Interoperability Between BIM Models and 4.0 Approach: Theoretical Models and Practical Cases
Interoperability Between BIM Models and 4.0 Approach: Theoretical Models and Practical Cases
Interoperability Between BIM Models and 4.0 Approach: Theoretical Models and Practical Cases
E. Piantelli
Trimble Italia, Vimercate, Italy
G. Lunardi
Rocksoil, Milan, Italy
N. Faccioli
Maccaferri, Bologna, Italy
I. Menegola
Pavimental, Barberino del Mugello, Italy
P. Sattamino
Harpaceas, Milan, Italy
ABSTRACT: Building Information Modeling (BIM) and 4.0 represent the hottest topics in
construction and Industry. BIM is a process to create and manage all of the information on a
project across the infrastructure lifecycle. The output of this process is a digital model that
contains all the information of the infrastructure. 4.0 is a term used to refer to the develop-
mental project in the management of manufacturing and chain production. It includes cyber-
physical systems, the Internet of Things, cloud computing and cognitive computing. But how
can the explosive mixture of these two approaches generate a revolution and a successful
result in the construction field? Our paper wants to focus on how the 4.0 interoperability and
information transparency can support and provide information to the BIM process during
construction and moreover during maintenance phase of the infrastructures. Furthermore, we
illustrate some of the best practises on machines carrying out aspects of production on digital-
ized model where BIM represents a repository for machine output information. We show the
related benefit for an intelligent supply chain in real time. The result will demonstrate how the
fourth industrial revolution affects the construction world and why the BIM-4.0 strategy rep-
resents a time and cost efficiency, a unique opportunity.
BIM and Industry 4.0 represent the hottest topics in construction and industry. Building
Information Modeling is a process for creating and managing all of the information on a pro-
ject across the infrastructure lifecycle (see Figure 1). The output is a digital model that con-
tains all the information of the infrastructure.
Industry 4.0 is a term used to refer to the developmental project in the management of
manufacturing and chain production. It includes cyber-physical systems, the Internet of
Things, cloud computing and cognitive computing.
Figure 1. Continuum Construction Cycle.
But how can the explosive mixture of these two approaches generate a revolution and a suc-
cessful result in the construction field? The presentation wants to focus on how the 4.0 inter-
operability and information transparency can support and provide information to the BIM
Model during construction and moreover during the maintenance phase of the infrastructure.
Along the present article, we report some successful case histories on machinery which help
to automatically export information functional to data collection. Therefore, we illustrate
benefits related to an intelligent production chain that can be queried in real time. The result
confirmed how the fourth industrial Revolution influences the world of construction and why
a BIM - 4.0 strategy represents an efficiency in terms of cost and time of realization.
Here we illustrate, how interoperability BIM INDUSTRY - 4.0 positively affects all construc-
tion and maintenance processes:
• Carousel (Fabrication)
• Steel Rib Erector (Construction, Construction Logistics)
• IoT Sensors, Maintenance System (Construction Logistics)
• Maintenance Software G-Safe (Operation)
• Predictive Program (Maintenance)
The correlation between BIM and Industry 4.0 offers operational advantages in terms of
information retrieval and improvement of production cycles during all phases of
infrastructure implementation. A methodical approach, therefore, will not only offer a scal-
able digital platform at the end of construction of the infrastructure, but improve the manage-
ment process in the pipeline.
Follow up reports of case studies for each of the phases of the construction continuum are
shown. Some of them are completed processes, others are projects that are being developed.
Another fundamental aspect for the success of any interoperability project is the correct man-
agement of organizational aspects, since the introduction of this new working methodology
must be accompanied by a correct preparation of the company structure and from correct
tracking of the processes inside the company, especially regarding the aspects concerning read-
ing of the data and the operating procedures to be carried out.
2.1.1 Context
The realization of infrastructure with mechanized excavation in tunnels requires the installa-
tion of prefabricated segments. Pre-fabrication systems, whether carousel or stationary,
already provide for the traceability of information related both to materials and production
processes (i.e. certificates of steel related to re-bar cages, et cetera), but at present, such infor-
mation is not automatically associated with a specific digital model. As a matter of fact, once
the infrastructure is completed, the contractor will not have a digital model populated with
automatically generated as-Built information at his disposal.
2.1.2 Objectives
The objectives of the project are:
• Implementation of an Industry 4.0 model related to the production processes of prefab
• Systematic and transparent data collection related to each individual prefab element as well
as of the associated production process and subsequent insertion of said data into a digital
model (i.e. certificates of steel related to re-bar cages, certificates of the related concrete
batch, etc.);
• Systematic and transparent data collection related to the quality compliance of the prefab
elements along the whole manufacturing process and the subsequent insertion of said data
into a digital model (i.e. curing curve of the specific segment);
• Generation of a production dashboard able to synthesize the data related to the production
In the specific case of the Segment Prefabrication Plant, for the realization of the Fast Rail
Link Tunnel between Genoa and Milan, the main purpose of the implementation of such a
system is the creation of a 3D Tunnel Model containing all the construction process informa-
tion. Once the infrastructure is completed, the Contractor will have a digital model generated
according to BIM; this model will include all the as-built information suitable to be provided
to the Project Owner, for his record and retrieval for monitoring and maintenance purposes.
Figure 4. Configuration of segmental tunnel lining.
For the completeness of the model, the system involves the transmission of the model popu-
lated to the TBM driving system which will complete the model by adding the exact position
of each prefab element along the Lined Tunnel.
2.1.3 Advantages
The main advantage of the implementation of such a system is the immediate retrieval of the
as-built information (production process data, maturation curve data, data on the materials
used, Dimensional controls, etc.). The benefit compared to conventional systems is repre-
sented by the ability to retrieve the required information in real time, thus carrying out prelim-
inary analysis and forecasts of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the infrastructure.
Figure 5. (a) Correlation compressive strength – maturity age – temperature. (b) Precasting mould and
mould tolerances.
In addition, the programming of specific software allows the data collection and recording,
including reporting of the production parameters. The risk of data loss is then eliminated.
Figure 6. KYP – CP Traceability system flow chart.
2.2.1 Context
Conventional Tunnelling can be defined as the construction of underground openings of any
shape with a cyclic construction process composed of the following steps:
• excavation, by using the drill and blast methods (explosives) or very basic mechanical
• mucking
• placement of the primary support elements such as:
• steel ribs or lattice girders
• soil or rock bolts
• sprayed or cast in situ concrete
Ground-lining interaction control is one of the most critical processes during a tunneling
project implementation. Some of the design and construction decisions during a tunnel project
are very critical to reduce the ground movement around the excavated tunnel. These move-
ments have a direct effect on the tunnel stability and the design load of the primary lining.
Tunnel linings are structural systems installed during and/or after excavation to provide
ground support, maintain the tunnel opening, limit the groundwater inflow, support appur-
tenances, and provide a base for the final finished exposed surface of the tunnel. Tunnel lin-
ings can be used for initial stabilization of the excavation, permanent ground support, or a
combination of both.
During the past few years considerable advances have been taking place worldwide in the
design and construction of tunnel primary linings. The trend set is a tendency to move away
from traditional support, including heavy open profiles made of cold rolled steel arches, to a
lighter solution with the use of optimized profiles such as the tubular steel rib, and shotcrete
reinforced with wire mesh and/or steel fibers, providing a continuous and durable support.
The development of tubular ribs by MACCAFERRI Tunneling, and the development of a
Robotized Erector for the semi-automatization Steel Rib installation, designed and manufac-
tured by CP-Technology, has provided engineers and contractors greater design options;
increased flexibility; and brought efficient, safer, and cost-effective construction methods. As
a matter of fact, the system is designed to:
• enable the automation of the steel arch installation;
• tackle and reduce the risk of exposure of the workers to hazardous conditions;
• limit the number of workers deployed to install the supports;
• reduce the installation time;
• implement effective and actual work coordination.
Figure 7. (a) Traditional steel rib installation method. (b) Semi-automated steel rib installation method.
2.2.2 Objectives
Once the design phase of the first tubular steel rib erector prototype, currently used for the
construction of the Boscaccio Tunnel by Pavimental, has been completed, a decision has been
made to produce a second prototype that combines current safety ideas with the concepts of
BIM modeling and Industry 4.0. So as to provide during the construction phase an advantage
in terms of quality and to support management activities.
Figure 8. (a) Continuum construction – building phase. (b) Transforming the continuum construction
to a 4.0 lean supply chain.
Figure 9. Tunnel 3D model.
Then, the digital model is transferred to the machine, thanks to a tool developed by Harpa-
ceas, in order to display the correct positioning of the rib in the space, in accordance to the
mathematical model, providing an effective support to the operator during the installation
phase. Thanks to this solution, the correct positioning of the rib in the space is ensured, avoid-
ing the risk connected to the lining under-thickness and therefore the corresponding risk asso-
ciated with non-conformity of the primary tunnel lining works.
Figure 10. (a) Ekip steel rib placer topographic assistant. (b) Ekip steel rib placer topographic hardware.
The semiautomatic driving system has provided a dialogue between drawing software,
machine guidance protocol and the machine positioning systems. In order to guarantee the max-
imum performance and safety conditions, typical automotive features have been adopted (com-
mand response times less than 500 milliseconds, complete driving system redundancy, . . .). Once
the positioning phase is completed, the machine returns an as-built report with the correct pos-
ition of the rib in the space in accordance to the digital model.
2.2.3 Advantages
The digital model is updated every time required with the following advantages:
• Progress Control
• Data availability for financial report
• Docs availability associated with constructed elements
• Work progress Data Availability for managin the logistics of the construction site (con-
struction logistic)
Figure 11. (a) 4D Tunnel model – Progress report. (b) 4D Tunnel model – Construction accounting
support. (c) 4D Tunnel – Certification report. (d) 4D Tunnel model – Stock Report.
With reference made to the management of the construction site logistics the system allows
to automatically raise an alert to the Steel Rib supplier/manufacture when the job site stock
reaches the minimum threshold. The case represents a unique case in the management of the
supply chain compliant to the Industry 4.0 Standards, now applicable for the underground
infrastructure industry.
2.3.1 Context
We may start highlighting some critical issues recurring with very high frequency when man-
aging infrastructure maintenance, in detail:
• Difficulties for operators in collecting all of the data in a single archive for the works
• Difficulties in archiving and retrieving information and documentation related to the infra-
structure works being managed (new and old)
• Difficulties in implementing well-structured and efficient inspection and maintenance plans
• Difficulties in verifying and certifying that inspections and maintenance activities are car-
ried out as required
• Difficulties in forecasting budgets for routine maintenance
• Difficulties in having a real time picture of the maintenance activities for the managed
infrastructure works.
On top of this the Italian Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport have enacted the minis-
terial decree no. 560 on 1 December 2017, which defines how to gradually integrate, by the
contracting authority and operators, compulsory methods and related instruments, such as
infrastructure modelling both during the design (BIM), the construction and management
phases as well as the related maintenance activities. The obligation for the contracting author-
ity will start from January 2019 for infrastructure works above 100 million euros and shall be
progressively extended to contracts with a lower amount to be introduced throughout the
public works system in 2025. In this context, G-Safe would be defined as: the digital system to
manage the inspection and maintenance of the road infrastructures BIM-4.0 oriented.
2.3.2 Objectives and advantages
Which are the distinctive features of this platform?
• is able to integrate as built data in a BIM environment (Building information Modeling);
• is able to associate as built data within a unique inspection and maintenance software
• is able to schedule activities and draft budget;
• is able to instantly verify ongoing maintenance activities;
• is able to legally certify that inspections and maintenance activities have been carried out;
Furthermore, a GIS (Information georeferenced system) is integrated into the system with
the aim of supporting the work of inspectors and maintainers. G-Safe allows for the collection
oh monitoring data for road infrastructures 24/7 by means of IoTs (Internet of Things). The
platform is designed to be used by infrastructure managers who can grant access to operators
(surveyors, inspectors, builders, maintainers, etc.) in order to ease the sharing of information
related to ongoing activities in a transparent manner.
The software platform is a subscription service and it can be accessed by means of a mobile
device depending on the type of user and level of access. The opportunity of being able to
consult easily and in real-time as built documentation related to the selected portion of the
infrastructure being reviewed, it helps both to handle inspections and to schedule the mainten-
ance program (considering the ease of retrieving information related to a specific supplier or
to the installation date of a specific construction element or retrieving documents).
Figure 13. (a) G-Safe Map with GIS position for maintenance plan. (b) 3DModel.
The opportunity to integrate conventional inspection activities with a sensor network able
to carry out 24/7 monitoring on the most critical part of the infrastructure, constitutes a great
added value.
Furthermore, the activities of field operators will change considerably by using tools which
facilitate mobility tasks (tablets and smartphones) and allowing at the same time the gener-
ation of more punctual reports.
Demo application of the Platform reveals that the use of suitably designed sensors built into
the equipment may be the only way for a transparent and effective information transmission
to digital models according to BIM methodology in a 4.0 oriented way. As a matter of fact,
managing the infrastructure according to BIM methodology requires specific skills and exten-
sive deployment of resources, if the digital model data is transferred automatically from the
sensors, there is an advantage in terms of information transparency, less data loss and lower
cost in collecting data.
The data returned by sensors built into the equipment may be a valuable resource in order
to manage procurement, progress control and financial information. By the way, as already
mentioned, this also involves a re-design of workflow and all the associated roles.
The first, owners, managers or constructor of infrastructure who will adopt in a functional
way such methods and technologies will have a huge competitive advantage both during the
construction phase or the maintenance phase.