Lesson 123

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Elicit answers from the whole cl

Subject : English Class:
5. Redisplay the flashcards
MIND so that
1. Activity 1: S
Theme : World Of Stories Focus skill: Reading  Review the parts LESSO
of the body
 Pupils sit in a circle.
N Put all
Teaching aids:
 When you say the123 word, pup
Worksheet, papers, flashcards.
 You could organise this so y
Language/Grammar focus:
that all pupils get a turn.
Recycled parts of the body vocabulary II. LESSON 2. Activity 2:
 Demonstrate the activity. Dis
The Robot a. Worksheet A (High level)
CONTENT STANDARD b. Worksheet B (Low level)
 Write the numbers of the cro
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
M print and digital texts by using appropriate reading
 Do one word across (and per
 Pupils complete the crosswo
 Check answers with the clas
1. Make circles of 6-8 pupils. Give
M 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details
of simple sentences. III. POST LESSON
2. Everyone claps twice.
3. The pupil with the ball says one
LEARNING OBJECTIVES pupil. Everyone claps twice and t
M At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to read the clues given to complete the crossword puzzle correctly.
a. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to read the clues give
M the crossword puzzle correctly.
C At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to spell at least 5 out of 8 parts of the body words correctly.
c. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to spell at least 5 ou
1. Display flashcards on the board andCask pupils the
to name
body them.
words correctly.
I. PRE-LESSON 2. Take the flashcards down.
3. Ask pupils to remember the words.

Worksheet A

Read the clues. Complete the crossword puzzle below


5 6

7 8

3. This helps you to smell delicious food.
4. This is where your hair grows.
5. You’ve got 2 of these to put your shoes on.
8. You’ve got 2 of these to help you carry your books.
9. You’ve got two of these to help you hear.

1. Your hand has 5 of these.
2. This helps you to eat and talk.
6. You’ve got 2 of these to help you see.
7. Your foot have 5 of these.

Worksheet B Name:

Read the clues. Complete the crossword puzzle below



4 D
5 6
7 8 S

3. This helps you to smell delicious food.
4. This is where your hair grows.
5. You’ve got 2 of these to put your shoes on.
8. You’ve got 2 of these to help you carry your books.
9. You’ve got two of these to help you hear.

1. Your hand has 5 of these.
2. This helps you to eat and talk.
6. You’ve got 2 of these to help you see.
7. Your foot have 5 of these.


3. This helps you to smell delicious food. (nose)
4. This is where your hair grows. (head)
5. You’ve got 2 of these to put your shoes on. (feet)
8. You’ve got 2 of these to help you carry your books. (hands)
9. You’ve got two of these to help you hear. (ears)

1. Your hand has 5 of these. (fingers)
2. This helps you to eat and talk. (mouth)
6. You’ve got 2 of these to help you see. (eyes)
7. Your foot have 5 of these. (toes)

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