation of Ganga and its tributaries. waste, bio-medical waste, construction and demolition
waste and hazardous waste have been notified.
Namami Gange Mission
• The total expenditure incurred under the Namami Gange Monitoring of Ambient Air Quality:
Mission was lower in 2020-21 and 2021-22 needs to be • Air quality monitoring network of manual as well as
viewed in the context of the COVID pandemic and recent continuous monitoring stations, under programmes such as
changes in accounting norms. National Air Monitoring Programme, have been expanded.
Economic Survey 2021-2022
• The agriculture sectorMajor Highlights
has experienced buoyant growth in the past
India runs one of the largest food management programs in the world.
• two
The years.
net receipts from crop
The sector, production
which is the alone
largesthave increased
employer of bythe
The Government has further extended the coverage of food security
22.6 percentaccounted
workforce, as compared
for to
a the previous
sizeable 18.8SAS Report(2021-
percent of 201422)
networks through additional provisions of food grains through the
inalthough there is
Gross Value a visible
Added (GVA)diversification in the registering
of the country sources of a
schemes like PM Gareeb Kalyan Yojana (PMGKY).
income of
growth of 3.6
the farmers.
percent in 2020-21 and 3.9 percent in 2021-
Natural farming in India is being promoted through a dedicated
• 22.
grown including
at a CAGRlivestock, dairying, and
of 8.15 percent
fisheries has been the major drivers of overall growth in the scheme of the Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Paddhati Programme (BPKP).
over the last five years ending 2019-20.
sector. The scheme promotes on-farm biomass recycling with major stress
• Dairy is the single largest agricultural commodity contributing 5
on biomass mulching, use of on-farm cow dung-urine
percent of the national economy and employing more than 8
formulations, periodic soil aeration, and exclusion of all synthetic
crore farmers directly. India is ranked 1st in milk production
chemical inputs.
contributing 23 percent of global milk production. Milk
production in the country has grown at a compound annual India is the second-largest fish-producing country in the world
growth rate of about 6.2 percent accounting for 7.56 percent of global production. It contributes
• The sector has been a stable source of income across groups of about 1.24 percent to the country’s GVA and over 7.28 percent to
agricultural households accounting for about 15 percent of their the agricultural GVA.
average monthly income. The fisheries sector has demonstrated an outstanding double-
digit average annual growth of 10.87 percent since 2014-15.
Government launched a new flagship scheme of 20,050 crores
called Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) in May
2020 as a part of the ANB Package. Under PMMSY, key
interventions include enhancing fish production and
productivity, modernizing and strengthening the value chain,
creating fisheries and post- harvest infrastructure, and
developing robust fisheries management and regulatory
The scheme aims to create a conducive environment for private
sector participation and promotes the dynamic development of
innovative entrepreneurial ventures and viable business models
in the fisheries sector.
Eight Core Index (ICI) FDI Policy reforms and Other Measures during the
• The monthly Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI) measures the Covid-19 Pandemic period
collective and individual performance of production in selected • The changes in the FDI policy can be broadly categorized into
eight core industries like Coal, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, measures taken to improve foreign participation while protecting
Refinery Products, Fertilizers, Steel, Cement, and Electricity. Indian industry from opportunistic takeovers, to enhance
• This is an index of the eight most fundamental industrial sectors of transparency and rationalization of processes, and steps to monitor
the Indian economy and comprises 40.27 percent of the weight in and expedite implementation.
IIP. • Measures are taken to allow greater foreign participation.
• The growth rate of the ICI index during the period of April- Defense Sector: The FDI policy amendments, notified
November2021-22was 13.7percent as compared to (-) 11.1 vide Press Note 4 (2020 series) dated 17.09.2020, have been
percent in the corresponding period of the last financial year. carried out to realize the vision of an AtmaNirbhar Bharat.
Now, FDI in the defense sector is allowed up to 74 percent
• Fertilizers and crude oil registered a negative growth of 0.6 percent
through automatic route (from earlier 49percent) for companies
and 2.7 percent respectively.
seeking new industrial licenses.
GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION Insurance Sector: permissible FDI limit from 49percent to
• Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) is the gross addition to 74percent in Insurance Companies under the automatic route and
allow foreign ownership and control with safeguards.
fixed assets like machinery and equipment, intangible assets
and indicates the state of investments in the economy. Petroleum & Natural Gas sector: foreign investment up to
100percent under the automatic route in cases where
• Gross bank credit to the industrial sector, recorded a growth
of 4.1 percent in October 2021 (Y-o-Y basis) compared to a
Economic Survey 2021-2022
• The services sector contracted by 8.4 percent Year on Year • The services sector is the largest recipient of FDI inflows in
(YoY) in 2020-21. This decline was driven by a sharp India. According to the World Investment Report 2021 by the
contraction of 18.2 percent YoY in the sub-sector ‘Trade,
Economic Survey 2021-2022
Aatmanirbhar Skilled Employees Employer Mapping around 26.7 lakh migrant’s data/profiles are also available on
(ASEEM) portal the portal. The Portal consists of three IT based AI (artificial
• ASEEM, a digital platform, created to match supply of skilled intelligence) driven interfaces for stakeholder interactions:
workforce with the market demand, acts as a directory of skilled
workforce. As on 31.12.2021, 1.38 crore candidates have been Pradhan Mantri Dakshta Aur Kushalta Sampann
registered on the portal including candidates registered on Skill Hitgrahi Yojana (PM-DAKSH)
India Portal (SIP). As on 31.12.2021, • PM-DAKSH Yojana is a national action plan for skilling of
marginalized persons including scheduled castes, backward
Economic Survey 2021-2022
• Before the outbreak of COVID-19, the urban labor market Boosting Self-employment
had shown signs of improvement in terms of labour force
• The Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods
participation rate (LFPR), Worker population ratio (WPR) and
Mission (DAY-NRLM), launched in 2011, targets to mobilise
Unemployment rates (UR).
about 9-10 crore households into Self Help Groups (SHGs).
• In the first quarter of 2020-21, the unemployment rate for the
It is to link them to sustainable livelihood opportunities by building
urban sector rose to 20.8 percent. The LFPR and WPR in the
their skills and enabling them to access formal sources of finance,
urban sector also declined significantly during this quarter.
entitlements and services from both public and private sectors.
• With the revival of the economy in the subsequent quarters
of 2020-21, all three labour market indicators showed a swift Social protection
recovery. • Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan (PM-SYM)
• The UR gradually declined during this period to reach 9.3 per Yojana: it is a voluntary and contributory pension scheme for
cent in Q4 of 2020-21. providing a monthly minimum assured pension of 3000 on attaining
the age of 60 years.
Trends in data on demand for work under MGNREGS
• National Pension Scheme for Traders, Shopkeepers and
• The demand for work under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Self-Employed Persons: It is a voluntary and contributory
Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) is an indicator of pension scheme for providing a monthly minimum assured pension
rural labour markets of 3000 after attaining the age of 60 years. The traders,
• An analysis of the latest data on demand for work under MGNREGS shopkeepers and self-employed persons in the age group of
suggests the following trends in the rural labour market: (i) 18-40 years with an annual turnover not exceeding
MGNREGS employment peaked during the nation- wide 1.5 crore and are not members of EPFO/ESIC/NPS (Govt.
lockdown in 2020 (ii) the demand for MGNREGS work has funded)/PM-SYM or not an income tax payer, can join the
stabilized after the second COVID wave; (iii) aggregate scheme.
MGNREGS employment is still higher than pre-pandemic
level. Status of Labour Reforms
• In 2019 and 2020, 29 Central Labour laws were amalgamated,
Policy responses to boost rural livelihood rationalized and simplified into four labour codes, viz.,
Incentives for job creation the Code on Wages, 2019 (August, 2019), the Industrial Relations
• Aatmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar Yojana (ABRY) was announced as a Code, 2020, the Code on Social Security, 2020, and the
part of Aatmanirbhar Bharat 3.0 package to boost the economy, Occupational Safety, Health & Working Conditions Code, 2020
increase the employment generation in post COVID recovery (September, 2020).
phase and to incentivize creation of new employment along with
social security benefits and restoration of loss of employment
during COVID-19 pandemic. Programmes and Schemes for Health Sector
• Under ABRY, the Government of India is crediting for a period of • Ayushman Bharat Health and Wellness Centres (AB-
two years both the employees’ share (12 percent of wages) and HWCs): It adopts a continuum of care approach, comprising two
employers’ share (12 percent of wages) of contribution payable or interrelated components. The first component is creation of
only the employees’ share, depending on employment strength of 1,50,000 Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs) which cover both,
the EPFO registered establishments. maternal and child health services and non- communicable
diseases, including free essential drugs and
Wage employment
• Allocation to MGNREGS in FY 2021-22 increased to 73,000
Economic Survey 2021-2022
diagnostic services.
Expectation of life at birth for India are available for 2014-18.
• Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana Life expectancy at birth was 69.4 years for the period 2014-
(AB-PMJAY): The scheme provides a health cover of ` 5 lakhs per 18; it has increased by 0.4 years from 2013-17.
family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization to
over 10.74 crores poor and vulnerable families in the bottom 40 Total Fertility rate
percent of the Indian population. • Latest NFHS-5 shows that Total Fertility Rate (TFR), an
• PM-Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission (PM- average number of children per woman, has further come down to 2
ABHIM) is a mission to develop the capacities of primary, in 2019-21 from 2.2 in 2015-16 (Table 13).
secondary, and tertiary care health systems, strengthen existing • Use of family planning methods has increased from 53.5
national institutions, and create new institutions, to cater to detection percent in 2015-16 to 66.7 percent in 2019-21.
and cure of new and emerging diseases.
• Institutional delivery has increased to 88.6 percent in 2019-
• Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY): 21 compared to 78.9 percent in 2015-16.
Under PMSSY, construction of 22 new All India Institutes for
Medical Science (AIIMS) and 75 Government Medical College up- Sex Ratio
gradation Projects has been approved and taken up for • Sex ratio, number of females per 1000 males, in the total population
implementation. has risen from 991 females in 2015-16 (NFHS-4) to 1020 in
• Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM), erstwhile 2019-21 (NFHS-5). More importantly, sex ratio at birth, female
National Digital Health Mission (NDHM), announced on children per 1000 male children born in the last five years, has
27th September, 2021 with the aim to develop the backbone grown from 919 in 2015-16 to 929 in 2019-21.
necessary to support the integrated digital health infrastructure of the
• e-Sanjeevani: In wake of COVID-19 pandemic, Ministry Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)
of Health and Family Welfare upgraded e-Sanjeevani • Rolled out in August 2019, JJM envisioned to provide adequate
application to enable patient-to-doctor tele-consultation to safe drinking water through individual household tap
ensure continuum of care and facilitate health services to all citizens connections to all households in rural India by 2024. The goal of
in the confinement of their homes free of cost. the Mission is to enable every rural household to get assured
supply of potable-piped water at a service level of 55 litre per
Health Outcome Indicators capita per day (lpcd) regularly on a long-term basis.
• As per latest National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-5, social • The mission will benefit more than 19 crore rural families or
indicators such as total fertility rate, sex ratio and health outcome more than 90 crores rural population.
indicators viz., infant mortality rate, under-five mortality rate, • Total outlay for the mission is Rs 3.60 lakh crores.
institutional birth rates have improved over year 2015-16.
• In 2019, out of about 18.93 crore families in rural areas, about
Child Health Indicators 3.23 crore (17 percent) rural families had tap water connections in
their homes.
• NFHS-5 also shows that not only services are reaching the
public but the intended outcomes have also improved. All child • Six States/ UTs have achieved the coveted status of 100 percent
nutrition indicators have also improved at all India levels. Under households with tap water supply.
Five Mortality Rate (U5MR) has declined from
Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) [SBM-G]
49.7 in 2015-16 to 41.9 in 2019-21. Infant Mortality Rate
• Rural sanitation has made tremendous progress under SBM-G
(IMR) has declined from 40.7 per 1000 live births in 2015-16
to 35.2 per 1000 live births in 2019-21. since its inception on 2nd October, 2014. Since inception till
28.12.2021, more than 10.86 crore toilets have been built in rural
• Stunting has declined from 38 percent in 2015-16 to 36
percent in 2019-21. Wasting has also declined from 21
percent in 2015-16 to 19 percent in 2019-21. And, • Open Defecation Free (ODF) Plus under Phase II of SBM(G) is
underweight declined from 36 percent in 2015-16 to 32 being implemented from 2020-21 to 2024-25 with a goal of
percent in 2019-21. making all the villages Open Defecation Free (ODF) through
convergence between different verticals of financing and
Life Expectancy various schemes of Central and State Governments.
• Report on ‘Sample Registration based System (SRS) based • As per the recently released findings of the fifth round of the
Abridged Life Tables 2014-18’ provides estimates of National Family Health Survey, 2019-21 (NFHS-5), population
average longevity at various age groups Latest estimates of living in households that use an improved sanitation facility
Economic Survey 2021-2022